Uncle 2 Uncle

Uncle Howard hates the She Hulk finale? Guess he hates women. Also we talk about M*x Landis pretending to be a lady online? Also Yaddle Vs. Dooku?!

Show Notes

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What is Uncle 2 Uncle?

Two beautiful men, uncles to each other, navigate the world of pop culture, babes, bikinis, cold ones, hot nights and they take no prisoners while they're at it. The only podcast truly recorded live from a king size bed, accept no imitations.

[franklin]: so

[franklin]: welcome everybody to uncle

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: to uncle the first podcast take place
a la from a king size bed and

[franklin]: beautiful and is m too i'm your
main host franklin and is always

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i'm joined by the coolest uncle of
my whole world

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: uncle howard

[howard]: well we're in beautiful he knew him

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: this is teen uncle howard whatever who

[franklin]: teen uncle howard

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: come on

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i guess

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: so

[franklin]: boy

[howard]: what

[franklin]: you let me guess you just want
to sit around and watch family guy all

[franklin]: day

[howard]: i just want to watch family guy
i just want to drink my my serge

[franklin]: m yeah yeah i don't know if
you want to be drinking that surge

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: a lot of sugar in that

[howard]: yeah it's sugar is good for me

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: you know why because if i square
is like you don't like it it must

[howard]: be good

[franklin]: no we're trying to watch for

[howard]: ye

[franklin]: your health you

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: can't be sucking down that soda you
need to actually be having water actually

[howard]: in

[franklin]: need to have eight glasses of water
day the uncle howard

[howard]: yeah i drink water why because i'm
a i'm nothing but a dirty old old

[howard]: man it

[franklin]: no because our bodies are ninety per
cent water

[howard]: yours is mine

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: is ninety per cent swag and a
hundred percent vibes

[franklin]: ah those aren't things you could scientifically

[howard]: yeah well science is for nerves

[franklin]: really really

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: sciences berners

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: was bill gates in erd

[howard]: yeah no

[franklin]: yeah that that's

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: what i thought how about steve jobs
that i phone you're always on he's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: always on he's

[howard]: well because turtle

[franklin]: created

[howard]: necks

[franklin]: it

[howard]: turtle necks are on flak

[franklin]: yeah but you know what's also pretty
on flake

[howard]: what's

[franklin]: getting a degree

[howard]: you're right and not downloading a car

[franklin]: that's right yeah

[howard]: m franklin

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: i was thinking today brother about celebrity
scandals there's more than ever today but i

[howard]: was thinking about when exhibit was on

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: sorry i just said that

[howard]: it was a sick joke when

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: exhibit was on crabs

[franklin]: what was exhibits cribs episode

[howard]: it was so his house it looked
like he had just moved into it because

[howard]: there was like hardly

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: anything in there was

[franklin]: which

[howard]: like no furniture

[franklin]: my

[howard]: there

[franklin]: house

[howard]: was

[franklin]: for nine years baby when could i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: tell you you know not

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: a tax shelter

[howard]: there was like you know like one
table per room

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: and then he went up and he
was like here's my kid and this kid

[howard]: i was just playing a video game
was like what to say what's up with

[howard]: the camera and the kids just like
and then he goes like back

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: to paying the video game like

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: the most disengaged child you've ever seen
in your life and

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: exhibits like oh isn't he a cool
kid it's like no

[franklin]: he's

[howard]: he

[franklin]: wild

[howard]: doesn't like you

[franklin]: it's like twisted metal too

[howard]: yeah it's

[franklin]: trying

[howard]: something

[franklin]: to play

[howard]: like

[franklin]: as

[howard]: that

[franklin]: the guy with the tiers or as
a clown ice cream

[howard]: yeah yeah it was the axle as

[franklin]: as i can't remember a single name

[howard]: voiced by mike mitchell in the upcoming

[franklin]: some o joe's on it to check

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: out on peacock

[howard]: yeah all

[franklin]: so

[howard]: the talent

[franklin]: exhibit had a weird cribs episode i
think the most humbling one that i remember

[franklin]: was shenwilliam scott as he was still
poor and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he like showed a bunch of his
v h s collection and like

[howard]: but

[franklin]: he had

[howard]: he

[franklin]: an

[howard]: was

[franklin]: apartment

[howard]: proud of it yeah

[franklin]: yeah he's like these are all my
movies like i take great pride in this

[franklin]: and it's just like catty shack and

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: actually wait hold

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: on a

[howard]: a

[franklin]: second

[howard]: good man right there brother

[franklin]: hold on

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: now i just remembered something i remember
a while a while ago in

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: fact years i called i called buckman
like what are you doing is this you

[franklin]: and he was like no and i
was freaking out i got a phone call

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: was somebody's like

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: congratulations you won the bid on the
signed catty shack poster and it was like

[franklin]: a san diego place and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i'm like he's like this is franklin
right and i'm trying to figure out if

[franklin]: i want a contest or

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: what have you but i want to
bid mean i putting i'm offering money

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and

[howard]: big money

[franklin]: yeah i didn't sign up for a
catty shack bid but somebody put my name

[franklin]: and number on it

[howard]: i wonder who could have done that

[franklin]: you wonder who could have done that

[howard]: it must have been a dirty dog

[franklin]: somebody in san diego who spent some
time there

[howard]: yeah ray mysteria junior

[franklin]: you saying domine okay

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: meant like the junior

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: raymysterio junior

[howard]: yeah raymosterio junior junior

[franklin]: tom it that's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's a house music like d j

[howard]: man

[franklin]: right

[howard]: it sucks that his ants dominic and
not like you know room mysteria ter sarah

[howard]: or something right

[franklin]: it because

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he could even be a bigger disappointment

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: because

[franklin]: a lace didn't

[howard]: the

[franklin]: have his dad's

[howard]: best ray

[franklin]: name

[howard]: mysteria is raymysterio senior

[franklin]: it's like le bron regrets like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: naming his son like the same name

[howard]: baroni

[franklin]: it's like yeah he's like now he's
got high hopes like michael

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: jordan did this and he

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: like like i funked with that kid
and like

[howard]: he should have named him something like
he shouldn't ave been giving the same last

[howard]: name he should have named like

[franklin]: m m

[howard]: dug stephenson

[franklin]: dog stupid said

[howard]: m

[franklin]: right yeah give him

[howard]: but

[franklin]: a

[howard]: there's

[franklin]: name

[howard]: no way

[franklin]: that nobody

[howard]: your

[franklin]: would

[howard]: dad's

[franklin]: think

[howard]: leberonjames

[franklin]: give him a name that nobody would

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: think he'd be possibly good at basketball

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: my

[howard]: oh yeah what's the worst name at
basketball you can have

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: like

[franklin]: what i mean chance

[howard]: nesta mendoza

[franklin]: shan sees a pretty

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like and that's that's m big

[howard]: chance

[franklin]: shot

[howard]: bill ups is a pretty bad name

[franklin]: well bill es is a pretty good

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: last name so

[howard]: i guess

[franklin]: like i don't

[howard]: it is

[franklin]: but chance like

[howard]: yet

[franklin]: it

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: sounds like when a dog funny annoying

[howard]: yeah all

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: of his friends were annoying dude

[franklin]: they all sucked

[howard]: yeah like i was

[franklin]: m

[howard]: inured

[franklin]: he

[howard]: i

[franklin]: wasn't

[howard]: never

[franklin]: ere

[howard]: i never liked that show man

[franklin]: was that a little pastor nicolodian

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: generation

[howard]: no i was like right around there
but i didn't watch no dog dude i

[howard]: was like this kid he's just

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: you know he's crying like a baby

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: getting bullied

[franklin]: m

[howard]: his white there's

[franklin]: there's

[howard]: so much about him i didn't like

[franklin]: dog is the only universe

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: were like you know

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: how races people say oh i don't
care if you're purple well

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like in the dog universe there's like
green there

[howard]: h

[franklin]: was like

[howard]: m

[franklin]: purple

[howard]: m

[franklin]: there was blue like like

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: maybe

[howard]: right

[franklin]: that's yeah said like maybe like when

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: like rays like i don't care if
you're blue like

[howard]: blue purple

[franklin]: m

[howard]: green i

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: don't care if your skeeter patty

[franklin]: roger clots

[franklin]: that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: was you

[howard]: i do

[franklin]: you

[howard]: i do

[franklin]: just

[howard]: hate them if you could go to
any nick tune as yourself

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: and just just run rampant on all
of them who would it be

[franklin]: run

[howard]: you can just

[franklin]: rampant

[howard]: like

[franklin]: like what

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: am i gonna what am

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i going to do like

[howard]: like

[franklin]: bully

[howard]: child

[franklin]: tommy pickle's dad

[howard]: remember when they showed flanders as a
kid and he was just running

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: around bullying

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: everybody

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah that's like how you would be
like you could

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: do that to rocco's modern life for
our real monsters

[franklin]: don't know man

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i'm not going to be on david
the nome that i know that's not nick

[franklin]: tune that's nick junior

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: tunes

[howard]: but he's dark sited

[franklin]: a tart excited i don't funk

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: with that as dragons that's what i
was like

[howard]: m

[franklin]: i guess people like david the nome

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: of dragon whatever

[howard]: yeah they're the same

[franklin]: that's the same

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: thing

[howard]: man i would love to see david
the nomes show up in fucking house with

[howard]: the dragon they're all like oh i'm
all like perverted and murderous and it's just

[howard]: like i write a fox s up

[franklin]: tom bosley

[howard]: yeah

[howard]: man david the nome that's a real
one right

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: there

[franklin]: a real one to remember that one

[howard]: yeah if you remember this guy your

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: was awesome

[franklin]: yeah yeah

[howard]: no that's not true not about david
the nome

[franklin]: that about david the no no

[howard]: ma

[franklin]: no

[howard]: the b

[franklin]: i don't remember that i don't

[howard]: she was a b

[franklin]: i remember

[howard]: pin wheel

[franklin]: welcome freshman

[howard]: yeah welcome

[franklin]: yeah it was like alternative

[howard]: yeah that was like pretty yeah it
was like about emotions and stuff right

