Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 / Hey list-maker… make me a list, the Chex Mix ingredient debate, the pediatrician needs more comfortable parent seating options, Chantel got in a little car crash, adulting is the worst, Chantel wears ankle pants not pedal pushers - Bermudas - or heaven forbid - capris!, we’re geriatric millennials I guess, Josh is getting fantasy football shamed at home and at work, and Chantel triggers Josh’s pet peeve rage!

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 /

Episode summary introduction:

Hey list-maker… make me a list, the Chex Mix ingredient debate, the pediatrician needs more comfortable parent seating options, Chantel got in a little car crash, adulting is the worst, Chantel wears ankle pants not pedal pushers - Bermudas - or heaven forbid - capris!, we’re geriatric millennials I guess, Josh is getting fantasy football shamed at home and at work, and Chantel triggers Josh’s pet peeve rage!

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Full show transcript:

This is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel. Today is Tuesday, September 24th. On today's show, you're quite the list maker. You wanna make me a list?

No. Why? Because. Alright. We get into, debate about the ingredients of Chex Mix because rye chips Gross.

Rye chips are so good. Of course. They're so good. Apparently, the pediatrician needs more comfortable parent seating options, and that's because we're old? No.

They're uncomfortable. Oh, it's the it's the bench's fault. Okay. Got it. Got it.

Got it. Let's see. You got him do a little car crash. Yeah. I did.

Not my fault. Not my fault. Okay. Adulting is the worst. Adulting.

Yeah. You let's clear this up. Wear ankle pants, not pedal pushers, Bermudas. Definitely not Capris. Definitely not Capris.

Definitely not Capris. Definitely not. Heaven forbid. We are geriatric millennials, I guess. I am getting fantasy football shamed at work and at home, so thanks for that.

Be better. Oh, come on. And, you triggered my pet peeve rage. Don't talk about it anymore. That's at the end of the show.

Go eat a cookie. I apparently need to eat a dozen cookies. Thanks for listening to the show live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and right here on the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Hi, Chantel.

Hi, Joshua. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to you, sir.

Top of the top of the day to you, sir. Top of the day. That's not even what they say. Top of them on and There you go. But top of the day is like, hey.

That's crazy. It can only go down from here because we're at the top. We are, actually. Top of the day. This is the beginning of the day.

Like that's the bottom, and you gotta work your way up to the top of the day. But, no, you're saying top and maybe it's like chutes and ladders. Maybe it's not all downhill, but maybe you just you're gonna coast. Well yeah. There's like chutes and ladders.

You gotta slide down. There's a couple of slides, and then you gotta get back up throughout the day. Well, right now, we're at the top of the morning to you. Do you know what today is? Tuesday.

Well, yes. It is a Tuesday. It is National Voter Registration Day today. That already happened. Yeah.

I don't know where this, comes from, but the the point is, register to vote. I am registered to vote, and I will be exercising that right. Oh, good. Because we are, you know, essentially, how many days away until election day? I don't know.

Quite honestly, I'm tired of hearing about it. Well, I I get that. I get that. Days until election day. 41 days.

41 days. Yeah. So not that long. So, yeah, go ahead and make sure you're registered. Check your registration off and make sure you're good to go.

If you don't know where to go to vote, what is it? Vote? Idaho? Idaho? Vote?

Idaho? Vote vote Idaho. I know it. I just don't know it off the top of my head. You'll figure it out.

You'll get it. It's voteidaho.gov. That's the website. I knew it was. Yeah.

Voteidaho.gov, and you can, you can check out a sample ballot there as well. You can also make sure that you're registered. You can register there. You can do, early voting dates. There's all kinds of stuff.

So go check that out. Cherries Jubilee Day. I've never had Cherries Jubilee. It's looking like a a scoop of ice cream Mhmm. K.

So far so good. With homemade kind of cherry sauce. That's what it looks like. It looks nice. I would try it.

I wouldn't be mad about me Cherries Jubilee. Nobody ever makes me Cherries Jubilee. Nobody ever makes you Mafongo either. What's mafongo? Look that up.

It's from Puerto Rico. It's, it's a unique blend of flavors and cultures that come together in a culinary delight. It's made from mashed plantains, sure, kinda like a banana, garlic, pork cracklins, and some other seasonings. And there's, some shrimp involved, it looks like. Mofongo.

That's a lot of stuff. Mhmm. Bluebird of happiness day. What's that? Well, you can celebrate by enjoying the beauty and fun of the bluebird of happiness by, celebrating the day with joy and delight.

I start every day with joy and delight. There you go. Alright. I am the bluebird of happiness. It is.

Look at me. Look at you. The bluebird of happiness. There she is. Sing your little bluebird song.

Oh, nice. Nice. National Punctuation Day. What? It's lash stylist day.

Boom. And, this is kinda cool. National Day of Arts in Care Homes. Oh. Yeah.

Which is really cool. So this is, yeah, this is creative expression in elder care Yeah. Which enhances emotional well-being, fosters connections, and enriches the lives of residents. I think that's Absolutely. That's important.

Fantastic. I love that day. That's what's going on. K. Top of the morning, too.

Happiness. That's us. Look at you. Look at you. Bing.

What's your song? I don't know. What are you talking about? Your Bluebird song. Hoo hoo hoo.

Oh, man. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Not particularly. Do you like to make lists? That's you on 2 counts.

This is a story for me. Okay. They're saying that you should try making a to don't list Ah. Instead of a to do list. Gonna to don't do that.

Yep. To don't. It's for all the 9 essential things that you do that take away your time. So for example, don't over commit to social engagements. Okay.

Don't offer to do favors for everyone. Don't schedule meetings before 11 AM. Don't skip lunch to keep working. Don't play what's that game mean that you play? What is it?

