The Viktor Wilt Show

Comfort videos, legendary reddit threads, What is a potato?, Californians taking over Tennessee, Sean from KUPD stops by, concrete cell for sale, man lights himself on fire trying to burn down ex-girlfriend's home, brutal heatwave incoming, giving your friends money. 

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Okay. Good morning. Welcome to the Viktor Will show. Wednesday, June 19th. What's happening?

For those of you listening on demand, you just missed something amazing. Me just babbling on about my systems not being set up the way I would like them and then fixing them mid break. It was, you know, top tier broadcasting. Anyway, how's it going on a Wednesday? Can't believe it's already 610.

You know? Look at this. We're gonna be out of here before you know it. I hope. I want a nap.

I want a nap. That's pretty much the case many mornings, but I don't know. My bed was real comfortable this morning. It probably doesn't hurt that I've got a cute little kitten just laying there. You know, you reach over and pet her.

She's real soft. She's all small and cute. And you're just like oh it's so comfortable here okay I guess I'll stand you know how it goes you're awake you get it you had to do the same thing you had to get out of bed all right I would kind of wish that I could just sit around watch maybe youtube today I was reading a thread this morning to wake myself up about favorite weird, not morbid topics to watch videos on. I've discussed some of the things I enjoy watching random videos on. Sometimes it might be morbid.

Natural disasters. But I also watch videos about a a variety of other things. If you're looking for, you know, boring rabbit holes to go down Victor Wilt style, here's some of the the ways I go. You might watch videos about abandoned buildings. There what was the series I was watching?

I think it was on HBO, and I think it was called, like, abandoned history or something. It was pretty good. It was pretty good. They were showing, oh, what what were some of the places? See, this is a good mental exercise for me to do at this hour of day.

Like, come on. Think. You were just watching it. Wake yourself up, dude. What's your problem?

What was some of the stuff in that? For some reason, the only thing that's standing out to me is this, preacher built this, creepy building in Omaha. And it was, a giant broadcasting place with no windows anywhere. It was kinda like have you ever been to, Bonneville High School in Idaho Falls? That's where my kids went.

That school what what's up with the no windows? And I know. Okay. There's a handful, but that's what this building reminded me of. And is it to avoid distraction?

Like, oh, we don't want the the students staring out into, you know, the great wide open there looking at the mountain range, getting distracted from doing school. That's why that guy, oral roberts, made that building that way with no windows. I mean, I I would have assumed it was for a controlled broadcasting situation. You can get your lighting right no matter what time of day. No.

You didn't want the people working in there getting distracted and looking outside. You didn't wanna get the get the job done. But that show is pretty good. I also enjoy watching videos on, let's see. What useless things do I watch?

I guess some historical videos yesterday or not yesterday, maybe the day the day before, I was watching a video about the history of the Saltair Pavilion in Salt Lake. It looked pretty interesting. You know, if you've never been to Saltair concert venue in Salt Lake back in the day, it was quite the elaborate, I guess, amusement park slash dance hall slash it's burned down a couple times. I'm guessing 1 of these shady insurance collection deals. Yeah.

The owners like, alright. Things ain't going so well. It's the great depression. What are we gonna do? That's right.

Just like Nickelback, burn it to the ground. I mean, that's just speculation on my part, But that was pretty good. That was a a decent documentary. Little, 10 minuter on YouTube. I've watched a number of videos about these crazy old houses from the gilded age when, you know, rich people would build insanely massive, elaborate, crazy mansions.

And it's kinda wild because they're pretty much all gone. People would buy the lots in, like, New York City and just, you knock them down. You know some of the craziest buildings homes you know that have ever been built just, you know get the wrecking ball place is a dump Yeah that that's just been some recent things I watch but I I can eat up a YouTube rabbit hole for sure just you know, 1 video after the other. Sometimes some dumb political videos. It's it's funny to watch the new age of media.

Sometimes they're they're like little kids doing political videos, and those are kind of fun. Like, look at look at this motivated little little fella. He's churning out a video a day, and he's got an attitude. I don't know. Maybe I'll have to take a look at what the Internet says are weird not morbid topics to watch videos on.

What do we got here? Japanese vending machines? That's a YouTube rabbit hole. I would imagine from what I know of Japanese vending machines that that that could get pretty crazy. I've only heard of a few different weird ones but I would again imagine there's a there's a lot of very strange items in Japanese vending machines.

