Perfect Mode

On this week's Perfect Mode episode with JClay and Troy Washington, they reveal the keys to maintaining your vibration in challenging environments. Don't miss out on the vital insights that could change the course of your life - your future self is counting on you to listen!
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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection perfection perfection? Welcome to perfect tomorrow. Welcome to perfect tomorrow. Where there are no excuses, no expectations, With my co host, Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor, let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Let's be perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

Troy Washington:

Welcome to perfect mode. Welcome to mer perfect mode. Welcome to perfect mode. First off, we wanna start by telling y'all that we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be anywhere, sharing our thoughts the way that we see life, hopefully, and helping you realize that you are perfect.

Troy Washington:

And the reason why I can say that unapologetically is because I know that you are numb number 1 of 1. Numero uno. You cannot be replicated, duplicated. And the only reason the only reason you would think that you're not perfect is if you're looking at this person next to you and saying, I'm not them. But guess what?

Troy Washington:

You are you, and that's all you need. And, of course, it's yours truly, Troy Washington, a friendly neighborhood realtor. And I have my boy, J Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher, and we're about to jump on and talk about maintaining your vibration in challenging challenging environments, maintaining your vibration in challenging environments. What's up, Jay?


Maintaining it. What's up? Happy happy Sunday to all my people in perfect land, doing perfect things, recognizing your perfection and seeing the perfection of where where you are, your state of being right now and just how it it serves you. Yeah. I'm looking forward to all of this.


First off, I do wanna shout out, make a shout out to our first patrons. Shout out to Jeff. What up, Jeff? He joined our Patreon, which the link is in the description somewhere in there. You can click on that.


Yeah. So I welcome you to join that as well. And in addition to that though, the Monday reset, That's what we're calling this. You know, every Monday, we like to do the fast. We like to fast or 24 hours from when you last ate today.


The purpose, everybody has their own purpose for doing it. Mine is spiritual. Just relying on on source energy, relying on god more than I rely on food. But whatever your intention is, it's it's good. It's good for a multitude of reasons.


I highly suggest you do it. I we also put something in the, description, a link where we have, like, this little community that it tracks, when you last ate. We can motivate each other, all of that. So yeah.

Troy Washington:

So and I want to, you know, funny, you said the reason why you do it. And, you know, it's a it's a it's a number of reasons why I do it as well. But my kid asked me this, this week on Wednesday, he was like, dad, how do you make your your mind strong? And, funny enough, I was able to just kinda talk about the fast to him, so it was a cool cool, thing. And, you know, just having kids is his own thing.

Troy Washington:

And one other thing I wanna, wanna shout out Jeff one more time. He came in last week and wanna and made a comment about, Jalen Brunson and a foul or not a foul that happened in the game. And, he, you know, he made reference to me and saying that's how it it it reminded him of that, and I told him how me and my family laughed about it, and, he said, I didn't even think that it would have been a funny thing, but the reality of it is we're a basketball family. So you making the reference. I just wanna shout you out.

Troy Washington:

It was it was funny to us, and, I appreciate it because it made me look at it from that standpoint as well. But shout out to Jeff again, man.


Yeah, man. So yeah. So join us too on that water fast. Water water only. You can do supplements if you want to, but just try to stick to the water.


No coffee. None of that. Just we want we want the clear mindedness so you can feel its effects. But, yeah, let's let's let's jump into this. Maintaining your vibration.

Troy Washington:

And so I'm a tell you off top, bro. Like, I didn't look at the topic until I was actually in the middle of the intro, like like, in the middle of it. And it hit me in my heart, like, in my soul, bro. Like, and I'm a tell you the reason why. So, anybody that's a parent, anybody that's a parent, I know you have to feel this to your core.

Troy Washington:

Because, you know, when I was a kid with my mom or with my granny or, you know, my aunties or somebody, they would say, man, you getting on my last nerve. You're getting on my last nerve. And the the the thing that that that came to comes to my mind is I can only imagine prior to me doing whatever I was doing, they were in some type of somewhere, some type of state of peace. And I was doing something to to agitate the peaceful environment that they have, I guess, projected for themselves. But nonetheless, today, this morning, my kids were going at it with each other.

Troy Washington:




Troy Washington:

And in my mind, it was just like, bro, Like, dude, we gotta argue about every single thing. And the thing is I didn't even want to feel like, bro, like, I didn't even wanna have that feeling in me. And so when I got to it, all I was thinking about the entire time was, how do I diffuse them, at the same time, maintain the vibration that I want to have? Because, again, as a parent, when you're trying to diffuse these things, it's challenging. But but the reason that's the reason why it hit me in my heart, bro, because that's where I literally was at this morning.

Troy Washington:

But shout out, man. What up, bro? But yeah,


so yeah, this topic actually came from Iwow West. I put a comment on on. Yeah, on here on like one of our clips and had asked, like, how do you maintain that vibration when you're when you're not around like minded people? When everybody's different and they have their own rules of life and but you you know what you want from your life, but you can't necessarily escape, being around certain people. And, you know, and I'm I'm I'm paraphrasing the the comment.


But I was like, that's a that's a great topic. Why not speak about it on here, because I I think I feel like that's the basis of of life. Like, whatever life we want, it's about us maintaining that frequency that we say we want at all times and then getting to experience that, because we see the contrast of what we don't want. So I'm I'm, yeah, I'm I'm definitely excited to talk about this. So

Troy Washington:

so I'll tell you going into because because in your breakdown, literally, again, it's my situation because I cannot not be around my kids. You know what I'm saying? Like, I have to be here, and I have to figure out some way that we can all coexist in a way that I personally feel there's a peaceful way. See, the thing is they may not have felt that they were not being peaceful. They may not describe it it could just be brothers being brothers.

