The Live Your Best Fat Life Podcast

Hey y'all. I'm really loving having company while I do this podcasting thing. So much so, that I invited another fabulous fat friend of mine to come sit by the digital [read: pretend] fire and chat. We got into some deep discussion about growing up together in fat business, how our paths changed due to motherhood, and our parallel journeys into queerness. This conversation was one that I thought I was ready for, but it definitely took me to some places I found that were still tender. Our discussion sat with me for quite a while afterward. Maybe it'll do the same for you. Either way, I hope you enjoy listening in! 

Show Notes

Hey y'all. I'm really loving having company while I do this podcasting thing. So much so, that I invited another fabulous fat friend of mine to come sit by the digital [read: pretend] fire and chat.

We got into some deep discussion about growing up together in fat business, how our paths changed due to motherhood, and our parallel journeys into queerness. This conversation was one that I thought I was ready for, but it definitely took me to some places I found that were still tender. Our discussion sat with me for quite a while afterward. Maybe it'll do the same for you.

Either way, I hope you enjoy listening in! 

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What is The Live Your Best Fat Life Podcast?

Join host & liberation facilitator, Tiana Dodson, as she examines the many layers of living a multiply-marginalized life. From embracing abundance and bodily joy as a fat person in a fatphobic world to examining the subtle ways ableism touches so much of our day-to-day lives, each episode acknowledges the ways systems of oppression are bound together and seeks an alternative path toward a more just world for every body.