News Itch

Uvalde Superintendent recommends the firing of Pete Arredondo.

Law enforcement analyst: Arredondo 'begging and pleading' with Uvalde shooter

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Uvalde Superintendent recommends the firing of Pete Arredondo.

Law enforcement analyst: Arredondo 'begging and pleading' with Uvalde shooter

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Uvalde superintendent is recommending school police chief Pete Arredondo to be fired. Aradondo was responsible for overseeing the response to the Texas mass shooting in May, where two teachers and 19 students were killed after nearly 400 law enforcement officers took 77 minutes to kill and stop the shooter. With police footage made public, parents and officials are furious. Retired Sergeant Cheryl Dorsey was embarrassed.

"It's embarrassing. Uh, you've got a police chief who understands the buck stops with him and we see him fumbling and fiddling with a, a keying of, uh, keys trying to get into a classroom he's begging and pleading with someone who's, uh, mass occurring children real-time, uh, talking to him so politely and carefully asking him questions that obviously he's not gonna respond to. He is the incident commander and now all of a sudden he wants to pretend like, uh, he wasn't in charge. That's his school district. Those are his police officers, and clearly, they're not trained. They're ill-prepared. And now he is trying to minimize and mitigate this bad behavior. And so while he's been relieved of duty, understand he's a 30-plus year veteran law enforcement officer he'll retire. And I'm afraid that there'll be no real accountability, no real justice for these."

Parents were furious with the eval day school board back in June demanding answers, but they struggled to respond.

Parent at meeting: "Y'all didn't verify that doors [were] locked. We had people telling y'all that the doors didn't lock and y'all, didn't do a damn thing about it. Why?"

Superintendent: "The expectation is those doors to be locked? Absolutely."

Parent at meeting: Y'all knew that they didn't.

Superintendent: "Yeah. I, I was not aware that that lock was not working."

Parents also wanted to know the status of a Dondo and whether or not he was still being paid. He did nothing to go in. He didn't try it or anything. Why the hell does he still have a job with y'all?

[Crowd Applause]

Superintendent: "Chief Arredondo is on administrative leave"

Parents in the board meeting, didn't get their wish back in June, but perhaps they will Saturday as the board of trustees will hold a special meeting in Uvalde, Texas at 9:00 AM in the Benson Board room to discuss the fate of Arredondo.