On my phone? Yeah. It doesn't matter. What is it called? Put it on your to don't list.

Yeah. Sometimes it distracts me. Exactly. The idea is to be mindful about stuff that's eating up your time and that you purposely say, I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna do the stuff that is enjoyable and the stuff that needs to be done and not the stuff that I don't wanna do.

I get that. No. I think that's smart. I think it's being cognitive. No?

Oh. Because then you won't have somewhere to live. Dang it. It's it's important that you recognize things that are distracting you or taking up time, you could be doing something more productive or valuable or worthwhile or whatever. And so I think that's important.

Like, I mean, you could say, hey. Don't use social media or don't use your phone for more than this amount of time. Yeah. That's what I need to do. Like, things that just, you know Suck time.

Yeah. Yeah. That. So that's a that's a good thing. I don't think you need to physically write a list.

I do. I like writing lists. I know. But that takes me away from doing something more productive. So I'm gonna don't write a list, but I might, I might actively ponder and contemplate and say, hey.

Yeah. That's actually smart. I shouldn't do that. So you're just creating a list in your head. You're just not writing it down.

Correct. That's what I'm saying. Because the the part where mindful of you? Physically literally mindful. The part where I physically write it down takes too much time.

I don't I can't be bothered. I can. No. I know. And you do.

And I will. And you will again. So maybe you could make my list. Alright. Yeah.

I don't need it. I no. I will make a list. I will make your Make a the don't list. For you?

Yeah. What do you think is on my list? Don't play that game you play. That game. Can't remember the name of it.

Royal match. Don't play. By the way, yesterday was the first day I've played that in, like, a week. What? Yeah.

I'm shook. I know. I know. Don't play Royal Match. Josh's to do's.

You gotta To don'ts. To don'ts. That's right. And so far, it's one thing. Just don't play that game.

Yeah. That's it. Alright. That's your biggest time waste. Yeah.

Pretty much. Alright. I'll let you have that one vice. Thanks. I'll be a nice wife.

Alright. I can play my game. Emilio Santana. Emilio. Emilio.

Emilio. Emilio. Emilio Santana is a 9th grader in Providence, Rhode Island. Back when he was in the 3rd grade, so we're talking 6 years ago, he made a commitment to grow his hair out so he could donate that hair to, be made into wigs to help out, kids who were sick. Oh, Oh, nice.

It took him 6 years. He stuck with it, and he recently said it's time for the big haircut. Big day. He followed through. Big day, buddy.

He said, I just wanted to do something special for kids who are going through tough times. His donation will be used to create wigs, plural, for children battling illnesses, bringing a bit of joy and confidence to their lives, which is huge. Emilio admitted that he was a bit sad to see his flowing hair get cut off. He said, I shed a few tears, but I just knew that I was doing this for a good reason and that this would make somebody happy. And, Emilio grew some hair in 6 years.

How much hair did he grow? A lot. He's got really thick hair. He has when it when it's cut off and it's been put in the little ponytail things I mean, I'm talking handfuls, 2 big handfuls of hair. That's a lot of hair, Emilio.

A lot of hair. And, you know, maybe if it grows back in another 6 years, he can do it again. But, good for you. Many wigs did it make? Did it say?

I it said it will go into making wigs. I don't know how many, but it's it's a lot of hair. Process. I wish I could watch the process of a wig being made. Yeah?

Yeah. I I turned on how it's made the other day, and you said that was awful. Just because that guy is the narrator is so boring. That's why it's great. No.

It's so boring. I wanna see how stuff is made. I think that is fascinating, but you gotta do it in a way that's exciting. He's just like, and here's the machine that does this, and this machine does this. Yeah.

No. It's boring. It's boring. Well, Emilio Santana is good news. Well done, Emilio.

And your new haircut looks sharp. So Sharp. Yeah. Sharp looking cut. Sharp dressed, man.

It's good news to get you going. I posted a thing yesterday about, Chex Mix. Yeah. You did. And you've stirred the pot.

Have I? Yeah. How so? Well, it's created quite the online controversy. It does.

It is not a public company person. You did? Yeah. From who? From a bunch of people who said, we're all team Rai Chip.

Right? Gross. And I said, yeah. No. Bye bye, rye.

One of the people that I was talking to about it said, I buy the extra bag of rye chips by themselves and put it in it because they need to be more. So Gross. No. Yeah. So, yeah, the question was, you have a bag of Chex Mix Or Gardettos.

They're slightly different. Sure. One thing has gotta go. So you've got the mini breadstick, delicious. You've got the rye chip, disgusting.

You've got the square pretzel, bros. You got the corn chicks, bland, delicious. Wheat Chex, delicious. Circle pretzel, this Gus. This is why you and I make a good team because together have the mini breadsticks and the Chex.

I don't care about those. I'll eat the rye chips and the pretzels. And that's what we do. And that's just fine. Bag of those in the car often on road trips, I get a handful of stuff out, and I said, here's your half.

Here's my half. But here's the other part. You like Chex Mix more than Gardettos because it has the little corn Chex and wheat Chex. Because I like the Chex. I disagree.

Gardettos are better than Chex Mix. Disagree. Well and this is why we work, I guess, because you get a bag of Chex Mix. I will say What will you say? That their Muddy Buddies are pretty great.

Muddy Buddies. I like Muddy Buddies. Most of the people said that they would get rid of a pretzel because there are 2 pretzels Correct. And you don't need 2 pretzels. 1 is a square pretzel, 1 is a circle pretzel.

Wheat checks, gross, someone said. Wrong. Right. Rude. A lot of people wanna get rid of the rye chip, and I think that's crazy.

Because it's gross. Rye chips are so good. Gross. Do you not like it because it kinda tastes like chicken bouillon? Yeah.

