The United States Department of Nerds Podcast

In this episode we discuss Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Tales of the Empire and share our thoughts on The Acolyte with the United States Department of Nerds spin as always. Bonus material...we have a brief discussion about the new Star Wars Lego Movie. 

What is The United States Department of Nerds Podcast?

USDN podcast is run by USDN_JeffyJeff and the Council of Nerds. We strive to bring you the all the latest news and rumors from the World of Nerds and consolidate it right here at USDN. USDN is for the people, by the people and of the people.

Hello there,

and welcome to the United

States Department of Nerds,

where we are for the people,

by the people, and of the people.

Thank you.

all right what's up

everybody today I got

amanda the co-host of the

socially this is podcast

and anime pop podcast over

at the pop break and I also

have my main man gibbs

fresh off a competition

this weekend where he was

slinging pulled pork and

barbecue for everybody

what's up y'all hey

I'm like, I,

I wish I had been there for

that competition.

I'm hungry now.

Oh, it's, it's, it's always great.

And I was kicking my star

wars stuff for made a fourth.



I had, uh, my, uh,

one with the force and the

forces one with me shirt.


I was wearing my, uh, dude,

you gotta rock the cross with no socks.

No, I had socks on,

but I was rocking my star wars crocs.


Those are my barbecue shoes.

I'm just saying, I mean,

the first is definitely with you.

Definitely with you because

that first place for your sauce.

First place for sauce,

third place for pork loin

and pulled pork was 18th

and our ribs was 17th.

But this is the third

straight competition in which we've

had finals, which is the top three.

So that's awesome.

And this is our first year competing,

our fifth competition.

Hell yeah.

That's what's up, man.

I'm happy for you, dude.

Especially the part where

you're rocking the Star

Wars cross because that

puts a smile on my face.

I'm a crop guy.

I would rock crops to work

if they had let me.

I wish that they had,

they take pictures of you.

So there's a picture of me

With my first turn in and

with my Star Wars shirt and my Crocs on.

But what they don't get is the sound.

I actually walked up there

to Vader's death march.

Hell yeah, dude.

That's how to do it.

That's how you should do it

every competition, man.

Now I just have to know,

do you have any cooking,

like your grilling utensils?

Are they Star Wars themed?

No, not yet.

We got to change that.

We got to change it.

I have some Star Wars chopsticks,

but I haven't found any that I really,

really like yet.

But most definitely once that happens,


Yeah, that's awesome.

Oh, man.

So we got Mac joining us right now.

We got Frankie D in the house.

Frankie D,

it'd be nice for you to check

your messages, bro.

I'm trying to check in on you,

make sure you're good.

The dark side...


The dark side is stronger,

Frankie D. It always is.

He's always the heel.

That's what I love about him.

Oh, yeah.

He's probably a fan of Tales of the Empire,


Let's not jump ahead.

We're going to get to Tales of the Empire.

That was different.

It was definitely different.

So today is Revenge of the Siths.

Well, technically,

it's Revenge of the Fifth on the 6th.

But we're going to make it

work because my team was busy yesterday.

And, well, you know, I was watching,

you know,

Episode 1 again for like the

15th or 16th time.

I mean, it's Star Wars month, really.

You still have Thor's birthday.

You have the attack on the

Clone Wars anniversary.

You got all kinds of... It

should be Star Wars month.

It really should.

I'm going to petition that.

We make it the whole month.

Of course,

Frankie D is going to say it was crap.

Today is all about the Bad Batch,

Tales of the Empire.

And we're going to talk a

little bit about the Alkalite trailers.

They released the final trailer Saturday,

I believe it was.

And they said, hey,

let's jump right on into the Bad Batch,

Clone Force 99.

So we had Dee Bradley Baker,

who voices the entirety of the Bad Batch.

And I think the clones as well,

if I ain't mistaken.


And then Michelle Ang, who plays Omega.

And that's mainly our main cast.

I mean,

we get some reprisals from some

other characters.

I know Wanda Sykes voices some.

I think she voices Fi.


And then...

Danny DeVito's ex-wife.

Rhea Perlman.

Rhea Perlman, yes.

She voices somebody as well, I believe.

She's not in the season yet.


She voices Sid.

Sid, yes.

Who polarizes the internet.


So, I mean,

it's the same group of voice

actors that we're used to getting, but...

Let's back up to season two.

The biggest thing from

season two going into season three.

We lose Tech.

That reminds me.

Wanda Sykes.






What were you going to say about her?

I was going to say that we

mentioned that Wanda Sykes

was voicing Fee.




That grill must have took it out of you,


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, we're going to discuss that, Frank,


I swear to you, we are.

I got my thoughts on that one as well.

I think there was some

missed opportunities there,

but we'll get into that.

So we lose Tech, who, by the way,

had this weird thing going with Fi,

the Pirate.


she didn't consider herself a pirate.

She considered herself a a

recoverer of a lot.

A privateer.


A recoverer of artifacts.

And of course,

Omega to save her brothers

goes with the Empire.


To the island where Hemlock

is conducting all his experiments.

On the clones and creatures and

Everything else.

He's like a modern day.


I don't know if you want to say

modern day,

but Island of Dr. Monroe or

whatever it is.

Is that the name of that movie?


Dr. Monroe.

Dude, that movie was phenomenal,

by the way, both versions of it,

the new one and the older one.

And that's kind of what this

season reminded me of with

this guy experimenting on

the clones and the animals there.

Oh, yeah.

So then we get, right, wait,

let's do this.

I don't want to do this episodically.

I just, it bothers me.

So let's start with, um, the first escape.


So Omega escapes with, um,

crosshair crosshair and the dog.

Cause she's,

of course,

got to be Omega and save the dog.


Which, I mean,

that's been me and Rob's

complaint about Omega since

season one is this girl is

going to get everybody freaking killed.

Well, remember,

she almost got the dog

killed because they

released the dog because of

her bond with the animal that

They were like,

it's no longer doing what

we want it to do.

It's no longer as tough, as feral,

as all this stuff.

So they put it out to be killed.


But that's Omega.

I mean, it's it's a tough call, though.

I mean,

that poor dog was going to get it

either way.

I think I think at least

she'd get a dog would have

gotten somewhat of a fighting chance.

But that's hard, though,

because I'm wondering if they well,

I don't think they were native.

To the planet, were they?

I didn't I don't I don't

think I made it seem like

they were they were brought in.

They were brought in and

they were genetically

modified by hemlock is what.

Yeah, I got out of that.


So it's such an interesting

take because I'm like, well, either way,

it was due to get put down.

And it's, well,

it's either it's going to

get eaten by something

native to the island or.

Yeah, and the island didn't take no jotes.

It took lives.


Like even the plant life

there was taking bodies.


Yeah, that was a real,

real dangerous situation.

And they cultivated it.

They did.

The weed out the weak.

I kind of wish we had gotten

more from that, though,

because you're in this

forest and they set up, like,

here's these dangers.

And then, you know,

here comes the

stormtroopers blundering

around with the tracking dogs.

And I'm like, nobody got eaten from there.

I'm like, y'all are all stumbling around.

And I'm being very nitpicky at this point,

but I'm just like... You know what?

The chief complaint...

Is they cultivated that island.

To keep everything in.

And nothing.

Or nothing to get in.

Like the only people who can get out.

Is themselves.

Like you're not getting in.

You're not getting out.

Because the island itself.

They cultivated.


Dr. Hemlock.

Freaking made this island to be.

Like it will kill you basically.

Like the entire fucking island.



But it would have been cool to kind of,

since we were getting so

much of the animal life, you know,

sometimes you see some of

the plants that are intriguing.

The creeping vines.


That's interesting.

And I'm like,

I would have liked to have seen like one,

especially when it got chaotic,

like one stormtrooper mess up and get.

Get snatched up.

Get snatched up.

I thought there was one that

did toward the escape.

There was one that did get snatched up.

Oh, that's right.


There was one and that was to show that,

you know, hey,

it was carnivorous and all

this other stuff.

It was during the first escape, I believe.



So that would have been fun

to have seen a little bit more of that.

Cause I'm like,

I'll build this and it's like, okay,


We're in the forest.

And I'm like,

and I was kind of looking

forward to seeing like,

if there was more wildlife or, you know,

there was some wildlife,

but we'll talk about that.

Not native though.

No, definitely not native,

but it definitely owns the

Island all to itself now.

I was happy, though, with that one.

I guess it's like the most

Omega thing ever.

Yeah, it is.

But I feel like it was

redemption for that particular.

Oh, yeah, without a doubt.

Yeah, without a doubt.

So they save themselves.

They finally meet back up

with their brothers, Crosshair and Omega.

They meet up with, you know,

with Wrecker and Hunter and Echo.

who Echo is kind of like a

come and go character with

Captain Rats and that crew

that's actually out there

helping save the clones

from other worlds and planets.

How do y'all think or how do

y'all feel about how they

did Echo with this?

Because I mean,

when you look at some of

the other things in the Bad Batch,

it's not just your main

It's not just Hunter and Wrecker,

Echo and Crosshair and Omega.

I mean,

there's been other clones that have

worked with them in the past.

Do y'all think we should

have got some more of those team-ups?

For this season, for the third season, no.

I think that they did it

exactly the way that it

probably was supposed to go.

you do those little cameos

those little support guys

but you you they really

needed to focus on the the

main four of the bad batch

and they they did that they

brought it in to show how

much contact and how much

support they still had to

you know rex echo and the

other clones that were out

there doing it yeah but I

think any more than it would have

diluted who and what the Bad Batch were.

I agree with that.

I think it was handled perfectly with Echo,


I think he was a nice center

point and very balanced

because he brought in, again,

the original Clone Wars.

He's part of the original series.

And then, of course, he tied in Rex,

which we know is going to

tie into Rebels further.

And I think it was a nice

little... He kept

everything together to

where everything made sense

in the Star Wars universe.

But I also think it was

well balanced because you

don't want to put too much

detail in because you've

already told their story in

Rebels and you know where

Rex winds up and you have

Wolf and Gregor and

And then the question comes

up of where did everybody else go?

And then you have to start

kind of trying to fix what

you've already put out there, retcon,

and people start deep diving.

So I think this was handled.


and people deep dived the hell out of

this to begin with.

They do.

Hey, I will put it out there.

Gregor is getting a Black

Series figure with Yoda.




Indica sheet green.

Oh, not okay.

With the green, like his,

he's getting his green,

like the green lined in the green,

like accent pieces.

So it's going to be, I was like, God damn.

And all this up for pre-order right now.

I'm like, that might be one.

I might have to sneak over and pre-order,

but yeah,

Hasbro dropped some great

stuff over the fourth and

they're still dropping stuff.


So, but I know that's off topic,

but her mentioning Gregor,

I was just like, Ooh, by the way,

Gregor's getting, but it's also,

it's also interesting too.

When you talk about toy,

the toy releases and the figure releases,

because sometimes even though you're like,

what is this?

Or that that's just,

it's like a whole different,

they might be setting up.

They might know something.

We don't.



Spoiler alert.

We'll predict the future.



And judging by some of the

figures they dropped, there's some,

some good stuff coming down the pipe.

If it's all gonna, if it's related.


Cause there was some great

stuff that dropped over the weekend.

So let's get to the, you know,

the family reunites, so to speak.

And they're dealing with

crosshair and he's like a,

angry teenager at times.

I know his hand is messed up

at this point.

It was injured.

And how did y'all feel when

basically they forgave him?

Not necessarily forgive him,

but when they put the trust back into him,

he kind of earned that

place with the team again.

If you...

If you notice,

the dynamic never went back

to what it was.

It did.

It did not.

And Hunter, and they got into it later on,

you know,

and they had to have that come out.

Ricker was like, Ricker, you know.

He's a child.

He's a big man child,

but he basically goes the

way that Hunter is going to go.


And, you know, he's, you know,

especially Omega, you know,

when Omega's like, hey, you know,

he's he's our brother.

He's back.

This this records this.

But Hunter has I felt even towards the end,

feel the end.

which I'm getting a little

ahead of myself of us, but I mean, we can,

we can,

we can answer the questions ourselves.

In that last episode where

things were going up

against the fence and

against the wall and crosshair was like,

you guys go, I got this.

And Hunter kind of looked

back and was like, no, you know,

he was like, you don't have to, he goes,

it's okay.

You know,

that that sort of kind of closed

it back in for him.

But it was 13 episodes to

get to that point.

Well, it's about nine episodes, I guess,

because till then he was if

he's on the fence, he's always looking,

you know, at what Crosshair is doing.

Keep an eye on them.

I think it's a valid

reaction to have in terms

of I would have been more unhappy,

I think, if Hunter was two episodes in.

Okay, I forgive you.

I think you have that visible reminder.

It's very un-Hunter-like.

It is,

but also you have that visible

reminder of what the cost

was for Crosshair defecting

and being turning trader.

And, you know, with tech loss,

they lost tech.

And I feel like with tech,

if tech was there,

I think the dynamic would

have gone back to what it was instant.


But, I mean, gives you a great,

that's a very astute observation,

or observation because you really can't,

it never really, even at the end,

when Hunter kind of made peace with it,

it never went back to being the same.

Like it just, you know,

Tech's loss was so profound.

And I think you just,

you felt it in just the way

the dynamic just never, never fixed.

And Omega looks at it like a child.

This was a good reminder

that she is a child.

She's a teenager.

She's 12, 13 years old at this point.

Because it's a very simplistic view of,

okay, he's back.

He's our brother.

We should forgive him.

And there's not a whole lot

of comprehension on her end about

These guys grew up together.

They came up.

The bond there,

even though the bond with you is strong,

they had a bond before you came.


But let's also remember,

Omega is older than them.

Oh, that's true.

Technically, she is, yeah.

They had the flash training moments.

maturation, if you will.

I don't know if that's a word,

but Gibb is using it.

The maturation of the

process and all that stuff

ingrained into them.

It makes them seem like

they're older and they've

aged older than she has.

Technically, she's older than them.

It's funny because the

dynamic between her and

Wrecker is more on a level

because of his, you know, reduced IQ,

you know,

even though the dude could do some,

you know,

he can do some different things

with engineering and stuff,

but it like an idiot savant type bill.


But if it's an explosive,

he can blow it up, man.



we're going to have a Frank D join us

for a few minutes.

All right.


Always the heel.

I love having him on.

Our resident Darksider.


Somebody has to balance everything out.

