Welcome to the Love, Sex, and Leadership Podcast, where insightful dialogues and transformative teachings await. Join Aaron Kleinerman on a journey to explore the intersections of love, sexuality, and leadership. Through candid conversations with experts and live audio teachings, Aaron creates a safe space for self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace your true power, awaken your soul's wisdom, and live an inspired life as a natural, intuitive, and heart-centered leader. Dive into the mysteries of the universe and unlock the secrets to mastering the human experience. Tune in and embark on a path of profound transformation.
Welcome to the Love Sex and Leadership podcast where you can discover simple tantric teachings to embody your true power, awaken your soul's wisdom and live an inspired life as a natural intuitive and heart centered leader. And when I say being a leader, it's a recognition that there's not another human like you on this planet. Mm There's nobody on this planet that's gone through all of the situations, all of the experiences, all the times you've fallen flat on your fucking ass and still have gotten up over and over. There's not another human like you out there. And if you look out in the world right now, there are some things changing. We can all have many perspectives to it between technology, between politics, between humanitarian needs, between world population, between abuse, between all these different things that are happening. And I know for myself, I've gotten at times in my life overwhelmed by that, overwhelmed by a sense of well, who am I to make a difference? And what I always return to is who am I not make a difference? Who are you not to stand up and to actually stand for what you believe? And to utilize this God given instrument of a body to make that difference, whatever that may be. And I'm not one who's gonna come here and say, oh let's make world peace because I think that's bullshit. Peace and war, create each other. The people that are protesting for peace or creating war. You ever thought about that? So anything in our mind that we recognize, recognize we have a judgment on, we actually create more of, we learned that from our shadow day. So inside of this grand organized design of life, then you have a day to day decision on how you get to show up. Do you show up playing small or being simple? Maybe? And that would be your soul's Dharma. But if you know, you're going to bed every night with a feeling inside of uh there's something more inside, there's something more that wants to be shared expressed. I know one of the things I learned about myself the first time I did a human design reading many years ago, an older friend of mine in California. And she said, if you just on a generator, if I just go and go and go, by the time I hit the pillow at the end of the night I crash. And if you have spoken to any beloved of mine who sleeps, sleeps next to me, it's usually about a four or five second countdown five. Usually they never get to one that's just how I've learned how to utilize this system inside of me. And I also realized a while back through some of my own soul initiation journeys, the places where my ego was identified to wanting to be a difference and make a change. And I actually had to let that part of me die in order to let myself be a conduit and a vessel for spirit to move through me. How many of you know, that that feeling inside? It's like a flow state. And I find for me at this point, like I can't really get off the train. Even if I tried, I've tried a couple of times, it doesn't really work because I know if I'm not living and breathing according to what's alive inside of the purpose and the, the the soul's wisdom inside of me, then when the end of the night comes, I literally can't sleep because my mind is just circulating around and there's what do you call it? Anxiety? I just know that there's stuff inside of me that isn't resonating, that isn't aligned, take a deep breath in. Um And the reality for many of us is often our voice at a young age can get suppressed, can get pushed down. We can be told to not play so big to not speak up so much to not be the loud voice in the room. So all of that programming through time can have the effect of well, who am I to not speak up, who am I to not follow my soul's truth just as I said before, who are you to not do that? But that's in my opinion, the reason and the essence of your incarnation here. Yeah, we're here to have joy and to have fun. And that's also why I love this field of tantra because what it's shown me is that I can live into my soul's purpose and I can ask myself every day God Goddess, how can I be of service today with joy, laughter and abundance and not the self sacrificing service that sometimes pushes you down into a pit that makes you burn out. How many of you have burnt out before? Yeah, we burn out from the place of not self sourcing, coming back into our own places of self love, this journey that we've been on in the chakras. We burn out in our capacity to express our truth, to express your truth. If you don't know love from within, burn out. If you're trying to constantly make others happy and not taking care of yourself, you burn out. If you're trying to fall into the rat race of civilization, trying to find happiness outside of yourself, it certainly can be there. But if it's not here, I've worked with and I worked with millionaires, billionaires, people that have more money than they know what to do with and they're empty inside. Also worked with people that have almost nothing and they're fulfilled from within. So, it's not about money, of course, but it's great to be able to be in your soul's re residence and manifest abundance. Absolutely. Celebrate that. But if the actions you're taking are only trying to get the pad on your back from your mother or father that you never got eventually, no matter how much you do or don't do, there'll be a sense of, ah, I'm still empty. So the unique expression, just like every single voice on this planet has a unique tonality as a unique vibration. My voice, your voice, every single voice comes from our life's