Yes. My snack shouldn't taste like that. It it does, and it's delicious. I love my snacks today. Taste like ramen noodles, where you're like, yeah.

But it's super crunchy and delicious. I like it. It's not delicious. I like it. It's so gross.

And, plus, when you eat it, you have that taste in your mouth for 5 hours. And, also, your mouth gets so dry from eating those. Ugh. Gross. Take your rye chips and get out of here.

All of you. All of you rye chip eaters. If you wanna chime in, the classy 97 community on Facebook, you'll see the picture of the Chex Mix ingredients. One's gotta go. You can chime in.

Classy 97 community on Facebook. Keeping that right, Chip. They're so good. Ew. Kick it to the curb.

They're so good. I'm gonna throw it out and smash it. That's rude. I would eat it. Don't do that.

Just hand it to me. Okay. Thank you very much. We had to go to the doctor Emery. The doctor Emery.

Let's put this sentence in the right order. We had to go to the doctor Emery. Emery had to go to the doctor. Yes. You went with her.

Yep. Let's start there. Okay. And what happened? We were there for a while, and they have a beautiful building.

Yeah. Their benches are awful. The parent benches where you have to sit and wait while you're in the rooms, not the waiting room. Right. Just when you're the patient room.

Yeah. Awful. I agree. Awful. Awful.

I've had to sit there for a while before. It's a time. It is a time. Yeah. And I sit there and I go, this is a beautiful space.

I really wish that they had spent a little more money on A little cushion. A little cushion. Also, it needs to be a little bit longer because it's shorty. It's a shorty bench. Wider.

Yes. Like, deeper. Yes. Not I see what you're saying. Comes to my and I'm a short person.

Right. It comes to my mid thigh, and it's just not enough kinda cuts in. Room. Yeah. You need more bench and, And some cushion.

And some cushion. Yeah. I get it. You should leave a comment card. Do they have that?

I don't think so. Like a like a patient survey, and you go, hey. Look. The care was great, but could you do something about the bench? I have no complaints other than the bench.

They've always been wonderful. The the people at the front desk, the nurses, the Totally agree. Doctors, wonderful. I love them. And you're not typically having to sit there like in a typical doctor visit.

You don't have to sit on that thing for very long. No. You don't. But This is not a typical doctor visit. The amount of times that I have gone there for my kids, even the small amount of time is too much time to sit on that bench.

Fair. Because I've, you know, I've taken my kids there for years years years. Those benches have gotta go. What kind of capital campaign do we need to I don't know. Fun kind of fundraising do we need to do to get new benches for the doctor's office?

We should just get everybody together and protest out front. Put them in a pile and burn them. Put them in a pile and burn them or whatever. Like, I don't know. What what do what do people do these days?

I've I've not been involved. I haven't been part of it. You get, like, a sign, and you stand out front with a group of people until change happens. I think that's how it works. I will not go until you get new benches.

You you glue your hands to the pavement, I guess, and you I'll stand outside all day Yeah. I'll be here all day. Until you get new benches. Here's the funny part of this. Burn them.

It feels a little extreme. It does for a bed. Donate them to a good cause There you go. Just so I don't have to sit on them. I really only have 3 more years until Emory is kicked out of that place.

It's true. And then you go to where they just have chairs. Just regular chairs. Well and then I won't need to go. So That's weird.

Because she'll be an adult. That's weird. I know. Let's let's slow let's pump the brakes on that. Does that freak you out a little bit?

Little bit weird. Yeah. Yeah. Let's let's slow your roll. We got old children, Josh.

Let's slow down. Can't? We can't both be an adult right now. What in the world? Both of us?

No. Both of us. We're kids. I'm never gonna be an adult. No.

Me neither. Yeah. No way. That's overrated. I am a maniac about time.

You know this about me. I do. I I do know. If I feel like I'm running late for something, I panic. I had 2 hours to to drive somewhere to drive to Blackfoot.

I drove to Blackfoot yesterday. I had 2 hours to Blackfoot And back. And back. With with a short to do in the middle. Drive to Blackfoot.

Do the thing. Drive her back. Yeah. And it's I don't think I'm gonna make it in time. I just don't think I'm gonna make it in time.

How much extra time did you have? I didn't add that much, actually, because it takes forever just to get across town sometimes. That. Yeah. So I I picked up Emery.

I left work. I picked up Emery because she had to go with me. Right. Picked her up. Drove Drove to Blackfoot.

Did the thing. Our thing there, which took no time. Right. I had to stop and get gas. We drove back home.

I stopped and grabbed her some quick lunch, dropped her off at home, and then I drove to where I needed to be. So I it was really, like, perfect timing. It did take me the 2 hours Totally. To do the things. Yes.

But I was kind of panicked, like, oh, it's by the time we got to Blackfoot, it was probably 10 Yeah. 40. And I was like, oh, I don't know if I'm gonna have time. Because you had to be somewhere by noon. Yes.

Gotcha. Okay. And you made it. And I made it. It was fine.

Hooray. But I don't I don't I don't like being late to things. I know. And I don't like being on a time crunch. So put yourself on a time crunch.

I think you like it. I don't. I think you love it. Otherwise, you wouldn't do it. No.

I didn't put myself on that time crunch. What I'm saying is you look at the time and you go, we gotta get moving. Things have to start happening, and you time crunch yourself. Because you are quite the opposite where you're like, we got so much time. I'm like, we don't have any time.

Got all the time in the world? No time. Time is just a construct. Well, I wish Emery would be more like you because she is not. She is more like me, and it's not a nice, healthy way to live.

So I wish she had taken more of that genetics from you. I don't think that's a genetic thing. What is it? That's a learned behavior. Why didn't she learn your behavior?

