The Assistant Principal Podcast

The Assistant Principal Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 199 Season 1

"Are You Okay?" With Jamie Brown

"Are You Okay?" With Jamie Brown"Are You Okay?" With Jamie Brown

Outline and Show Notes
Show Title: Are You Okay? With Jamie Brown
Power Quote: “Connection before correction”
Jamie’s Student Debrief Protocol:
1.     Are you okay?
2.     What was the trigger?
3.     How did the behavior impact others?
4.     What could you have done differently?
Are you okay? Of course, your answer to that question may vary depending on the circumstances, but what does it signal to you when I ask that question? Are you okay? Today we’ll begin with this simple question and then build on it to create a simple process for helping break cycles of destructive and disruptive student behavior.
Guest Bio:
Jamie is a champion of Student Leadership and Character Education. His passion for promoting student-driven leadership led to the development of the 1st District-Wide PEER Leadership program in NJ Public School education. Jamie earned a National Promising Practice from for ACCEPT University, a three-tiered Character Education assembly series promoting inclusion, acceptance, empathy and citizenship in schools. Jamie’s career includes working at a State and National School and District of Character, where he earned Teacher of the Year. He has served as both a building and District-Level Administrator, collaborating with the New Jersey Department of Education. Jamie is a proud author for Road Awesome Publishing & Assistant Principal at Bluffton High School, SC.
Warmup questions:
·      We always like to start with a celebration. What are you celebrating today?
·      Is there a story that will help listeners understand why you are doing what you do?
·      In moving from a “traditional” approach to discipline to a more restorative approach, how has that impacted students, teachers, and you?
·      You have a wonderful protocol for having a conversation with a student who is “in trouble.” Could you take us through the basics and explain your rationale behind each step?
·      I think teachers could also use this protocol. How might you adapt it for them and how would you teach them how to use it?
Closing questions:
·      What part of your own leadership are you still trying to get better at?
·      If listeners could take just one thing away from today’s podcast, what would it be?
·      Before we go, is there anything else that you’d like to share with our listeners?
·      Where can people learn more about you and your work…
I’ll include the student interview questions in the show notes. Copy, print, and try them out. If you try nothing else, begin your next discipline conversation by asking, “Are you okay?”
·      Leadership is a journey and thank you for choosing to walk some of this magical path with me.
·      You can find links to all sorts of stuff in the show notes, including my website
·      I love hearing from you so consider email me at or connecting with me on LinkedIn.
·      My new book, A School Leader’s Guide to Reclaiming Purpose, is now available on Amazon. You can find links to it, as well as free book study materials on my website at
·      Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast.
·      Have a great rest of the week, be present for others and, more importantly, take time to reflect and recover so you can continue to live and lead better.
·      Cheers!
Guest links:
LinkedIn, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube: (@JamieBrownLeadership) Twitter: @leadership_jb
Frederick’s Links:
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The Strategic Leader’s Guide to Reclaiming Purpose:

What is The Assistant Principal Podcast?

A bi-weekly podcast to improve the quality of life and leadership for assistant principals.