The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!
The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. Happy Friday, peaches. Happy Friday, 3rd day of the new year. Is it going well for you so far?
It's been fine. Yesterday, like I told you, I've just slept like a maniac. I I don't know why I've been so tired recently. Yesterday, you were kinda you were kinda you were kinda scaring me. You you were, like, off kilter during the morning show, and then around 11:40, like, I'm going home.
My stomach's killing me. My stomach was bothering me. It's been bothering me a bit lately. I don't know if it's holiday stress, you know, or I they weren't really stressful, the holidays, but I know what it is, but I'm not gonna say it on the year. Okay.
Please don't. I I know I know exactly what it is. Oh, do you? Well, here. Let me turn the mics off.
That that could be part of it. That could be part of it, as a matter of fact. But, no. I think I just get a little bit overwhelmed when I've gotta prepare for lots of people being around. Not a big deal when Maddie, my daughter's coming to visit, but, her boyfriend came to visit and stay at my house.
And anytime you're meeting somebody new and that they're staying at your house, I don't know. It it's a little stressful, I guess, and just the holidays in general. So, yeah, yesterday, I was feeling a little off and I was just so tired and I don't know why. And then I went home, fell asleep in the recliner at like 4 or 5, slept till 9 PM, woke up, went in my bed, went back to sleep, slept till 5 this morning. Got, like, 12 hours.
So Do you have any, resolutions for the new year? Oh. I I I know every radio show is gonna be talking about this crap. Yeah. You gotta talk about your resolutions, man.
Mine, Stereotypical. Lose the weight. I I just got a callback. I'm planning an appointment with the with a dietitian. Oh, you're gonna get some Ozempic, No.
I'm not gonna go for the Ozempic. No. No. Thank you. Sticking yourself in the gut.
No jabs for peaches. Yeah. I'd like to lose some weight. That's for sure. Eat better, make more content, you know, get back to doing some online streaming.
You gotta build your own brand. That's the thing that most radio people neglect. They rely on their, their station stuff. Mhmm. And then once you, you know, either get let go or you leave, you're like, oh, I have nothing I know.
On my own hard drive. And I like doing that stuff again. I think I've just been mentally in a weird place for doing it. And then today, I had a big zit on my face. Dude, you see the bump on my face?
I don't notice it. I don't notice it. It's it's building up, and I'm I'm about to grab that geography compass not the geography. Geometry compass and just stab that thing. That's right.
That doesn't sound like the most Make it blurry. Yeah. That doesn't sound like the most sanitary way to deal with it, peaches. Put a hand sanitizer on it, we'll live. So but anyway, I was thinking about losing the weight and then also learning metal vocals, try my best to, you know, nail it.
Because I I will actually just sit in my place sometimes, and I'll just make those sounds into the microphone talking to my friends on Discord. They're probably so annoyed by me because I'm just sitting there, like, you know, like that. Good. You know, that that's how you determine who's worth keeping around it. I don't even know if you got it like If it annoys them, get them out of here.
I found out you put your the tip of your tongue behind the bottom row of your teeth there, and I was just doing that for a time. For a pig sound? Yeah. Somewhat. But doesn't doesn't that hurt?
Mhmm. Does it hurt you at all doing that? Because it sounds like it hurts. What's weird is if I'm on a stage and I have a microphone in my hand, I can get in that zone immediately. Like, when I got up and did, some hate breed with Godbone.
Oh, I wish I was there. I'm so mad I'd missed that performance. Yeah. I was even contemplating on going. I'm like, you know what Victor's gonna say?
Oh, I was too tired to go to the event. Dan dragged me out of my house. See, that's that's the thing. I don't have that power to, like, you know, because he was he's one of your childhood friends, isn't he? Yeah.
Yes. There are very few people who could show up at my house and drag me out of it. Right. Because he showed up and I'm like, and he's like, come on dude. Come on.
Come hang out. I'm like, alright. Alright. We'll go. But, yeah, it's weird.
Like, I could stand up in this studio, and I have this problem when I was recording, for my bands. There's something very different about being in a box with a microphone in front of me. Adrenaline. Yeah. And just being on a stage.
I went right into it. I was doing some of the best heavy vocals I heard myself do in years at that show. But if I was gonna stand up on this mic and do it, I'd suck. I have a problem with get, with cutting loose. That's that's the main thing with me.
Especially, like, when I'm moving around a lot in a public place, I think everybody's staring at me because I'm the guy head and shoulders above everybody else. Yeah. Or the one time I tried, you know, doing some sort of dance, Jade goes, oh, there he is out of, you know, uncoordinated. And it's like, what are you even talking about? For Jade to say that, that's funny because Jade does the, you know, the old man dance.
