JB Presents: Top Tier

Join JB and her guest Yuri Green as they talk all about fruits. They will discuss a range of fruits like peaches from Georgia to pineapples from Hawaii. Question for listeners, are you a green or a red grape person? Leave a review/rating and tell JB all about your fruit opinions.

What is JB Presents: Top Tier?

Starring Jordan "Bro" McCray, better known as JB, as her and a weekly guest entertain the listeners with their opinions on everyday things. JB creates a category each episode and ranks all of your favorite things. Tune in for all loads of entertainment, laughs, and hot takes.

You're listening to locally produced programming created in KUNV Studios on public radio. KUNV 91.5. You are listening to Top Tier. Top Tier. I'm your host,

Jordan McCray. I find things and I rank them. And I rank them. And I rank them. We are live.

You are listening to Top Tier.

And we are live coming to you from the basement of Greenspun Hall on the campus of UNLV, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. You are listening to Top Tier. I'm your host, Jordan McCray, and I am joined by my guest of the day. Yuri Green. Pleasure to meet you.

Yeah. Thank you so much for coming on this podcast.

So for those of you guys who are new, what we do on this podcast. So basically, I take a category of things, I rank those things based on a tier system because going 1 through 12, 1 through 15 is just a little too hard. I go by a tier based system. So we start off with bottom tier, which is basically things that are complete misses, we don't really want it. It's not, it's not great, it's not good. And then we move on to our middle tier. are things that we typically like, typically things that we enjoy. It's just not our favorites. It didn't blow our socks off. It didn't wow us but you know, I'll take it if I can get it. And then we have our top tier, obviously the name of the show and top tier. These are our absolute favorites. Don't argue with me on these things because they are amazing. So that is the name of the game. And are you ready for today's category? I'll stay ready. Absolutely. So today we are going to be doing fruits because this entire season is dedicated to foods because I would like to say that I'm a food connoisseur. I'm a little foodie and I know my stuff so we might as well get right into it. Let's do it. And we are gonna start off with our bottom tier category and I believe a bottom tier fruit is a banana.

Bro what? A banana.

Gee what?

You think bananas bottom tier? I okay okay so bananas fall into the bottom tier mostly for the sole reason of bananas have to be the star and I don't like that. Yes, they are a good snack and they are a fair snack, but if you ever have something per se a smoothie And banana is one of those ingredients. You are only tasting banana Necessarily like if somebody know how to properly do this smoothie, you know, I'm saying you gonna get like

You don't get flavors from the other fruit But you know people just I would just put in tons of banana and they stuff then that's what becomes overpowering Like of course you go and taste the banana, but it ain't gonna be it ain't gonna be the style to show I for something that looks so innocent. It has so much flavor and that flavor Isn't even really that good

Wait, what you don't like the flavor of bananas? Not really bananas. I Can't think of like a good purpose of bananas like they probably have amazing like nutritional value. But another thing about bananas is I feel like they go bad so fast. Okay. Yes, that's true. That banana that's too mushy. It's got like dark gray black spot. It's like them the ones good to use for smoothies though. Ew. I'm not really a smoothie person. So that kind of makes that gives me a dick. Yeah. No, you're reduced movies. I ain't gonna lie But yeah, like, you know, like any type of muffin that has a banana in it It's just it's a banana muffin at that point. It's no banana blueberry. It's just banana I feel like banana wants to be the star but it's not deserving of being the star

hmm, I mean that's a kind of a weird way to

Categorize a banana one of the most beautiful fruits on this planet but you know what I'm uh we don't have to agree disagree on that one I believe banana is

like a mid tier yeah I'm also a texture person and the texture of banana I feel like it doesn't have an identity because bananas are kind of slimy in a way but then they're also really mushy so like it's that's also another aspect where I'm like yeah I'm kind of off it. Like someone's like, Hey, you want some of this banana? I'm gonna be like hard pass.

Yeah, hard pass.

Me, somebody offered me a banana. I'm like, you know what? Yeah, I'll take one. I thank you, my brother.