Because, I would say up until recently, I have not been the guy who was in charge of running the errands and the appointments and all of that stuff. But because you're working later and stuff has to happen, I'm doing the school pickup thing. I'm doing the appointment thing. I'm doing the pickups and drop offs. That's true.

And, but up until, like, really this year, that's not been the like, I've been just been working, and you've been the runaround one. And so, that kinda has twisted and where I'm like, yeah. I'll be there. I I'm waiting outside. I'm here on time.

Like, there's there's this, are you here? Are you on the way? I'm like, yeah. I'm already there. Like, don't I'm I'm out for I think it's because she has a phone, so she's able to contact us Right.

Pretty regularly. Right. But she is yesterday, I had to pick her up for her appointment at Right. 4. And 355.

She's calling me, and she's like, mom, are you on your way? I'm like, yes. I'm almost there. It's gonna be okay. We'll be okay.

And she says, well, do you think we should call him and let him know that we're gonna be late? Boy. No. We're gonna be fine. Oh, boy.

Gonna be fine. Oh, boy. No. I don't want her to be like me, Josh. I don't know.

I that's that's not my fault. I don't I don't do that. I know you don't. I I'm there when I need to be there. I show up.

I'm a punctual. Not always. Pretty much. Yeah. I'm pretty punctual.

I show up. I'm there. I'm a I I arrive precisely when a wizard is supposed to arrive. Precisely when I'm meant to. That's right.

I'm neither early nor late. I arrive precisely when I am meant to. And it's it's a decent amount of time before or after when you expected me. I might show up a few minutes early, and you go, oh, hey. Hey.

Surprise. That is so surprise. Might be a couple of minutes after you expect me, and you're like, now you're here. We can get started. That's fine.

Who's waiting for you to get started? No one. I'm not that important. No one is waiting for me at, like, a meeting going as soon as he gets here. Yeah.

We can't get this we can't get this going until Josh gets here. Right. No. Please start with that, man. I'll catch up.

Waiting with another watches. Like, whoo. Yeah. See, that would stress you out. Me, I'm like, start the meeting.

I don't need to be there for the first couple of seconds. You're good. I'm walking down the hall. I'll be there quick. Yeah.

I don't like being late. I don't like getting off. I don't consider it late. Maybe that's the difference. What do you consider it?

When I get there. Oh my who are you? I'm not being rude or disrespectful to other people's time. Like, I think that's important. I just think, like, hey.

Is it is this a life or death situation, or maybe we could exhale a little bit? It's 2 minutes after the top of the hour. We're gonna be okay? I think we're alright. Let's let's breathe.

There are moments when I am like that. I would say 90% of my life is like, we gotta go. We gotta go. And then 10% of my life is it's okay. It's okay.

Be cool. Be cool. Like, because yesterday morning when I had that 2 hour window, I was like I know. I'm not gonna make it. And then at 4 o'clock, when I needed to take her to her appointment, I was like, it's fine.

Yeah. Settle down. It's cool. Yeah. We'll get there.

Right. So I don't I know. Good luck trying to figure me out. Oh, I've I gave up on figuring you out. I just go with the flow.

It's a good thing I'm a Pisces. Like, is it like, if you if you've been to any of that, I am a go with the flow kinda guy. You are. And that's the way it works. So as I said, I'm taking Emery to the doctor yesterday.

We're driving. And I'm not speeding, but I was driving fast. K. And I'm going through our neighborhood, and Emery goes, mom, there's an RC car up there. And I go, I see it.

I see it. So somebody's driving an RC car in the road. In the street. And I slow down because I see it. And I go, is it a kid controlling the controller, or is it an adult?

I don't know who it is. And I see it, and he he drives it over to the curb. And so then I go, okay. I'm gonna it's my turn to go past. And then he I don't know what he was doing, if he forgot how the controls worked or what, but he drove it right in front of my car.

And I'm going Yeah. I'm still driving because I'm, like, thinking I'm all in the clear. So I'm driving, and then I hear a, like, a bang because the RC car and my car met, and I go way. Did I just run over your RC car, dude? And I go and he's looking at me, and he's laughing, and he, like, walks over to the car.

And he And you stopped? Yeah. Yeah. Because Crunch? His RC car starts to go to my car, I stop, like Yeah.

Break really hard. And then hear the crunch. And then hear the crunch. It wasn't a crunch. But he banged it into the car?

Yeah. He Drove it into the tire. The RC car into my tire. Was this an adult or a kid? It was an adult.

Okay. And he walks over to my car and looks at it, and he, like, gives me, like, the hands like, it's okay. It's okay. And I'm like, bro. Yeah.

What are you doing? You had your car in a safe zone. Why did you just run it into the middle of the road? Because it's a car. And then he's laughing.

He doesn't pick it up. He just keeps driving it around, and I'm like, you're gonna get smashed again, bud. What are you doing? There has to be another place you can drive your car that isn't the road. I was trying to think what time it was.

Yeah. Because he could've gone to the school, like, blocks away. I mean, he could've gone anywhere. There wasn't a road with cars on it. I really thought I'd run over his RC car.

But Not your fault. Wouldn't have been my fault. Wasn't like you aimed for it? No. He ran his car into my car.

Right. He owes me some money. Oh, is that right? I should've stopped. This is a little plastic tire, dent your big rubber tire.

Insurance card, please. Yeah. Yeah. We're gonna have to swap insurance, buddy. I'm gonna take a picture of this.

Yeah. That would have been license and registration. You know the deal. We gotta we gotta do this. This is how it works, Spud.

You got wheels? You need insurance. I'm I'm glad that, everybody's okay. Nobody was injured, and the car is good. Well, why would he drive it I don't know.

Into my car? To see what would happen. Get out of here. Sometimes you gotta see what would happen. So Beck sent us a picture yesterday.