Right. I don't think he's much of a dancer. There was that famous TikTok of him with the dad vibe song back when we were doing that, that breast cancer thing, giving away those mammogram coupons and stuff. Dad Vibes from Limb Bizkit date. That's Jade's theme song.
Died. I mean, I I thought about it. I'm, like, oh, what what happened to that song? Maybe we should play it on the show today. It's a fun song.
I I like it. So I I haven't seen that movie with Fred Durst and when he puts on the red cap backwards and goes, let's break stuff. And then the the song starts. I'm gonna put that in imaging, by the way. Nice.
Nice. Yeah. So my main goal is to try to make more content, eat better, lose a bit little bit of weight. That that's probably better. All that extreme.
And I have my tactic that I shared with Josh and Justin off the air. I don't I don't even wanna say it on the air, to be quite honest with you. Why not? Because it's such a you know, they always say the forbidden pre method. Pre method?
The the the forbidden pre. Like, in pre workout is what what you take before you go to the gym, it gives you a it's a whole lot of caffeine. Yeah. Gets you hyped up, ready to go inside. Yeah.
Right? The forbidden pre are what is what dudes call, like, basically, like, pictures of your ex or something like that. Oh. And so I'll show you. Yeah.
Exactly. So I have my I have my friend Christian. Any single time I say, hey, I'm unmotivated to go, he will text me a picture of somebody that I used, like, one one of my exes with, like, the new man saying, look at your replacement, he's better than you. And then something like that. And it it would drive me nuts and then I'll turn on pale faced Swiss and go right into the gym.
Well, then it sounds like it shouldn't be forbidden, PJ. No. That's also, like, not good for your health, I don't think. No. Probably not.
I wouldn't suggest it to anybody. It sounds very bad for mental health, PJ. Yeah. Yeah. It's not worth losing the weight if you're, you know, just raging on the inside.
Well, now I have something printed out on my bedroom walls. When I wake up, I see it. I'm like, okay. Let's go. Oh my goodness, Peaches.
The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. I'm Victor Will. I'm Peaches. Josh, Justin, and I were just in the Hawks studio talking about what can we do to separate ourselves from the often repetitive radio shows you can find anywhere else Mhmm. Talking about what National Day it is and all that radio prep crap that they usually talk about.
Yeah. And I was thinking, you know, one of the old school things that I absolutely love is somebody out on the street Yeah. Interviewing people, talking with people, talking with, like, you know, our next whack packer, so to speak. Tried to tell you, get out on New Year's and interview people. Well, Josh and I were talking about it.
We're wanting to call it peach on the street. Peach on the street. And just have me be awkwardly outside a bar or something like that talking to somebody and just hand them a form saying, hey, are you okay with us having you on our YouTube channel, playing your audio on the air and sure enough they'll just sign that form that, you know, like Josh has for Kid Smarts over there in class Yeah. And there we go. And I could be outside like a bar on a Saturday night and I can go to any different place, like, any city like Pocatello, Rexburg, Firth, and all that.
And sometimes I'll include you or other people in the building, like, we'll just meet up, like, Saturday night at, like, 10 PM or something. Like, have Katie from z 103, like, you know, try to get someone some drunk dude out of the bar to talk and or drunk woman. I don't care who it is, but just ask them weird questions. Yeah. Or do my To Peach Tharon as some sort of tour.
Peach on the Road. Yeah. Yeah. And just go out to, like, Rexburg and be, like, alright, what song do you wholeheartedly hate? And have that be a video that we can put on as a short on our social media pages?
That would be a pretty good idea. And, yeah, as we've learned on, traffic school powered by the advocates, if you're out on public streets, you can record. You can record people. You don't even have to get their permission, peaches. If you're recording in public, I mean, I would assume it's best to get their permission before we upload it to our socials.
So I can just blur their faces. Or you blur their faces and I I don't know. I guess that's one of those talk to the company lawyers and see what they'd prefer kinda deals. But, I think that would be good content, you know? You you get some funny stuff when you got, people who are a little bit, tipsy out on the streets.
They might say something crazy, and we could create a new social media star. You might end up with the next haktoah girl, you know, right here in East Idaho. You ask a question, and all of a sudden, get a crazy answer. There you go. You make somebody rich.
Be pretty cool. Yeah. When are you gonna start? I I would wait till the weather's warmer. Well, it'd be funnier to do it in the snow too.
Just have a shivering outside of place or even, like, inside of place. We just go in there. And the problem is that I I need to have a separate camera person with me. And I know Matti, who's our video person here. She's not old enough to go inside the bar.
