Clydesdale Media Podcast

The Crew catches up to talk about when they get to Ft Worth and what we plan on doing while there.  What have we been up to, and how are things going?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clyde Zone

Media Roundtable.

Yes, the song says we're in the zone now,

but Amy isn't in that much of a zone.

She has not been smoking weed.

She just has some dilated

pupils from an accident.

I went to the eye doctor

because I'm hoping,

I went for a consult for

LASIK eye surgery,

and I haven't been able to

wake up and see since I was in,

let me guess, third grade.

So the fact that I could

possibly wake up and see

this weekend is amazing.

So I had my consult and so

they dilated my eyes.

And so now I'm just stuck between this,

what am I doing?

Do I wear glasses?

Do I wear, I can't see.

So that's what's happening with my eyes.

And if people don't know,

you wear thick glasses.

I have bad vision, yeah.


The first time we went

somewhere together and I

saw you pull out the glasses, I was like,



But the good news is I was

approved to be a candidate.

So I just got to talk over

financials with the hubby.

And that always goes smooth

with Banker Scott.


he's he's really good at keeping us

on a tight budget.

So I'm looking at long term.

Let's look at the long term cost.

You know.

Maybe he doesn't want you to

see him better.

Wouldn't that be funny?

He's like, no, we're going to keep these.

I've been running this scam

for 20 some years now.

Last thing I need is you to

be able to see me.

That's all right.

So you were on vacation last week.

I was.

And you had a birthday.

I did.

I'm 46 now.

And I went to Fort Myers, Florida,

and I dropped in five times at a gym.



Was it a nice gym?

It was really nice.

It was air-conditioned.

In Florida, you don't must have to.


but I have friends that live in Texas

and they don't have Eric.

but it was, um, it was, we did, um,

it was height CrossFit and

I really enjoyed it.

It was like a great group of people,

you know, I felt right at ease.

Um, and w they did proven programming and,

uh, it was nice to be able to like,

just try out different programming and,

um, and all that.

But it was also just, like I said,

five times,

but like to be able to keep my

like routine and on that.

Cause I just went with a friend, um,

who is a non CrossFitter.


to be able to, you know,

keep that routine.

Corey Leonard says air conditioned.

What kind of bougie gym was that?

You know,

it's funny that he said that

because that's exactly what

they said when I was like,

cause you guys are so lucky

of air conditioning.

And they were like, well, we're bougie.

We wouldn't be able to do it without it.

Yeah, she is.


She just called me right

before this to get her

shopping listed for BJ's

before I come home this weekend.

Oh yeah.


But speaking of birthdays,

Charlie's is Thursday.


You know how I know that?

And that's why we're going

to my mom's house this weekend.

We're all meeting there.

That makes, that makes sense.

How old is she going to be?

23 or four?





Hard to believe.

I know.

And just live in the adult life.

Before we move on to kids,

one last thing about the air conditioner.

Okay, sorry.

Did you happen to watch

Hiller's video with Ricky

and Alex in Vegas?

I did.

Did you see the contraption

Alex has in her garage to

keep her cool in Vegas?


That like cools water and

then it puts it into the

fan and then into the air.


Like wouldn't an air

conditioner just be cheaper?

I was wondering that, but.

It was massive.

yeah it was massive and it

was interesting like just

how ricky was talking about

how hot it is and with the

pool like that you have to

fill it up every day like

not all the way but you

know add water to it yeah

um the video like really

made me fall in love with ricky

I know.

I was hoping we were going

to talk about that today

because I really enjoyed it.

And actually,

Charlie and I were talking

about this morning and I

was saying that I think

Hiller does such a great

job of getting people to

open up and to talk.

You know what I mean?

And you have to have that

personality to be able to

do that because I can

imagine sitting on a couch

with him and him asking me

a question and me answering

basically anything he would

ask because it would feel

just like you're just

chumming with a bud.


I've always found that when

we did interviews in person,

it was much easier to get

in those questions than

when you're doing it online.

For sure.

You have to work much harder.


And he just,

he has the capability to be

able to go and spend the day,

which is awesome.

Lex says you've never heard

of a swamp cooler the

closest thing I've come to

that is at Disney World

when they have the misters

throughout the park that's

as close as I've come to

that I have no idea what

that is Hiller has great

videos he just is a douche sometimes

Um, but yeah, the Rick,

the Ricky thing that made

me fall in love because I'm a parent,


Is playing with the kids in the pool.