Let's see. People watching cow's hooves getting trimmed. I've heard that's a popular topic. I have not watched any of those videos myself, but I have heard that people watching, cows and horses get their hooves trimmed, which is I you know I guess really good for them is very popular Deep sea creature videos. I don't know if I'd watch those.

Deep sea creatures kinda give me the creeps. Machining videos. I I know a lot of people are into those. Building a wooden sailboat. Alright.

See, I'm I'm I'm different than a lot of people out there, apparently. I don't think I'd watch that. Marble racing? Alright. Boring.

Sorry if you're into that. Alright. My brain's getting going a little bit better. I still want a nap, but we're gonna we're gonna continue on in this program. K?

Be back in a second. Legendary Reddit threads. Mhmm. I am reading through 1 called who's the dumbest person you've ever met, and I don't know if I've read this before. It's possible because this is a 10 year old thread.

But this post about Kevin, I figured I would share at least a good chunk of it with you. It's a kind of a long post. It was made by a teacher who said in the last year of teaching, they had this student, Kevin. Now Kevin's not the student's real name, but it doesn't matter because Kevin couldn't spell it anyway. The teacher points out that, you know, generally, everybody's got something they're keen on.

You know, you you might not understand crazy math, you know, formulas and things like that, but you can, I don't know, work on engines or some? Everybody's got something they got a knack for, but not Kevin. Not Kevin. And this teacher threw together a list of, I guess, Kevin's greatest accomplishments in this year of school? Let's dive in.

Let's talk about Kevin. Kind of a base 1. Kevin forgot frequently when and where class was, and the teacher had to retrieve him from other classrooms. Alright. Not not too crazy.

How about eating an entire 24 pack of crayons, puking, and then doing it again the next day? 9th grader. Teacher has no idea where he even got crayons because you don't tend to have those in middle school. Kevin's dad wrote tuition checks and mailed them to me, his English teacher. This was a public school when I gave it back to Kevin, voided, to give to his dad with a brief note explaining this is a public school.

Kevin got in trouble for trying to spend it at a 7:11 after school. Kevin was removed from the culinary arts program after leaving a cutting board on the gas stove and starting a fire twice. You know, as I read through this, you start to go, k. Is this just made up? I don't know.

It's possible somebody would sit down and just churn out this many bullet points just because, you know, just to make people on the internet laugh. But I don't know as it goes on and on, that that just seems like a lot of effort to put in. Perhaps it's not, but we'll keep going. Because the thought of Kevin, even if Kevin isn't real, I I appreciate it this morning. Kevin threw his lunch at the school resource officer and tried to run away, ran into a door, and insisted it wasn't him.

Kevin stole my phone during class. I called it. It rang. He denied it was ringing. Not that it wasn't his or that he did it, but that the phone was actually ringing.

He did this 3 times before the end of the year. Called the basketball coach a, we'll just say, bad name. Basketball tryouts were that afternoon. Kevin tried out. Didn't go well.

And it sound like Kevin's family, you know, got some of the same issues as Kevin. Kevin's mom could never remember which school he went to, missed several meetings because she drove to other schools, none of which he ever went to. Kevin tased himself in the neck before a football game. And then he starts being a real teenager here. Kept a bottle of orange Kool Aid in his backpack for about 4 months, thought it would turn into alcohol, drank it during class, and threw up.

This just goes on and on. I mean, the number of bullet points. I could eat up a big chunk of my show if I just kept going. Alright. Kevin didn't know cats and dogs were different animals.

Alright. And there's lots of, inappropriate stuff that Kevin did too that I'm just not comfortable talking about on air. Jeez. Kevin's father apparently died in a chainsaw accident. Not surprising.

His parents took a trip to Nassau, forgot all their luggage at home, didn't believe him when he told me until I talked to his mom, who told me first thing when I saw her at the biweekly meeting. And I if you Google up Kevin read it I'm sure you can bring up the whole thread and you know read some of Kevin's dating attempts I'm gonna leave him out here I don't know if it's real or not. I don't know if it's real or not, but legendary Reddit threads are a great way to start your day if you're looking for something a little bit different. This could perhaps be the laziest morning content that I've unleashed on this show in a while. But I'm enjoying myself reading through legendary Reddit threads, and I just can't stop.

So I figure I'll just keep sharing them with you. I'm just gonna read stuff on air. I mean, that's all that the people on the news do. Nobody gives them any grief. They're just staring at a teleprompter, reading stuff.

Why can't I do that every once in a while? I interject with with thoughts and stuff. There's a subreddit called TIFU. We'll refer to it as today I messed up, but that's not what it stands for. Do you get it?

