Take a step back and you'll realize that the marketplace you're operating within is a business unto itself, subject to industry forces of their own. And they work hard to make their portfolio companies successful through IPO day and beyond. So what can your exchange do for you? Nasdaq is a leader in the global stock market, and on this episode, senior VP Bob McCooey gives us insight into the mechanics behind stock exchanges and foreign markets. Bob has seen all sides of the marketplace, from running a brokerage firm to sitting on the board of executives at the New York Stock Exchange. The better you understand these marketplaces, the better situated you are to take advantage of their offerings, and no one knows them better than Bob, so listen in while we discuss the ever-evolving nature of the stock market, exchange consolidation and how Nasdaq is growing their global footprint.
In the increasingly crowded and competitive corporate and financial ecosystem, it’s harder than ever for companies to break through the clutter and be heard. The media, investors, agenda-driven influencers, even customers and competitors, are defining your business story on their terms. Therefore, it is imperative that companies take control and proactively drive the conversation with stakeholders in an effort to build & maintain equity value.
In Welcome to the Arena from ICR, Co-Founder & CEO of ICR, Tom Ryan, interviews key business and financial players who influence the fate of public or aspiring public companies in the capital markets. As a former Wall Street Journal ranked sell-side equity analyst and the founder of one of the largest strategic communications firms in the world, Tom understands what it takes to navigate this complex environment.
This is a forum for CEOs, CFOs, institutional investors, sell-side analysts, financial journalists, private equity professionals and other financial community participants to share their stories and give advice in an open and candid conversation.
For more information, visit http://www.icrinc.com