All right. We're gonna go ahead and just put that one to rest. And we're gonna move on to our next bottom item. And the fruit is going to be a pair

Yeah, that's fair. I've always hated Paris since I was a shorty Like I'm talking about like my godmama get the little pears that being like a little cuss with the syrup I would never get those. You know, I would never eat them then we'll go to waste Yeah, like yeah, the pears are horrible. If you eat pears, you're a weirdo

I don't like it like I don't know anybody who consistently eat pears I feel like you only ever see pears when it's a fake fruit display. You ever see those fake fruit displays? There's always a pear. It's like a pear, an orange, a banana, an apple. And the grapes. Yeah, the fake grapes. But I'm like, I've never seen people actually have real-life pears in their house and actually eat them. My granny do that yeah that is just no because pears are insane to be honest cuz like I don't like the flavor it's it's a dry fruit like like like you bite into it is it's kind of dry it's a wannabe Apple yeah low-key and it's not it doesn't even do that well I'm gonna say like even if you were

to put a pear with like caramel or peanut butter still not all that it's

still not gonna be good, you know?

It's unsavable. Pears are unsavable fruit, and they should never have existed.

And I agree. Like, I'm not gonna lie, if I were to walk into someone's home, and they're like, oh yeah, make yourself at home, take off your shoes, do you want a pear to snack on? That's insane. I'm gonna walk out.


Cause that's crazy.

Mm-hmm, cause like, why would you, why would you insult me like that?

That's crazy!

There's so many other things that you should offer someone before a pair. Pair is all the way at the bottom. Like, if there was a tier below bottom, pairs are there. Because, I don't know who each of those... They're just there to be there. They're just happy they got invited.


Like, you know, pair is definitely the opposite of the star of the show. Pairs like that one cousin at the family reunion who like don't nobody mess with but you know they gotta you can't say nothing when they there because that's because that's still your family that's

the pair. Yeah so I think that's everything that we have to say about pairs I'm sure that our listeners are also agreeing unless you're above the age of like 75. We're just gonna go ahead and move on to our last item that's gonna fall into this bottom tier category and that is gonna be a cantaloupe.

I also agree I do not like cantaloupe. See you got to be old to like cantaloupe because like my granny also eat cantaloupe. I'm talking about growing up she'd be like you're a baby you want some of this cantaloupe. I'm like nah granny I'm good.

I put cantaloupe in the bottom tier and when I think of cantaloupe it's always paired with honeydew, and that alone just says that neither of these fruits can stand alone on their own. You know, they always have to go with each other.


I've actually never had honeydew before.


That's crazy.

Yeah, never had it.

That's crazy. I feel like I always see those two paired together.

Never had it.

Honeydew is also, it's not even worth mentioning. I'm not gonna lie to y'all, to all my listeners out there, honeydew didn't even make the list. But cantaloupe did because it is the more popular of the two sister fruits. I don't even know if those two fruits are technically like scientifically related, but they are in my head. And yeah, so cantaloupe, it's not great. It has a cute little color. I think it's orange. Or on the inside it's orange. But yeah, it's not really good for, you know, it's like if it's in a fruit salad, it's kind of the last thing that I'm gonna go for you know. I feel like that's everybody It's like it's just kind of still on your plate. You're like. Yeah. I've already ate all the good stuff You know I'm just gonna pick around this Yeah, that's I'm really that's can't what was barely worth mentioning. Yeah, not at all like it cantaloupe is like Cantaloupe is just an insignificant fruit cuz like who really sits here and just says oh you let me go cut me up some well, you may go cut me off a piece of cantaloupe like Cantaloupe is like y'all ever seen Lion King to you ever seen Lion King to briefly I barely remember that movie you remember Nuka the uh, it was like the Mangy Lion He was like the oldest brother, but everybody always overlooked him. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's cantaloupe the forgotten child Basically, that's funny. That is so I was gonna say, basically, yeah. Yeah, so I think that's basically everything we need to say about cantaloupe. And that's actually gonna wrap up our bottom tier. For those of you guys that need a reminder, our bottom tier consisted of bananas, pears, and cantaloupe. Now we're gonna move on to the incredibly mid category. And I'm gonna start off a little hot.