Anyway, today I messed up by enraging the parents of my girlfriend by pretending not to know what a potato is. I figured this is a nice Idaho related topic, so I'm nailing it on this morning show today. Alright. Here we go. Let me tell you that I have made a bad mistake this evening.

My girlfriend invited me to dinner with her and her parents. I was very nervous and bashful to be invited to such a situation, but knew it must be done. I met them nicely, I should tell you, and it started off in a good way. The idea slapped my mind. I should do a comic bit to make a good impression and become known to them as a person who is amusing.

When I saw that baked potatoes were served, I got the idea that it would be funny if I pretended I didn't know what potatoes were. Well, let me tell you. It backfired. So first, when the potato became on my plate, that's what what it says here. I'll try to, you know, fix up the wording of this.

I acted very interesting. I showed restrained way, curious and interested. They noticed and seemed confused but did not remark. So I asked, this looks very interesting. What is this?

And they stared at me and the mother said it's a baked potato. And I was like, 0AA baked what is it again? She's like, a a potato. Oh, I've never heard of a potato. Looks pretty good.

And they didn't see I was clowning, but thought I really didn't know what a potato is, so I knew I'd be very ashamed, humiliated, depressed, and disgusted if I admitted to making a bad joke, so what I did was to act as if not a joke, but committed to the act of pretending I didn't know what a potato was. And it just kind of goes on and on where they're like, come on. Come on, dude. You're messing with us. Just admit you really know what a potato is.

And the guy's like, no. I have never heard of a potato. I just know it's some kind of food you showed me. And then I took a bite and made a high pitched noise and said, oh, tastes very strange. And then the dad starts yelling.

Supposedly kicked him out of the house. And the girlfriend's furious as well. Still committed to the act, Telling the girlfriend doesn't know what a potato is. When was this posted? Oh, another 10 years ago thread.

Where's the update? Gotta know. Now, did she eventually kick him to the curb? Did he eventually ever cave and go, I I knew what potatoes were. You know, take her out for some fries and and oh 0 you know there's got to be some excuse you can make.

Alright. I I think I'm done just reading you things online. I think. But you never know on this program what's gonna happen. So you just hang in there.

We'll be back. You doing good? I hope so. Alright. Tennessee, not doing so good.

People there are getting very upset because of all these Californians moving in. In. Checking out an article here from DNYUZ, which I don't know if that's local Tennessee news or what, but, in Gallatin, house prices have gone up considerably. It basically, reading through this article sounds exactly like east Idaho, and the reactions of the I hate life in I hate life in Rexburg Facebook groups. So, Tennessee and several of its neighbors facing an anti growth backlash after what they're calling turbocharged migration helped boost the region's population by 2, 700, 000 people, the size of Chicago.

So they got all this traffic, overpriced housing and, it seems to be driven by transplants from New York and California. So, So, of course, everybody's worried. Tennessee turning blue. It's funny because you dig into the comments, and it's just like around here where you got a bunch of people worried that Idaho is going to suddenly turn blue. 1 of the most ridiculous paranoid thoughts I've ever heard.

Talk to anybody who's moved here. Find me an extreme liberal who moved to Idaho in the last 4 years. Good luck. Good luck. I've talked to many people who moved here.

K? They are not of that political persuasion. But, you know, that's what people get afraid of when they see, I guess, California and New York's moving in. So now you got, the locals in Tennessee trashing people online. You know?

All the liberals moving in to take over Tennessee. It it's just funny because it's like we traveled back in time about 2 years when I read through this article. And I think everybody's kinda come to their senses around here and realized Idaho's suddenly not turning blue. And I think the migration into Idaho's also kinda slowed down a bit. I think.

I don't know. There still seem to be lots of new apartment buildings going up, and the traffic still sucks. I don't think anybody's moved out. That's for sure. There's certain times of the day where I definitely do not enjoy driving around.

I mean, it's still not as bad as it could be, but I don't know what we're gonna do eventually if things do keep growing. Because short of encroaching on people's property to expand our roads, We're just not really built for it. Anyway, this article just goes on and on. I just wanted to let everybody know that like I've said over the last couple years yep. People moving into, more affordable areas is happening just everywhere.

It's not just here, so don't worry. Right now, it looks like now that the prices have been driven up in the Pacific Northwest and Texas, now people are hitting up Tennessee, West Virginia, places like that and, so you can all settle down around here a little bit. K? Alright. As we roll into the next hour I don't know.

I got music and stuff. Wait. What do you think? This is oh, yeah. You might be listening to the on demand thing.