He really loves the Cincinnati Bengals. That's true. And they are not they are not doing so great right now. So he asked AI to predict the next 10 Super Bowls. He did, or did he find that online?

He probably found it online. I think he found it online. So somebody predicted or somebody told AI to predict the next 10 Super Bowls, and it has the Bengals winning in 2027 and 2028. Back to back. Back to back wins.

Against who? The 40 niners and the cowboys. Okay. Okay. So who does it say is gonna win this year?

This year will be the Chiefs and the Cowboys with the Chiefs win. Okay. Which is what you think. I think that that's the script that has been written. If you buy into the scripting of the games, boy oh boy is there, evidence that they want that to happen.

It's gross. Okay. So then it has the Vikings, my team, going against the Bengals in 2031 with the Vikings winning. Okay. And I said, at first glance, I said, I'm not gonna live that long.

I know. That's what you said. You said, 2031. I said, that is 7 years from now. That's not like a 100 years from now.

How come when you look at 2031, it seems so far away? Because that's ridiculous. But when you put it into purse like, it is only 70 years away. Years away. But when you look at the date, you're like 2031.

Yeah. It's gonna be 2030 in 6 years. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah.

It is. Yeah. As I said, initially, I looked at the date and I go, I'm not gonna live that long. And you said, I sure hope so. Yeah.

That's only 7 years. That's nice. 6a half. I'll be 50. Oh, wow.

Holy moly. And then I said, I don't even know if I'm gonna even like the Vikings in 2031. Now that's probably a more realistic thing to say. Why? Why?

Why won't I like them? Why won't you like them? Yeah. But you might not like them tomorrow. I don't know.

I might not even like football in 7 years. I might get bored and say, I need something else to watch. Or you might, yeah, you might be into baseball. Aw. Never.

Never. You might be. No. You might be like, let's hit some homers. Oh, no.

Boring. Baseball, there's too many innings. There's not enough excitement. Many innings should there be? 5.

5. Yep. So you want it to be half as long? Yep. K?

Look. The game inserted a thing for you to stand up and stretch because they knew it was gonna be a long night. Boring. Alright? So you think it should be 5 innings?

5 innings. And what else? More action. Okay. How?

What do you wanna add? How are you gonna get more action? You're allowed to hit people with the with the baseball. What? Yeah.

To get them out. It's like a dodgeball, baseball combo. Uh-huh. It's like a mashup. I don't think chucking the ball at somebody's body, one, you better be a good aim.

Well, they could wear padding if you want. Don't and you can't throw it at anybody's head because that's not safe. But in order to get shots all out. To get people out, yeah, you take a body shot. I don't know.

The ball at the people. You're out. Chuck the ball at the people. Wouldn't that be more exciting to watch baseball? I maybe.

If you make that happen, then I'll go to a baseball game. What about hurdles? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Obstacles.

Obstacles that they have. Yeah. Great idea. Mud pits. Yeah.

And stuff. And stuff. Mud pits and stuff. And then you'd watch baseball. Yes.

Yes. That's like, like, when they when they did the XFL, which was the extreme football league, and they changed the rules Really? To make it higher impact, and people were getting very hurt. So they said, yeah, this isn't a good idea. We're gonna run out of players because everybody's getting hurt because of our rules.

We probably shouldn't do this, and then it went away. Yeah. X Well, I don't want anybody to get hurt. I just want more excitement. Mhmm.

Make it safe, but make it more exciting. Extreme baseball. Like the Savannah Bananas. I'd watch that. Yeah.

I'd watch that kind of baseball. Regular baseball? No. Thank you. Okay.

Okay. Baseball's so boring. No. I heard about it. You told us all.

We know. Let's talk about adulting. Why? Why can't we talk about, like, being a kid? It's just more fun.

Take a little quiz. Oh, we're gonna do a quiz? Yeah. How adult are you? Alright.

I'll grab a piece of paper. K. Okay. I got a pen. Alright.

Have a favorite washing machine setting? I don't really. Either because I just, like, I put my normal clothes in. I hit the normal setting. I put my towels in.

I hit the towel setting. I hit my delicates in. I put the delicate setting. So it's 0 for that. Do I own a washing machine?

Yeah. Do I use it? Yeah. Do I care that much about laundry? No.

Nobody cares. Do I separate all the whites and all the color stuff? No. Do I care? No.

Do I separate clothes and towels and wash towels separately? Sure. Yeah. But I don't care. It's laundry.

Blah. You get excited about a new small appliance. Oh, I got a new air fryer. Oh, I got a new toaster. Oh, I got a new Whatever.

Food processor. I would I would say yes, but we haven't done that in a minute. Right? What's probably the most recent one we got between the we had to replace our air fryer. So we had a new air fryer.

Coffee maker too. Oh, yeah. We did. And then, and we got a real fancy one that makes hot water. It's a fancy hot water machine.

That's all it is. That is all it is. All it does is make hot water. What a silly machine. Yep.

And then, you got an instant pot a while ago. Oh, that was years years years ago. But that was exciting times. My birthday money to buy that. Is that right?

Yes. What? Oh, I was trying to think if there's been any kind of big appliance thing. Guess when was the last time I even used my Instant Pot? I don't know.

Not that long ago. No. It's been a while. Yeah. Okay.

Young people's music sounds like noise. No. If young people's music is, EDM You don't like That's just noise. Music. You just like words.

Noise. I don't like music. Like singing. And music? The music that accompanies the singing.

Hey. How dare you? How dare you? It's just beat, you're like, no. This isn't it.

Where's the words? Alright. Stop. I'm complaining about the new generation. I find myself complaining about the new generation.

No. You do. No. Yeah. You do.

