The Estherpreneur

Have you ever felt like your prayers are falling on deaf ears? You're not alone. In this powerful episode of The Estherpreneur, we dive deep into 20 reasons why your prayers go unanswered—and why some prophecies remain unfulfilled. From doubt and pride to spiritual warfare and generational curses, we’ll uncover the barriers that might be blocking your connection with God.

This isn’t for the faint of heart. If you're tired of sugar-coated messages and ready for the raw truth that transforms, this episode will challenge you to step up, take action, and reclaim the promises God has for your life.

Join me as we break down walls, remove spiritual blockages, and tap into the full potential of your prayers. If you're ready to go from powerless prayers to powerful results, you don’t want to miss this.

Tune in now, and let the truth set you free.

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Join me, Edna Harding, on a journey through spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurial insight, where Timeless Wisdom meets Timely Methods in every episode. 

What is The Estherpreneur?

The Estherpreneur is a weekly chat about doing business and life God’s way. Join your host, Edna Harding as she offers biblical strategies and practical applications to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as she talks with guests on how to thrive in all areas of life. Edna is a Wife, Mother, Growth Strategist, Author, Minister, Certified Maxwell Business Consultant and Executive Coach, an accredited Master Mindset Coach, and Speaker whose message of hope, truth, and wisdom reaches people all around the world.

Edna Harding [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Estrepreneur, a podcast for entrepreneurs and leaders doing business and life God's way. Each week, we discuss biblical and to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as I speak with special guests on how to thrive in all aspects of life. Hi, I'm Edna. Like many of you, I wear many hats. I'm a military wife, mother, author, certified John Maxwell business and executive coach, trainer, and founder of Favor and Wealth who we help the good guys win. So tune in as we bring on the light. Well, hello everyone.

Edna Harding [00:00:47]:
Thank you guys for tuning in for another episode of the Estopreneur podcast. My name is Edna Harding and I am your host. And today we're gonna talk about 20 reasons why your prayers are not being answered. 20 reasons why your prayers do not get answered, And why prophecies go unfulfilled. How many of you guys have prayers that seems like it's on deaf ears? That you do not see the light at the end of the tunnel? That you do not see the answer to something that you've been praying on for years. Okay? So we're gonna talk about 20 reasons, you're probably like, that's a lot of reasons. I know. And trust me, when I wrote this back in April 13th, 2019, I didn't like what I was reading either.

Edna Harding [00:01:41]:
But you know what my friends? I know a lot of you guys are probably on a time clock like, well, I don't have that much time to listen to this because what we have become are baby Christians who can't handle the meat of the word. Okay? God wants us to handle the meat of the word. And so if you are here to listen to baby spiritual food, this is not the podcast to listen to. Okay? Go ahead and listen to Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince. The feel good messages. Okay, we are, thank you Holy Spirit. I feel God. Okay, my friends.

Edna Harding [00:02:18]:
This is not where I wanted to go, but this is where he's taking me. I have been in a season of pressing. I have been in a season of seeking God and really asking the Lord for directions and instructions on what the next step is for me. What is that next level? Meaning, how can I please him better? How can I, you know, bring incense to his ears? Right? What what can I do to make him happy? And he basically reminded me about my call. My call isn't to make you feel good. My call is to actually help you be good. My role is to raise up disciples, radical disciples, disciples that love Jesus and love his word and love his truth more than anything the world has to offer. And so today, my friends, we're gonna talk about 20 reasons, not 5, not 3, not 10, you know, to make it all marketing friendly.

Edna Harding [00:03:19]:
Today, we're gonna talk about 20 reasons why prayers do not get answered and why prophecies go unfulfilled. Alright? Now, if you guys are new to the channel, listened to the other previous episodes, I'm a little bit friendly today, but today, friendly at last those other times, but today I'm a little fired up. Because I'm tired of seeing the kingdom of darkness all up in our face, and then the church is sleeping. The church is, oh, I'm gonna have my beauty rest. I'm just it's not gonna affect me. Welcome to reality, my friends. Brothers and sisters in Christ, I am telling you there is a war call in the spirit realm. This is not a time to sit on the sidelines, to sit on the bench, and let other people battle for you.

