
This week on the podcast Mikki speaks to returning guest Dr Tommy Wood, about cognition, the brain, and what we can do to support brain health. They discuss how the environment today brings with it challenges to the brain that can be both protective, but also potentially work against us. They discuss how important genetics is in determining your disease risk profile when it comes to conditions such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers, and how lifestyle affects this risk. They discuss the paper that Tommy co-authored with Josh Turnkett that evaluated lifestyle interventions that move in the needle in terms of protecting the degeneration of our cognitive function (more than just sudoku) and this provides practical recommendations for anyone wanting to protect their brain as they age. They also discuss the link between muscle mass and brain health, and much more!

Paper discussed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36139364/ 

Tommy Wood is part of the research faculty at the University of Washington (UW) in the Department of Pediatrics. His research focuses on ways to increase resilience of, and treat injury of, the developing brain. He has a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge, a medical degree from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in physiology and neuroscience from the University of Oslo. In addition to his role as a faculty at UW, he serves as President of Physicians for Ancestral Health, and is on the scientific advisory board of Hintsa Performance. Alongside his career in medicine and research, he has invested time in developing easily-accessible methods with which to track human health, performance, and longevity. He has published and spoken on multiple topics surrounding functional and ancestral approaches to health, including examining the root causes of multiple sclerosis and insulin resistance. He uses his experiences in coaching and competing in rowing, CrossFit, powerlifting, and ultra-endurance racing to inform his day-to-day interaction with clients looking to achieve long-term health and performance.

Tommy can be found at http://drragnar.weebly.com/
IG: @drtommywood

Tommy's podcast: http://drragnar.weebly.com/podcast

Tommy's previous episode: https://share.transistor.fm/s/3bcee261

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Creators & Guests

Mikki Williden

What is Mikkipedia?

Mikkipedia is an exploration in all things health, well being, fitness, food and nutrition. I sit down with scientists, doctors, professors, practitioners and people who have a wealth of experience and have a conversation that takes a deep dive into their area of expertise. I love translating science into a language that people understand, so while some of the conversations will be pretty in-depth, you will come away with some practical tips that can be instigated into your everyday life. I hope you enjoy the show!