The Power Life Coach

In this episode “From Hustle to Harmony: How to Create Your Dream Midlife”, Sabine Schoepke, the host, reflects on her recent trip back to Los Angeles after relocating to the serene German Alps five months before that. The bustling lifestyle of LA, with its stress and challenges, contrasts sharply with the peaceful, fulfilling life she’s found in the Alps. This experience creates some magical lessons and insights when it comes to creating a meaningful and fulfilling midlife. It reinforces the importance of genuine inner work and taking meaningful actions to create a life you truly love. Feelings are our superpower, guiding us toward the changes we need. While choices are the superpower that allow us to be the creator of our life, even if it is difficult. Knowing that we have the power to choose our paths and make lasting changes is where it starts. Embrace action, not temporary fixes, and pursue your dream life with determination.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

I just got back from Los Angeles to my beloved German Alps this week after I had spent a little over a month in California. It was my first trip back to California since I had left on December 31st and I had completely uprooted myself.
I am going to be very honest when I tell you that I was a little anxious to go back.
I love living in the alps, but the solitude of where I am at sometimes gets to me. So while I was flying back to LA, I thought, what if I like being back in California so much, that I will dread returning back to my monk life in the mountains? What if I realize that it was a mistake to uproot myself from California? I was a little worried.
It turns out though: that did not happen. If anything, this trip confirmed, that leaving California was the right decision.
Of course, it was nice seeing everybody and spending time with my son. But honestly, the LA lifestyle stressed me out. Hours on the 405 almost every day. The amount of people. The concrete. The deterioration of the standard of living. The political and economical situation. People are in survival mode. They are stretched to the limit.
I know I live in a bubble in my little mountain home. The lifestyle, the food, the air, the feeling of peace and safety, the serene and majestic gorgeous mountains it’s another world. And I know I am very blessed that I was able to choose this for myself.
Because here is what I realized: the crazy hamster wheel lifestyle is not inducive to living a peaceful, meaningful and fulfilling life. It is very difficult to find the time and space to do the kind of inner work that I suggest you guys should do. Visiting was a real wakeup call for me. Those 4 weeks flew by for me and I barely got all of my work done. I felt like I was constantly running around or sitting on a freeway. It was super stressful.
I had lived in LA for 28 years and yes, while I knew subconsciously that I needed to get out, it did not hit me like that until I had spent a substantial amount of time away from it all and came back to visit. My heart goes out to all of you who are stretched so thin.
Because it is so so hard to shut out the noise, create the space and the time to do the work that is required to create a truly authentic, joyful and meaningful life and then implement it on top of it. Because that’s a whole other challenge.
So, having said that, let me continue by saying: well, I did it and so can you.
And I am not saying you have to do what I did – relocate onto another continent – but the goal is to feel like I feel.
Feelings are always the goal. I am big on that. Anybody who has worked with me knows I believe, that feelings are our superpower. The good and the bad feelings. Feelings are information that tell us what is right and what needs attention in our lives.
So, what does that mean?
It means that once you know how you want to feel – let’s assume you have figured that out – it will require action. I mean real action. Not superficial bs or fluffy make you feel temporarily better kind of action like high fiving yourself in the mirror in the morning or repeating mantras over and over again.
Or temporary band aid solutions like drowning your pain and frustration in wine or whisky. Or, me-time like getting a massage. Nope, none of that will change a thing. It will feel good for a moment, but it doesn’t change anything. You want change, you need to actually change things.
Imagine putting a seed in the ground – the seed is the knowledge of how you want to feel. And every day you look at that piece of soil and you say nice things to it or even pray. If you don’t step up to the plate and water it, so actually do something, it will never grow.
And that’s unfortunately what a lot of coaches sell these days “make you temporarily feel good fluff or band aid” solution and programs. It drives me crazy!! Especially in the world that we live in, instant gratification is key and that’s what a lot of coaches dish out. But it is a sucky deal for you.
So, don’t fall for it. Save your hard-earned money and find somebody who means action. It might not be what you want to hear at the time, but if you are sick and tired enough, you will get over that and appreciate the hands-on approach.
I am not saying it is easy. By Gosh it is not. It is super tough. Nobody likes change. And if it were easy, there would be a lot more happy people out there.
But, it is possible.
You know why?
Because one of our superpowers – besides the superpower of our feelings – is choice. Whether you realize it or not, we all have choices. Everything else is an excuse.
The world and the system we live in wants us to believe that we don’t have choices. But you do. You actually do.
I was on my stairmaster today and I was listening to Ava Max’s song ‘’Choose your fighter”. Her lyrics hit it right out of the park:
Life is like a runway and you're the designer
If you wanna break out of the box
Wanna call all of the shots
If you wanna be sweet or be soft
Then go off
Don't let nobody tell you you can't
'Cause you can
She also says:
I know this world can be a little
Confusing, no walk in the park
But I can help you solve the riddle
You're perfect as you are
And here it is. That’s the key to changing your life and living a life you love.
You are perfect as you are. Your feelings and your desires of how you want to live this life are perfect. They are valid. And by actually acting on it you give them the respect they deserve. You give yourself the respect that you deserve.
Again, like I said before and Ava Max agrees, life is no walk in the park. But that should not stop you. Just because it is hard. Living a life you don’t love – every single day – is harder.
So, think action, not bs, no fluff and no band aids. The life you are dreaming of exists. But you are the creator. Do what you have to do. And yes, get help. It’s almost impossible to do this alone. If you could, you would have done it already.
So, go get ‘em. Quit wasting time. Your dream life is waiting for you.
Wishing you all an amazing and action packed week. Talk to you guys next week.