[franklin]: there's like a spray paint intro

[howard]: that's cool

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: hey we shouldn't talk too much about
nicolo and i think

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: they're still after you man

[franklin]: that's true

[howard]: at

[franklin]: the big

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: help man

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: man i wasn't helped i wasn't helping
now what i was doing

[franklin]: that's all i was doing

[howard]: that's right you were sucking on chilly
dogs while all those nerves were out there

[howard]: helping dig community gardens

[franklin]: jack allison actually did the big health

[howard]: of course he did

[franklin]: you

[howard]: man

[franklin]: legitimately did the big

[howard]: okay here's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: my if we could do a longitudinal
study of all the people who actually did

[franklin]: yah

[howard]: the big help and saw where they
are nowadays how many of

[franklin]: m

[howard]: them are cool

[franklin]: i mean there's

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: always a fluke so like maybe three
per cent

[howard]: yeah maybe three per cent

[franklin]: maybe three percent actually the big help
you had to pledge hours it was like

[franklin]: a telephone where you're pledging hypothetical hours
you're going to help and like help somebody

[howard]: well

[franklin]: and like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you know hey

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: fucked with the numbers a little bit
and i think bill clinton

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: gave them a blur like

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: all

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: these kids are something special

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: they're helping out everybody

[howard]: well that was a pretty good clinton

[franklin]: that's right ther i've watched up

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: all night i know what's that m

[howard]: that's my president

[franklin]: that's a

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: let you put him on a t

[howard]: h

[franklin]: shirt

[howard]: oh dude if you could have seen
that guy on a t shirt i would

[howard]: buy three of them one for me
one for my mom one for the pope

[franklin]: can we get the pope in a
bret michael's t shirt

[howard]: yeah do you think do you think
that any pope has ever known who brett

[howard]: michal's is

[franklin]: who's the one that had red bottoms

[howard]: oh i don't

[franklin]: that

[howard]: know

[franklin]: benedict

[howard]: oh yeah that dirty old benedict

[franklin]: i remember there

[howard]: i

[franklin]: was like conspiracies like oh and you
know he's like

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it's going to be the end of
the world because this pope his name's benedict

[franklin]: and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he

[howard]: benedict

[franklin]: likes luxury

[howard]: arnold yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah his real name was rat singer
is a pretty bad name to have

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: m

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah yah

[howard]: hello i am pope rating or benedict

[franklin]: m h m

[howard]: god i would love to tell a
pope to go outside yeah

[franklin]: that'd be great

[howard]: yeah would

[franklin]: man

[howard]: yeah get out get out of your
little bullet proof truck

[franklin]: even

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: they are old like to egg

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: them

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to have that egg on there for
a while

[howard]: oh yeah man i wonder how much
sir you get if you egg the pope

[franklin]: oh roby a lot

[howard]: do you think so if the pope
comes to america and you throw an egg

[howard]: at his little bullet proof truck do
you get in more trouble because it was

[howard]: the pope than you would if you
threw it at just like you know

[franklin]: your

[howard]: johnny

[franklin]: neighbor

[howard]: football

[franklin]: right yeah

[howard]: my name

[franklin]: when you

[howard]: johnny

[franklin]: meet the

[howard]: football

[franklin]: pope it's customary

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to say

[franklin]: that's what you say but i think
you'd get in more trouble i

[howard]: m

[franklin]: mean it's high

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: profile dude like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: you

[franklin]: like

[howard]: can't just be a jerk to the

[franklin]: you

[howard]: man

[franklin]: can't you can't you think any pope

[howard]: m

[franklin]: ever known of the rock

[howard]: yeah i bet all of them do

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: current pope is pretty cool right like

[franklin]: is

[howard]: he

[franklin]: he

[howard]: like

[franklin]: cool

[howard]: say like

[franklin]: like he likes

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah he's like

[howard]: e's

[franklin]: he's

[howard]: like

[franklin]: like capitalism

[howard]: gay

[franklin]: is

[howard]: people

[franklin]: bad

[howard]: all right yeah what more could you
want for somebody

[franklin]: no but i like i remember it
was like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: the interviewed trump and he's like the
new pope he thinks capitalism is one of

[franklin]: the root of all evils

[howard]: the

[franklin]: and then

[howard]: new

[franklin]: trumps

[howard]: pope

[franklin]: like

[howard]: means absolutely terrible

[franklin]: he's like he's like what do you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to that and true like isis

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is going to

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: get you

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: no hyperbole that was just that was
just i'll say i this

[howard]: yah

[franklin]: is going to get you like god
damn dude you just look it up and

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: notch

[howard]: a

[franklin]: yet

[howard]: that's a cool response actually

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i'm going to say

[franklin]: guns

[howard]: that to my haters from now on

[franklin]: go on struggle session if they talk
about capitalism and like

[howard]: hey

[franklin]: the should

[howard]: you

[franklin]: get

[howard]: think

[franklin]: rid of

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: it

[howard]: true lunch or isis

[franklin]: jack allison is

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: now that's a new drop

[howard]: h

[franklin]: oh my god

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i'll see

[howard]: we got to get the go get
that brother that's a cool one

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that is a cool that's it a
fucking nine second one bro m oh

[howard]: oh man

[franklin]: so

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: i wanted

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to go into black adam man

[howard]: the

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: hierarchy of the d c

[franklin]: oh oh that's right well

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you got to obey the box office
because i was talking to some people

[howard]: m oh

[franklin]: and i need

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: this movie to fail i need

[howard]: do you

[franklin]: this movie to fail because

[howard]: i got

[franklin]: i

[howard]: bad

[franklin]: need

[howard]: news

[franklin]: what's the bad news

[howard]: it's gonna is gonna be a smash

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: yeah sorry

[howard]: that you find that comical do you

[franklin]: i'm

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: worried that you might be right

[howard]: yeah it's had so many commercials

[franklin]: or was that

[howard]: yeah it's had so many commercials

[franklin]: i

[howard]: who is not going to see it
you see those commercials

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: and he said that looks exciting there's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: there's a part where he says i
don't i'm not p full i mean that's

[howard]: exciting

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: a part were says oh that was
sarcasm and it's like the opposite of drags

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: kind of so

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: like yeah

[franklin]: like not

[howard]: so

[franklin]: funny

[howard]: yeah so because there's no way they
were like oh you said you wouldn't kill

[howard]: the hostages that was sarcasm

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: in what way would that be sarcastic

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: he was like oh yeah i really
won't kill the the hostages

[franklin]: teen age black adam

[howard]: yeah ten adam

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: so yeah i think it's going to
be a big hit though man i mean

[howard]: who doesn't love to see the rock
pierce brosnan some other

[franklin]: m

[howard]: guys

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: the

[franklin]: oh yeah

[howard]: was that black adam

[franklin]: i think so

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: um i needed to fail i think

[howard]: you got money writing on it

[franklin]: i don't have money writing on it

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: at the end of the day it's

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it's you know it's the rock it's
a movie

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: there hasn't been a comic

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: book movie out in a

[howard]: m

[franklin]: while so to say

[howard]: m

[franklin]: and like

[howard]: m

[franklin]: thor

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i guess like there hasn't been that
big one right rock

[howard]: right

[franklin]: is the box office star all

[howard]: h

[franklin]: that

[howard]: m yeah

[franklin]: man

[howard]: biggest box office star of all time

[franklin]: anyways i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i just think the melt down

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: that will ensue it's gonna be fucking
great if it flops because

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: bay watch

[howard]: he's gonna yeah

[franklin]: he can blame others for bay watch
he can like talk about domestic and international

[franklin]: numbers ram page and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: sky scraper

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: this fails that's on him that is
on him like he needs to like he's

[franklin]: put a lot into this movie and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: can tell because all the jokes are
about like how cool he is like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he just stopped he just stopped the
missile of his hand like

[howard]: you that so

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: bad ass yeah

[franklin]: like so all the humor derives from
him how

[howard]: how

[franklin]: great

[howard]: cool

[franklin]: he is

[howard]: everyone thinks he is yeah

[franklin]: and how straight he is like it's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: all that so

[howard]: yeah oh

[franklin]: i don't know who are you saying
in this movie

[howard]: well pierce brosnan s in it

[franklin]: else

[howard]: some other guys

[franklin]: m

[howard]: are they they might be in hollywood
nowadays it's hard to say

[franklin]: it's hard to say

[howard]: yeah i can tell you who some
of the other characters are because i

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: know them from the comic books but

[franklin]: you

[howard]: i

[franklin]: read

[howard]: don't know

[franklin]: this

[howard]: who plays

[franklin]: you legit

[howard]: them

[franklin]: read this

[howard]: well

[franklin]: comic

[howard]: i

[franklin]: like you

[howard]: know i've read i

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: don't even know i'm not really that
familiar with

[franklin]: i don't

[howard]: with

[franklin]: know

[howard]: with it but i know hawk man
is in it who is a guy who

[howard]: is like a big hawk

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: man

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: um

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and then there's a guy named adam
smasher who turns humungus

[franklin]: okay all right

[howard]: so he's like you know he's the
same as a man but

[franklin]: gotcha

[howard]: not funny

[franklin]: but like

[howard]: or

[franklin]: right

[howard]: a

[franklin]: up

[howard]: yeah i'm sure he's not

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: funny not

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: as funny as paul rode

[franklin]: no

[howard]: um and then

[franklin]: t

[howard]: there's

[franklin]: i michael peno were great in that

[howard]: yeah man those are my two favorite
guys t

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i for being a frequently in trouble
in michael pen for being a scientologist