While we're waiting on him to join us,

answer me this now.

Before the season ever started,

we knew Dr. Hemlock had

created his own special

force clone-esque people

that he had mutated and

genetically modified once

again to make these assassins.

Did y'all at any point

believe Tech was that one?



Yeah, I didn't either.

I was just like, yep.

I think at this point,

Tech or Filoni was like, Tech is dead.

Y'all understand.

Dude is dead.

All right, here we go.

All right, ladies and gentlemen,

boys and girls,

without much more introduction,

I bring you Frank D. What up, Frank D?



yes oh yes what's up I knew

this was happening with the

red with the lightsabers

dressed like darth vader

you got to hear his darth

vader impression and his

his sidious impression

they're top notch listen

you can't have a revenge of

the six show or whatever

we're calling it without

the dark lord so yeah I

tried reaching out man and

I hadn't heard from you so

he had us all worried

Well, you know something, sometimes, bro,

you just got to take a step

back for a minute.

Trust me, I'm just getting back into it.

I did the same thing.


but you guys were talking about the

Bad Batch,

and I started the Bad Batch late.

And I was hearing the conversation.

I said, you know what?

Why am I listening to these

people talk when I can just

simply come on?

So I decided I'm going to

crash a party tonight.

I'm going to come on here.

You are a forever council member.

You are more than welcome.

You can hit me up and go, hey, Jeff,

let's go live and let's talk something.

And we will do it.

Well, I appreciate that.

Good, sir.

It is.

Good job.

You didn't freeze,

but it could be if you are freezing,

it's because you like to

adhere to the light side of the force.

No, no, no, no.

Let's get things straight.

I am Mando ID.

I am Mandalorian.

And I take down both Jedi

and Sith with equal, equal pleasure.

well the thing I will tell

you is you don't know the

power of the dark side yes

that's what I needed but

you guys are talking about

rogue clones the bad match

yes so please continue all

right so we were just discussing tech

and whether or not anybody

actually believed beside

the internet community that

they brought tech from the

dead and made him one of the assassins,

which just, yeah.


I was a believer in this theory.


I thought this.


You know something?

When there was some similarities.


When dude started showing up this mystery,

you know, I'm like,

that's tech has to be right.


Yeah, I fell for it.

I fell for the Ben switch.

I did.

I thought we had something here.

I'm like, okay, this is going to be good.

Because I was like,

I marked out when I saw the Emperor.

I marked out when I saw him.

We all did.


I mean, it's the Emperor.

Why would you not?


It's the whole reason why this exists.

Outside of, you know, Lord Lucas.


That dude's not a $4 billion

man or $4 million Sith.

I don't know who he is.


but I actually thought that this was


I was like,

this is going to be cool to reveal.

It's going to be sweet.

Wait a minute.

I actually thought,

because I knew that there

was more than just the one

that they showed, right?

Because he was like, why did you call me?

Why am I operating?

Why are you bringing me in?

I actually thought that they

were going to reveal,

if they revealed at all,

that these were the Delta Squad.

oh okay because an episode

in uh the clone war series

I think it was season three

one of those episodes you

actually saw delta squad

from the books in the video

game yeah but I thought

they were uh with the red

like they had red trim

for Delta Squad?

They did in some of the

books and some of the other stuff.

But in the Clone Wars, all they did,

they said,

this is Delta Squad coming back.

And they brought some stuff

and they had the yellow visors.

They had the different

visors and all that stuff.

And I was thinking that

would be awesome for them

to have converted Delta Squad into this.


That would have been dope.



That was the only thing that I thought of.

But the fact that they left

them as nameless, you know, assassins,

assassins, you know,

shadow shadow clones.

And that's I was OK.

Shadow clones.

I like it.

And to me, when they did that,

it was missing the – I

guess I was looking for

this emotional kind of

scene where it would have

been like that big reveal.

It kind of goes back to –

you remember when in Rebels

where Ahsoka kind of knew

she kind of sensed that

Vader was Anakin Skywalker?

It was kind of that emotional dynamic.

So I was looking for that

with the Bad Batch when

they realized that Tech didn't die.

and that he's just rogue

trying to kill them now.

Yeah, no, I get that 100%,

because I kind of, like, that was around,

it was that mid-season mark

where you're kind of looking for that,

emotional twist or something

that they normally give you

and they just didn't get

they could have done it if

because especially when you

have the episode with Asajj

Ventress and we're talking

about you know Omega

possibly forced sorry for

sensitive I'm jumping ahead

I know but that would have

been an interesting way to

reveal that she really is

for sensitive by her by her being the one

to detect tech because she's

force sensitive.

And I think the other clones

are not from what I understand,

or at least the rest of the

bad batch wasn't.

So that would have been an

interesting way to go about it.


Are you talking about Omega?


Okay, let's put a pin in that one.

We'll get into that whole

Omega Force sensitive.

Yeah, I have thoughts on that.

In the conversation where

we're at right now,

let's just jump right into that.

Because Asajj Ventress, I mean,

I'm a huge fan of the character.

Where she went.

What she came from.

How she actually died.

Like the character as a whole.

I'm a big fan.

Like hands down.

I'm probably going to end up

paying like $100 for her Lego minifig.

Just because I'm a fan like that.

And her regular figure from

Hasbro right now is like $100 plus too.

My allergies are bothering

the shit out of me right now.

But let's talk about that.

So the clones.

The batch,

they visit Fennec Shad and they

put them in contact with Asajj.

Asajj visits to see if she's

clone or sensitive.

And at the end of the day, it really,

it still left us kind of

high and dry where we

didn't know one way or the other.

that was done on purpose.

I feel like, I mean, I know it was,

but it's kind of like, well,

you want to see some type

of closure there.

Like there,

is she a force sensitive clone

or is she like,

it's going to be one of those things that,

because I,

I feel like the way that the

show ended with Omega, uh,

The door is open for her to

show up anywhere at this point.

I feel like that might be

something they further

explore later with her,

which would be interesting.

I almost feel like they were

testing it out.

How are people going to react?

I think that he's done this before.

It's the Sabine Wren all over again.


But here's the difference.

They, again, and we can go back,

and I think me and Frankie

D talked about this for a second.

The whole, you know,

everybody is force

sensitive because the force

is in everything.

There's a difference between

the force being within

every living thing and all

that stuff and someone

actually able to utilize

the force on any level.

Like they said, that she, you know, she...

Basically, was she force sensitive?

She had the potential is

what I think that they were getting at.

But it was, again, like Sabine Wren, very,

very low.

But what Dr. Hemlock was

looking for was the

capability of the transfer

of the M counts in which

everybody has M counts and

whether it's ridiculously low and God,

I still hate that word.

I'm glad they don't say the full,

but they say M counts, but the,

whether or not, you know,

the greater the M count,

the greater your potential for.

You know, utilizing the Force.

You know, it's that connection.

Basically, she was, when I got from that,


was basically a female Anakin Skywalker,

pretty much.

Yes, she had a ridiculously high MK,

according to the show.

The midichlorians?



That's Rob's favorite word, by the way.

I don't think that she had a

ridiculously high.

I think that it was the fact

that within those,

because remember when they

were testing the other kids

and those stuff, those kids actually,

some of them were actually

using the force and had force abilities.


Her difference was they were testing her.

And the only reason why she

was moved down there is

because they were testing clones,

not only to see whether or

not they can use the force,

but whether or not they can

port the M counts from one

clone genetic source to another.

And of course that ties into, you know,

Project Necromancer.

And all that stuff.

The return of making

Palpatine's clones able

to... They were justifying

the comeback of Palpatine.

Let's just look at it as it is.

Oh yeah, it's retro.

And that harkens back into

the EU in which after Palpatine dies,

he has a whole bunch of

clones that come up.

until they actually drag his

soul into the great beyond.

I mean, even then,

Omega wasn't the first

clone to be Force-sensitive.

There was one before her in the books.

In the book?

Well, yeah,

but that's a whole different thing.

We're talking about Genku

and that whole thing,

but that's because Genku

was actually the son of a

clone and a Jedi General.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I just want to make it

clear that a BCP Hall of

Famer has joined us in the

comment section.

Mr. Bill Bodkin.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Hi, Bill.

What's up, Bill?


I'm not up on the young people slang,

so I don't know what that means.

Yeah, yeah, motherfuckers.


Yip, yip, motherfuckers.

That's what he's going for.

Oh, you can cuss on this show.

We're perfectly fine with that, Bill.


Cuss away.

Yip, yip.

Now we got a show.

What's up, Bill?

Glad to have you on.

Glad you could join us tonight.

We were talking Star Wars, of course.

And we were talking Bad Batch.

Everybody knows I have a

problem with Omega.

You and me both.

But I think she redeemed

herself to some degree.

It's not just that.

I detest her character ever being created.

But that's part of my

problem with Filoni is too.

I hate that I love that he's

so awesome and great for Star Wars.

He is the heir.

He is the apprentice.

And one day he shall become

the master after George

Lucas fades into the

becomes one with the force.

But he is the future of where we're going.

And I hate.

I recognize and I love that.

I call him Thelonious

because he steals a lot of shit.

They are absolutely making

Omega out to be this super potential,

super individual.

I'm not going to get carried

away too much like I sometimes can.

You do.

Her potential with the Force is...

I think that that was too spot on,

too on the nose and all that stuff.

If they're going to have her

in something else,

I fully understand that.

So, I mean, let's air it out, man.

We have Rogue, not Rogue Squadron.

Yeah, is it Rogue Squadron?

Rogue Squadron is coming up.

And we'll jump ahead of

ourselves a little bit.

She did leave to join the

Rebellion to be a pilot.

So who's to say that we

don't see her again?

I swear to God, I'm going to lose my shit.

Oh, she's the best pilot in the Rebellion.

No, stop.

My theory on her is that I

think what Filoni was

trying to do was take Omega

and create the phenomenon like Ahsoka.

You have this kid that starts off,

and he's basically

following the same formula,

hoping that people would

get attached to Omega.

We're not attached to her.

Like, we love Ahsoka.

Sabine and Ahsoka.

But I think with Sabine,

a little different, though,

because of the following

she had from Rebels.

But kind of, yeah, that same formula.

I didn't like her in Rebels.

So, listen,

you brought up a minute ago about Filoni.

One day being the heir to the Empire,

pretty much.

He is the heir to the Empire.

He is the heir to the Empire,

and we'll see come October

just how far he will go into the Empire,

because there's a lot of

things happening right now

at Disney where

I don't know if you guys are

aware of what's going on at

Disney right now.

They know they fucked up

with the sequel trilogy.

They know it's a done deal.

They put a video out the

other day for Celebration

of May the 4th and the

sequel trilogy was not in it at all.

It was all original trilogy shit.

It was prequels.

It was animation.

That's what it was.

They're kind of reverting

back to what made Star Wars

work to begin with.

What is Star Wars?

Star Wars is

Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, that shit.

This is what's going to make them money.

They know this.

This is the reason why if

you're looking at Star Wars Blue Milk,

who's undercover to Blue Milk?

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

So that's what makes them money.

So as it relates to Omega,

I personally think Omega's cool,

but she's like a dork.


She's a child.

A nice dork.

She's kind of like one of those.

She's just so pure.

She reminds me so much of

Luke Skywalker in A New Hope.

She wants to help everybody.

I'll get even further than that.

She reminds me of Anakin from Episode 1.

Just... No, no.

Just pure... And I can't

wait for Omega to finally

see the real world and join

the dark side.

Because... That... That

would be the ultimate...

That would be the ultimate, you know,

turn for me.

Is to see her, you know,

so pure and now... But

she's out here seeing some shit.

And she's seeing that, you know,

what the Bad Batch tried to

protect her from.

You know...

She's going to see it now,

and she's going to fall to the dark side.

That's where I think the

character has to go here.

You can't be a goody

two-shoes in a baby face.

I'm talking to you, Kaylee.

You can't be a goody

two-shoes in a baby face

this entire time.

You know, the villain is a sell.

You know what I mean?

Why is Darth Vader so

popular in pop culture today?

It's because he sells.

It's because people like the bad guys.

So when it comes to Omega, I'm like,

they missed opportunities

here with her so much in the show.

She was trying to, oh, you know,

you have to forgive him and

all this bullshit.


Fuck him.

I mean,

we all know Filoni likes to lay out

storyboards and game plans

years in advance.

So, I mean,

who knows where he's going with it?

But as she stated here, Amanda stated,

she stated basically that

Filoni followed the same blueprint with


Ahsoka started off as this

annoying character that

people grew to love.

Oh, I will not tolerate Ahsoka's slander.

She's my favorite.

See, you know something?

Honestly, I can't agree with you on that.

Because Ahsoka turned a

corner for me in Rebels.

When she had this connection

to when they're doing this

and saying the force is

strong with this one.

Then he said, the apprentice lives.

That is when it turned a

corner for me with Ahsoka.

And that followed into...

The Ahsoka show.


what was wrong with the Ahsoka show

real quick, people?

Then we'll get back on this.

What was wrong with the Ahsoka show to me?

I did not like fucking

Sabine and I didn't like

Ezra because they basically

pussified Ezra.

You know what I'm saying?

He was not the character he was in Rebels.

Sabine all of a sudden now has the force.

Fuck that.

You don't have the force.

The only people that should

be dealing with the Force was Ahsoka,

Ezra, Bailen, and Shin Hattie.

And Shin Hattie was one of

the best female characters

on the whole damn show.

And listen, I'm partial to the dark side.

I'm in the red light here.

She was charismatic as hell.

But you have Sabine here who like, okay,

you get fucking... And this

is another problem with

Disney Star Wars real quick.

You get fucking stabbed with a lightsaber.

And my God, if you're quite gone, Jen...

And you see all these

fuckers being resurrected.

They don't die.

We all know 10 minutes after Qui-Gon died,

they invented the Bacta tank, okay?

If he would have died 10 minutes later,

he would have been good to go.

That's one of the best skits ever done,

by the way.

Well, there's somebody,

I feel like I see him on Instagram,

Charlie something or other,

that he does these reels

where he's like AI'd Qui-Gon.

Yeah, that's where he came from.

Yeah, and that was great.

I was like, what do you mean?

What do you mean?

That was so great.


Batto was invented 10 minutes after

you died.

She's going to play a big part.

Omega's going to play a big

part moving forward in their plans.

So, you know, obviously,

what's on the horizon here?

