Good News for Today

Scripture engagement improves hope and lowers stress in Generation Z, a group that otherwise fares worse than any other generation, the American Bible Society said in its latest release from the 2024 State of the Bible.
Gen Zers largely saw their life’s plans interrupted by the COVID pandemic and are stressed and less hopeful amid an uncertain job market exacerbated by rising living costs and likely college debt, the ABS said in its third chapter of the annual report released June 13.
Since 2020, researchers have used Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Index to track human progress in areas defined by happiness and life satisfaction, mental and physical health, meaning and purpose in life, character and virtue, close social relationships, and financial and material stability.
Before “The Forge” debuts in theaters across the country on August 23, Alex and Stephen Kendrick are giving select audiences an opportunity at a sneak peek at the film.
In two different screenings sponsored by Lifeway Films on June 10, and June 11, the filmmaking brothers shared their heart behind the movie to hundreds gathered to hear their story and watch the film.
Stephen Kendrick said “The Forge” provides a refocusing for churches and Christians on Jesus’ call to make disciples. “Our hope for every film is that it is an entertaining, inspirational ride you can watch and enjoy with your entire family. We love lifting up the name of Jesus in theaters. But our hearts’ desire is the kingdom,” he said. “Filmmaking is an excuse to make disciples, on set, through our films, through resources, and everything we do. Our hope is that this will be a tool for pastors to ignite a renewed passion for the Great Commission.”
The movie follows the story of 19-year-old Isaiah Wright, played by newcomer Aspen Kennedy, who is drifting through life – no job, no plans, no idea how to be a man. His mom, Cynthia, played by Priscilla Shirer, gives him an ultimatum – step up or move out. Enter Joshua Moore, played by Cameron Arnett, who not only gives Isaiah a job but much needed wisdom and spiritual guidance. Isaiah is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God might have a greater purpose for his life.
In his book “Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners”, Dane Ortlund explores how Christians can grow in their faith and Christlikeness. The final session of our study from this book, entitled “Honesty,” delves into the role honesty plays in such growth.
The apostle John wrote, “If we walk in the light as He himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Ortlund makes clear his point: “You restrict your growth if you do not do the painful, humiliating, liberating work of cheerfully bringing your failure out from the darkness of secrecy into the light of acknowledgment before a Christian brother or sister.” If we are not honest with ourselves and others about our need for growth, we will not grow.

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Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.