3 Shots and a Mango Beer

Tredel & Jessica, the mother & son podcasting duo discuss pop culture, current affairs, music, mawdness, & life In the first episode of their podcast. This mother son team are real, hallarious, & entertaining.

What is 3 Shots and a Mango Beer?

Welcome to 3 Shots and a Mango Beer where co-hosts Tredel Lambert and his mother Jessica Lambert chop it up about all thing's music, entertainment, drama, current affairs, and life. If you love hip hop, controversy, debates, and real talks then you will love this show. Don't let the mother son duo fool you, this podcast is current, creative, fresh and a dope way for the modern family to bond!

Welcome to the three shots in mango beer podcast. I'm Trudel Lambert and I'm with my co-host. My mom, Jessica Lambert. Hey guys, as always, our laid back podcast drives into real talks about all things. Life we don't choose our fate though. A fortune cookie does. So without, for further ado, let's draw today's topic.

What do we got? All right, so today's topic. What is hate is celebrities. We respect. Oh, I like that topic. Yay. All right. Let's get popping. All right. celebrities. We respect. Woo. So guys, this is like a freestyle. This is our first episode. I think we should have said episode one. We don't expect it to be perfect, but we do expect, expect it to be awesome.

And we're just gonna be ourselves. We're very, very close. And we just want that to come across. Like, we just want to invite you into our universe. We actually have all these discussions all the time and, but we're definitely using the fortune cookie to, uh, choose our fate. So. Okay. So celebrities, we respect, well, I'd like to say Tridel the comic God , but I, I think he's still working on his climb to celebrityism.

Do you, do you not have one in mind? Cause I have one off drunk. That might be a little D yeah, course. Let's get started. It's divisive. Well, not, well, not for some I'm sure. Is it for me? Uh, for you? Yeah. Oh, okay. Let's do it. Well, um, celebrities, we respect first off. I want to go Kanye. Oh, this is interesting.

Cuz I had my first one and it's Kim that's so that's hilarious. Yeah. So this is divisive right off the top. okay. You tell me why and I'll tell you why. Well. I, I respect him because he's, he, he's doing his thing and aren't how celebrity is doing that thing. He, he, he hasn't stopped doing his thing. And, um, either when he seems to be going a little over of it, or he's in, he's wearing a, a Trump hat, , he's always just doing his thing.

I think he's very, he interests me. Mm-hmm um, and I guess that translates into respect, but he's, I don't know. He, he keeps on going, whether it's his fashion game or whether it's his music or whether it's, um, running for president, which I don't think he should have done. I think he should stick to . I think he should stick to all his creative stuff, but, um, and I know I heard him on the Joe Rogan podcast and he also.

Plans to do a lot for people in general. And remember he was trying to like build, okay, don't quote me on this because this is like, yeah, we're just talking me trying to yeah. Remember it on, um, like months and months ago from probably a year ago at this point. But, um, he's trying to build like sustainable housing and like new ways to build houses and he's just working on, so he's, um, starting, uh, okay.

Like an advanced school or something like that. Okay. Where it's yeah, we're gonna back to a bay hair. Okay. No, I, so first of all, I don't think it's as divisive as you think it is. All right. I actually do respect Kanye, but I have to say, and this is the God's honest truth, cuz I know why you thought it was divisive.

I was not on the Kanye train mm-hmm when Kanye came out and for years, for years you've been a true Kanye fan and I. Like will bump his music, but I won't lie. Do you remember that time that I spun out on the highway and literally I was listening to gold Digger as the car was spinning around, spinning around.

And I, the first, my first thought was, oh my God, my son, I, I, I just don't want to die, please. Cuz I want to be here for my son, but my second thought was, oh my God, I'm gonna die to listening, listening to Kanye west single Digger. Gold. Digger's a B and a half though. That is not how I wanna go out. so I know

Woo. Thank God. I'm still here. God is so good, but you know what? Um, I'll start off with the celebrity I respected and because of that, it actually dovetails. So the celebrity, I think I respect the most and it's really hard. For me to actually say, well, I won't wanna say the most. So I respect a lot of people, but one, one of the top of mind, ones for me would be Kim Kardashian.

The only difficult thing about that is I actually respect the whole family. I, I, I have tremendous respect for Chris. Um, I think she's a genius. I don't know. I think she does get her ratings, but I don't know if she gets as much as she deserves being the mom and literally supporting her children in their pursuit of their dreams the way she did, you know, I support you.

And so if I can even do a fraction of what she did for her kids, for you, I would feel like such a winner. So I really respect Chris Jenner. Um, but Kim had the dream, she had the drive. She, she has reinvented herself a thousand times. She has gone through like her own versions of hardship. Everybody has hardship at different levels.

I think, but she, and she's overcome it and risen above it over and over. And I will say this, Kim made me a Kanye fan. She did. Kim showed a side of Kanye. I never seen before the family man, the man who will take a woman, his girl to the stadium and propose and be so artistic about his proposal and so thoughtful and so sweet.

She, she showed me, um, how he went back to Chicago and tried to do for his neighborhood. She showed me. And even though he and that, and that he's not perfect, you know, the human side, because I think that Kanye is such a perfectionist. That's the impression I get that he might want to come off perfect. But that's not endearing to me that I don't connect with that.

And Kim, his relationship with Kim showed cracks and cracks is where the roses grow. You know? So. I've come around and just even in their divorce, I think they've been so respectful with each other that it just brings for me, it brings me to like a higher respect for both of them and how they're treating each other, how Kim is still going through his concerts and still supporting him and still posting him.

It just, the love is so real. How can you not love them? All right. But I also really respect Chloe in that family cuz she, I can relate to her, you know, being an underdog, myself, being a little bit of a black sheep myself, I feel like Chloe really, really, really worked for where she is and I respect her a kind.

And I think if I was to have a bestie in the family, it would likely be Kim or Chloe. Um, Okay. Um, I, yeah, I respect what the, the family is doing. Right. Just anyone who makes that much just doing their own thing. Mm-hmm , I appreciate that. Mm-hmm and influences pop culture so much. And that's what I'll give to Kanye Kanye.

And Kanye's been around for a long, like so much longer than I realized mm-hmm in so many circles. Like I'm reading my Alicia keys book and she's talking about Kanye coming in and doing production on the diary of Alicia keys, I think was the album. He was, I don't know if he did anything on any of the other ones.

I'm still mid book, but, um, yeah. I, I even, I didn't know that, I didn't know how many people he contributed to how. Tracks that are out there, that he quietly put production on it. He's a Fu he's a genius. Mm-hmm if there's not a doubt about the fact that Kanye's a genius, just not always likable mm-hmm , you know, but more now I think, since he joined the Kardashian family, I think maybe, but I also think , I also think that his, um, music has been slipping since then to, well, he has four children and a wife.

So I do think that you're right. I mean, it's a different way, but it, it doesn't necessarily mean that. No, cause I think he puts the same energy and creativity to it. Maybe it's just, I don't worse. but maybe I just Don. Like the, the style as much as the style topic. Well, it might just be the style. It's more religious now.

Yeah. I think that has something to do with it right now. We're Divi. Well, it's not because he's religious. There's a lot of religious people who are held up to their music. Yeah. Chance the rappers is amazing. Exactly. I agree. But, um, no, he, he changed his, his style and it's not like a growth of his original style.

It's just like he changed. It's different everything. It's mm-hmm so that's hard to survive. They call that. So I, I'm not gonna, I'm not saying I'm an expert, just read a lot of books, but they call that, um, the sophomore slump. So what often happens is when someone is signed to a label, um, they will. Be kind of controlled by the label.

