Off the Record

hermajesty interviews Nic, Matt, and Wes from Camp Howard before their hometown comeback show after Covid at the Richmond Music Hall where they talk about what happens at Camp Howard, their namesake, hundreds of unreleased demos, and the unknown future of the band in its current incarnation.

What is Off the Record?

Off the Record features interviews with local and national musicians as aired on WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1/HD-2.

Hermajesty 0:00
Sweet. All right, welcome back to WKNC Did you get one issue in Raleigh? I'm her majesty, and I'm here today with camp Howard. How about y'all?

Nick 0:13
Hey, what's up? Hey, I'm Nick.

Wes 0:17
I'm Wes. How's it going?

Nick 0:20
And Matt is not right here. And Brian is not right here.

Hermajesty 0:25
All right, can you can you guys explain camp Howard? I guess for some listeners, like the sound. Yeah.

Nick 0:31
I would say just just coming in here, we can share this mic. I would say it's like, alternative rock is probably the best place to start.

Wes 0:44
Yeah. I don't know. It's, it's like rock music. It's in the

Nick 0:52
alternative rock. Okay. For the thing is we have two songwriters. And, like, within each songwriter, there's like, different like fluctuation resolution, different inspirations and genres and styles. So honestly, our stuff like clashes probably a bit and it's fine with us.

Hermajesty 1:16
Yeah. The first LP is like super varied, and kind of yeah,

Nick 1:20
all honestly, like, all the it's hard for me to say inside the band, like if we even have a, like a cohesive. Like, to me, I'm like, oh, yeah, of course, it's can power and it's like, I know, the songs like the back of my hand. But for listeners, they might be like, Wow, this is like all over the place. Yeah. So I don't I don't really know. But I would start with alternative rock. I think that's probably like, the middle. The middle point.

Hermajesty 1:50
Okay. Yeah. Right.

Wes 1:52
Yeah. I have no idea. I think that's a better question for probably our listeners. than than us because we're so like, we write so differently. Like you said, Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what we are.

Nick 2:03
It's definitely rock. It's definitely rock.

Hermajesty 2:05
Definitely. Some sort of rock. Yeah.

I don't know who I don't know who operates the Twitter but what is what's your beef with the word sick?

Nick 2:12
Oh, that's me. I just just the pandemic. Okay,

Wes 2:18
yeah. Oh, yeah.

Nick 2:21
I'm gonna figure out just Yeah, and I know you're talking about it's like a tweet that was like, we should stop using the word sick to mean cool. Just like, you know, after pandemic and like, you know, people been sick. And you know, a lot of people it is a trigger word. Yeah. It's like very much a not good word. But it means cool.

Hermajesty 2:43
I think it was, I think it was Brian. But how long did it take him to snap out of saying 123?

Wes 2:51
That's actually a really difficult thing for us to talk about. I will talk about it, but he was saying 123 I mean, it probably went on for like, I don't know, like 15 or 20 minutes, but it was a long. It's a long time. Matt, do you have anything to say about that? He's eaten wings. He wasn't there for that.

Nick 3:11
Licking his fingers around the replenishment. What actually wasn't there for that moment? Remember? Oh, yeah. Oh, my God, like stranded in Columbus. All by myself in the hotel room.

Hermajesty 3:26
What a terrible place to be.

Nick 3:29
It's funny you say that? Because I'm from Columbus, and I love it very much. But it's okay. You didn't know that.

Wes 3:32
Now. We like we like, sometimes.

Hermajesty 3:35
I mean, it's not in Ohio. Yeah, but isn't

Nick 3:38
gonna get sick. On Tour. That's a bad that's a bad place. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 3:42
it was awful. I thought I was gonna die. Like we were like in an Airbnb. And I was just like, sweating so much. And like, yeah, it

Nick 3:49
was I got sick right after you and I stuck it out.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
I don't know if you got as bad as

Nick 3:55
I was in a bad like, literally woke up like drenched in sweat like, fever. Well, good

Unknown Speaker 4:01
for you, dude. No, no, I'm just saying I would have gotten home if I yeah, I mean, at that point, you know,

Nick 4:07
but also, we had days off in Chicago. I was like, Oh, I'll get over this.

