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Inspired Living with Autoimmunity
Episode 49
Season 1
Tsao Lin-Moy: Transforming Health through Chinese Medicine
In today's episode, Tsao shares the basics of Chinese Medicine, and how they contrast with the Western Medicine approach by focusing on wellness and integration, instead of illness. We talk about how it is a spiritual medicine that is individualized, and how the 8 branches all need to be integrated for wellness.
Tsao shares her journey that has led her to specialize in Chinese Medicine for the past twenty years, and how her fertility protocols help couples conceive naturally.
Even if fertility is the last thing on your mind...listen in, this applies to us all!
Eastern Medicine:
The body has the natural ability to heal
Health is a transformation
We are regenerative beings
Spiritual medicine - individual
Western Medicine:
Many illness are irreversible and medication will be needed lifelong
Health is transactional
We are degenerative and expected to decline with age
Standardized care...prescription for diagnosis model
The Eight Branches of Chinese Medicine are ...accupuncture, body work, herbal medicine, food, exercise, mindfulness, feng shui, and astrology.
Quote from Tsao: "You are your best doctor!"
Awareness is key in health and healing. The body is giving us information we need to create balance.
Tsao shares the 7 year cycle and how it relates to us being regenerative beings...always growing and recreating.
Reframing is powerful!
When you experience symptoms, think of it as the process of getting well.
In Chinese Medicine, Autoimmunity is a sign that the nervous system needs to regulate itself. It is an indication that the adrenals are out of balance and anxiety and overthinking is occurring, and the heart and small intestine need attention.
Similarly, it is common when there are fertility struggles to end up in the overthinking/stress loop, which exacerbates the difficulties.
Start at least 6 months to one year ahead to create the level of health that is optimal for carrying a baby.
It is important to create a lifestyle that is stable and reduces inflammation.
Start with real food, stress management, digestive health, probiotics, reducing toxic load and especially exposure to micro-plastics and other endocrine disrupting compounds.
What to do:
Increase your mind body connection.
1 - Breath work - Tsao likes Wim Hof's guided breathing exercise.
2 - Lymph massage - the big 6 which only takes a few minutes to get your system moving.
Breathe and move! Breathe and move! Breathe and move!
Find a practice that incorporates both.
Tsao shares her journey that has led her to specialize in Chinese Medicine for the past twenty years, and how her fertility protocols help couples conceive naturally.
Even if fertility is the last thing on your mind...listen in, this applies to us all!
Eastern Medicine:
The body has the natural ability to heal
Health is a transformation
We are regenerative beings
Spiritual medicine - individual
Western Medicine:
Many illness are irreversible and medication will be needed lifelong
Health is transactional
We are degenerative and expected to decline with age
Standardized care...prescription for diagnosis model
The Eight Branches of Chinese Medicine are ...accupuncture, body work, herbal medicine, food, exercise, mindfulness, feng shui, and astrology.
Quote from Tsao: "You are your best doctor!"
Awareness is key in health and healing. The body is giving us information we need to create balance.
Tsao shares the 7 year cycle and how it relates to us being regenerative beings...always growing and recreating.
Reframing is powerful!
When you experience symptoms, think of it as the process of getting well.
In Chinese Medicine, Autoimmunity is a sign that the nervous system needs to regulate itself. It is an indication that the adrenals are out of balance and anxiety and overthinking is occurring, and the heart and small intestine need attention.
Similarly, it is common when there are fertility struggles to end up in the overthinking/stress loop, which exacerbates the difficulties.
Start at least 6 months to one year ahead to create the level of health that is optimal for carrying a baby.
It is important to create a lifestyle that is stable and reduces inflammation.
Start with real food, stress management, digestive health, probiotics, reducing toxic load and especially exposure to micro-plastics and other endocrine disrupting compounds.
What to do:
Increase your mind body connection.
1 - Breath work - Tsao likes Wim Hof's guided breathing exercise.
2 - Lymph massage - the big 6 which only takes a few minutes to get your system moving.
Breathe and move! Breathe and move! Breathe and move!
Find a practice that incorporates both.