Mm-hmm . And so the sound that we, as the listeners fall in love with mm-hmm is have heavily produced, um, kind of marketing sound, right? It, the marketing team decided the, the, the label execs decided, and really the artist didn't have any like real input or, or much artist integrity. So it's a different sound.

We all fall in love with that sound. We all want that sound. And then the next album, they have more artist integrity. They've performed, they've sold millions of copies. So they're the it person. And they can now demand more. And then it comes out sounding like a different sound or all together, not the one we fell in love with, but I don't even think that's it because no, I know that's not why with Kanye.

Yeah. But it's the same challenge. Yeah. It's the idea of changing a sound. From what listeners. So I know that it happens in the sophomore slump. Maybe it happens in identity changes or in growth. Yeah. Yeah. And so this is his growth, but it's not growth that our ears is all our ears are already tuned to.

He almost has to find a whole new audience. And that's hard. Yeah. Look at when mace moved over to Christian music. Mm-hmm like, I know, I, I just don't hear much about mace. I mean, he came back and did a couple songs and I know he did some performances. I, I, I wanted to see him. I, I didn't get to see him, but I love mace.

Like I love mace, but I love what mace was doing when I remember mace, I don't know what he's doing now. Like, so sometimes yeah, it's the beginning of the end when it changes and maybe Kanye being the type of, um, like you just talked about him having stick. Maybe he'll be able to, you know, bring you around mm-hmm yeah.

Maybe. And I'd hope so. Right. Just like I said, I like Kanye. Have you listened to the Donda? Yeah, I listened to half of the Donda. Um, and there were songs that none of them got me into like a good vibe. I would say they're all depress maybe. Or do you think he's depressed and he's suffering from depression?

Uh, I don't know. That's true. Is it like, I don't know if it's, I don't know if that's it. Um, but I like to listen to kind of like, I, I prefer like more hype bring you up music, music. Cause you're the party guy. Well, three shots um, but that's, that's, that's what I like to listen to. I'm listening to music. I want to get hype.

If I'm coasting, if I'm chill, if I want to relax, I'll turn on like a podcast or something, right. Mm-hmm or I'll do an instrumental. Type deal. Mm-hmm whether that's like classic or like a lofi music. Um, but I'm, I'm not one to listen to something with lyrics like that. Mm-hmm so, so his, so is it more lyrical?

Uh, now I gotta check it out. I actually haven't listened to it. It's more check it out. I, I would definitely say check it out, but, um, cuz I, I listened halfway through because I enjoyed some of the songs. Okay. Right. So I wouldn't, if I enjoyed not, I wonder what the chart, the chart toppers are on that one.

Mm-hmm um, have you heard the new Drake album? Uh, again, I did like half of it. So you didn't really, you weren't feeling it? Uh, no. There were some that were good. I just, I don't know. I just stopped and then forgot to go back. Hmm. So celebrities we respect. So how do you feel about Drake Drake? Um, I like Drake makes good music.

I don't was. He's all right. Like, yeah. As, as a person, I don't, I'm like, I don't know too much about that, right? Yeah. That's true. KA what? Like, his life has been way more out there because he does struggle with mental illness. Does he struggle with, or am I just, yeah, no, he has, um, like again, I don't know.

Think he's like bipolar or something like that. Okay. Like he, he does have something that takes medicine for sometimes, but other time, but when he's more creative, he, he doesn't want to take it. He doesn't want to take it. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. That's interesting. I wonder how that played out in a marriage. That would probably be difficult, but yeah, I mean, he's a genius, so you can't be a genius and also have per like a perfect life.

Like, it just doesn't come together like that. If you look at like all the old greats, like, like great composers in the past and stuff, um, they all suffered from something. You can't get through this, like, you know, and I think that he's kind of brought some awareness to mental health. Um, yeah. So I think that, you know, and yeah, what he's been able to do in the fashion world.

Uh, wow. Again, I learned mostly from the Kardashians, from his connection to the Kardashians, the types of things he was doing in the fashion industry, how he brought on, he brought his friend into that world too, and how much they have been able to achieve. And it, me being from the hood myself and like, I don't know if Kanye's from the hood, but I know he had to come up.

Like I know he had to work mm-hmm right. But me literally starting, I don't even feel like I started in the bottom. I feel like I started like a one foot in the grade. Like, I feel like I was minus the bottom, you know what I mean? And to just feel, to just see people who have, who have also been out there grinding and struggling for their.

Reached a level where maybe there are people at that level that never would've welcomed them, that never would've expected to be sharing a meal with them to be alongside of them. And then I think Versace opened his home so that they could have their wedding there and like just insane amount of graciousness, insane amount, insane amount of, um, acceptance.

When you look at like just the fight for diversity and inclusion in the world and, uh, you know, breaking glass ceilings and like, yeah, Kanye have, has shattered a ton of glass ceilings. So, well, I guess through this discussion of learning, I have a lot more respect for him than I've even realized actually.

And I think it's just a lack of knowledge. I think my me not jumping on the Kanye train right off the bat was just what, I didn't know anything about him until the Kardashians. I really did not know how much this man has done. And how much of an impact he's made. Mm-hmm I just didn't know. Um, yeah. Yeah.

Drake, I, I, I, for me, what I'm gonna say about Drake is this he's from Toronto. Yeah. We're from Toronto. Yeah. Um, he, I can see how he grew his success. I was a big Drake fan, so I was on that train in the beginning. I, you remember, I used to bump Drake when it was an underground thing to do. Mm-hmm , you know what I mean?

And so I loved like the raw gritty underground Drake, you know what I mean? I think I ha I had an adjustment. So maybe this is like your adjustment. Now I had an adjustment when Drake, when Drake went from doing it by himself and doing it very well to being signed. And then there was a change in his sound.

That's when I started to like him personal. That's funny. Yeah. I don't know. I grew up on Toronto hip hop. I grew up on loving. Like I grew up listening to Manam just freestyle, like on the block I grew up on, on, on getting mix tapes from Mando where they're doing their things. So Drake's had that like in Toronto gritty.

You know, like sound, I loved, like it was so raw and so emotional. And so I just connected to the types of things he spoke about. And then he went to young money and yeah, for me, there was a little disconnect for a little while. It's not that his music wasn't really good. It just became a lot more commercial mm-hmm and from, you know, but you, he.

He's done very well. I think he's number one in the world. Yeah. So his last album had the nine spots in the top 10. Like no one could say he has. I wanna know that's the thing is why did he not have 10 spots? come on Drake. Step it up. If you ever hear this, if you don't have 10 spots in the top 10, you're pretty much just a loser.

Really? chop, chop big. Get it done. If you really wanna put Toronto on the map, you need 10 spots in the top 10. Hello? no, that's epic. Yeah. Right. Honestly. And I think Justin Bieber had the, the 10 spot, like, or one of the 10 spots. Yeah. I think it was like, uh, I don't remember, but I remember. Yeah, but like out 10 was like Drake, Drake, Justin Bieber, Drake, Drake, Drake, Drake, Drake, Canadian boys.

Let's go, oh, Canada, you know, and I'm saying, oh Canada, we're doing it up here. Mm-hmm . And also O G T a. Oh Ontario. Yeah. like who, who even hits the chart? Cuz we, the weekends from here too. And for a while it was the three of them. Mm-hmm right. Three Canadians dominating the top 10 it's modernness. Like we're a gold mine over here.

We have a lot of talent over here. A lot of talent for sure. If you're a big producer looking for epic, uh, music hit me up, I will introduce you to amazing talent just meeting, you know, that same call Drake got. So that was the other thing I respected the heck of Drake is that he took the call and he made it happen.