experiences, exemplifying and expressing through you. The people that you impact after leaving this retreat is entirely different than myself. Then Tara, the people that you connect to, that you speak to, that you reach in social media that you reach in your local community are different. And the question that I wanna impose is what's the being of the difference that you want to make? Can you love thy neighbor? Can you be the change you wish to see on this planet? As Gandhi said it beautifully. And can you know thyself? And sepp Prorates, said to know thyself sometimes is the toughest journey that we go on. But to know thyself is actually the greatest gift that we can do because in knowing thyself, you know how to express through this self by not trying to be someone else. And marketing and social media. They love to try to sell you something else. I don't want you to be like me. I don't think Tara does either because there's just as many fucked up things about me as there are brilliant things. That's one of the things I also had to recognize when I came on this journey of awakening, of mindfulness, of speaking and teaching and recognizing so many people trying to sell their life's blueprint as the gateway for everyone else. And I think that's bullshit. It's worked for you. Great. You've learned some tools. But if we actually look at the tools that people are selling, I think so, nothing's new. We've just put the copyright signal to it because we want to take ownership that isn't even something to own. Our personalities love to own this stuff. We love to create businesses around it and it's not negating that it's to celebrate it, but to also recognize the humility of it. The humility of every single time for me. I put this microphone in my hand. I have an idea of what's going to come through me. But the moment my mind and my ego gets identified to it, I get in my own way. How many of, you know, when you get in your own way and you're like, fuck. And it's not a matter of trying to get rid of the ego that sometimes controls this voice. It's making friends with it because the ego also supports. I know this place is when I do put this microphone in my hand that having a strong identified ego helps me relate to the crowd to which I'm speaking to. But then through that identification, I can actually help them deidentify with the ego that's relating to me. I don't know if you follow that, but that's actually where the soul begins to awaken. And so if we looked at this body, and we started to rise some of this clearing energy from our base, our animal, our emotions, our sexuality. And as we rise up in the chakras, it's also a recognition that a lot of us tend to be in our mind a lot. We will be teaching you some very specific practices to work with your mind on how to balance and equilibrate your thoughts and perceptions. But this energy, when you let this energy descend, it meets at your heart and your heart is this place of knowing the essence of your soul. But then to speak the essence of your soul in the world comes from the essence from your throat. And this is a masculine pole in our body. So all beings that capacity to speak your voice. But to speak your voice as the representation of the soul inside of you means that there's a conscious understanding of the personality that might try to get in the way of your soul's essence. And when you can see that differentiation and be able to speak and communicate from that place. That the way in which people will receive you is vastly different because what is dying is some old totalitarian ways of people controlling others. And what is being birthed by individuals like Tara and I, and all of you is a group field where we raise each other up where I looked around. As I said the other day, every single one of you as a genus, as a guru is a living breathing inspiration. A manifestation of God on two legs that has a divine destiny to make a difference on this planet, whatever that difference is, whether that's birthing something or birthing someone. But what I do know about the masculine pole of purpose is a purpose driven life for me, creates joy and ease. And I've had times of making a bunch of money but not feeling like that was on purpose and feeling empty inside. But now this thing that I do around the world, I don't really, I guess it's work, but I love it. And that's taken me time to recognize the gifts inside of me, of my own boastful, strong Americano voice that I have my own love, hate relationship with. But I know that that destiny that it took me in of growing up in the US and having classes at a young age of public speaking and working through those challenges at a very young age, I was able to put a microphone in my hand at 25 years old. And even that was older compared to sun by sea. And from that was able to grasp this capacity to initially just have a set a level of self satisfaction and meeting my own ego. Then eventually I realized it was something way beyond me, actually had nothing to do with Aaron as his personality. It had to do with the recognition that I knew someday on my deathbed, I didn't want to look back and say, ah I didn't give it my all. I wanted to be able to say I lived deeply, I loved completely and I utilized all of the skills and resources and all the failures of my life to the best of my ability to be a beneficial presence on this planet. And that's gonna mean something uniquely different for every one of you. There's a vibrational alignment of that the same way that there's a vibration of voice that speaks through you. And I know that the voices and the people that I reach are different than the one to our reaches are different than the one AA reaches. But collectively we together as a tribe, I feel to say to humanity like break the fuck up because things are chipping and changing and not wake up and you need to listen to me, but wake up and remember who you really are, wake up and remember that you are a divine inspiration. Of love, living and breathing this human experience. And I've never met an individual who's tapped into that level of soul awareness and hasn't been able to live from that space. When you tap into that