Invisible to Invincible Podcast: Marketing and Branding for High Achievers

Do you feel like you're drowning in a sea of sameness, struggling to stand out and be seen as the expert you truly are? Join us for an inspiring conversation with Tovit Neizer, multi-disciplinary entrepreneur and founder of Yellow Bricks Consulting.

In this episode, Tovit shares her personal journey from starting her first business at the age of 12 to navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Learn how she overcame self-doubt, embraced her unique strengths, and crafted a compelling narrative that propelled her business to success.

Discover the power of storytelling as a tool for building a personal brand, connecting with your audience, and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Tovit will guide you through the process of unearthing your unique story, crafting a compelling narrative, and amplifying your message through strategic marketing and networking.

Together, we'll explore how to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and invisibility, tap into your inner brilliance, and emerge as a go-to expert in your field.

Key Takeaways:
  • The importance of embracing your unique story and using it to build a compelling personal brand
  • How to overcome self-doubt and fear of visibility
  • Practical strategies for crafting a powerful narrative that resonates with your audience
  • The role of storytelling in positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry
  • Actionable tips for amplifying your message through strategic marketing and networking

Want to Learn More:
Visit Tovit's website at to learn more about her work and connect with her on LinkedIn at

And of course, don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review to help us reach more high-achieving business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants who are ready to step up and stand out!

What is Invisible to Invincible Podcast: Marketing and Branding for High Achievers?

Gain visibility, clarity, connection (and peace of mind) when it comes to your business.
The Invisible to Invincible Podcast with award-winning marketing expert and author Kendra Losee is specifically designed for executives, business owners, coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, and even frazzled misfits who know you were meant for more - that you can do more.
Learn how to stop playing small and find the joy and ease that comes from knowing you're working to your highest potential in your business and in your career.

Your host, Kendra Losee, brings over 20 years of marketing, branding, and business expertise to the podcast. She knows visibility inside out, from shaping strategies for major household brands to helping launch startups.

In addition, Kendra is a former social media marketing professor, the author of Digital Etiquette for Dummies, and a certified master NLP practitioner, making her uniquely qualified to be your guide to all things marketing and business mindset strategies.

Today, Kendra combines business expertise with transformative mindset coaching. She works closely with coaches, consultants, agencies, and high-achievers (and recovering high-achievers) to help spotlight their genius and create their business their way.

Connect with her at