Troy Washington:

Right? But from my standpoint and my wife's standpoint, like, it's a bunch of chaos going on. And then again, not wanting to kill the the, the competitiveness and the, you know, figuring out and working out themselves and all these other little things that come along with it without inserting yourself in such a way that's disrupting the way that you feel at the moment is definitely a challenging thing. But I would tell, you know, I you said it was Iwow West?


Yeah. Iwow West.

Troy Washington:

Iwow West. I'm sorry. Because I I didn't see the name, but Iwow West. So I I would tell you, the first thing that I did this morning though while this was going on was I realized that I cannot raise my voice. That was just one of the things that I I I had I knew that I could not do.


But you said you couldn't raise your what my voice.

Troy Washington:

My voice. My voice. Yeah. I realized that II talk loud just in general Like, this just even now, this will be considered raising my voice, but this is how I always talk. But I knew that my traditional way of communicating could not have been a thing.

Troy Washington:

And the reason why I determined that was because what they were doing in the room was raising their voice to each other. So I started to think of ways that, I could communicate with them and also teach them at the same time. And so to answer your question partially, you know, one of the things that you I I feel like you have to do is you have to approach the situation in the way that you want it to look. Right? Regardless if people are gonna be responsive in the way that you want them to respond, have you ever went to somebody that's yelling and just whispered?


All the time.

Troy Washington:

Like, and when you do that, it automatically changes the level that they're talking at off top because now I don't know how they feel. I just assume that you feel crazy yelling at somebody that's whispering. But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. No. Yeah. That that that's something I I I love to do. Like, I mean, often I I love doing the the opposite of what's expected just because it it brings people into a just a new mindset like this just to see things from a different perspective and I love seeing things from a different perspective and within that so so within what you were saying, it's it's funny to realize that, like, everything is happening for you, but but based on, like, the blueprints you set.


So that can sound very arrogant. Like, I got control over everybody in my life. Not not necessarily everybody, but in relation to how you how you perceive it. So it's like, even you, like me and you are are real cool, but I only know you as I perceive you to be. You know what I mean?


Like, you might have this other side that I have not considered. And that doesn't make anything wrong or bad, but we treat each other based on the blueprint we set for ourselves on how to treat each other. And even if something is out of line with that, the only way that that that dynamic will change is if we respond to that in a negative way.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. So so so number 1, that should just just that example that you're speaking about should just show you how amazing that we are. That's just the the the capacity that we have to be able to look at every person in our life and have a blueprint of how we feel like the relationship should go should just show you how cold that you actually are. Like, that that's an amazing like, that's that's cold. And I'm talking about that goes both ways.

Troy Washington:

You setting the expectation or the blueprint for me and how I look to you, but also me setting a blueprint on how I want you to be responsive to me in all things that I do. And so when I go back to the example of my kids and me talking about how I approach the situation, the other thing that I always do is I always come back and look at myself. Right? So just to kinda give you an example, whenever me and my wife, at this point now, you know, we try not to argue at all. You know?

Troy Washington:

It just kind of it doesn't we we can see that there's more craziness than not if we decide to argue. Right? But even when you don't argue, there's still disagreements that happen, and they can happen in the funniest ways. So even ways that you don't want people to, to receive it in that way. Right?

Troy Washington:

So one of the big things for me is I'm not gonna argue it off. Am I just I'm just gonna stop talking. I it's just how I go. Right? So when my kids are arguing this morning, my oldest, 12 years old, and then I have a 5 year old, my oldest 12 year old, he comes and he approaches the situation like me.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. You know, dad, I don't know what's going on with him. So now in my mind, I understand the frustration from my little kid, which I can understand the frustration from my wife. So, again, I I I I I I'm saying that I'm looking at myself. I'm looking at how he's responding, and I now understand that he's not making the situation any better because he's kinda aloof from it, and Brody does not want that to happen.

Troy Washington:

He still wants to to maintain. So, again, I challenged myself. How can I communicate in a way that's welcoming to our side? Because I'm I'm I'm building a dynamic. Now, again, you just talked about the blueprint that you set for the people that are around you or the people that you are directly in relationship with to to have what you deem yourself to be a peaceful situation.

Troy Washington:

And so, again, to I Wow, I look at myself first, and then I start to, I guess, plan backwards to kinda reverse what I've already said because I can look and see that the situation, and I know you might not want to think that these people around me are acting this way because I've set this up in such a way. That's what it is. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So one thing I like to do is if I find myself in a situation that seems like one I don't want to be in or seems like this, like, this is weird. This shouldn't happen. Like, I'm a I'm a peaceful person. I'm this.


I'm that Like, why am I experiencing this? I immediately default to, okay, this is happening for me for a reason. So So, it's so it's like, okay, this is to benefit me. So, now, I'm now, I'm looking for that benefit. Like, seeking you shall find.


Whatever you look for, whatever intention you set, you're going to meet that intention. It might not look like in the way that you thought it would, but you will meet that intention. So I'll start looking for, okay, what's the benefit here? Why why why is this happening? What am I here to learn?


And every time it has, there has been some kind of lesson, something that was like, ah, I see that. Okay. I don't I don't necessarily have to do this and and just to give like some loose examples. I've seen where people have said some some seemingly foul things to me. Sometimes it's no accident, you know, sometimes it was on purpose to get a rise And how do I say that?