[franklin]: and beat and chips

[howard]: yeah god great movie chips check it

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: jack shepard

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: michael

[howard]: yeah probably jack

[franklin]: michael

[howard]: shepard's

[franklin]: pens you decide everybody

[howard]: it's one of the two

[franklin]: it's one of the two it's one
of the two so are you going to

[franklin]: see it your going to see

[howard]: um

[franklin]: black adam

[howard]: you know i might

[franklin]: s a

[howard]: i don't

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: know

[franklin]: a no

[howard]: i don't yeah

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: as probably

[franklin]: no

[howard]: i know i don't

[franklin]: not

[howard]: i don't

[franklin]: hesitation

[howard]: see a lot of i don't see
a lot of movies in the theatre these

[howard]: days as it is but

[franklin]: m

[howard]: you know what i'll say is a
lot of times when i'm more interested in

[howard]: something like

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: and i think like oh maybe i'd
say that it usually is a big hit

[howard]: um and i

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i will say maybe i would say
black adam whereas if it's just like no

[howard]: i'm not going to see that it's
usually i'll flop like there's no way

[franklin]: you

[howard]: i'm going no

[franklin]: are

[howard]: say

[franklin]: the

[howard]: there's

[franklin]: ultimate dictation of like fucking whether

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: a movie flops

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: or succeeds are you fucking

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: joke do you understand the ego

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you are saying this with

[howard]: yeah no well let's check it out
did i see avatar in the theaters yes

[howard]: was that like the biggest hit ever

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: m am i going to see avatar
to in the theaters not a chance that's

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: up

[franklin]: did you see

[howard]: did

[franklin]: internals

[howard]: i say

[franklin]: and theaters

[howard]: no flop did i see

[franklin]: you

[howard]: avengers

[franklin]: go

[howard]: in the theater big

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: hit

[franklin]: that's that's this is a i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: tell you've seen some bad movies and
theaters man

[howard]: no only

[franklin]: m

[howard]: hits man jupiter

[franklin]: the

[howard]: ascending

[franklin]: it

[howard]: that made all the money in the

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: world

[franklin]: a flop yeah m

[howard]: one for the money with katherine hegel
big hit

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: night and day gigantic

[franklin]: that's a good movie

[howard]: a great

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: o

[franklin]: confusing

[howard]: yeah it is because at first you're
like is this

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: guy bad was he good

[franklin]: all right a lot of people get

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: killed

[howard]: yeah a lot of people get killed
carmandswas in there which is always

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: you know takes my attention off of
things a little

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: bit

[franklin]: she's coming back

[howard]: oh is she

[franklin]: coming back to her

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: first move in years

[howard]: what's she going to do

[franklin]: i don't know

[howard]: my m yeah

[franklin]: she is not

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: going to

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: do that but

[howard]: that's what i'll say to er brother

[franklin]: o you

[howard]: i'm going

[franklin]: up

[howard]: to say what she's going to do

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: we're

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: going to look this up

[franklin]: look it up look it up what

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is she going to do here because

[howard]: well she's still married a benjy man
did you know her child is named radix

[franklin]: a fucking course

[howard]: radicsbusblack

[franklin]: of course child

[howard]: adam better look out for radics

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: one of the pod van dam guys
one of them was making a i don't

[franklin]: know they weren't even making a joke
mark man and the w commentator said some

[franklin]: stuff

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and like so because an good charlotte
like he's been s brother right and like

[franklin]: they were serious

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: boy man

[franklin]: god

[howard]: those guys are bird brands

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: she's going to be in a net
flix movie which is always you know that's

[howard]: where where

[franklin]: yeah that's

[howard]: stars

[franklin]: that's where

[howard]: happen

[franklin]: pilmthat's that's the new home of cinema

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: art

[howard]: she is going to be in a
it's called back in action so that's exciting

[howard]: already

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: action we love that

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and she's going to be stirring opposite
jamie fox

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: a real talent so you know i'll
see that

[franklin]: you remember

[howard]: it's

[franklin]: when people

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like netflix movies

[howard]: it's been a while since netflex has
made a movie that i wanted to see

[howard]: what

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: was what was the last one you
saw franklin

[franklin]: the last likenetflix i did see red

[howard]: yeah same that was pretty good

[franklin]: was not good

[howard]: it was fine

[franklin]: i don't think i've seen much else
i mean

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i had stranger things

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: on in the background and that's fine

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i know r j got

[howard]: they

[franklin]: mad

[howard]: say

[franklin]: because they use a movie song

[howard]: oh oh yeah that is

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: annoying

[franklin]: and movies birthday is on nine eleven

[howard]: oh that's disrespectful

[franklin]: and he made it all about himself

[howard]: m

[franklin]: he's like did

[howard]: i

[franklin]: you know he's like talking m t

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: v's like did you know it was
my birthday i

[howard]: can

[franklin]: went

[howard]: you

[franklin]: outside and i go oh no oh
god this is terrible he

[howard]: can

[franklin]: did

[howard]: you

[franklin]: something

[howard]: see my

[franklin]: like that we like he took people
to his roof

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: he's like i could see the towers
from over there he couldn't as like i

[franklin]: could

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: see him move from over there and
i thought oh oh no oh no

[howard]: can you can you see my

[franklin]: i

[howard]: screen

[franklin]: can see that

[howard]: i'm

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: i can see

[howard]: so

[franklin]: your screen share

[howard]: i searched biggest netflix movies

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: we've

[franklin]: so

[howard]: got

[franklin]: you have spencer

[howard]: in

[franklin]: confidential

[howard]: yeah six underground other brian reynolds joined
if you if you gamble on bryan reynolds

[howard]: it's not gambling it's an investment

[franklin]: just fucking christ

[howard]: extraction

[franklin]: uncle

[howard]: o blond

[franklin]: howard are using easing google i thought

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: were using microsoftatch i'm sorry

[howard]: no i wish i should have been

[franklin]: m

[howard]: i'm on the edge looking at blond

[franklin]: did you watch bland

[howard]: no i'd better check it out better

[franklin]: you

[howard]: til

[franklin]: commented

[howard]: my handle

[franklin]: on somebody's post about

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: blind

[howard]: because someone said oh she's being too
sexualized i said maryland man robing sexualized forget

[howard]: about it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: oh murder mystery that was pretty you
see that

[franklin]: i saw

[howard]: one

[franklin]: that no it wasn't

[howard]: yeah was very

[franklin]: he

[howard]: funny

[franklin]: would be halloween i enjoyed

[howard]: no he be halloween sucked oh

[franklin]: you

[howard]: man that reminds

[franklin]: you

[howard]: me

[franklin]: suck

[howard]: i got an idea for hub halloween
sequel though

[franklin]: what's that

[howard]: so hubehalloweeno he loves this halloween business
writing things

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: that's so funny things that's

[franklin]: oh it's

[howard]: so

[franklin]: hilarious

[howard]: cool well

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: guess what what if he has to
deal with jason

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: he's

[franklin]: that's not very funny

[howard]: no yeah i want to see

[franklin]: m

[howard]: huh halloween with all of his goofy

[franklin]: m

[howard]: going against a supernatural murderer

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i don't

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: think it would e a sick joke
at all i think i'd be laughing all

[howard]: the way to the bank

[franklin]: oh no no man i mean what's
he goin

[howard]: i think

[franklin]: a king do man throw a fucking

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: fruit at him oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: m

[howard]: he might i don't know

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: would be interesting to see i think
because that's

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: not

[franklin]: stuck

[howard]: a

[franklin]: on

[howard]: situation

[franklin]: to end wilfer hoby

[howard]: you never know because he's such a
buffoon he might accidentally do good

[franklin]: i like to be halloween he's got
his coffee mug

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: all those ghismos and gadgets

[howard]: you

[franklin]: that work through it's kind of you

[howard]: couldn't even understand what he said he's
talked so dumb he was like both

[franklin]: oh come on man

[howard]: it sounded like the bacca

[franklin]: yeah then why does it get with
elizabeth bowen

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: at the end

[howard]: well that's hard to say

[franklin]: that's hard to say well through the
mass that's her name right elizabeth

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: bowen

[howard]: julie bowen

[franklin]: julie bowen okay

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and jack allison said that her and
tuck tucker carlson

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: may have done

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: things

[howard]: really

[franklin]: yeah i don't know i mean if

[howard]: very

[franklin]: saying

[howard]: nice

[franklin]: it was he in the room my
brother like m

[howard]: yeah it's not

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: at my best

[franklin]: yeah well just think about

[howard]: just

[franklin]: it

[howard]: think about it

[franklin]: think about tucker carlson

[howard]: and julie bow an go into

[franklin]: no

[howard]: town

[franklin]: i'd rather not

[howard]: yeah how about the marksman that was
a big hit on netflex

[franklin]: nepflixare our duds dude you can't even

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it's not even

[howard]: bright

[franklin]: i saw bright if

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: max landis directorial debut

[howard]: yeah fantastic

[franklin]: you know max landis was in the

[howard]: was he

[franklin]: yeah i was in the stupid he
played like a little kid he was a

[franklin]: little kid

[howard]: man that max landis is no good

[franklin]: m

[howard]: his dad wasn't too much of a
peach either

[franklin]: no no yeah

[howard]: hm you know

[franklin]: none the

[howard]: for

[franklin]: less

[howard]: a while i was i was like
it's not his dad's

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: fault that that like you know accident
happened on set but then i read a

[howard]: bunch of stuff and they were like
he like totally could have

[franklin]: really

[howard]: made that not happen there like he
was like like all the special effects people

[howard]: are like you can't

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: do this it's too crazy and he
was like

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: we'll just do it

[franklin]: yeah you know they said the george
lucas is too crazy to when he was

[franklin]: doing working with models and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: computers

[howard]: you know what was a good neflex
movie army of the dead

[franklin]: i guess so the sequel

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: with the other guy or the prequel
i should say

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: i didn't say that one the

[franklin]: you didn't see

[howard]: little

[franklin]: that

[howard]: german

[franklin]: one was

[howard]: creep

[franklin]: army that was fine man as

[howard]: i'm doing a theft i'm doing

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: a big

[franklin]: he's like

[howard]: hist

[franklin]: he's doing the vaults he has a
big vault fan

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he loves vaults

[howard]: yeah i love vaults to brother vault

[franklin]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but you can you know what

