Victoria [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. Welcome to your monthly energy update, where I open the Akashic Records and channel guidance and wisdom for the upcoming month for the collective. If you don't know what the Akashic Records are, you can go Back to episode 15 of this podcast. But essentially, the Akashic Records are a tool of healing and empowerment that absolutely anyone can access, and it is channeled information through the crown chakra, and you are connecting to your guides, ancestors, angels, any loved ones that want to come through to receive the information that you need in the moment to make the most balanced decision for you moving forward. So as we move into November, I feel a lot of resistance. And it's interesting because I.
Victoria [00:00:50]:
I know personally, I'm feeling a lot of resistance right now. I felt resistance to sitting down and recording this. And that friction feels tangible throughout the entire collective in the US Here we have an election coming up very soon, and that energy, of course, is going to be tumultuous. And then the rest of the month feels like it depends on how you start the month. So it feels like there's a couple different paths that are going to occur for folks this month. Either they're going to like, it's. It's where the rubber meets the road. So they're either going to put the pedal to the metal.
Victoria [00:01:24]:
And I'm sorry that all of these, like, euphemisms are what are coming through right now, but essentially there's a group of people that are going to move further a lot faster. They're going to Quantum Leap in November because of how they set themselves up for success at the beginning of the month. And there's another group of people that are going to find that November is actually even more frustrating than October. And I know that doesn't seem possible because October was frustrating. A lot happened on the national scale. There was some devastating hurricanes and, of course, the tumultuous political climate. But November, yeah, it feels like it could go one of two ways. And it's really.
Victoria [00:02:01]:
I feel the duality and also the numerology. Right? It's. It's one plus one is two. But I'm seeing both sides, that November is about balance and bringing ourselves back into balance. So if you have swayed too far in one direction, taking that personal inventory, right, to find where you can have that middle ground to be able to get what you want moving forward. And those are the people that are going to be successful. Those are the people that are going to Quantum Leap this next month is because they're going to take the time now, while the energy feels icky, while the energy is shifting, to really go inward and figure out what it is that they want moving forward and begin to uncover perhaps the lies that they have been telling themselves so long that they thought it was true. The truth will be revealed in November.
Victoria [00:02:57]:
It feels like for many things across the national stage. But it can be very personal to you if you're willing to go there. We're still in Scorpio season right now. Scorpio is full of that depth. And this energy is asking you to make friends with your darkness. It's asking you to realize that you need the darkness for the light, that you, you have to have both. And so coming back to that, that one, the 11, right, the balance of the dark and the light. And so if you have swung one way or the other.
Victoria [00:03:29]:
I'm thinking of myself here personally. You know, I started smoking cannabis again, which I have shared pretty openly, but I feel like I have swung towards the other side of the pendulum. I wasn't smoking at all. Now I'm kind of smoking all the time and I know that I need to come back to balance in the middle and that that's what's going to serve me moving forward. Because it's a beautiful plant ally to work with. But just like anything in life, when you have an excess of it, it is going to cause gluttony, right? It's going to not get you where you want to go. So coming back into balance in all things in November so that the truth can be revealed. Because right now a lot has been hidden in the shadows and a lot is still coming up from the darkness to the light.
Victoria [00:04:10]:
And it needs to purge. It needs to purge so that it is able to be alchemized and transmuted. So there will be some surprises in November. If you are doing the work to make sure your nervous system is supported, your. You're using breath work, maybe you're journaling, maybe you're meditating, maybe you're going for long walks, maybe you're taking bubble baths, you're doing all these things and you're still feeling agitated. I want you to know that that's, that's normal. That's absolutely normal and actually means that you are very in tune with what's going on around you. And there's so many that are going to become becoming online if they have not already.
Victoria [00:04:45]:
And so part of this confusion, perhaps, or this like, angsty energy that's in the Air is. Is because of that, is because spiritual. Aw. Things are uncomfortable. Opening our eyes is uncomfortable because once you've opened your eyes, you can't go back to the way things were before. Or you can, you can try, but it's going to cause so much friction to hold on to that old life. It's going to cause more friction for you to hold on tightly to the things that aren't working for you than it is to just let them go. And this is a big message for me too.
Victoria [00:05:17]:
It's. There's a big unknown out there, right? But let's not be so scared of it. What if that unknown is actually better? But we don't give ourselves the opportunity, we don't give ourselves a chance because we're scared, because we just don't know what the outcome is. Be. You know is going to be. All of the human experience is unknown. There is. There is no, no constant in this life beyond death.
Victoria [00:05:40]:
Everything is figureoutable. Everything is mutable, everything is changeable. And isn't that really fucking beautiful when you stop to think about it, that you have the power to shift anything in your own life the second that you bring awareness to it, the second you decide that you want to make a shift. And no, it doesn't mean that magically it occurs overnight, but that shift in energy is enough to change the course of your trajectory this month. It's that simple and that subtle. You know, you don't need a neon sign that's like, I am the most spiritual. I'm doing the most work. Like, I.
Victoria [00:06:19]:
I don't know why the Lil Wayne song Move in Silence like Lasagna is coming through right now. That feels like it's really important for any woman in particular that's on a spiritual path that has dreams that are maybe bubbling up to the surface, that are maybe new, that are maybe exciting, that are have maybe been awakened. Keep them close to the vest for a little while. They don't need to be shouted from the rooftops just yet. And it's not because you won't shout it, but it's because, like, let the magic of it incubate within you. Let your energy and your essence be the thing that fills it up versus the opinions of other people around you, because everyone around you is going to have an opinion. And so keeping it close to the vest is going to allow you to develop it in a way that it's truly yours and that it truly encapsulates all that you want it to. And it's going to have the right frequency and the right energy because you are so aligned with everything that's a part of it.
Victoria [00:07:17]:
And I feel like I'm speaking to spiritual entrepreneurs in particular here. Like, if you're putting together a course or a program or anything like that, that this is the way to do it, at least during this time, to help you not only incubate the program faster, but for you to, like, actually build the magnetism of the program. Because that is an issue that happens a lot is that you get too many conflicting opinions, maybe from the mentor that you're working with or from the women in the coaching container that you're in. And that's fine. You can, you can take that in as, as data, right. But then you have to alchemize it within yourself and decide, does that feel like me? Does that resonate with me? And if it doesn't, that's going to cause dissonance in your marketing. That's going to cause dissonance in your energetic field in general. You're not going to be as magnetic to your potential clients because they can feel the discord.
Victoria [00:08:10]:
There's something in your energy that's off. You're not fully aligned perhaps with the price point of the thing that you're promoting. Maybe you don't love the pictures that you used in the social media marketing. You know, maybe. I don't know any number of things, right? Your, your energy is going to affect that. So being really solid in your own energy first is gonna, is gonna make everything else more solid around you. And that goes for everyone. Whether or not you're a spiritual entrepreneur.
Victoria [00:08:35]:
It feels like continuing to work on those foundations is always a must. But coming back to that is super important at the beginning of the month because by the end of the month, we're into Thanksgiving, we're into holidays, we're getting into December. Like, life speeds up. So if you don't start practicing those habits now at the beginning of November so that they are already habits that you have, it's not going to happen. And it's nothing against you and your willpower and your drive and your ability to, to change and break, you know, cycles and habits. It's just the way life works. Like, holidays get crazy, you go back to your hometown, perhaps where you're triggered by, you know, your family, you're triggered. People you went to high school with, you know, old wounds come up, all of that.
Victoria [00:09:22]:
If you don't have your foundations shored up before then it's, of course it's going to affect you of course it's going to send you on a spiral. Of course you're going to go back to bad habits. But if you can start now to maybe habit stack or, you know, take that time in the morning that you need to really center and ground your energy or make sure at the end of the day that you're clearing your energy completely and you're getting anybody's energy that is not yours off of you, so you're not sleeping in it. Little things like that can make a big, big difference when they compound over time. So that when you are faced with a situation that normally would rally your nervous system, or you are faced with a situation that's outside of your routine, it's easier for you to fall back on a good habit. Okay, what else wants to come through? I feel like that was a veritable tsunami of information from the Akashic records. Hold on to your hats. It just hold on to your hats.
Victoria [00:10:15]:
Nothing is written in stone. Anything can change in an instant based on, on, on energy and on what others are doing with their energy and what you're doing with your energy and, and miracles are possible. And just because everyone around you sees a certain version of the world, that doesn't mean that it's true. Please keep dreaming with your eyes, with your vision, with your heart, because those things are special and they're unique. No one else is going to see the world the way that you see it. And that's a gift. So keep leaning into that. Hold on to that.
Victoria [00:10:54]:
Appreciate that. Cultivate that. That's your magic. Okay? It's like, like I said earlier, it's great to go out there and get new information from others, but then you've got to internalize it and decide what it means to you and how you're going to share it with the world and what dreams are actually yours to go after versus dreams that have been planted or projected onto you by other people. Okay, it's a big, it's a big month. It's. There's nothing to be afraid of. I have lots of support for you.
Victoria [00:11:25]:
If you would like some of my favorite Kundalini meditations for resilience and nervous system support, I'm going to add them in the show notes. I also still recommend my Kundalini Yoga for Eclipse Season Meditation meditation bundle that is available. And I also am going to be sharing a womb healing and inner seasons workshop here in November, November 11th at 8pm and that's just going to be really supportive for helping you reclaim the magic and abundance and creativity of the womb space and get rid of perhaps some of this anxiety, fear, shame, those low vibration emotions that you don't even know that you're carrying in your womb space. So if you have hard periods, if you find yourself exhausted all the time, if you're really like fighting against your own energy, this workshop is for you to help you better understand how to work with your energy so that you can be more productive, that you can feel better in your own life. And yeah, it's going to be fantastic. So that'll be in the show notes also. And I think that's it, guys. I'm.
Victoria [00:12:35]:
This feels really good. I have been avoiding, like I said, recording this podcast and it feels nice to have this channel open again and to be able to provide this guidance and support for you all. If you would like an individual Akashic record reading with me, please book it in the show notes. I open your individual record and guide you through any guidance, movement, meditation, somatic work that comes through so that you can leave with actionable next steps in your life, but also clear and cleanse your energy to begin attracting the things that are meant for you. All right, I love you guys so much. Let me close the records now. The records are now closed. Amen.
Victoria [00:13:21]:
The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. Thanks for being here. Be good to one another. I love you guys.