You got, what is this, the Skeleton Crew?


Skeleton Crew is going to be Old


But you also have,

what I'm getting at here is

that you have all these

other projects on a

pipeline because the only

thing we know what Omega is this, is that,

okay, we've seen her in animation form.

We have not yet seen her live action,


Where do we go here with Andor Season 2?

We know Andor Season 2 is

leading to the events of Rogue One.

We know this.

Will they then somehow bring

Omega into this situation?

Is Omega going to be a part

of the Mandalorian Grogu film?

Is Filoni going to put all

his main characters into

this one thing to make this super movie?

Because they got to save

this shit somehow.

It's got to be, dude, listen,

whether we like it or not,

It's going to be complete

fucking fan service here.

And I love it.

Because you have no choice.

You got to bring in fucking Padme.

You got to get Natalie

Portman in this shit.

You got to bring in Padme.

You got to bring in all

these force ghosts.

You got to bring in every

fucking body to make this

one movie to stop, you know, Thrawn.

And all this type of shit.

Because this is going to save it.

Because they have no choice.

You can't bring in fucking

Rey and the director and

say she likes to make men

feel uncomfortable.

If I say that, I'm a pervert.

You know what I mean?

So you can't bring her.

You know what I'm saying?

You've got to fix this.

So this is going to be a

complete fan service.

I think that's where we're going with Rey.

Not Rey, excuse me.

Omega's going to join the Rebellion.

She's going to be one of the

top pilots there because

that's where they're going.

Unfortunately, that's what it is, man.


She's got to live up to what

she has to live up.


She's got to be that one.

There has to be one.

They take these shows and

they always have to have

that one main character

that's going to go off into the universe.

It's going to be something special.

And Omega is a strong...

female character, in my opinion,

done correctly.

Whether you agree with me or not.

She was done correctly

because she's still

innocent and pure until she

goes and sees some shit

that's going to make her rugged.

That's going to make her,

I've seen some shit.

I mean,

I would like to think that she

already has.

I mean,

she's 12 years old and she's been a

part of a conflict for how long?

And she never waned from her beliefs.

She went through so much

during the Bad Batch.

All this shit.

Let's just say a lot of it

was brought on by herself.

But being that pure hearted person.

Of course.

But look what she did.

She took one of the hardest

characters on that show.

And Crosshair.

And was able to turn him.

And that was excellent.

It's that part where

Crosshair's with Rampart, and he says,

I've changed.

Sure you have.

And it turned out, that right there,

it was like,

that's one of the best things

I've ever seen as far as

character development of

any show I've ever seen,

is the turn of Crosshair

from where he was.

Crosshair probably had the

best story and redemption

in the entire season.

It was just that damn good.

He had a better, and I'm saying this,

and I'm a fucking huge mark for this guy,

and I'm going to tell you

something that's going to

shock the shit out of you.

Crosshair had a better

redemption story to me than Vader.

Because Vader Vader Vader

Vader only redeemed himself

after he realized that he

had been bitched out and

lied to by Palpatine and

that he had a son.

Crosshair had to work for that shit.

Crosshair went through a

bunch of bullshit.

To get to the point where he

could actually twice over.


Give me his hand and all that shit.

He went through a lot of

bullshit and sacrifices of

believing in the empire, believing that,

okay, I'm a soldier.

I'm going to finish his

mission to the point where

you realize you were alive.

Just kind of like Vader.

But all the bad shit that Vader did,

Vader had that one

redeeming moment where he

had the Emperor and he says, oh, you know,

in the remix.

And threw Palpatine to his

death and saved himself and

then became Anakin Skywalker.

Okay, that's cool.

But that's one thing out of

all the bullshit that Vader did.


I got to stop you.

I got to stop you.

It wasn't just one thing.

I was watching and I was

talking to my wife about it and she goes,

you're such a nerd and I love you.

Yeah, I was.

But I was watching Empire

Strikes Back yesterday, right?

As you should.

And there was a scene where

they were freezing Han, right?

He stopped Boba Fett.

Now, hold on.

Why did he stop Boba Fett?

I don't know.

I never thought about it.

He didn't know Leia was his daughter yet.

Okay, it's not about that.

Bubble Phat was raising up

because he was going to

blast the fuck out of Chewie.

Because Chewie was knocking

everybody and doing all this stuff.

Darth Vader didn't care about Chewie.

He cared about C-3PO who was

on Chewie's back.

You're right.

He was in pieces on his back.

Chewie is only still alive

because of C-3PO being on his back.

That's why Vader in all

these years I've watched this

And it wasn't until yesterday when I,

you know, and I've seen him do this.

And I sat up here and I said, whoa,

wait a minute.


I will add on.

I will add on to that.

So I know what you're getting at.

So there is a story I saw.

It was in a comic.

It was some stuff that

happened off screen during

the Empire Strikes Back.

And Vader actually found C-3PO.

And he remembered 3PO as Anakin Skywalker.

He remembered him.

And he started feeling those

emotions again.

But he had to quickly turn away.

He says, don't destroy him.

Let him go.

Let the Wookiee take him, pretty much.

So I get what you're getting at there.

Other than that...

Well, and he's got other signs, too.

I mean, look at the end of Clone Wars,

you know,

where he found Ahsoka's lightsaber.

He's looking at the remnants

of Bible first.

He has maybe a couple of moments.

Those emotions were there.

He killed Skywalker.

There's some moments in the comics,

quite a few moments in the

comic books where he has

human qualities of Anakin Steel.

It's really depending on who's writing it.

It really is.

If it was me riding him,

there is no redeeming qualities.

I don't know if y'all read

Dark Droids or not.

I have not.

He traps a Dark Droid in himself.

The Dark Droid is trying to take over.

They're these sentient beings.

And he tries to take over

Anakin Skywalker's body.

Anakin's just like you're in

here with me now dude yeah

so he literally

compartmented this guy this

dark sentient into himself

and it's there well real

quick real quick so this

past May the 4th I went to

a it was an event going on

here in San Antonio called

Heroes and Fantasies yes I

was there too I thought you were there

I was dressed as Darth Vader.

Why would you not be?

Well, of course I am.

I was a new Hope Vader.

So I would have been Empire

Strikes Back if my fucking

helmet got here on time.

That's another story.

Did it get in yet?

No, not yet.

I know you've been waiting on one.

Oh, fuck yeah, man.

Hell yeah.

I've been waiting since January.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So I've been here working on

my armor and just doing a

bunch of bullshit.

Just to make a long story short,

I took a picture.

I saw Crosshair and I went

to him and I said,

I want to take a picture with you,

Rebel Scum.

So I said... So we took a picture together,

me and Crosshair.

You gotta post that up.

Did you post it up yet?

I have not.

Oh, come on.

I shall do that.

I have to go to work in a

little while and go slave for the Empire.


But I'll be making a long

story short here.

Crosshair, like I said,

had the best redemption

story I've seen in Star Wars.

I will say in Disney Star

Wars because I can't count that.

We will allow it.

Because that's all Lucas.

Disney Star Wars,

Crosshair's redemption story,

him caring for Omega.

Something you never thought

because he didn't give a shit.

Basically, he was telling her,

you're dumb.

You are stupid.

You're too...

Everybody's not good.

It's kind of what they try

to do with Obi-Wan and Leia

and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Everybody's not good, Leia.

Some bullshit like that.

It's the same kind of thing.

It felt more genuine here

with Crosshair because

they've gone through shit.

She was able to break

through this hard shell and

redeem this guy.

And at the end,

to see Crosshair take that

one shot at Rampart.

Not Rampart, Hemlock.

One shot at Hemlock to get him.

With one hand.

With one hand.

And he was able to pull it off.

And they live happily ever after.

That was fine.

A lot of people had the same,

like season three of The Mandalorian,

how it ended and like, oh,

they live happily ever after.


this one felt more genuine that they

live happily ever after.

That they are finally somewhat at peace.

The Empire is going to grow, of course.

We're still in the infancy of the Empire.

But to have this, you know,

not so much of a dark moment,

but a light moment,

it was actually pretty good.

Yeah, we're, we're, we're gonna, we're,

we're working on getting to the end.


and we've already been at it for like

50 minutes on the bad batch

is fucking great.

I love it.

Um, well, that's why I tell people,

you know what, dude,

let me say something.

So I've been just busting my ass.

for weeks and months putting

together my Vader costume.

I'm talking about... Dude,

I've been watching you at

least for like a year work

on these things.

So that was just bullshit

that I was doing for Halloween.

This time now I'm taking it seriously.

One day I'm probably going

to join the 501st Legion.

So I have fucking been doing my shit,

making my armor, doing everything, right?

And just the people when I

was at the Heroes and Fans

here in San Antonio and the

people saw me come out as Vader.

That was fucking cool as fuck, man.

Just, that was excellent.

And I met a lot of cool people there.

I took a picture with R2-D2 and shit.


It was cool, man.

You know, just to do that.

So, it's just, you say, you know,

been here basically 53

minutes almost doing this.

When you're talking about

something you're passionate about,

it's kind of like me with Vader.

When you do something you're

passionate about,

it's not really work or

time because somebody's like,

I'm having fun.


You never get tired of talking about it.

No, no.

I was in that costume for

fucking four hours.

I was in that damn costume.


I just missed you, I think,

because we came in after I

think you guys had left.

Were you guys – where were you dressed as?


I was playing with Ahsoka.


God damn it.

See, you know something?


so we have are you are you

here are you san antonio as

well I am yes okay we have

got to get together and do

uh coming up in like a

month I think in san antonio

Oh, is that right?

Because I got to take a picture.

I was like, you know,

I'm missing Ahsoka and I

got to have a picture with my apprentice.


I've got both Clone Wars Ahsoka that

I do and Rebels Ahsoka.

And I also do Mando Ahsoka.


so we've got to hook up and do

something because...

that that photo op has to

happen with with with the

apprentice are you gonna be

if you're going to

nostalgia con well I won't

be in ahsoka at that time

but I will be in uh june for a superhero

That's the one I was thinking of.


that one is at the... I think that's

at maybe Freeman.

I think it's at Freeman Coliseum.

I'm not sure.

I just seen the advertisement for it.

I have to look into it.


they're bringing in quite a few people.

So we had GalaxyCon here

back a couple of months ago.

And I was in line to get

Ashley Atstein's signature

on my 25th anniversary Clone Wars comic.

And she's so sweet.

She's awesome.

She's the best.

I will stand in line to get

her signature like anytime now,

just because she's that

nice of a person to talk to.

And she had her mom

traveling with her this time.

Her husband was in Europe.

But I'm in line and this guy walks by.

He's got like this baby face

and he's dressed like Balin.

He looks over at me.

He's like, why aren't you Balin?

I'm like, I'm working on it, dude.

Trust me.

It's in the work.

Are you still doing Cal Kestis?

So I'm too gray now to do Cal Kestis,

unless I want to do Grandpa Cal,

but I'm going to switch it over.

I was able to get my order

that I had placed for some

of the basic pieces of Cal,

and I'm going to swap it over.

I swapped it over and asked

them if they would start

making it into a Balin.

And the lady was super cool about it.

She's like, yeah, I'm not that far.

She's like,

I've only started making small

pieces of it to start

putting it together.

She's like,

and I can reuse them into the the Balin.

So that's what she's doing.

Oh, I'm happy for you.

I'm glad you finally joining

this this cosplay community.

I know.

People look at me like crazy when I do.

In my closet,

it's just nothing but fucking

cod pieces and shit.

I mean,

behind my door is all my wigs and

my boyfriend's wigs,

so we've got all our stuff.

The queen of the short king.

I got my Jedi robes and when

I lose a little bit more weight,

I've got to.

I'm not going to be one of

the fat Mandalorians out there, but

I am getting my Mendo.

I've already got it broken down,

the schematics of it.

But that's when Zendon Lorne will be born.


when you got all that shit on you anyways,

no one can tell your fucking weight.

You're going to have all

this stuff on you.

Oh, no, no.

I've been to a couple of

Comic-Cons and you can see the fat ones.

And you know what happens

when you see the fat ones?

Can I take a picture?

Can I get a picture with you?

Yeah, I do.

No one gives a flying fuck

about any of that shit.

I have to lose about 50 more pounds.

Well, you know something I'll tell you?

If you had given your soul

to the dark side a long time ago,

you would have shredded those pounds.

This motherfucker.


I would have been fat enough to do that.

We like our barbecue, man.

You know what I told this guy?

I said,

you need to have a fucking barbecue


I want to see some.

And I just gave you an out.

I said, galactic barbecue.

Oh, yeah.

He did mention that.


I gave it to you.

All right.


you're up here talking about barbecue

and shit.

You think like, damn,

I'm getting fucking hungry.

I want some fucking barbecue.

Well, I'm hungry.

He was talking about

everything from the beginning.

I'm hungry.

Have some rank four ribs.

Oh, yeah.

You need to get on that, man.

Circling back with the

crosshairs and that whole thing, Frankie,

you said that at the end,

and there's a whole lot of

stuff that happened between them,

but at the end,

that scene where they were

just sitting there on the retaining wall,

and they're just sitting there,

and you can feel just the


They're at peace.

You know, I wouldn't say totally at peace,

but they're like, this is over.

We are together again and this is done.

Yeah, not so much that.

I guess peace is wrong,

but not just we can stop

and take a breather for a minute.

We don't have to.

A sigh of relief.

Yeah, you know,

I'm going to tell you how I would have,

real quick,

how I would have ended the damn show.



that was nice to have that happy

ending that I mentioned.

But the way I would have done it was,

is that, okay,

the ultimate instrument

should have been used at

the end of the show,

which would have given

Omega a motivation to join the rebellion.

And that, to me,

would have been Vader

coming in and killing all

of the Bad Batch.

And that...

giving her what she needs,

that shit that she needs to say,

I need to stop this.

This empire is more

dangerous than I thought

because we've never seen

Vader in the Bad Batch.

She's never been there.

We haven't seen the Sith Lord.

So him showing up there,

maybe some Inquisitors, whatever.

I think that would have set

the tone for what happens with Amiga next,

which would have been she

has to fight the rebellion

and stop the Empire because

she just saw Vader kill everybody.

But she's never seen Vader.


The power of what Vader can do.

There needs to be a sacrifice.

I didn't see any spoilers.

Some motivation.

I didn't see any.

I saw people like,

and I tried to save my ass

off of social media when

the Bad Batch came.

