Good Shepherding

Audio from our 2023 Shepherds Conference: Hope in God: Bearing the Burden of Ministry. Session 5, "I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28-30) by Pastor Max Curell. October 5, 2023.

SESSION 5 | "I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28-30)
Pastor Max Curell

Jesus gives rest to the weary soul and the guilty conscience. The pastor's work is to lead others to this rest, but he must remember Christ died for his sins, too.

Pastor David (Max) Curell has served as an Associate Pastor at Trinity Reformed Church in Bloomington, IN since 2002. Max oversees Trinity’s Home Groups and just about every other aspect of church life. Max is married to Annie, and they have three children and thirteen grandchildren.

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What is Good Shepherding ?

A podcast from New Geneva Academy about faithfulness in the work of shepherding Christ’s flock, geared toward current and aspiring church officers.