The Conscious Collaboration

Have you ever wondered how ancient wisdom can guide modern leadership? Or how a hurricane's energy might mirror the challenges in our lives? In Episode 125 of The Conscious Collaboration, Lisa and Emily dive deep into these intriguing questions amidst the backdrop of an impending hurricane in Florida.

We dive straight into an I Ching reading to gauge the collective energy. Then explore hexagrams 34 (Great Vigor) and 17 (Following), drawing powerful parallels between thunderous energy and the transformative challenges faced by entrepreneurs and leaders.

Lisa shares her productive day, and together, they discuss the importance of maintaining vigor and effective collaboration. Emily introduces the concept of "Lieutenant Dan energy" from Forrest Gump, underscoring the resilience needed to turn adversity into growth.

Join us as we explore the balance between comfort and challenge, the cyclical nature of leadership, and the transformative power of collaboration. Don’t miss this engaging and insightful episode!

Tune in to learn how to join our Conscious Collaboration Collective on Facebook, where you can share your wins and find support within our community.

Talk to you in 5!
Emily and Lisa

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What is The Conscious Collaboration?

The Conscious Collaboration Podcast brings together entrepreneurs, changemakers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people who embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to aligned mind, body, and business.


The conscious collaboration brings together entrepreneurs, change makers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people that embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to an aligned mind, body, and business.


What up, y'all? I'm Emily.


And I'm Lisa. And we are the Conscious Collaboration. Test you and me today.


It's me and you, kid.


Yeah. We are enough. We are. We say this every time.


You and the rest of my personalities.


Yeah. Our affirmations, we say to each other when it's just you and me, and to be the podcast. But we have some exciting guests coming up. I'm looking forward to that.


We sure do.


Yeah. So, you know, just based on us just catching up on storm coming and everything and what we're experiencing in our own lives, let's do what we normally do in our pre chat and do the I Ching here with everybody and see what the energy is of the collective, and let's just rip on it.


Let's do it. And by the way, just for anybody who's not in Florida where we are located, that it we we've got a little little hurricane brewing in the gulf. I think it's still a potential hurricane, but


the I don't know. I just shall happen.


It's going to be Helen or Helene. Helen Helene.


Yeah. I It's coming. I am just taking it hour by hour on the storms. So


The price we pay to live in paradise, I suppose.


Yeah. It is paradise. It's been so beautiful. It's been It has. The prettiest.


Yeah totally worth it. So it's a called phosphorescent in the water. Oh the bioluminescence. Yeah. Bioluminescence like that electric blue in the wave that was like otherworldly, and the full moon and all that.


And then just, you know, being out on the boat yesterday. Who gets to do that? Like, on the boat for a few hours and home by lunch.


Yeah. That was awesome. Looked awesome, I should say.


Yeah. It did look awesome. Yeah.


And I've just had some really, really thoroughly enjoyable walks on the beach. So Yeah. We'll take it.


We're just taking a walk on the beach. So yeah. Alright, let's check on the energy here. So what is the general what's


going on? Yeah? Yeah. It's it's pretty.


On our conscious collaboration out there.


Stuff is going on right now. I feel like the the storm is a bit symbolic in a lot of ways.


Yes. For many people that we know, but let's see. Alright. Energy around the collective and then what kind of golden insights can we offer and that we can work on to help give people some clarity and ease and whatever is happening. So, Yeah, one of these days, I'm gonna figure out how to do the Facebook live again so we can type this into the group


one of these days.


Okay so the energy around the collective. This is interesting because it's because a lot of what you were talking about is great and bigger.


I don't think I've ever seen that one.


Yeah. Maybe I haven't seen it with you before. Thunder above and sky below. Yeah. Powerful.


It just reminds me, I wanna ask you about how your day was. You said you were really super productive and


Yeah. Yeah. I have felt very vigorous today.


Always a good place to be in as a business owner. Super productive.




And then, insights that we can inject into this conversation to help move forward with clarity and ease is the energy of following, which is hexagram 17.


We do get that fairly often.


We do. I think that has lots to do with the whole collective energy that we talk about and the collaboration. So it's hexagram 34, great vigor, shifting into hexagram 17, following, which is lake above and thunder below. So there's thunder in both of these present and future energies. Shaking things up.


