The Recruitment People Podcast

Welcome to the Recruitment People Podcast! In this episode, we delve into how job seekers can leverage the expertise of recruiters to land their dream jobs. Join Kelly Charity, a seasoned recruiter with over two decades of experience, as she shares invaluable tips on resume refinement, interview preparation, and salary negotiation. Discover the comprehensive programs available to enhance your career prospects and learn how to make the most of your relationship with recruiters. Whether you're transitioning to a new field or seeking a leadership role, this episode offers actionable insights to elevate your job search strategy. 

What is The Recruitment People Podcast?

The Recruitment People Podcast is a groundbreaking series that delves deep into the heart of the recruitment industry, offering a wealth of insights for both employers and candidates alike. The podcast is a definitive guide through the world of recruitment, where industry experts and visionaries share their knowledge and experiences. In each episode, listeners will uncover the journey and principles behind The Recruitment People agency, led by the trailblazer Kelly Charity. From Kelly's inspiring recruitment journey to the challenges and successes in the industry, this podcast provides a platform for candid conversations, client-centric approaches, and a laser focus on matching candidates with the right opportunities. Join us on this enlightening journey to discover the keys to successful recruitment and how the right partnerships can transform businesses and careers. Subscribe now for a dose of recruitment wisdom and stay tuned for future episodes filled with valuable insights and stories from the forefront of the recruitment world.

  Welcome to the Recruitment People podcast, the place where employers and candidates unite to uncover the art of successful recruitment. Hi, I'm Kelly Charity, a recruiter and agency owner with over two decades of recruitment experience. In this podcast series, I'm going to dive deep into the heart of hiring and job seeking, sharing actionable insights, And of course, a little bit of fun along the way, whether you're looking to sharpen your hiring practices or navigate your career path, we've got you covered.

So let's get started and unlock the secrets to recruitment success together.

Hello, and thanks for joining me on the recruitment people podcast. Kelly charity from the. Recruitment people is here once again and in today's episode, we're speaking directly to all you job seekers out there about how you can land your dream job with the help of a recruiter.

Now we're going to dive into specific ways recruiters can actually support you from refining your resume to preparing you for interviews or even negotiating your salary on your behalf. If you're aiming for that ideal role and wondering how to enhance your chances, well, this episode will reveal how partnering with a recruiter can make all the difference.

Hey Kelly, how you doing today?

Very good. How are you?

I'm fantastic. Okay. So talk to me. I mean, a lot of people think recruiters are just there to find the right person for a client, but you do a lot for job seekers as well, don't you? Can you tell me a bit about, you know, the things you are able to do for a job seeker?

Absolutely. Absolutely. So look, as a recruiter, helping the candidate, we have, I suppose, Access to jobs, which is what we're looking for, but you know, we don't have all jobs. So, you know, it's about helping them as well, find the right job for them and understanding more about them as a candidate, what they're looking for and understanding, I suppose, their resume and where they're going in their job search.

So we offer a number of services to candidates really, but I suppose the first thing that we do is identify, why are they not Able to get the job that they're looking for. So there's a couple of key things they're doing a bit of a chat and a bit of an audit on them really is, are you getting interviews?

So if the answer is no, well, then you need some help with, your resume, which is one of the services we offer is resume writing. And then another service we offer is the interview, coaching. So if you're getting the interview, but you're not getting the job offer, Part of the audit is, well, you need help with your interview skills, to identify where they fall in the audit.

you know, the sort of, the area of why they're not securing the job that they want.


Also if you, if you go into a complete career transition, so you're currently in, you know, the medical field and you want to get into, you know, cars, automotive, how are you going to make that transition?

Because your resume is going to be geared to medical and people are going to go medical. No, just rule you straight out. So the services we offer are resume writing, coaching programs, sorry, interview coaching programs, and we also have a career transition program, which covers everything from, you know, your resume, one on one coaching to understand where you are at the moment, how you're going to get to where you want to go, and guiding you through that process.