There's been times before where where I've met them, you know, where where they where I perceived that they were at and, you know, led to conflict. There were times where I showed that it was, like, that was foul, but then I chose the, I guess, the the way I want it to be. But there there are times like now, it's like, that could be considered foul, but it doesn't matter. And when I take on that approach, I instantly see people change. Like, it's almost like, dang.


I just did some foul, and they didn't even react to it at all in the in the way that I thought that they should. Let me come a different way. Let me let me apologize or let me do something. Yeah. And it it's funny because it it happens every time when I when I take that response as if it just doesn't matter, which it doesn't matter.


But it it's our egos that gets in the way of saying that he's gotta look this way. You gotta act this way because you're in my vicinity. You gotta do this, and it doesn't matter. Like, just do you.

Troy Washington:

But and and and I also go to, you know, the point that we made on previous shows. You ask yourself, what is it that you want? Right? And again if I'm saying and and it's not like you said it's not about controlling the circumstances. It's about controlling you and so like when you say I wanna be peaceful using myself as the example and the example that I've been given this morning so now I have options.

Troy Washington:

I have an option. I have an option to not be peaceful or to be peaceful. And I've said that I want to be peaceful. So now this is where the work or the process or the learning process comes into play. I might not have known how to do that, but now I've given myself an opportunity to figure it out.

Troy Washington:

So that way in like situations or no matter what the situation, I'm always able to identify it. So, again, that's why I said I go back, and I looked at myself and said, okay. Not trying to control them. What did I do to create this situation, and how can I make it what I want it to be? And so I think that's where, you when you when you say, what do I have to gain from this?

Troy Washington:

I think that that learning experience is what it is. And then again once you master that which we have the opportunity to master everything because I had an option today just to go in and just talk like I talk right now and it not change anything. I never get to get to what I was trying to get to because I never gave it any opportunity, or I didn't see that there was the opportunity there. Go ahead, Jay.


So, yeah, you you brought up the the word control, and I I think that's one of pit the pitfalls of just not being in a in a the state that you want is, you know, trying to control everything, trying to to control the environment, the situation, the circumstances. And and it's been said many times by many people, like, you can't control anything except your own emotions. And sometimes, for some people, that's hard to control too. Like, it it it does take practice. But one of the things that I I like to default to is you can control your awareness of it.


So, like, let's say you don't react or respond in the way that you've that you want to respond. Just be aware that you are. Like like, it it's it's a process. When you start making these changes, you're gonna say, dang. I'm making the same mistake right now.


I see myself making the same mistake, but I don't wanna stop it because this person deserves to hear this. This needs to happen, and that's cool. That's still progress because before that, you wouldn't have had that awareness of it. You you just would have did it automatically and wondered, you know, why am I always in fights? Why am I being so heated?


Why is this always conflict? But just just take those little that little step of awareness and they can take you far.

Troy Washington:

So again, even going back to my example, the first thing that I said I had to do is look at me. Yeah. Like, I'm trying to be aware. Number 1, why am I feeling the way that I feel? And that's something that you talk about all the time like why is it that I'm feeling this way?

Troy Washington:

But I think that the reason why you're asking these questions or the reason why I'm looking at myself is because I'm trying to be fully aware of where I am right now or or why I am the way that I am right now And I think that, you know, looking at yourself that way is a good way to find, you know, awareness. Again, I knew that my kids arguing. Agitated me for some reason. If I never take the opportunity to ask myself why then the only thing that I get to be in all those circumstances are reactionary and you don't wanna like being reactionary is not where I wanna be so because that's the case then I have to give myself an opportunity to realize what's really going on with me, not with them because they can continue to do that all they want to. But if I don't identify what it is that I've said in my life in order for that to go on, it never changes.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and I'm sure, like, it gave them an an unconscious opportunity to see a new way to to resolve things by seeing the approach that you took. Because who knows? I mean, I I I don't know if you've ever taken a argumentative approach around them before, but it that it possibly could've stemmed from that or maybe not. It could've just stemmed from just being in certain environments, but the important thing, like, the good out of this situation is they saw the way to be.


You know what I mean? And I know me knowing you, I know you want to show your kids like a a better way to just be through our life. All the things that we're saying on perfect mode. And so like, if we can remember that sometimes so called negative situations happen just to be the example of the right way, like, that that eases a lot too. At least with me, like, that's a that's a positive spin I like to put on certain situations.


Like, why is this happening? Oh, so I can show them, hey. You can you can be like this. Even though they don't really matter, all that matters is you from your perspective, but it it still helps with you shaping your environment in a sense.

Troy Washington:

No. I I I 100% agree with that. Like, that's why I say it's, like, take the good with the bad or a thing because there's always there's always learning, you know, learning example from it. But not only that, I think that it generally catapults you. That's just my personal opinion.

Troy Washington:

You know? But you know just so that way I don't get too far away from you know maintaining you know my vibration like I think that again I just wanna point to we we we're we're we're talking about being aware of the thing that's changing that potentially could change your vibration, but I think recognizing what your vibration is is highly important like what is that really even mean to you like what type of vibration are you trying to be on? What is it that you're trying to emit from yourself so that way you can shape your environment like and again just saying that I'm peaceful. II know that I use that as an example, but I think it's even much more deeper than that. Like, what type of vibration are you trying to be on and identifying that is important?