It's also a progression if you do the the numerology from 7 to 8. Yeah. If that means anything.


Yeah. It is. I don't


know if they put it like that in the I Ching. But


That's why we look at numbers as well too. So any intuitive insights that you get from it. These are both very life journey and relationships oriented. Look, it's like the same colors. So we've got the deep dark blue, navy, almost like


It almost looks inverted too. You know? Like, the images are inversions of each other.




Like, the the way the dark and the light are,


in place. Mhmm. Yeah. I love the artist for these. It's the visionary I Ching, and the artist is Joanne Larimore that, depicts the translation of what the hexagrams tell us.


I think it's really helpful for us to understand just at a glance if you get any of our intuitive hits, off of the energies because aging can be so complicated and flowery in its language. It's such an ancient, book and recording of the environmental science and the elements of nature. So a lot of other translations can get very, complicated and complex, but very poetic, but hard to understand. So I like the way this team uses the words in a more modern context with the visuals to help us use it today, quicker and to understand them a lot better.


Those also both have a bit of a stormy sky look.


Yeah. They do. The thunder yeah. So the first one is thunder above and sky below. And then the second one, the following is lake above and thunder below.


Interesting. Right?


Thunder in both of them.


Thunder in both of them. Mhmm. So coming out of, this current energy right now where everybody is sitting, there is a strength and vigor in this situation, like that of a rain that knocks down a fence or a free, or to free itself from captivity. So that kind of like the storm energy as we're talking about the hurricane coming. Exactly.


Knocking down fences. I mean


Yeah. That's


gonna happen. I think that's what my last name translates to something something to that effect in German. Oh.


Just fun fact. Knock down the fence?


Fence breaker. Yeah. Yeah. But it colloquially, I guess, means, like, like a hell raiser.


Oh, I like that.


With great vigor, knocking down fences.


Yes. Also reminds me of Bulgarian split squats. Oh, yeah. That energy.


That energy.


No. But I


like that. European weightlifting energy.


That we all flinch at when our trainers tell us it's time.


I'm trying to rename those, by the way. Jacked Jacked Flamingos. So if anybody wants to


To borrow that


program that with me.


Yeah. Yeah. I like that. That's friendlier. Right.


So there's a lot there's a lot of changing energy. There's 4 change lines in this from the divine to our inner selves. So there's just a lot of change, but this great, bigger, I think as we're talking about, you know, to just everyone facing a storm, there's this thunder, so you can still hear the rumbling, but also you're just energized. Like, you're like, alright. Took on this storm.


I know we have one coming, but also we've been through many storms before.


Mhmm. It's a bit more to I I brought this up with, somebody else I was talking with recently, but, I I love channeling this energy. And maybe I've talked about it on the podcast before, but, I call it the lieutenant Dan energy, where he's up in the crow's nest during the storm, and he's sorta, like, yelling and laughing at god, you know. That's all you got. Like, so it's kinda like, okay, storm's come in.


There's here's another one, you know. It's we're we're kinda getting beat up here, but you know what? We've done this before, like, bring it on. Bring it on. And also, I mean, I know this isn't exactly following, but kind of going from that stormy energy into acceptance or then, yeah, like following, following whatever energy is to come, like, accepting that the the damage or the destruction from the storm is necessary and a good thing at the end of the day.


Yeah. As we talk about our entrepreneurs, our thought leaders, and our change makers, this is a lot of what makes people a leader. So I kind of think of that Lieutenant Dan Image just reading, the text about this hexagram is just picturing someone just holding on so much determination on the bow of the ship or holding on to the mast and just getting crashed by like ways to like bring it on like it took so much energy to get here and I'm not letting go. Mhmm. So what's another storm?


Yep. We're gonna do. It says I like this too. It says a strong leader will not only be the possessor of power, but the source of it.




So I think that comes from being able to weather the the storms. It says, let your strength be tempered by wisdom. To maintain power, the strong leader learns to share it with others. As we talk about collaborators. Mhmm.


For only then will their possession or the will their position not possessions will their position be secure. So being in that situation, being on that mast up against the storm and all the waves crashing and all of that, it's, it's perseverance and determination and maintaining that vigor, but just really exuding it too. Like, you have to transcend being so tired to get to this place to be able to admit this leadership and strength. And, Bob, you guys are all embodying Lieutenant Dan out there.