The only thing I saw was somebody says, oh,

they all died.

I'm like, oh, fuck.

They killed the entire Bad Batch?

That's what I thought.


That's what I thought.

I was like, oh, you son of a bitch.

It's like, why are you spoiling it?

And then I saw what it was.

And I'm like, damn, man.

It's like, there was no Palpatine.

There was nothing at all.

It was just like, okay,

the only one we got was Tarkin.

And he says,

we're going to divert all funds here,

shutter this facility completely.

We're going to divert all

funds to Project Stardust,

which is a Death Star.

That right there should have

been a missed opportunity for Vader.

You can't have Vader in everything,

but you can use Vader.

I think he should have

walked in with Tarkin.

That would have been legit.

Or you could have ended the show on

Vader breathing at the end

or some shit like Omega

flies off in a rebellion

and Hunter's there with

Venture and then all of a

sudden Vader just kills

Hunter at the end or some

shit I think that I'm with

you on the better bigger

motivation for her joining

I think that at the end

because we all saw it and

we all thought Wrecker was

going to die and

Crosshair was going to die.

If Crosshair would have died

fighting the shadow, whatchamacallit,

and that sacrifice that he had,

and then coming back and shooting him off,

and then him and Hunter,

I love that scene.

They capped the fuck out of his ass.

And she stabbed that motherfucker too.

Let's not forget that.

She set it up so well.

Wrecker dying, Crosshair dying,

and at the end it just being Hunter

and not Ahsoka Omega,

I think that would have

been better on us for her

joining the rebellion.

And that would have made

that end scene with her leaving and just,

you know, knowing that it's just Hunter.

And Hunter is like, you know,

I understand.

And she's, you know,

I got to do this or else

they died for nothing.

We're fighting for that.

Here's the thing.

We get a long...

From where,

so the screen goes black and

then it comes back on and

you see Omega going to her ship.


We don't know what has

happened between those years.

We do know that Crosshair

and Wrecker are both still

alive because she tells him

to take care of him.

But we don't know what's

happened to them in those

years that we don't see

where she grows up.


So something could have

happened in there that we

just don't see to make her

want to join the rebellion.

Did something happen to Echo

or to Retz or to somebody

else that she hears about

to make her want to join the rebellion?

I agree with Frank on that

point because there was

nothing to really motivate her.

I love the idea of having

Vader in projects.

He just elevates what he's in.

That's just the sheer power

of a Vader entrance.

Even if you're just looking at his boots,

just the breathing.

I am not a dark side character,

but I feel like they have

very compelling people on the dark side.

Again, with Darth Vader, Darth Maul,

there's a lot of charisma there.


But I feel like, too,

I'm actually glad in a way

that Vader didn't show up

here because you want that

mystique to continue and

you want those uses to be strategic.

I think for me,

and I know we're going to

dive into tales of the Empire,

but I think you just have

to be careful with where Vader is at.

And then you need the story

to stand on its own.

That's the hard part.

You can't rely on everything.

And this is going to be the

true test when it gets to the Acolyte.

Can something survive without it?

Being a Skywalker, Vader.

We do get Yoda, though.

We know that for a fact.

We are going to get Yoda.

Yeah, but with Omega, it just was like,

I'm going to join the Rebellion.

I'm like, well, what happened?

What happened?

And that's what I'm getting at.

I'm here with that.

I'm here for that.

That tells me that she can

show up in squadrons that

is being developed,

and we're going to get her reason to.

for joining the Rebellion.

Yeah, but here's the thing.

But here's the thing.

That's a long ways off.

It's a year away.


These projects are changing all the time.

Remember this.


the Rey movie was front and

center of what they were going to do.

They already had Pinewood

Studios locked and ready to go.

That stopped.

That switched.

It was now Mandalorian Grogu.

That's when this whole shift started.

They realized what we've done is bullshit.

It's not working.

They put this shit on the back end.

I will say this about... I

will say this about Vader.

I want to see how powerful he really is.

All the media we've seen

from Disney to the universe

showed him as a threat,

but we never really got to

see his full potential.

Go read the comic book.

You kind of saw that.

I get what you're saying, dude.

Like Jeff's saying,

you got to read the comics

and you also need to look

at the episode three of Obi-Wan Kenobi.


You see right there just how

much of a badass.

Let me tell you one thing real quick.

One thing real quick that

Disney's done that Lucas can never do.

They made Vader into a

fucking horror character.

Because everything now Vader does,

he's sinister.

He's more evil than he ever was.

You kind of saw that in the

original trilogy.

But you really see it now.

And a lot of people,

and I criticized it too

until I heard it the other day.

Vader's theme song from Obi-Wan.

It's fucking fantastic

because it just sets the tone.

It's better to me than the Imperial March.

It sets the tone for Vader.

How this motherfucker is

just one thing in his mind.

Where is Obi-Wan?

That's his motivation.

It's just Kenobi.

That's his whole fucking thing.

And just knowing that,

it's kind of like Michael Myers.

What was Michael Myers' motivation?

It was Laurie Strode.

That's what he wanted, right?

Same thing with Vader.

Vader's whole thing now,

and that's one thing I will give Bob Iger,

if you're listening,

I'm actually giving you a compliment,

you jack-off.

Here's the thing.

You actually did Vader right in some ways.

You're doing Vader correctly.

That's the only compliment

you'll ever get from me.

You're doing Vader correctly.

But if you want to see more Vader, dude,

episode 3 of Obi-Wan Kenobi,

I would say the duel he had

with Obi-Wan in episode 6,

that was good too.

But to really see him, I mean,

the motherfucker choked out

a guy for nothing just to

draw Obi-Wan out.

Choked the dude out.

And then killed a kid right

in front of him.

Killed his son.

I agree with both Jeff and

Frankie D. To see Vader's truth,

you have to go into the comics.

And I grew up with the

comics and on until they

started writing the books in the early,

late 80s, early 90s.

In those series,

you really get a sense of

how much of a badass he was.

He tricked a whole bunch of Jedi.

It was like 12 to 15 Jedi

coming in there in this meeting,

and he killed them all,

wiped them all out by himself.

So in Dark Horse Comets,

you really see his...

Before he had Inquisitors,

he was on a personal spree

to rid the Earth of Jedi.

It took him three times to kill a couple.

The first one he was sent after,

it took him three times to

kill him because the suit

just impaired him so bad.

But after that,

once he got used to the suit,

fucking killing machine, dude.

He put Michael Myers to rest.

He was just so badass.

there was a book shortly

after Disney took over and

it was not I Vader or something like that,

but it was talking about

Vader immediately after the

transition into the armor.

And you actually saw him

fighting and then making

those adjustments to his armor.

And he was adjusting and

becoming and changing up his style.

And then at the end of the book,

he was Vader.

And I was like,

He did upgrade his suits

himself a few times

throughout the book series.

Real quick,

and then we'll get back to this.

Another thing you can do as well,

there is another book I'm

actually listening to on

Audible when I'm working.

It's called Dark Lord,

The Rise of Darth Vader.

That is fucking awesome.

You don't realize how close

he actually was

to, of, of, of Leia, baby Leia.

It was like how close he was.

If he had met, um, Bell's wife, like, yeah,

it was just fucking insane.

So if you want to know

anything about Vader, dude,

it's the body shit on,

on YouTube that all Vader stuff on it.

It's all comic shit.

It tells you different Vader

stories and all that.

If you want to know about Vader,

which is what I've done,

I've done a research to do

the character correctly.


You gotta go do your... It's out there,


You just gotta be a student of the game.

I used to be a student of

the game when it comes to wrestling.

I'm now a student of the

game when it comes to

everything dark side.

It's out there.

And Audible is probably the

best thing on road trips to

me because that's what I

listen to on road trips.

Oh, hell yeah.

And a lot of people... And

my wife tells me all the time, she's like,

oh, you know,

because my wife is a part of

a book club and she likes to read books.

I don't think you fucking read shit.

I will listen, but I'm not gonna read.

No, I read it all.

Yeah, Starkiller.

That's true.

But it's not... We don't

consider it canon because we can't.

I mean, I love... I know.

I keep hoping at some point

that he'll just magically

show up just somewhere, somehow.

Listen, we got,

with the changes that

they're making right now at

Disney with Lucasfilm,

You could very well see.

They are into making money

is what they realize.

They have not.

I know this is straying away, Jeff.

I apologize.

No, we're good.

This is what this is all about.

They realize.

I don't know if you guys saw the report.

Disney has not made a profit

off of Star Wars since they bought it.

They have not made any money

from Star Wars.

George Lucas has.

Of course, but they did not.

They bought Lucasfilm for

$4.2 billion is what they bought it for.

They've only made a billion

dollars off the project.

This is including all the fucking movies.

They have not made any money

off this project.

You've got to bring in

characters that people want to see.

You've got to do different shit,

but you've also got to go

back to what made the original.

You know the number one

figure right now that collectors want

It is Anakin Skywalker.

That figure from the Black

Series at Revenge of the Sith,

Anakin Skywalker, it goes over $100.

It's like $165 to $175 right now, I think.


And they just brought out on May the 4th,

they just released some new stuff.

It was Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith.

They released a three-pack

from Episode I. It was Qui-Gon Jinn,

Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Maul.

They just brought out the

new Darth Maul lightsaber

from Shop Disney.

That was on there for like

$500 and everybody fucking bought them.

I got a whole wall over here

of nothing but shit.

There's a lot of money to be

made with the original.


I'm going to tell you what people

don't fucking buy.

People are not buying the

Acolyte bullshit.

They're not buying that.

I wonder why.

A lot of stores, I know like Target isn't,

they haven't got any TBC,

the vintage collection stuff in a while.

Well, they discontinued those.


No, TBCs are still being made.

They just made a whole bunch

of them for the Acolyte.

They discontinued them at Target.

Target's only selling them.

Oh, okay.

Target, yeah.


Target's only selling them.

And they just released a new

Bale and Skull that I'm going to get.

Bale and Skull for Mercenary

at Walmart exclusive.


They just put that out.

I'm getting that.

I'm probably going to order

two or three of them and

put them on eBay.


If you come across them, let me know.

I should have pre-ordered it,

but I didn't.

No, they're still there.

I was at Walmart this

weekend and I didn't see them.

It's a pre-order.

It comes out in October.

I got that New Hope Vader

that just came out too.

I got that one.

Awesome fucking figure, by the way.

So I'm still missing one.

Oh, there's a Palpatine.

There's a Palpatine coming

out with a throne for Black Series.

Yeah, I saw that.

Similar to how they did

Black Adam with the throne.


But except one of them is

actually going to make money.

But that one I'm definitely

going to pick up when I find it.

I like finding them in the store.

It feels so good when you

find them in the store.

So Ollie's is a good place to go.

We don't have an Ollie's.

We got one in San Antonio.

Yeah, we do.

Let's see.

Where is that off?

It's off of Highway 90.


Military Drive.

It's the one towards

Lackland Air Force Base.

So I went over there and I

raided that store and I'm like,

where the fuck is all your

Star Wars shit?

I only found one, and it was Han Solo.

I got a Han Solo somewhere.

It might be in a box, actually.

I need to rearrange my office.

I'm going to be moving my

spawn stuff into storage.


And then it's going to be

all Star Wars and Star Wars Lego.

Excellent, excellent.

I'm not getting rid of my spawn,

but it's going to go in

storage for a little while.


and they're supposed to be doing

something with Spawn, too, so stay tuned.

Yeah, don't get me started, man.

Back to the Bad Batch.


There you go.

So we did see Wolfpack at

the midway point in this season,

I believe it was.

We did.

With Hunter and Rets and...

I think it was Rets.

When they...

I'm trying to remember what

part it was in.

It was on one of the bases.

I think it was when Gregor pulled up.

Not Gregor, I'm sorry.

The Wolf Pack leader.

Captain Wolf.

Wolf was leading them to

stop them from escaping.

That's right.

The first assassin when he

first showed up.

Once again, damn, man.

It should have been fucking tech.



Let tech be.

So you guys aren't getting it.

It's just like fucking

WrestleMania with Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes should have

fucking turned heel.

That would have been the

emotional attachment.

Oh, he's going to.

We're getting there.

I've given up on it, but go ahead, sir.

I just wanted to shout out

to the Wolf Pack because we

actually got the Wolf Pack.


Here's the thing.

What happened to Wolf?

What happened to Commander

Cody and all these other characters?

We never saw any of them ever again.

I feel like Cody's going to

just pop back in another

project at some point.

He really does.

They were on Rebels at the end, right?

They did show up at the end of Rebels.

See, this is where I'm...

what I'm saying like there's

one I mean so what would

say okay frankie what was

he doing at the end of

rebels when he was with uh

he was with uh captain rex

and coach when cody no wolf

and gregor with rex where

was cody at see that's what

I'm saying I don't know okay so

In between all of this that

was going on over these years,

because it's 19 years from

Revenge of the Sith through A New Hope.

So you've got all that.

Cody, remember, at the time of A New Hope,

only the 501st has any

clones left within the

stormtrooper brigade or any of that stuff.

Only the 501st has clones.

Of those, I'm pretty sure,

and they became more of a

you know, number.

They were phased out.

We may see,

and this is something that I

would be interested in seeing, you know,

a 501st, you know, something on the 501st,

which details how all the

clones are brought back

into just the 501st because

they're dying out.

And that's why in A New Hope, you know,

Star Troopers can't shoot for shit.

Because they are normal,

regular people now.

There are no clones.

There are no clones.

They're not clones.

Yeah, we only saw, like,

when it comes to the 501st and the clones,

we only saw one of the clones in Obi-Wan,

and he was homeless.


Remember that.

Yes, that's the only thing.

I don't think he was 501st, though.

I think he was just a clone that...

escape remember they they

they phase out all follow

it doesn't matter what

what's calling you was

follow first or anything

they phased them all out

palpatine got rid of all of

them exactly I got that

yeah so he was that but uh

Which I think he did that

too to hurt Vader.

Because everybody knows the

501st were loyal to Skywalker, Vader.


I don't think the 501st still has all

their clones up until A New Hope.

It's the other clones and

the other units and

commands that lost all of their clones.

They were either killed... Now,

in the way that they had in the EU was...

They had a life lock.

They regenerate.

They age twice as long.

So by the time of New Hope,

they were all dead because

they were too old and they

died and all that stuff.

They kind of get away with

that after Disney took it over.

But yet still,

those clothes with the 501st

was still there.