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And it it is there's 2 ways to look at this too. So so on on one one way like your your vibe, your frequency, I like to believe that the level of your frequency are the things you do frequently. So, like, the the thoughts you think, the the the words you say, like, the the frequency with which you do those things, it kinda sets your frequency. But the other way is like you have this this core inner self that's just you, period.


Like, it it's the it's the you when you don't perceive any problems. When when all is well, when you believe that everything is going your way, when you just know that I don't even have to worry about anything because all all is well. I'm going in the right direction. Like that core vibration is you. And it it as many times as you as much as you can practice being that especially when the circumstances don't dictate that.


Like it's easier to to always have that confidence. Like, okay. It it it looks like I'm falling off a cliff, but I'm alright. I'm headed in the right direction. And if you have that confidence, you will be.


It's like, oh, that that wasn't a cliff. It was just an illusion or something.

Troy Washington:

So I got a question for you real real quick.



Troy Washington:

Would you say that when you have the when you have realized what your core is and you recognize the things that you are doing all the time or where you want to be and then someone comes along and their vibrational being does not mesh well with yours. You being upset with that is taking you out of your vibration.


Right. So so you you say what I say, like, being upset is taking me out of it? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.


Definitely. Like, because it's no reason to be upset. I mean, we're, we're all kids, you know what I mean? Like adults are just tall kids and we somehow convinced ourselves to take ourselves seriously. Like, I don't know if you can remember some of the conversations you had as a kid, but you probably see it as a parent.


Like, kids are all over the place, but they don't no one really judges the other kid for liking something different. They just like, oh, okay. And they keep talking about what they wanna talk about.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. No. No. I I see I see it all the time, especially with the kids. And I and I think the reason why I asked that or I want to bring that up is because I also see for people that are actually having the vibration conversation.

Troy Washington:

I always talk about. Doing away with people that don't meet their vibe,


Gotcha. You know

Troy Washington:

what I'm saying? Or and I I and I wanted to point that out that you're changing your vibe by even thinking or. Having those type of emotions toward anybody not meeting your vibe like we I think that we should be welcoming everybody's vibration regardless if it meets ours or not the people that are really vibing in a sense. Go ahead. Jay Yeah.


So yeah. Yeah. I I call that the the the like minded trap. You know? Like, people like I wanna be around like minded people.


I like minded people. But if you're always around like minded people, like, there is no I don't know. That's just boring to me. Like, just from from my core vibration to me, that's boring. Because you don't you don't get to flex anything.


And I I'll give a a good basketball example. Right? So, a lot of top basketball players, they talk about the repetition, the repetition, they have to have in order to get good and things. So like sometimes if if I'm if I'm playing basketball, pick up basketball, and we start blowing out the other team, I'm kind of abandoning everything I normally do because that's it becomes boring and I know that's crazy like I wanna win, I don't wanna blow out. Like if if I blow out and I'm just doing anything, it's just like, yeah, that's a good day.


But normally, like, it allows them time to catch back up. So it's like, okay. Now it's it's it's it's real game time. This is let's get let's see what we're made out of. And I say that to say like that that level of just so ease and the same repetition.


I'll even like bowling is a game of like you gotta keep doing the same thing. I can only maintain that for, like, maybe 1 or 2 games where I just concentrate to maintain the same thing. After that, if there's no competition or some or people not into it, I'm just throwing it down the lane. Like, I it is so so I say that to say, being around like minded people is like that to me. Like, I I'm gonna be the one that's gonna just do something different or throw a monkey wrench in there just to kinda change things up.



Troy Washington:

okay. So I'm a tell you. So I I my mind went a bunch of different places when you were saying it, and I thought about the term of somebody being in the zone. So, like, you ever seen somebody, like, in a in a basketball game? And I I use basketball because I I watch basketball, and I'm all, you know, immersed in basketball all the time.

Troy Washington:

But you've seen some sometimes when people get into a basketball game and somebody would say that they lost their mind because they won't miss, like, everything is just going in. But if you ever look at those people now, imagine in this basketball game, this person is like hitting everything, they making all the right passes, they getting all the steals, they 100% locked in. But nobody else around them is in that same state. Now, everybody's in awe by this person that's locked in. They're vibing.

Troy Washington:

They're in their their zone. And it's not anything that anybody could do even when that person is not in the zone and their team is not playing up to par, they're upset. But even in these, from these moments where these people got into the zone and their team wasn't as locked in as them, they don't even see them. And, you know, when when you're talking about bowling or when I when I think about, you know, even our topic and and the vibration and the challenging environment, I think that when you're truly vibing, there is no environment at all. Like, the environment doesn't matter.

Troy Washington:

You're so, at peace and in your world that there's not anything that could go wrong. And that's the kind that's kinda how I see it. And I and I and I know that we're describing a challenging environment, but I think that when you're really vibing, there's no challenge to the environment at all anyway because you don't even see none of that stuff. But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Shout out to, Loretta. Loretta said, yes. Being around others who may not be like minded presents opportunities for growth and also allows us to have impact. Yeah.


And and and to to what both of you all are saying, like, we get to we we get to evolve and change our thought patterns. Like, we we get to see, like, oh, you can actually live like that. You can actually do that. Like, what? I had no idea.


I didn't even think that that was possible. And and every time, like, we we find out a new thing that's possible. It's like our whole world reshifts and reorganizes, and you you go back to the past, which we shouldn't do, but you go back and and re and relook at things through the eyes of this new belief. Like, I coulda did this. I could be doing this right now.


Like, and it's it's amazing how allowing ourselves to be around people that that that might not even agree with our lifestyle. Like, it it's it's so much that that we can learn from being around those people as well.