We're gonna get started by talking about mangoes. Yeah, now you actually anger me with that one mangoes are a top-tier fruit and

Used to fent used to fend it like my entire culture with that one for me. I just don't understand mangoes. I Think it's another one of those like flavor profiles where it's very Distinct and I feel like you can't pair it well with other things. Like, even if you try and go like...

Mango is very pairable.

I don't know.

For me it's not, because I feel like it's always gonna overtake whatever it is. Like, I try, like you know, like I try things that have mango and peach, but I feel like I'm always tasting way more of the mango than I am the peach.

I feel like it depends on like what you're doing,

but I feel like mango can be a very good thing to balance out, you know, like, like mangoes are slightly acidic. Yeah. So I feel like it's really good for like breaking down like mango mangos

Pair well with meats if anything for those of you listeners that need a little context I met this kid Yuri, and he was like it is insane going crazy on this mango He's eating his peel of this mango And I was just like man. I wasn't eating the peel. I was eating the meat off the peel. Yeah but he was going ham I'm not even gonna lie and that's how and that's when I knew he would be a perfect candidate for this fruits episode.

You gotta you gotta get your fruits in otherwise you know you you ain't healthy enough but back to these mangoes because you know man look mangoes is a top-tub fruit you know what I'm saying mango paired with some thaine even even mangoes alone like well this coming from me I can just sit here and eat a whole mango. She's witnessed me do it, you know But like mangoes really just it's really just the top tier fruit man. Like I What other food can you buy it? Can you just bite into and just slowly just get all the way to the to the seed and then you know You got to get all the fruit off the seed. It just lead to see yeah, because that's another thing

I feel like mangoes are also really hard to cut it's like I want to cut it at the right spot But then you don't want to hit that hard part and it's like impossible to get your knife through it I mean yeah but you cut around it yeah like still like I want to make it all pretty and have it like all nice and nice you know and I feel like it's hard to execute that takes a lot of skill

yeah I just I just uh I just bite through the mango and go as I go

He goes peel to peel, just leaves the seed.

I mean, no, I'll throw away the peel, but you know, like, like, like, nah, because you got to eat the whole mango. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, I love, I love mangoes. And you know, if y'all want, y'all could donate mangoes to KUNOV.

They will not go to waste because my friend Gary here, he'll eat them all. I will eat them all. I will greatly appreciate it. But yeah, I feel like another thing with mangoes is like, some of these other things on this list, it's like, they have like, purposes and like, dishes named after them, you know? I feel like mango, I mainly see it like, mango juice. I see it like, juiced down. Like, I don't see mangoes. I don't really see mangoes, yeah. Yeah, kind of like mango habanero. That is a good one. It's a good wing sauce, you know, like a like mango habanero

You can't can't go wrong I was gonna say you got mango juice mango habanero Honestly mango shrimp. I like the mangoes like the mango fried shrimp like mangoes are very versatile fruit

the thing is I want to see in that dessert like honestly like They use it to cool down, you know heat, you know, and that makes sense Like they're pairing something that's kind of sweet and acidic with spice that makes sense But man, I want I want to see my fruits. You know I want I want emphasis on the sweetness

Give me two give me two weeks. I got you

Okay, I think we're just gonna put mangoes to rest and we're gonna move on to our next our next fruit

And I think you're also gonna hate me for this one the next fruits gonna be strawberries? I'm actually like a green with showing down because I'm just now starting like strawberries in the past like three four years and that was only because like I chopped them up put sugar on them then put them in the fridge cuz like for like a snack cuz like you know what I like strawberries

but I hate strawberry flavored things. It's funny because I wanted to ask you so bad if you ever put sugar on fruit. Yeah. That's the thing it's like fruit shouldn't need sugar, it should already be sweet. I mean, okay. Why do you need extra sweetness?