What? These kids, I tell you, unnecessary noise gets me angry. Yeah. What's all that noise? What's that racket?

Just this morning, there was a noise outside, and you over there went, what was that? And I said, probably a semi going by. They're they're crazy loud. They do that that air brake thing. Alright.

Oh, what is that about? Stop it. You get excited about going to bed. Yeah. I love going to bed.

Yep. You recognize the benefits of drinking water. I should drink more. You watch everything with subtitles? No.

You're excited when somebody cancels plans? It depends on the day. Oh, I get excited about that. Yeah. Especially because then I don't have to be the canceler, and I thought, oh, I didn't wanna go.

I'm so glad you canceled. I see. You have a favorite burner on the stove? The front 2. The front left.

That's your favorite? Yep. I like to vary it up. Do you? I do.

Fancy. Yep. You get upset when somebody wants to meet you after 8 PM. Who wants to do that? Nobody.

I've I have not had anybody be like, hey. You wanna get together, like, 9? No. No. It would be the answer.

You buy seated tickets at a concert? Yep. They're better anyway. You look outside when it rains and say, we needed this. No.

We needed it. I know people that do that. Who? Anytime it rains, they go, well, we need the moisture. The moisture.

We need the moisture. And I go, yeah. I get it. But also People are just parrots. So aren't they?

Like, do we really need it, or are you just repeating what somebody else told you? Fill that aquifer. I heard about that. I get it. Yeah.

It's important. We don't wanna be in a drought. Like, yeah, we need moisture. Like, the water cycle's important to the ecosystem. Yes.

That's what I'm gonna start saying. Water cycle at work. That's what you should say. Ecosystem doing its job. Yeah.

Look at that. We live for another day. Yeah. Alright. Plants are gonna be producing more oxygen tomorrow.

What was your score? What'd you get? Oh, I didn't write down points. I didn't either. I threw my paper away.

You did? Yeah. Why? Well, because I wrote down one thing, and then I was like, why I writing this down? So I gave up on that.

Well, you're an adult. Thanks. Congrats. I saw a picture yesterday. It actually was a TikTok, and it is a woman wearing Chuck Taylors Mhmm.

Converse Mhmm. With ankle socks Mhmm. Which is my standard choice of footwear all these days. Yeah. I mean, I've got I've got sambas on and ankle socks.

That's, that's what I wear often. And then I have chucks as well that I'll wear and I'm not wearing them today, but I typically do wear chucks most days. Yeah. I like them. They're comfortable.

They're made of canvas. So they're not very warm. But it doesn't matter because they're comfortable, and I like them, and they're cute. Okay. And this video said that this is what geriatric millennials wear.

Geriatric millennial. And I showed it to Emery, and I said, would you classify me as a geriatric millennial? And she said, yes. 100% yes. No way.

Yeah. That's rude. That's what I said. Geriatrics should not be associated with me at all ever. Now when we got pregnant we are early forties.

When we got pregnant with Emery in our early thirties, there was a woman in our labor and delivery class who was 40, and she was classified as a geriatric pregnancy. I think that was in California. She was talking about and I think she was, like, 30 5. She was young. She was, like, mid thirties, maybe maybe, like, 32, 35.

And she she said in California, she would be considered a geriatric pregnancy, which I thought, what? But that is because there's things that might happen Sure. In that Absolutely. Term of pregnancy, that late life. Late life.

I don't wanna say late life because I don't even middle age. No. Jesus. Stop saying geriatric. That's not even a nice word, is it?

No. Geriatric. Geriatric millennial. Right. That's what everybody thinks I am.

Because you wear shorts and ankle socks. Chucks and ankle socks. And so skinny cool. Skinny jeans and capris. I don't wear capris.

You don't wear capris? I don't wear capris. Oh my god. You wear capris. They're not.

They're pants. I just roll up the cuff a little. Make them look like Capris. Ew. Josh, don't say Capris.

I don't wear Capris. I do. Capris. Capris are like mid calf, and my pants are barely at my ankles. So Shut it down.

They're Capris? No. We gotta fight about this because I gotta look this up. That I don't like what you're hinting at. I don't like it at all.

I gotta figure out, like What? Okay. So you're saying you wear ankle pants? Yes. Ankle pants.

Yes. I had to look up the difference. So these are ankle pants Yeah. Which are just short pants. Yeah.

Ankle pants. Right. Cool. Versus a Capri, which I'm still looking for. What's a new one?

A Bermuda short. You like a pair of Bermudas? No. I don't. That's when have you ever seen me wearing anything like that?

Okay. I see the Capri. Yeah. No. Those are pusher pants, pedal pusher pants.

It's the same. No. It's not. Capri's and pedal pushers are the same thing? No.

Pedal pusher is, like, barely it's like a real long shorts. Like, it's knee it covers the knee, but then it ends there. Pedal pushers are long. Okay. It's a long Capri, but it would it would classify the same as a Capri.

I think a Capri is a little longer. A Capri is between a pedal pusher and an ankle, and I could see you wearing any of this. No. I don't wear Capris. You know why?

Because my legs are are not equipped to look that good in that style. Mean? You don't have the right legs equipped. What does that mean? I am real confused.

You have to have the right leg to look good in the Capri. I don't have the right leg. You only have 2 left legs? I'm real lost. The point is I don't wear those.

I wear ankle pants. Cool. You're flabbergasted. You threw all your stuff. The what?

Capris. Now I gotta reinvent my whole style. Is that what you're saying? This is what I wear. I wear my ankle socks, my Converse, and my ankle pants.

That's what I wear. I said one word, and you went off the rails. I said you wear Capri pants, and you went on a downward spiral. That's a what's what's the what's the trauma with Capris? Because they're ugly.