Edna Harding [00:04:10]:
Okay? This is not a time for you to sit there and act like, you know, I'm just gonna participate. I'm gonna participation. You're in it to win it. And if you're not in it to win it, get out of the team. Go join Satan's team because I'm here for the warriors in Christ. I'm here for those who are ready to take back what the enemy has stolen from them. I'm here to take back the the territory that the enemy wrongfully took because the church was asleep. Oh, Jesus, Lord God, help me.

Edna Harding [00:04:49]:
I mean, he's leveling me up. He has been, like, just purging me, Waking me up at night. Removing layers upon layers upon layers, names and labels that that men has put upon myself, including myself, like, I put upon me that has limited me from speaking forth the truth because of caring what people think about me. Right? That's not what I'm here for. I'm truly here to equip you with the truth, because it is only the truth that will set us free. All right? So anyway, let's begin. Number 1, the number one reason. I'm just gonna go through this really quickly, because I'm not here to, give long winded.

Edna Harding [00:05:47]:
I'm here to shoot straight with you. Number 1 is doubt. Remove doubt. If you have any doubt whatsoever from believing that God will fulfill his word, that will stop your prayers. Remove doubt. You know, faith moves mountains. Right? The reason why Jesus couldn't do miracles, even in his own city, is because people had unbelief. Number one reason, doubt.

Edna Harding [00:06:19]:
Number 2, pride. You have a history of taking credit for something God did. How many of you guys have ever taken credit for something God damn? For example, the favor on your life. For example, the multimillion dollar deals that you've closed. For example, influence in a city. For example, divine connections. For example, you know, the works of your hand being prospered. I.

Edna Harding [00:06:49]:
E. I'm speaking about myself. These were things that I dealt with. I had to remove that pride. Pride is the second barrier to getting your prayers answered. Number 3, bitterness. How many of you guys have secret grudges in your heart against another believer? Against another person? Against your brother and sister in Christ? Against pastors? Against leaders, against your spouse, your ex, maybe against your parents. You can't have bitterness in your heart.

Edna Harding [00:07:23]:
Because if you have bitterness, it will block you from receiving your reward. Receiving the answered prayers that you have been desperately asking for. Number 4, self centeredness. You know, focusing so much about you, what's in it for me instead of what's in it for the Lord. Number 5. Disconnection. Lack of fellowship with God and his word. If you are connected, if you are not thinking of his word, if you are not connected to the vine, you will not bear fruit.

Edna Harding [00:08:02]:
Okay? You see up here guys, this oak tree, and that's supposed to resemble fruitfulness, the different colors, the little dots that's supposed to represent His fruits of His glory. I didn't get that revelation originally. Right? I meaning this right here, this season, because I can't make you a little bit. I need to back up. Because let me tell you a little bit about my journey. So for those of you guys who have been following me on YouTube or watching me on Instagram or whatever, and as you can see, I haven't really been, consistent with that. But my point is, you'll see that the back of my, you know, my my background has always been different pictures, different things. Like, I started off with a flower.

Edna Harding [00:08:50]:
At one point, I had, like, just a bunch of different colors, in the background. And and I'm usually putting pictures based on what I see in the spirit. Right? So I saw an oak tree, and that's what the Lord told me. He's like, that's the season that you're in. I'm an oak tree now. And mind you, oak trees took time to develop. Right? Oak trees not took, but takes time to develop. And a lot of times, you don't see the the strength of an oak tree or the beauty of an oak tree until it's already out from the ground.

Edna Harding [00:09:28]:
But God was building me internally first because if you look, you see the top part of the oak tree, but you don't see the roots. The roots had to penetrate deep down into the ground and truly bear roots in solid foundation to the point where nothing can move that oak tree even if there are storms. And so that's the process that I had since 2012. So it's been 12 years in the making, and it started out when I got into an abusive marriage, and that's when it started out back in 2012. And then from there, I had a series of challenges I had to overcome. But my point is, if I wasn't connected with Jesus, if I wasn't connected with His truth, if I wasn't connected with the Holy Spirit, if I wasn't connected with the Word of God, I would have never seen the fruits that you see now. Right? The radiance of His glory on me is because of me staying connected with Him. So my point is, if you are not seeing answers to your prayers, could it be if you're not seeing fruits for the seeds that have been planted? And mind you guys, I did another teaching about this a long time ago in my YouTube channel, but seeds are not money.

