Anchored in Chaos

With the holidays upon us, we wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.  We will be spending time with family during this season and will be back with brand new episodes starting on December 29th.

What is Anchored in Chaos?

The environment around us is a swirling vortex of chaos, but you can navigate it when you have an anchor that can keep you steady. Each episode, Liz Herl dives into data driven strategies and real world tactics with Dr. Tim Caldwell to help you become more grounded and centered in a world that is constantly shifting and changing. Learn to effectively navigate family strife, career challenges and handle the anxiety of the unknown that the news is constantly bombarding us with. Liz is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist and Dr. Caldwell is a retired primary care physician and personal trainer. You can lean on their decades of experience to find stability and peace without having to control circumstances or people around you. You can be anchored in chaos.



Liz Herl: Merry Christmas, Dr. Caldwell.

Tim Caldwell: Merry Christmas, Liz.

Liz Herl: I thought we should let everyone know that we won't be releasing an episode this week.

Tim Caldwell: That's right. We're going to celebrate the holidays with our friends and family.

Liz Herl: Absolutely. So we encourage everyone else to do the same.

Tim Caldwell: This is usually a blessing for most people, but sometimes this is kind of a tough time of the holidays.

Liz Herl: And I think there is that commercial idea that everyone's together and it's joyous and it's awesome. Sometimes it's not the case.

Tim Caldwell: Sometimes it's not. Sometimes there's been a sense of loss or maybe you weren't raised in a family that celebrates these types of things but we wish everybody a long, healthy lives and this is part of it.

We go through it together but we're gonna celebrate right now with our families and do the best we can. Please be patient. We'll be back soon.

Liz Herl: Yes. We'll be releasing an episode on the 29th and then we'll just pick up from there with the whole new year.

Tim Caldwell: That's right and please Keep your eyes peeled for our new Genuine Effort facility that's going to open.

It's very much old school, so don't expect anything flashy, but um, [00:01:00] it'll show up in our wellness corner too, so we're looking forward to that.

Liz Herl: Absolutely. Stay tuned. It's going to be great.

Tim Caldwell: All right. Merry Christmas, guys.

Liz Herl: Merry Christmas. Bye bye.