awareness, things naturally die. Of course, it's a death process because I'm not the same human. I was a year ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. The same way the cells in my body are not the same either. And the human that you were walking into this retreat is gonna be different from the being that walks away. And then in that you have a choice. Do you return the status quo of how you were before or do you change the trajectory of how you get to show up moving forward by aligning your heart by feeling your emotions by expressing your wild, beautiful, sensual sexuality and by expressing the beauty of your voice. That's unlike anyone else on this planet that I know more than anything is what will truly make a difference, whatever that difference is going to be, take a deep breath in. Uh and can I see a raise of hands who feels like they're on purpose? They know what they're here to do and they're doing it? They what if you're on purpose, you know what you're here to do and you're doing it like super clear, great and then hands up if you're still discovering what that is. So when I was 21 and I finished my degree of actually the week that I finished my degree that I shared with you on the opening day, I realized that I didn't want to be a micro biologist, but that I, that I just yearned to help humanity. And my dad gave me some really good advice, which was, well, you've got this degree and people want you to work for them and you know, you do enjoy swimming in the ocean like a mermaid and all the other stuff. So, and why don't you spend your time and your travels, finding out how you want to serve humanity and do that and focus on that and your hobbies when you travel, the people who you're around and it was, I gotta thank him for that. It's really good advice. And so I spent a lot of time in India, spent a lot of time learning different modalities sitting with different teachers. And the journey became an inward one of knowing myself and knowing what was me and what wasn't me. The second part of the journey was knowing what lights me up and excites me. And I started to ask the questions like what brings me joy. And I started to sense that this journey of life is releasing the things that haunt us and moving into greater states of happiness in whatever form that is. And so I started African drumming, I started salsa dancing and I'm always trying something new that on my deathbed. I'm not gonna go. Oh, why didn't I do that thing? Because it's never too late to learn. And I stayed open to what serving humanity could look like at one stage. Like, am I meant to be a mother? And that's my service to humanity? Um I meant to sing is that my service to humanity? Am I meant to teach dance, yoga? So you can look different for everyone. And I think there's a lot happening in social media where it's like to be on purpose and of service. We all need to become a life coach or, and then 10 to 1 retrieved and then it's like right ready, right? So I'm kind of the opposite end of that. I trained a lot, a lot, a lot until finally got tricked into teaching by Raven. I'm very smart of her and, and it was great and it was tasteful. And so those of you who are still searching for your purpose, I would say follow your joy and we come out of this education system that is penetrating our mind, telling us what we need to know, telling us what we need to believe. And then once you've finished that don't go traveling the world and actually see how you feel and relate to the world around you. But then go to a university degree and then go really give yourself a permanent head down edge and do an olive or a phd tempting that if you don't have to. So my suggestion for those who are trying to find what it is that might them up is follow what new joy is and be curious about what that, how that's gonna manifest. I, I had no idea that part of my purpose was going to be to sing here. And I couldn't, I was like, kicked out of the choir in high school, like, you know what I'm saying? But actually hearing the song Kong brought me into spirituality and led me to India with my first guru. And then after years of sitting in the mania, the song started to come through me and now and now that, that moves through my body so it can look like anything with your jewelry. It's making jewelry, right? Being a parent and educating your child, what greatest service is there than that sitting in front of people. But explore, take your time to explore. And if I look back from when I was 21 to where I am now, or let it say 21 to I and every single thing that I did in that time, the jobs I had, I did help with safety in one stage. I worked with statisticians at one stage project. All these things, I'm like my God. They had actually trained me and helped me to run this global to school. But I had no, I had no idea I would be in the tradition of T and I was on this like way survey kicking back in my little unit and on Facebook I saw T Trick Sister Circle. I'm like, I don't really know when that is. I just know that I need to be there. And I went to my first trick Sister Circle and there was like breast massage and there's 13 women and then Ravens like eight year old daughter there as well. And I'm just like, this is so weird but feels so right being. And why isn't this taught in school? And then I thought like that, I had no idea. I would be running in the academy a few years later, like no idea. But I started to explore, I remember I tried Kambo, I was exploring with Kambo and exploring with Telco at the same time and my partner and the town and I are like, well, which one do we do? We, where do we spend our money and our time? And I said here, thank God, we come up with this decision and I'm like, feel like t was a bit more fun than puking and pooping to release trauma. Like, let's do the fun one. So we chose joy, joy. And we followed that. And you know, if I, I would also say listen to the signs of what lands you are and a good reference point is to go, what do you love talking about? What would you do for free? And when I fell a tantrum. I could not stop talking about tantrum to everyone. I actually lost friends of friends over which ended up