Flip the Script with Vic

This week's episode is inspired by my FREE 7 Day Meditation Challenge to Discover Your Destiny. Click here to get signed up now.

We explore:
- How following our true desires can lead us to our ultimate destiny
- The power of reconnecting with our heart space
- Uncovering the true meaning behind our desires
- Embracing the ever-evolving nature of destiny
- Moving with love and being aligned with our true selves

This episode is sponsored by: Blissfully Better! They're creating the best-tasting chocolate with the highest quality organic ingredients and NO refined sugar. Use code BBXFTSP20 for 20% off.

The Return to You Retreat is April 8-12, 2024 in El Sargento, Mexico. Click here to apply.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice, for the special founder's rate of $17/mo.

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:02]:

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we'll unwind all the things you thought you knew and awaken to what's possible when you flip the script and take control of your own life. Are you ready? Let's jump on in. Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. I am so excited to be here today.

Speaker A [00:00:29]:

I just finished hosting the first day of my seven day free meditation challenge. If you're listening to this, the challenge is still going on the rest of this week, and you are welcome to hop in at any time. The meditations that we're doing are helping us discover our destinies. And so that's what I really want to talk about today is desire and destiny, because that is the focus of the first meditation. And the rest of the meditations bring us through connecting with our creativity and our womb space, detoxifying, finding our voice and confidence, really, all the things that I have cultivated in my life since the beginning of the year, because dedicating myself to a daily practice has been a game changer for me. This year has been so abundant and so full of growth and joy and prosperity, really. And it's because I have taken the time for myself and taken the time to discover what I truly desired. And I have been working really closely with a mentor of mine, Lauren Love, and her amazing, wild, wealthy, feminine program.

Speaker A [00:01:41]:

And one of the modules is on desire. And she really allowed me to see things differently. Because we all have desires, right? And many of us have been told from a young age that these things that we desire are wrong or not, correct or not, something that we are worth having or that we should have or that we should not covet these things. And it has placed a lot of shame in an area that shouldn't be shameful. And it has really disconnected us from our channel of desire because we have so many channels within the body that connect us to various things. But this channel of desire is really turned on when we are using in tandem our head brain, our heart brain, and our gut brain. And we are really opening ourselves to that microorbit of the energy, being able to move and circulate through the body, up the spine and around over the head and back down again. And this is a main principle of Kundalini yoga, actually, that we are tending to that micro orbit when we practice Kundalini yoga, because you aren't just sitting there and breathing or being silent in meditation.

Speaker A [00:02:58]:

You are connecting your energetic, your subtle and your physical bodies and you're really bringing everything online. Because from that place you are able then to be a match for your destiny and be a match for these things that you desire. And I truly believe after doing this work, that the desires that have been placed in your heart have been put there for a reason. And you may be thinking Victoria, the desire I have for a luxury car, what does that have to do with anything? And I would say to you that I don't think it's about the luxury car. Maybe it is maybe to you that would signify that you've made it or maybe that car actually signifies safety to you, that you're able to take care of and provide for your family if you can afford this fancy car. And so I don't think any of the desires that we have are silly. Even if they are material desires or even if they are things that don't make sense to anyone else. They were placed there for a reason and we're doing ourselves a disservice when we're ignoring them and we are not following the path laid before us when we ignore them.

Speaker A [00:04:02]:

And I don't believe in fate in the sense that things are predestined and your destiny is this fixed thing that cannot change. I actually think your destiny is ever changing and ever evolving and it's not a fixed point on the horizon that you're always moving towards, if that makes sense. But your destiny is an energetic match for all the things that are meant for you in this lifetime. So it's not one thing, it's many things. And you come into this life wanting to do X, Y and Z. You make a soul contract with yourself and perhaps other souls before coming into the world that you want to experience certain things. And I've talked about this before, but the way that you get to that is by following your desires and by following those intuitive nudges and pings from the universe that are coming through your channel of desire. But we are so quick to turn it off because someone else judges us or someone else says that that thing we want is silly or that we shouldn't want it or why should we spend money on that.

Speaker A [00:05:05]:

And that is a lot of projection from other people, from their experiences. Right? But also things that have been kind of programmed into know as part of Lauren's Wild wealthy feminine program. I had to take a second to think through what I thought of desire because I have done a lot of unwinding desire because we didn't have a ton growing up and I wouldn't say I was told no a lot because my mom bent over backwards to do a lot of things for me. I didn't realize that we didn't have a lot. But there was a little bit of that shame perhaps of wanting to desire these things that my friends had that we couldn't really afford. And I had a chip on my shoulder for a long time about that. That why couldn't it come easy to me? Why didn't I get these things that others got and it came to in. I wouldn't call it a vision.

Speaker A [00:06:02]:

I would say after meditation one day, it became really clear to me that I wouldn't be the person that I am today. If any of that had happened differently, if I had been given all of those things that my cousins had or others around me had that I really wanted, then I wouldn't be the person that I am today. And it wasn't even that I really desired those things as a child because they were for me. I desired them because I saw another kid had them and I wanted them. So I think that's a really important distinction to make that desire. It needs to be in its purest form and needs to be coming from you and your heart space to be something that's truly meant for you. It can't be warped by the perceptions of others or because other kids around you have certain toys that you want or whatever that is. That's not true desire.

Speaker A [00:06:53]:

That is just warped, for lack of a better word, desire. The truest desire is going to come straight from your heart space and is going to be for the highest alignment of yourself and those around you. And so again, I'll come back to that example of the car. You might be like, Victoria, how is me having this luxury car of the highest vibration for myself and my family? Well, it's not really about the car. It's about what the car represents to you and the safety perhaps that it represents or the luxury that shows you that you've quote unquote made it in the world. So you've got to dig a little bit deeper here. It's not always right on the surface. And as part of this meditation challenge this week, the journal prompt that I gave everyone afterwards that is signed up for the challenge is to really tap into their heart's desires and take a second to write out all of the things that they are wanting to call in because that's so important.