Edna Harding [00:10:53]:
Okay? I'm not talking about planting seeds or money. I'm talking about planting seeds of His truth, planting seeds of His word. So if you're not seeing fruits from the seeds where the words that you are speaking forth out of your mouth, it could be that you are not connected to the source. Right? You're not connected to the vine. You need to be connected to the fruit, sorry, to the root, you need to be rooted. Thank you, Holy Spirit. You need to be rooted in His Word. You need to have that solid foundation because you will not last the storm, bottom line.

Edna Harding [00:11:29]:
Alright? So are you connected to the vine? Number 6. Okay. Guilt. Unconfessed sins in one's life. Is there anything in your heart, in your mind, in your life? You know, every morning or every night, I always ask the Lord, including my family, we ask God, Lord, if there is anything that have grieved your Holy Spirit, forgive us. Forgive us for our sins, oh God, because we don't know what we're doing. You cannot have any type of unconfessed sin, unconfessed guilt. Right? Guilt, shame.

Edna Harding [00:12:06]:
Put it on the cross. That's gonna stop you from receiving God's answers. Number 7, selfishness. Okay? Are you selfish? Who's king in your life? Is it you, or is it God? Who's the who's reigning in your life? Is it Jesus reign in me, or I reign in me? Who's in charge? Stop being selfish. It's not about what we want, but what God wants for us. Right? Lust. Number 8. Lust.

Edna Harding [00:12:47]:
Okay. What are we lusting after? Are we lusting after the things of this world? Are we lusting after the things, or desiring things that God wants to give us? We have to desire godly things. Right? And so if we have some sort of inner lust or dreams or illusions that are all flesh filled, that are all carnal, that will stop us from receiving the blessing of receiving the answer to our prayers. Does that make sense? Number 9. Resignation. Lack of perseverance. Let's just call it a spade of a spade a spade. Being a Christian requires you to be persevering in every single situation.

Edna Harding [00:13:37]:
Because a lot of times as you, you're not a baby anymore. Right? As you get older and as you mature in your walk with God, you are gonna need to have a muscle, a faith muscle that is determined to be built in spite of the pain that comes with it. Because a lot of times when you build your muscle, you have to tear your muscle, and then it and then it heals, and it becomes bigger muscles. So if you're experiencing some sort of tearing and you quit, you're never gonna build that muscle that God wants to build. So you can't be resigning or quitting whenever bad stuff happens. You need to persevere and know that as you continue to pray, as you continue to ask God for direction and leading, you will persevere, and you will reap your reward, which is the answer to what you've been persevering in. Does that make sense? Number 10, ignorance. Ignorance is the biggest weapon that I'm seeing in the Body of Christ.

Edna Harding [00:14:50]:
People perish because of lack of knowledge. So they are not deciphering the Word in a way that God intended it to be. Instead of letting the Holy Spirit decipher the Word, we're letting other, tainted individuals, people who are operating in the spirit of witchcraft, people who are operating in the spirit of darkness, people that are operating in the wolves in sheep's clothing type of mentality, those people are the people that's deciphering the word for you, and there are, basically ban, what was that word, when they're blinding you with their incantations or their false messages. And the funny thing is a lot of times when people think of witchcraft, they don't think about, they think about the world, but I'm telling you guys, there is witchcraft operating in the church. There are people that are brainwashing you, calling things that are evil good, and good evil. My friends and family, my friends and family, brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray, oh God, that you will open up their eyes, oh God. Help them to see, Lord, with their spirit eyes, their inner man, God, not with their carnality. Father, I pray, oh God, that you will, that your blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus will sanctify and purify, oh God, their soul and their spirit, oh God, so that the truth will set them free.

Edna Harding [00:16:28]:
Holy Spirit, do your thing, oh God, because it's not by my mind, it's not by power, but by your spirit. Holy Spirit, help me, God. Help me explain this, God. You know, I have been where you're at. I have followed so many people that had the influence, that had the calling in my mind or the anointing, you know, that, you know, seems so pure, but yet I myself was being deceived by these bulls and sheep's clothing, teaching, doctrines that did not come from the Holy Spirit, but came from man. And it really dishearten me. It really breaks my heart. And, you know, one thing I can say about this, if you truly want your prophetic words to and your prayers to be answered, you need to line up with the real truth, with the truth that's truly gonna set you free, that is that is line upon line, precept upon precept, a 100% accurate with the Word of God.

