Join me while I learn HTMX and talk at you about it
Twitter: @htmxlabs
Alright. So I have been doing conversations with people for the last that's sort of what this whole season was about, and that I have just loved. I I have had so much fun with it much more than I expected. I was able to talk to people. I never really expected to be able to, you know, just creators of these different frameworks and a bunch of, you know, hypermedia focused people building stuff, building companies, working with people.
Lazarus:So, I that that was, awesome. And I'm just I probably have more to say about that. I kind of wanna, like, put my thoughts together on it, but I think that I'm gonna end the season of that. I'm still gonna do some conversations. I actually have a couple lined up, one with the the person who does unpolyjs and, another with someone else who who's been building their application, using h t m x.
Lazarus:So, like, I'm just gonna keep doing those whenever. But I think, you know, I've been talking about doing this hype cp page, which was originally h t m x labs. I've changed the name to hype cp, hype copy and paste. Mentioned that before, but, hype So I'm going to start building that.
Lazarus:I just made some updates to it, and right now it's still just that suggestions box, but I have received more suggestions than I expected and comments and like just really nice things that people have said, and some really good suggestions about what they want to see, what what might be on the site. Some of them I am definitely going to use. And as I was kind of looking through them I was realizing that they're right now they're just for me, you know, and I really appreciate that, but I am wondering if there's a place for these comments to be part of the site. And I don't wanna just take some, you know, someone sent me a private message, you know, I don't wanna just broadcast that, to to the Internet without permission. So I just made an update to, where along with your suggestion there's now a checkbox to make it public, and also another checkbox to anonymize it so that if you want to, you know, put a suggestion out there and what I'm what I'm thinking I'm gonna do, and this is all like I'm still just kind of working this out, but I'm gonna be building this in public.
Lazarus:So what I'm gonna do is put those suggestions up if people check off the public option. And then there's also an anonymize option. So, you know, if you wanna make your suggestion public, but not attach your name to it, maybe you don't want your name on the internet for whatever, Whatever your reasons are, I just want to give you the option to to stay anonymous. So you can make it public, but keep it anonymous, or you can just make it public. And I will, you know, put put it up with a name next to it, a link if you have a social.
Lazarus:I won't share your email. I'm still I also separated the name, email, and social. I just think that makes a little more sense if I'm actually gonna try to like sort out what people posted, and, you know, maybe someday, if you if you add your email, I could email you or something like that. I I'm I haven't quite figured out that part of it. But for now there's a slightly updated form.
Lazarus:And if you make a suggestion now, I'm not going to retroactively make the other suggestions public. So if you've already made a suggestion, but you'd rather have a public one too, you know, feel free to add the same one again and just check off public. But my thinking with that is that I can show them and maybe even do like an upvote, upvote. I'm probably not a downvote. That doesn't that doesn't feel, I don't know.
Lazarus:Maybe a downvote too just for fun. But basically just make those suggestions something that is interactive and that people can see, oh, here's what other people are suggesting. I like that idea. I like that idea. And, you know, the goal of this is to make something that has a bunch of examples, but also to kind of shape it publicly.
Lazarus:That's what, the kind of build in public. I've never done this before. I've never built anything in public. I haven't done much in public. Most of the work I do is just private programming for myself or for other companies.
Lazarus:So, I'm going to make that public and or, you know, that's live right now. So this is gonna be the new season. I'm I'm kicking it off right now. Thanksgiving break's coming up, so I'll probably not going to do much over thanksgiving, the next few days. But, I am still going to be doing the conversations because I I find those fun and interesting and, you know, probably just kind of pepper those in here and there.
Lazarus:They're also time consuming, you know, like the editing and the, not that I do a ton of editing, but, you know, I have to schedule it with people and set it up and get the video, post it on Youtube. Posting on Youtube actually has been has been really interesting and and cool. There's kind of a, you know, I get a lot of comments on YouTube. And it's a funny thing about the podcast is, like, there's no comment section in on podcasts. So, there's, you know, just not the same sort of feedback on that you go on youtube and there's, like, some of these videos have, like, 50 comments and stuff, and these are just the same things I'm posting on the podcast, you know, but with a video.
Lazarus:So anyway, starting off the new season, still gonna do conversations, but now we're building hype CP. I'm building hype CP, in public. The first step of building it is putting updating the form, making public suggestions, and then I'm going to at some point incorporate those so that people who go to hype c p can see the public suggestions, add their own up votes, maybe down vote, we'll see. So that's just the updates and welcome to season 5. That's it.
Lazarus:Have a good one. Bye.