I love that.


It's the determination of a strong force that brings success. Like the axle of a large wagon, a powerful person's strength is often hidden. And this is, as it should be, the lesser show, the greater the power. So really just like a quiet power. But I like that image of being Well,


lieutenant Dan, by that point, had lost his legs.


He's yeah. He was right. He was tied up. Yeah. That should generate our own, hexagram image depiction in Lieutenant Dan


Oh, Lieutenant Dan, that would make a dope, like, oracle card. Yeah.


By quietly bringing inner strength to the outer world, resistance dissolves and great achievement becomes possible. I like that. Dissolves. Mhmm. And that great power, like, it shrinks away.


Mhmm. When the strong find themselves in a loose and easy situation, a loss of alertness and a weakening of influence can set in. So it's that those tough times that make us really eyes wide open, look at you alert and aware rather than and just the comfort and the coasting. Which I think is interesting because, like, a big part of what we do in feng shui is to create comfort and safety and security. And that's the ideal for your environment, but it's the activations and the and the little, zaps that you need to keep yourself awake.


So I guess, like, in terms of, like, visual interest or or, you know, artwork that gets in an environment that that is what you need to keep yourself, eyes wide open, especially as, leaders.


Well, and comfort really is a place to return to rather than a place to just stay all the time. Right? It's a place to to leave and and return to. And I think there's a difference too between comfort and complacency.


Yeah. I mean, there's oh, gosh. It makes me think about, like, hunker down in a storm or, you know, sheltering in place, but that's not where we necessarily grow from. You're not supposed to stay in that forever. You have to go out in some sort of agitation to come up with the new ideas.


It says, learn to create challenges for yourself even if it's only recreational activities.


Well, yeah. Manufactured adversity. Right? Like, how can you appreciate the comfort? How can you truly appreciate the comfort you've created if it's never challenged?


Mhmm. Yeah. So in the energy that we're in right now, great figures, like, don't get comfortable in that. Continue to evolve. Learn a new skill.


Test yourself a little bit more, can you do it, put yourself in a situation that's a little more challenging. It says also, a wise leader measures success in terms of finely tuned tuned performances, not raw power. Power is a fuel, but careful precision is a regulator. So that means it's referencing, you know, don't just crash through something like a ram without any plan or technical precision crashing into some bushes or maybe some wires in there or something. Be more precise in channeling your great vigor and your power as a leader to make sure that you're able to regulate it in a way that's going to bring you success, measurable.


That, gives me owl vibes. Like, a great horned owl, the way they hunt silently and with the most precision.


Yeah. Like, they're a little, the like, I imagine they have, like, some kind of, scope in their eyes that can zoom in.


Right. It's almost just like a 6th sense. Like, it just point there and then like a lazy


They're the terminators of nature. The gates of good fortune are swinging open. The time has come to plunge ahead. In times of great opportunity, beware a premature celebrating. Keep your balance.


So you guys out there in this great vigor, that's that's the energy you're in right now.


Don't be too vigorous.


Don't keep it regulated. Wait. Is that a song from the nineties? You gotta keep it regulated.


Regulators. Yes. It is.


Yes. It is. It was


a clear black night, a clear dark wait till yeah. Something like that.


Yeah. We really raffle. We really bring in the nineties into a lot a lot of our We do.


We do. We are the nineties.


We can't. We're nineties kids. The energy of following, which is where we're really gonna give our guidance and focus and receive our guidance and focus from the I Ching in this current energy is choosing to follow good influences brings supreme success. You may not be able to change the direction of the wind, but by frequently adjusting your sails, you can arrive at your destination with a joy that inspires others to follow you. We've gotten this so many times in terms of collaboration.




It's just like the card of collaboration, making sure that your circle is one that you wanna be in one that's motivating and forward moving and and following in a in a healthy way.


Well, in the other card that top said, mentioned leadership multiple times. So it's an interesting shift and we always talk about the vacillation, right, from masculine to feminine and from light to dark and, following to leading, right, from moving forward and then to receiving and accepting. And, it reminds me I know I've brought this up before too, but it reminds me of the concept of true leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. So it's kind of just this cyclical, like, teach, learn, teach, learn, lead, follow, lead, follow.


Yeah. Definitely. I mean, it's it's like the whole, and I think in being in terms of being a trainer, like, what makes you a good trainer is the people that you train to be able to do what you're training them to do. Just like in teaching or mentoring, it's a demonstration of how good good you are at what you do is when you can train someone up to be at your level.


Well, and it's a constant exchange because also the more I train people, the more I'm learning, you know, to to take to the next person based upon what what's going on with this person.


Yeah. Yeah. All the energy of following, and definitely very much the energy of conscious collaboration. And that has been a theme coming up. And it makes sense in terms of, being leaders and what you do and your work and who are your collaborators that you have around you.


And, you know, really evaluating the is everybody moving towards the greater good for a common goal? Are there self interest? Or is there division? So I really feel that that is something to keep about everybody's wits based on the cards that we pulled in terms of having this great energy. Mhmm.


It's not, you know, as we talk we've we've gotten this so many times, like, remember our conversation. But the pressures of the world aren't going to go away. We know they're going to continue. There's con pressures are gonna continue to surface. And it talks about swimming with the current, making sure that there's no decisions made out of self aggrandizement.


So in in terms of acceptance and resistance, it's the bend and you will not break Mhmm. Nature of things. So it says balance activity with some relaxation to serve the situation well and to maintain a state of healthy energy, minimizing both internal and external resistance to your goal. That's the energy of following. It's kind of like a dance.


Mhmm. You know, to give a little bit, receive a little bit like you were saying. Exactly.




So that was a good one. I think very pertinent to the people that are in our collective, in our circles, our friend group, our professional group. I think that definitely, I think that definitely satisfies all the categories in terms of what we've been hearing circulating. I hope hope that it resonates within the collective. So we'll have to drop a note in there and check-in on the group.




Yeah. For sure. I think stay stay the course and Yeah. You know, come what may, let the storm don't try to resist the storm. Embrace the storm.


And, then then, you know, follow follow the energy that follows. Flow into the energy that follows.


Yeah. It's very much a flow. Like, I was thinking, that's very well said. It made me think about being on the boat yesterday and the and the waves were kind of choppy at times when we hit wakes, being in a, you know, the size boat that we were in. And I noticed the kids, like, they were having so much fun and they were putting their arms up in the air, like, straight up in the air.


And that made them, like, fall, like, hit the, you know, bounce up and hit the, boat a little harder on the seats. But then they learned, like, to be a little more bendy. So Mhmm. Like, be a little bit moved with the pool, like, bendy. And it wasn't, like, such a jarring impact.


Right. So it's very And when you're


on a paddle board, if you stiffen up, then you're just gonna fall. Right. But if you kinda figure out


Stay with it. Yeah.


The the waves and how to constantly kind of redistribute.


Mhmm. Yeah.


You're flowing. You're flowing, baby. Lieutenant Dan.


Yes. So to all the lieutenant Dan's out there, that's actually great vigor and leader power. Mhmm. And, that's a good


And, you know, he turned out alright in the end. So


Yeah. And he yeah. He had no arms or legs. Right? Or no legs?


Just no legs. He had arms.


Yeah. Yeah.


And then he got legs. Lieutenant Dan, you got legs.


Oh, yeah. You remember that movie so well. I do. I do. Yes.


So one day when we have time, you'll see that in our version of the itching for tarot.




Oh, it's a good one. I'm I'm ready for the storm. I'm just I'm ready for it. Yeah. So the, on the other side of it will drain it.


I'll send you some until the power goes out, I'll send you some Instagram reels to celebrate.


Yeah. Maybe we'll keep power. Who knows?


Yeah. Who knows? We're just gonna flow with it. That's right. Mhmm.


Well, everybody, hope that, answered some questions for you or gave you some challenges that you can put yourself in to help you strengthen your place in leadership in the coming week or whatever project you have, that you're thinking about right now and that you and knowing that you can weather any storm, tornado, hurricane, power movement that's around. You've done it before and you can do it again. Mhmm. And, you can join us inside of the Conscious Collaboration Collective, our closed and private Facebook group. Nailed it.


I did it that time. And find us on Facebook, Instagram, and your favorite podcast directory. Thanks for giving us a rating. Thanks for sharing and liking to give us visibility, and talk to you in 5.


Stay safe, homie. Talk to y'all in 5.


Bye. Bye.


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See you in 5 minutes.