Troy Washington:

Bro. Yeah. So again, and I'm a go back to the being in the zone situation. Right? When this person is in the zone and they just going off whether you're vibing or not, their vibe don't change but the thing is if you start vibing with them.

Troy Washington:

Their vibe goes up. Like, it it it but not only that, your vibe goes up. Like, it's kinda like it's it's all working together, and I I think that's where, when you you can see the negative, the the the negative is apparent. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's no way that I can be vibing 100% if I'm looking at the shortcoming that I feel like somebody might possess, but if I'm 100% vibing none of their shortcomings they they they can only they can only serve to be uplifters to me because I'm you I'm only picking out what matters at that point.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And I think that's kinda how, you know, that's again, that's how I frame it. That's how I see it. But go ahead, Jay.


No. I I love that for for for two reasons. Okay. 1, like when you say when when when you're vibing or somebody's vibing, like, it and others join in that, it just it just raises it. Like, I I remember, hearing an example that the book Richest Man in Babylon.


He said, like, if if the king builds a palace, does it not, you know, increase the property value of all surrounding neighborhoods that does not bring in more jobs, does it not put money to the the bricklayer, the this, to that, to that person. Like everybody from the from this one act of of high Biden, so to speak, everyone benefits. Like the what's the phrase? The the tide raises all. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

But but not only that, though, bro. Like, to your point, the king is not going to build the the he's not going to not build the best palace because of the surrounding environment. He's not not gonna do it. Right. It's like


He's like, no. I'm a make the environment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Go ahead. But but I I wanna I wanna give this story that I've told before. So for y'all that don't know, Troy and I, we don't drink. There's nothing wrong with drinking. We just don't drink.


But there was a time where we would go out and have fun and drinking stuff. And I'll never forget. Like like like, Troy, you you are forever my example of definiteness of purpose and, like, not letting anything mess with you. So we were we were in a place where, it it it did have a propensity for racism. It it it is what it is.


And we were out having fun drinking. And back then, baggy clothes was in. And they told Troy that he couldn't get into this one place because, I guess his shirt wasn't tucked in and his clothes was too baggy. And so, he he came out and he tucked this shirt in. I've never seen this shirt tucked so tight in my life.


And so this other black dude came up like, man, that's messed up, man. They they doing all this and and and I'm witnessing this. But Troy was like, man, I don't care. I'm getting in there. I'm going in there, like, and they not gonna say nothing.


And it it was funny because the dude thought he had a an an ally in fighting the power, but Troy's like, man, I'm having a good time. This is the environment I'm in, and we got in. And and I and I'm grateful of that because, like, nothing was stopping his his intent. Like, he was like, this is this is what I came I came out to have a good time. I didn't come out here to fight anything or whatever.


And and and, like, that will forever be etched in my mind whenever I'm feeling wherever I'm I'm wavering about something.

Troy Washington:

Please don't kill my vibe. Like, y'all wouldn't let nobody take my vibe away, fam. I I was in the zone because I don't even remember the zone, but I know. But, again, that goes to my point of somebody shooting. They always say, I don't know where I was at while I was doing it.

Troy Washington:

And if you really know, I don't know where I was at because I just knew that no matter what, my vibe is my vibe. And then everybody that's vibing with me, we're gonna vibe together. Let's go. So I wanna read what, Adena said.


No. Andona.

Troy Washington:

And I'm sorry. I apologize, Andona. We are multidimensional beings with multifaceted aspects. Life is mirrored to the self reflecting us at every level of being. The contrast or those things we don't like that enter our experience present opportunity to become aware of the breadth and depth of us.

Troy Washington:

Nothing enters our experience that isn't on some level reflecting reflected within us, simply put, shows us where our work lies, what limited belief we hold, areas where we need to come into more true understanding of us. And I and I want to touch on it because I even said as much when I say it work, but I also wanna change that phraseology when I say where the work lies. It's what we want. It's what we want. Like, we when we jump a hurdle, we always yell it to the mountains.

Troy Washington:

Man, I ran over all those hurdles. And something in us always wants to celebrate those challenges. And so if if you know that a a part of our being is wanting to celebrate challenges, I don't look at it as work anymore. I look at it as a feat that I put in front of myself so that way I could teach somebody that it can be done. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and and what what I love about what what and Donna was saying was so, like, I remember I I gave the example where somebody might say something foul to me. I'm like, oh, it doesn't matter. Well, if if I take offense to it on some level and similar to what you were just saying, Troy, like, I'm I'm so grateful for it because it's like, dang. Why am I taking offense to this?


This means I I either believe it on some level or I, like, I think it's true. And they they recognize it. Like, I I I hid this away, but they still recognize this of me. And so it's like, dang. I I didn't know I had that in me that I needed to work on.


So it's like those those challenges or conflicting moments, though, those those non like mindedness is actually a a joy in this is actually a stepping stone to help her to show you exactly where you are, who you are, or who you think you are, and as opposed to who you thought you were.

Troy Washington:

Bro. And I and look look, it's a thing now. You know, you can look on social media and find it yourself, But, you know, over overcoming the the Karen or overcoming the Shaniqua. I'm a say both of them. Like, people pride themselves on not getting mad now.

Troy Washington:

Think about that. Like, I wanna show you somebody that's upset, and I wanna show you how I handled this professionally. Right? It's it's it's really a thing. And, again, that just goes to show you that, like, we love to overcome.