That just, that totally won me over.

Had nothing to do with his

athleticism or anything like that.

But the way he was playing

with Ivy in the pool, um, was just,

was like, man,

I want to root for him now.

I'll tell you what was making me laugh,

but I enjoyed it because it

was just being himself.

He kept farting.

And they would be like, did you just fart?

No, it was the dog.

Made me laugh.

You've never heard of a

swamp cooler either, Charlie?



You like the heat though, right?

Over the snow for sure.

Yeah, he got the rain odds.

Yeah, I don't mess with that.

Cold weather.

I'd get out of Ohio if I could.

You could.

You know, it's a choice.

It's a choice for some of us.

I just don't happen to be

the one able to make that choice.

Got it.

i wanted to share a couple

pictures before we move on

and that is uh sunday night

we talked about the trends

of og crossfit wear and amy

shared her pictures today

and that is amy at her

first competition it is

look at those sunglasses

too look I was wearing

styles are they gucci no

you don't even know me

those are like tj maxx special

It has that Gucci look on the side.

I was like,

I know she's not wearing Gucci.

I was definitely not.

It was whatever TJ Maxx.

Probably somebody else's glasses.

There's a little tiny Nate Radowski.

There was a little Shmoopy.

Look at that below the hip crease.

I'm getting a truck down there now.

He is too.

He's a little.

L1 coach.

Rocking the world, man.

It's true.

I don't know who that cameraman is.

Oh, yeah.

Look at that cameraman.

He's got his knee sleeves

down around his ankles.

I wonder what he was doing beforehand.

Protecting those ankles when

he trips over a dumbbell.


you were wearing a lot of gear in

your comp photo.

Uh, I was a gear whore back in the day.


What, what is your,

what is your most used piece of gear?

Shoes, not included now.


Now we'll hardly use anything.


I would say wrist straps is

probably the most used.

Yeah, I agree.

I never wore a belt back then.


And now I wear a belt if I'm

lifting heavy.

But that's about it.

And then I do have grips if

I'm doing anything on a barter.


I'm a no grips kind of girl,

even though everyone tells

me I should be.

I'm just not.

Amy, yours is this weight vest, right?

Excuse me.

He's poking at me being heavier,

saying it's that extra weight vest.

I didn't say that.

You just assumed that that's what I meant.

It's okay.

We're back to fighting.

Even on your birthday,

we're going to fight.


did you know we were fighting on my


Scott, Charlie and I were fighting.

You want to know why?

He did not wish me happy birthday.

But then I did.

Then he did.

So now I'm not going to wish

him happy birthday on his

birthday until a while later.


We have those.

Don't we have those, Scott?

Yeah, I actually wear mine all the time.

It helps so much with my asthma.

Does it help?

It really, really does.

It pulls my tongue forward

if you use it correctly.

Charlie just didn't read the instructions.

He just thought it was like

a football mouthpiece from 1987.

I'm just hanging outside of

my helmet and just wearing it.


Like the kids do these days.

They do.

I love the football players

that wear two mouthpieces

on their helmets.

It's like just switch during the game.

Well, I want green for this play.

But then they don't put either in.

That's weird.

does the airway work as a

mouth guard too yes okay

yeah I'm always hitting my

chin with the bar yeah and

it it stops the teeth from

clanging together well I

definitely like grind my

teeth and clench my jaw all

the time and they told me I

should wear a mouth guard

So it goes on the bottom

teeth and there's a bar that goes across.

It's a plastic bar,

but if you put your tongue under there,

it works really well.

Because then it pulls your

tongue forward and your

airway is then bigger.


That sounded nasty.

But yeah,

so I do use that one probably the most.


Um, and I probably need a new one.

Mine's a couple of years old.

So we had one of them worth the games.

We had like the original

frowning ones of them.


The mayhem like first.


1.0 version 1.0.



Didn't you guys get those at the game?

So several years ago.


I thought so.


I got them.

I even bought one for Charlie.

Charlie didn't go to that games.



Yeah, you were there.

I was just a good friend.

We shared with Cheryl.


And the rain came in the window.


But it almost came in the

window another year after that.


There's always a freaking...

hurricane, whatever.


So did you guys see that

Dave Castro finished off 79 interviews?

I did.

I did.

I was purging a bunch of

yesterday while I was folding laundry.

