Book Wise

On this episode, Britt Brewer is joined by BookClub CEO Jonathan Munk. She walks him through the “Creative Act: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin – a meditation of sorts on the intersection of creativity and commerce.

And, much like the notoriously zen Rubin – Britt and Munk don’t shy away from philosophical debates over the very nature of creativity, and what it means to be an artist.

If you dig a thoughtful discussion, especially one that covers ego death, guitar solos, Run DMC, and the importance of “vibe-setting” – then this Book Wise ep is for you.

Books mentioned:
• The Creative Act: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin 

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What is Book Wise?

Welcome to Book Wise, where we explore leadership through books.

Books are “uniquely portable magic” (Stephen King) and “mirrors of the soul” (Virginia Woolf).

From, host Britt Brewer (with guest host appearances from CEO Jonathan Munk) helps you find the next book that stops you in your tracks… and just might shape your life and career.