Edna Harding [00:17:37]:
Even the things that I'm sharing with you guys, I want you to take it back to the Holy Spirit and ask Him, Holy Spirit, what what is this that you're saying through Edna, and is it true? Like, even me, I always have to before I go on these podcasts, before I even share anything, like at a speaking engagement, at a workshop, I always ask the Holy Spirit to take over. Because I don't want to speak from this flesh. I wanna speak from this spirit because I don't wanna be part of the problem. I wanna be part of the solution, and the solution is Jesus. I'm tired of seeing the body of Christ being defeated, wounded, abused, and used for personal gain from other people. Like I'm tired of seeing that, And the only thing that I could do and pray is that your eyes will be open, and that your ears will hear what the Spirit of God is saying. And He's calling you back to He's calling you back to intimacy with him. He doesn't want you to live vicariously through men, but he wants you to live through the blood of Jesus, to have a connection to Jesus.

Edna Harding [00:19:00]:
He already paid the price. He paid a heavy price just so you could be one with the Lord, just so you could hear his voice, just so you could speak with him. He tore up the veil so that you don't have to go through people like me or through prophets or apostles or through, you know, teachers and evangelists. He wants intimacy with you, and that is the only thing, my friend, that's gonna get you to to discern which truly which word is from him and which one is from the enemy. This is probably a topic that grieves my heart because I see it over and over, and all I can do is pray because I don't have the platform. I don't have the influence. I don't have the reach yet yet. But all I could do is speak from the cave and declare with every ounce of my being that my brothers and sisters, you will be set free in the name of Jesus.

Edna Harding [00:20:12]:
You are set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. I release you in the name of Jesus. I release you from your bondage. I release you from the chains that have been holding you bound because of deception, because of greed. Father, help your people, God. Help your people. Ignorance. Did you know that Satan is the prince of darkness? And in the Hebrew, darkness is Chosek, c h o s e k.

Edna Harding [00:20:56]:
I hope that is correct, Lauren. Chosek. Chosek. Chosec. I don't know. Cosec. Cosec. Thank you, Hope.

Edna Harding [00:21:02]:
It's great. And darkness in Hebraic terms is ignorance. So Satan prays off of your ignorance. The reason why the body of Christ, the church, is perishing, meaning you're not seeing power, meaning you're not seeing fruits to your prayers is because of ignorance. You are ignorant of the enemy's schemes. You're ignorant of the weapons of warfare that are not carnal. You're ignorant of who you are. Those are the three things that's blocking you from receiving the answers and the rightful prophetic words over your life.

Edna Harding [00:21:52]:
Right? The fruits of the prophetic words. The manifestation of the prophetic words is because of those things. Ignorant of the enemy schemes, ignorant of your own weapons, of your own strengths, and then ignorance of your identity in Christ. All right? Number 11, wavering faith. You're not steadfast. You're hot one way. One day, you're cold another day. You're constantly dibbling and dabbling.

Edna Harding [00:22:25]:
You know, you believe one day, and this is a struggle for a lot of us. And I say myself because this is something that I struggled with. But with God, all things are possible. You could truly overcome this overcome this gap, overcome this weakness by the blood of the lamb and by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is something that I had to learn to do, is to not bow down to the prince of the air or to the lies or the accusations of the enemy, but truly believe what God said and says about me. And you have to believe the same thing. You have to believe what God says about you. Alright? Number 12, apathy.

Edna Harding [00:23:16]:
We show no diligence to assist God in the answer. So God tells us something. He says, yes, this is what's gonna happen. And he gives you an instruction and you don't wanna participate. You feel like God it's God's responsibility to do anything and everything for it to happen, when in reality, He wants us to co labor with Him. He wants the part of what it's doing. It could be an action item. It could be something that God wants you to do.

Edna Harding [00:23:42]:
It could be something He wants you to pray. It could be fasting. He could want you to fast and not eat and not drink. You know, it could be he wants you to sow into other people's lives that have the same problem, maybe a smaller problem, but he wants you to reap what you sow. So He wants you to be the answer to someone else's prayer so that He can send you your answer to your prayer. You know, it's like you give, you get what you give, sorry, you receive what you give. Right? So apathy. You have to assist God with the answer.

Edna Harding [00:24:22]:
Whatever instruction he gives you, you just follow. Number 13, presumption. We presume to know God's timing and prescribe our own solutions. You know, it's so funny because I went through a phase in my season, in my walk where I would just run with God. Like, if he tells me to do something, I'm like, run. Not even waiting for him to say go, I just go. I know that. I got myself in so many trouble because of that.