Like I, I don't think it was a smooth transition. I think he got the meeting. So again, I, I don't quote me, but like I think what happened was he got the meeting. and then it got canceled. Mm-hmm and then he didn't care. And he flew there anyway, that takes a lot of people would just go, oh my God, it got canceled.

Wow. That really sucks. I guess I'll keep grinding. I could do this on my own, whatever who needs them anyway, or, or I'm so depressed what happened? Right. It's because of me, I'm not good enough or whatever, like, should I even do this anymore? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. So many people would take that a different way.

And Drake just said, I'm gonna take my money and I'm gonna fly over there and I'm gonna, or drive or however he got there and I'm gonna stay in this truck and, and I'm not leaving. And I think the story was like, his boy would just, when he had to go to the washroom, he went to like, McDonald's across the street or something.

His boy would like keep a lookout and they just stayed there. I think they were there like three days before they finally seen some like them going in. Yeah. Like Wayne and or, or whoever. And I, and somehow they got the meeting, he got the meeting and who would not give the guy, the meeting at that point.

Right. You could talk about like, that's the grit that you need to hustle. Like maybe there's people wondering why they're not put on yet. And it's like, well, are you putting yourself on cuz to me that Drake put himself on. Yeah. Like you were out there grinding, grinding, grinding. You had to overcome the image of a boy in a wheelchair.

Mm-hmm yeah. Like, I'm sorry. I respect that. Like, people seen him that way you had to, and he's had to overcome a lot, like, you know, you know, it is leadership. People love you till they hate you. Mm-hmm so there's rumors, there's guard, whatever. Like everybody has shit to overcome, you know? Right. But like I'm, I do have respect for Drake, to be honest with you.

I actually do. And that one move just how he even. made that the most out of a phone call and refused to let that go and just went after it, like a pit bull. That's what you need to get anything in this world. Yeah. So yeah, I might not have put him at my top list, but it was a, it does stand out and I do have a heart firm, especially being Canadian boy from the six, you know?

Yeah. Putting us up on the map in a really special way too. I love that. All right. Whatever, whatever. Uh, what other celebrities do you got? Okay. I have one and it's purely for his marketing ability. Okay. Uh, Lil NAS X, not one I would choose. And this is why mm-hmm he knows what he is and he knows that aggravates people.

So he is him to the N degree. Could you not say that about the Che, uh, I think Takashi puts on an act if I'm gonna be honest. Oh, you, I don't think he's actually him. I think he know, I think Takashi is, is smart. I think he's a really smart kid and I know, and I think he knows how to. Put himself on aggravate people to and aggravate people and follow that and take hate and not even worry about it.

Yeah. So if, if we're, if we're being real we respect him for his, uh, business or not really for his, I don't even know marketing ability. I don't know if enough he knows or he like sometimes you, you trip him into it. Yeah. I, I don't think he stumbled into it. No. You think this was calculated? Uh, relatively, really relatively.

So business savvy that he like orchestrated a situation. I, where his life was in danger, where he went to jail, but got out. I don't think where he got millions and millions and millions of dollars off of one contract to do a record while he was in there. Like, I mean, I, then that boy needs to. Get a genius award or something.

Don't think that was a time. I was, I didn't, I don't think he went one plus one plus one plus one plus one equals I think he went one plus one equals two mm-hmm okay. I'm here. Mm-hmm now one plus one equals two mm-hmm I'm here one plus one equals two. Uh, okay. No, there's a three there. I don't know how to, you know what, actually that is respectful worthy.

Cause what, what is, I think Martin Luther king said you don't have to, or was it TD Jakes. Okay. I'm not sure. It's fine. A great black leader said, okay. That you don't have to see the whole staircase. You just have to take the first step mm-hmm so you're right by that account. Yeah. We'd have to give him respect because he might not have seen the whole scare staircase, but he certainly know how to take a step forward and have it work out for him each time.

Mm-hmm even when it didn't work out somehow. It then worked out. Right. So, okay. So back to little NAS X who, I don't really know to be honest that well. Okay. So, um, do you know, um, the, the, the country, the country rap song and then yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. And then he was getting a lot of guff for doing country and the country charts for put him on.

So Billy Ray Iris came and then he came out at, so later on, after that he came out as gay. Oh, he's gay and yeah. well, so you really dunno. I dunno. so, so when did he come out as gay? After that time? A while ago? A while ago, but like, maybe, I don't know, a year after that song, maybe. I don't know how long.

Okay. All right. But he was still doing stuff. He was still making box in between that. And then he came out and then, um, he started really being himself. Remember he was also the one, the make the video with the devil. You were talking about that. I know you. Oh, that's inappropriate. Yeah, I know exactly. I don't like that.

Exactly. And it made a lot of people do that. no. Well, I'm not about that life. Yeah. And then I love God. He later came out with a song with him in a, um, I don't know if it was, uh, a locker room or I didn't watch the video, but, well, it sounds like I wouldn't either it was a music video. So you respect it, even though you don't want to, you don't want any part of it.

Yeah, no, I don't have to have any part of it to, I don't have to have any part of it to respect it because he's getting his name everywhere. He's doing his name by doing, by being himself by exactly. Not all for people being themselves. And, and I think there is a, you think you're right. You don't have to participate to respect something.

I think that there's. A place for everybody in the world. And I think that not all of us have to visit each other's place. Mm-hmm and I think there's this idea that to be in solidarity with someone to have general respect for someone to respect their human rights, to respect their artistry, to respect their contributions, to even like them mm-hmm to even be chill with them.

Doesn't mean like, for me, I have some conservative values when it comes to like the devil thing. Mm-hmm I have like, that's just, maybe it's not even conservative. It's just, you know? Yeah. I love God and that just doesn't feel, it doesn't feel, it doesn't feel right with my, it doesn't align with my soul.

Mm-hmm that's my, my body goes, no thanks. Yeah. And I listen to my body. and I, yeah, that was disturbing for me. yeah. And I don't necessarily need to see a bunch of men. Yeah. Dancing in a, a locker room or a shower, a shower. Exactly. You don't. But I will listen to the music. I won't watch the music videos.

Right. Cause he makes great music. Yeah. And he gets his name in the news and I respect that. right. And it all by being himself, right. Maybe like an extra version of himself, himself. Yeah. Himself past is about being himself. We're ourselves. He, he went into the, um, what, what's the place where they, they dress up, they do all the clothes and things, wardrobe the me.

Was it the, is it met gala, met the met ball, met ball. Is it ball? Yeah. I only know about it cuz of Kim Kardashian. Okay. Mm-hmm um, so he went there and, well everyone's extra there, but he's yeah. Being extra three changes all he had like a big Cape and then a PSDA armor, which I would wear a PSAR but kinda and then he's still an artist.

Exactly. Straight artist. And then something that looked that was like a, uh, uh, a onesy type deal that like he from man. So about him is his ability to totally embrace himself. Exactly. I got. And just because that's the himself is divisive for people, it gets in the news, right. It gets in the media, it gets blown up bigger than it would if he.

was it himself. Okay. So I think that it is time to take a jingle break. Okay. and then I think after the break, I should be able to talk about a celebrity. I respect. Cause I haven't come up with one. I agree. You came up with two. Well, I guess I did come up with Kim. I love Kim. No, I don't think Drake was one I came up with, I think Drake was, I mean, we're talking actual progression from what we were talking about.

Yeah. Kevin Conley. Okay. Sorry guys. so, um, okay, so it's time for freestyle jingle. It's a battle between mom and son. Okay. Here are the rules. One topic will be taken from the fortune cookie. Both mom and son will attempt to sell you the listener, the topic with a freestyle jingle. Then you, the listener will decide who wins.