[franklin]: kay

[howard]: else i can feel in my plums

[franklin]: what's that

[howard]: are traditions

[franklin]: that's right you're talking about yeah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: every week in the king size bed
we like to watch some fine cinema don't

[franklin]: we uncle howard

[howard]: we do brother we love to watch

[franklin]: we'd

[howard]: we love

[franklin]: love

[howard]: you just

[franklin]: to

[howard]: sitting

[franklin]: watch like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like jack allison watching tucker carlson have
sex with julie bon for some

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: reason

[howard]: we just hide in tucker carlson's closet
and peek out through those

[franklin]: very

[howard]: slats

[franklin]: it's a very small closet

[howard]: very small

[franklin]: it's me you jack allison

[howard]: m

[franklin]: and jack hllisontheben is telling us to
go in there

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: or

[howard]: i

[franklin]: beat

[howard]: saying

[franklin]: or dicks off

[howard]: must out there go say high

[franklin]: he says

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: so we've confirmed

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that jack allison is the bena to

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to

[howard]: we're

[franklin]: our guest

[howard]: spank y in

[franklin]: nope

[howard]: will london

[franklin]: paul london was doing bucking so i
guess so tucker carl says that paul london

[franklin]: to

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: ben i'm sorry jack don't listen he

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: doesn't listen

[howard]: he doesn't even know we exist

[franklin]: i'm gonna text the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like we see a lot of good
things about you this

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: episode big guy

[howard]: on every episode

[franklin]: you will find blurs as sprinkled throughout
you know

[howard]: a lot

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: of

[franklin]: how i know he

[howard]: easter

[franklin]: doesn't listen

[howard]: eggs yeah

[franklin]: he's still my friend so that's how
i know

[howard]: and

[franklin]: he doesn't listen

[howard]: ah what a cock

[franklin]: so my

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: movie i'm sure i've covered it before

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: it is now you see me the
n y s m with

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: jessie isenburg you know the movie

[howard]: m

[franklin]: man

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: he plays he plays atlas

[howard]: oh the

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's his like you know the character
name somebody made a tweet about it a

[franklin]: while back but there daniel atlas uh
thadeas jack wilder arthur tresler and henley reeves

[franklin]: and

[howard]: those

[franklin]: then you

[howard]: are

[franklin]: also

[howard]: cool

[franklin]: have

[howard]: names

[franklin]: they're an you have michael kane

[howard]: oh that old bag of bones

[franklin]: yeah but he's evil

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: brother

[howard]: oh it's hard to imagine that m

[franklin]: they do a card stun in the
movie all right so i'm sharing my screen

[franklin]: here i think i could play a
little bit now i am not sure if

[franklin]: i'm going to see the third movie
though because this interview it

[howard]: it

[franklin]: shocked me to my core here because

[howard]: it

[franklin]: he

[howard]: made

[franklin]: was

[howard]: you sick

[franklin]: it was being so let me see
i could play a little bit of it

[franklin]: talking hear that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: it's been short with her so rude

[franklin]: she's trying to be nice and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he

[howard]: ye

[franklin]: do you hear that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he hasn't apologized for that

[howard]: and that was from nine years ago
he's had a lot of time to apologize

[franklin]: dude i'm not going to bother see
now you see me three even if there's

[franklin]: a fire

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i'm not going to

[howard]: i

[franklin]: watch

[howard]: won't

[franklin]: it

[howard]: i won't even say the social network

[franklin]: oh you o

[howard]: yeah no

[franklin]: no it's

[howard]: i want to say i want to
see bat man versus super man too

[franklin]: wow wow you are really

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: i mean i'm just limited to the
nice seeming franchise but you're going

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: through the whole any potential sequel of
jessie isenburg you're out

[howard]: yeah yeah

[franklin]: you're

[howard]: american

[franklin]: you're

[howard]: ultra too for good about it

[franklin]: is that an atlantis

[howard]: yeah that is another like oh the

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: great guys

[franklin]: goddamn wow

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: they were probably just two peas in
a pot on set there

[howard]: yeah they're like hey i like to
be rude to ladies me too oh

[franklin]: max linder didn't even pretend to like
he made like a message board account

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: of a lady defending him

[howard]: oh did he

[franklin]: and he's like he's like pretending

[howard]: m

[franklin]: to be like this lady account and
he's like look i'm

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: a lady and

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: like you know i think what he

[howard]: if

[franklin]: did

[howard]: there's

[franklin]: it was perfectly fine yeah

[howard]: i would have been honored if i
was if i was that lady which i

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: the only difference between me and her
is that i'm also a lady but i

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: wasn't

[franklin]: but

[howard]: there

[franklin]: i think

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that the account had other posts as
well and they were able to see like

[franklin]: okay no no no ladies

[howard]: m

[franklin]: talking about like hell in the cell
two thousand ten like

[howard]: yeah yeah they

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: are like oh she was like my
name is

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: gladys

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and i i love max landis and
they look at his other post and its

[howard]: just

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: fled actually i think

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: beast is the best

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: x man because he's smart

[franklin]: that's exactly what probably what happened i
think it's a little uncle uncle potentially

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: revision of history from here say

[howard]: well it makes

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: it makes you know history is written
by the winners and brother you and me

[howard]: are winners

[franklin]: brother yeah miami

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: baby were winners

[howard]: m dwainewade

[franklin]: so

[howard]: style

[franklin]: so i am not going to watch
now you see me so we're goin i

[franklin]: rented it i mean it

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: has my money they received my money
from the red box bah

[howard]: yeah well red

[franklin]: not

[howard]: box got your money but

[franklin]: red

[howard]: jessie

[franklin]: box got

[howard]: is

[franklin]: my

[howard]: very

[franklin]: money

[howard]: good yeah

[franklin]: but they get residual they probably they
get they get a call on

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: the phone and they

[howard]: small

[franklin]: go hey

[howard]: money

[franklin]: we got another nice me purchase jessie

[howard]: and it goes very good would you
like to say a magic

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: trick

[franklin]: an as

[howard]: god that guy is a nerve dude
i don't

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: i don't even want to see him
around man if he came if he came

[howard]: on to our podcast i'd say

[franklin]: i

[howard]: thank you for being on our show

[franklin]: yeah

[franklin]: you know what i would do it
that jerk step foot here and was on

[franklin]: our

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: podcast

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh thanks so much and i really

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you being here dude

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you're like i'm just a huge fan

[howard]: it's like i if that guy someone
you know van

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: our boss said okay we're gonna get
jessie island on her so in a week

[franklin]: m

[howard]: you know what i would do

[franklin]: m oh lay

[howard]: i

[franklin]: it

[howard]: would

[franklin]: on me

[howard]: watch every single one of his movies
so i was totally familiar with his career

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: yeah yeah an

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i'd

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: i'd

[franklin]: awesome

[howard]: be watching i'd be watching the squid
and the whale i'd be

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: watching adventure land

[franklin]: i already

[howard]: i've been

[franklin]: saw

[howard]: watching

[franklin]: that yeah

[howard]: to roam with love

[franklin]: would you would you

[howard]: yeah oh well maybe not

[franklin]: you

[howard]: i didn't know about that

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: well that's a whole another reason to
cancel this dude

[franklin]: m i don't know what it is
i don't know what it is

[howard]: it's it's written directed and coat

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: staring witty allen

[franklin]: oh no wow

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i

[howard]: boy

[franklin]: didn't

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: know that

[howard]: a oh well now we've

[franklin]: it just

[howard]: got

[franklin]: sounded

[howard]: another

[franklin]: like

[howard]: reason to hate this

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: guy

[franklin]: just had an arts to me so
i immediately

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: was

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: not about it

[howard]: what about night moves

[franklin]: who's

[howard]: those

[franklin]: in that

[howard]: guys made some stinkers who

[franklin]: he's

[howard]: has

[franklin]: been

[howard]: made

[franklin]: a lot

[howard]: night moves

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: let's see you got peter

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: sars guard

[franklin]: yer fucking

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: avows himself

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: carisma there

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: he

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: was in a movie called resistance

[franklin]: cut yeah

[howard]: this guy sucks man

[franklin]: yeah i

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: don't

[howard]: he's

[franklin]: like

[howard]: got

[franklin]: him

[howard]: he's got his directorial

[franklin]: m

[howard]: debut

[franklin]: what's that

[howard]: it's called when you finish saving the
world which is a really annoying name and

[howard]: i guess what it's based on a
book that was written by jessie eisenberg

[franklin]: the bat

[howard]: what a fucking nerve dude he is

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: it doesn't get much whiter than jessie

[franklin]: no

[howard]: dude

[franklin]: no thank you

[howard]: i

[franklin]: well

[howard]: don't i don't like him you know
what i don't even i hope fan doesn't

[howard]: get him on our show because i
wouldn't enjoy watching all of his movies

[franklin]: no and i wouldn't enjoy thanking him
for being on and boosting

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: our fucking status

[howard]: i'm begging him to recweit that he
was on our show

[franklin]: yeah yeah

[howard]: yeh

[franklin]: i'm begging him to be like ah

[howard]: yeah i am sorry to bother you
big boy i wouldn't

[franklin]: that's a

[howard]: i

[franklin]: he

[howard]: wouldn't

[franklin]: is

[howard]: even say that to him i'd say
i wouldn't say sorry to bout you big

[howard]: boy say

[franklin]: a

[howard]: i want to talk about whose cock
my daughter has been sucking

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: m yeah what's going on bret

[franklin]: what's your movie big man uh

[howard]: well you know we're in the halloween
season and you and i i think a

[howard]: weakness in our show is that we
don't always get into the seasonal spirit of

[howard]: things you

[franklin]: you

[howard]: know

[franklin]: promise

[howard]: we just kind

[franklin]: people

[howard]: of

[franklin]: on patroon that we're gonna do something
spooky the moment

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i read that i went

[howard]: yeah i know because we hate it
we hate all that stuff

[franklin]: i mean it's just our schedule and
what i'm just like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: there's no way there's no