That was the only unit that had clothes.

And then they all died on the Death Star.

Yeah, I kind of like your idea, though,

concept of just a 501st show.

And I think that would

actually be kind of cool.

You know,

a 501st Vader show would be

interesting because you

hear about all these

missions the 501st went on with Vader.

They were Vader's fists.

That's the whole point of it.

And just to see these

different stories and just –

If Palpatine made the decision to just,

okay, I want to wipe out the clones,


and Vader sticks up for the 501st.

Kind of see that type of shit.

But then, once again,

that would be kind of going, you know,

Vader showing empathy to, you know.

But I think that that was

the point of that scene in

Kenobi of showing the clone

down and out homeless,

begging with his helmet that

you know,

the clones were basically destitute.

And we see that in the Bad Batch.

We also see it in a couple

episodes of Rebels as well.


Their whole thing was we

have to free all the clones

that are in this thing to

give them some sort of freedom,

to give them what we have found.

And it's that point of what

happens to the clones, this and this.

Because now Order 66 is no

longer relevant.


But I'm wondering, though,

if you can... And I wonder

if we're going to get this at some point,

because I feel like this is

not the last Dee Bradley

Baker appearance or project

we're going to get.

I feel like the idea of what

happens to the clones after

is going to happen in Rex.

I feel like Captain Rex is

going to get his own show.

That kind of ties...

If I had my wallet,

I'd say shut up and take my

money because I'm all about it.

I hope not.

We're seeing Rex into everything.

I think I agree with Frankie on this that,

you know,

give the other clones out there

some shine.

Yeah, or Cody.

Cody gets the show.

But I feel like there's

going to be something to

kind of just bridge the gap.

yeah but and rex is the most

recognizable clone other

than cody and now you have

the bad batch but people

resonate with rex so I feel

like disney they're

probably going to go that

route and you know have and

there's some you know

something I mean I know

this would be kind of like

fucking with stuff but once

again if you're looking at

it from this emotional attachment like

There are some unresolved

things you can do with

Captain Rex that hasn't been done before.


how would Rex feel knowing that the

guy he's been fighting against his old,

you know,

Anakin Skywalker is fucking Vader?

We didn't get no kind of,

there was no closure with that.

See, Ahsoka knows.

Ahsoka found out.

I thought Ahsoka told him.

In Rebels.

I thought she did tell him.

If she did, I may have missed it.

She did, but there's that gap of time.

Hey, Kelvin!

There's that gap of time, though,

between even with her in

Tales of the Jedi,

her deciding to be Fulcrum

and him kind of doing his side mission.

There's some point where

they have to come back

together or reconnect or something.

I mean, she still has to be rescued.

And just a lot of these shows, once again,

a lot of these...


the thing with Ahsoka is if you

didn't watch Rebels,

you have no idea what the

hell is going on in Ahsoka.

You don't know any of these characters.

So it's kind of like if you

do a Captain Rex show and

you show the history of

Captain Rex and his

attachment to General Skywalker.


that's something new for the new fans.

You know, I mean, we're the old heads.

We get shit, you know what I mean?

But it's the newer people

that's got to catch up to

speed on everything.

So when we talk about these new projects,

and I love, like I said,

the concept of a 501st

censored show to show that

point of view from them.

Because, I mean, we saw the Clone Wars.

We saw that.

But just specifically this side over here,

these particular clones,

the ones that are loyal to Vader,

that would be an

interesting show right there.

And to see them, I mean,

did any of them have any kind of,

you know, resentment to the Empire?

You know, were they starting to feel like,

okay, some of this shit's not right.

You know what I'm saying?

Because, I mean, during the Clone Wars,

they all worked together.

You know what I mean?

But you have some that were just,

they were specifically with

Anakin Skywalker.

They were loyal to him.


Did they?

There's a lot of shit here.

The different lies.

I mean,

like we talked about earlier with Omega,

what was her motivation for

joining Rebellion?

It's because the Empire was bad.

That's what it was.

That's another motivation.

They just, even though we did this,

we blew up Mount Tantis and

all this bullshit.

the empire is still bad.

It's still here.


they're still doing all this shit there.

I don't know.

I don't understand.

We had an accurate cartoon back in the day,

but I would still be all about it.

You know, I had a little kid.

He walked.

I was trying to take a

picture with me over there,

but she was scared to death.

And she should have been.

Yeah, she should have been.

I was like,

none of these kids are coming up to me.

Have they ever watched episode three?


They don't know.

Did y'all see that force pull?

I pulled a drink.

I did.

I did.

That was a good force pull.

What kind of cup is that?

Seven brew.




I'm like, I'm here for a new one.

If she really cared about you,

she'd have sent us all one.

It'll come in the mail in

the next two months.

We're not that far apart.

I agree with Bill on that.

Ewok show, I'm here for it.

They did have a cartoon back

in the day that was actually good.

The Ewoks were popular at Star Wars night.

I know that.

They not only had the cartoons,

they had two movies.

But you know what?

They're Ewoks and I'm not

mad and I'd take more Ewoks.

I'm here for it.

That's just me.

I'm a Star Wars guy.

Give me Ewoks.

I was dying at the trailer.

We'll get to it.

I know we're going to talk about the Lego.

We're going to talk Legos

and action figures if we get there.

It made me happy.

We may have to do a part two.

I'll be down for that too.

Listen, Bad Batch.

He owns it.

You know what, Bill?

You probably still own it.

It's probably in a box in your ass.

I watch it on Disney Plus all the time.

I've watched a couple of them.

I go back and watch the Clone Wars,

the original 2D Clone Wars.

It's the best one out there.

That's so good.

The best clone ever is Fordo, not Rex.


Who Rex was made based on Fordo.

ford's last stand yeah I

seen a dude build that shit

in lego and it was amazing

like he had custom fordo

lego minifigs made for it

and it was top notch but

you know it's funny how

much the the the captain

rex bad batch uh captain rex

Black Series figure goes for?

It's up there with Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker.

It is his OG one, yeah.

Yeah, it's pretty hefty.

And I've come across several

of them on eBay.

I'm like,

am I really going to pay this

much more for a fucking toy?


Yes, you are.

Yes, we will.

I have him and Cody in TVC.

And there's supposed to be a

two-pack with him and Cody

coming out eventually.

I don't know when they're

going to drop that one,

but I know that one's

supposed to be a drop.

What up, dude?

Real quick,

when we sum up here real quick

on the Bad Batch from start to finish,

what do we say the legacy

of the Bad Batch is as far

as what it was able to do

for Disney Plus?

Following this journey,

And following this

particular set of

rebellious clones and Omega and all that,

are we satisfied with the way it ended?

I am.

I think Filoni, I always feel like,

is back.

I feel like he's doing what

he did with the prequels,

with the Clone Wars and

Rebels and fleshing it out and is like,

we're going to make it.

Because again,

we all know that the prequel

backlash back then was very real.

I feel like, again,

with the sequel backlash,

it's deserved because I'm

not a fan of the sequels.

Nobody is.

If they say they are, they're lying.

But I think,

I think here it's trying to connect.

He's doing what he did with the prequels.

It's okay.

We brought in,

we're going to throw in

project necromancer to show that,

you know,

this is something Palpatine's

done for a while.

It's not just something new.

I think it's going to lead

into a feed into more of

what we're going to get a Mando.

I feel like we're going to

get more of an extension.


And even some of,

if we get extra content or

that's based in the Mando

universe or the Mando verse,

I think it's going to fill in.

you know,

kind of tie in here's the

previous research.

Here's how it's going to flow into here.

So I think it's just

throwing the idea out there of, you know,

if we throw it out there early,

maybe people will buy it

for rise of Skywalker.

Who knows?


But it gave us new, it gave us new,

a new perspective for star

Wars in terms of, you know, you,

you have everything told

from the viewpoint of the clones and,

I'm not necessarily directly

Skywalker based.

So, I mean, you know,

it's still in the same universe,

but doesn't necessarily

kind of like rebels doesn't

directly rely on the Skywalker.

So I thought it was,

I thought it was effective.

I liked the science-y side

of it a little bit.

And we got Cad Bane.

We got Finnick.

We got some guys.

I will never be mad for

getting Cad Bane or Finnick.

It's never bad for more Cad Bane.

So I will say this, as far as their legacy,

I'll kind of look at it like Vin Diesel.

and say it is family.

I mean, I, I, I agree.

I mean, I'm just, you know something,

I'm just a sucker.

I'm just a sucker, honestly, for, um,

just the fact that, you know,

we're still getting a star Wars content.


And that's the thing about it.

Now I'm just going to be honest with you.

I'm not,

I'm most likely not going to watch

the acolyte show.

I just, I can't get with it.


But if people like it, hey,

more power to you if you like it.

I'm not here to force

anybody to like something

or don't like it.

I'm just saying what I don't like.

Now, when it comes to the Bad Batch,

I came in late on that shit.

You know what I'm saying?

But I liked what I saw.

I liked them, you know,

Project Necromancer and all this stuff.

And I said, okay,

this is going to tie to...

sequel trilogy somehow you

know they got to go back

and write the wrongs is

what they that's what

they're doing right now

that's what they're exactly

trying to do you know I

told you we were having

that conversation frank I

told you bad batch was

better than what you

thought it was you did and

that's like but I'm such an

yes I have to I have to uh

you know nobody will argue

that frank no exactly I

admit the I'm not like one of these other

that walk around and, you know, oh,

I'm just a good guy.

No, you're not.

Fuck you.

I am what I am.

You know what I'm saying?

So it just takes me a while.

And I'm such a critic on

every fucking thing.

And that goes back to wrestling.

I used to be the biggest

wrestling fucking mark.


And so I learned the business.

So when I learned the

business and then worked

inside the business and all

this and know the

intricacies of how everything works,

it's hard for me to sit back and be like,

you know, enjoy something.

You can't enjoy it anymore.

You have to look at it from a different.

I went into the let me tell

you what I did.

This is going to sound like crazy.

All right.

Every time the bad batch happened,

guess what it was in my house.

That was spaghetti night.

Oh, wow.

Yeah, that was spaghetti night.

Me and my wife would eat spaghetti.

On Wednesday?

On Wednesday and watch the bad match.

That's just what we do.


That's what it was to us.

I went into that shit as a fan.

I didn't go into it as like, oh, well,

I wish they would have done this.

You know,

playing Monday morning quarterback.

I never did that shit.

I went into it as a fan

because I was genuinely like,

where is this story going to go?


Now, I was happy for the happy ending,

but fuck, man,

I wish they could have done so much

Because there was so much

open-ended shit that

happened with the end of

that show to where you're

kind of wondering now,

where are they going to go with this?

And you know the slate for

the Star Wars projects that are coming up,

there's nothing on there for the clones.

There's nothing on there.

It's the skeleton crew.

It's the bad – skeleton crew.

It's – what is it?

The Acolytes.

There's nothing else after that.

Let's take a look at the

comments real quick.

We got Brian who are giving

– Brian giving us props.

Thank you.

We appreciate it.

That's what I personally

like to try to do is bring

some positive and hopefully

somebody learns something

while listening to us talk

the Star Wars universe.

I like this question a lot.

I don't think Skeleton Crew

takes place within the same verse.

Is it?

I thought it took place in

Old Republic with Skeleton Crew.


all this stuff that's happening right

now is all connected.

Skeleton Crew, Mando, Ahsoka,

all this shit is all

leading to the Filoni

I knew that.

I just couldn't remember if

Skeleton Crew was part of

the Mandoverse if it takes

place in the Old Republic.

The only thing that they're

coming out with that takes

place in the Old Republic is the Acolyte.


they're calling that one... What is it?

The High Republic era.


High Republic bullshit.

I mean, it happens.

It's in the books.



a lot of people were talking about

those books.


Those books,

there was some good stuff in those books,


There was.

The comic right now is fire, dude.

I'm not going to bullshit nobody.

We'll see what happens when

the show comes out.

We'll see what the show, man.

Let me tell you something.

I saw the Acolyte the other day, right?

And I don't know what the

fuck to think about the Acolyte.

The mask looks very Apo for me.

Because I have a bunch of

teeth on the side of the motherfucker.

So I don't know, man.

I'm kind of sketchy about it.

And I'm saying this shit now

as we're saying, oh,

I'm not going to watch it.

I'll probably watch it.

You're going to watch it.

Yeah, because I'm a Star Wars mark.

So of course I'm going to

fucking watch it.

I just have to keep up my persona.

So this is,

we talked about Bad Batch start

to finish.



I hate the Bad Batch.

How dare you?

That's spaghetti night for me.

How can you hate spaghetti night?

The reason why I hate the

Bad Batch is it has nothing

to do with the characters.

Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, especially Tech.

Y'all don't know how much

Tech dying hurt me.

I would have rather one of the others died,

especially that punk-ass Crosshair.

And I especially hate Omega.

And all of that is because of Filoni.

When you understand where he

got the Bad Batch from and

what we missed out on because of him...

Oh, my God.

Look up.

And this is for you,

Frankie D. Look up the Noel arcs.

That's it.

Look up the Noel arcs.

That's who that's where he

got the concept of the bad batch from.

Noel arcs.

The Noel arcs.

And when I tell you that.

frankie go and listen to the

karen travis clone war book

clone commando books I

guarantee you you will say

oh my god I hate the bad

batch too now they are

awesome the the this

cartoon took me to I loved

it I i loved what it was

doing I love what it did

for star wars I love for it

you know bring it into some

focus episode nine project necromancer um

Omega's annoying, but I loved her.

So we got to talk about Amory.


Is that how you say it?



We have to talk to her

because there is a doctor in Mando.

Who is overseeing the cloning project.


Or who could possibly be her son,

which was one of my

favorite things I seen from the weekend.


As far as like, cause the glasses,

everything makes sense.


That it could possibly be her son.

And we know she leaves with

echo to go help them save

the other clones,

which is what her mission

essentially becomes is saving the clones.


And with her being a doctor,

that makes sense.

And it also makes sense for

her to possibly have had a

child in this guy who works

now for the Empire.

Who works in genetics being

potentially her son.

Because he says he learned

it from his mom.

Or being stonewalled into

working for the Empire.


You know, because of whatever.

I made that connection too.


Originally, I was so upset.

The reason why I didn't like

Omega was because of why she was created.


Yet another way for Thelonious to say, aha,

Bubba Fett isn't the only one,

and he's no longer special and unique.