Unknown Speaker 4:11
Yeah, I mean, it was after two days. I was fine. But also this was during COVID When

Nick 4:16
it was right. But it was it was like, like there was cases in the last No, there wasn't Yeah, there was like one case. It was like it was like right around that was like the very beginning. But it wasn't it wasn't at all like nobody was wearing masks and nobody nobody had any idea about it. It was a

Unknown Speaker 4:35
fun little side note.

Hermajesty 4:37
So So you guys have said that you guys sometimes go into into sets have finished. I mean with half finished songs, just kind of filling them out as you're as you're writing them before. They're kind of ready to record with like COVID Are you guys coming out with more like polished songs together? Or is it just a lot more of like the half kind of songs that you guys are flushing out so

Nick 4:58
it's honestly like we can even answer that question

Wes 5:01
I can answer. There's a little, it's kind of a question that has like, a lot. It's a lot to that that we could go into, which maybe we will. But I will just say.

Hermajesty 5:14
I mean, feel free to. Well,

Wes 5:16
basically, there's right now I'm not sure what the trajectory of trajectory of of the band is right at the moment. So that's a deeper like thing. But I will say, as far as just the surface level question, which is like, are we going into sets with half inch song songs, we did have a song that was half finished, that we were going to maybe play and then as like, the past couple of days, we were in rehearsal, and just were like, You know what, now it's not just cut that out, because like, it'd be better. But, but I just want to say, these are amazing questions. It seems really well thought out question. Yeah, that's what I can

Nick 5:55
actually answer. From my personal standpoint. I used to sing songs that like I didn't have lyrics for exactly. And like, I would just go on stage and just like sing kind of whatever. Not doing that again. What the situation because the problem with that is, I never finished the lyrics. And they were just all it was like, it was just I

Wes 6:15
think people can actually tell you're singing gibberish. Yeah. You're just trying

Hermajesty 6:19
to figure out what to say as Yeah, you

Nick 6:21
think you can fool people and like, the worst thing is, like, once you perform it with fake lyrics, and it's like, okay,

Wes 6:26
you just sort of it's like, premature. Yeah.

Hermajesty 6:31
It's totally premature to create an expectation. Yeah.

Nick 6:34
And also, like, you get the get the satisfaction. Yeah, you get the satisfaction of performing songs. You're like, cool. It's finished. But it's not. Yeah. And then it just stays those songs we never recorded. No, we didn't. We played them on Sunday. Yeah. And then they just fizzled out. Terrible. But it can't. It can't be fun. It is fun.

Hermajesty 6:52
Yeah, I was just using like half finished as like, just to kind of a way to articulate Yeah. What so what are we expecting to hear tonight? What's the set mostly of?

Nick 7:06
Its kind of everything? It's like, kind of? Yeah, it's I mean, it's songs from our whole catalogue from each release.

Wes 7:17
I can't remember what the setlist is at all at the moment. I'm trying to think of it.

Nick 7:20
I mean, we got we got a few from the first record. We got two from the first record. We've got GCP minus a track. We have.

Hermajesty 7:32
Is it the track with the customer in the name?

Nick 7:35
No. Okay. No, it's not that one. It's haircut. Okay, watch. We just tried to play it. And I didn't like playing it. Yeah, it was complicated. We like I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember how to play it. And I was, it's not even that good. And, and then yeah, some some of the new songs from from the last record. Cool. Yeah. I'd say it's pretty. It's pretty nice. Yeah. Pretty balanced. Nice with all the releases.

Hermajesty 8:05
So you like your solo stuff? Nick is kind of it's kind of a popular direction. Sort of? I yeah, I would personally think but, um, is that kind of indicative of where like, the band is going? Or is that like, do you want it to break out of that out of the kind of the camp Howard sound to put that out? Or?