Troy Washington:

We love to go against the the norm. Like, again, for me, I didn't when when we were in, Minnesota and I did that, something in my mind had to be like, I know they said I can't get in, but I'm getting in. And it doesn't matter what rules. It don't matter if I'm black. You know, none of that even matters no more.

Troy Washington:

The only thing that matters is you can't kill my vibe right now. And the and and now there's a story for it. You know, if there was video for that, that would be a a great video to share. But these things that we put in front of us, even me talking about my kids this morning, like, if I'm able to come up with a solution that I actually can see the result later, I'm a be like, man, I remember when, because I can't wait to talk about it. And that's how we're built up.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and and those, it it it is a video of it in my mind. Like, it's it's because but that's the that's the cool thing about memories. Like, yes, we should stay in the present, but if you're gonna revisit the past, make sure it serves you in some way now. Like like, you can your your highlight reel of people that stepped into certain situations and overcame or embodied what you wanna embody, like, use that use that to your advantage.


Like, replay that at that reel or replay when you did it. Like like, man, I I remember where when I wasn't feeling confident, and then I stepped into confidence and I and everything worked out like step into that, use

Troy Washington:

that to your advantage. And like you said, like, like nothing can can destroy your vibe. So I I'll say this then. So, you know, maintaining your vibration in challenging environments. Right?

Troy Washington:

And I think that you're saying the same thing that I'm saying. But I'm asking people to recognize that there's no challenging environment when you are 100% vibing because and all the experiences that I've been able to I guess, have in my life that I'm recognizing in the moment that we're having a conversation. In the moments where I was really vibing, where I was 100% in, all on me, I was also 100% in control and again, I know we don't wanna use the the the word control, but I'm gonna say it because I don't know another way to to to to explain it, but I was also 100% in control of the environment around me, like in control of the circumstances and control of the outcome because again the the guy that you use in the example when you're talking about me, I don't know if he got in the club or not. I assume that he didn't. I assume that he ended up being outside mad while we were in.

Troy Washington:

And not only that, I I'm I'm pretty sure that when we got into the club, my shirt wasn't tucked in the exact same way that it was tucked when we walked in. And so when I'm in in in part of the reason why I kinda know that is because I know the end of the story. I had my shirt off. I I know that for a fact. But nonetheless, I facilitated my environment.

Troy Washington:

And I know in the past, I would have been upset about a bunch of different things in that situation. I probably would have been just like that guy who was like man. It's messed up, but the reality of it was I just took control of it all and didn't allow my emotions to dictate my vibe. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. And and that is true. Like, this is our world. Like, from from from our own perspective, this is our world and we are the creators or the co creators of it.


Like, the way I see it is is is just it's just me and god. Like, if it if it's not me, then it's god. Like, like, if so this is God presenting this situation to me so that there's something that I have to learn or something to enjoy. There there's some nugget of wisdom or just awesomeness in this moment. So kinda having that as as my base point, which you can have anything as your base point, you know, that you want.


That's just buying for me. It it makes it more fun to handle tough situations, and see that there are no tough situations. Like, this is just, it's just another Viewpoint to to then go and and do things. Like, even when we do reflect on, like, some of the hardest times we had or the hardest things we ever done is is met with joy because we never been in that situation before and we never knew that we were capable of such things. And had that situation not been presented, had that environment not had those elements in it, we never would have saw who we really were, which is what Adona was saying as well.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And again, you know, I'll come back to harp on and again, I I I guess I can't speak for everybody. I'm just gonna tell you how I feel. Like, I'm always ready to tell somebody the success story. I'm always ready to tell somebody how it can be done.

Troy Washington:

And most people that I'm around, like, even when we were growing and we were doing music, I remember when we had all the artists, the artist would live in a world where they be like, man, when we make it this. You You know what I'm saying? Even I was there when I make it this. Whenever in real estate now, I'm a real estate broker. I haven't always been a real estate broker.

Troy Washington:

But since I've been a real estate broker, there has been a learning curve for me the entire time. But my mind is never caught up. My my vibration is saying, you have a story to tell. And so no matter how difficult the environment is, no matter how challenging the environment is, the vibe that I stay on is I can't wait to tell people how I got through this challenging environment.


And so

Troy Washington:

when I think about that, it's like my the reason why I'm able to keep going is because my vibe don't change. It's going to stay the same. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And I'm glad you brought that too up about the when we make it. I was in that mind that state of mind for for a long time, and I I repeated it. And the reason I bring that up is because that wasn't the my friend that I wanted to be. Like, the when we make it, it's saying, like, later on, things get good later on, then I'm a be alright.


And it's like, no. I'm alright now. Like, I'm I'm I'm living how I want to live now. And and it really everybody is, but we're not always honest about us, honest with ourselves about it. We blame it on something.


We say, well, I can't do this because it is. I can't do that. No. You're living exactly how you wanna live. And I I

Troy Washington:

know we talked about that


in the early episode where our barometer or or meter of of what we accept. If it's not that, we're gonna do what we need to do to get back to that. And so if we wanna change our circumstances, we have to change where that barometer is set.

Troy Washington:

Yeah, man. Stop going for a 100 degrees. I mean, you want a 150 degrees. I I feel the 100%. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

So, I guess we need to, I guess, kinda just kinda walk this through real quick. You know what I'm saying? Like, for me, I think that the first thing and this is always my first thing in all things perfect mode. And, again, I I I I wanna I I guess I'll say this first. You are perfect.