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: way we're doing any theme

[howard]: well i picked

[franklin]: good

[howard]: a spooky mo i picked a spooky
we could

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: we

[franklin]: boy

[howard]: could do a match on a spooky
spooky match or something

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i guess

[franklin]: i mean i'm

[howard]: but

[franklin]: down

[howard]: i got yeah sure i a spooky
spooky movie for us to watch to night

[howard]: franklin

[franklin]: well boy

[howard]: it's called m

[franklin]: yeah oh

[howard]: the the patient

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: you know medical patients

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: the patients lament

[franklin]: sounds

[howard]: and

[franklin]: artistic

[howard]: it's yeah well it's like an went

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: kind of movie it's

[franklin]: what's the actual studio though

[howard]: it's a c seventeen

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: gotcha

[howard]: so so it's it's about this mental
hospital in up state and one of the

[howard]: things that's so scared about this movie
is they never say what state they always

[howard]: just say oh

[franklin]: m

[howard]: setting

[franklin]: up

[howard]: you

[franklin]: state

[howard]: up state yeah

[franklin]: it could

[howard]: which

[franklin]: be

[howard]: i

[franklin]: anything

[howard]: mean

[franklin]: from vermont to

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: fucking vera new hampshire

[howard]: delaware

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: new hampshire one

[franklin]: delawares

[howard]: of those

[franklin]: like a fucking blip

[howard]: yeah it's not

[franklin]: like

[howard]: even on my radar brother

[franklin]: delaware can suck my dick to our
at it if i'm being like perfectly honest

[franklin]: like it's too small

[howard]: you know fuck delaware fuck maryland fuck

[franklin]: i

[howard]: west

[franklin]: issue

[howard]: virginia

[franklin]: of mirror

[howard]: yeah i do

[franklin]: well fuck west west virginia for sure
i don't have too

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: much of a mon pickwick maryland that

[howard]: you

[franklin]: whole

[howard]: know what

[franklin]: area

[howard]: if you're living in a state that
don't get bakin babes fast cars rich bit

[howard]: coin moguls i don't

[franklin]: m

[howard]: want to hear about it

[franklin]: m

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: yeah it is bizarre to

[franklin]: it

[howard]: live

[franklin]: is

[howard]: somewhere there aren't bitcoinmogles

[franklin]: the patients lament this

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is a c twenty five you said

[howard]: yeah c seventeen so

[franklin]: of course

[howard]: they get the lead in this movie
she gets sent up state because she had

[howard]: she

[franklin]: just

[howard]: was in she was at a school
and all of a sudden she starts freaking

[howard]: out acting all crazy

[franklin]: m

[howard]: like she's she's in the hallway you
know they got lockers on either side of

[howard]: the hal and she's running from

[franklin]: in

[howard]: one

[franklin]: a hospital

[howard]: side to the other no this is
while she's in school she

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: she's running back and forth smashing from
side to side she goes like run run

[howard]: run smashed run run

[franklin]: to

[howard]: run

[franklin]: like

[howard]: run

[franklin]: a locker

[howard]: run smash yeah i know the

[franklin]: i

[howard]: lockers

[franklin]: hope screech

[howard]: over and

[franklin]: is

[howard]: over

[franklin]: in one of those

[howard]: yeah there's a nord in one of
them it's jessie isenburg

[franklin]: what's the big idea

[howard]: i'm trying to sleep in here

[franklin]: some jock shoved

[howard]: so

[franklin]: me in here

[howard]: so they're like oh you've gone too
crazy there madam you've got they call her

[howard]: madam even though she was a teen

[franklin]: m i like the principle

[howard]: because

[franklin]: or

[howard]: and

[franklin]: something

[howard]: yeah yeah

[franklin]: was it building

[howard]: it's the guidance councillor

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: guidance councillor it's played by um

[franklin]: a

[howard]: oh you know jeff

[franklin]: the guy

[howard]: jeff

[franklin]: the

[howard]: bridget

[franklin]: big fellow

[howard]: yeah jeff bridges yeah

[franklin]: yeah funny guy

[howard]: yeah he was like i got a
level with you you're too crazy we got

[howard]: to send you up state

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: so

[franklin]: yeah i'm out of there

[howard]: and so when like there's all the
scary stuff when she's on the bus going

[howard]: up state she is like looking out
the window and she'll like you know kind

[howard]: of look away and it looks normal

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: and she looks back and she like
you no window and it looks like there

[howard]: was like ghost in the window scary
stuff right

[franklin]: m

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: in song

[howard]: so then

[franklin]: like that

[howard]: so when she gets to the hospital
up state

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: um she has a room mate and
the roommates kind of spooky and the roommates

[howard]: like oh it's it's you know you've
got to be careful here because it's so

[howard]: scary

[franklin]: m

[howard]: and then a bunch of really scary
stuff happens and

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: then at the end it turns out
that she was the

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: scary one all along

[franklin]: ah why

[howard]: because she

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: was from the devil

[franklin]: oh oh

[howard]: no that's just

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: dark sighted stuff man dark cited stuff

[franklin]: boy

[howard]: always sounds absurd

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but

[franklin]: jo was probably dark cited

[howard]: jo was our dark sited you know
what elson s dark sited the web of

[howard]: the eye of webish bog

[franklin]: i ave webagh bog is something i
do want to talk about so okay the

[franklin]: patients lamentsaring

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: jeff

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: bridges

[howard]: yeah jeff bridge is milacunis

[franklin]: oh maris

[howard]: yea she

[franklin]: hargate

[howard]: is the girl

[franklin]: to you

[howard]: she's the main girl in it the

[franklin]: oh she's an evrtothat

[howard]: yeah yeah she isn't everything the

[franklin]: jeff

[howard]: girl

[franklin]: bridges

[howard]: who

[franklin]: milacunis

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: s isenburg in the locker

[howard]: jessie senberginto lock our anna kendrick is
the roommate who

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: is like like oh this place is
scary and also the reason they say it's

[howard]: scary even before me lahunis got there

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: my unis was the scary thing is
that she can travel through time so she

[howard]: went back in time to

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: make the place scary and

[franklin]: m

[howard]: scare the ship out in a candric

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: then she's back in normal time and
then that's why anna kendrick is scary

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and also then at

[franklin]: m

[howard]: the very end they're like oh you
can go back in time and do stuff

[howard]: and she's like yeah that's true they're
like you should have scared hitler's mother when

[howard]: she was pregnant so that she had
a heart attack and she goes

[franklin]: m

[howard]: uh it ends on cliff hanger she
goes yeah i guess i could see if

[howard]: i can that and

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: then there's a post credit scene

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and nick fury shows up and says
we'd like to recruit you

[franklin]: wow and then you hear lincoln parks

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: go

[howard]: i

[franklin]: ma

[howard]: dude lincoln park man like sometimes when
i'm in my emotions i listen to that

[howard]: and i'm like

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: they know how i feel

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah yeah

[franklin]: when transformers ended and they blasted that

[howard]: yeah that's

[franklin]: i guess

[howard]: sick

[franklin]: it's like

[howard]: dude

[franklin]: something like i was i was

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: almost forced to dislike them rent

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you kind of force to dislike them
like i don't like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: them

[howard]: because everyone was like everyone as like
that's a nerve band i'm like okay

[franklin]: right

[howard]: i

[franklin]: and

[howard]: guess

[franklin]: we

[howard]: so

[franklin]: all have friends

[howard]: but

[franklin]: are like our hard

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: core

[howard]: the

[franklin]: punk

[howard]: rock

[franklin]: people

[howard]: and rollers yeah poser band

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but

[franklin]: so

[howard]: now

[franklin]: like

[howard]: now i listen to him like man
that's what's up

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: lincoln

[franklin]: i thought

[howard]: park

[franklin]: the j

[howard]: dude

[franklin]: s stuff

[howard]: yeah i

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: thought that was dope

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: man and i mean you know our
favorite movie of all time is that tommy

[howard]: is the white green and red ranger

[franklin]: oh man our favorite

[howard]: the

[franklin]: yeah i don't listen to lincoln park
i don't

[howard]: no i don't really listen to much
music but yeah

[franklin]: i've

[howard]: that

[franklin]: gone

[howard]: band

[franklin]: back

[howard]: is cool

[franklin]: and like

[howard]: though

[franklin]: enjoyed some stuff that i felt like
i wasn't allowed to enjoy because

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it was considered poser but lincoln park
is still like this is kind of okay

[franklin]: but i don't want to like it
and i still will not

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like it now

[howard]: but it is like it's definitely music
that like the transformers would listen to like

[howard]: if you

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: met

[franklin]: they'd

[howard]: optimist

[franklin]: listen to it

[howard]: prime ja bumblebee ratchet

[franklin]: m

[howard]: and all

[franklin]: m

[howard]: asked and they said hey earth man
what's some like good earth music wouldn't you

[howard]: probably play

[franklin]: m

[howard]: lincoln park for him

[franklin]: yeah sure

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: i think i'm gonna i'm gonna watch
darker the moon tonight

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: transformers one was

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: weird because there was that weird sub
plot with anthony anderson and like some

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like hot australian scientists

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and it's like these movies this seems
separate from like everything going on

[howard]: i understood that they just decided hey

[franklin]: m

[howard]: we need another babe in here besides

[franklin]: rihicthey're

[howard]: fox

[franklin]: just like

[howard]: yeah where can we add another babe
well it can't

[franklin]: can

[howard]: be

[franklin]: we

[howard]: a transformer

[franklin]: came sexy transformer well they just did
that in the second one

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: they did

[howard]: oh yeah

[franklin]: the

[howard]: there

[franklin]: second

[howard]: was

[franklin]: one they said

[howard]: with her tongue

[franklin]: and the

[howard]: her robot tongue they could have made

[franklin]: m

[howard]: evil government babe was hanging

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: out with

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: john

[franklin]: true

[howard]: tater

[franklin]: michael bay you got to figure out
how to insert more babes man i

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: think he got to hang up it
later on though

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: his like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: librarian government

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: massa fucking you

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: know waste management fuck in the all