Nick 8:21
I don't? I don't know. I mean, I think honestly, the I guess it is a different sound. But I didn't really think about it. To be honest, I just had a song that I wanted to record and release. And you know, there. There wasn't really like. Yeah, it's like a little bit lighter. I think, like genre was like, it's like, I don't have heavy song yet. But like, I'm not I'm not like worried about genre stuff too much. I think. Like, for my solo stuff, or for camp power, like, the way I operate is I just, I don't, I don't care about the genre. I just, like, try to write songs that I think are good and whatever I think's good. Like, eventually comes out. And whether it's like, cohesive or not, or makes sense. Like I tried to put some effort into that. And sometimes that would be like, okay, like these, these two songs that those are like, good back to back singles. They're, like, similar. I kind of like, think of them in pairs. And then, like, you know, I might have a group of songs where I'm like, Cool. This would be like, an EP that that's actually like, pretty different and like, darker and like, or like, whatever, you know, stuff like that.

But it wasn't, it wasn't like I don't think it really indicates where it came Howard's going because like, we don't really know where it came from. I was going

Wes 9:49
okay, yeah.

Hermajesty 9:51
You guys like worked with a lot of different labels like to kind of put out I think, was the first dp and like a different variety of mediums and stuff. So why do you guys work with him? and you're like, are you guys stuck with one at the moment? Or how is that kind of going?

Nick 10:04
No. So the first record we did, we kind of just worked with friends, and so as Citra city records, which like good friends of ours, Manny. And so he's like cassette only and had like a really big influence on the Richmond scene. So we wanted to work with him. He was like, yeah, we'll do a tape. And he's done. So he did cassettes for our first release, and also our last release. And then the GCP we we worked with egg hunt records. And that was like, just for that EP. And then also our friends crystal pistol helped with the first record doing live still act CDs. No, I haven't I haven't heard much about it. And sorry, yeah.

Wes 10:55
Pete has no, Pete. Pete curry is now doing a lot of paper with

Nick 10:59
Yeah. Skyline seems to be doing great. Skyline

Unknown Speaker 11:04
was background, right. That was for because that's as well. Oh, that was Tim failing.

Nick 11:08
Yeah. Which, which I know that's that's not a thing anymore. Or maybe they changed the name.

Hermajesty 11:17
So are you guys working with the label now? Or?

Nick 11:19
No? No, we did the last one. Self release like we did vine or like we did our own vinyl and stuff. But we did have many do the tapes. So centricity. The tapes. Nice, but it's not like a contract or anything. It's just like our friend. Yeah.

Hermajesty 11:33
So what do you guys all been doing during COVID?

Unknown Speaker 11:40
working mainly, just like playing on my own. Sorry. Yeah. Just like working and like playing by myself. I mean, we spent a lot of time like, not together. And also like, Yeah, I mean, we can talk about the three piece stuff, but I mean, I've I haven't been like rehearsing with bands. This is like, the first month I've been playing with these guys. So it's been it's been cool, like, coming back and, you know, getting back together and kind of like having like the sexual union almost So. So. Yeah, that's all that's all I've been up to.

Wes 12:14
I have been. I took a songwriting sort of law, kind of it just happened naturally during COVID for a while. Thankfully, it's coming back. I don't know I just I played a lot of video games for a bit there. Like in the deepest, darkest times of COVID. Because I was like, it was scary.

Hermajesty 12:36
What were you playing?

Wes 12:39
Gosh, I'm scared to admit it. I was playing. Alright, yeah, he'll say it for you.

Unknown Speaker 12:45

Wes 12:47
That's right. Anyway, it's terrible. But uh, but yeah, anyway. It's terrible. It's like kind of something. It's like a curse that I have. Yeah, it's like that Battle Royale. It's terrible. Anyway, it's still like a disease that every day I think about smashing my ex box. But anyway, but yeah, now I finally have started writing songs more frequently again, thankfully. And rehearsing. We've been playing together again. And metal detecting Nick.

Hermajesty 13:19
Yeah. You see metal detecting. Have you found anything really cool? Yeah,

Wes 13:25
I've found things that I think are cool. I don't know if other people would think they're cool. I found a 1865 two cent piece 1903 Half barber and a sheriff badge from like the early 1900s.