Speaker A [00:07:51]:

So I encourage you after listening to this episode, to free write and just write to your heart's content everything that comes to mind that you're desiring and don't judge yourself for what comes up. Don't say that these things that you want are silly or that you shouldn't want them, right? That's part of this reprogramming of that love and that connection. And so really tapping into the heart space is where we want to lead from in this new aquarian age. It's not about living in the head brain. We live so much in the head brain as a society, but coming back into that heart space. And so my meditations as part of this challenge, like I said earlier, aren't just sitting in silence. Like you're not just chanting or trying to keep your mind quiet. You're moving your body so that you can align your subtle body, your energetic body and your physical body.

Speaker A [00:08:47]:

Because that's when you're a pure vessel and a pure channel for divine wisdom and for those intuitive nudges and really cracking open. The heart space is something that I've been working on for a long time and will continue to work on. Because I know personally I have had such high walls around my heart after being hurt and misunderstood and all of the things that I think people go through in this world. But you have to let life back in and you have to let people back in because they heal as much as they hurt. And that space within ourselves, that heart space is of the highest frequency. And when we move with love, we can never be wrong, right? There is nothing that is not for us when we are connected in love and moving from a place of love. And so that's really what any of this work is about, right? Is coming back to that place of love within ourselves. Because it is an infinite well that we can tap into at any point in time.

Speaker A [00:09:50]:

But we shut it off. Just like we shut off that channel for desire. We potentially shut off so many other channels within ourselves for love and connection. And by cultivating a meditation practice, you're opening yourself back up for that and it can feel uncomfortable. You're moving through big emotions. You're unlocking perhaps things that have been locked away for a really long time, but it is so important that you do these things so that you are not creating disease within the body. And disease isn't just feeling uneaseful, but can also manifest in physical diseases. I've been learning so much about the body as part of my Kundalini teacher training and it's amazing to me what different areas of the body represent.

Speaker A [00:10:36]:

And our middles, our hips and our sacrum, for example, where our womb space is, is such a sacred area of the body and that is where our purpose lives and our purpose is cultivated within that space. But then you think about how many people have stomach issues or irritable bowel issues or things like that, and it's because there is a misalignment within the body, from the body perhaps, and the mind, or the body and the heart, or the body, the heart and the mind. And it's because we aren't living in alignment with our true selves. So many of us. I know I was one of those people for so many years walking around in misalignment, in disease, because I wasn't actually following the nudges from my soul that were pointing me towards my destiny, that were pointing me towards the things that were meant for me. And the times that I have listened and have maybe made the scary choice is the times that I have been most rewarded. I was telling the story the other day of when I was living in New York City in my early twenty s. I was really lost and from the outside I think people maybe thought that I had it all and that I was living this dream life.

Speaker A [00:11:53]:

But really, I was really lonely and I really didn't like myself and I didn't like the choices that I was making. And so I decided to move to Birmingham, Alabama, of all places. And that didn't make sense to anybody. They were like, why would you leave New York City to move to Alabama? And yes, at the time it was where I found a new job, because I wasn't finding new jobs in the city. But I also wanted to get back to my roots. I was born in Florida, which, if you're from the South, Florida is like a different kind of south, but whatever, south nonetheless. And so I wanted to be closer to family and to just who I really was, because I felt like that was slipping away. And it was the best decision I ever made, because not only did I start to come back to myself, I found my now husband.

Speaker A [00:12:37]:

And I really began cultivating this person, because the person that you truly are is there. Maybe they are buried under shame and societal conditioning and all of the mental stories that you tell yourself, but they are there and they want to be found. They want to be uncovered. And if you're listening to this podcast, I have the feeling that you want to uncover them too. And it's a journey, and it's not all going to happen at once, but it is so rewarding. And if you are here listening to this podcast, then you are not alone. You are one of so many people across the globe, myself included, that are on this lifelong journey of discovering our destinies and connecting to our heart spaces and our heart's desires. And I just want you to know that you are seen and you are witnessed, and everything that you are experiencing and feeling is valid.

Speaker A [00:13:32]:

So if you are feeling called, I would be so honored if you joined the tail end of this seven day meditation challenge. It's all on Instagram. So at Victoria Margot. M-A-R-G-A-U-X nielsen. Nielsen. And, yeah, we're going through the rest of the week here. And then the meditations will stay up for a very short amount of time, but then they will be available for purchase as part of my portal collective membership, which is my online membership for meditation and Kundalini yoga. That's all on demand.

Speaker A [00:14:06]:

And as always, everything I do is done in short, little digestible bites so that you can get on your mat and then get on with your day. So nothing is ever longer than 30 minutes. I hope you will join me, that you will tag me in your practice and then let me know what you think of this episode as well. Please, like share, rate, review, subscribe, all of that good stuff. And I will see you guys next week. I love you so damn much. Be good to one another. Hi loves.

Speaker A [00:14:37]:

If you guys know me, you know how much I love chocolate. I don't think I've ever met a piece of chocolate that I didn't like. But I'm always looking for better chocolate that is premium and natural and only has the best ingredients. And I think I have found it in blissfully better. They are dedicated to creating the best tasting chocolate with the highest quality organic ingredients with no refined sugar and Blissfully Better just tastes better. I cannot stop snacking on their Quinoa Crunch bars they are so freaking good. If you would like 20% off through the end of the year, use code Bbxftsp 20 that's Bbxftsp 20 at Blissfully Better.