being a good thing. And I did, I started to do it for free and, and support him on as many retreats as I could. But there was no, there was no promise that I was going to earn a living from it. And I look back at the signs and the opportunities that were laid out before me to jump off that cliff into the unknown. And I took little steps, but it ended up spirit being like, oh took me getting RSI being in incredible amounts of pain trying to keep working at my job until I just had to resign. And everyone in my office is like, oh about time, stop, stop suffering. And then two days later, boom, dream phone Raven. She's like, yup, got that message from Spirit and let's do this. I'm like, how she's like, let's start having sessions and then it was just like spirit going. All right. We've been waiting for this flip, create an academy and now we have 12 staff and there's not a week that goes by and there's not some other inspiration that's coming from Raven that wants to be anchored in the earth and a team of people who are now sharing as well this work. So alongside being curious about what lands you are alongside taking the steps to try different things and see what excites you. And I've seen this in so many people who actually do that and they give themselves the space and the time to travel, to participate in events like this to try different things. And then they find that thing that they're like, oh my God, that changed my life. And that's what I want to be a part of sharing it with the world. The other part of it is trust and connection to spirit. So your soul is part of all of creation, right? If we zoom out to oneness, so when you're tapping into your purpose and that thing that you want to bring and doing it well, then remember to connect to source energy, pray for it, ask for it. You have help and you have that connection 0.2 source intentional. It visualize what it will feel like in your body, even if you don't know what it is and then call that in and say I'm ready. Show me because it works. And when you get to that stage that you're really ready to do it, then ah thank for cooling in relationships. When you're really ready to have that relationship, cool it in. If you're not ready, don't cool it in be intentional about your life. If you're about to go traveling, seeing this man's journey over the last what is it? Year was incredible. Left Bali went on this wild adventure trying all these different modalities and he came back just even more amazing and the offering that he's now bringing through into the world sort of inspiring. So if it can happen for us, it can happen for you because we are no different for you. And I have been sitting on the seeds that you've been sitting, sitting as a participant. And as I shared with you yesterday, I've been sitting on those cushions, completely fucked up, completely fucked off. Uh An absolute mess being like, how do I even find my way out of this? And then the next retreat, I'm like all of my breathing. Yes. Find the heel and then the next retreat down in the Madigan Marlo. This ma mhm And so there's a trust in the flow of life and the more that you can be with the ups and downs of life as we've been going through this weekend, then the more you're gonna be surfing your soul wave, not your mind or personality wave. And in that my biggest struggle in business that I'm now finally getting the majority of the time is that when things go wrong, we have two perspectives we can take, oh my God, it's sailing. We're never gonna get that. It's not gonna work or this adversity is showing me how something needs to change. And I'm gonna now take the positives from there and re orientate myself to that. And any successful person in the world has had obstacle shutdown, quote unquote failure. But they choose to stay in that which they're passionate about. Every adversity is a seed to great success. So this changes the soul places to be activated. And you know, I believe in this. I wanna share this. I wanna create this. And so what can I do differently? And then yes, we use the internet, but we also open and connect to spirit and say, sh show me what we need to do differently. The number of times really learn how to do that at the academy. And we're ever doing that with the academy, we are ever learning how to connect with people so that they understand what time is and how they can use it. And then remember that if we're really all, all one spirit talks through life, spirit talks through friends, spirit talks through strangers and so lotus and what, what the reflection in the outer world is telling you and showing you and while I was just the direction to go and notice the reflection outside of you, what feels good in your body and like, oh, I'm excited by that. I wanna give that a go fuck. Yes. My first trip to India, I'd finish my honors. I was at a Amy which is an Indian guru in India and, and a he ton of hers. And I'm sitting afterwards drinking tea with this beautiful man in his seventies and he's like Tara, I've decided I'm gonna go to India. I was doing this like service trip because in Gujarat 2000 and all these earthquakes and these three villages were like so po and no aid got to them. It's like I just had this feeling to ask you, do you wanna come? And I looked at him and I said I am 95% sure I'd come in and I couldn't even believe the words that were like coming out of my mouth. I just finished my honors. I wasn't really a kind of contemplated in your, a little bit, but it was just a full fuck. Yes. And then my housemate was like, I've just done this, the partial thing. It's amazing. I'm like, I have to do that before I go to India. And at that point in my life, it was the best, like the best preparation for going to India. And so I followed what, what came to me, what lit me up and what I felt inspired to do, everyone else was going on applying for phd S. I'm like, nah, I gotta get out of here. I just got to do, I gotta go to India and it changed my world that I landed in India and I was like, I am home and that opened up a 10 year period of the living there quite a bit and learning a lot of which now I get to incorporate the Integra your line and the data