I'll be back then in, like, the blink of an eye with more content that's gonna be amazing. Yeah. Pretty dang sweet, I must say. Pretty dang sweet. Speaking, pretty dang sweet.

You know, we do things pretty dang sweet around here when it comes to the 4th July. Time to make those plans. Time to plot ahead so you can spend your entire day hanging out at the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest. That's right. Hanging out with me.

I'm gonna be at the Teton Toyota stage all day, helping the live music get unleashed on Snake River Landing? Yeah. You're you're gonna come hang out and say hello. Right? I hope so.

Because that's the place to be on the 4th July. Snake River Landing with everything culminating with the biggest fireworks show west of the Mississippi, the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. It's gonna be so much fun. There's a lot of stuff to do as well, of course. Food vendors galore.

Forget waiting for fair time. Mow down fair food. On the 4th July, all of your delicious flay flavor it. Yeah. Look at that.

I'll make up words. Tickets to the Stones Kia Kids Zone, still only $10 all day fun for the kids. And, again, live music all day at the Teton Toyota stage where I'll be. So make your plans now for 4th. Get out there nice and early.

Things kicking off about, 11 AM with the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest presented by Idaho Central Credit Union Mountain View Hospital and us, Riverbend Media Group. Can't wait to see you there. Some Arizona music right there. New 1 from Pussipher, the algorithm. Speaking of Arizona, my friend Sean, stopping by on his way out of town.

What's up, man? What's happening? Just, you know, wishing that coffee worked better in the morning and Right? I know that feeling. Mhmm.

It takes forever to kick in, and then you're like, okay. Cool. But now I'm tired again because it took too long to kick in. Yeah. Usually, by the end of the show, I need more.

And there's I never seem to find any more that nice fine moment when it's just working perfectly and I'm on fire. Right. You know? Or you just you just ride that coffee wave. It's because the bosses keep us too busy, man.

I mean no rest. Yeah. Hey, there's no rest for the wicked. No. No.

You know, I just get done with the show, and then I go stare at my computer building clocks and doing all that kind of stuff for hours and hours. Hurts the mind. Hurts the mind. I know. Right?

So but, hey, it's what brings the, the good stuff to the people. That's right. Keeping the East Idaho radio listeners happy and those listening on all of our apps, our 12 radio apps. Well, make sure to, you know, listen to the station a bit on your way out of town. Yeah.

Let me know what you think of, playlist and such. Absolutely. John, here works at KUPD Phoenix, which, you may have seen me post a a picture with him the last time I was down there. And, thankfully, this time, you stopped by on your way up to Spokane, and I forgot to record this for or that break for the, podcast version that I put online. So, you know, I failed that day.

It was a failure. It does happen. It's okay. Oh, yeah. We'll forgive it.

It's just radio. Right? Yeah. Well It's just radio. I mean, jump on live, drop the ball.

Who cares? Yeah. Who cares? Hey. At least the people that were listening were entertained.

I I would hope. I mean, some shows, as you know, are good. Some are not true. That is true. So this morning's been okay, but a light content day.

So I've been reading stories from Reddit and keeping it kinda lazy. It's kind of a lazy show. It's a lazy, what, Wednesday. Yeah. I should probably find a topic and get the listeners to drive the show with, you know, call in content.

Yeah. Let them yap, and then I don't have to worry about it. Have them have them do your job for you. Yeah. That's the best way to do it.

The best way to do it. So, yeah, listeners, maybe get ready for that. I I think I might need your assistance today. I'll I'll find something fun to chat about, and we'll we'll wing it from there. But, yeah, it was great to hang out with you and show you around, wonderful Idaho Falls yesterday.

Yeah. Some really cool stuff down here for sure. Like, that river the Japanese gardens, those are amazing. Yeah. Yeah.

It it was a nice day. It actually warmed up a little bit. You showed up when we had this weird freak. Very cold spell for June. Yeah.

I mean, I think it's hit everywhere up north. It was just, like, you get up there and you're thinking, okay. It's gonna be June. It's gonna be seventies, eighties, and you're, like, why is it only 50 Yeah. For the high?

Yeah. It was it was nasty, man. But I guess you've got a nice break from the heat. That's true. I will I will take that, which is definitely a pleasantry, but now I gotta go back to the heat.

Yeah. What's it gonna be, next few days down in Phoenix? Oh, you know, a 115. Just the u's. No big deal.

The u's. No big deal. Well, I'll come visit, like, wintertime. Yeah. Yeah.