Okay, you know what, me myself, I just got a really bad sweet tooth, and my pops would show me, because what happened was he had diced up the strawberries, he chopped them up and all that, he put some sugar over them, got them all nice and coated, you put them in the fridge, and when you get them in the morning, it's got that like sharpness from the strawberry it pairs really well

To me because I've never been a fan of strawberries and strawberry products So like I'm I don't like strawberry ice cream and things like that. It's like strawberry flavored things are always bad, right? You know, it's like obviously it's not the real fruit, but it's like how can you not even get the flavor, right? But real strawberries, I feel like people have always tried to gaslight me into liking strawberries. Because I don't enjoy the texture, because I think the texture is a little weird, it's a little slimy. And then, there's so many seeds. And people will be like, oh, you can't even taste the seeds. I'm like, but I can feel them. And there's so many of them that it's distracting. It's like, yes, there's a lot of like the fruit itself, but it's, it has so many seeds and it's just like not enjoyable experience for me to eat them. And then I feel like things with strawberries are so overdone. Like for I know so many people were like, basically, strawberries, like the go to fruit. fruit so like every type of filling strawberry like cakes you get a vanilla cake and then you get a strawberry filling like somewhere in the middle or at the bottom you know you get all these like compotes and drizzles it's always strawberry and I just think that there are other fruits that are more deserving of the spotlight than strawberries yes I'm not mad at that you know and that's all I have to say I'm done defending strawberries because like I said, I've always been gaslighted into people convincing me that they're good and they're really not. They are not deserving of all this attention. I would much rather see mangoes get that attention. Yeah, it's like I think mangoes are more deserving of attention than strawberries because people try to do so many different things with strawberries and it's just like why? I feel like they played out strawberries. They definitely did. Cause I tell you what, strawberries like in the 1900s might have been the stuff but you know we in the 2000s now. Right, we're over here, we're trying to explore. We're trying to branch out. Yeah, like we ain't like, it's like we in 2023, we gotta try new things, you know? Yeah. Alright, moving on to our next fruit. Our next fruit, I got cherries. Yeah, that's fair. Cherries are really, it's like cherries are only used for like toppings. Right, you know, I feel like...

Cherries good at its job.

Yeah, like that is very true. For the role that it does play, you know, I have my little cherry on top of my little sundae, you know, I need it, you know, for my Shirley Temple's, I'm an avid Shirley Temple drink for all my under 21 listeners. You know, Shirley Temple is a great non-alcoholic beverage that you can order from a bar. And yeah I need extra cherries on it. But those are the maraschino cherries and I don't know why but I've always like in my head I've classified them as fake cherries. Someone once told me recently like oh there's a real cherries and I'm like are they? Because they're just like sitting in a sugar syrup. So I'm like are they real? I mean I don't I don't eat cherries unless they come like on top of my milkshake or something

Yeah, y'all gonna say so like like like cherry does his job and it does his job without complaints and that I can respect

Yeah, and then you have your like the darker red cherries, you know that are bigger, you know They have the pit in the middle like I think those as a kid, you know, they're solid. They're just not amazing Yeah, it's like it's like oh, it's like it's like, Oh, it's like, it's like, Oh, me host cherries in the fridge. Okay. I, it's not it's definitely not an everyday fruit. I can't eat cherries every day, every single day of my life. It's just not gonna happen. Absolutely not. Can't do it. Yeah. And now we're gonna move on to our last item in the mid category. And this might be but I have peaches. I really like peaches. I feel like it's a fruit that you don't have to pick at, you know, you can kind of just eat it, the whole thing, you know, the skin is kind of good, you know, you just have to go around the pit, you know, it's like a strong pit so it's not like you can bite into that, you know, and I feel like peaches is also used pretty well in desserts, you know, for all my folks. I love them some peach cobbler. I'm not the hugest fan, but hey, I see it. I see the innovation, you know, get your peaches from Georgia. But it's just not at the top. I feel like there are other fruits who have a better flavor and a better texture and you eat them more often. Tell you what though, peach flavor,

like peach flavored anything is top three.

Yeah, peach flavoring, you know, I love getting like peach flavoring and drinks. If they have-

I just got a peach lemonade from Dutch Bros.