Troy Washington:

The only reason you don't realize it is because you're looking at somebody else. You know, you're you're not vibing on you right now. You gotta vibe on you. You're looking at somebody else and saying I'm not them. Or you're looking at their environment and you're allowing their environment to dictate yours.

Troy Washington:

So I'm gonna I'm gonna cut back and say for myself even this morning, when my kids were being in my own mind crazy. Right? This and I say this specifically. In my own mind, they were being crazy in my mind. In their mind, they weren't being crazy.

Troy Washington:

So this has nothing to do about their vibration. This is only my own and I'm pointing it out purposely because I want everybody to understand in my own mind. My kids were being crazy. The first thing that I did before I reacted was breathe and recognize why I was feeling the way that I feel. Why am I looking at this person next to me and saying I'm not perfect?

Troy Washington:

Why am I looking at these people and saying my my environment is not what I want it to be? Am I happy right now? Okay. Cool. You know, you you have to look at yourself first.

Troy Washington:

You have to analyze where you are. And if you're not vibing, what is the vibe? Go ahead, Jay.


Man, man, to to what you were saying, like, I've noticed that every time since I've had this new awareness that someone annoys me it's because I'm already mad at something with myself. It's the only reason. And and and like you said, it's never about them. Never ever about them. And so so, like, now that I recognize this, I can address it.


Like, why why am I not happy with me right now? Why am I just and it's usually because I'm not choosing to be happy. I'm I'm choosing something else. I'm I'm letting a circumstance or an environment dictate me instead of me dictating my environment. Like I got I like to point out the sun.


The sun that that gives us all the warmth in the world. Like, it's home no matter where it is in space. It it's it's the it's the planets that need the sun but the sun doesn't necessarily need the planets But the sun is happy to give to the planets, but he said, like, this is this is my environment. Wherever I am, come with me and you'll be home. And and that's that's kinda how we should be.


Like, wherever you are, you should be home. And if we can remember that, like, it it it makes, like, challenges, what challenges? There there are no challenges. It's it's just me saying I'm home and I'm at peace with where I am.

Troy Washington:

So, again, that was number 2. So, again, I told you, I I'm gonna stop, and I'm gonna breathe, and I'm going to look at me. Why is it crazy? But again, that that part 2 for you is the awareness. Like, being aware is everything.

Troy Washington:

Recognizing is everything. Like, it's listen. There was no way I went in to ask my son, why are you crying right now? And he told me he don't know. And I it's no way that I can find that out.

Troy Washington:

There there it's impossible for me to find that out without him telling me. And again, that goes back to me saying, okay. Cool. Where where what can I do for my vibe to uplift everybody, to change the dynamic? Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. It's like asking, where are you right now? Like, I'm so when you, when you are aware, you realize where you actually are. It's it's because because usually we're living in a world where I don't know where where we imagined all these things and all these people and circumstances against us where we've probably affirmed that, man, I'm not as lucky as this person or or that. Like, all of that is a state of creation.


And is that really what you want to create in your environment? But when you become aware of of such things, you can realize, oh, that's where I am. I'm I'm here creating what I don't want, acting like I do. I'm I'm I'm I'm making it cool. I'm telling this to anyone who would listen.


And when you become aware of that, you can go to where you really wanna be.

Troy Washington:

Bro, so this is gonna be a little slant real quick. I I gotta throw this in there. And again, it's it's not really a slant because we're talking about awareness here. Right? We're talking about being present and understanding you and understanding your vibe.

Troy Washington:

But this is just something that I I I challenge people to look at in themselves or see if it's something that that ever happened to you. And and and this can be in many situations. There have been times, bro, when I'm driving down the street and somebody does something crazy in the car, right? And I might swerve or I might hit my brakes or whatever the case be. And I'm immediately upset because in my mind, again, I'm only pointing to me.

Troy Washington:

In my mind, I'm mad because they made what I deemed an error. Me not taking into consideration, though, if it was something that ran across the street. I don't I don't know. It could be a 1000000 different situations that potentially coulda happened. Right?

Troy Washington:

All in the same instant, I while I'm upset, I've imagined me running into them or running off the road. Like, I've imagined all of this stuff, which in turn is infuriating me even more. Right? Or I can give you other situations where there was a disagreement between people and the, you know, disagree agreement, they dissipated. Everybody moved about their own way.

Troy Washington:

Right? But then in me internalizing what happened, I imagined a different outcome like me getting into a fight or you know the argument going a lot deeper than it. It actually went And now I'm gonna bring it to today and me seeing my kids or hearing my kids do what they were doing this morning. And I I hear what's going on, but I also internalizing, imagining a bunch of different other stuff like how this could escalate into something. And I'm I'm talking about vivid imagination where I can see these things happening.

Troy Washington:

And, again, I'm just showing you the power that we have, number 1, but the lack of awareness that we truly possess, that we can control. And when if we talk about controlling, bringing yourself back home, and making yourself aware that nothing is real. And I think that's where we get lost. And that's why I think that awareness and you trying to maintain your vibration split ways. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and what you described is I I I've I still do that from time to time. But it's a lot less now. So for example, you were in a situation and then you imagine you you bring bring up the situation or a similar like, oh, I should've said this. I'm a say this next time.


So what you're doing, you're priming yourself. You're you're preparing for more conflict. But again, I said, I don't want conflict. Why am I preparing for more conflict? Why am I picturing me be the hero of this conflict resolution in a in a way that that demean someone else?


Why I look like I'm the victor. And what I like to do in those situations when I become aware of it again is then create another scenario where I spend more time in the positive of that. Because, you know, sometimes we can get down on ourselves like, I did it again. I can't believe I did it. You know, and and and and then call ourselves something that, again, we're not.