Nick 13:38
sharepad is sick. Yeah. That's nice. I played just I don't know. I've been like really alone for a long time. Just like a play soccer going runs. I record in my room by myself. I make dinners go. I'm pretty good at cooking, honestly. But like, I only eat by myself. And like I cook. I'm just like, Wow, that's pretty good. And then I'll just sit there by myself. And yeah, it's been lonely. But yeah, go to work. I work with Matt. And then we like just recently got asked to do some support dates for the backseat lovers. So Wes Bryan and I have been rehearsing as the three B's because Matt can't go because because of work. So started, like, in the past couple of months getting together and trying to figure out a three piece set. But yeah, that's pretty much it. Watch a lot of Great British Bake. Break off. Yes. Passing the time. Great job. Good stuff. It's great. Yeah.

Hermajesty 14:45
Was there anything that you guys had kind of coming down the pipeline before COVID That had to kind of shelved or pushed to the side?

Nick 14:52
Yeah, we did have we had studio time booked for? Yeah,

Wes 14:57
like a lot. There's a lot of momentum now. Sorry, yeah, there's a lot of momentum.

Hermajesty 15:01
Which How many times have you guys played South by because that's that wasn't going to be your first time right

Nick 15:06
now we'd played once before. Gonna be our second time.

Wes 15:09
I was excited for around two because my first experience at South by I was just I was like going through a breakup or something silly and like, I was feeling so claustrophobic it was so many people and so hard to get anywhere. And I was looking forward to going back and like having a more chill experience. But, you know, got canceled.

Nick 15:30
So rightly, rightly, so. Rightly. So, I'm glad we didn't go and then it was terrible. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, we also had studio time booked that we couldn't go do. And we had, like, some songs that we had been playing because the last tour we did, Matt got sick, as you heard already, so he had to go home. And then we were like, scrounging to, like play some songs. That made more sense to play as a three piece. So we were playing like remember that song like knife edge and like salsa, like we were playing? Like, kind of these new songs. That, yeah, never probably going to be recorded or probably going to be recorded.

Wes 16:11
They probably won't be. Yeah, we've kind of moved on from that. I think style wise.

Hermajesty 16:15
Yeah, that's, that's what I was curious about with anything like shelter and COVID. Like as, like, are you guys moving past that? Because I mean, it's changed everybody a lot. I feel like

Nick 16:23
yeah, it's just been so long. Also, that like,

Wes 16:28
I'll say that with those songs kind of dropping. Now. Whether or not well, I don't like I said, we don't really know where Canberra is going. But with the three piece thing that has been kind of happening recently. The songs are different than I think what people maybe not, but I think they feel and sound a lot different than it's been old sound Yeah, it's a new sound. It's like darker and like it's more minor but like rockin it does depend. That's just like, that is group of so that is a group of songs, but I liked that and it kind of like I think that it sort of, I think if we do like an EP or something, something about those songs is gonna kind of like be the flagship of of that. That particular vibe. That's just my opinion, but I don't know how Nick sees it. Yeah.

Hermajesty 17:24
Yeah, yeah. how often and how many times have you guys played in a van? Or was it just the ones

Nick 17:34
probably just the ones in a van in the in the in the van? Late in the van? Remember? Like, Oh, someone brought that up to me recently. I love that video. It's such a silly video. Someone whose opinion I respect was like, Dude, I love that video. And I was like, really?

Unknown Speaker 17:54
I don't remember.

Hermajesty 17:55
It's a good video.

Wes 17:56
Man. I kind of have to go back. What are we playing?

Nick 17:59
I think just like the first record. Yeah, it was

Unknown Speaker 18:03
like anybody Yeah, anybody? Yeah.

Nick 18:06
Yeah, actually, I want to watch that seems like so recorded for pretty sure which is

Wes 18:18
like what I used to record on first ever recording like home recording stuff was like doing zoom recordings. I had like an h4 from like 2000

Unknown Speaker 18:29
I used to record stuff

Hermajesty 18:32
for now Yeah, I think it's like 2015 Was that video or something?

Unknown Speaker 18:39
Yeah. Oh, wow. We're gonna do Yep.

Hermajesty 18:43
So I mean, besides being sick like what like what was the good parts about being on the road? Like do you miss being able to do that?

Unknown Speaker 18:50
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Like the camaraderie of just like being in the middle of like a new town that you've never been before with like for God's like you just like like spending time with him just like fun. Like music aside that is like has like this moment has moments of like it's like really cool to be a part of something like that.

Wes 19:09
It's like traveling. Yeah. Travel it's just like you get it not only I love being on stage like I think of something I've always wanted to do I think I've always wanted to do like more theatre never really done much of that but as a candidate some of it so I love going from town to town and getting on stage and playing I love songwriting I know you love songwriting to Nick, and you get to get up and play your songs for people and we are bonded and we are traveling and seeing and meeting new people I mean Yeah, I miss I miss it a lot. Yeah,

Nick 19:38
I think to me, like there's honestly like the the playing shows and all that stuff is cool, but I feel like it's all like the in between stuff like being in the car and then like all of a sudden we stopped for lunch and we like don't know where we're gonna get and then like we find a cool spot and it's like really good. It's like there's a lot of like little highs in there. You know? I mean, like, you never know what's going to happen any day. And like you really don't know where, like, we know where we're headed, generally, but we don't know what we're going to find like on the way. And that's always fun.

Hermajesty 20:14
Yeah, this is just a self indulgent question, because you guys are the second band that I've interviewed that has played the royal American. And I'm from Charleston. I just want to know how you guys like they're really,

Unknown Speaker 20:25
really tiny stage and they have like the cinnamon whiskey they make like in house and like the Rum Punch. Ya know, the food there is really good too. Yeah. I do we have we have very good memories there. Yeah, we

Nick 20:38
love that place. Yeah, solid.

Unknown Speaker 20:42
And also we just love Charleston. Like every time we go there we have like, some friends that always like come out to see us and they're always very hospitable. 10 out of 10 Yeah, great town.

Hermajesty 20:53
Good place to be. What is like the CIO camp Howard is named after a place right? Yeah. What is like the goofiest thing that's happened at Camp Howard.

Nick 21:03
I know. I know is already I mean, I don't know. Go ahead.

Hermajesty 21:06
I mean, let's lay it out. You know, well, you know, you're asked

Wes 21:10
like content questions like Are we allowed to say

Nick 21:13
I mean, I was I was just gonna say,

Hermajesty 21:16
I mean I can edit out and you cursing but I think there's two things

Nick 21:19
I'm doing well I'm here's here's my my my mind went we this is like I think the last time we went to game Howard and like the second we showed up there the secondary showed up there were like all like unpacking like getting our stuff out of the van like you know putting stuff in like the little cabin shed thing. And one of the guys who are with the guy who actually filmed that in the van video, he jumped off a bridge there's like a little bridge that we jump off to swim but he was like I don't know if you'd like been drinking on the way there like you know, we're all excited he jumped off the

Unknown Speaker 21:55
bridge water is usually a certain height and it's way too low. We can't jump out and he was like yeah, he

Nick 22:00
jumped in like like I don't know he like hurt his heel cracks Yeah, crack something in his heel. And was basically like, this is like the second we got there. And he was like he instead of like doing anything about it or like Doctor like going home or like whatever he was like I'm gonna get like blackout drunk.

Unknown Speaker 22:20
He drink a fifth of vodka.

Hermajesty 22:22

Unknown Speaker 22:25
Yeah, like no joke like this guy just pounded a bunch of vodka and

Wes 22:29
I hate telling the story about through

Nick 22:31
it sounds like we're trashing drew really bad but like it is what happened. And like, the best part sorry, well, basically from that point on he's blackout drunk. He's like falling asleep like face down in the grass

Wes 22:45
managing his pain yeah by drink

Hermajesty 22:47
I don't know Yeah, that's that's exactly what he's doing face down ass up in the lawn. Yeah,

Nick 22:51
and at some point we like he was like he was he was passed out and we grabbed we had like these little fireworks like little rocket oh, maybe little ladies whatever something small. And he was just like, face down with like his ass crack like hanging out. And we just put a little firework in there and like lit it up and shot

Unknown Speaker 23:17
it as soon as it starts getting a bit he like brushes. He's like feels it and like I'm filming this video and he hits it and it literally hits me in the face

Wes 23:28
and this video this video as much as I disagree with this and I did it's on my Instagram if you scroll down far enough Yeah, I think it's still there.

Nick 23:40
Yeah, and also he like he never like woke up pretty much like like even once we did that he just like shrugged the firework off and just like passed out again. And then we were like going to this place and he was like he like laid down beside them like a really busy like like winding road and was just the audience

Unknown Speaker 24:13
he fell asleep on very narrow

Wes 24:17
think of that as the story at all. I thought the most absurd thing that happened was like when we were all there the first time ever all of us were just butt naked and drunk all day with like

Nick 24:27
people that we weren't like with shoes

Unknown Speaker 24:30
on. Like this was like my first time spending like any time with Yeah,

Wes 24:34
I mean, are you really got a good look at each other. Yeah, that's what I thought I forgot about the fireworks though. Yeah. That was wild. Yeah, it

Hermajesty 24:44
was wild. MATT What What? What was it like being in the same restaurant as Guy Fieri?

Unknown Speaker 24:50
It was amazing.

Nick 24:51
did tell him about today. Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 24:52
little update. Same restaurant today. I'm like Friends of the Our manager at parolees and Elise yeah I love parolees manda love you. But I got hit up because man vs food is there today. And I got interviewed officially because on on a guy theory show I was in the background but I got interviewed and like they like took videos of me like eating sandwich. It was amazing. living my dream like it was like as a kid I watched Man vs food and so like it was like very cool to like be a part of that. So

Hermajesty 25:25
obviously you're like you're you are now like a syndicated Food Network extra.

Unknown Speaker 25:29
Yeah, yeah, basically, on retainer, like go

Nick 25:31
into that industry. I wouldn't love that. Like you need to. Like it's like, the universe is the universe.

Unknown Speaker 25:41
Yeah, literally, yeah. I

Nick 25:45
like not even necessarily name or school, but just like food, TV, Internet, maybe just do something.

Unknown Speaker 25:49
I love Anthony Bourdain, you know, can be

Hermajesty 25:52
recipes, Anthony Bourdain.

Unknown Speaker 25:55
Also, Roadrunner, go see that film. It's amazing.

Hermajesty 26:02
So do you guys have any covers in your sets? We use used to, is there. Yeah, I was. I was wondering if there's any covers. You guys. Were thinking about adding to the set or anything?

Unknown Speaker 26:11
No, we used to

Nick 26:14
do like a Weezer one. And a Mac DeMarco. One. Two. We do a Mac DeMarco.

Wes 26:17
Yeah. I'm a man.

Nick 26:18
I'm a man. Yeah, but that was like before it can't power.

Unknown Speaker 26:20
I'm just saying Right. Yeah,

Wes 26:23
I think we used to do. The reason we used to do covers is because we didn't have enough originals that we believed in. Sorry.

Nick 26:30
82. I'm just trying to remember how that song. I'm a man.

Wes 26:34
It goes like, it's like.

Nick 26:37
That's yeah, just like II. I'm a man, man. That's crazy. Yep. But yeah, pretty much steered away from the covers stuff. As soon as you realize, like, wow, people just really want to hear the Weezer song.

Wes 26:53
Yeah, you're suddenly like, wow, people get so hyped on this. And it's not even our song. And I think like nothing against cover bands at all. But because there is a time and place but I think that like, you know, if you're playing a song in your set, that's better than your songs. Not to say that. Sweater song is better than our songs. But I mean, it's kind of like, it is it's like, like, it's a huge hit.

Nick 27:18
So you can't but finally now or like, years later, we realize, like we finally started, once we put out I guess Jews, it was like, oh, people like, like, our songs. And like, we're starting to get like the same sort of reaction that we used to, from playing covers to our songs were like that sick and like people have like, single I think it takes

Wes 27:37
time to build up a set of I mean, we write collectively, hundreds of songs over the years. But I mean, you know, like, you're not only a select amount of them go work their way into a set or an album. So yes, especially starting out, I think we would play more covers, essentially.

Hermajesty 27:55
Is there a lot of those old songs that like, do you think will ever ever come out? Are those just shelved? And in the archives? You know, it

Wes 28:02
was interesting the other day, there was an old song that I don't know, I think I think they can work their way back into your like psyche, and you start being like, you know, what are you here at find an old demo, and you go that that actually is a really good song. The other day, we were playing this song that was like, kind of we called it all for all for nothing. Yeah, all for nothing is that was called. And that's when it Nick songs and we just kind of we had demoed it, and it was really cool. But then we just totally dropped it. And then the other day, we started kind of like joking around playing it. Like we're trying to remember how to play it. And then I was I personally, it was like, You know what, this is a really good song. And I think like that can happen with other old songs or demos, you know,

Unknown Speaker 28:40
that's out of the blue came from was like an old recording of yours. Yeah, that's something that was completely random. We never bothered. But yeah,

Wes 28:49
that was on the request of my father asked me to do that for the record. And we did. I don't know. We just did it. Yeah.

Nick 28:55
Yeah, I think there's so many, so many songs that will never be heard. And they're lost forever. And that's just the way it goes. But hopefully, you're hearing the good ones, or the ones that we think are good. Yeah, it'd be really cool to have like, I don't know, like, a meme or something. Yeah, I mean, it'd be really cool to just be like, really successful. And then people are like, we just want to hear whatever you put out. And then you know, we just put out every song.

Hermajesty 29:25
I mean, you guys I mean, once you guys die, there'll be plenty to put out sounds like it's true.

Wes 29:30
Yeah, true. We'll say it we're saving it for the

Hermajesty 29:33
for the, the post mortem. Post mortem. Yeah, I'm sure. Humans post humorously. Yeah,

Nick 29:39
let's put out we should put out like an ad track album. That's just like everything we

Wes 29:44
did. I think part of me like hopes that someone will hack my computer when I die. Not Not until I die. And like get all my demos out. If they can find them at this point my computer so like, screwed. Yeah. Data Wise.

Hermajesty 30:01
So you do you do always write collectively or? Or how does the kind of the songwriting process work with?

Wes 30:09
Well, we write completely on our own at home. And then we come into rehearsal. But I will say, develop, developing, like things happen during rehearsal when we're playing him. Like, I might come in with a song we're playing, Nick says, Yeah, I don't know about that, like that one part or something. And I'm like, Yeah. And I think about that for a day and be like, yeah, he's actually totally right. Because, you know, not every single part of the song, if you're lucky, it's all good. But and I think that we kind of bounce as the whole band to not just Nick and I, but bounce around the, you know, they develop, yeah,

Nick 30:41
things things happen, a lot of like, really good things happen when one of us brings a song in, and like, we just start playing it, because it's so much easier, like, at home, you know, you can, like try by yourself and like, try and hear but like to make little changes. It's like, oh, play like that. And it's like, actually go back. It's so immediate, so effective, and much faster. And it's just like, so yeah.

Wes 31:06
Plus, when you are at home writing a song unless you are, it's destined for some solo, something like, you know, Nikka play, or I don't really have so little Ruth good or something separate from the band. It's like, you might record it, and then you try to work it out with the band. But you're so I think you can get so attached. At least we I feel like, Nick and I have talked about how you heard it to how you you have recorded it and how you just want it to be that way. And it's hard to sometimes let go of it, at least for me, especially if it's like, been a demo I've been listening to for like, you know, six months or something long time finally come to rehearsal. It's like no, no, the bass actually goes like this. Instead of just letting the guys like, have fun, be creative with it, which is where obviously like the cool things happen, because it's stuff you would not normally write.

Hermajesty 31:56
Sweet. What's everybody's favorite Crayola crayon color? Least favorite favorite out of like the 96 back?

Unknown Speaker 32:05
Flavor preference flavor?

Hermajesty 32:06

Unknown Speaker 32:07
Yeah. Oh, I do love meeting grounds.

Wes 32:10
Yeah. Burnt Sienna. That's an obvious one. A great one. It tastes like you know,

Hermajesty 32:17
sorry. We I we talked about this a lot at the station is we talked about the 96 says burnt sienna. I really like yeah, it's a great. It's a good one. Yeah. And of course, you could talk about the purple current member Harold and the Purple Crayon. Yeah, the book. Wasn't it also a PBS show? Or am I like

Wes 32:34
if it is that I missed out? Sorry,

Nick 32:38
I actually don't I don't know. I don't know if I ever ate crowns.

Hermajesty 32:42
I mean, you can pick just a favorite color, not just flavor.

Nick 32:46
Yeah. I I don't know why, but I want to say like green.

Hermajesty 32:52
Okay. Just green. Just green.

Nick 32:54
I mean, I like I like green. I mean, I was gonna say orange, but the crazy.

Wes 33:00
I mean, you don't want to say orange already acid burnt sienna. And I am actually like, pretty insane.

Nick 33:09
Yeah. Like orange. I mean, it's not my favorite color. But it's just so. So bold.

Wes 33:20
Brands yellow.

Hermajesty 33:24
Breeze, yellow. purple mountains. Majesty. All right. Is there. Is there anything that we haven't touched on that you want the listeners to know? Any other upcoming shows? Maybe any while we're going on

Nick 33:36
tour with the backseat lovers back to lovers going to Florida? And Texas. If they're still happening?

Unknown Speaker 33:47
We have a show tomorrow. Yeah, we

Unknown Speaker 33:49
will. Yeah, September 4, September.

Wes 33:53
Time Machine. Yeah. We'll see you there in Norfolk. Yeah.

Nick 33:57
Yeah. Yeah. How quickly can you get this edited? Yeah, I don't know. I mean,

Wes 34:05
there's gotta be something I think of later, but maybe like in December or something?

Nick 34:12
No, not really. I mean, all we can really say right now is we're playing our first show and forever and feels good. And the future. We'll find out together as a group. What what happens in the future camp Howard

Wes 34:28
will be Yeah, yeah. It'd be interesting to find out.

Hermajesty 34:31
Where can they find you on social media?

Nick 34:32
Everywhere. Instagram, Twitter.

Hermajesty 34:36
Just at Camp Howard?

Nick 34:37
I think I think most of them are at Camp Howard band. Okay. Yeah, it was like camp at Camp dot Howard on

Hermajesty 34:45
Instagram. Okay. Thank you guys so much. Yeah, thank you. This has been her majesty with camp Howard and WKNC 80.1 FM HD one Raleigh. Thanks for listening. Nice majesty here in the edit what you're about to hear is I went backstage after the conclusion of the concert and I got a little post match statement from the boys of the band. And Joy was can I get a post match interview?

Nick 35:15
Yes. It was very,

Wes 35:16
very interesting out there. There's a lot of on a boat. It was incredible. The wind was blowing it started raining, but we got through. We won the game. We won the game. It wasn't a you know, and I I you know, I sympathize with my competitor. You know, he almost had us there.

Hermajesty 35:36
The sound the sound man. He was he really had it out for

Wes 35:39
you. They Yeah, it's their second day. Apparently. So much love much. They'll learning. Learning. Okay.

Hermajesty 35:48
Wait, man, man, can I get a Can I get a post match interview? Post match statement?

Unknown Speaker 35:52
Oh, man, I just shot a whiskey and feeling crazy right now. Incredible.

Nick 35:55
That was great. That was great.

Unknown Speaker 35:57
I mean, there was something. There was something it was for sure something.

Hermajesty 36:00
Nick, can I get a post match statement?

Nick 36:04
Um, post my statement. It was rough out there. I want to say the referees does pretty good. Yeah, they weren't. They weren't whoever it is. And I think

Hermajesty 36:14
part of the red card before the end was it really did un Yeah, it really

Nick 36:17
was kind of the last blow but you know, we keep our heads up and just look forward to the next match.

Hermajesty 36:23
So we'd like to hear this little lady here.

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