Well, we all know that's bullshit.


that's exactly what they did with Omega.

Bubba Fett was the only unaltered, ungrown,

super grown clone, and this and this,

and now we have Omega unaltered.

and it changes all of that.

You got Alpha and Omega.

Emery's a clone as well.

Yeah, but see, okay, here's the thing,


This is where you gotta get it.

This is how I look at this, okay?

So, yes,

Omega's a new... It's the new drink.

But you can't replace Boba Fett...

It's not happening.

Because that's a smaller,

that bad batch audience is

a smaller niche audience.

Boba Fett goes all the way

back to the original.

I'm with you.

Hold on.

You're not going to find a

bigger Boba Fett fan than I am.

Here's where,

and this is my problem with Thelonious.

He created Din Djarin to get rid of,

to supplant Boba Fett.



And then they created that

atrocious Book of Boba Fett,

which has made him almost –

they did the same thing to

him that they did to Luke

Skywalker in Episode 8.

When does not speak of Book

of Boba Fett on live TV?

Well, let me ask you a question.

Is that – okay,

I know the whole thing with Dave.

I understand.

I get it.

But we got to remember something here,


It's not Filoni at the time.

This is the one down that's

pulling the strings here.

I saw Kathleen Kennedy

pulling the strings.

No, no, no, no, no.

So Filoni has had full

creative control over

everything in Star Wars,

not Kathleen Kennedy.

Hold on a second.

We can blame Kathleen

Kennedy for a lot of stuff.

I am blaming Kathleen Kennedy.

Okay, but for Boba Fett?


Bubble Fett, because remember,

there was supposed to be a

Bubble Fett movie.

It was Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni.

Dave Filoni has long since

hated Bubble Fett.

That's why he did them that

way during the Clone Wars cartoon,

the original,

which Kathleen Kennedy had

nothing to do with.

When they came along, he said,

I don't want to do Bubble Fett.

Bubble Fett sucks.

Those are Dave Filoni's words.

Kathleen Kennedy ran with it

and did all this other stuff.

But it was Dave Filoni and

Jon Favreau that said,

we got someone better.

We got a real Mandalorian.

We've got this.

And that's how that whole

thing came about.

People kept saying,

are we going to get Bubble Fett?

Are we going to get Bubble Fett?

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

And so they brought in Boba Fett,

but then the way to get rid

of a guy to make him

unpalatable to anyone else

and to make your guy seem a superstar,

they gave him the Luke

Skywalker treatment.

Nobody who's seen episode eight,

and that was the sequels

where their introduction

likes Luke Skywalker.

The same thing with the Book of Boba Fett.

You can go back and you can go,

but he's not the same.

That whole, oh, come on, man.

Well, okay, to agree with you on that,

just look at what they did

in the Book of Boba Fett

when it comes to it was no

longer about him.

You brought Luke Skywalker

and Ahsoka and Grogu onto his show,

and it was no longer about him.

That was to push his other... But then,

in reality, they fucked themselves.

Because when season three of

The Mandalorian came out,

people were wondering,

why the fuck is Grogu back

with Din Djarin when he was

with Skywalker?

Because Thelonious got

control back of... They did

that because... They did

that because everything

that they were trying to do

with that disastrous book of Boba Fett,

they failed.

The only good thing is we

got Cad Bane out of it.

That live action was not well.

The only good thing about

that is they killed Cad Bane.

So here's another thing.

I want to break up right quick.

So here's the thing.

We got to think about with this too.

So they're going to do the

Mandalorian and Grogu film.

And they're putting a lot into that.

They're putting a lot into

the popularity of quote

unquote baby Yoda.


Baby Yoda.

Baby Yoda.

We know what it is,

but to the casual Mark fan,

it's Baby Yoda.

So, when it comes down to,

you're trying to... They're

talking about this movie's

going to come out in 2026, possibly.

The earliest.

Maybe 2027.

Is anyone going to give a

fuck about Baby Yoda by that time?

All the people that have

grown up that fell in love with Baby Yoda,

are they going to still

give a fuck when this movie

comes out about Baby Yoda?

I think they will because I

think in between here and

now... Real quick.

With the sour taste of

of season three of The Mandalorian,

are people going to give a shit?

Just like this.

Are people going to give a fuck?

Because it's pretty much out there.

Luke Skywalker is back.

Are people going to give a

fuck about Luke Skywalker

after what they did to him?


Simply because it's Luke Skywalker.

We'll see.

We'll see.

Let's close out the Bad Batch real quick.

So, the end.

We're going straight to episode 13.

Is it 13?


Episode 15.

Omega is once again escaping the Empire.

And she does the most Omega thing ever.

Which is called Complete Chaos.

On the way out.

On the way out.

I mean,

she straight up releases the one

thing nobody can control.

Was it the Gila Beast?

The Zillow Beast.

The Zillow Beast.

They had their fucking

Jurassic fucking Park moment.

I was happy, though, for it.

Because he just got done.

That was one of the saddest

episodes of the Clone Wars.

It really was.

It was.

and but now we the zilla

beast literally has mount

tatis all to himself during

a damn thing on that island

that can mess with him I'm

like be free be free run

just like how the fucking

the the t-rex and all them

had jurassic park at the

end there you go nature

yeah I mean they even had

like a little the zilla

beast actually had like a

little t-rex of their

It did.

It did.

They found a way.

It's like Jurassic Park, man.

They had their Jurassic Park moment.

I mean,

the best thing ever is when Emery

and Echo are trying to track down Omega,

and it's just like,

follow the fucking chaos.

And they're like, Omega was here.

Omega was here.

She's like, well,

how do you know it was Omega?

Omega was here, trust us.

It's like, at this point, Echo knows, like,

if you just follow the chaos,

you're gonna find Omega.


We've already talked about

the shot that Crosshair takes at the end.

I mean, Hunter is just like, trust me,

Omega knows what to do.

Just take the shot.

And it was like this perfectly timed.

She stabs him and ducks.

Crosshair takes the shot

with one good hand that barely functions.

And they kill him.

Oh, they shot him to shit.

And he fell off the fucking bridge as well,

which was even better.

So I was like,

they're scraping him up like

something's going to eat him down below.


Hopefully in the beast.

Yeah, that would be.

Yeah, I'm here for.

Yeah, I'm here for it.


And then we get to the

ending and we see a we see

Emery and Echo fly together to help,

you know,

to continue the fight with rats

and to help the other clones.

We see everybody just kind

of sitting and they take that breath,

you know, just like, fuck.

Like, finally, we can take a breather.

And then we get like the blackout,

which is where I kind of

thought it was going to end.

But then she turns on the

lights in the cave.

I'm like, oh,

what the fuck's going on here?

I'm like, oh, damn,

Omega's grown up all of a sudden.



And, you know, Hunter's like, what,

you think you're just going

to leave and not say goodbye?

Like the most fucking dad moment ever.

And it's kind of like, well, damn.

All right, Hunter.

And they have their little conversation.

I mean, she still didn't.

She just says the rebellion

needs pilots and like she

never really gives us the

good reason that we discussed.

But I thought it was a

fitting in because she

grows up and her brothers let her go.

So what did y'all think

about the ending of how it

actually ended?

Minus it's not really

getting a good reason for her to leave.

You know what?

She did say a little bit

more than just the rebellion.

You know, the rebellion needs pilots.

She pretty much said, you know, this is,

you know, my fight.

You know, yes, you guys,

you guys have had your fight.

This is this.

The rebellion needs pilots.

And so she let that go.

Again, I think that if it was a, you know,

more of a sacrifice and, you know,

it might have been just her and Hunter,

it would have been more poignant.

it might have hit harder.


But I did say, okay,

so they're going to continue this,

and we'll see Omega somewhere else.

All right.

I'm telling you,

we're going to see her in

that new series that the other girl –

is writing Rogue Squadron.

That makes the most sense

because you have to get her

out of the Skywalker, you know,

event or the Skywalker of it all, right?

You need to get her out of

there because it's going to

mess up what you already have.

We can't do,

there's nothing we can do

about the sequels unless

they completely retcon them.


No more retconning.

No more retconning.

That's the only way they're

going to... So they have to

work around that.

And so for all of that to make sense,

they have to get her out of

the way somehow.

So why not stick her in the Outer Rim?

Which is, I think,

where the Rogue Squadron is

supposed to take place anyway.

It is.

From what I'm reading, it's the Outer Rim.

And where...

We'll see where it hits up.

We may not see her for a long time.


it'll probably be two years at least.

I don't know, dude.

Let me put it like this.

Like I said,

things are happening right now

at Lucasfilm where they are

going back to... I know people say, oh,

let's move.

Let's move away from the Skywalker shit.

They're not moving away from it.

They're going back to it

because that's what makes some money.

This is a business, okay?

They're going to make money.

They don't give a fuck about

all the rest of the shit

that we're talking about.

They're into it for the bottom line.

They're into it to make money.

So they realize what makes money.

They're going to go back to

what makes them money.

The shit that they don't

want to go back to.

They tried with their

characters and it didn't work.

They tried with Rey.

They tried with Kylo Ren.

They tried with all these

different characters.

That shit didn't work.

They had to go back to where it works.


if you can take Omega and put her

somewhere where we can put

her out the way until we need her,

I'm cool with that.

But unfortunately right now, well,

not unfortunately for me

because I fucking love it.

They're going back to what works,

which is the prequels and

the original trilogy.

That's what they're going back to.

With that, though,

let's jump in to Tales of

the Empire that released May 4th.

Oh, let's jump in to this piece of shit.

So we got six brand new

episodes of Star Wars on Saturday,

May the 4th, which, oh, by the way,

it was free comic book day.

I hope everybody got out and

got some free comics.

Oh, I know.

Hell yeah.

I got a bunch of them.


Hell yeah.

Like, I sent that out to my unit just like,


you want to do something with the

kids that's free?

And it gives them an

opportunity to pick up

something to either color

in or freaking read.

Go do it.



I loved it.


I love free comic book day.

It's my favorite day of the year.

And it just so happened to

correspond with May the 4th.


I got to say something quick

because I got to jump off

here in a minute.

We're going to talk about Tazian.

Let me give a little solidic way,

as Dusty Rose would say.

All right.

And then I'll let you guys handle it.

I thought this was a

complete fucking waste of my time.

You take a character here at

Jabron in the first three episodes.

The only cool part about

that was General Grievous.

That was the only thing that

was cool about that.

He also got Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Those were the only two

things in the whole fucking thing.

You take a character I don't

give a fuck about.

And you give her three episodes, whatever.

Then we go to Beresov.

That's the one I was interested in.

That's the one I wanted to see.

Because what's going to be

that fucking showdown here

with Beresov and when Vader

sees her fucking ass after

what happened in the Clone Wars?

That's what I was waiting for.

I was waiting to see that.

But then I look at it from

the perspective of Vader,

the way Vader thinks.

He's not Anakin Skywalker.

He's Vader.

So whatever Anakin Skywalker did,

he didn't do that.

So that's what we were waiting on.

And to me, it was a bait and switch.

Because literally what you

saw of Vader in those

episodes is what you saw in

the fucking trailer.

There was nothing more, nothing less.

So that to me, it was a bait and switch.

I liked the main character simply because,

the four sisters, simply because...

of how ruthless she was but

you also knew at the same

time barry zafi wasn't

going to go to the dark

side that was she was never

a sith she was she was

trying to show well none of

the inquisitors were really

ever sith so for the first

two or three yeah I know

that they they were just

you know you know they had

to survive yeah but at the

same time you look at her and

Barazavi wanted to call out

the corruption of the Jedi Council,

she thought.

That's why she bombed the temple.

She wanted to bring this corruption.

So when you see now that

there's an even bigger evil

than what you thought,

you're either going to

become a casualty of the

war or you're going to join.

We all knew she wasn't going

to last as an Inquisitor.

It wasn't going to fucking

happen because she was still good.

Even though she did a bad thing,

she was still good.

So, in that retrospect, I like that story,

but I didn't give a fuck

about the first three.

I just didn't care.

That could have been spent

on somebody else.

Maybe on the minority on this.

But I just,

I went into it with an open mind.

I'm like, okay,

this is going to be the end.

Like, this is it.

Tales of the Empire, right?

When you put Tales of the

Empire up against Tales of the Jedi,

there's no fucking comparison.

Tales of the Jedi blows this

shit out the fucking water.


Tales of the, I mean,

When did you get Tales of the Jedi?

You got Qui-Gon.

You got all this shit.

Skywalker is just baseline.

You can branch from that.

I would love to see Anakin's

journey as Vader.

Thank you.

That's what I'm talking about.

That's what I mean right there.

You need more.

And I know it.

And I'm speaking on this

because of just my love

affair and obsession with Vader.

But you need more Vader.

Because there's more to the

character than just you know

I'm your father.

There's more to it than that.

I want to see, you know, what was this?

You know, honestly, dude,

there's lots of fan films.

I just saw one that was on

YouTube where Vader fought Vader.

Sounds crazy, I know.

But he actually fought himself.

But it was a light side

Vader who was Anakin that

was telling him that you

were supposed to be the

chosen one and you let everybody down.

So he fought himself.

So there's... Why are fans...

making better content when

it relates to these

characters than what Disney's doing.

Obi-Wan Kenobi real quick.

Sorry, Jeff.

I know.

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

There's a fan film of

Obi-Wan Kenobi on YouTube

that Debra Child and Disney

completely fucking ripped off of.

They sold the entire concept.

Everything they sold from

that fucking fan film is in

the Obi-Wan Kenobi show except Vader.

They sold it all.

So when you say Thelonious stealing shit,

yes, sir, you're absolutely correct.

They steal shit all the time.

And they still can't do it

better than we can.

I'm at the point here where I'm like,


I could do a fucking fan film here

in San Antonio and it would

be ten times better than

anything you do at Disney.

You know, you could do a fan film.

It could be me in there with

Revan or me in there with Niles.

Of course, I'll get fucking, you know,

Malgus, Darth Bane,

all these motherfuckers.

you know,

I can just call it a whole damn movie.

Just, you know, the darts, you know,

we just, you know,

going around San Antonio, just, you know,

fuck you.

You know what I'm saying?

But no, no more, but just, I just,

you know, honestly, when it comes down to,

to the tells the empire, I was just,

I was so disappointed in that, man.

I was like, I was looking forward to that.

I really was.

And I just, I didn't, I didn't like it.

