Gutter Cleaning Gold

In this episode, I talk about what to do when your customer has no water, and I make the following points:
  • Ideally, we should rinse the gutters with water and rinse down through the downspouts on every job
  • Sometimes we may not have access to water and we need to adjust
  • There are alternative ways to clean the gutters and to make sure that the downspouts are clear

What is Gutter Cleaning Gold?

The Gutter Cleaning Gold podcast is for beginning to intermediate exterior cleaning professionals who have a burning desire to achieve financial freedom. Gutter Cleaning Gold is not just about earning a lot of money, but rather it is about laying the foundation for a business that will put you on a trajectory to financial freedom. Whether you are just getting started or your business is generating less than $10k/mo. in revenue and you want to make sure that you are building on the right foundation, this podcast is for you.