Edna Harding [00:24:51]:
But God knew my heart. He knew my heart. I just wanted to please him. I just wanted to go take action, and I I truly had to learn to be led by the spirit of God and not jump ahead of God's timing. Even though I felt I was ready, even though I felt like, okay, it's go time. I'm ready to go. I've done all these things like you said, and I'm ready to go. And then he hasn't, you know, shoot the gun yet, meaning he hasn't released me yet.

Edna Harding [00:25:16]:
And here I am thinking it's my I'm ready. Like, I know I'm ready. This is it. This is my time. This is my season. And then I try to make things happen for myself, and it ends up becoming a false start. Right? It wasn't my my release yet. It was a false release because I didn't see God's hand in it.

Edna Harding [00:25:37]:
Right? When God's in it, nothing can stop you. Nothing can stop what God is doing through you. But when we try to do things in our own hands, kinda like what Sarah did with Abraham, Sarah tried to make things, he heard, she heard God's promise, she believed God's promise. And when it took too long, she took things in her own hand and made God's promise happen, even though that was not God's promise, it was the counterfeit. How many of you guys have birthed out counterfeit promises because of your lack of patience? Because of your desire to control the circumstances, because of your unbelief, because of your lack of trust in God, knowing that He is faithful to complete and start the work that He's, Sorry. Start and finish, sorry. Finish the work he started. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

Edna Harding [00:26:34]:
All right. Presumption. Number 14. We're almost done, guys. Indifference. We're uncaring. We're compassionless. You know, we have poor attitudes.

Edna Harding [00:26:46]:
Like we It's like you become numb. Like for example, with the elections coming up, you know, you're not voting. You're not choosing to vote. Or you're leaving it up to the air. Instead of, you know, going there and speaking to the school board about standing up for the truth, and standing up for what you know is right according to God's word, we are allowing people to tell us what our values are. So we're indifferent. We don't wanna take action. We just let things happen because God is sovereign.

Edna Harding [00:27:21]:
He'll take care of it anyway. Instead, we don't do our part, and we don't really care to do our part because in our mind, well, we're going to heaven anyway. Regardless what happened, you know, God is sovereign. Oh my gosh, Jesus. I feel the Lord. I'm sorry, God. Okay, let me speak to the churches, let me speak to the pastors, let me speak to those organizations who claim to say that they represent Jesus Christ. Let me tell you guys, this thing about indifference, where you're like, God is sovereign, he's in charge, he will work all things for your good because you love God, because you're called according to your purpose, instead of telling the body of Christ to get out of the out of their butts and take their action, and to step up to the plate, play the game.

Edna Harding [00:28:12]:
If they have power to do something, they need to do it. So if they need to speak to their elected officials, if they need to speak to other grown folks, okay, they if they need to put their money where where they need to put their money at. So for example, stop supporting businesses and organizations that are going against the word of God, and said support organizations and businesses that truly line up with the truth of God. That's what I mean when I say it, indifference. Okay? You cannot be lukewarm. You have to choose a side. It's either you're for God or you're against God. You cannot play devil's advocate.

Edna Harding [00:29:05]:
You cannot play, oh, I'm just a I'm a representative. I represent both sides because I see good in both sides. Okay? My friends, Call evil evil. Call good good. But best believe stop making excuses for evil. Stop it. Quit it. You it's better for you to be quiet and pretend that you're not a Christian, instead of calling yourself a Christian, and then keeping yourself silent, and not speaking truth, okay, towards injustice, towards, genderism, towards, abuse, towards sex trafficking.

Edna Harding [00:29:55]:
My God, Lord Jesus, help us all. I don't even have the words to express the the grief that I feel when I see the body of Christ just silent and quiet, and not speaking truth, because they don't wanna lose their followers, because they don't wanna lose money, because they don't wanna lose their status. And and mind you, these are people that are influential. They'll rather keep it, what do you call it, neutral neutral because they don't want men to look at them a certain way or to or disapprove of them. But in reality, my friends, all throughout scriptures, God teaches his church, his body, his sons and daughters to be bold and courageous. So if you have the platform, you know, for me, you know, yes, I have a little bit of influence, but I don't have as big influence as people who have millions and millions of people following them. Okay? And then these so called people are so called people who love Jesus, who believe the Lord, who says that they walk by faith and not by sign, and that the Bible, that they spend time with God, but in the public, they don't honor him. In the public, they hide him.