To go inside the bar, so maybe we just have her I got it. If I go inside, she has to record the outside. I got it figured out, Peaches. Hold on. Hold on.
This thing. No. This thing, Peaches. I'm not wearing this crap. You put this over your head, just like this, and you put your cell phone right here.
I'll get a view like that train guy like look at the train that's coming and it's just some awkward like triple chin view of me. No thank you. And you just walk around the bar like this with this little redneck. It looks like headgear you get from a dentist. This thing is awkward for sure.
I'm already big enough as it is. You don't want, like, me walking in like cyborg or something like that. Let's see. Where's my phone? I wonder if you can do front facing video with do you think anyone would notice if you're filming them, Peaches, if you had this like this?
And you just try to pretend there's nothing weird. Well, you wouldn't have, like, 2 people on the camera. I might have to get, like, a tripod set up or something. Yeah. Multi multi person out on the streets.
You do need a helper. You do need a helper. This is the same thing. Because you're the guy that's like, I wanna stay home and stay indoors. I don't feel like going home.
See, my problem is if I go to the bar, then I wanna pound a bunch of alcohol. So we we're working. We're we're working off time, you know? I know. In the office, we gotta represent our brands well.
We can't be out there pounding alcohol. I know. I mean, we are the rock station after all, and we should be doing stuff like that. But, you know, I'm not doing that with my whole heart thing. Well, again, I'm not doing it because it's just generally not good for you.
It's not good for you. And your whole your whole resolution's to lose weight too. Yeah. Not gonna lose not gonna lose weight. Pound in triple IPA.
Do we need to give you the Forbidden Pri as well? Do I need to print out photos of certain people? That won't work for me because I don't care. Oh, see, to me, I'm just, like, the most vicious person internally when it comes to, like, that's it. I'm a show you, you stupid you know, I just keep going.
See, I don't beat up myself for my, weight. You know? I beat up myself for everything. All kinds of other stuff I beat myself up about, but not my weight. I don't know why.
Everything looks, angles, whatever it may be. It's yeah. I just don't care anymore. If you don't like how I look, you can get that. You know what?
I'm getting older. You know, obviously, I wanna stay, in decent shape to live longer. Well, remember, if you gain a whole bunch of weight, the whole heart issues can start too, especially if you drink and get fat. So Yeah. So, you know, trying to be, healthy in general, but the bar is a tough place for me.
I don't I've been to the bar sober before. I'm not a big fan of it. Well, look at me. I've done it for 28 years. I mean, you know You were you've been going to the bar for 28 years sober?
Wow. No. I mean, not drinking for 28 years. Jeff Peach bringing in the baby. Come on.
My parents don't drink either. So they would bring they'd bring the baby to the bar and it would just be a Silver Peach party. We wouldn't even go to the bar. What are you talking about? You just said you've been going to the bar for 28 years.
The one time my dad ordered, like, a wine or something like that, we were all stood there like Woah. Like, we just like he just killed somebody. We're just like, what are you doing? You're gonna break the streak, dad. A little bit different than my parents.
The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. I'm Victor Will. I'm Peaches. Alright, Peaches. It's a new year.
I figured we'd try to help the dudes and make them a new you, not same you. New you. That's what I'm trying to work on. We're 3 days in. What are you talking about?
Alright. Well, I've got a list here of mistakes guys make when trying to get a girlfriend. Oh, boy. Okay. I think we go through these and, you know, it might help some dudes out here.
Alright. I feel like you're telling me this specifically. Why would I say peaches? I'm here to help you. I'm just talking dudes in general.
Peaches, you just had some giant issues that that started, you know, Wednesday morning or whatever, revolving around this whole thing. Let's go ahead and, talk about mistakes you made, peaches. Is this a focus meeting for my dating life? Is that what this is? A focus meeting for your dating life with with Victor Wilt.
See, I can't even relationship expert. I can't even go full on what I wanna talk about here because it'd be it it's too mean to one side. We need to have a girl here to, you know, make up for the other side of dating too. I mean, I can't say for sure that these responses are coming from girls, but you would you would hope so. I'm sure it's like that one friend.
He's like, I'm a so called expert when it comes to pulling the chicks. Oh, when you refer to a woman as that, that just it makes me cringe. Chicks. Yeah. It's Who was in the news talking about chicks the other day?
I don't remember. But, anyhow, number 1, applying your previous relationships to your new relationships. Like, this person says they took it to heart when an ex called them clingy, which led them to try and play it cool in relationships after where big romantic gestures would have been appreciated. He didn't do it because he thought he would look clingy. Or I guess that I would assume.