They, they, they, they kind of lost me.

They really did.

It's just, I mean,

embarrassed off of school,

but this first Morgan, I was like,

who gives a fuck, man.

Well, hold on.

This is why they give a fuck

and agree or disagree

because people wanted to

know more about where

Morgan Ellsworth came from

because of Ahsoka.

So that's why the give a fuck was there.

Did they really?


Not you.

We understand, but people do.


Even just the culture of Dathomir.

I've seen this shit in Jedi Survivor.

The Nightsisters.

There's a whole fucking

mission about that shit.

On Dathomir.

I've gone to Dathomir several times.

The video game aside...


what happened with Elsa's the night


Cause in Disney cannon,

there's only like three that were left.



So what happened to them, you know?

I mean,

we knew General Grievous did his thing.

We had all of them.

So what happened to all of them?


this kind of shows how Grievous and

them just went and

eradicated all of them.

And not just the plain tribe

that Morgan Elspeth is from,

but also the mountain tribe

eventually as well.

But hold on a second.

I guess what I'm getting at

here is the show was called

Tales of the Empire.

She's a part of the Empire.

What's that?

She was a part of the Empire.

But I don't consider I don't

consider the Empire that

she was a part of to be the

Empire that the Galactic Empire.

But it was though.

She's literally briefed in

the Galactic Empire.

Not really.

Not really.

It's not because it's not.

It's not the same to me.

So that's the thing I'm getting at.

If they would have called it

something else,

maybe Tales of the Dark Side or some shit,

that would have been different.

I don't know.

When I'm thinking Empire,

I'm thinking more stories

that relates to people in

the actual Empire.

I'm sorry.

I don't give a shit about that story.

Hold on.

So if they would have done

Tales of the Empire and had...

What's his name?

The chess guy.

Red, blue skin.



Would that have been all right?


because Thrawn worked alongside Vader.

I mean, he was in the Empire.

But Morgan Elspeth was... This show,

Thrawn recruiting Morgan Elspeth.

Morgan Elspeth,

because she wanted revenge on the Empire.

I'm sorry.

I'm going by this.

It's just, it didn't do shit for me.

It didn't.

I gave it a chance.

I like... Okay, let me tell you like this.

I like the animation of the show.

The animation was top-notch.

Like, that was some cool-ass shit.

I just... To me,

I wasn't... Maybe I have to

give it a re-watch.

I think what it came down to

is I went into something

with high expectations.

Because I saw the trailer for it,

and I marked out for it big time.

I was down for it.

And then I think what

happened was I think the

execution for me wasn't right.

It wasn't good for me.

So would you have been more

interested in the first

half if it featured more

Vader versus Thrawn?


because it doesn't have to be

necessarily Vader.

It just has to be give me something.

Thank you, the Sith.

Give me something more in

relation to that.

that's that's what because

I'm thinking we're gonna

get a tales of the sith I

feel like that's coming

yeah I mean we got in two I

mean like he just like he

just like he just like he

just like the comment just

said right there the empire

started because of the sith

that's correct that's the

entire thing that set the

shit in motion it was

palpatine's the sith that's

what it was we

Empire was already there.

The Sith decided to

infiltrate the Empire

because they were having

problems keeping and

maintaining their own power.

This is just fleshing out other stuff.

Like Bears Ophi.

I could have gave five shits

about Bears Ophi.

I only cared about that

story because I remember

what happened in the Clone Wars.

Come on, man.


when you look at the fucking

trailer of the goddamn show,

they know what they were doing.

They baited you in to watch it,

and you watched it.


They baited you in.

They got their view from you.


So that's what I'm getting at here.

It's like, okay,

if I'm looking at the

Morgan Ellsworth story, I'm like, okay,

that was cool.


this is what I think it comes down to.

When I was watching it, I was like, okay,

this is cool.

I like the first two episodes.

But the third episode of the Morgan story,

I didn't give a shit anymore.

Because is this what they're going with?

And then when the Bears

office story happened, I'm like, okay,

When she says, you know,

you're in here for crimes

against the Republic and yada, yada,


That's cool.

But then it's like,

you wanted something there with her.

It's just for me personally.

And I think a lot of people,

because the videos I've

been seeing on YouTube with

all these big ass content creators,

same shit.

You wanted her to have that

moment with Vader because

of what happened with Ahsoka.

That whole thing, it goes, it goes back.

We didn't get that.


but he wasn't going to reveal the

fact that he was Anakin

Skywalker to her when he

just became Lord Vader.

But what I'm getting at is

what kind of bullshit would

he have if you had had

Vader single her out as this Inquisitor?

Because if you remember correctly,

when Vader met the Grand Inquisitor,

he damn near killed that motherfucker.

Same thing here.

You really have to go

through some bullshit to

even become an Inquisitor.

So if he would have like put

the pressure on bears to

the point where she would have quit,

that would have been a more like, okay,

this isn't for me.

We didn't see any of that.

We started going through a

couple of training sessions

and all of a sudden now they're, you know,

they're going to go for Jedi.

So I think when it comes down to me,

it's like kind of like a

buyer's remorse kind of thing.

Like I watched the shit and

I thought about it because

I have to think about these

things after I'm done.

I'm like,

That was not as satisfying

to me as I thought it was.

The animation was top notch.

The Disney animation fucking

gets better and better

every fucking show I watch.

It's like crazy.

But it's just, to me,

the storytelling just wasn't there.

And then the use of pronouns

and all that bullshit,

I didn't like it either.




Alright, Amanda.


they fleshed out two characters

which I'm going to be honest with you.

I'm mid on Ahsoka,

and the only reason why I

like Ahsoka is because of Ogre.

I'm sorry.

I've hated her from the beginning.

Rosario Dawson?


I've hated Ahsoka because

she annoyed the fuck out of

me in Clone Wars.


So we get the live action,

and even Morgan Ellsworth

was in The Mandalorian.

Episode 3 of Tales of the...

The Empire is exactly where Mando pits up.


Well, I knew that.

I get that.

But it's just, it didn't do anything.


maybe because it didn't do anything

for me because I didn't

give a fuck about her in a

Mandalorian either.


That's what it was.

But that's just you, man.

I understand that.

That's why I said, I said me.

I said me.

I didn't say you.

I said me.

I got you.

Just because I don't like

something that's me,

you don't have to not like it.

That's what I'm getting at.

I got you.

you I got you Frankie I'm

just saying and the whole

thing with Bear Sophie I I

I could have cared less

about Bear Sophie but I

like what they did

You know, I was like, okay.

It was a good nod for Clone Wars fans.

When Vader came in, I was like, oh shit,

there's Vader.

I was happy to have Jason

Isaacs back as Inquisitor.

He's just great.

I'm here for it.

I was like, I need more Inquisitor.

Jesus Christ.

Don't get me started on how

they wasted the Grand

Inquisitor and Obi-Wan Kenobi.



But we're not talking about that.

We're talking about Tales of the Empire.

Yeah, I know,

and it brings back a bunch of bad shit.

I mean, I went into this open-minded.

We were getting Morgan Elspeth,

so we got Diana Lee back,

the granddaughter, well,

not granddaughter,

the daughter of Grandmaster Dan Inosato.


And, oh, by the way,

he trained with Bruce Lee,

and Bruce Lee is her godfather.


We also got Lars Mikkelsen

back as Grand Admiral Thrawn.

We got Katie Sackhoff as

frickin' Bo-Katan again for

about half a second,

which I still appreciated the nod that,

hey, they just called Bo-Katan for help.


We could already put

together Morgan Elsbeth's story.

We really could from the

Mando and what we got from

Mando and what we got from Ahsoka.

We knew the story.

We knew General Grievous burned Dathomir.

There was three tribes of Dathomir,

I think.

There was a total of seven.


And we know that he burned

it top to bottom.

So we knew that.

We knew that she wanted

revenge on Grievous himself.

That was her purpose.

That's why Grand Admiral

Thawne wanted to hear her

say is that she wanted the revenge.

And he still brought her on

to be a part of the Empire

and to work for him.

She didn't work for the Empire necessarily,

which she did in the beginning,

but she worked for him.


and I said that when I was watching it,

that explains their relationship,

you know, so wide or so close.

So I understand the

storytelling point of view.

I just, I guess, I guess as a, as a, as a,

you know, just, just a fan that I am.

I just, I wanted more of, of.

You wanted more empire.


Because you, you, because you see these,

it's like,

you see these characters that come along,


And like, nobody ever says heel or bad.

They, they always, it's always a redeemer.

You know what I mean?

The only person that's ever

stayed true to the cause in

Star Wars really has been

Palpatine and Thrawn.

You know,

there is no redeeming qualities there.

It's all about, you know,

I guess that's what it was for me.

I wanted more.

And I think a lot of people

just got sucked into the

allure when you all tells

the Empire is coming, you know, just.

When you saw that fucking logo,

when you saw Tales of the

Jedi and you saw the fire,

it burns the logo and it

turns into the Empire.

You're just expecting more of it.

This is just season one.

This is one of those where

they can bring you back at any point.

So, I mean,

would they need to hash out

another character or a

couple of more characters?

I mean, just like in the first one,

the only real story that I

liked out of Tales of the

Jedi was Dooku's.

Because I was wondering how

Dooku ended up being a part

of the dark side.

And I got

Yeah, and to me,

that's kind of what this was, though.


I think this is more to give content

to have content and not have, you know,

it's like everyone's

waiting for the acolyte.

Like, obviously, you know,

there's long gaps now

between the Star Wars projects,

not like it was a couple of years ago,

a celebration where they

announced everything.

They kind of have to give,

they kind of have to keep

Star Wars in the media or

in the news and keep it

going and keeping it relevant.


So I feel like we're going

to be seeing a series of these.

where it's going to be you

know different facets of

what we think like again

you know it's two different

facets if you will of the

empire from you know kind

of the mainstream

perspective for one part of

it with Vader coming out

even for a short second but

everybody knows if you

watch Rebels Kenobi you

know you have that

mainstream viewpoint of the

second half and then the first half is

Yes, people,

it's a little bit more

mainstream in a way because of Ahsoka,

but not really like it's

Backwater Empire.

If you really think about where she's at.

So I think you're kind of

getting these different

perspectives of difference.

I think it's just really to

kind of just give us

something to have until the

big content comes out.

Yeah, and unfortunately,

the big content might have

come up for a while,

and that's the thing.

So you have to settle for

these Tales of the Empire, I guess.

I enjoy it, though.

I know I like some of the

back history a little bit or some of the,

okay, that's cool.

I guess just, I don't know.

I guess what it comes down to me, too,

is I watch a lot of the fan

films that people come up with on YouTube,

and it just shows me people

come up there with,

and they don't have to

budget that Disney ass thing.

And they just come up with better shit.

And I'm like, you guys are Disney.

You own the IP.

You are Lucasfilm.

And this is what you give us?

That's my whole point.

Like, yeah, I mean,

when it comes to Morgan's story,

one of the things I was

impressed with is she's a bad bitch,

but she has a reason to be.

That's what I got from that.


I don't know, man.

It's just... It makes her

character in The

Mandalorian and Ahsoka make more sense.


so I guess I could... I got to jump off.

I love you guys.

Y'all keep on rocking the show.

Amanda always, Frankie D, my dude.

Yes, sir.

Keep it dark.

Oh, hell yeah.

That's the way you do it, man.

And Jeff, I will see you guys later.

Yeah, bro.

Appreciate you coming on, man.

Good luck at the barbecue

this weekend in Memphis,

if I'm not mistaken.

Next week in Memphis.

Yeah, dude.

Post some fucking videos, man.

I'll see y'all later.

Keep your head down out there.

grew up about 45 minutes

south east of memphis in

alabama so I know all about

memphis some of the best

soul food I ever ate though

and some of the best

barbecue I ever ate you

know what's funny you know

um since I've been here in

san antonio I have not

found good mexican food yet

really you're in san

antonio dude what kind of

are you tex-mex or mexican

Well, listen, I came from Cali in 2021.

Ah, okay.

No, I have not found it yet.

And I hear people say, well,

you should go to this place.

Well, listen.

I'm kind of bougie.

So I'm not going to go,

I'm not going to go to all

these different fucking places.

I'm going to stay in my area.



Yeah, I get you.

Like California,

Mexican food is definitely

different than Texas.

It's hard to, my, my boyfriend grew up in,

in Turlock.

So like kind of Modesto area.

So he's.


kind of the same about, you know,

he'll eat it here, but he's like, yeah,

it's different.

Like we're going back to

towards that area to go visit family.

And so he's like, Oh,

I can't wait to eat here, here, here.

So, I mean, you know,

HEB has this Tex-Mex queso dip,

which is fucking fantastic.


The hot, the hot,

we usually get the hot pepper.

No, it's just the regular one.

Just the regular one that they sell there.

But it's excellent.

I had some O'Dell on that shit.

It's pretty good.

Yeah, that's good stuff.

But real quick,

because I got to jump off as well.

Tales of the Empire.

On a scale of 1 to 10 for me,

I'm going to give it a 5.

I'm just going to keep it right there.

Because I think they could have done more.

I think I was just looking

more for a Darksider type of show.

I hope they get it in the

Tales of the Sith.

I was actually thinking they

were going to go that route.

That's what I was expecting, too.

I kept shaking my head a

little bit earlier when we

were talking about it

because that was my letdown.

I don't want to say it let me down.

I expected more Sith and

more dark side when we

talked about the Empire.

We didn't get that.

However, am I mad at what we got?

Not really.

I wasn't mad about it.


care about Barriss' story.

She never crossed my mind one bit.

It wasn't an interesting

choice with how her story turned out,

that she's an Empire story.

It doesn't seem to fit in

either Empire or Sith.

Or Jedi, for that matter,

because we know she betrayed the Jedi.

So it's a weird one to go with.

I think the only reason,

and it goes back to, once again,

it goes back to,

what's the connection with

Barriss Offee in the story?


It's Anakin's Vader.

That's where they got you.

You know what I'm saying?

So that's where I think that

they were going with.

And I think the Inquisitor

story is also something

that should be told.

You know, those stories.

Properly, you mean?

Yes, absolutely.

Be told properly?

Absolutely, yeah.

So Inquisitor should be another show.

It could be Vader and the Inquisitors.

That could be something that

you could do there as well.

But yeah, man.

But other than that,

I got to jump off here.

I have enjoyed this.

