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Empower Apps
Episode 31
Season 1
Future Proofing Your Apps with Gui Rambo
December 15, 2019
Leo Dion, Principal CEO and Swift Developer at BrightDigit
Full Transcript
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Related Episodes
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- Episode 19 - WWDC 2019 - Swift UI with Jason Anderson
- Episode 29 - Managing iOS Development with Peter Witham
- Episode 14 - iOS App Architecture with René Cacheaux and Josh Berlin
- iPhreaks Episode 244 - MicroConf and Writing Health Apps for Apple Watch
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- Specialize in helping businesses build apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch
- 10 years of experience developing for a variety of Apple platform
- Helping dev shops which lack experience with Apple platforms and Swift
We have an opening for sponsors
- Do you have a product or service which can target our ever growing community of developers as well as technology and business leaders?
Developer Apps and WWDC
- New Apple Developer App!
- Apple keeping in contact with developers
- Streamlining getting started as a developer
- Apple Business bureaucracy and DUNS number fun!
- Cocoahub App for Swift Developers
- WWDC Mac App by Gui
- Lack of Apple Documentation
Supporting Future Hardware
- Adam Bell (@b3ll) - Getting ahead of the curve - NSSpain 2015
- Don't deviate from what Apple expects
- Random iOS Architecture Names
- The Multi-Threaded Asynchronous World of Swift from 360iDev by Leo
- Will ARM matter when they switch from Intel?
- GitHub? Remember SourceForge
Future-Proofing with SwiftUI
- Abstracting Implementation Details for Future Hardware
- Learn Once and Code Everywhere
- Not Ready For Production Now But is the Future
- Perfect for the Apple Watch
- Likely to Change in the Future
- Backwards Support for UIKit/AppKit
- UIActivityIndicatorView
Where is AR Headed with Apple?
- Gui Rambo: Why an AR skeptic is excited about RealityKit and Reality Composer
- Measurement App
- Are AirPods Pro a step towards Augment Reality?
- Google Translate and Wordlens
- Being Able to Connect to Third-Part AR Similar to CarPlay
Tinkering with Raspberry PI and HomeKit
- Graphical Swift Development with GTK
- Developing with the Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi Zero
- Homebridge
- Developing a HomeKit device in Swift
What's Missing on the Apple Watch
- Faster Processor and Better Battery
- Lack of In-App Purchases
- Lack of Biometric Authentication (i.e. Finger Print Reader)
Social Media
- Maurizio Bracchitta
- Edward Sanchez
- Satoshi Mitsumori
- Steven Lipton