Did you catch the Daniel

Brandon hour long version?


What, what was up with that?

Because he was trying to keep them all,

you know, short.



I didn't, but it's on my list to catch up.

Velner got 30.

Yeah, I did see Velner have 30.

And Danielle Brandon got a

full hour and they recapped

her whole career.


So I have some friends that

may be in the chat who

believe that he really loves Danielle.

You think she's taking Brooke's place?

and top of his so when I

listened to brooks I was

more uncomfortable than

when I listened to daniels

okay yeah um so I think

he's still more infatuated

with brook than danielle

but brook only got 15

minutes well she was the

first one um I was

surprised he got out of

there in like 10 minutes with fikowski


It was everybody but Pat and Danielle.

But I didn't hate the

interview with Danielle.

I thought there were some

good parts with that and

they talked about some things.

But again,

it was more of like a full-on

podcast than what he's been

doing with everybody else.

So Lex says they were both

similar in his smittenness.

the brook one made me feel

uncomfortable the danielle

one did not maybe because

he didn't it was shorter

but I was listening to

danielle's at 1.5 speed oh

my god away the smittenness

aspect for me five speed

1.5 oh as I said I was like

how do you hear that

That's the only way you're

getting through an hour,

trying to get through everything.

Don't give that to us.


There are some people that

talk so slow in this space

that the 1.5 actually

improves the podcast for me.

But yeah.

But I can't honestly believe

he got through all 70.

I am so impressed, really.

I love it.

I love it.

So did you guys happen to

see Pat Vellner on Savant today?

Because they talked about

all of this stuff and like,

should he be doing it?

Should he be connected to the athletes?

And it was,

it was really interesting to

hear Pat's take.

What was his, what was his take?

He thinks he needs,

he definitely needs to be more connected.

The fact that he doesn't

know who the up and coming stars are is,

is not good for the sport.

at like not knowing that

Emma Lawson took third not

knowing or second not

knowing that Alex who Alex

Kazan is yeah like those

are up-and-coming people in

your sport and you should

at least have a familiarity

of the face to a

performance he also thinks

that Dave needs to

look at other competitions

and mistakes that were made

to not make those mistakes in the future.

And Dave's response to Pat

in his interview was, well,

I need to like get away

from it and detox from CrossFit.

And we make enough of our

own mistakes that I can learn from those.

And Pat's response in this

interview today was, well,

how about we be proactive

and not make the mistakes

in the first place by

learning from others?


And at some point you want

to do your job better.


Once you try to learn from others.

And I, I love that Pat is just,

he just says it.




Who are you telling to Charlie?

A little kid.

Charlie, you talking to me?

He's like, keep it down.



But I think that Pat is the

elder statesman of CrossFit

and has really embraced the

get off my lawn character.

He's in that era, isn't he?

But he has a lot of good

things to say in that.

If you just listen to him,

I think it's really good.

But that was a short one today.

It was only 30 minutes.

And if you listen to that at

one and a half speed, man,

you're done real fast.

Carolyn said Pat isn't

sucking up like a lot of

the other athletes do he

says what's on his mind Yes

true So I but it's it's a

good it's a good half hour

if you want to just listen

to that as part of this Yeah,

and one and a half speed is

perfect for that I'm sure

you talked about on Sunday,

but what did you what do

you think about the jumbo and

I thought is I thought of

you because they're

inflatable paddle boards.

And I know that's what you have.

I do.

But I was looking at that.

I'm like, Oh my gosh.

Like, where do you put that?

But there's a big one in a little one.


So we don't even know which

one they're using, but it's team.

I would think the big one.


Yeah, I don't know.

I don't know what the plan is there.

I think they're just showing

the little one to show you

a comparison how massive that is.

That's what she said.

We did talk about how it was

Sam Dancer and Jared

Stevens who are two of the

biggest men in CrossFit,

and they probably need the

big one just to fit.

Okay, yeah.

But I'm excited for paddle

boards to come back out.

Yeah, I hope they do it.

I hope they use it in an

interesting way that makes sense.



So did you see the happy star?



And what did it say?

What was the weight that somebody was,

I think, Wad Zombie or somebody noticed?

So Barbell Spins zoomed in

on it and said 170 lb.


And even his week in review

said that is not the weight.



That he doesn't know what

those numbers are there for,

but that is not what the weight is.