So this is more than just general

advice, you actually have programs that people can do to, to help them with this.

Yeah. So we have a variety of programs. We also have got a new program coming soon, a leadership program, which is obviously for the leaders out there. So we're going to be advertising that shortly, but yeah, we do have a number of programs that we offer.

Some are online, some are one to one coaching it again. It just depends on what, the job seeker is actually looking for, in the next career move or transition.

Sure. So you can have. people who apply for the jobs that you have or that you find and reach out to as you're looking for clients and whether they end up being put forward for that or you know, even if they they aren't, they're still going to be able to get a lot from what you offer.

Absolutely. Absolutely. To help

them when they're applying directly for other jobs.

Yes. I mean, we've spoken with candidates previously who are getting into, a new sector and they're having interview after interview and a feeling really, really deflated and have come to us for a job, and I've expressed that, I've said, well, you're not suitable for this particular job.

And they've started to talk to us about, well, I'm having so many interviews, like, what can I do? And then we start to talk to them about the programs and things that we can offer, in terms of helping them to secure work. So, if you're having interview after interview after interview, and you're not getting the job, There is something not right in the interview or how you're presenting or, you know, so we need to delve a little deeper into that to understand why, which is where the one on one coaching comes in and the interview coaching programs that we offer.

It's, they're really good. We had a client. you know, came to me with his wife and said, my wife is just struggling. Her morale is so low. She's just having interview after interview. And she just, she secured the job that, you know, after the program and she was just so, so happy. We didn't get her the job.

She got the job herself because she was now, sort of

because of the coaching that came through your, your programs. Yeah. Wow. That's, that, that's fantastic. And you must say that a fair bit. Where you've had a candidate come to you and have a deficiency in some area, whether that is Their ability to put together a good resume or, you know, how they do perform in interviews.

It must be satisfying to see them come. You, you firstly identifying the deficiency and then being able to, correct it through whatever means that is, whether it's a one on one coaching, whether it's a program and then seeing them get that job. Great. If it's, you know, your client, but you know, We're all humans and love to see people, um, you know, helped and succeed.

Yeah. I mean, we get job applications come through all the time and with lots of candidates coming through, we haven't got the time to tell everyone, your resume is not strong enough. It's not matching the brief. But my advice to job seekers is if you are applying for a job, you need to read the advert and you need to see what the advert says in terms of these are the requirements.

And if those requirements are not. You need to put them on there.

You need to get them there.

Yeah, because you're just, they're just going to say no, you don't meet the requirements. So even if your cover letter says, Oh, you know, I can do this, I can do this. You need to try and make sure your resume is matching what the job is looking for.

Even your cover letter, we get applicants come through all the time. And, you know, the cover letter says, I would love to work as your sales and marketing manager. So And the job they're applying for is an accounts person. And so there's a mismatch between what they're applying for and what their resume and their cover letter is saying.

So you're going, well, you obviously don't know what you're looking for. So, you know, the attention to detail is key, not because we're looking for you to be good at attention to detail, but because. We don't actually know what you're looking for. No. So, you know, if we don't know that you want a sales and marketing job or an accounts job, then we're struggling, aren't we?

Absolutely. You know, so. Absolutely. Yeah.

So look, I'm glad to hear there's all these sort of things that you help, you are able to help candidates with it. 'cause this is probably a, alongside all the benefits candidates do get through, you know, actually going for a job through you. I wanted to ask about salary ne negotiations.

Do you guys get involved and help? Help your candidates negotiate salaries?

Absolutely, yes. So, you know, when we are going through the interview process, we are representing the candidate to the client, but we're also representing the client to the, to the candidate. Yeah, the employer. So we know what the employer's gonna pay, we know what the candidate's looking for, and we are very transparent with both parties.

But we also know that both parties are negotiable. And again, that's about being transparent with again, both parties to say, the candidate said they may go to 70, but they're actually on 80 at the moment, the right role. You know, there's movement here and the employer knows that there's movement in their own, benchmarking so that they're happy to negotiate either way.

