Forces in Fintech

In our first season, we learned how realtime digital payments allowed big enterprises to more accurately (and more efficiently) monitor their cashflows, ensuring suppliers, vendors and partners were paid on time. However, this technology doesn’t just present benefits for B2B relationships. In fact, realtime transactions also provide a convenient solution for consumer payments, too. Because as the world continues to move towards a more digital future, whether a consumer is paying for groceries or making a mortgage payment, they want to be able to do it quickly and (most importantly) digitally.
In this episode of Forces in Fintech, we learn how the world of consumer payments is being revolutionized thanks to digital payment technology. We’ll find out which trends and technologies consumers are calling for and learn about the solutions delivering these capabilities to big businesses. And to guide us through this exploration of the consumer payments landscape is Executive Vice President of Consumer Payments at REPAY, Jake Moore. Join us as Jake explains the importance of digital payments in the consumer space and gives us an insight into how the technologies in this sector have evolved. We’ll also discover why consumers are making the switch to digital and hear how the adoption of different payment methods has changed in recent years.
We’ll also find out:
(1:11) – How did Jake go from a Wall Street dealmaker to digital payments revolutionary?
(2:39) - What are Jake’s thoughts on the secular tailwinds within REPAY’s consumer market?
(4:22) - What markets does REPAY serve and what products does it have to penetrate the TAM?
(5:49) - How has competition in this space evolved?
(6:43) - What are the trends and technologies enterprise clients are asking for?
(7:38) - What does REPAY’s client growth opportunity look like?
(8:32) - What markets or technologies will draw the most attention over the next few years?
(10:19) - How does Jake foresee the consumer payments industry evolving?

To find out how real-time electronic payments can benefit your business, head over to for more.

What is Forces in Fintech?

Forces in Fintech is a bi-weekly podcast produced by REPAY, a leader in integrated payment solutions since 2006. We’re dedicated to revealing what’s behind the digital transformation of fintech and commerce. In season 1 of the podcast, we’re talking with industry experts to discuss modern technologies and how they influence market trends.