And in the week in review,

he also said the 1600 was a

run for the first time.

Yes, I did hear that.

All along,

it's just been rest 1,600 meters.


Yesterday in the weekend review,

he called it a run.


So little tidbits here and there.

As for the paddle boards,

Carolyn says those look fun.

Dave has always said he

didn't want to program

paddle boards because it's

too much of an advantage.

For people who know how to use them,

however, it's bog programming,

so maybe it's okay.


But isn't that also part of me?

I don't understand that part.

Like, what do you mean?

It's too much of an

advantage for people who

know how to use them.

Like they're paddleboard.



But w they,

we always have to learn a new

implement or do something new.

Like some people might be

really strong swimmers

because they've been swimming forever,

but others just have to do

that workout anyways, you know?


I think, yeah, Dave's big into this,

like what's a skill and

what's like fitness.


And I think he believes that

stand up and this is him.

This is a stand up

powerboarding is a skill, not fitness.


I see what you're saying, Carolyn,

about how people having

advantages to open water versus pool.

But I guess what I would say though,

a standup paddleboard is

you are testing also balance,

which is one of our 10

general preparedness skills.

You know?



It doesn't bother me either way.

I'm just saying what he would say.

I've watched a lot of

reality TV too where their

competitions are rowing

something or paddling something.

How many people just can't

even keep their boat

paddleboard canoe straight?

There is some technique to

keeping everything moving

in a straight direction.

What if a shark bites your

inflatable paddleboard?

Probably not a problem in the lake.

Yeah, you're probably fine.

And those inflatable paddleboard, I mean,

they are very thick.

It's not just, you know,

like your raft that you get

at the Walmart or something.

Okay, an alligator.

That's all Lake Placid.

Yeah, it could be an alligator in there,

but they say there's not.

But there are snakes.

Oh, stop it.

Oh, we didn't say that yet, Lex.

I'm so glad you brought this up.

Did you guys all work that today?

Well, Charlie and I did.

I know that for sure.

I have not yet.

You have not yet?

As in you will be?


Okay, good.

I'll do something tonight.

Here's what Charlie and I did.

this is my normal workout time.

So on Tuesday,

I can't work out until after work.

Charlie and I, Charlie,

did you do independence today?



So it was 10 box jump overs,

then 30 toes to bar, run 200 meters,

then 20 box jump overs, then

No, 15 box jump overs.


15, 25.


Well, I don't remember.


you increased your number of toes to bar.

And decreased your box jumps.

And you decreased your box

jumps for four total rounds.

And I liked it.

And a 200 in the middle.


Um, okay, here we go.

10 box jump overs, 30 toes to bar,

run 200 meters, 15 box jump overs,

20 toes to bar, run 200,

20 box jump overs, 15 toes to bar,

run 200 meters.

I messed something up.

No, I didn't.


30 box jump overs, 10 toes to bar,

run 200 meters.

Uh, we, so I, Lex, we always use, um,

mayhem, uh,

Scott and Kat were using Ibex, I believe.

Is that right?



My workout today is done by Cheryl,



And it's accumulating 100

calories on the assault bike.

with like three minute

intervals of 15 front

squats and so many pushups.

I couldn't find it real quick there,

but yeah.

And then every three minutes,

max calories on the bike

till you accumulate a hundred.

I was going to say, is it,

you're talking about the

workout Cheryl was supposed to give me?

Cheryl's supposed to give you a workout.

She was going to.

Oh, shoot.

Charlie does everything.

That's right.




Got them all.


I could start a library.

You could.

I hope an osmosis just gets

it all into the system if

you just hold it.

Don't do the work.

Do the work.

Put your head down.

Get to work.

He does all the trial periods,

but for one day.

You might get two or three.

Weren't you going to try... Yep.

The answer is yes.

Josh Bridges.

It's on the menu.


Charlie is the poster boy

for program jumping.

You got to find stuff that fits.

Or you could just stay with

one thing even if it's not

your favorite and just keep

doing it for results.

I got the same with nutrition coaches too.

I got like six different macro patterns.


That's the key to success.

You'll hit one of them every day.

You got to keep the body guessing.

He's like,

can we just do a mix and match

programming of everything?

Keep the body guessing.

Never get bored that way.

I hit my macros today.

Macro five today.

Macro three tomorrow.


On my carb cycle next week.

After you intermittent fast.


Do a little throwback to the zone.