But once the offer is out, we then start that negotiation process because it's very difficult when. The prospective employee doesn't know the job in all of the details. So once they get in and speak with the employer, they actually, this job is much bigger than I expected. So therefore I think the job is now worth X.

So they came in at, you know, 85, they now want 95. And so we then start to have that conversation. And the employer is saying, well I think their skills are worth 90. Because we're going to have to train them on X, Y, and Z. So these are the conversations we then, navigate to, to make sure both parties are happy with the outcome.


One of the other programs that we offer is salary negotiation, where, an employee E. Is unable to have that conversation with the employer about their salary. They're wanting an increase in their salary and they don't know how to approach that subject. Or maybe they've approached the subject and they're still not getting anywhere.

And a lot of the time, you know, the, the employee will go to their manager and say, I heard she's on more than me. I heard that person was employed. I've been here 10 years and there are more money. All of these conversations go on. That's not the way to approach the conversation. That is just a complete no, no.

So we coach people on getting The salary rise that they deserve based on their capability. Yep. And being able to, you coach 'em

on what to say, how to say it.

Correct. Yeah. So, and successful to give them the best chance of,

of nailing it. Yeah. It's

successful. You know, we've got a good success rate in that, you know, people have.

Securing a substantial increase in their salary. Look,

these programs you've got for candidates, run me through them again. So you've got salary negotiation.

Yep. Salary negotiation, resume writing, interview coaching, career transition, and, leadership. There's a new leadership program coming out.

Fantastic. I mean, this is invaluable for, for candidates. So whereabouts would candidates listening go to, to find more information about these programs?

They can go to our website. There's a career resources page there where they can view the information on all of the courses we have available. Yeah, www.

therecruitmentpeople. com. au

Fantastic. Look, this is, uh, you know, really good information to have because as I said at the start of the podcast, I think a lot of people think, that agencies there are predominantly for their paying customers, which you are, but this is wonderful that you're, you're putting these resources out there and that these are available.

to, to help them as we said at the start, nail their, nail there and get their dream job.

Correct, correct. Fantastic.

Well, look, before we go, what's, what's your, your one or two bits of main advice for, for candidates wanting to get the most out of their, relationship with a recruiter?

So I would say be open and honest with your recruiter.

But also to get in front of the recruiter, you need to reach out to recruiters too, because you're accessing that hidden job market if you're in touch with recruiters. But I think that, sort of a job seeker tip that's so important is to be accessible. So if you've not got a SEEK profile, if you've not got a LinkedIn profile, if you're not putting yourself out there, no one's going to find you, you have to be available and accessible.

So make sure your SEEK profile is up to date, make sure your LinkedIn profile matches your SEEK profile, which matches your resume. Everything is right and you're using keywords in terms of the jobs that you're looking for. So keywords are, you know, zero. What systems have you used? You know, I'm an accountant.

I'm this, I'm qualified in this. Put all of the key things in there because if I'm searching for somebody specific, I'm searching for keywords like myob or zero or sales or, you know, cold calling. Those words need to be in your profile and resume and LinkedIn profile or no one's going to find you.

That's great

advice because candidates would often be thinking, well, I'm looking on SEEK, I'm looking, but they don't actually think about being looked for.


Advice. That is really, you've got a, you've got a digital footprint out there. If you're looking, make sure it's got the right things in it so you can find them.

Absolutely. Absolutely.

Fantastic. Well, look, that brings an end to our discussion on what you're able to do for candidates. I've been blown away. And, again, these programs are available at your website, www. therecruitmentpeople.

So go there, have a look, reach out to Kelly and her team. So, look, whether you're just starting out or, looking to make your next career move, Kelly and her team are there to support you with your journey, with these resources and much more.

So, look, thanks for tuning in and, look forward to you joining us next time on the Recruitment People podcast. Kelly, thank you.

Thank you.