That's probably the best time to come back. I mean, it is fun to do the endurance test and stand out, you know, side of your vehicle for a few minutes and go, wow. And then, you know, quickly get back into the air conditioning. After, like, 2 seconds. Exactly.

It's unreal. If anybody listening has never been to Phoenix this time of year Don't. Just don't. You know, you might might find it exciting. You might.

Bring lots of water and don't hike mountains. Yeah. Please. Please. Lots of water.

Get, you know, 1 of those, large CamelBaks and then, you know, additional bottles strapped to yourself. Right. And then hike CamelBak. Yeah. Because I think we're probably about due for some of those, you know, evacuation or potential death stories to start popping up in the news.

Wouldn't surprise anybody if that happened again. Well, good to see both of you. Thanks for coming by to say hello on your way out. And, yeah, let me know the next time you're you're coming through. Will do.

We'll we'll do some more kicking it. I like it. Alright, people. Here you go. Yeehawing it up.

I If you wanna live the Wild West life in an overpriced cell, there's this house for sale that, for some reason, popped up on my feed. If you are near a computer and wanna see this place, 60240 Juniper Road. 60240 Juniper Road, Mountain Center, California. Alright. This is a concrete box.

For $1, 600, 000 in the middle of the California desert. It does have some nice desert mountain views, but I don't know. The the look of this place is personally unappealing to me. And if I had 1, 600, 000, this 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 1300 square foot place that is entirely made out of concrete. I don't know.

I just think it might not be the coziest place in the desert. I mean, if you're stuck in the desert, I would imagine a building made of entirely nothing but concrete is probably going to help a bit in keeping things cooler. Right? That's just a guess. I'm no architect.

But still, if you're going to live in the middle of the desert, I don't know. There's something to be said for a little bit of comfort as far as I'm concerned. That that's just me. There is a bed because there's 1 bedroom and then there's a living room with it's got nice big windows. I see an air conditioner, so that's great, but I don't know.

This just seems like it's gonna be a tough sell at 1, 600, 000. That's a that's a lot of money. That's a lot of dough. Well, anyway, good luck to the seller. Renowned architect Charles Martin.

Yeah. They call this an architectural masterpiece. I don't know about that. I mean, it's a piece of architecture, but masterpiece. And I'm a guy who likes weird stuff.

I don't know. If you're looking to blow 1.6 mil, there you go. Maybe that's maybe that's your dream. I hadn't even seen this tab. I opened it, and apparently, it was good freak news content.

Out of Albuquerque, New Mexico, a man decided he was going to torch his ex girlfriend's house, but ended up playing himself on fire. And the failed attempt was caught on the neighbor's security camera. I don't believe that the news article chose the video. Now neighbor said I kind of had to laugh at the amateur hour situation there. If you're gonna commit arson, try to do it without setting yourself on fire in the process.

He got what he deserved. I believe the person is okay. That'll just go okay. There are some still photos from this. This is why you don't play with gas.

Holy cow. I'm amazed that guy's okay. Oh, is there actually video? I mean, I I'm not saying I wanna watch this because it's not great to watch someone light themselves on fire, But I think the fact that the guy ended up being, alright Are they actually gonna show it on the news? I think they are.

There's them climbing the fence. There's the woof. Oh, jeez. Yeah, people. Again, don't play with gas.

Ben, the the ex girlfriend. Do you think she just throws this video on repeatedly and just laughs? Holy cow. I just saw the video from another angle. Dude, stop drop and roll, bro.

What are you doing? He's running. Okay. Let's move along. It's enough of that.

Okay. Speaking of more bad ideas, McDonald's worker got a little upset at a customer who was complaining about their order. So, you know, when this happens, there's a few different things you can do. Close the window and go about your day, or what you do is you you walk outside and you get your gun out and you just start blasting at them. I think you should go with number 1.

It's a a better choice ultimately for the safety of others and also, you know, for yourself. You're not gonna be able to continue working in McDonald's when that's how how you treat the customers. You're not gonna be able to deal with customers at all if you end up end up in jail. Of course, it's a Florida person. And the former police chief of Orlando said, what's becoming disturbing is us hearing more about these types of stories.

Well, okay. Imagine you work at McDonald's in Florida. I mean, you gotta show up to work strapped. Right? No.

You shouldn't. Shouldn't have to do that. It's a rough life headed to the mickey d's Running that drive through. Woah. Woah, dude You worked a drive through at McDonald's, man.

You're crazy. Alright. See what else we got here. Alright. We got a guy selling moonshine at a tire and repair shop in Pennsylvania.