That's that's what I've learned is that, like, there's multiple personalities, but there's not too many different personalities. Like, all of them universally appreciate certain things. But at the same time I mean, there's there's not too much of a difference, but there is a difference. I mean, everybody's a little bit different. But, yeah, you certainly can't make decisions on how to deal with one person based on somebody else.
You know? Be like, if I'm handling an issue with you versus Jade, completely different, you know, just because everybody's a little bit different. Number 2, trying too hard to impress instead of just being yourself. Confidence is attractive, but if it feels forced or fake, ladies ain't gonna dig it. Oh, when I myself, it's kinda just terrible jokes and jokes you can't repeat to, like, somebody in your family.
Then you gotta find the right kind of lady who's into that kind of humor. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. They're out there.
They're out there. Sure. And my lady's got a pretty foul sense of humor, surprisingly. You know? She's throwing some jokes at me that I'm like, woah.
Where did that come from? They'll surprise you sometimes. Yeah. Like, you're not supposed to joke about it, but everyone does. I mean, if you're not yourself, you're gonna have a problem eventually.
Right. Because they're gonna see the real you and then go, who is this? You know, you you just gotta give them the real you right from the get go. Definitely. You know?
So that that's a pretty good tip. What else do we have here? Number 3. Oh, that's a I hate how people on Reddit post the same stuff without seeing if somebody else has posted it. You know, pretending to be something you're not.
The way their threads work, I don't like it either. It's it's way confusing. Yeah. It can be a little bit wonky. But it might just be too stupid.
Here's another person pretending blah blah blah. Alright. How about trying to get a girlfriend instead of just getting to know someone? Now, I mean, you'll have to eventually tell them, like, Amy, I kinda like you. But, But it's almost like Shark Tank where you say, like, well, for that reason, I'm out or something like that, you know.
You should know from the start, especially if you're, like, online dating. You see their profile. You know what they're all about. And if you don't like a certain thing, you already know it's gonna be, you know, bad from the start. No.
I mean, we don't need to get into red flags necessarily. Oh, boy. Yeah. But, yeah. I think that that, having that goal, I've gotta have a girlfriend.
Alright. Listen. You might end up someday going, man, I wish I was single. So just try to enjoy being single. And if if the person comes along and it ends up working out, great.
But, you know, there might be someone that had you spent the time becoming really good friends over time, it would develop into it. But if you just went for them right out of the gate, you destroy it. You destroy it. You know? Patience.
I think the whole dating thing now is especially tiresome because you try to understand somebody, know what like, for me, I analyze everybody. And it's tiring because I analyze this person. I go, okay. They like this. They don't like that.
Blah blah blah. I even write it down on my phone sometimes. And then Oh. You know? Wow.
Yeah. You've been putting in some effort, PJ. Right. But then somebody did point out something here that, also makes sense to me. You know, a lot of guys make the mistake of never asking them out.
You know? Like, why don't you think they'll like me or anything like that? Like, a lot of people are, self conscious. Like, for me to ask somebody out, I don't know. I can't imagine that because I haven't done something like that since I was a teenager.
Really? Done anything like that. Somehow, some way, I just ended up with, like, me seeing the same girl, and we're like, you know what? We are fact officially dating. That's kinda how it yeah.
Yeah. That's how it happened. Right. You know? That's what I mean.
Both my exes. But, you know, they're if you don't give yourself a shot sometimes I mean, there are probably people who like you that you wouldn't expect to. I get weird when I tried doing something like that because my mouth starts to quiver. My my legs starts to shake. I'll get real nervous.
Girls might like that. But I'll get even, like, on stage doing a stage announcement, I look like I'm just, like, shaking up a storm. You People don't notice it on stage, though. You're you're gonna I've never seen you appear nervous on stage. You know?
And I'm right there, so you're covering it pretty well. Well, if I have you on stage, I'm okay. Like, if there's somebody else and it's not just me, that's when it's like, okay. I bet you'd do fine just now, though, by yourself. I wish I could, like, be more loose on there by myself type thing.
Just drink whiskey. No. I'll just I'll just take the forbidden pre and go up there angry I heard that. Yeah. Like a metal show.
There you go. Come on, everybody. I am mad right. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. Have you been recognized anywhere as of late?
Mhmm. Because everywhere I've gone to I mean, everywhere. Everywhere I I've ran into somebody. Yeah. I think us talking openly about how it's okay to come say hello to us Which is definitely the case.
Let me to a little more of that. I was talking to Jade last night about that because he stopped by the studio, and I said even the plumbers yesterday knew who I was Mhmm. Without even, like, looking at the caber stuff. They're like, this guy I've seen this guy's name before. And sure enough, they knew.
