Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with Kelly Friel a true legend of the sport.  This Multiple Gold Medalist is trying to defend her victory from last year, and keep her streak going.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

I was born to kill it.

I was meant to win.

I am down and willing,

so I will find a way.

It took a minute,

now it didn't happen right away.

When it get hot in the kitchen,

you decide to stay.

That's how a winner's made.

Stick a fork in the hater on

my dinner plate.

what is going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media podcast where we are

featuring the athletes of

the 2024 legends masters

crossfit games and I have

with me a dear friend we've

met four years ago and I

love getting to chat with

her every time but she's

also a living legend in

this sport this is her

sixth crossfit games Kelly

Friel hello how you doing

I'm very well, thank you.

How are you?

Good, good, good.

And so it has been, when we first met,

I think you had just won silver.

Yes, yeah.

Then ever since we met,

it's been nothing but gold.

You were obviously like my

lucky charm that year.

Yeah, so...

I joked with you back then

that you had started your

career just like Tia and Matt.

You started with two silvers,

and then you were just

going to start ringing some gold.

And you were like, hold on,

I've got to age up.

We can't count the chickens and blah, blah,


But you have held that.

all along you started two

silvers in um 18 and 19 21

we missed 2020 21 you first

22 first 23 first yes so

you were the you were also

one of the most humble

people I've ever met when

you look at your career can

you even imagine that you

are where you are today

Um, no,

it all still feels a bit surreal to

be fair.


like I looked on my profile actually

earlier and I was like, Oh,

actually I haven't updated

it from last year.

So it's still just seven, two singles,

two golds.

Um, so yeah,

it does still feel a bit

insane that I'm going back

for my sixth year.

Um, but going back to have some fun again,


going back but it's in a

different capacity like

it's going to be it's

separate from the main

event you're going to be in

birmingham alabama but on

that weekend you you get

all this this shine right

masters will be in the

spotlight do you think

that's a good thing

yeah I'm hoping so that um

this year is going to be

better coverage than it has

been previously um like

loads of people last year

tuned in and we're thinking

yay we're gonna see loads

and they got to see what in

their words were like

little ants on a tv screen

um and try to work out who

was which ant um

So you didn't like hanging

an iPhone 5 from the roof?


So I'm hoping this year,

with the Masters having complete focus,

that the coverage is going to be better.

It has to be, right?

Like, you have the A-team.

The people that were, everybody was upset,

got let go doing the CrossFit Games.

You have Sean Woodland calling.

I know, how cool!


You have Sean Woodland and

Chase Ingram and Tommy

Marquez and Lauren Khalil.

That's got to be pretty exciting.

Yeah, that's super cool.

So hopefully the footage is

going to be so much better.

And because we're on our own,

we have our own sort of media team,

if you want to call it,

that they'll be solely

focused on us and people

back home get to see a little bit more of


of all the athletes that have

been working each year,

they can get to see all

their hard work that they've put in.

Yeah, I think it's going to be great.

And I don't know if you know,

we got approval.

We're going to do a full

behind-the-scenes documentary.

Yeah, which would be great.

So Ellie Hiller and myself

will be backstage chatting

with all the athletes.

We'll have a couple of

videographers out on the floor.

We're going to put all that

footage together into a

really cool documentary.

That would be really good.

So I think you're going to

get way better coverage

than you did last year.

I think anything from last

year could be better.

I've been teasing with the

athletes that if Sean

Woodland called anything I did,

that would become my

ringtone on my phone.

And then anytime anybody called,

it'd be like, for you,

Kelly Friel finishes first.

Every time someone called, loved it.

Excuse me.

I have to go for an allergy

test next week and I have

to stop taking allergy meds.

So I am like in pure... Sort

of like hay fever or...

that's what they're trying to determine.

We can't determine what I'm allergic to.

So I have to stop taking

everything and then go get

tested to see what I am allergic to.

And then they can give me

the right medication to take to hit that.

So right now I'm just in

like pure hell trying to

get to that test.

Andrew Sten,

who is actually part of the legends team.

I can confirm the coverage

will be way better.


ah in capitals way better

awesome way better so every

in years past we've talked

and you always seem to like

do something silly and get

a nick or a bruise or a

twist how are we doing this season

Are you trying to say I'm clumsy?

I'm saying you're starting

to get a reputation.