Have you ever had Southern lemonade and it's peach flavored? Yo, that mess goes crazy. I don't know, I think I might've been like at Lucille's, like that barbecue spot. Lucille's is extremely generic. Don't get me wrong. It's like Lucille's barbecue it's kind of like a chain is it out here yeah it's on the west coast oh yeah it's really generic got you but like some of the things that they have kind of goes hard you know it's a little barbecue joint and yeah their lemonades I remember that that Um, but yeah, like peach flavored lemonade, I love, you know. Peach flavored candy go hard too.

Yeah, peach rings? Don't even get me started on some peach rings.

But yeah, the fruit itself, I feel like it has spawned things that are great, but not really great enough for like the top tier fruits that we're going to talk about soon. But yeah, before we talk about top tier, did you know tomatoes are actually fruits I did know that tomatoes are actually fruits, but I refused to put them on this list. I don't care that they're fruit I'm I'm gonna say straight up. I've never liked tomatoes I still don't like tomatoes at my big age of 20 years old. You don't put tomatoes on your burgers. No, I'll pick it off Jesus, what are you like three? Yeah Like there is sometimes if I'm really hungry, I'll eat it. But if it even slightly distracts me from like the flavor of like the burger, I'm gonna pick it off. I can't. I don't know. Like I'm actually, now that I'm at a big age and I'm basically a real adult, I'm having real adult problems and I get acid reflux. So there's like a lot of tomato paste I can't eat. I know, it's really sad. Hey, my mama's spaghetti still goes hard though. When I come back home Can you make that ma? I ain't gonna lie ma, can you make your mac and cheese when I get back to the crib? Why I've been missing it. Shout out to mamas. Shout out to all the mamas listening. Man, love y'all

All right

We're just gonna dead the mid category and for those of you that need a reminder the mid category we had mango strawberries cherries and peaches mango still top two I I whatever all right we're gonna move on to the top tier category well all of you guys were waiting for and the first fruit that I have for y'all it's watermelon hmm watermelons a hit or miss that is very true. You have to have a good watermelon. If it's like too mushy, if the flavor is not on point, I understand that. But when watermelon is good, and you just eat it around the seeds on like...

On a hot summer day.

Exactly! In the middle of July, you know. I don't know what the weather was like where you're from, but on a like a hundred degree day.

Do you know like Chicago like you get hot but you're also like humid too I mean I mean it get hot like it get really hot during the summer but you will sweat because of the humidity right yeah like I tell you I was working in a car garage this whole summer you know I'm working on cars right so one day you know it's watermelon season we just got a bunch of watermelons man look I'm talking about after a long day working in the garage, going to my Uncle Booney crib, going to the fridge, wash my hands and all that of course. Just give me a nice little bowl of watermelons. I went outside, sat on, went outside, sat and chilled. Just enjoyed, you know, listening to the cicadas. Like that's what watermelon's good for.


I was talking about watermelon is good for like sitting outside, nice hot summer day, some nice cold sweet watermelon. It's got to be a good one though. Hey, if you don't tap your watermelon to test to see if it's good, you shouldn't be eating watermelon.

And then I feel like you have to put in a lot of labor for watermelon, but the thing is, it's so worth it. It's so worth it. And it's so satisfying when you get to eat those little triangle pieces. So good. You know, if you're making a little fruit salad, I guarantee you that's what everybody wants in their fruit salad. They want them some watermelon pieces. I've never had a fruit salad, and I'm not interested in it Yes, that's all I mean you ever have fruit trays You know them store-bought food trays. I mean just like a tray of fruit. Yeah, yeah, yeah That's for South of the fruit cells like all that mixed together were like I mean you can mix it together But I feel like those two are like go hand in hand. They're basically the same thing, okay? No, I thought the fruit salad like the marshmallows and like that white cream stuff. Oh, no, it's just fruit It's just different types of fruit. That's I think I think what you're thinking is some white people stuff Oh, we can make fun of white people on here. I mean, I like to As long as you don't do it as much. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah All right Watermelons amazing. It is great. It's Amazing. All right, we're gonna move on our next fruit that we're gonna talk about pineapple It's so good it hurts literally pineapple is meant to me see the thing is it's like another fruit that you have to work for because you know the outside looks a little angry but once you get to the inside I feel like it has all the things I'm looking for like it's sweet but it's a little sour you know I don't want a fruit to you know break down the inside of my mouth I don't I don't like I don't want my mouth feeling tingly and spicy after I'm done. No I need it because it's so good it's so worth it though. Don't get me wrong, if somebody got pineapples and they're like you want some pineapples? Yeah I'll take some. But like eating pineapples hurts. That's just when you know that you've had enough that's when you

like okay let me pack it up. I mean yeah but I don't like my mouth feeling raw after I get done eating something. I hate it. You know what I'm saying? Like lemon heads, I don't eat too many lemon heads. I don't want to get that feeling willingly.