I haven't done podcasts in a little while,

so I enjoy coming back.

Yeah, we know, man.

Hey, and like I said,

you're always welcome back here.


That's nice to meet you.

We got a different hookup.

You got your Ahsoka cosplay.

We got to do that picture.

Master and the Apprentice.

I think that would be fucking phenomenal.

We have got to do that.


Other than that,

you guys have a rest of the good show.

I am going to go get ready for work,

but I appreciate the chance

to come up here and talk a

little bit of Star Wars and

celebrate the Sith.

All right, Frankie.

We'll catch you later, man.

Same as well.

Thank you.

All right, Amanda.

Let's round out

Tales of the Empire real quick,

get your opinion,

and then we'll roll

straight to the Acolyte,

and then we'll discuss Star

Wars LEGO real quick.

Sounds like a plan to me.

So, Tales of the Empire, I liked it.

I was a bigger fan of Tales of the Jedi,

just because, again,

I liked Dooku's story.

I did like the Ahsoka moments.

I did too, yeah.

I liked her...

going into,

you're finding out how she got

back into the fight and

what inspired her and her

becoming Fulcrum,

or at least those initial steps.

You know,

I am happy we found out what

happened to Barriss because

there's a lot of people who are like, oh,

she's a Seventh Sister or she's, you know,

she became one of the

Inquisitors you see later or whatnot.


My question is who at Lucas

wanted to finish her story?

Because that story does not get finished.

I feel like it was a baloney more.

Because that story doesn't

get finished without

somebody wanting it at Disney.

I think it was a Filoni.

And I mean,

there was kind of a lot of

chatter about it.

I feel like that usually

comes up when there's an

Inquisitor-related show is, oh,

one of them's got to be

Barris or one of them's got

to be... So I'm glad we got the finish.

We're not up in the air.

And it was a different

ending than what I expected.

So I...

I didn't,

I was kind of expecting her to be

a little bit more dark side then.

And then that's what I was expecting.


And then the redemption arc

be more powerful or more impactful.

I still think it was handled

well and it's still open-ended.

So you don't know.

I felt like you don't know where she,

we don't even know if she

actually passed.


Cause I mean,

she's walking out of the cave

carrying her.

So we don't know if she

passed or if she's still alive.

It kind of another one of

those where it just kind of

tossed it in the air and say, Hey,

we'll see.


and then Qui-Gon's going to get mad

if she gets force healed.


That poor guy.

I know.

So that's it on there.

Let's jump into the Acolyte

because we did want to

speak on it briefly.

They did drop the final trailer.



I know that it's hard because it is

High Republic,

and it's a completely new

era for Star Wars fans,

and we're very used to the Skywalker.

We're going 100 years before Episode I.


And I mean, a lot of so far,

Disney has relied heavily

on the Skywalker saga.


And that's why they're

dropping Darth Vader so much.

And that's why we're getting, you know,

Luke in stuff, you know, it's,

it's especially after the

sequel trilogy and how that,

that worked out, it's taken time to rehab,

but to,

but this is exciting to me because

it's untread ground.

And that's what I'm looking forward to.

Cause the high Republic

comic book and the old

Republic comic books are

some of the best stuff ever.

out to read well like it is

good stuff for video gaming

yes and to me I i want to

see this like badly I

wanted to see it succeed

what do you think about the

cast they have with this oh

opportunity I'm like you

got yeah she's a natural

she's a natural fit she

really is and when she

popped up in that first

preview I was like okay

this is gonna work

And the marketing was

interesting because they're

still sticking with it,

but it's like the Kill Bill meets Frozen.

And I'm like, it's intriguing.

I'm here for any kind of fighting.

So I'm like, bring on the lightsabers,

bring on.

They did say we were turning back to,

you know, star fighters and, you know,

lightsabers and duels.

And so we're going to get it.

and even I feel like there's

a little bit of martial

arts type of influence in

the fighting styles like

more so now and it's going

to be the the interesting

part is the mystery it's

who's killing the jedi and

what's happening here that

was the twist I wasn't

expecting so much like the

mystery part of it I really

thought okay we're gonna

get just straight up you

know fight between jedi and

the sith and the sith are

trying to survive kind of

thing this is the the started the sith

learning that we can't go at

the Jedi and tear apart the

Jedi this way.

We have to somehow start

interjecting ourselves into

the government and into

this that leads us to Darth

Sidious and down that road

to the rule of two and that

kind of stuff.

So I got a feeling that's

kind of where we're getting

at with this and them going back to go,

hey, this is how we got here.

Do you think we're going to

get Darth Bane?

God damn, I hope so.

That's been one of those where, like,

why haven't we had it yet?

But it makes sense.

There was also rumors that

he was actually in episode one.

I've heard that rumor.


So we'll see.

That's what I'm really hoping for.

He's the one pulling the

strings into this.

So we'll see how that works out.

I'm hoping so.

I'm hoping we get just more backstory.

I'm excited for one of the characters,


to come out from the High Republic books,

Fenestra Rowe.

I want to see her lightsaber in action.

She has a whip.

The whip.


I'm excited for that.

Everybody is.

How do you not get excited for that?

In comic book, it is like...

It is.

It's a high bar.

We're going bold with Vernestra.

Okay, that's who we're going with.

Let's go.

Yep, yep, motherfucker.

Let's go.


Now we're at less than a month away.

We're six days into May.

Two days pass.

May the 4th.

We are exactly 28 days from

you know the accolades

premiering I'm here for it

I know I mean like I said

this has taken place 100

years before the phantom

menace takes place and it's

like we have what's his

name lee jung jay from um

shit that weird show squid

games squid games yes

I didn't watch it.

It wasn't my favorite.

That's the only reason why I know.

He is the man.

He's the master in this and

we'll see how he goes.

Now today we did see the

premiere trailer for a new

Star Wars Lego movie.

And I'm here for it.

It's like rebuilding the

rebuilding the galaxy,

rebuilding the galaxy.

And I know we got to talk a

little bit about Star Wars Legos earlier.

And this movie looked so cool.

Like the way it intros is phenomenal.

You know,

I love the Legos products that

Star Wars has done.

I feel like they're very underrated,

you know, and they're just they're really,

really well done.

Like we watch some of the older ones,

you know, too.

My son and I watch them all the time.

He loves the Christmas special,

which again,

Christmas special is hands

down probably the top notch best one out.

Oh, it is.

It's so good.

And for not liking or being

as crazy about the sequel trilogy.

And when I say that, again,

no disrespect to the actors.

No, like, you know,

they did what they could.

It was a bit.

It was piss poor writing.


Let's just say what it was.


The story was not good that

they were given.

The writing was not correct.

There were so many things.


We can go to a whole podcast

on about that.

But but we could.

But the Lego version, the Christmas movie.

I was like, okay,

I don't even care that I

didn't like the sequels.

This was just fun.

Even if you just threw these

people all together and

just had the story and I

had no idea who they were,

I'd have enjoyed it either way.

So it was really, really fun,

really well written.

And this trailer just looked so good.

So good.

And if it follows the same

lines as all the previous

Star Wars Legos movies,

we're getting perfection

again because they are really good.

I'm going to say the two

best parts of the trailer.

One, Ewok bounty hunters.


Okay, Bill, you might get that show.

If this works out, Bill might get that.

More Ewoks.

Well, I mean, yeah.

I mean, it's literally there.

We're going to get, you know,

Ewok bounty hunters.

I'm here for it.

In true cannibalistic fashion.


I'm here for it.

I love that this is almost

like spoofing all of the internet rumors.

And that's what I felt like

when it first started with

the door kind of exploding.

I was like...

Are they spoofing on everything?

They are spoofing everything.

That's like the whole vibe

is like Star Wars is

literally spoofing its

fandom in itself all at the same time.

And I loved it.

And I have to ask you if

you're doing okay after

seeing the glorious reveal

of one Darth Jar Jar.

I've hated Jar Jar Beans for

20 something years.

Seeing Darth Jar Jar Beans made my day.



Because we've all wanted it.

We all secretly felt that he

was a secret Sith.


There is an action figure out there.

There is.

There is.

You know which one I'm talking about.



And I'm just like, finally,

they're acknowledging the

fact what we all felt for so long.

And I'm here for it.

Every single bit of it.

And they bring back Ahmed Best for it.

I'm like, you know, what a redemption.

And poor guy.

He also just got his

redemption in Star Wars

Lego with the saving of Grogu.



And I'm with the speeder and everything.

And I'm just like, I'm here for it.

I'm so happy for him because I mean, again,

like you may not agree with the movie.

We may not agree with the movie,

but you know, it's not the actor's fault.

And I think for him, it was so personal.

And he did.

He took it very personal.

I mean,

just the hate that he himself got

was just, it's sad.

Undeserved, really.

Exactly, exactly.

So just to see him.

He did the best he could

with the character he was given.


And honestly,

after I went back and re-watched it,

And then I watched the Clone Wars.


Jar Jar had moments where you were like,

God damn, Jar Jar, that's deep, bro.


Like when he's in the temple

talking to young Annie,

he's telling Anakin like

something with like he has

this heartfelt moment with

Anakin when he's a child.


And it's like, God damn, dude.

I'm like that one.

Like that's very deep.

unjarjar like but it's kind

of like well damn I'm like

because he's talking about

his heart and everything

like that and he's like

that's what makes you good

is that you have a good

heart exactly and I feel

like even in the clone wars

his story was stronger like

he had a stronger art he

did he had really and it

wasn't just like a couple

episodes here and there it

was spread throughout like

we kept seeing him and he

was actually a was he the senator's aide

Or her envoy or something at one point?

I want to say yes.

I think so.

And he did excellent.

I mean, he still had his Jar Jar moments,

but he, for the most part,

he represented Tatooine the

way he was supposed to.


Like he matured into his position.


It was awesome to see that

happen for him in Clone Wars.

yeah so I mean my my undue

hatred lasted for 20 years

and I'm happy to say

although I still don't I'm

not the biggest fan he he

holds at least ahmed best

holds a special place in my

heart yes I'm right there

with you I'm at best killer

and beck is a character

And I pop because I'm like,

I watched the show,

the show that he was on

that his character came from.

I remember watching that

because I was like so into

everything that was Legends

of the Hidden Temple.

Like I was a big game show nerd.

Yeah, we all were.

Because it was down our

throats with Nickelodeon

because every other thing

that came on was something

related to that.


And I was like,

did I want to be on the show?


Everybody did.

If I got invited right now,

I would still go do it.

40 with a busted back and busted knees.

I'd still go.

Let's go.

I can still run this temple.

Come on.


I was like,

I'll punch out the temple card.

It's fine.

Catch me if you can.

But just to see him get that

moment and then here to even troll us.

dare say in like the best

possible way it's like

here's here I am I'm back

as jar jar not in a movie

but in legos you're welcome

and I'm darth jar jar

you're welcome everyone I i

was like I'm here for it I

i that I was seeing I seen

it and I was like my guy

that that's what we've all

been waiting for

All right.

Let's let's round it out.

We this lasted longer than I anticipated.

I was planning for like 90 minutes,

but I won't say no to

talking about Star Wars.

What do you got coming up, Amanda?

I know you got a busy week coming up.

I do.

I am going to be record.

Of course,

we record every Friday or every

Thursday for socially distanced.

And of course you can catch

that on the pop break.

And so we have our pop website actually

socially distance does have

its own separate feed on

all streaming platforms,

but we do have the pop

break feed as well where

you can find several of our

other podcasts, including.


we're all combined now right on one

streaming service.

Yes, except socially distanced.

It still has its own.

But all of our other podcasts are now,

instead of being Pop Break

TV and Pop Break Today,

we are now one big happy

place in the Pop Break,

including my second podcast,

which is Anime Pop.

And so, yeah,

so this week we've got our

post-NFL episode coming up

on a post-NFL draft episode

on socially distanced.

We'll be covering Doctor Who.

Of course,

we'll be covering The Acolyte

when that drops next.

and House of the Dragon.

Of course,

we know we'll have you on for

the Acolyte too.

So excited.

Yes, absolutely.

I'm excited to come on.

I think I announced that last week.


Last month.


Last week I announced that

I'd be on there with y'all

talking Acolyte.

Yeah, it's going to be great.

So we're looking forward to it.

We're going to have our, our X,

we're going to touch,

touch base on X-Men 97,

which has been fantastic by the way,

if you're not watching it.

So watch it.

It's great.

We have two more episodes.

So two more weeks left.


And I'm going, none of us are,

none of us really are.

but we will be doing a show here.

I don't know who from the

council will be on yet.

I will be reaching out to people,

but I do know in two weeks

we will be closing out at

Smith 97 here at USDN.


I don't,

I don't know what your schedule is

looking like yet,

but don't be surprised when

you get a message you and

bill and some more people.

Cause I want to,


I want to do a nice panel for X-Men 97.

Give it the love that it deserves.

It's fantastic.

It's honestly one of the

best things out there.

It really is.

And I'm not going to lie to

anybody right now.

If you haven't watched it,

if you tune in to USDN,

when we bring up X-Men 97...

We are dropping fucking

spoiler after spoiler on that show.

So if you ain't prepared,

don't watch that show.

Just go watch it.

Just go watch it.

Drop what you're doing and go watch it.

Go watch it.

That last episode.

Jesus Christ.

That set up for that three

part ending is like.

Oh, it's so good.

Then we got another one

coming on Wednesday.

God damn.

Because I was like,

my Wednesday was come home.

X-Men 97.

Bad Batch.

rampage like that was it you

still there hello all right

I think we may have lost

amanda but that's okay I

know she needed to go but

just know smin97 is going

to be coming up here soon

For everybody who stayed with us,

thank you for tuning in to

tonight's episode.

We'll be back again, like I just said,

in two weeks with X-Men 97.

We're going to have a whole panel.

We're going to drop spoiler

and we're just going to

have a lot of fun with that.

And then after that,

I think we may be doing

just our normal show there after that.

with um talking nerd news

and that kind of stuff I'm

going to have a few

interviews lined up as well

with some comic book

artists coming up I want to

send a big thank you out to

dfpm for giving me a

platform to have this

podcast on uh as always we

appreciate your feedback

leave some comments what

you think down below in the

comments and um

Don't forget to hit that like,

subscribe and share button.

This podcast tonight will be

live on Spotify and

wherever you get your

podcast on Wednesday.

So behalf of myself and the

Council of Nerds,

this show is USDN approved.