By voting for the one that you like best in the comments. Just comment, mom, to vote for me, Jessica or son to vote for Tridel and the votes will be tallied and announced. At the next episode, we will be keeping score. And this is a real competition. Okay. I think, um, at the end of every year we just winner has the something, or loser has the something we'll figure it out.

We're open to suggestions. Comments are open, but, uh, it is going down. All right, let's pull a topic. You wanna do it? You go press that. Oh, okay. Since I started with the, okay, cool. I'm scared. we haven't seen these, all the topics, so we both came up with them. Um, let's see what it. Mac and cheese. I can do that.

Ooh, we, God is good to us today. He gave us celebrities and Mac and cheese. all right. Um, well, since I pulled it, why don't you go first? so I have to do the jingle. Yeah. Well we have, we both do a jingle, a freestyle jingle. Yeah. About Mac and cheese. Okay. Oh, we selling, cause we have to sell the Mac and cheese to the viewers.

All right. Okay. And then I guess we're learning on the, on the job guys. Cause I, I honestly thought we both picked one and then we sold, but I like do do wanna do no, I feel like I figured it's a level playing field if we were both trying to sell the same product. All right. And then, uh, they let us know cuz otherwise the product could be right.

One could be a million dollars and the other could be Mac and cheese. I mean, that's not a fair fight. I guess. Well, it was advertising was to make it, but alright, I'm fine with either. Okay. Um, so Mac and cheese, you need B

Creamy cheesy, altogether. Easy. Hey, let's eat some back and cheese.

I'm jealous. Okay. Okay. That was good. That was good. That was excellent. Whew. The pressure's on. I do very good freestyles when I'm alone. uh, but let's do this. Okay. Freestyle Jen go Mac and cheese, Mac and cheese. Mm. So the reason I love Mac and cheese is because when I say, please, mom gives me more and it's so yummy.

Damn, I think I,

so, um, comment or something, let us know who had the better jingle. Don't be so confident. You never know. They might love my J yeah, they could definitely . Oh my gosh. All right. yeah, comment below you let us know who won that round. Um, and, uh, I'm I'm, I'm gonna be ready for you next week. Uh, okay. Celebrities.

Oh, celebrities. We respect. This is so hard. There's so many. Um, I'm just trying to think, like legacy, like legacy, um, like longstanding respect. Like somebody I get goosebumps over, you know what I mean? I think M and M. I think M and M I have a lot of respect for M and M and I'll say why? Well, he's one of the people I've always wanted to meet.

And just like I, his lyrical ability is to me unparalleled. Um, I, and then I don't know, like he was so, okay. So on, I learn a lot when I talk to you, but honestly, I feel like part of my love for M and M and part of what made his music. So legendary is because he wrote from a raw, real place, like back to that same grit I enjoy, he really went through his own hard times and me having had my own struggles, I can say that M and M has made me laugh.

Eminem has made me cry. M and M has like touched my soul and my heart through his artistry in so many ways when he spoke about his issues with his mother, Um, and maybe now, you know, having grown up a lot and maybe meed certain fences, I don't know the current situation. He might not feel this way, but I've had issues with my mother.

And there's a time I would probably wanna have a song where everybody was shouting that epic line at her. Do you know what I mean? And the fact that you had everybody bump in that, in their cars and in a stadium, and there's just a lot, like it takes a lot of gut to address family issues, to address growing up poor, growing up around addiction, growing up, being neglected, growing up.

And I've struggled with tons of those things, but it's, most of the time you'll keep that private you'll tuck it away. You'll and you won't use it to fuel your success. The same thing that holds. 99% of us down is the same thing. M and M turns shit into fuck gas. He sure. He turns shit into rocket fuel and sky skyrocketed to the top who the hell cannot respect that.

Like, I have nothing but respect for M and M. Like I will forever respect that, man. And then, and then he had a tumultuous relationship with his baby mom who, I, I think maybe his wife now, I don't, I don't know exactly what, but I know he was relentlessly committed to her that he respected her and rated her EV like, I mean, the man was with Mariah Carey and looked at her lecture as nothing.

He was all about Kim. He was all about Kim, whether he was loving her or hating her, he was passionate about it and he meant it. And, and, and he is super duper passionate about his child. And his little brother, and it's like the love for family, the love for doing the right thing. As much as he was pissing off everybody at the time with some of his lyrics and maybe dealing with some lawsuits and dealing with all of that.

He was so authentic. And so I, and I just feel like he's cut that same energy this entire time. This, he has never buckled under the pressure of fame and Hollywood and whatever he's asked for some privacy, he's been himself, he's still wearing jeans and hoodies. Like the man is such a respectful, like he's just himself back to being authentic.

I respect the haircut of him. That's what I feel about M andm . Yeah. What do you think? Okay. Um, well I love M and M's music, especially his early stuff. And you bonded us. Do you remember being at the bus stop when you were little? And we used to just like. Freestyle together on the waiting for the bus and stuff like, yeah.

It's a bond for us. Yeah, for sure. And I like his music. Other than that, I don't like know much about his life too much about his life. Yeah, exactly. Um, just every now and then I get a headline, but that's the point to it mainly I know is music and that's the early stuff is really fire and then some newer stuff is alright.

Like it's good. Still mm-hmm so, yeah. Okay. No, I, I feel that, um, I feel that I, I think I feel really passionate about people who literally started at the bottom now, their hair type of thing. Mm-hmm , um, someone that hits really, really close to home is snow because he grew up literally on our block in our neighborhood, in our family, you know what I mean?

And. And the fact that this man has never, ever, ever been like, no matter how much fame he's experienced, no matter how much success he's experienced, he's never turned his back on us. He's always been the same. Like, I'm your Bridger before fame? I'm your Bridger after fame, I'm looking out for the younger people.

I'm I'm there, you know what I mean? And, um, and nice love. And I, I just respect that. I also respect how he, he continues to forge ahead with his artistry, uh, what he was able to do, um, with the remix with, uh, daddy Yankee was, was epic. You know what I mean? And I just, yeah, I have as a person, as an individual, just he as a good heart, he's a good human being.

So I have enough respect for him for that. Yeah. I respect a lot of, you know, you have to respect people that work hard. Yeah, exactly. I totally agree. And people who, I think people don't understand the arts. I think if you're not in the arts. people might think it's like play time. Mm-hmm but it's actually whatever form of artistry you're into, it's an incredibly all consuming and, uh, difficult climb.

Um, you're asking people to love the thing that you sat by yourself and created essentially, or with your team or, oh, you know, you're an artist. Yeah. Who do you respect? Who was one of the people that you would respect, uh, most in your, kind of like in the comic world, in the comic world? That's a great question.

Todd McFarland is dope. He started out at, um, Marvel comics mm-hmm and he noticed that like the artists weren't really getting appreciated. Um, even though they were the ones driving the books at the time. Because they would make these really cool spreads and very dynamic and interesting. It's just in the nineties, it really hit off.

And then they were like, this is kind of ridiculous that we don't get, we don't get what we deserve basically. And because they're creating characters, they don't have the rights to, and they're, they're, they're working on it just as hard as the writers or the editors, and they're the ones getting paid the least.

So they went off and start. So him and a handful of other artists, including Jim Lee went off and started image comics. Mm-hmm and that boomed. And I, I respect the, I respect the move. Oh, you were a working artist. And then you went to go do your own thing and then it succeeded. And then off that he created a hit franchise, um, spawn.

and he, then he started a toy line and that toy line went into comics, but it also went into sports and it also went and you've seen like his other interests in that. And then he's like, okay, spawn, can this get a movie, did a movie. He did a cartoon series and just how much he did and how he changed the comic game, because image in general did change the comic game.