That doesn't sound that weird to me. When you see the location, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Doesn't that just sound like a place where you'd walk into a tire shop and buy moonshine? It does to me. I don't know a lot about Pennsylvania, but that sounds to me like it shouldn't even be newsworthy.

Anyway, yeah, they charged him charged him. How dare he sell moonshine out of his his dad's tire and repair shop. Pappy's tire and repair shop. I mean, why why not just get a license? It's probably not that hard anymore.

Moonshine is for sale at the liquor store. I would imagine in Pennsylvania, it's not hard to get yourself a little bit of a license to sling moonshine. What do I know though? Maybe it is difficult to open your own distillery, moonshine distillery. I don't know.

So, anyway, the poor folks at Clearfield County gonna have to buy their moonshine like everybody else now at the liquor store. It it's it's a sad day for Clearfield County, isn't it? Got a heat wave not seen in decades, helping to send temperatures soaring for most Americans. That's what I'm reading in the news here, and it is coming our way here in, like, a day. The temperatures around here about to take a serious spike.

It's gonna get brutal again, everybody. We had a nice couple days where it was just freezing and all the crops were brutalized by frost. Now we just flip it around and start getting nasty. That's right. By Saturday, mid nineties.

Yikes. I don't like that. Guess where I'm gonna be this weekend. That's right. Hanging out inside of my house.

Guess I better mow the lawn today because, it's gonna be unpleasant moving forward. Speaking of unpleasant and heat, if you wanna go check out the monolith that appeared in the Las Vegas desert I don't think you should. I don't think you should right now. What are Las Vegas temperatures gonna be like? Hold on.

Let's take a look at this. Vegas can be very miserable at, this time of year. But you never know. Perhaps it's not gonna be okay. High of 98 today.

So, yeah. Tomorrow, 105, Friday, 107, then 108, 109. Don't go looking for the monolith in the Las Vegas desert. The Internet will tell you exactly where it is. Now if you're wondering what this is, it's a pillar esque reflective, like, mirror mirrored object that these have popped up in weird areas before.

There was 1 down in Utah, I believe near Moab. Somebody found it on Google Maps and was like, woah. What what is this? What does it mean? And then it disappeared mysteriously.

Somebody went and just stole it, I'm guessing. Another 1 popped up near Vegas a couple years ago. Well, it's back out there. It's back out there in the middle of nowhere in the desert where it's, like, a 110. Don't go find it because it's just a a piece of art, essentially.

It's not a message from aliens. It's just a a mirrored box. I mean, it's neat. I think it's cool that these are out there. It'd be fun if you're out hiking and you stumble across something weird.

But what do you think? Do you think by Monday, there will be stories of people being helicoptered out of the Vegas desert because they tried to go see the mysterious monolith? I bet there will be. Hopefully, nobody dies. It's a bad time of year to put this out there, artists.

You gotta do that kind of stuff during winter. K? That's the time you should be wandering the Vegas desert. I mean, I I don't know. There's actually better deserts to wander but I don't know.

Maybe you gotta go walk off your shame of gambling all your money away and, you know, you need somewhere to cry where there's not a lot of other people. Vegas desert could be pretty good for that. Hey. What's up? It's Victor Wilt.

Good morning. Thank you as always for listening to my radio show. I appreciate your support and company. And if you didn't hear, you can always catch it on demand now, everywhere podcasts can be found. You know, places like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, all over the Internet.

Just search for the Victor Wilt Show and you can listen anytime you please. Maybe you hate music, but you love me and you don't wanna hear the songs. Then you will love this version of the show because it's all me yapping all the time. Yeah. Listen to this voice.

Mhmm. I know. I couldn't resist it either. Alright. There's a guy in Florida who for 1, I'm pretty sure your cell phone is tracking you at all times.

Like, if you're on the run from the cops, ditch the phone. This guy didn't, but he also just left the ringer on. And he decided that he would hide from the police at the place he worked at in the ceiling. Alright? Again, you wanna go to a I'm not trying to give tips, by the way, on how to be a criminal because that's not what this show's all about.

That's a bit that'd be pretty messed up. Don't break the law. Don't be a piece of crap. Alright. You wanna hide out somewhere that is not somewhere they think you might be, like your workplace.

If I was on the run, you're gonna be hanging out here? No. No. Absolutely not. Who wants to go to work when you you shouldn't be there?

Right? Oh, yeah. Peaches. If Peaches is ever on the run from the cops, you know, come here first. He comes here just for fun, like, on the weekends and stuff.

So maybe this guy in peach is related. I don't know. Anyway, he left his ringer on, so all of a sudden the ceiling starts ringing. Boom. Goes to jail.

He's a Florida man. He's an idiot. Once again, not trying to give tips on how to break the law, but the cell phone, hiding at work, ringer on, trifecta of stupid. You know? So, learn from this guy's mistakes, which the number 1 mistake was breaking the law.

I don't know what he did. No idea. I didn't read that far into the the article. I just looked at his mugshot and, the look on his face. He has the look of I feel stupid on his face as he should.

It was an aggravation, the last debate. Endless interruptions barreling over the top of people. I do not have a lot of patience for barreling over the top of people. As you might know, if you listen to me on air, occasionally arguing with peaches. So this this debate, they're introducing a whole bunch of new rules to try to prevent the just irritating scene that we had to sit through during the last debate.

Trying to avoid some of the chaos. Keep things in line. Now, will it actually stay in line? I don't know about that. But it it's worth a try and I'm stoked to see how it's gonna go down.

Because if they could have a actual moderated debate, it would be amazing. And if these new rules actually work, it could make it a tolerable watch. I mean, maybe. We are talking about political candidates so that that could certainly be an aggravation to watch, period. But June 27th, 1 week from tomorrow, you can watch it online at or just watch it on TV if you have cable.

Here's the the new rules that they're going to be implementing in the presidential debate. These are these are great. No opening statements. Who needs it, right? Come out and immediately attack each other.

That's not a very important rule to me. The main 1 that I like is the muted microphones. There's gonna be a red light like a comedy stage, like a stand up comedy show. And when your time is about up, the red light's gonna flash. And then when your time's done, they just turn your microphone off.

It's glorious. I'm sure you wish that we had that type of a time limit here with me sometimes. Just the red light flashes and I have to stop yapping? Well, sorry. That's only for the presidential debate.

Also, no notes. Yeah. They can't come in with a big pile of I mean, they they could store it all in their heads, which that should be interesting to see. 2 old guys try to store, you know, a bunch of their thoughts inside of their minds and unleash it without notes in front of them. Should be good.

No notes, so they can't have their team tell them what to say. This could be pretty good. Again, the muted microphone thing and no live audience. You're not gonna have audience people start screaming at the people on stage because that's become a thing to do to disrupt these type of things. It's just gonna be a nice quiet room.

Will it actually happen? I don't know. I I definitely think there's a good possibility that this debate does not happen. Though both candidates have agreed to the rules, it doesn't sound like enough of a circus. Well, sounds too tame.

I I think there's a good possibility that it doesn't go down. But we'll see. 1 week from tomorrow. I'm hoping we get to watch it. I think every American should watch it.

And then get out and, you know, make that vote. I mean, you don't have to base everything obviously on the debate but it might might open your eyes on some things. Oh, the last 1 certainly opened my eyes. Like, it could not have been more annoyed by the way that played out. I don't even know if I made it all the way through it because of the endless just people talking over the top of each other.

It's like take a deep breath. Wait. Driving me nuts. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. 27th.

Very important as an American to take part in this process. Am I really going to resort to just reading stories off of Reddit again? For now, yes. Because it's, you know, it's a tough content day today. I'm digging.

I'm doing my best. We're not gonna get into political discussions. No. We're gonna talk about chucking meat. Alright.

You cool with that? Yeah. I'm talking about throwing a steak. Alright. Chuck and meat.

This is 1 of those best of Reddit posts, legendary Reddit posts. I talked about these early this morning. This was today I messed up by throwing my steak out a window. Alright. Let's dig in.

Last night, my wife's boss from her brand new job invited us over for dinner. On the drive over, my wife reiterated many times to me just how important it was to make a good impression. I was like, come on. Come on. Come on.

And I'm gonna just start paraphrasing this story and putting it into my own words. Alright. Of course, I'm gonna make a good impression. My wife's boss is a single lady in her fifties, so it was just the 3 of us. We chit chatted over drinks and salads and seemed to be really hitting it off.

She laughed at my well timed perfectly appropriate jokes, and my wife seemed pleased. Soon, she brought out the main course, a nice big juicy steak for each of us. As I began to cut into my steak, I was discouraged to discover how undercooked the steak was. Now I've had my fair share of rare steak. I prefer medium, but I can handle rare.

This was This is beyond rare. Alright? Raw meat. Brutal beef. What this guy had going on.

So I probably could have resuscitated the cow had I tried. Instead, I sat there fidgeting with my knife and fork, worrying about how I was going to get get away with not eating this steak. Claim veganism? No. I'd already feigned great enthusiasm upon seeing the steak.

Don't ever go, that looks great, until you dig in. Just then, our hostess excused herself to the kitchen to take care of some dessert preparations. As I looked across the fancy dining room table at the open window of this 3rd story apartment, a cartoon light bulb appeared over my head. Know I had to be decisive realizing she could return at any moment. I committed.

I grabbed the steak with my hand, gently shook off the juice, and executed a perfect throw right through the center of the open window. The window wasn't open, as I'm sure you were predicting. It was the cleanest window you've ever seen in your life. That is until my mostly raw slab of steak slammed up against it and slowly slid down, leaving a trail of bloody juice in its wake. My wife turned jaw dropped, stared at me like I was an alien from another planet.

Then this looked into or slowly morphed, I should say, into more of a probably I'm I'm going to destroy you kind of look. I lost my place reading this story. Just then, the wife's boss heard the thud of the steak on the window. Came quickly. She took in the scene, steak on the window, the blood trail, empty plate.

Looking at me, like, what what is happening? Sorry sorry. I don't know. I was cutting it and it slipped. I'm so clumsy.

The guy picked up the steak and ate it. Went and got the steak. Ate every what he called disgusting cold chewy bloody raw steak bite. It's pretty funny. Right?

Sorry. It was a story about Chuck and me. I couldn't resist. I know. Could be potentially a little gross for this time of day, but what else am I supposed to do?

Alright. I'll I'll dig more for the next bit of content. I think it's about time for coffee number 2. That's what I think it's about time for. Hope that you're feeling nice and jacked up for the day.

Nice and pumped. Alright. Again, light content day. I've been really struggling. Last bit of this program here to dig up some good crap to share with you.

I was looking through a thread here on Reddit where someone was asked or I guess everyone was asked, if a close friend asked you for $100 and they would repay you back in a few days, how would you respond? And you would expect the top answer to be close friend. Sure. But no, of course, somebody's gotta be all high and mighty. And maybe it's because right now I couldn't afford to just give out a $100.

Like, here you go, dude. I don't know. It would depend if you really needed it for something something important. Sure. And if you were the right close friend.

Sure. But the top answer was I would ask them if they were sure they only need a $100 and not worry about getting paid back. Yeah. Well, good for you. I would just see, you know, generally, it would it would depend what it was for.

Somebody needed medication. I don't know. Medical help. I don't know. I'm sure there's other other things.

Then I might just give them the dough. But what if it's like, I need a $100 because I need some concert tickets. Alright. Well, why don't you pay me back? But, yes.

Here you go. I I suppose. Next answer, depending on why I wouldn't ask for it back. How many people got all this money to just shell out? I know a $100 is only a $100.

Again, it would depend which close friend and what they needed. Because I'd give more than a $100 to the right close friend for sure, just to just to get him to come come hang. Mhmm. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about.

Oh, these people pat themselves on the every single 1 of these answers. I would give it to them without need for repayment. These guys are all liars. You know that these people would, in most cases, be like, yeah. I could probably use that $100 back.

Hey, listeners. Can I borrow a $100 and not pay it back? I need it, you know, for stuff. If the if this many people on Reddit say they'll just give a $100 to somebody who says they need it, Then I would imagine, based on the number of people who listen to this show, and we'll just talk percentages, there gotta be some of you that would just kick it down. Alright, Jade.

Listen. I'm just joking. I'm not begging for money on air. K? There are much better causes to give your $100 to than the Victor Wilt give me money fund.

Alright? Alright. Anyway, we'll be back in a second. Hey. You, how's it going?

You good? I hope so. I hope you're amazing today. Hope the day goes by fast. Hope it's wonderful, and I hope you'll tune back in at noon for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's.

I went to Jalisco's the other day. It was so good. It was delish, top tier. Sound pretty good right now, really. Some of those Jalisco's are open.

I'm gonna find out right now. 11. So an hour to prepare. 2 locations in Idaho Falls. 1 by the river.

1, I guess, by the mall. Yeah. Close to the mall there. You should look up their addresses and go eat it, Hallease goes. Alright.

It's good. It's really good. Okay, all. I will again return at noon. Kick it with peaches at that time.

And in the meantime, I hope the rest of your morning goes good. Be sure to subscribe. Share this with your friends. Let everyone know you can get the show on demand. And, again, thank you so much for listening to this program.

The Victor Will Chell, a production of Riverbend Media Group. To get more info or to contact the show, visit