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: sort of anywhere

[howard]: yeah if you if

[franklin]: m

[howard]: you if you've got a character

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: that's michael bay is one of the
most progressive directors in the business because he

[howard]: casts more women than any one else
right m

[franklin]: he does that's

[howard]: uh uh

[franklin]: you know you know i i

[howard]: i

[franklin]: do

[howard]: do want to shake michael days hand

[franklin]: i know so he bought the whole
coganhouse and we my friends and i uh

[franklin]: we always go buy the hogan house
i don't know why

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and growing up is like hoping i
mean were on going up were like an

[franklin]: early one but

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: when he lived here

[howard]: h

[franklin]: over

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: hoping to catch a glimpse of him

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: michael bay bought his house so i
know where michael bay i guess i know

[franklin]: where he lives

[howard]: well you know one of his houses
that guy has probably

[franklin]: i

[howard]: got

[franklin]: guess

[howard]: so

[franklin]: i know

[howard]: many houses

[franklin]: one of his house so if i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: if i was like a jogger

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: and i just jogged

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: around that block all day and like

[howard]: you'd eventually find him

[franklin]: no i feels like backing up his
car and i like pull like right into

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and then he's like

[howard]: oh that's a good idea

[franklin]: then he's like oh i'm so sorry

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: is like is there any way we
could cut around this insurance middle

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: man stuff i say

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: if only you

[howard]: be

[franklin]: could

[howard]: like

[franklin]: cast me in a movie or something

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and then i'd heal these emotional

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: wounds i have

[howard]: i wonder what kind of car michael
bays drive on these

[franklin]: m

[howard]: days

[franklin]: fast one

[howard]: it probably just drives lambi was everywhere

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: like here's my daily driver

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: where's my special car and they're all
just a mercy a log

[franklin]: oh man so i didn't

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: want

[howard]: like

[franklin]: i

[howard]: cool

[franklin]: did

[howard]: dude

[franklin]: have a on a topic i had

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: some stuff here i had i had
like a list of stuff we're deep in

[franklin]: thes i wanted to talk about yattle

[howard]: oh yeah let's do

[franklin]: m

[howard]: it she's

[franklin]: so

[howard]: coming back

[franklin]: she's coming back addle is back unfortunately
some only

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: know of yattle from the mime of
the green flash

[howard]: ye

[franklin]: light on the

[howard]: it's

[franklin]: bed

[howard]: disrespectful

[franklin]: you seen it

[howard]: yeah i wish i hadn't

[franklin]: i know but

[howard]: he

[franklin]: you know it looks like she's going
a duel of count duco soyatleis the female

[franklin]: yoga species and the fantom menace she
died in legends that's garbage nobody cares i

[franklin]: know it's a big emotional thing where
she sacrificed her life rani and people liked

[franklin]: it you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: have a

[howard]: but

[franklin]: chance

[howard]: it's not cannon

[franklin]: yale could be alive even

[howard]: a

[franklin]: during time of ray is what i'm
trying to get at

[howard]: oh that would be so sick dude

[franklin]: wouldn't that be sick so they can't
kill her off i'm just worried

[howard]: no they are going to here's my
prediction legit

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: they're going to bring her back and
grog is going a go with her

[franklin]: you think so

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh that'd

[howard]: she might

[franklin]: be good

[howard]: even be grog's mom

[franklin]: she might be but then who's the

[howard]: yeah me oh oh

[franklin]: i saw rich on twitter

[howard]: m

[franklin]: say duco maybe they might have had
a thing

[howard]: oh yeah i could see that brother

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: that's a

[franklin]: there's

[howard]: that's a good looking woman right there

[franklin]: it is it is brown

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: brown

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: flowing hair i mean i'm excited

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: she needs to live though whatever hap
like now i'm concerned i have anxiety now

[franklin]: that like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you have this potential to have atle
this character from the prequels who as long

[franklin]: as she's like a hundred years younger
than nota can still be alive

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: in the sequel trilogy

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: yeah once you hit nine hundred you're

[franklin]: yeah but like if she's seven hundred
s got plenty of time

[howard]: yeah absolutely i would love to see
uh well so this is a cartoon right

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: but

[franklin]: but she

[howard]: is it made

[franklin]: her survival can entail

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that she might be around longer

[howard]: franklin i've pledged you that i'm going
to watch this cartoon

[franklin]: oh okay

[howard]: my

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: i

[franklin]: it's

[howard]: pledge

[franklin]: a short

[howard]: it

[franklin]: many

[howard]: upon

[franklin]: series

[howard]: my my uncle's heart

[franklin]: i think

[howard]: that i will watch it

[franklin]: i hope it's good i mean

[howard]: good or not i'm going to watch

[franklin]: we'll see

[howard]: i swear i swear to you i

[franklin]: m

[howard]: to all of our patron patrons and

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: i swear i swear to tony stark

[franklin]: wow all

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: new to that man

[howard]: all right when's it coming out yeah
that is

[franklin]: that

[howard]: insane

[franklin]: as well

[howard]: when when does it come out what

[franklin]: it's like october twenty six or something
like next

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: week

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: or

[howard]: coming

[franklin]: some

[howard]: right up brother

[franklin]: you got time

[howard]: all

[franklin]: to

[howard]: right

[franklin]: train

[howard]: yeah i got i got to learn
about all of my it's just about ladle

[howard]: yattllevel

[franklin]: well at leadlabout the same

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: they might speak

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: the same

[howard]: they might

[franklin]: what's interesting is this is the first

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: we're going to see anything between the
period of the fantom menace an attack of

[franklin]: the cones because those ten years are

[howard]: oh that's

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: cool

[franklin]: that's ten years where we don't know
anything really

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: we know anikin coming up this might
even be a little bit before fantom menace

[franklin]: possibly

[howard]: yeah who

[franklin]: again

[howard]: that would be cool

[franklin]: unexplored

[howard]: too

[franklin]: territory so i'm

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i mean i got yattle fever you

[howard]: yeah everyone

[franklin]: i'm excited

[howard]: does man yeah and what are you
thinking about and and disores

[franklin]: i love it man we're

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: not going to do this i know
you're not crazy about it but i love

[franklin]: it i mean

[howard]: i'm all right with it it doesn't
doesn't send me to heaven but

[franklin]: monmohmas

[howard]: i ain't mattminmatha's

[franklin]: had an obnoxious ten daughter as a

[howard]: car is sucking awesome

[franklin]: is awesome her husband's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: cool has got a pony

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: tail

[howard]: her husband is cool he doesn't want

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: to hear all this bumper ship

[franklin]: yeah it's like politics

[howard]: yeah i respect that guy a lot

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i like that the little loony lefty
kid died

[franklin]: yeah yeah yeah

[howard]: oh read my manifesto i wrote

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: now i don't have to

[franklin]: what's he going to say man

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: did you read it man i would

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: say and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: they were

[howard]: i

[franklin]: already

[howard]: read

[franklin]: out

[howard]: it it was great what was

[franklin]: eh

[howard]: your favorite part oh i like to
when you were raising all those points m

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: m oh

[franklin]: i mean nemi did pass away letting

[howard]: yeah gorn

[franklin]: oh my god god

[howard]: goron member how are you doing sir

[franklin]: oh did you see the eye

[howard]: the i of wevish bog sir

[franklin]: the iron ver got the name of
the planet

[howard]: ven vind or something

[franklin]: i forgot the name of the planet
but yes

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i like and our man i love
it like i'm a

[howard]: i

[franklin]: sucker

[howard]: just

[franklin]: for

[howard]: i

[franklin]: all

[howard]: want

[franklin]: this

[howard]: more i want more little aliens i

[franklin]: you'll

[howard]: want

[franklin]: get

[howard]: more

[franklin]: them

[howard]: little

[franklin]: they're

[howard]: guys

[franklin]: coming

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: they're coming

[howard]: well i'm gonna i'm a waiting one
of my and my friends i think is

[howard]: going to like at the most is
out of the country right now and i

[howard]: can't wait for her to get back
and watch it

[franklin]: nice

[howard]: you know that's what a good friend
i am is i want my friends to

[howard]: be happy even

[franklin]: me too

[howard]: even when i'm miserable

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: and boy i'm miserable watching nan or

[franklin]: i think it's better than be one

[howard]: no there was so many more aliens
and it would be one

[franklin]: there was alien in the first couple
episodes when they were still

[howard]: it was like

[franklin]: on

[howard]: one

[franklin]: the big

[howard]: there

[franklin]: as

[howard]: was

[franklin]: alien

[howard]: yeah it was one big alien

[franklin]: there's

[howard]: but

[franklin]: a little guy too

[howard]: a little droit

[franklin]: little guy little guy alien

[howard]: m i didn't see him

[franklin]: man

[howard]: there was the best little guy in
oban though the one who was on his

[howard]: cell phone

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: was like mebbe

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah we

[howard]: that

[franklin]: just love

[howard]: up

[franklin]: all little guys bro did

[howard]: we

[franklin]: you finish

[howard]: do man

[franklin]: holk

[howard]: yeah boy

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i didn't like where that went

[franklin]: you are

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: the target audience

[howard]: m i know and

[franklin]: and

[howard]: it

[franklin]: you

[howard]: just

[franklin]: didn't like it

[howard]: no i

[franklin]: m

[howard]: thought i was trying i don't know
what i was trying to do but i

[howard]: wish it i just had

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: a big exciting fight scene at the
end and that was the end

[franklin]: well

[howard]: but

[franklin]: you

[howard]: instead

[franklin]: know what

[howard]: they were like oh we're fourth

[franklin]: kay

[howard]: walled

[franklin]: you know i don't hate women so
i loved it

[howard]: i loved it all up until the
end when i decided oh i don't like

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: women any more m

[franklin]: h can that's not what they're supposed
to do man oh god

[howard]: yeah i was with it until the
end and

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i was like oh man women what
do they know