Let's just say the semifinals didn't go,

let's say, smoothly.

um two days before so on the

monday um I went in for

training felt okay was

coaching and then went in

to do some front squats and

the first time in the

bottom of a squat I was

like oh that doesn't feel

quite right but just went

for my second one because

it was just two you know

two reps and as I stood the

second one up I said to um

Someone in the gym, oh,

that doesn't feel right.

And they were like, what do you mean?

And I was like,

I think I've pulled my back

or I've done something.

um and yeah basically I

couldn't I couldn't put my

socks on I couldn't bend

over right I couldn't roll

out of bed um so I was

straight away on the phone

to the physio um the chiro

you know everyone that

looks after me when I have

these silly silly clumsy

things that seem to happen

to me around competition or

semi-final time

um and literally went in to

see them and my whole like

lower on my left side had

all locked up um so you

could imagine the tears

flooding because that was

on the monday and the

semi-finals got released on

the wednesday and somehow

you were able to navigate

them and qualify for the

games yeah so I took day by day

I went out for very long walks,

anything from 10K.

I think one day I did like

18K just to try and loosen

everything off and just to

see what I couldn't, you know, could do,

couldn't do without pain.

So the goal was to try and

start them on Thursday,

but I still wasn't feeling great.

So it was like, okay,

We have to try and get at

least one done on the Friday.

So I just had to change the

way that I would have

approached them if I was fully fit.

And I had to leave the ring

muscle up and the front

squat one to the last day.

because obviously that is

how I hurt my back.


and it was one of those that obviously

with ring muscle ups as well,

trying to open in that big arch position.

So you can imagine there is a lot of,

a lot of tears during that workout.

And, um, thankfully I did just finish it,

not the best of times.

Um, and,

And yeah,

I just managed to qualify for the game.

So really,

I'm just pleased to be going

back with what happened.

And I'm just happy to be there.

So you're kind of a... I apologize, man.

You're kind of a testament to the sickness,

wellness, fitness continuum.


your fitness level is so

high that when you do have those injuries,

you seem to come back from

them fairly quickly.


Obviously I did the semifinals.

Then I had a good sort of week off and,

Again, just doing things that I could do,

whether it was just sat on a bike,

going for a walk.

But obviously, the older I'm getting,

the more sensible I am.

I try not to rush back into

anything too fast and just

try and let the body recover.

Well, you did have that advantage where,

my goodness,

the gap between semis and the

games was so big.


You could actually take some

time off to heal.


To be fair,

I was thankful we have those

few extra weeks because, like you said,

it just gave you that time

to think I haven't got to

rush straight back into training.

I can take, you know,

a little bit easier for a

few weeks and then once it

feels good to go,

then jump straight back on.

I talked to a couple of

athletes who use that time

to just get out of the gym,

like just do some things outside,

get away from it a little

bit before they went back

to full on training.

You used it to recover.

Yes, I sure did.


Man, I'm having a tough day.

Um, so,

The other thing I wanted to

talk to you about is you've all,

you've been a coach.

You have like, my gosh,

the list of credentials you

have is so much with the

level of athlete you are today.

Do you have time to coach?



I love coaching.

I love sharing my knowledge

with other members.

You know, I do a few PTs as well.

And that's, again, a variation of ages.

My oldest member at the moment is 62.

And he comes from a running

background rather than a

CrossFit-related background.

But he's very keen to learn a wall walk,

a rope climb.

And I think it's just because he can go,

yeah, do you know what?

I can rope climb.

I can do a wall walk.

I can snatch.

And so I love trying to

share what I've learned

over the years with others.

And the reason I ask this is

if people don't know you,

you didn't have an athletic

background before CrossFit.

No, I didn't have a,

let's say a professional sport.

I always loved sports,

but I was never a gymnast or a,

or a swimmer or a runner.

You know, I didn't have anything like that,

that I got my teeth into,

but I always loved just

getting involved in any sport.

do you think that makes you

a better coach?

Because you had to kind of

learn everything from the beginning.

Yeah, I guess so.


Cause I've, you know,

some people come in now and say,

oh my God, you, you know,

you must've been able to do a pull up,

you know, for years.

And I said, actually,

when I started CrossFit,

I couldn't pull my body weight.

I had to start with bands or

assisted or negatives.

And they were like, really?

And I'm like, yeah, we all start, you know,

we've all started somewhere.


so I do think that helps because you

started from the beginning and

And, you know,

I've had to jump through the steps, which,

you know,

new people coming into CrossFit have to.

It also kind of makes you

like a poster child for the

person coming in off the

street that they can be a

three-time gold medalist

and just put in the work, right?

Yeah, exactly that.

Exactly that.


Anyone, anyone can do that.


What of all the,

this is your sixth time

going to the games.

What is your favorite memory

from the first five?


my favorite memory is most probably got

to be last year.


and that's winning because I had my dad,

my daughter and my husband there.


and my dad has never seen me compete on

a competition floor before.

That's right.



did he get to sit down by the finish


He did on a couple.

Um, but I think on the last workout,

him and my husband sort of

sat a little bit higher.

So they weren't in my eye view.

Um, but you know, once, once the three,


one goes and you're off down your lane,

you sort of do notice a few people, but

you know,

I wouldn't have noticed where

they were sat during the

last workout anyway.

I did see them on the ski,

the bike and the double under one.

And I remember sitting on

the bike and I looked up

and my husband's waving.

And afterwards he was like,

why don't you wave back?

And I was a little busy.


I was like, I'm a bit busy.

So when I was talking to Haley Murillo,

she talked about how early in her career,

she didn't have that person

waiting at the end of the lane for her.

And when she got that person,

it changed everything for her.

Like, what does that mean to you?

what having their people there to support.

Um, it's really, it is really nice.


especially cause they can celebrate

with you.

Um, on one of the workouts,

my daughter was sat on the finish line.

So we got to high five and, um,

and it's great just seeing

familiar faces in the, um,

in the crowd as well.

I can imagine that'd be really cool.


I know like for me and Madison,

when I would go into the

bottom of the arena and

just seeing anybody that I knew,

like just would make me feel comfortable.



whether it be you or Rudy burger or any

of my friends down there, um,

it just made me feel comfortable.

So I can imagine if I saw my family member,

how much calmer that would make me feel.


So, um,

So with the new format,

are you getting 10 events

is what I've heard.

Yeah, 10 events.

And is that more than last year?

I think it was eight or nine, right?

Yeah, I think we, did we have eight?

I think it was something like that.

It was definitely less

because we were only over

three days as this year

we've got four days.

It seems like it keeps

getting cut more and more.

Yeah, it's the workout timings.

We've been given like a gauge.

And I think the longest is

possibly 16 or 18 minutes.

And the shortest is two or three minutes.

So that's going to hurt.

The three minute I keep back in my brain.

What could that be for three minutes?

Whatever it is, it's going to hurt.


You're more of a power output athlete,

even though you've gotten

better all around.

Are you glad that they're

all under 18 minutes?

To be fair,

I'd have liked a bit of a longer chipper.

I do like a good sort of 25,

30 minute chipper.

And I can't remember on the

Northfield last year, you know,

the one that we had,

we had to run down with the sandbags,

pop them on the pig, burpee over.

And then, I mean,

that was quite a long one.

It was a push, right?

At the end.

I made a reel of you with that.


That's the one.

That's the one.


That was a great one.

So that was sort of just like a,

a long grindy workout.

I'm going to ask you a weird question.

I know you're humble,

so you're probably not going to answer it,

but I w I went back and I don't know who,

where it even came from, but I could,

I could watch your final

event last year and it

wasn't the iPhone five.

It was actually good footage.

You were in second for the

very first part of it.

You take the lead and then

you stretch that lead so fast.

And my recollection of last

year was that happened on a

lot of the events.

Your second place last year

isn't going to be there

because she got hurt in the offseason.

When you dominate events like that,

is it hard to push every event?


is it hard to get the motivation in




because I think every workout you just

go into and you have to

obviously attack it in a different way.

The final workout last year

with the bar muscle-up and

the dumbbell overhead squat snatch,

wasn't it?


two movements that most probably

aren't in my wheelhouse.

But I just thought, do you know what?

I've just got to try and stay with Amy.

Amy's a good gymnast.


she can throw a dumbbell around as well.

So I thought if I just try

and stay and then, yeah,

I just started just ticking

away and just every time I

just try and think,

just try and stay in your own lane and,

and give it as much as you can.


Rewatching it.

Once you hit the second half of the floor,

like your accelerator went way up and,

and you passed her.

And then it was really hard

for her to keep up at that point.

And I love Amy.

Amy won legends last year.

She's been on the show.


and I'm sad that she's not going to be

there this year, but, um,

cause I think it would have

been cool to see you guys

go head to head again.


She'll be back next year.

I'm sure.


so what are your expectations going

into this year?

Are you going for the fourth gold?

Do you expect to get the fourth gold?

Do you know what I said?

If I make podium,

I would be happy just after, well,

you know what happened just

before semifinals with my back.


You know, we all say,

I just want to go and have

fun and enjoy every minute

like I have done every year.

And whatever happens, you know,

when I'm out there,

if I can make podium a bonus,

I know my coach will most

probably say something different.

But yeah, I just want to go out,

experience the new setup.

I think it's going to be

quite different because

there's going to be 40 of us in a group.

So I think from what I gather,

I think there's going to be heats of 20.

So quite big heat.

I will be in the second heat

because I qualified.

I think in 23rd.

So I'll be in the second heat.

So again,

I don't know if they've

reshuffled the heats as the weekend.

So, you know, being in 23rd,

I've got a bit of chasing to do.

Does that add motivation to you though?

Because now, you know,

like just to get into the next heat,

you're going to have to,

it's not just the people

you're going up against.

You have to be better than

most of the next heat to

make sure you're in that heat.

yeah and I think again when

you watch like semi-finals

um like when I watch the

european um semi-finals

it's like the people that

are in the second heat have

to push and give it as much

as they've got if not a

little bit more because

they don't know what the

people in the next heat are

gonna do so you know 20

people in a heat's quite a

lot for me to you know to

go out there take it

slightly easy I'm just gonna

have to you know give it

everything to then hope to

then get into the next 20.

yeah I was I was looking at

the layout of the arena and

it's it's actually like two

two it looks like it's

going to be two big floors

that's what I thought yeah

Two massive areas in this

convention center where

there'll be one floor in

the one area and one floor in the other.

But it looks gorgeous.

Yeah, I'm excited.

And, you know,

I did consider doing this year.

And I was like, you know what,

I want to support Bob and

Joe taking the event over because,

you know,

the Masters athletes does play a big part,

I believe, in CrossFit.


so I wanted to support them going forward,

go in, check it out, see what it's like.

I've heard great things

about the legends events.

I've never done one,

but I've heard good things about that,

that the programming has

been very varied.


I know they had a swim obviously last

year in a pool, but you know,

it looks like every year

they do try and do

something a little bit different.

Are you able to bring

anybody with you this year?

unfortunately not coach yeah

yeah I've got my coach um

so he's so I'm flying out

on sunday I'm gonna go and

stay with sam for a week um

and then I'm flying in on

the 26th which is the last

over this but when you say

sam you're talking sam briggs yes


So I'm going to stay with her,

which is great fun.

So I get to see her this year.


because they separated everything,

it was like,

are we actually going to see

each other this year?

So I'm flying in there.

Then from there on the Monday, the 26th,

I'm then flying into

Atlanta and then I'll meet

my coach there and then

we'll drive down together.

And then on the 27th, it's my birthday.

All right.

So we'll most probably go

and do a loosen off the legs,

sweaty ward or something like that.

So Sam lives like an hour from me.

Oh, okay.


And here in Ohio.

Ah, I didn't realize that.


Are you friends with Emma too?


She's coaching an athlete, right?

This year.

She's got two.


Mickey and...

Someone else.

Does the UK pay attention to

the Masters CrossFit

community any more than the US does?


I think that the UK population are really,

really supportive of the Masters.

Cause I've seen like you get

features on the BBC for

winning the masters

CrossFit games where you

don't really see that a lot

here in the States.


yeah I think that's more so

um like my husband reached

out to the bbc and sort of

spoke to the sports

presenter there and he was

like oh this is interesting

what's this um so I think

if it wasn't for him they

most probably wouldn't have

been in contact but again

it's just a way of

spreading the word what

crossfit's about yeah so it

sounds like you got a lot

of traveling to do


can't wait to see you in person down


I want to thank you so much

for taking a half an hour.

I know it's late there in the UK.

Um, so let's get back to, uh, your family.

Thank you.

And thank you so much for being here.

Everybody in the chat.

And I'll just put this one up real quick.

Corey Leonard said I could

listen to Kelly speak all day.

Such a soothing accent.

Thanks, Corey.

Um, we thank you so much for this guys,

and we will see everybody

next time on the Clydesdale

media podcast.

Bye guys.