I love it.

What do they call it?

Muscle confusion?

That's right.

Nutrition confusion.

I mean, it's confusion, all right.

I'm just pretty much confused.



So one last CrossFit question,

and that is at the games,

events have been announced,

and a lot of them have running.


Now, granted,

it's only two workouts and then Chad,

but very leg-dominant events.

Thoughts on where we're at

right now with the programming?

Are we hoping for something gymnastics?

Of course it will.

I mean, this is the test of fitness.

It's going to be an overall good test.

This is just what we know right now.

I'm not worried about it

being a fair test.

I think we're going to find

out that Bergeron is

actually programming.

I know for a fact that's not.

All this running is just.

That would be, he was more bike.

We ran all the time.

Did we?

It was awful.

Tristan says,

Dave has always been a big

leg volume guy.

Yeah, I just hope it's not.

I hope with the Happy Star

introduction that it's not

just running on the football field,

that it's like my dream is

strongman's fear,

that it is a couple big

apparatus you have to move

down the field and sprint

or handstand walk or whatever in between.


And then I'm fine with the

1600 being an all-out test.

I'm for sure.

I'm feeling like there's

definitely going to be some

handstand walk on turf.

I mean, I just,

I feel like that's going to happen.

I think you need a sprint or hurdles.

Oh, they did.

Who was he talking?


Brooke about hurdles on Dave and Brooke.

We're talking about doing hurdles, but

I have an inappropriate response,

but I'm going to go with the,

didn't she do that in college?

She was a hurdler.

She talked about it.


But said she was remembering

how in the games that they

were penalized for it.

And she goes, that's not how it really is.

And, and track,

like you are allowed to hit

the hurdles and they can fall over.


It slows you down.

Yeah, for sure.

Yeah, I'd be okay with the old sprint,

you know, zigzag hurdle,

the Dan Bailey catch the

sunglasses event.

Yes, I'd love that.

Like I'd be cool with

something like that on the

football field.


But that happy start does

not show that unless you're

carrying that for the 1600

meters or part of the 1600,

like one lap without, one lap with.

It wouldn't be.

I could see it be the whole

one if they were going to do it.

There's no way.

There is way.

It would be wrecked.

I don't know.


It's three words.

Speed, clean, ladder.

I don't see that on the field.


I think that's their time to

get some odd objects out

there that they couldn't do inside.

You could do the speed clean

ladder inside.


What's the one EZ knocked himself out?

Oh, it was a snatch ladder.

Snatch ladder.

I didn't know if you were

talking about the swim event or... No,

that was excellent use of a paddleboard,


You know what?


I don't even think it was.

Was it a paddleboard or was it?

Oh, I don't know.


there was a point where he was laying

on a paddleboard like wrist flipping.


Straight survival now.



Now in the snatch letter,

he did wake up and finish.

He probably had a concussion after,

but it's better.


Excited to see if he

replicates that at the

Masters games this year.


They got a snatch ladder in it?

I don't know events have

been announced for that.


The one I did want to talk about,

I'm heading to the games next Wednesday.

Is it that soon?



Next Wednesday,

Mark from Thick Boy is going to be there,

but not as a booth.

He's there to support the

age group CrossFit Games,

so the teens and the masters,

to help promote the games

from their booth.

He's going to be there.


So if you're at the games

and you want to meet Mark from thick boy,

that's where he'll be.

He's a great guy to hang out with.

Make sure you go over and see him there.

I'll try to be hanging out

around there a little bit too,

as we're doing the behind

the scenes for the masters

CrossFit games.

Super excited about that.

And after we interview Emily Rolfe today,

that will be the last elite

games athlete we're interviewing.

And then we're moving into

masters athletes.

And I've already reached out to a handful,

just trying to get everybody scheduled.

Those masters athletes,

they work full-time jobs, kids.

It's a little bit harder to

schedule than your elite athletes.

Yeah, for sure.

So you'll start seeing those

pop up here and there

throughout the weeks going ahead.

But I'm heading to

Pennsylvania this weekend

to celebrate my daughter's birthday.

That is going to be fun.

Yeah, twin.


Charlie's going somewhere.

I'll be in California.


To a wedding.


What part?




which I will be dropping into a gym.

And doing someone else's program.

I want proof.

You know whose gym is there?


Becca Voigt.

Which one does she go to?

She owns, you mean?


Training yard?