It made artists way more valued because they were bigger than I forget if they, they were number two at one point. So it was DC and Marvel always. And then they started image. And then the image became number two. I forget which one was a little less, but then, um, image started to dip a little bit and then it went kind of back up.

Now it's surfaced as like a independent comic. now it like, kind of, it's an independent comic in, so is it still owned by him? It's uh, I don't think it's owned by him anymore. So I'm sure he probably has a, your point is that you respect the fact that he basically stood up for himself, stood up for some other artist and kind of change the game and said, you know what?

We, as artists need to be respected as well. Exactly. So it's not just his works that you respect, you respect his stance, his ability to start his own company and then be successful at it and then bring it out into other interests. Yeah. See, that's interesting because I know that that's something I've battled with per personally over the years, it's just like this kind of, you know, do I stick to one thing when I'm interested in so many things, am I stuck to just choose one of them or is it, you know, do them all, but I think what I've seen kind of with a lot of successful people.

Is it's do one really, really well, and then parlay that into something else, into other things. Yeah. Right. And sometimes that works. And sometimes that doesn't like with Oprah, she did journalism. Great. And that went into, um, talk show host, which we all know how that went. She was huge. Uh, she went into acting, she went into film production, and then she spun off her own network.

I don't know, but I know that the thing, I think that was the most lucrative for her and where she had, like the height of her success in life was being with a network mm-hmm and being with a team, uh, and, and having the Oprah. And, and so I don't know. It just, I just think that, I think there's a, it it's, you never know how it's gonna go away.

Yeah. Well, to start your own network, as one person is very hard. Yeah. Like he took a handful of like a, a decent amount of artists yeah. And brought him over and they, they all had their own books. So, and being a bunch artists, a bunch of brands and product lines. Exactly. And with being a bunch of artists, he discovered some problems like the books, not being out on time, for example, right.

Some people getting this giant check because it's their own book. Now they get most of the money and then screwing. and then coming back when they need more money, right. There was a kinda different problem brand lines and stuff like that. Exactly. But it also, um, huge people were into like, I think, uh, Rob Liefeld, which is another huge comic artist was, was an image too, is the, the three really big names.

Our Todd McFarland, Jim Lee and Rob Liefeld. Um, Rob Liefeld actually sold a bunch of his, uh, the, like the movie rights to Netflix, like maybe two, three years ago. And I'm sure he got a pretty penny off of that because he has, uh, big IP, huge IP. Um, which, yeah, so it's interesting. You seem to have a respect for celebrities that are willing to stand up and be themselves and demand the respect that they deserve.

And I seem to have a, I seem, I mean, of course I respect that too, but I also seem to. People who have, um, have had to come up from the hustle. Ti is someone I really love, I love TE's podcast. It's one of the only podcasts I listen to expeditiously for me is so on point, but also ti again, he, he, he rose the fame and then he had adversity.

He went away to jail. That could have been the end of the conversation, but it wasn't because he demanded more, he had issues in his marriage that could have been the end of the conversation, but it wasn't, he is with his queen and he respects her as such, you know, um, magic Johnson. Talk about that. Could have been the end.

Yeah. Right. And at that time, when it was like, HIV was considered more, still a gay disease. Right. Look at easy and straight outta Compton, but I'm not gay. Mm-hmm right. So it was still very misunderstood. It was still very new. Right. And, um, and then there was this whole debate of, could he play, could, you know, people just didn't know how it was, like how it worked.

Yeah, right. Yeah. What was up being? And he was like upfront and he was honest and he checked in, but also he was like, I have so much respect for somebody who figures out that they need to diversify, that he was investing in different things. Starbucks was brilliant for him. Like talk about a wealthy man and a great decision.

And, um, and he is, thank God. He, he still seems to be doing very, very, very well, however many years later, like this two decades or something now mm-hmm right. And so, I mean, I, I respect good, good hustle. You know, I respect and I, I think, you know, him and his wife are still together and I respect family values.

I respect good hustle. I respect the FA I, I, we need to see those stories where people can come from nothing and create so much. Oh, Tupac. Tupac is someone I love and a. And respect. Um, I think, I don't think that that's a debate. I think anybody who knows Tupac would respect him. I think Tupac and Kanye probably had stuff in common.

Mm. I think the fact that I think Tupac would've did so much with films. Um, I think you still would've if he was still here, he would've been gigantic right now. Yeah, me too. Really? Me too, uh, in the movie industry, but I think he would've went into fashion too. He was that type of creative. Like actually, if I was to say, who on earth reminds me the most of Tupac, it's probably Kanye.

Right. And not in his grit, not in his lyrics. Not in his demeanor, not in his looks, not in his approach, but in his artistry. Artistry. Yeah. Yeah. In his artistry. Right. He's undeni, they're both undeniable geniuses for sure. Mm-hmm right. And I think that's what was the main difference between Tupac and biggie was?

I think biggie was an amazing lyricist. Yeah. And he could flow. Yeah. And he was really great at what he did. And I think he had a heart of gold from what I could tell, you know, but I don't think he was gonna venture into all these other things. He might have made some smart business moves, like a magic Johnson situation, you know, mm-hmm and, and put his money down on the right things.

Yeah. And been big that way. But I, I wouldn't have necessarily predicted that. Yeah. He's gonna go into all these other areas. I think that was a PAC thing. Yeah. You know what I mean? I think it was just, he was just a little bit of a different type of, he was an all round artist, you know? Right. It was just a little different, but yeah, no, I mean, there's so many people out there to respect.

Madonna keeps coming up for me. Madonna, Madonna, Madonna, Madonna, Madonna. Why not? Um, I don't, I don't know. It's just what. This is the divisive item. Madonna . Whoa, is there first of all, like right now, what is she done? What is she doing other than she's doing the same, same thing, but she did. So sometimes you don't have to do so much, like she already did it.

Yeah. So if Marilyn Monroe didn't die, she would've got older. Yeah. And then she'd be doing what Madonna's doing. Well, I don't even know why other than being, what is Marilyn Monroe? Well, your grandmother loves Marilyn. I'm aware, but why? Like she she's pretty girl. Yeah. She was very pretty. And I mean, and people loved that she was a size 16 and Kirby.

And back then that wasn't popular. oh, a curvy girl. Oh no. You're so brave. Like what, what is that? Of course. Um, I mean, she was really sultry when she's saying Mr. President. I don't know. I love Marilyn Monroe because, well, isn't her job just to be beautiful. It's wrong with that? That was her job. What did Pamela Anderson do?

She acted, but really she was on a show full of people that acted the thing that made her the differentiator. She's hotter than any other person that ever went on that show. And that's why we all know who she is. I also don't think so, but well, maybe not today, everybody gets older, but like, if you look back at the early pictures of Pamela Anderson and her beautiful bone structure and her lips and her, you don't think she's stunning.

I, I thought you said a different name, but um, oh yeah. Back in the, yeah, I could agree with that. Did you really? You guys said a different name. Yeah. I thought you said a different name. Who, so I wanna know whose name . That's why, when you're explaining the show, I was like, oh, figured explaining the, what did you think?

Ferris Hilton. Oh, oh yeah. People were all about that. Eh, um, Hmm. So Paris, Hilton's cute. You know, I mean, when she did her show with Nicole Richie, I think Paris Hilton, it's funny. Right? Like I think Paris Hilton has not had an easy life and I know most people will be like, what am I talking about? But. It's not easy to like, I, I would imagine it's not always easy to have the spotlight on you, 24 7 mm-hmm I get that.