Oh. Alrighty. Okay. There is a TikTok challenge where you it's like how do you see your spouse is kind of what it's called. It's how do you see me.

So, basically, it gives you these categories, and then you fit things into those categories. For example, if I think of Josh and somebody says, what's his animal? I think Jack Russell terrier. You think you think I'm a Jack Russell terrier? No.

I just when I think of an animal, that's what I think of because that's what you wanted for so long. I see. K? Do you get it? No.

But we'll play. Okay. Place. Oh, I know what you're talking about. Do you know what I'm talking about?

So I've seen this, but but usually, we've got pictures. Yeah. Not gonna do pictures. We're just gonna doing an audible version of this. I see.

You got it. You got it. Got it. I see. Okay.

So, so place, I see I see you in, like, a like, a little reading nook, a warm little, reading nook with with, like, a little mug of warm tea and your book and your blanket. Oh. That's where I see your place. I see you in the mountains on a hiking trail with a with a nice little stream Yeah. With the whites so you can catch those fish.

That's right. With with the white waters. You know, you skipped animal. Oh, I I forgot animal. Animal.

What kind of animal? I'm gonna have to think about animal for a minute. Then they had a plant. I don't have a plant for you because I don't I don't know what plant makes me think of you. I would say probably, some sort of a, like, just a floral arrangement of spring flowers.

For me? Yeah. For you. Mhmm. Yep.

Spring flowers. K. Season? Your spring again. I see you're you're summer.

Uh-oh. You're so summer. K. So Your hobby. Season.

Fishing, of course. Your hobby, list making. That's a lame No. You have a whole craft room of stuff. There's there's sewing and quilting and I've and there's journaling and there's all that list making and and paper crafts and, those kinds of things.

But mostly list making. Days, I'll have time to do my hobbies. Yeah. And mostly list making. Color?

You're yellow. Am I? Yeah. You're kind of a bluish green. Why?

Because that's what I see. Oh, you're fluorescent color. Aura is a is a blue green. My aura? Mhmm.

Your drink? You're a frozen lemonade. Yes. You're like a like a chai with with, cinnamon in it. Yum.

Yeah. I love chai. Mhmm. Let's go get some chai right now. I know.

I get you. You're like a Christmas morning. And your food. Tacos. Tacos and chips and salsa for you.

So good. And tater tots. Yes. God, I love tater tots. Your food is, some kind of dip.

You like a dip. Do I? Yeah. Like a like a you like to dip? I do like to dip.

Yeah. You're a dipper. Yeah. Whether it's hummus, fondue Pondue? Yeah.

Like a queso. I haven't had fondue in a long time. Quesos. So See, your your dips. Your dips.

Your animal But okay. If there's a dip, if I'm a dip, there has to be I am a dip. That's for sure. If there has to be the right amount of ratio. There has to be the right amount of dip and the right amount of dip burrs, whether it's chips or bread.

Yeah. I know. Yeah. You can't have too much of one and not enough of the other. Yeah.

It's gotta be the right ratio. So your animal, I'm putting down like a bird, like a finch or something, like, some kind of I do like fish. Bird. So I feel like we're missing 1. That's only, 8.

Shouldn't there be 9? Yeah. But plant is what? You the spring flower. I didn't give you a plant.

Oh. Because I don't know. And character. The character you were a character. But I don't I don't know that one for you either.

Alright. Well, that was neat. I I drew it in this way, but, yeah, but then I can actually turn it into, I'll turn it into a social post later. Oh, are you? Yeah.

K. So you can actually see what I see when I say what I said. You know what I mean? I do. Okay.

Okay. I can't even walk around this place. You've, you've demolished the entire family in fantasy football so much Yep. That coworkers say, hey. How's your fantasy team going?

And I say, not great. Like, I'm first in waiver order if that tells you anything. That's because I got the lowest points of my entire family this week. And Way, though. I'm not just talking Let's slow down.

Half of my points. Slow down. You're 50% power then. Slow down. I will not.

So I'm walking down the hall getting asked these questions, And one of the guys who works here said, well, hey, you know, there's only 4 teams on your league. How is this even possible? How do you have so many injuries? Yeah. Yeah.

And he said, if you need my 8 year old daughter to teach you how to do fantasy, she'll tell you some tips. And I went, go away. I don't deserve this. What is what have I done? But try to play an honest game of fantasy.

And your team, you picked really good players. They have all through the injury curse. They have been all underperforming, all of them. You had Travis Kelsey. I still do.

Tyreek Hill. I still do. You have who's your quarterback? I have, oh, what's his name? Hertz.

Jalen Hertz. Yeah. Yeah. Who I saw an article yesterday that said, is he still a top 5 quarterback? I'll tell you, it's a little ridiculous.

It's it's a lot ridiculous. And now You are. I'm getting shamed around the office Oh, no. For nothing. Nothing of my own fault.

I just picked players I thought were good. I know. And now here I am. You have Cidi Lamb? I know.

They've all been so underperforming, all of them. I don't know what's going on. There are memes about bad tight ends. They're like, I'm glad I didn't waste my pics on these guys. I have both of them in the meme.

I have both memed tight ends. You do. It's outrageous. How many people do you have injured? Enough.

Even your, benched quarterback, Baker Mayfield, he's been underperforming too. I know. Now if you look at a winning team Okay. That's enough, which is any other team in the league because all 3 of you have higher scores than me. Look.

I won 1st week against you, which was awesome. That's okay. And I didn't gloat, and I didn't walk around to go, oh, beat you. But then you over here, you're you're insane with your 3 22 and 1. Oh, you're you're 2 and 1.

2 and 1. Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. Okay.

It's not listen. It's not my fault that my team is better than yours. It's not my fault that Lamar Jackson got me 25 points to your 6. We weren't even playing against each other. We're not against each other this week.