And instead of doing that, just spend more time on what you want. Like, it's it's that simple. Add more of what you want and don't harp on what you didn't want.

Troy Washington:

And so and and I I I 100% agree. Right? And that's where I would the reason why I tell people to challenge themselves today because number 1, when it's going on, I always make myself aware. That's the reason why I'm able to stop. That's number 1.

Troy Washington:

But when we talk about maintaining your vibration and a challenging environment, the thing that's making it challenging is because you're vibing. There's something going on, and you're imagining alternate realities that are not real. You're looking at something that's not real because what you're you're saying right now is, I don't like this. If I address this, this is what's gonna happen. But you don't have to even worry about addressing something when you can just stay in your own vibe.

Troy Washington:

And like you said, you just have to be. That's at that point, you and I'm not saying block anybody out. Going back to my my analogy when I was talking about basketball, when when Michael Jordan goes crazy on


the court, or LeBron did let

Troy Washington:

me bring LeBron in. Shouts out to my brother, bruh. Well, LeBron James goes crazy on the court. Everybody on the court starts to pass him the ball. He doesn't have to look for the ball anymore.

Troy Washington:

All he has to do is stay in his zone. Like, he doesn't he they're looking for him to have the ball. Not only that, the people that were not bobbing with him, the pieces of the puzzle that they carry, they just start to be placed. It all works out. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I I love that. I love that that example because that's the truth. When when you're in the zone, everybody feeds you in a sense. They're like, man, they they're in the zone.


Let's let's help them stay in the zone. Let's see what they would do with this. Let's ask them about this. And, yeah, we we should do what we need to do to stay in our zone. Don't worry about nobody else's own be being being your own zone.


Like with the example you gave, if 2 players are in the zone on the same team, oh, they that's almost like a guaranteed win. But how often are many people in the zone together? And let's change that. Let's let's all be in the zone together.

Troy Washington:

Bro, you know what it makes me think of? Shouts out. We're gonna give, an anime shout out. I think you watched Karuko play his basketball. And, the reason why I point you didn't watch it.

Troy Washington:

That's cool. But and then on that one, there was times where 2 people got in the zone and the the so just kinda give you a little brief synopsis of it real quick. This this team that nobody could ever be, but the thing is they're all egotistical and they all feel like they're the best player in the world, So they never wanna pass the ball. But what happens is when somebody gets in the zone, even those people that never wanna pass, all they do is pass the ball to the person that's in the zone. And again, when I think about when I think about this topic and me trying to control the environment, I I I know for a fact just by experience, the times when I'd stopped worrying about everybody everybody around me and I just did what I did, it's like the world just came to me.

Troy Washington:

And I I know it's not an easy place to be because we're so emotionally tied to every sound. Me using my kids as an example, Why would I be shook by kids having an argument? Right? But the reality of it is we're so emotionally tied to so many things. The environment is a challenging environment just because we don't wanna stay in our own zone.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And I I wanna say this because we get a long time. If anyone has any last nuggets of wisdom to share on this topic, you know, feel free to to drop it in the comments. And, and and what I wanna say too is, yeah, like, when you talk about blocking people from, you know, just people that aren't aren't like minded, you're actually fencing yourself in. Like, you you are staying in this little bubble where it's it's no wonder you can't be happy because it's it's like your your your circle or square is just so small that only these circumstances will make you happy.


And and I I like to think of it of of, like, you know, being defensive or taking something as offensive. Like, you're you're building fences around yourself, cutting yourself off from all of this beautiful wonderfulness of life every time you try attempt to cut something off or someone out of your life instead of just being around it. Like, you can you can literally be around every element and be unaffected. Even the people you you deemed as the worst of the worst, you can be around them and be unaffected and in fact, influence them to to to step into their own higher vibration.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And I and I'll say this, man. You know, something that you and I tell all the time is the hybrid. And what that is is I always tell Clay that, you know, I am who I am because of him. I'm a hybrid of him, and that's the same thing that I have with my wife, the same thing with my have with my kids, but that's only because I've been willing to allow them to vibrate in the way that they vibrate.

Troy Washington:

And because of that, I've learned so much. And, again, it was never anybody telling me, Troy, you need to do this this way. I was able to say, you know what? That's something that I like. That's something that I like.

Troy Washington:

And if I had shut them down from being who they are, then I wouldn't have never been able to gain the things that I have today because I would have shut I would have literally shut that out. And, I wanna read this. That's an ego trip. Ego likes to maintain its zone of comfort. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

But I'll tell everybody, man, we love y'all. We're grateful for y'all being here. Without y'all, we wouldn't be here, but we definitely be doing something. But definitely every little bit that y'all give us makes us better. And we are a hybrid of y'all.

Troy Washington:

So when you give us that vibration that you have, whether it looks good to me or not, you make me better. And, Jay, you can go ahead and take us out, man.


Yeah. Appreciate y'all rocking with us again on this this beautiful Sunday. And, yeah, if you found this helpful at all, hit that share button, like, subscribe, all of that. Join us for the fast tomorrow, 24 hour or 24 hours from when you last ate. Kinda recharge.


Get that get that reset in. And click that link too so you can so you can be part of the fasting community that we created. The perfect mode fasting community. And last but definitely not least remember that you are perfect creator. Made by you're perfect creation made by a perfect creator.


So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect

Troy Washington:

mode. You.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, the spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.

Troy Washington:



Perfect. Perfect.