Back to School Again

Sgt. David Jones of the Edmonton Police Services is racking up the Airmiles commuting to Cambridge University in the UK as he undertakes a Master’s in Applied Criminology and Police Management.

Show Notes

Learn how this father of four balances overseas coursework and an extensive research-based thesis while still carving out time for family, volunteering, maintaining an impressive social media following and writing the occasional piece of poetry. 
We talk about....
  • Real-life police work vs what we see on TV
  • How an undergrad in English and Criminology is being put to work @edmontonpolice
  • Balancing family life with work and school (it involves giving up sleep!)
  • Studying at the historic University of Cambridge
  • Making time to volunteer for great causes like the Zebra Centre
  • Working on the Edmonton Police Services Resiliency Project
  • Doing research that makes a difference 
  • Dr. Seuss and the importance of levity in tough situations
  • Punting
Special thanks to our sponsors NorQuest College for making this podcast possible and to our friends at the Alberta Podcast Network.

What is Back to School Again?

A podcast for mid-life learners.