Edna Harding [00:31:24]:
They shine they sorry. They hide their light under the basket because they want to minister to everyone. The Bible says that the sheep knows the shepherd's voice, and a stranger's voice they will not follow. So let me ask you, are you following the shepherd's voice? Are you following this false shepherds from another sheepfold? If that's who you're trying to please, if you rather please the masses than the one who died for you, than the one who gave you life and life more abundantly, the one that promoted you into the position that you're at so that you could be his mouthpiece. And instead, what you did is you cowered down and you allowed the pressures of man, I e your representatives, I e the people that's paying you, I e, you know, the people that is your managers or managing your your your your, PR, right, your public relations, your reputation, instead of that, you know, letting them, you know, dig stop, like, not caring what they say about you or not having them dictate how to be, instead allow the holy spirit to fill you with his power, to fill you with his truth. You know, kudos to those celebrities, kudos to those leaders, to those, you know, politicians, to those, moms and dads, to those, you know, CEOs who are speaking forth truth. Okay? Who's not afraid to ruffle the feathers a little bit, and speaking boldly what the Lord is telling them to declare, kudos to you. Kudos to you, my friends.

Edna Harding [00:33:18]:
There's not enough of you. There's not enough of us. We need, it doesn't matter how much influence you have. You have some sort of influence, even if it's just within your own neighborhood, even if it's within your own community. It doesn't take a lot. It just takes one voice. It just takes one person. God used one person.

Edna Harding [00:33:38]:
Martin Luther King, you had Mother Teresa. You know, you have people who stepped out of the boat, who didn't care about what other people thought and was just boldly declaring the truth about God's love, about God's mercy, about God's justice, about God's faithfulness, and then things change. It just takes one person. Be that one. Be that one. So don't be indifferent, my friends. That was number 14. Number 15, unforgiveness.

Edna Harding [00:34:14]:
Forgive. Let it go. It's not for your sake. It's for those people's sake, as well as generations to come. Because when you have unforgiveness in your heart, you pass it on to the next generation. Break that cycle now, because unforgiveness is one of those things that's gonna stop you from moving that mountain, and that's scriptural. I don't have time to bring up those that scripture, but look it up. If you have unforgiveness in your heart, go back to your brother and sister and forgive them.

Edna Harding [00:34:47]:
That's because that's gonna stop you from getting the answers to your prayers. Wickedness, unrighteousness, right? Rebellion, right? Those things, when you continuously act in sin and do the things that you know that are not right, it could be fornication. It could be, I don't know, greed. It could be, lying, stealing. Right? It could be homosexuality. It could be any of that. You know, it's a sin is a sin. Regardless of what it is, a sin is a sin.

Edna Harding [00:35:19]:
Right? Lust. When you think wrongful thoughts, when you have vain imaginations, unbelief is a sin. All of these are sin. It's all equal to God. Nothing is bigger than what I think you Holy Spirit. Actually, there are. There are 7 sins that God hates, and I don't have time to read off read them off read them. But 7 sins that God hates, and you need to find out what those are because I believe that that has bigger consequences.

Edna Harding [00:35:49]:
And for those of you wicked people who is listening to this episode right now for some reason, and you are involved in that wickedness, repent. God have mercy on you, because you do not want to experience the wrath of God. Alright? Unforgiveness, wickedness, number 16. Number 17, laziness. Failure to apply spiritual authority. Don't be lazy. Don't be lazy. Allow people who are ahead of you to speak into you.

Edna Harding [00:36:22]:
Allow the Holy Spirit to chastise you, to meaning to to mold you, to push you beyond your your wildest imagination, like, allow him to purge your character. Right? Rebellion, we talked about that. Wickedness, rebellion, number 18. 19, prayerlessness, not knowing what to pray, how to pray. When in doubt, pray the Lord's Prayer. When in doubt, find the scripture and Psalms and pray that. Okay, I do this all the time, especially when see it seems like I don't know what to pray for. I just find a promise in the word of God, or I just find a song and I pray that.

Edna Harding [00:37:05]:
And number 20, and this is what I wanna talk about for a couple minutes, and that is demonic interference. Demonic interference. Demonic interference. These are demonic forces that individually, by looking for clues at the resistance you are meaning. So for example, look at interference and ask yourself, okay. Do I have all the other 19 things that I've just mentioned? If not, it could be that this is a spirit that is operating against me. So let me give you a quick answer on how to handle that. If you're feeling demonic interference to your prayers, it's pretty simple.

