Immeasurably More

How do we know if someone is worth dating? if a relationship is worth staying in? What if we have chemistry? Most of the time, it's good and they have a lot of great qualities, ETC. But are they actually a Christian and worth waiting for? I'll help you to make this decision so simple. This is the most common and easily blinding questions that keeps us from Immeasurably More. There's no higher favored relationship the enemy loves for you to be in than one that is lukewarm. Or what I like to refer to as "The Comfort Zone of Dating". Stop accepting mediocrity in one of the most important relationships of your life!! We have to acknowledge the denial we may be living in and accept God is better equipped in choosing our spouse than we are. There is so much potential hurt we are able to prevent if we are willing to listen. Let's talk about understanding what this looks like and how to have the courage to break away.

Show Notes

How do we know if someone is worth dating? if a relationship is worth staying in? What if we have chemistry? Most of the time, it's good and they have a lot of great qualities, ETC. But are they actually a Christian and worth waiting for? I'll help you to make this decision so simple. This is the most common and easily blinding questions that keeps us from Immeasurably More. There's no higher favored relationship the enemy loves for you to be in than one that is lukewarm. Or what I like to refer to as "The Comfort Zone of Dating". Stop accepting mediocrity in one of the most important relationships of your life!! We have to acknowledge the denial we may be living in and accept God is better equipped in choosing our spouse than we are. There is so much potential hurt we are able to prevent if we are willing to listen. Let's talk about understanding what this looks like and how to have the courage to break away.

  • [1:31] Dani's passion for relationships.
  • [4:03] What if he isn't as strong of a believer as me? How do I know he is really a Christian?
  • [6:42] What it means to be "equally yolked."
  • [10:33] We have to be willing to really listen.
  • [14:17] Having lukewarm relationships.
  • [18:11] God has plans for you.
  • [20:21] Relationship prayer points.
  • [23:20] Proverbs 13:20.


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Apple Podcast: Immeasurably More

What is Immeasurably More?

What's up guys, this is your host Dani Bailor, and welcome to the Immeasurably More Podcast.
My hope for you through this podcast is for you to quit putting the desires of your heart on the back burner and begin taking full ownership of your God-given purpose. My desire is for you to relate with some part of my story so that we can establish a true connection. I'm here to boldly discuss the breakdown of the heartaches and obstacles throughout my life. Not only to show you the way to manage your way through them with hope, but reveal to you how to conquer them with an unapologetic passion. It's time to ignite the fire within each of us that we have held within for far too long. This is gonna be tough love, but wrapped up in a whole lot of grace. But I'm ready to really get raw and vulnerable regarding all things business, relationships, fitness, lifestyle, and most importantly, faith. It's time to leave mediocrity at the door and step into Immeasurably More.