Advent with the Angels

Take a moment and breathe. Life doesn’t have
to be so fast, so intense all the time. It is ok to
take a break. How can you be peaceful while
you are rushing around ?

Take a deep breath - right now - and another
deep breath - and one more - relax and smile !
This is not a magic trick, but it works just as
well. Don’t you agree that it is magical even to
be here, right now ? Take nothing for granted,
for tomorrow may look very different indeed.
We need your input, your support right now.

Peace is achievable on many levels, but there
needs to be an impulse, a will: the will to make
peace and the trust and confidence that this is

We are not talking about governments and
interest groups - we are talking about the will
of the people. Are they making themselves
heard ? Or do they in turn call for more
conflict ?

In this world it is not easy to keep the peace - so
diverse are the people and interests. Yet there
are some issues most people will agree upon:
Children need protection to live a happy life
and everybody wants to live in peace.

You have hardly any teachings about how to
achieve this peace in a healthy way, not many
guidelines except your own conscience.
We provide you here with some suggestions
which in most cases will prove to be sufficient.

Take responsibility for your feelings, thoughts
and actions. Nobody else is responsible for
your life - accept that you are the master of
your life. 

Make wise choices for your life: Choose peace
over conflict, love over aggression, kindness
over suffering, caring over blame and
friendship over criticism.

If anybody asks you for help and assistance,
provide it to your ability - no more and no less
is required.

Laugh more, smile easily, hope always.

Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Live life to the fullest. 

Be courageous - it is the spice of life. 

Say yes when you mean yes, say no when you
mean no.  

Support those who are vulnerable, who cannot
support themselves.

Tell people how much you love and appreciate
them. You have no idea how much some
positive words, spoken sincerely, can lift a
person’s soul for a lifetime.

Maybe you expected more suggestions for
conflict resolution, but in truth, when the
conflict has already arisen on a big scale, it is
usually too late.

Yes, you can always try to mitigate the effects,
but the scars - emotional as well as physical -
stay, until one day they may be healed.

It is much better to prepare the ground for
good relationships and a happy sense of being.
If these are too many suggestions all at once,
you can start with focussing on one per day.
Watch how your life around you changes and
feel how it changes you as well.

Make Peace happen - because you can ! 

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

25 December

Angel of Peace

Take a moment and breathe. Life doesn’t have
to be so fast, so intense all the time. It is ok to
take a break. How can you be peaceful while
you are rushing around ?

Take a deep breath - right now - and another
deep breath - and one more - relax and smile !
This is not a magic trick, but it works just as
well. Don’t you agree that it is magical even to
be here, right now ? Take nothing for granted,
for tomorrow may look very different indeed.
We need your input, your support right now.

Peace is achievable on many levels, but there
needs to be an impulse, a will: the will to make
peace and the trust and confidence that this is

We are not talking about governments and
interest groups - we are talking about the will
of the people. Are they making themselves
heard ? Or do they in turn call for more
conflict ?

In this world it is not easy to keep the peace - so
diverse are the people and interests. Yet there
are some issues most people will agree upon:
Children need protection to live a happy life
and everybody wants to live in peace.

You have hardly any teachings about how to
achieve this peace in a healthy way, not many
guidelines except your own conscience.
We provide you here with some suggestions
which in most cases will prove to be sufficient.

Take responsibility for your feelings, thoughts
and actions. Nobody else is responsible for
your life - accept that you are the master of
your life.

Make wise choices for your life: Choose peace
over conflict, love over aggression, kindness
over suffering, caring over blame and
friendship over criticism.

If anybody asks you for help and assistance,
provide it to your ability - no more and no less
is required.

Laugh more, smile easily, hope always.

Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Live life to the fullest.

Be courageous - it is the spice of life.

Say yes when you mean yes, say no when you
mean no.

Support those who are vulnerable, who cannot
support themselves.

Tell people how much you love and appreciate
them. You have no idea how much some
positive words, spoken sincerely, can lift a
person’s soul for a lifetime.

Maybe you expected more suggestions for
conflict resolution, but in truth, when the
conflict has already arisen on a big scale, it is
usually too late.

Yes, you can always try to mitigate the effects,
but the scars - emotional as well as physical -
stay, until one day they may be healed.

It is much better to prepare the ground for
good relationships and a happy sense of being.
If these are too many suggestions all at once,
you can start with focussing on one per day.
Watch how your life around you changes and
feel how it changes you as well.

Make Peace happen - because you can !