Edna Harding [00:37:53]:
All you gotta do is submit to the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent, humble yourselves, turn from your wicked ways, and let the Lord rebuke the devourer. He will rebuke the enemy for your sake, but you have to submit. You have to surrender yourself to his correction, to his instruction, to his hand, and whatever it is that he tells you to let go, and whatever he it is that he tells you to do, just do it, and allow the Lord God, the Holy Spirit, to fight that battle for you because vengeance is the Lord's. There are some battles that are not your battles to fight, and it's up to us to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit and ask God, God, what is it that you're trying to do in me and through me? What is this challenge? What am I, why am I going through this? What is it inside of me that you're trying to mold, that you're trying to take away, that you're trying to fix, that you're trying to help me become me, and allow the Lord God to fight for you? Because the demons have no power over Jesus. The Bible says that the enemy is under his feet. We sit and reign with Christ Jesus, and so the power already belongs to us. The reason why we haven't seen that power is because we haven't tapped into it because we are not surrendered to his ways, through his instruction.

Edna Harding [00:39:24]:
The Bible says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Righteousness means right standing with the governance of God. Meaning, do we have anything in our lives, right, or in our parents' lives, or in our children's lives, or just any area of sphere of influence? It could be our company. Right? Thank you, Holy Spirit. Some of us, we are being penalized or we being, paying for the price of other people's sin. It's not even our sin, it's other people's sin. And so we need to ask God, you know, if if you've repented from all your sins, are there curses or generational sins that you need to repent of? Because generational curses do exist. And I understand that there is a lot of teachers out there while Jesus paid the blood.

Edna Harding [00:40:14]:
Well, I can tell you that he doesn't go against God's word. And so you have new covenant and old covenant. Right? And, and, you know, I don't really know, like, you know, and thank you Holy Spirit. I wanna say that just because you have cancer, some sort of disease, doesn't mean that it's because, you know, you you're being punished for your ancestor's sins. It could be due to your health. It could be the decisions you made while you were eating when you were when you were well. Right? Like you you don't take care of your body, you get the results of that. So, you know, not everything is a generational curse and not everything is a generational sin, but I do believe that we have a part to play.

Edna Harding [00:40:56]:
We have to cut those cords because, you know, the Bible says that there are consequences. There's 4 generational, consequences to sins, and and if at some point, you're like, okay, something is not something is missing here. Like, I've done all of this, and I'm not dealing with any of these things that Enid just said, It could be a generational consequences. And, you know, for example, your family members could be operating a witchcraft, and then you let them in, and so there's an open door there. I don't know. You just have to ask the holy spirit for help. And, you know, there's a generational thing, but there's also a demonic thing. Like sometimes the enemy just sends his, pitbulls to attack you because he doesn't want you to go to where you're going.

Edna Harding [00:41:46]:
So these are all things that interfere with what you're building because God knows I mean, that God knows. The enemy knows that when you build this thing, it's over for him, meaning he is gonna lose ground. And so the task could be because not because of sin, not because of selfishness, not because of any generational curse, because you broke all of that already. You you repented from all of that, but it could just be the enemy wants to stop you from entering into your promise. And the good thing is the Lord Jesus will fight that battle for you. Alright? Well, friends, I hope that this episode was beneficial to you. I hope that it's something that you would share with your friends and family. I hope that it encouraged you.

Edna Harding [00:42:37]:
You know, my role and my goal is to edify you, not just chastise you. So I truly want to edify the body of Christ, and you cannot edify the body of Christ without speaking the truth. And I hope that the truth has truly, truly, truly set you free, my friends. And so, I pray that you continue to be blessed. I pray that you continue to hunger and thirst for righteousness. I pray that this episode will be something that you'll keep for a long time to remind you of how great God is and how awesome you are. Blessings, my friends, and until next time, keep shining. Bye, guys.

Edna Harding [00:43:18]:
Have a good day. Thanks for joining us this week on Estapreneur. Make sure to visit our website,, for more information on our services. While you're at it, if you found value in this show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Or if you simply tell a friend about the show, that would help me out too. Also, check out my book, The Old New Side of Sales, available on Amazon, where I share 7 of my secrets on how to win and grow business the right way. Until next time, keep shining.