I think we're against each other, week 5. Better work on getting your team back up to speed because they're sad. What a pitiful little bunch of underdogs. I'm gonna have to rename my team. The underdogs?

We're Mojo Dojo Casa House right now. It's just not working out. It's not working out for the Mojo Dojo Casa House. It's not good. It is not.

You are yep. Your team not not good. My team, however Alright. I've heard enough about your team. A 160 points.

Yeah. I know. We all know. We all know. What was that?

That was my Yeah. You still can't do that. You still can't do that. Maybe one day. Rude.

Would you rather this or that? Would you rather go to a pumpkin patch That sounds a good time. Or go on a scenic drive to look at the leaves? Oh, it's the scenic drive. I think so too.

To do that. Me too. Like, right away. Me too. Because We have to.

The color is popping off right now. Popping off. Yeah. If you're a leaf peeper, now's the time. Let's go.

We have to go. What do you got going tonight? Nothing. Let's go. We're we're taking the drive.

We're going leaf peeping. Can we take a couple of photos? No. Why? Because what?

Yes. Why? Yeah. Of course. Let's not make it a whole thing, but yeah.

What's a whole thing? Like, a outfit thing and a whole thing. I stopped doing that years ago. No. No.

I know. I'm not saying, like, wear the matching outfit. I'm just saying, like, let's just let's just go have a good time. Okay. That's fine.

We're gonna be missing a member of our family anyway. Right. Well, then the other one probably doesn't wanna go. The other one will be cranky about it. That's what I'm saying.

It'll probably just be you and me going to Leaf Peep. Alright. We'll go take some engagement photos. Alright. So cute.

Yeah. I would rather look. They're both great fall activities now that we're officially in fall, but right now is the window to go peep the leaves if you're into the leaves because it's just sitting right now. Right now. So do I.

Let's take the dog. We can go on a little nature walk. Okay. The dog won't come play. Wanting to go north or south?

North. East. Northeast. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. You know where I'm thinking? Yeah. I think. I think I know where you're thinking.

You know where I'm thinking. I know where you're thinking. Yeah. It's good photos there. It is.

Yeah. And there's a little bridge area. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. You know.

Yeah. The bridge was crushed in last time we were there, though. Remember? Sad. Yes.

I'll have to, I'll have to see if they've repaired it. Anyway, that's one spot, but I didn't know if you meant go south. I don't know if the leaves down south are going crazy or not. That's a good spot too. Been there in a long way.

Been there. Oh, let's go to there. These little secret leaf peep spots. They're not that secret. No.

They're very Anybody can drive to them, and we see people there all the time. I know. Yeah. It's like It's not a hidden area. Peep.

Let's do it. Alright. That's, that's the plan for now. And I'll get a chai tea. Oh, look at you.

Cozy. Get your big sweater. I'll get my big scarf. Big scarf. Yeah.

There you go. K. I'm gonna ask you this question, and then I, want you to give me the answer with immediate response. Alright. This is like a okay.

Alright. Go ahead. I immediately think less of you if blank. You don't put your shopping cart back in the corral. I knew you were gonna say that.

That's a litmus test for whether you're a good person or not. Top of the list. If you don't put your cart back in the corral, you are a terrible human. That's it. Like, that is top of the list.

If you just push it next to your car and get in and drive away and think that's good enough, you're a rude person. I think another one for you would be if people get their registration sticker. Oh, come on. What's the can we just for a minute. I need this is a PSA.

Why would you this is a trigger one. Why'd you bring that up? Listen. On the license plate, there is a designated spot for your registration sticker. It is in the bottom right corner.

It's a little white square when your plate was brand new, and the intention is that you put the sticker over the top of that every time you re register. That's the goal. Stack them up. Put the sticker in the same spot. Don't do a 4 corners thing.

Don't turn it vertically in between your county and the rest of your license plate number. Stop it. Bottom right corner where it goes, move on. Do it right. If I was if I was assigned to traffic patrol, I would pull those people over and go fix it right now.

Get out and fix it. What are you doing? Why would you even bring this up? Shopping carts and registration stickers, giant pet peeves of mine. That was fun, John.

Was it? Come on. What are we doing as a society? We can't even handle putting a sticker in the bottom right corner. Here's mine.

I'm not gonna go off like you did, But I I immediately think less of people when you leave your garbage where you were sitting Yeah. In a theater or a movie theater Or an arena In a play concert. Anywhere. If you're going to attend something Yep. And you walk out and leave your garbage there for somebody else to clean up.

True story. Now if you if you drop some popcorn and there's some crumbs and stuff, they're gonna come by and sweep that stuff up. That's a different deal. But, yeah, if you just leave your cups I'm gonna leave my cup here. I'm gonna leave my Somebody gets paid to do that.

Get out of here. Yeah. I mean Totally agree. Another litmus test. Yeah.

If are you a good person? Do you take your trash out, or do you wait for somebody else to do it? Do you put your card away, or do you wait for somebody else to do it? Do you put your sticker in the bottom right corner? And that's gonna do it for us.

Josh needs a cookie. I do. I think I need a cookie, and go calm down. Have a great rest of your Tuesday. We'll see you back here tomorrow morning.

Hey. Don't forget you can listen to the podcast. That's this whole show, minus the music. So we take 4 hours of the of the show you hear live every weekday. We turn it into about an hour long podcast, and you can listen to it on demand whenever you want.

So if you wanna hear me go off about shopping carts and share that with some people you know who don't do it, you can. It's in the podcast. Maybe you know somebody who doesn't put their sticker in the right spot and you wanna say, listen to this. You can. Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast available everywhere you get podcasts.

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That's what happens. See what happens. Do it. I dare you. Yeah.

I dare you. See what happens. Have a great day. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Bye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.