But guess what? You still eat lemon heads. Guess what? Lemon heads is still a top tier candy.

It really is.

Right! And that's why pineapple is a top tier fruit. Because even though you're like, man this is going to hurt, you still do it.

And that's enough.

I'll tell you what, pineapple is really good for tenderizing meat.


You know, that's a great seasoning agent.

It does have a lot of like, key stuff to do when it comes to the food world besides just being a straight up.

You ever had pineapple upside down cake?


You haven't lived.

I'ma keep it fucked. That must be good. When it comes to my cakes, I just call it safe and just get chocolate cake. Like I'm on a really big chocolate head, like anything chocolate I'll mess with. Double chocolate, triple chocolate.

We got grapes.


We got apples.

Apples are mid, grapes are mid.

It's like-


It's like this, grapes are cool, but like, grapes are too inconsistent for me.

Absolutely blasphemy, no, because yes, you can get mushy grapes, but when you get those grapes and like, they got that, that, that, I don't even know how to describe them.

You know what?

You bite into them. Are you a green grape or you a red grape person? For most part red grape person. Nah, I'm green grapes go crazy Yeah, I was saying like as for apples if I just ate too many apples as a kid So I just don't like to taste up no more the thing that like absolutely sells it for me for apples is apple pie I've never had apple pie. I don't really eat pies like that to be honest. I told you I'm like, I'm a picky eater. I have sweet potato pie. Yes, sweet potato pie is very valid. For all my black folk out there, especially southern folk, oh, you got an auntie down the other side making sweet potato pie. You are blessed, my friend. Okay, but apple pie, extremely valid. We actually just passed pie day. Pie day was yesterday. And, yeah, one of the go-to pies, apple pie. Those are the only two pies I eat. I used to have a pie, I ate apple pie. I make a mean apple pie.

I'm gonna have to see that.

I will make it. I will make it for the whole radio station.

Please do.

I will, I'll do it because apple pie is so good because the thing about apple pie is that you squeeze lemon. Lemon technically is a fruit, but I feel like you can't directly eat lemon.

My little brother do.

If you are a person that puts sugar on lemon and then you eat it, you're crazy. Yeah Yeah, my little brother just be like eating them straight up. You're a type of crazy that I can no longer help you

All right. I mean I eat limes, but I'm half, I'm half Puerto Rican so Okay, but that's valid. Yeah, I was gonna say like I'm not gonna lie to you like um I be eating limes like after I squeeze them on my tacos I'll eat the lime or I'll just like slice the lime and then just eat the lime with all the juices in it

Yeah, like I will clean the meat off a lime real quick. You ever Like suck on a lime after you take a shot. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

Mmm, I don't do that. I just take my shot and go on about my day. Yeah, I'm not really with all the extra stuff And that's also valid. Yeah, I can understand that too. I'm not really with all the extra stuff. I can understand that too.

All right, that's actually just going to go ahead and wrap up our episode. Thank you so much, Mr. Yuri Green, for joining me today.

Any problem, any problem. Yeah. No problem, no problem.

You guys were listening to Top Tier. I am airing every Friday night at 6 p.m., so go ahead and tune in every single week for the rest of the semester. Thank you so much for listening. It has been so much fun shooting this entire episode and thank you guys all so much for listening and I hope you guys have a great night but

before we go let me shout out my social medias real quick y'all can follow me on instagram at yuri dot the don that is y-u-r-i dot the don d-a-d-o-n I repeat

instagram at yuri dot the don for sure alright thanks y'all thank you so much for tuning into this episode I appreciate every single one of you. I for tuning into this episode I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo