MIPA Workshops

What is MIPA Workshops?

Demo podcasts from the annual summer journalism workshop from the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association.

On this episode, we are bringing you an insight on Julie Price's keynote at the MIPA summer journalism workshop. Julie Price is the managing editor at East Lansing Info, and she even taught journalism at MIPA herself. Julie attended Michigan State University as a journalism major. Her inspiration for journalism that led her into both teaching journalism and to now being a managing editor.

"[I] just always loved newspapers. I love media. I grew up in the '60s and '70s. I was born in '59. I'm not ashamed. And so I grew up reading the front pages as the Vietnam War was unfolding and watching all that coverage."

Not only was Julie inspired, but she continues to motivate students to love journalism as much as she does. Safrica Ramamoffin attended the keynote and shared her thoughts afterward.

"[It was] cool to see her love for community based journalism. I heard that was really apparent, and I think that it's like part of being a good journalist is having the love for it."

Julie also has a very sarcastically humorous personality.

"Is this when I do push ups?"

A prominent aspect of what Julie talked about was how news can build community.

"Your high schools are little communities, you know, they are. You have your administration, you have your students, you have your student government, you have all of that. And that's what you're covering. You're telling the stories of the kids in your school, and that is community journalism."

Students took this idea away saying,

"News is all around us, everything is news. The things she was talking about, like going to school board meetings. I mean, maybe it's not the most interesting thing to everybody, but obviously, it's news. It like it physically..."

Julie emphasized the power that student journalists hold to impact the world.

"You gotta go change the world, okay?"

We'll be back on the 26th with coverage of the transgender rights issues panel.