She's rich. I get that she's but she also has an image that I guess she falls into and maybe sometimes you can be so slave to an image. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm uh, yeah, no people were about that. I think sometimes when the chasm goes all the way, one way, it then goes all the way. The other way. I think having the world kind of making Paris Hilton, the eight girl for so long, made it such a prime environment for it to swing all the way over to Kim Kardashian because they're very different looking girls.

Yeah. And, and it went and one, it went from one was the it to the other was the it, so I think the world just likes D. And I think Marilyn Monroe was the beauty of her time. And I think Pamela Anderson was the beauty of her time. And I think Paris Hilton was the beauty of her time. And I think, uh, Kim Kardashian is very much a beauty in today's day.

And I think there are a ton of if we're looking at just beauty, although I think she does have a flow and actually I do respect her actually I'll shadow. The younger star is, um, mil lotto. I love mil lotto. I think mil lotto is stunning. Like by far the most beautiful rapper out there now, possibly ever for sure.

Mil lotto, hands down, best looking rapper, female rapper ever. Would you agree? And if you can disagree, then you gotta tell me who's not who could replace her. I can't agree nor disagree because I'm not a hundred percent sure Mela. Like we could pull it up. Yeah. If you want where's the phone. Sure. I'm not.

like we all pull up Mela right now. She's a Atlanta rapper. Uh, I think she first came out. I mean, she's been doing her thing for a long time, but she first came out on the show with, um, JB, uh, Jermaine. Dere. Yeah. No, I remember you talking about it for sure. Yeah. I just don't know. Yeah. That's okay. And so, um, I think she was, she was, um, she was the winner of that show.

Okay. Well, oh, good upset her. No, but, but she, but now, so what happens? So, you know, we have an indie artist. Um, people don't necessarily know this, but we have an indie artist platform that where we help in the artist. One thing I love about her, she kind of said, you know what? I, I don't, I don't think so. I think I'm gonna, we're gonna, I'm gonna, um, go in D and do my own thing.

How do you spell a lotto?

I know lottos in it. L O T T O. So it's Meto. I don't know. Isn't it. Some people have an issue with the name. It's not Mala. M a lotto. No, it's M U M U. No, no, it's not. How the heck do you, okay. Sorry guys. We're just gonna straight up. Ask Mela. Yeah. M U L a T T O. Did. Did she change? No, this isn't her. So who that's weird.

Well, anyway, I can just, I can just show you on Google. I don't know where her, maybe she changed it to yeah, she might change it to big lotto, big lotto. she was using that for a minute, but what she does, she does all these like tax campaigns. She's just out there grinding and I see her getting more. So let's see what her IG is, cuz Google's awesome for this.

Um, so it's lotto. Seven. No, that's the fan page. I don't know. These people are anyway. It's it's fine. Here's her image. Here's her image. She's so pretty look at she's literally perfection. Okay. Okay. Here you go. Literally perfection. Oh yeah. I know who this is. Um, yeah, she's pretty. No, she's the prettiest rapper at this point to ever live.

I'd have to do my research, but I think she's pretty. Okay. So let's, let's talk about other rappers. So what other female rappers are there that we know? Well, I just said I have to do my well, we can just, you know them, you just off jump little Kim, um, MC light. Um, Missy Elliot, we talked about Lil Kim.

Definitely. I hope that how her skin get so light. What she do. Oh, that's another show. Is that age? that's another or that's another show, you know what? Okay. No, no, it's okay. You know what, here's what I'm gonna say about little Kim. She did a show on Netflix and these shows are very important, you know, when you can peek into people's lives because you gain a level of empathy.

Right. And so what I was able to see, like, look at her with no, like, like just like a supernatural look professional. I, yeah, she's pretty, I didn't say she's not pretty. No, but not only is she pretty she is the prettiest rapper that that's, that we know, like that's in the public eye. Mm-hmm ever okay. Ever the only person who could test her maybe.

Right. Who is also pretty is Lauren Hill, but that's such a different look. It's just so different. Here's Lauren Hill. Okay. I'm telling you Milato prettiest rapper to EV like to ever have fame, like to that we know, we don't know every rapper that's stood there, prettiest that rapper to ever live. We digress.

You don't get respect for just being pretty. That was your point about Marilyn Monroe. Yeah. But she, she also can rap. Now she raps mostly about sex, you know, like most female rappers. Well, this is disappointing for me because male rappers don't just rap about sex. Well, no, not necessarily. Like they rap about life.

There's a lot about problems. They rap look at dear mama. Huge mm-hmm changes. Yeah. Huge snoops out there, right? Yeah. He'll rap about sex. He'll rap about weed. He'll rap about life. He'll rap about rap. Yeah, I know. But sometimes the that's not what will get you money, like thought shit. For by, um, Megan, the stallion.

That's a, but who likes Meghan stallion? Who has any respect for Meghan? No stallion. I, as, as a musician, 100%. Why? Because she makes good music. She makes good dance to that. If I need good dance, good music thought shit's a good chef. It's a Bob. No, I don't. I mean, I'll take Cardi B. Like when she came out with that Bullock, it hit, it, hit it hit for sure.

It's the oldest song. You , that's the one. I like the best. Yeah. It's a good song. She she's come out with she's come out with a ton of excellent songs. I like Cardi B. Yeah, me too. I like Cardi B. I respect Cardi bee. That's another girl that grinded her way to the top. She did what she had to do. Mm-hmm and she did it.

I respect card B mm-hmm right. I respect Nikki Minaj. She, she had her baby. She said, oh, da, like, that's so beautiful. But like, I, I mean, she, she had to, these people have to work. , you know what I mean? Like Alicia, Kea, stunning, but she's not in the category of rapper, so no, we're not. That's what we're. I said, Mela is the most beautiful rapper, right?

Not singer. What do you mean? They have to work? Everyone. Everyone has to work. I'm saying they have to work really, really hard. Mm-hmm they're just like doesn't well, to make it to that level of kids. Yeah. Anybody has to work that hard. I don't know. Well then if we're just talking about music, I've worked kind of hard.

I'm not . I mean, honestly, I tend to like male rappers better. Me too. So the fact that you're on my radar as a female, and that sounds terrible, but I like, first of all, I don't necessarily wanna hear a girl talk about sex. I'm I'm a heterosexual female. I, it doesn't the market's more saturated with male rappers.

So the fact that there's more good male rappers than female rappers, that's just the numbers game. Do you think so though, like, do you think it's like a harder industry for females right now? I think less females do it. Less females rap, or they're just not getting put on less females rap. I think that could be, I think no girl, friend.

What's her name? I have no clue. The girl, you know her and you said she's cute. She's oh, no. I seen her. I don't know. That doesn't mean I know her. Okay. Yeah, no, I, I think she's grinding and doing her thing, but that's a come up, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm everybody's but yeah, I like Milato anyway. I like Milato a lot.

I, I think she's gonna have stickability in the game. I think she's gonna go far as, um, executives in, in a, in a, in a company that works to help in the artists. I have tremendous respect for her indie hustle. Yeah. And she's beautiful. She's beautiful. Stunning. So. I don't know. Uh, I think, uh, side artists aside and celebrities aside, uh, obviously authors, um, Dr.