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: m

[howard]: oh that's true

[franklin]: that's you about

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: women

[howard]: hm no i love women man i
love our women fans especially those are the

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: best

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: women of all

[franklin]: i was telling him

[howard]: all

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yeah i do say that to them

[franklin]: you do i don't know why

[howard]: yeah i don't know it just seems

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: in the moment

[franklin]: ah m

[howard]: let's say do you want

[franklin]: m

[howard]: to handle some of these do you

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: any the topics you wan to talk
about or you want to

[franklin]: i

[howard]: talk

[franklin]: don't

[howard]: about late

[franklin]: don't i don't even like the topics
i brought up

[howard]: yeah we got a couple of questions
we could deal with here i guess

[franklin]: yeah yeah

[howard]: if you're

[franklin]: we

[howard]: interested

[franklin]: do no no no

[howard]: we don't

[franklin]: no

[howard]: have

[franklin]: no no no no no

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: no

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: let's

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: see yeah

[franklin]: i'm not getting like the like we
have that we have an email question so

[franklin]: somebody doesn't know that that

[howard]: oh yeah

[franklin]: there were discord exclusive so we'll get

[howard]: well

[franklin]: to the

[howard]: they

[franklin]: email

[howard]: might

[franklin]: question

[howard]: yeah let's do that one

[franklin]: okay i guess

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: this one says i think i may
have read it okay it's from

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: it's from

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: ben

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you know how many portions i'm worth
because this guy is worth a ton

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: like sixty portions

[franklin]: he's saying to do this joke with

[howard]: m

[franklin]: me here so

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: i'll do it i mean you tell
me that i didn't look at it so

[franklin]: tell me the joke

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: it's for me to read he says

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: all right knock knock

[franklin]: who's there

[howard]: jack

[franklin]: jack who

[howard]: yes jack the planet that raised from

[franklin]: that's funny

[howard]: it's pretty good and then

[franklin]: i

[howard]: he

[franklin]: like

[howard]: said

[franklin]: it

[howard]: sorry for sending two emails

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: so i guess he said oh yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: he said what happened to lieutenant gorn

[franklin]: bro serious like goren's

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: death so quick he just got shot

[howard]: we was gorn the snitch the imperial
snitch guy

[franklin]: yes he worked for the empire

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he lost his wife he lost his
promotion he was like like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he's like the they'll hang you for
this if you know when they find s

[franklin]: like

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i've served you for

[howard]: my

[franklin]: you for seven years i deserve worse
something like that i think

[howard]: what

[franklin]: he meant

[howard]: a nerve

[franklin]: like yeah i liked gorn it's a
shame he is dead though

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it was

[howard]: well

[franklin]: in an instant they killed gorn

[howard]: rest that's how it happens man

[franklin]: a

[howard]: one day or alive next year dead

[franklin]: yeah just it was

[howard]: if if you're murdered it was run
by fruiting that only happens if you're murdered

[howard]: though a lot it's always suspicious

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: if somebody was alive one day and
dead the next because

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: they probably got murdered

[franklin]: right

[howard]: so

[franklin]: but

[howard]: goren

[franklin]: when you're

[howard]: was for sure murdered

[franklin]: yeah much like angela lansbury because it
was fine just

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like a week ago

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: just like me

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like she listened to

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: uncle to uncle one ninety eight but
now when one ninety nine is out like

[franklin]: you can't listen like we're so close
to two hundred

[howard]: yeah i know she is not that
disrespectful oh

[franklin]: i hate to say this but she's
you know she's

[howard]: a

[franklin]: not gonna be rude is she like

[howard]: no

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: no she would never be rude

[franklin]: no

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: no so let

[howard]: angela

[franklin]: me get the next

[howard]: yeah okay

[franklin]: yeah you could you could google angela
lands berry buddy

[howard]: i was always going to look her
up when she was young see how that

[howard]: was

[franklin]: see she was something for daddy let's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it up and share your screen if
you find out

[howard]: all right yeah let me let me
take a look here anyway

[franklin]: all right

[howard]: you want to get this next question

[franklin]: yea okay i gotta scroll a lot
here um

[howard]: not really

[franklin]: so

[howard]: anything for daddy she

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: just looked like her but young

[franklin]: no

[howard]: that's weird i've never actually i'm goin
to show it because i've never

[franklin]: show it

[howard]: seen somebody who

[franklin]: hold

[howard]: i mean she was like a

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: never we've talked about always old but

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: she was a never never young look
at her

[franklin]: the young i want to be

[howard]: i want to be

[franklin]: like forty

[howard]: never young

[franklin]: last like like like you know i
don't know man i mean i guess it's

[franklin]: so black

[howard]: she just

[franklin]: and white and like high contrast

[howard]: she looks she

[franklin]: m

[howard]: looks just like angela lands berry

[franklin]: she she looks she'll

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: be on a game of thrones there
but people can't see this dude okay so

[franklin]: like whatever yeah like she was old
like she always looked old like i got

[franklin]: it you know

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: i

[howard]: fine

[franklin]: mean i'm not disagree with you like
i'm not going to say okay well you

[franklin]: know what i'd have sex because what

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i hear a knock on my door
and he's like oh yeah well put

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: your money where your mouth is

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and like

[howard]: prove

[franklin]: no

[howard]: it

[franklin]: i lied mab you're old

[howard]: madam

[franklin]: her old

[howard]: your madam your you rest now

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: all right con had a question of
which celebrity or twitter personality you so culturiely

[franklin]: devoted to that you would name your
first born child after them just to get

[franklin]: them to follow back on twitter

[howard]: oh um let's say

[franklin]: m

[howard]: probably jamila

[franklin]: m

[howard]: gamel

[franklin]: there you go

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: a buff bag well

[howard]: yeah yeah definite

[franklin]: m

[howard]: bag well

[franklin]: m i trust i trust them

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: he's real

[franklin]: all right

[howard]: oh now how many of these questions
are we going to do

[franklin]: so

[howard]: brother is so many

[franklin]: let's go through a quick couple of
these quickly here

[howard]: all right

[franklin]: so john's asking here the lady in
the apartment below me and i share a

[franklin]: porch she insists on buying

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: all these decorations and and fake plants

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: inevitably it all gets blown over by
the on the porch by the wind am

[franklin]: i

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: wrong at this point to punch something
off the porch instead of picking it up

[franklin]: to help her

[howard]: no but i don't think you're obligated
to pick it up you can just let

[howard]: it blow away i would

[franklin]: i

[howard]: say

[franklin]: mean

[howard]: it's the most reasonable solution here

[franklin]: i mean who does he think he

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i'm looking at famous punchers

[howard]: sebastian janikowski

[franklin]: it's goin to say pat macafi

[howard]: oh yeah what do you think you
are pat makupi yeah

[franklin]: fact

[howard]: that's her problem i don't see how
that's any involvement of you

[franklin]: well

[howard]: one way or the other

[franklin]: i mean yeah now is this the
same neighbor he had the cat litter issue

[franklin]: with as well with the pole play

[howard]: i don't know maybe you should move
to someone where the people aren't dumb asses

[franklin]: yeah all

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: right

[howard]: my

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: advactualy

[franklin]: when i did want to

[howard]: moved

[franklin]: get here

[howard]: to the venn speech

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i would say yeah you just stopped
picking them up you know

[howard]: yeah don't don't worry about it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: that's her her decorations

[franklin]: yeah you're not trying to get an
end one here

[howard]: yeah i don't love decorations at all
to be honest with you

[franklin]: yeah it depends i mean what if

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's a hiding can poster with three
butts and thongs you don't

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: like

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: us you don't like

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: decorations

[howard]: different well you know if it's the
swedish becuni team we're talking

[franklin]: all

[howard]: all

[franklin]: right

[howard]: right

[franklin]: this question i did want to get
really badly

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: because i got some discussion here

[howard]: m caught

[franklin]: anne

[howard]: your

[franklin]: in his

[howard]: eye

[franklin]: asking how would you react

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to getting owned by the josmoshow

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: the

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: joeshmo show is where they made

[howard]: h

[franklin]: a fake reality t v and they
basically truman showed somebody so somebody's acting to

[franklin]: be like your best friend somebody's like
a jerk and then at the end after

[franklin]: putting you to some crazy reality show
experience they reveal it was all a front

[franklin]: and

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it's a horrible experience to go through
to be lied and deceived like this and

[franklin]: they stopped

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: doing it for that reason i think

[howard]: so

[franklin]: one of the guys fell in love
with for the cast and like oh man

[franklin]: she likes me so like they had
to title it back be like you know

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: like keep saying you're like a brother
brother to me so like this guy doesn't

[howard]: kay

[franklin]: think you love like you love him

[howard]: so what does the guy who doesn't
know he's on the reality show think does

[howard]: he think it's just like a real

[franklin]: he thinks

[howard]: kind of

[franklin]: it's

[howard]: show

[franklin]: a

[howard]: where there's

[franklin]: different

[howard]: no

[franklin]: reality show

[howard]: yeah but is it like a competition

[franklin]: it's

[howard]: or

[franklin]: like

[howard]: is

[franklin]: a

[howard]: it

[franklin]: competition

[howard]: just like a

[franklin]: like you get voted off

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like natasha

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: lazaro was on joshmo

[howard]: oh yeah one of the great

[franklin]: one of the creates one of the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: of all time

[howard]: yeah she exists and we all know
about her

[franklin]: got nothing against the right in the
kitchen at the w sometimes

[howard]: yeah we

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: love that one

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yeah i don't so but okay so

[franklin]: everybody's

[howard]: like

[franklin]: in

[howard]: people

[franklin]: on the joke except you you are

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: so they picked the most

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: average man in america and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: everybody around them

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: is crazy

[howard]: and then at the yeah

[franklin]: at the

[howard]: and then

[franklin]: like so at the end of the
i think the last episode of the first

[franklin]: season i think this guy who has
voted off shows up with a gun

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: and then

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like it's like

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you know a flag

[howard]: they went

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and then there's like hey it was
just a joke it was you know you

[franklin]: got a hundred you got five hundred
thousand dollars you were on the joe smoke

[franklin]: show and like the first

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: guy who ho was on it it's
like then when i interviewed him like a