Even like my DoorDash driver, I think did they text you that? What happened with that? I don't remember. The the DoorDash driver that dropped off my food last Saturday night, said, k Bear Rocks as a message to me. Oh, nice.
Keep keep doing what you're doing or something like that. Enjoy the meal. That's about it. Yeah. See and you know, depending on what I'm doing, like, if I was ordering DoorDash, it would show up under my real name.
Gotcha. Even I went to to Dollar Tree. Ran into Scott formerly of Fars and talked with him for a little while there, but there's even other listeners that I've never met before. Like, Peaches, what's going on? And Yeah.
I'm glad to see that. That makes me happy to, like, you know, continue doing the show the way that I am. Yeah. No. Totally.
It happens quite often out and about to get, you know, recognized, which Good. It it is cool for sure. So, listeners, again, if you've never heard us say it, nothing wrong with saying hello to us when we're out and about. We we like it. So Most of the time, I look real serious in places with my headphones in.
That's because I'm maybe listening to sad songs or remembering things I don't remember don't wanna remember. Or I, or I'm listening to angry songs or whatever, but I'm just trying to get my shopping done. But, of course, you can say hello. Yeah. People just say I have an angry look on my face, you know, just in general.
And I'm like, really? I don't know. The way I present myself on air should show you who I really am. Alright? I'm pretty friendly.
Yeah. Pretty friendly. Thing too. It's like and people are like, oh, you are you are you guys different off the air? It's like, no.
I'm the exact same. Yeah. No. Yeah. I mean, maybe a maybe a tiny bit because, you know, there's, like, stuff we wouldn't talk about on air.
Or But I'm being pretty open now. And I'm like, okay. Let's talk about, you know, personal things here and there just because I I like the hold oh, the old Howard Stern thing. Like, you know, if it's not on the air, that's not or he would put everything on the air. Mhmm.
I learned a lot from, Howard Stern when I was starting off because at that time, radio DJs were not being encouraged to talk. They were being discouraged from talking. You know? Keep it brief as possible. Nobody cares about you.
Nobody listens for the DJs. They only tune in for the music. But, see, that's the thing I'm struggling with right now. It's like, do do people actually care that I'm sad, starting off the peaches, starting off the show? Sure.
Or do people care that I'm dealing with the whole heart issue? You should look out for your heart and stuff. Yeah. I mean and they're getting to know the real you. And that's why it's you know, all the shows I listen to, I feel like I know that person.
You know? All the listeners too. It's like there's a whole thing with Jade, an issue with Jade that I have where it's like, I'm trying be open and honest on the air, but he's, like, you gotta spit in the funny way. I'm, like, well, not everything needs to be in a funny way. No.
Not everything. It's me being personal to the listeners and talking about certain things and If you're talking about your heartbreak, you know, there's probably a way you could make it funny. I'm not gonna, like, single out the person. I I would think it'd be funny if it did if I did. No.
Yeah. It's it's best not to. Yeah. I mean, even if because the problem is and this has happened to me. You'll have people listen to the show who might think you said something about someone.
Exactly. And then they tell them that, and they obviously can't repeat word for word exactly how and what you said. I worded it yesterday very eloquently. Yeah. I think.
Yeah. I was I just said I value this person, and they they, you know, didn't value me the same way type thing. Yeah. Didn't say anything about, like, this person sucks. I just said what I saw and said what I went through, and that's it.
That's it. Because I've had people say, you know, I can't believe you said that about me on air, blah blah blah. And I'm like, what? What what do you mean? What did I say?
Well, we could say Jade sucks, but Jay we're not we're joking. Jay Jay does not suck whatsoever. No. He's a terrible human being. I hate his guts.
He's awful. Josh too. Yeah. Josh is awful. You know, I don't like him.
I hate him. So that's what that's what Josh needs to do on the the morning show for classy. You know, he needs to go on there and be like, I hate those guys on K Bear so much. And they Chantelle's, like, all thrown off. Like, what?
What are you talking about? Can you imagine Josh just going off the rails on classy one morning? It's filled with anger. Well, Chantelle, like, tried accusing me of not eating my vegetables or something like that. She thought, like, I I'm one of those that just avoids vegetables.
I'm like, no, I eat them all the time. Like, I have cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower all the time. I know. I eat lots of tomatoes. I've just mowed down that ketchup.
I know. A little bit of boomer joke. Alright. That's it. That's it for the noon hour.
Alright. We'll leave. The noon hour of Madness and Mayhem powered by Holly's Ghost is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, wow. It smelled of my spit wrong while I was still talking.
That's funny. Alright. Okay. Where was I? Oh, for more information or to contact the show, visit