Zeus, big respect for Dr. Zeus. Mm-hmm Dr. Zeus is like children's legend gave us the grin. You stole Christmas, which we watch every year gave us, you know, all of these epic characters. And he talked about such serious issues. Like with the niches, those niches, I swear. Well with vaccinations right now, it looks like niches to me.

right. It's like, oh, you gotta star on your belly. You think you're better? Oh, you don't have a star. Don't come over here. Like that's some basic Dr. Seus stuff. Yeah. That, like, I feel like Dr. Seuss was like, I mean, he's just a man. He's not perfect, like anyone else, but there's something about artists and prophecies.

you know what I mean? Whether it's, we're looking into them to find prophecies and we're just drawing those conclusions ourselves B or there's real prophecies, and maybe they don't even know cuz their level of genius because we're all spiritual beings. We all work on a vibration and if you're connected to your vibration yeah.

You can connect to prophecy. Right. And I just feel like, like, yeah, I think he was whew of deserving of a letter. Do you have any leaders with respect right now? Leaders as in leaders who the hell is leading anything right now, where are all the leaders.

I don't know. Um, you're like, this is a tough topic. Let's move back over to celebrities. Cause we might not be able to say what we really wanna say right now. No, I was gonna make a joke and I was gonna say, well, Kim, Jon UN seems like he runs a pretty tight ship, but um, why did you say we have to edit that out now?

No, we don't have to edit that out. It was just a joke. I'm joking. But um,

we have no comment on his ship either way and no thoughts, regardless in any rich direction on his ship. Disclaimer, think it's, you know, he has a ship. That's about it. That's what we know. That's all, none of our business we grew up in the hood. We saw nothing. We know nothing. do we have to edit that out?

we're joking. It's a, it's a comedy show guys. Oh, Kevin Hart. It's pretty good. wait, why he as for what? Like just in general. Oh yeah. Cause he's not president . That would be interesting. Oh, Barack Obama. Okay. I think that's a leader. We can risk back. I know, but he's not in power right now. Assume I know. And we're all clank clamoring to the fact that he was once to empower her and there's a bunch of, uh, iffy, iffy stuff there too.

See, this is the thing with leadership. They love you till they, till they hate you. It doesn't matter who you are. Oh, I'd much rather have if Obama could have stuck in I'd much rather have him over well, Trump than sleepy, Joe . Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, they were, yeah. What, sure. Biden even doing right. Well, you know what?

I think that, that's why you don't, you barely see, I think that's what they wanted though. I think they just wanted quiet maybe. Yeah, I guess. Right. Cause like when you're the spotlight, everyone did vote just against Trump. Get in this. Yeah. It's pretty wild. Yeah. But like what about Kevin heart? cool dude.

Like his comedy, uh, his movies are, I don't think he's missed honestly slow. I'm gonna say something really, really controversial. You said looks should not be something that gets you famous. Basically. You were trying to say that I just looks are always gonna be a factor, but I think, well, yeah. And it depends what you're doing.

Just famous for no reason. You're thinking. Uh, no, I think you shouldn't be a legend for no reason. I think that's it. Yeah. I think famous and rich for looking good. Sure. More power to you. I think that's great. But yeah. Legend. I think that's where, so Marilyn Monroe is immortalized in legendary status for sure.

And you feel that well, nobody knows what she, we don't know why. No, I don't know. I don't think, well, Sheed, she was an actress. Okay. What she was in the movies, which one? Well, there were black and white movies, Trey. So do you know any of the names that are aware of? Well, I mean, you know what? Bing Crosby was a huge actor whom I love, he could also sing and dance.

He was in singing in the rain. I think, I don't really know all the things Bing Crosby was in, but we should be celebrating him. He's fantastic. Right. Frank Sinatra. Okay. Singer. Yeah. But do you know what he's saying? But he's amazing. Yeah, you have just, cause you don't know, it doesn't mean it's not epic. I know Frank Sinatra songs.

I've heard them. Same one. I can't. You think you could just sing anything? Sure. Give me a challenge. What? See, just like I know Johnny Cash. I don't can't sing his name as songs. Great. Balls of fire. that was his Johnny, pat. That was the guy who married his, the little girl. That's Jerry Lee Lewis. Are you sure?

Goodness gracious. Great balls. No, that's not what I mean, ring of fire. He has this fire song. Great ball of fire is Jerry Lee. This happened a long time ago. Are you, am I supposed to remember something that happened in the 60? So why don't we think about the fact that, oh, this see, like I tried to steer off a top politics and now we're onto politics.

Cause I'm like, what about the fact that Jerry Lee Lewis got away with marrying a 14 year. And now, now, listen, I'm Nora Kelly fan. And I found out like some stuff where I'm like, oh no, he did a lot more. Yeah. He did a lot more than just cause he got away with marrying a 15 year old. Yeah. He did get away with that.

Right. And there were so many people in the music industry that's that have done similar things. Say that marrying, just yelling like, um, well even the guy who married his stepdaughter was Dudley Moore. No, that's not Moore. Um, what's his name? Why am I, I see his face? No, uh, I's drawing a blank. Um, I know exactly.

Yeah. Yeah. But she was of age. No, I don't think it's right. I, I don't think it's right. His, it was his adopted desire. Adopted daughter. No. Was his adopted daughter. I heard it was his wife's adopted daughter. They got into the relationship. It was already, they were, she was adopted already and a child. And when they met and a child, she was 17.

This is what I heard. I watched a podcast on it yesterday. Do I think it's right. So man's was like, oh, you're good. But your daughter's better. Like, what is this? I don't think it's right. I'm not going for it. It's just not, he wasn't an underage thing is all I'm saying, do I think it's right. Morally? Not at all, but law controversial.

Yeah. And yeah, morally well and morally matters morally. I agree. Really. It matters. This is what I think a lot of celebrities don't understand is how their actions actually need to be moral. And it can sink you if it's like, well, we see it now. I think for the first time in history, we're really seeing, you know, that there's a connection between success and like your lives.

We are no longer in a world where work is separate from personal. And we, we are judged by what we do on an off camera, in like every, you are a pool person. And then what you do is what you do. That's part of you. And if you don't like what you're doing, don't do it. Like get some help, do what you gotta do.

But like, that's part of you. You can't turn it off when, you know, when you walk out of a room or when you leave a home or no, like, that's you bro, that's following, that's your karma. That's your Juju. That's following you. And I think people are starting to get that, but like, I'm, I'm a believer cuz I don't think there's an excuse.

Like I grew up in the hood. I grew up in poverty. I grew up in, uh, a family that had issues at op. I'm still accountable for my actions every single day. I always have been, I'm not perfect. I'm a human being, but like I'm accountable. Like I have to, you have to try your best at least. And if you make a mistake, like improve, you know, but that's not mistake.

That's like, unfortunately illness, I think that's like some mental illness stuff. Like that's, that's the next level, you know? Yeah. So, but yeah, it's just interesting how the times, how things are, how things have changed, you know, how things have changed. Um, I think I'm gonna end, um, I wanna end with like one epic one.

We can both agree on one epic respected celebrity that we can both agree. Ice cube. I, I was thinking ice cube earlier. I agree with ice with that. I think we can both agree. Yay. Ice cube is gonna finish off our show because he is not divisive. He's not so. Okay. What do we respect about Mr. Cube? First of all, I don't.

I feel like when you put in iconic rapper and. Only ice cube should pop up. that's just my personal opinion. We, you know, I like, we all like that one vanilla ice song, but that shouldn't pop up and I still don't know why ice tea is famous. No disrespect. I just don't know. Yeah. Right. Ice cube is the only ice.

That's a legendary mm-hmm okay. He's the, the original drip, you know? So I just feel like, yeah, but okay. Let's talk about why we love ice cube. Well, he started off in a rap group. Mm-hmm right. Wrote a lot of songs for that rap group. Bangers that everybody still bumps. Oh, bangs. I have them on my phone right now.