[franklin]: little bit after s like like hey
did you you know how is your experience

[franklin]: like i don't like that i was

[howard]: m

[franklin]: called a shmo in front of entire

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: country like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like who wants to be a sma
that's the most embarrassing thing i don't care

[franklin]: about five hundred grand

[howard]: that is the most embarrassing thing you
can be

[franklin]: like to be considered super fucking average
i think that's the worst part not even

[franklin]: so much that i'm believing everything around
me like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's kind of their job it's the
fact that they considered me bland

[howard]: yeah that is heart breaking i would
i would love to be how would

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i react to getting showed by it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: would say

[franklin]: five hundred

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: grand

[howard]: you know what i would i would
really try to take like the high road

[howard]: be like oh so you think it's
comical that i'm just an average ordinary man

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: well to me

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: maybe an average ordinary man is the
only person with any morals in here and

[howard]: that i would walk

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: out i would turn

[franklin]: what

[howard]: on my heel

[franklin]: the

[howard]: and

[franklin]: the

[howard]: straight

[franklin]: giant

[howard]: out

[franklin]: check of five hundred

[howard]: with

[franklin]: grant

[howard]: a giant check tucked under my arm

[franklin]: just walk

[howard]: m

[franklin]: away

[howard]: m

[franklin]: just

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: right under your grasp inter your arm
pit like you're hole in a pence between

[franklin]: it

[howard]: good day to you and i will
take this money

[franklin]: this money is

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: no good

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: no good for me that's why i

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: i'm going to donate this

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: charity on my own

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: time don't worry don't

[howard]: and the

[franklin]: track

[howard]: charity is buying myself a porch night

[franklin]: never forget

[howard]: yeah yeah i wouldn't mind at all
man you can joe for all i know

[howard]: i am bnjoshmit you know

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i've always had i've always had a
wonder though i think i'm a bad actor

[howard]: think if i

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: was just being filmed unknown to me
on a reality show

[franklin]: m

[howard]: i would

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: think they would still look at me
and be like boy that guy is like

[howard]: a terrible actor

[franklin]: yeah you like so as for breakfast

[howard]: m

[franklin]: everybody yeah

[howard]: i'm sure hungry

[franklin]: m

[howard]: be like well this guy sucks

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: m

[franklin]: too much of a smoke right off

[howard]: so anyway then there was a lot
of talk about the joms show

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but that's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: hard

[franklin]: i was

[howard]: to say

[franklin]: ignored that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: well i mean just get

[howard]: mason

[franklin]: to some other questions here man

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: there's too many

[howard]: yeah mason well do this one as
a good question

[franklin]: let's

[howard]: if

[franklin]: do

[howard]: you had

[franklin]: mason

[howard]: to choose someone to be the new
actual god who would it be can be

[howard]: anyone except yourself and he said

[franklin]: new

[howard]: that

[franklin]: actual

[howard]: fictional living

[franklin]: god

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i'm

[howard]: like

[franklin]: not going

[howard]: i

[franklin]: to

[howard]: said

[franklin]: be one

[howard]: it

[franklin]: of

[howard]: jesus

[franklin]: these like bill murray man he's awesome

[howard]: s epic bro

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: fucking bacon

[franklin]: i want

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to be somebody doesn't want to do
the job so like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: jack allison maybe

[howard]: no he would like it

[franklin]: no he would at it

[howard]: uh uh

[franklin]: you didn't want to be got of

[howard]: right

[franklin]: slur fan dude and king

[howard]: yeah i'd pick

[franklin]: no

[howard]: olivia wild because she was the god

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: her movie and

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: it went real bad

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: olivia while that's an interesting one yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: have no problem of her being god

[howard]: yeah i mean

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: shoot she it only went bad for
her you know at

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: least

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i feel like as it's going now
for current god as far as i know

[howard]: it's just bad for everyone else

[franklin]: all right so olivia

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: wild would be god

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah i mean that's a big responsibility

[howard]: m

[franklin]: for her yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i think she would

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: not do the best job

[howard]: no

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i think she she wouldn't

[franklin]: m

[howard]: do a good job in a way
that would be more troublesome for her than

[howard]: for us humans

[franklin]: yes yeh it would back lash at
her and she'd just be like

[howard]: uh uh yeah

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: all right man you want to ask
any more of these or do we want

[howard]: to just call it a day

[franklin]: all right you know let me just
get to that was mason's question

[howard]: yeah oh

[franklin]: all right let me see doctors question
here this is a little

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: vulgar

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: but when you wake

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: up in the middle of the night
to go number three puk do you turn

[franklin]: on the light or do it in

[howard]: m

[franklin]: dark if you had the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like puk the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: dark

[howard]: yeah always

[franklin]: no

[howard]: because

[franklin]: you got to see what's going on

[howard]: no if you turn on the light
then it will wake you up it makes

[howard]: your you know mind hormones turn into
wake mode and and you can't go back

[howard]: to sleep

[franklin]: you've had to wake up in the
middle of the night randomly le pug

[howard]: well i'm not not often at least

[franklin]: i've

[howard]: but

[franklin]: never

[howard]: i think

[franklin]: like if i've had the puke

[howard]: m

[franklin]: it's before and i can't go to
bed otherwise

[howard]: when i was a little kid i
used to poke a lot in

[franklin]: well

[howard]: the middle of the night

[franklin]: well that's yeah that's like a random
yeah like when i was a little kid

[franklin]: too but like as

[howard]: yeah i

[franklin]: as

[howard]: wonder

[franklin]: a

[howard]: why

[franklin]: man

[howard]: little kids are poking grown men aren't

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: should

[franklin]: as

[howard]: bring

[franklin]: a man

[howard]: back

[franklin]: first

[howard]: night puking

[franklin]: i fight it and i'm in tears
when i'm throwing up like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i don't

[howard]: you're

[franklin]: want

[howard]: sobbing

[franklin]: to

[howard]: like a baby

[franklin]: i am just like why is this

[howard]: like

[franklin]: and it's just fuck you man i
don't know you you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like you were one of those

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: people like oh i threw up all
the time it's nothing

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's not

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: a good thing

[howard]: i go i throw up it's on

[franklin]: it's not a good thing

[howard]: no i don't throw up very much

[franklin]: nor do i

[howard]: i

[franklin]: i

[howard]: don't

[franklin]: hate it

[howard]: i don't i don't cry like i'm
crying like a baby but here is to

[howard]: come out of my

[franklin]: well

[howard]: eyes

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: man

[franklin]: what i'm saying i'm not crying

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: but i'm saying

[howard]: it's

[franklin]: like

[howard]: like if you ever like you ever
get head butted in the nose by your

[howard]: dogs like you start

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: crying but you're not like you're just

[franklin]: i'm

[howard]: my eyes

[franklin]: i'm not crying but like you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: know it is what it is

[howard]: you

[franklin]: like

[howard]: know every every morning when i wake
up i'm so tired and my eyes are

[howard]: just crying

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i'm so tired

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i cry every damn day and i'm
still a man

[franklin]: that's right mate man said that too

[howard]: yeah that's right i was man i
love that guy

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: uh let's say i'm gonna i want
to get one last question

[franklin]: get one

[howard]: here

[franklin]: last one man

[howard]: all right this is it's from don
i love dane man he is the cream

[howard]: of the crop he

[franklin]: i

[howard]: says

[franklin]: like dean man

[howard]: yeah gets a hard time but he
shouldn't you know everyone

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: else should but den he says is
self love overrated

[franklin]: are you talking about

[howard]: it is

[franklin]: talking about

[howard]: treating your body like an amusing park

[franklin]: reading your body like an amusement a
that's a good drop

[howard]: i

[franklin]: m

[howard]: yeah i don't

[franklin]: m

[howard]: think that i think he's talking about
you know the people who were like oh

[howard]: i'm treating myself today i'm going to
take a warm bubble bath and

[franklin]: right

[howard]: you know

[franklin]: you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is it overrated

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you

[howard]: it

[franklin]: know

[howard]: is

[franklin]: because

[howard]: dude

[franklin]: at the end you know even when
i do all that i'm still not ex

[franklin]: cly thrilled

[howard]: yeah i'm not like oh ma that
was better use of my time than eating

[howard]: some triskets and watching a

[franklin]: you got to treat

[howard]: first

[franklin]: yourself

[howard]: ten minutes of revenge of the sith

[franklin]: you got to treat yourself a little
bit though

[howard]: yeah but you don't have to do
that stuff and you can just

[franklin]: well

[howard]: watch

[franklin]: i don't

[howard]: revenge

[franklin]: mean about going

[howard]: the smith

[franklin]: to the spot but maybe instead of
the spa you get you go down to

[howard]: vengeldesmith

[franklin]: seven eleven and you get yourself

[howard]: oh yeah

[franklin]: up

[howard]: slirpy

[franklin]: nice goodies no

[howard]: the the slippy family love

[franklin]: slirpy

[howard]: those guys

[franklin]: family due the slirpy family they love
their slirpies they love their

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: their cherry

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: vanilla coke slirpies

[howard]: yeah they love their business

[franklin]: they love socialism

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: we love him

[howard]: so socialism is when you have to
take social studies an elementary school

[franklin]: book who loves that

[howard]: not me brother

[franklin]: not sucking me either

[howard]: all right man

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: we got

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: other classics but we'll get around to
him i think is that fair to say

[howard]: franklin

[franklin]: i don't think so i don't think

[howard]: now

[franklin]: so

[howard]: we're

[franklin]: i want

[howard]: never

[franklin]: new questions

[howard]: going to get around to those questions
i want new questions too

[franklin]: yeah like i'm sorry the van episode
got god should knocked the questions down and

[franklin]: now there's too many

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: now it's late

[howard]: i didn't i didn't even like the
questions that we did tonight

[franklin]: i like them

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i liked them for being bad

[franklin]: wow

[howard]: now they're all right

[franklin]: there right

[howard]: thank you everybody so much and yeah
i don't know we got sir

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh

[franklin]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah