Perfect Mode

Today's episode is a quick-one. We have some announcements and a key reminder that you should never forget. Get ready to see in real time the effects of your inspiration and also learn about our upcoming 4-Day Water Fast.

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, the spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Let's be perfect. Yeah. Yeah. What up? Happy Sunday to everyone in perfect land, doing perfect things, loving yourself, loving everything, and not judging so that you can see the perfection.


Yes. I'm by myself today. I have some announcements on on where Troy is, but we'll we'll get to to that in a second. But I still wanted to come on here and share some some some powerful things. 1st off, if you haven't already joined our Patreon, we give you a shout out.


We appreciate it. It's a way to support us, like, softly support us as so we continue to bring you this this high quality, high vibe content. And yeah. So make sure you you take out the links. All the links are either in depending on where you watch it, it's either in our bio or on the description of this video.


So, yeah, and it also includes all the links to where you can stream us. We are on Spotify, Apple, all of it. So, yeah, join the Patreon. But the, but but one specific announcement that I wanted to make today, is the water fast. You know, we do this every Monday, but this week is special because we also do it the 8th, 9th, and 10th of every month.


And this coming week, it all comes together. We have, yeah. It's gonna be our first time doing a 4 day fast. I never did a 4 day fast before. I'm excited to to try it to see how far it got.


I've I've done easy 3 day fast. I've done tough 3 day fast. And I I've even had some where I only made it 2 days because it just wasn't happening. So I'm definitely excited to see how this particular one goes. And I wanna invite you to join us as well.


Because, again, it's not even it's not even just about the not eating. It's it's about what the not eating uncovers in your life. It's about how you you really recognize the patterns of how in many ways food can cover up some things and and food can be a source of happiness instead of just something that just adds to your happiness. And when it becomes a source like like anything anything that becomes a source that that it shouldn't necessarily be your source, it can become up more of a hindrance than a than a helper. And this is kinda, allowing yourself to reset.


So but even if you don't wanna do the the 4 days that's coming up on the 8th, 9th, 10th running into next Monday, you can do this Monday, tomorrow. So, again, like, with all of our fasts, you can either either do, 24 hours from when you last ate today on Sunday, and the same thing with the with the 4 day fast coming up the when you last ate on 7th, or you can do it the whole entire day. So when you wake up on Monday till when you go to sleep on Monday. And the same thing with links. Like, we have a community where you can talk.


It tracks your fast time. Like, you can put your exact time when you started, fasting. You can put the mood that you feel, and you get to see the benefits at each hour. Because I think, like, at the 12 hour mark, you might enter ketosis, maybe 18 is heavy ketosis. 24 hour mark, it it fixes, like, old proteins or something.


I don't know the terminology, but it's all in the app. It's all in the community. And, again, that link is either in the description of this video or it's on our profile in the in the thing. Just click on the the fast with us link. What else?


What else? So, yeah, and if you have any questions on the fast, just let us know. Let me know. We're doing a big show next week. We're gonna have 3 special guests on here talking about, their journey doing the fast as well.


So we and we'll be in the heart of it because we'll be on day 3 by the time that airs. Yeah. And the and the thing is too, though, know your intention for doing it. Like, it could be for health reasons. It could be for for getting in touch with spirit.


For me, like, I always say it's to just to connect, just to live off God, to breathe off God. Man is not meant to live off bread alone. I'm I'm I'm breathing in that that God. I I I realized that everything I'm in God for God by God. And by taking this fast to only drink water, it it it definitely helps me get in touch with that.


And people usually have questions too. Like, do you take supplements? Do you put lemon in your water? Do you do any of that? Do you drink coffee, tea?


I don't do any of that. We just do water, but feel free to tweak it based on your needs. Like, if if you're just not ready to to do the no tea, no coffee, or however you do it, do it. But I I still urge you to try to just do strictly the water fast. So before I get into speaking about just observing inspiration, because this is gonna be a short show.


I wanna talk about Troy and why Troy isn't here right now. Troy's son is currently in, a championship basketball game. They made it. They want they'd be who they supposed to be. When I last checked in with Troy, let me see.


He messaged me. Not not yet. When I last checked in with them, They're winning. They and they have a big league. So it's look like they're gonna win.


They're gonna get the trophies, everything. And as you know, as a as a person watching this show, you know all about the the, you know, the basketball, the coaching, and and all of that. So, yeah, I'm excited to hear how it goes down. And he might even be joining us. So So that's the thing too.


Like, if if he might be able to join us from there, but the game is still going on right now. And he might even have it live right now. But yeah. Appreciate you still rocking with us on perfect mode. The briefing that I wanted to speak about today is observing inspiration.


And I realized I spelled it wrong. Observing inspiration. So many times when we go into prayer, or even meditation well, I'll say prayer. Like like prayer, we're usually talking to God. We're usually talking to the higher power, our higher self, the universe, whoever we we speak to.


And it's not often that people listen listen for an answer. And it's a it's a one-sided thing, like, please help me, please do this. Can you do this? Can you help with this? Can you help with that?


And it's with everything, it's all about balance. And some people you've heard people say, God told me this morning, I heard from God, had a conversation with God, but a lot of people also don't know how to hear from God, how to listen. And there are multiple ways and and and and one of those ways is inspiration. So an example may be, you could be sitting quietly in meditation, just listening, waiting for an answer, waiting for what you should do next. And, inspiring thought comes and you're like, oh, I got this thought.


But then you might denounce it in a way and say, oh, but I'm this is I'm meditating right now. And I said I'm a meditate for an hour or 2 hours, but your original attention could have been to have an answer to a specific request or a specific prayer. And that inspiration is one of the ways that God speaks to you. Like, in in some ways, it's audible. It's it's not audible, but it's audible.


Like, I'm gonna say perfect mode 3 times. Perfect mode. Perfect mode. Perfect mode. Now I'm gonna move my my head in the same way, but you're still gonna hear it.


You see what I mean? Like, it it's that kinda audible. Like, you you you hear it, you know it's there, you know that the essence of it. So it's not it's not always out loud too, and it can be from that. But also it can be from, other people as well.


Like, God is is within us all. We're in God for God by God is within us all. So it's natural for us to speak the words of god. In fact, everybody does in some way if we're listening. Every conversation you you come in contact with is a specific message for you to hear, whether you realize it or not.


And in in some ways, it doesn't have to be all profound and all of that, but it it just can steer your mind to a more freer direction to a to a direction where you could it can hear god's voice more clearly. You can hear that inspiration more clearly. So with that in mind, I wanted to give a a a challenge for this week, especially if you're doing any of the fasts this week. That challenge is to observe your inspiration. Like, really observe it.


And it not only observe the inspiration, observe what you do when it occurs. I've had some instances where I got inspired to do something, but then I doubted it. I doubted myself. I I I doubted, could I do it? What would it look like?


What would other people think? I I let all these other messages come into play, come into my mind. And that that moment or that the the inspiration that came could have led me to the answer to the the prayers that I asked before, but I wasn't willing to to acknowledge that in in that sense. And the same can be, like, I I've denied it in other ways too where I'm like, oh, no. That's not important.


I'll I'll do that later or that's not this. I I have too much work to do today. I have too much pressures to to too much too many fires to put out in a sense. And you put out that inspiration, but that inspiration is that's the miracle. Like, that's that that thought or that feeling that you get that if you follow this, you will be in such a high vibration that you can handle anything with ease.


Like like, those fires that you need to put out, they might get put out by themselves by you following this inspiring thought. Yeah. I'll I'll share this this example. So I, hey, I actually remember this this morning. About, like, 4 or 5 years ago, we used to have a mastermind group, a couple of mastermind groups.


And the purpose of it was just to bring our minds together for the purpose of of helping each other out. Like, Like, the combined mind is greater than the sum total of our minds. And so, anyway, we got to talking about how everything you provided for if you allow yourself to be provided for. Like, without even having to do anything extra, except just trust. Like, just trust that you're provided for and you will see examples of it.


So, we're speaking about that, and then I was going into work one day, and, it was a lot of traffic. I was at a light, and there's this dude just kinda walking through traffic. And he kinda he kinda stopped. So I rolled down my window, like, you know, what's up? He's like, man, I know this is crazy.


I need to get I need to get to so and so so and so. My car break down, but I really need to get home. Can you take me? And what's crazy is where he needed to go was about 20 minutes away, but that's exactly where I was going. When I tell you, like, well, it's exactly on the way.


So it might've took me off like 1 minute on my trip. And so I I let him in and he he was thankful. He was he was shocked too. He was like, man, what made you just, you know, stop and and pick me up? I was like, I don't know.


It was maybe it was the conversation that I had before that put me in the mindset that we're all provided for and everything. And so I got to see the other half of that of how I was able to provide for somebody, but it was zero burden on me. Like, I didn't I didn't feel taxed in any way. I didn't feel like anything was taken from me. Like, I lost anything.


It was just me being how I am. And I say that because sometimes a lot of people don't wanna accept gifts from others or accept help because they think, you know, they're gonna owe somebody. It's a burden and it's all of that. But but pay attention to to to these situations on how you help people too and how you don't want anything in return and how easy it is and how unburden burdensome it is to help people out in certain situations. It'll make it easier for you to to accept help as well.


And, again, the the inspiration is key. And the reason I I brought that story up is he was probably inspired. Like, he had no other choice, but he was just like, what if I just go out? He's gotta be somebody that's going out that way. And he followed his inspiration.


It was just weaving through traffic. I don't even know if I was the first person he he asked, but maybe I was the first person who stopped. I don't know. But, it was just cool. And there have been other examples of that where both I've been helped and I've been able to be that to others.


So when you're going through this week, just observe the inspiration you get at any moment. You could be sitting here and you'd be like, oh, I wanna go cook. I wanna prepare a recipe. Oh, oh, I wanna go to the bookstore. Oh, like, follow it joyfully and don't question it if you can.


But even if you do question it, just observe your patterns. Just observe if you do question it. Just observe if you do doubt it. Observe if you if you're reluctant to act on it and and what what's stopping you from acting on these fast judgments? I mean, on yeah.


On on these inspirations. Like, what's what's the judgment that you're bringing in to do it, and how often do you do it? And the the reason I say observe it more than even acting on it is because you can see how often god speaks to you. You can see how how often your higher self is is resonating with with you trying to get you to change your mindset or improve your vibration. Yeah.


And it's and it's there and it's apparent. So that that was that was all I have for today. I wanted to really just pose that challenge to everyone to do why while you're water fasting or why you're not. Or even if you do, like, you might feel inspired too to be like, man, I wanna water fast, but that food too good or I gotta work out and I I was I've been testing this out for myself just so I can tell y'all if it's possible or not. I've been doing strenuous workouts while I've been fasting, and it has not phased me.


I I haven't experienced that difference. I'll say that. Because, you know, sometimes I do get hungry. Sometimes I'm like, man, this is tough. But it's it's no different than had I not worked out.


So you can still do that. You can still go to work. Try not to be what do you call that? Try not to do it as a form of of sympathy. Like, y'all, I'm fasting.


So if you can take it easy, but but but do it do it with confidence. Like, oh, yeah. I'm just doing it fast. I'm not eating today. Like, what?


You're not eating? No. I'm just, you know, doing this fast. So I'm I'm good. Like, keep it normal.


Keep it keep it regular. Shout out to Loretta. I know she does the the Monday fast with us. I'm trying to get her to do 4 days. Well, you could do this is just 4 days.


Start with day 1. Yeah. But, appreciate you rocking with with me as well, Loretta, in perfect mode. And, yeah, I guess I'll end it here. Still haven't heard back from Troy to see if they won, but we'll come back and and keep y'all a foot on that.


Yeah. She laughing. So yeah. So I'll I'll I'll end it here, and I just say just, if you found this helpful, you know, hit that share button. As always, click the links that, that are in this description and and join the community so you can be so you you can see we so you can get help, like, if you're going through it and you're contemplating eating and stuff.


It's a it's a it's a cool little app that's that we can use. And, yeah, just remember your perfect creation made by a perfect creator. So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode. If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into Welcome to perfect tomorrow. Welcome to perfect tomorrow.

Troy Washington:

Welcome to


perfect tomorrow. For there are no excuses, no expectations, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect. Hold up.


Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I know he was ending it. We had to just interrupt because we had a special announcement.


He look heavy. I don't know. I but I don't I don't know. I don't know. What's what's what's give give us the latest.

Troy Washington:

Yeah, man. Champs, baby.


Got that.

Troy Washington:

Champs, baby. Yeah, boys. Won that mug. Won that mug. Won that mug.

Troy Washington:

Like, they


were so quick, bro.

Troy Washington:

Like Yeah. Alright. This mug this mug is is real


real quick.

Troy Washington:

And and, Brody was up in this mug ball and fam. Like Yeah.


What was it was it was it easy win? Was it tough win? Was it

Troy Washington:

In in the beginning, it come here bro, bro. In the beginning, it was it was kinda tough. Right? Come on, Mellow. What do we all they camped.

Troy Washington:

Let them know. Camped. That's right. Yeah. We camped.


Yeah. Score. Y'all remember what the score was?

Troy Washington:

19 to 6. 19 to 6. 19 to 4? They score 4 to 6. No.

Troy Washington:

They they lost it. 19 to 6. Man. Y'all played y'all hardest. Okay.

Troy Washington:

Remember the person that goes to free throws? That's right. That's right. Yes, sir. But good job.

Troy Washington:

That person made, 2 free throws. Y'all going in the car. BME



Troy Washington:

Champs, baby.


So, yeah, we we just ended it. I just I just came on real quick, told them the deal. She had about observing inspiration, gave that challenge and getting people to join the the water fast that they all said that they're gonna join. And shout out to in the house 15 said champs to my sister. Yeah.


Shout out.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. Shout out. Shout out. Shout out. I appreciate y'all.

Troy Washington:

And, yeah, make sure y'all doing that water fast. Yeah. I'm inspired by the kids. Let's go.


Cool. Cool. Well, I'm a I'm a sign up. I'm I'm just going I'm just gonna end this since we already already did the the outro, but, yeah. Appreciate y'all.


Let's get

Troy Washington:



Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.