Listen to some today. Isn't it beautiful that it transcends like, like I'm your mom. I listen to him. You're my son. You listen to him. Like he's, he's, he's that banger for everybody when solo. Bang still made some bangers, bangers, tracs, heed things up. One of the best tracs, an epic, uh, businessman, because he had principle back to like you respecting people who stand up for their own rights.

Mm-hmm exactly. And then he wrote a movie and then wrote more movie movies in the right ways. Yeah. He was controversial for the right reasons. The man didn't stand up against everything and fall for everything. The man pick and choose his battles. Mm-hmm and I respect that people are out there being controversial for no reason at all.

That's not what you do. If you, if you wanna be heard, if you wanna have potency, which he has in oodles, then you need to choose when you speak and speak about something that matters. This man is the legend of that. And you're right. He's a epic movie producer. Hello boys in the hood, right. Boys in the hood, like.

child for me that was defining for my teens, right? Like my teens were defined by like that movie opened eyes, that movie addressed, people are here talking about gun violence. Not that many people are doing that much to try to bring peace or awareness or anything. And this man made a whole movie and let the world know.

And he said, I don't know if they, you know, just don't know, you know, don't care or whatever, or just don't care, but what's going on in the hood. And when you're in the hood, I can speak that. That's how I felt. I felt like, you know, like people are just turning on their blinders and moving on and don't, they're, they're going through their regular life in their regular world.

And you could have a war, like two minutes away, five minutes away as long, it doesn't affect your happy life. You don't give two shits to deal with the fact that, and at the end of the day, those are socioeconomic issues. These are, these are issues that are created by systemic. Disadvantages that are planned to be like that mm-hmm that is like, who addresses that?

That's why I said, where are the leaders? This is what I meant. Where are the leaders? Right. Spike Lee was addressing stuff. Ice cube was addressing stuff. And ice cube has a way of telling a story where it will let you know what you need to know without like villainizing anybody really, or like hitting you over the head with it.

Mm-hmm but it still gets the point across like spike Lee was more like FIS, you know, like he would like, it'd be a lot more controversial, like jungle fever. You know, it wasn't told in a way where there's unity at the end of the story is as a light skinned female, you end up feeling I'm light skinned, female, you end up feeling like, oh man, like you end up feeling like, oh, you're you're saying mixed girls are.

And you're saying black guy, you know what, white woman's gonna take your black man. And like, it, it created, hit all spike. These movies back then created like this feeling of discomfort inside mm-hmm but it wasn't for the right. I still don't feel like it hit me the right way where it was like discomfort that results in something positive.

Right. I felt like ice cube created things that yes, it would address an issue. Would we all got hurt when Ricky died? You know what I mean? Sorry. If you haven't seen boys in the hood, but that's your fault for not seeing an epic movie yet. So go do some culture digging, no matter what culture you are and watch boys in the hood, if you haven't already, but we all hit it.

Also. You could watch Friday as well, cuz there's a gun violence message in there. And the movie's funny. so hold on. Depending on your flow, I'm comparing, I know we're respecting ice cream, depending on your feel. Hold I know. I know we're respecting ice cube. And I know these are both his works Uhhuh, but are you trying, uh, are you trying to put boys in the hood in the same bracket as Friday?

Well, right now depends. If you wanna have a good time or be set ah, my gosh, listen, listen, my dear son, sometimes people like to be sad, but watch this it's a sad movie. Like there are it's it's a thrilling movie. I don't know. I remember you making me watch it and crying at the end every time.

I mean, did that make you sad? I'm like, okay. Boys in the hood and Selena, we won't watch I know it's true. Well, it's sad. I don't like when good people die, it hurts, you know, of course, or anybody. And I have, I am an empath. I have like really a big heart, so it's hard, but I know. So when I watched that movie in the theater with your father, which is the first time I ever saw it was with your dad, um, he laughed at that scene.

So I don't think everybody takes it the way I took it. But, um, I promptly slapped him in a face. I don't promote violence, but you know, will I get in trouble for saying that? I mean, I was in like a slap. I just like poked him with my finger. Like, no, I didn't touch him at all. I blew on him. That thought anyway, I was like verbally slapping him in his face.

Like, you know what I mean? Like letting him know you do not laugh when somebody is shot. That's serious. Oh. So I was crying and I don't like when people interrupt my crying, when I'm watching a movie to laugh, it feels insensitive and highly inappropriate. Right. Okay. so, but your father laughed mm-hmm your father laughed.

So maybe it was a comedy and I just didn't know. I don't know. Right. I cried because, and so Ricky was my favorite character in the film. Mm-hmm . Who was your favorite character in that film? Uh, I it's been too long since I've watched it. If I'm gonna be on this, well, then we're watching it tomorrow. I don't think so.

We already watch Friday and then we watch next Friday. So it only is fitting. Yeah, I know. Uh, the last couple movie we've been watching, I might just watch it by myself. No, you're not gonna watch it. You watch it. I'm pretty sure that's how its but um, yes. Go watch ice cubes, movies, and listen to his music.

And this is not a paid pro. We legit love ice, ice cube. If you haven't listened to NWA in a while. Go do that because back to that too, I mean, he didn't write that. No, I don't think so, but I love that movie too. I really like it. So epic. So inspiring. Mm-hmm and I think that's it. And then again, this is a man who, how long has he's been married?

Like decades and he's committed to what he's doing and he he's, he's an epic actor. He's good at any. He there's another genius. Everything he does. He does it. I think that, yeah, really, really, really well. Mm-hmm I think he's so understated and underrated. It's unbelievable actually, but maybe that's how he wants it.

Like maybe, well, yeah, I think he, yeah, I think that is how he wants it. Yeah. Cause I think he intentionally flies under the radar until he wants to do something. It seems. Yeah. That's what I see. So he might be my favorite person that we spoke about today. Yeah, sure. I truly love him. I think that's who I wanna meet, not and M and M and Kim and Kim Kardashian, you know, heck let's just throw Kanye in there and it would be an awesome like mixer, but, um, but yeah, um, ice cube is just somebody and he's such a deep, I, I would imagine that he would be a deep thinker.

Like I imagine that we would have real amazing conversations and the fact that he has lived through so many generations. Of, well, I don't know. Well, they don't see so many generations, but, um, he's lived through so many changes in our community, in the black community and so many shifts in entertainment and in like in the world.

And he's always been somebody still up there creating like low key, but up there and somebody with his own mind, his own voice, his own thoughts, call what, from what I could see calling his own shots, you know what I mean? I feel like he would be somebody to have a conversation with. He would be somebody of high intellect that would have a really cool, like, just a really good conversation, you know, kind of like talking to you, Trey okay.

yeah. So that is, um, you know, I think that that, that is our show three shots and a mango beer. We hope you enjoyed listening as much as we enjoyed chatting. And, um, you know, we hope you enjoyed us just being us, um, and maybe even learn something today. Uh, we don't ever know what we're talking about here, cuz we're always pulling out of a fortune cookie and free styling, but I think it was a good chat and a good, uh, yeah, I think it was a good first podcast for sure.

Epic, epic. Join us next time. Uh, next week, this is a weekly podcast. Join us next week for three shots in a mango beer. Make sure that you like and subscribe to our podcast and be sure to follow us on Instagram at platinum Rouge, P L a T I N U M R O U G E because this is a platinum Rouge production. Bye guys.

Oh, what? Oh no, I was just gonna heck you

but yes. Piece y'all and it is a platinum Rouge production. .