Medical Minute W/ The UNLV School of Nursing

Facts and statistics regarding insomnia, and healthful tips to help cure it.

What is Medical Minute W/ The UNLV School of Nursing ?

A series of small snapshots of healthcare advise from the professors and practitioners at the UNLV School of Nursing.

Here's today's Medical Minute with Dr. Jin-Yung Kim, Associate Professor studying sleep apnea and insomnia at the School of Nursing at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Insomnia can be characterized by one of the following four symptoms. Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, waking up too early in the morning, or unrefreshing sleep. A simple behavioral modification you could try is to just go to bed only when you are sleepy. For example, if it takes about two hours for you to fall asleep, go to bed two hours later than your usual bedtime. In the meantime, do quiet activities such as reading books, meditation, coloring books, listening to some monotone voices like radio news or do yoga. Go to bed only if you feel sleepy while doing those activities. Also, it's better to avoid having heavy meals or intensive physical activity and avoid the blue light from your TV or mobile devices at least two hours before bedtime because they keep your brain activated. This Medical Minute is written by the School of Nursing at the at least two hours before bedtime because they keep your brain activated. This Medical Minute is written by the School of Nursing at the

University of Nevada Las Vegas and produced by KUNV 91.5 FM.

Transcribed with Cockatoo