I don't know.

Let's see if it's close to me.

Maybe I'll show up.

So I was bummed because when

we were in Pasadena last year,

we went to another gym and

then I found out Becca's

was like two blocks away.

and it would have been cool

to drop in there because

they have like an indoor

outdoor type thing um so

yeah that so check it out I

mean pasadena is not that

big you have to look for it

what's it calling in

training yard training yard

crossfit training yard

And you'll get some level three coaching.

She's a level three.

I got all the level three

coaching I need in my life.

I know you do, don't you?

What do you think about all

these athletes like asking

for level threes, level fours from Dave?

I haven't seen any of that.

So tell me more about that.

Oh, like Victoria Campos.

She got a free L1,

L2 last year at the games.


She has an L3,

so she asked if she could get an L4.

And Dave said yes and said,

just contact me.

And he wanted to talk to her

about being part of seminar staff.

All you got to do is ask for stuff.

You never know.


like it's a different Dave

Castro it's the more

personal Dave Castro that

we know is like a volunteer

than what you've seen

before so yeah so Wadzombie

says that Becca's is far

from Pasadena but I mean it

was right by the gym we

were going to so and it wasn't a far Uber

And speaking of Wild Zombie,

get your wax packs.


Now wax pack cards just like

you got in 1982.

Pulled them out of the box, got excited.

Who am I going to get?


You open it up and you see.

Who was yours?

What did you get?

So you get five cards in a pack.



five or six uh and I think

nick um made sure I got one

of each in my two packs

that's good yeah I got them

all but super awesome and

it's so much fun because

even because I didn't know

he did that and I still was

excited to see who the

cards were well I'll get

some when there is a con

porter one I'll meet all of

them I'll make a special one for you

with those swimsuits of him and James.

I'm fine with it.

I am fine with it.

Little boys.

Amy's gym already has all

the cons Porter stickers all over it.

It's all over.

Does he still do CrossFit?


He's a team athlete with Emily DeRoy,

Newberry, Car Saunders,

Oh, yeah, that team.

Just that team.

Team, you know, down under.

All right, guys.

Well, we put out our list of 40 athletes,

Carolyn and Jamie and I.

Got our first athlete to

respond to the list today.


Was not positive.


Were they mean?

So I love when that happens.

yeah were they mean or just

like you know talking a

little bit it was uh just

they said whelp that was

not a positive reaction to

where they were placed got

it they want to smoke tell

them do better yeah well

let's not talk crap to

people that we want to talk

to and interview I will okay

Well, when you're a rookie at the games,

where do I place you?

I don't know what you've done before.

I don't know what you're going to do.


Prove us wrong.

When you change camps six

weeks before the games,

is that a positive move or

a negative move?

I know who it is now.

So... All those things got

to be taken into consideration.

You're right.

They do.

So anyway...

And you can't make everybody happy.

Someone's got to be in the bottom 10.

That's true.

That's the thing with lists.

Somebody's always left off

and somebody's always mad.


What's funny, Amy,

last week you weren't here

and we talked all dude stuff.

Oh, did you?

Like all football stuff,

stuff that you always make

us like stop talking about

to get back to.

Oh, okay.


Who's the best wide receiver?

Somebody's going to be mad.



People say it's not.

Big Ten Media Day starts today.


You're not excited for the

football season?

No, I am.

It's fine.

I just know when that happens.

It's literally every day

there's something on TV

that people in my house need to watch,

and it means I get less attention.

Fox added Friday nights.


And in the immortal words of Sean Woodland,

you don't know how good you

have to be to suck at the CrossFit Games.

Ain't that the truth?


Being in the top 40 in the

world is pretty freaking amazing.


Just to make it, I mean,

is pretty freaking amazing.

And this person was not ranked 40th.

Because that was reserved

for Andrea Pinheiro.

And as...

As John Young said in our

chat Sunday night, trend doesn't float.

If you get the semis, that's impressive.



some of us might think if you get to

quarters, that's impressive.

I'll be impressed if Corey

beats me in anything.

Well, so far he has been.

He's done nothing of the sort.

being the top 40 in the

world is kind of a big deal

it comes with many leather

bound books all right well

with that thank you

everybody for joining us

it's been fun we will see

everybody next time on

don't forget to like

subscribe and hit that

notifier and we'll see

everybody next time on the

Clydesdale media roundtable

Bye guys.