Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, July 11th, 2024 / we’re breaking down incorrect chore techniques, no more little shampoos, our daughter has a great idea for the podcast, Chantel takes google vacations, Josh is upset about his drink again, Chantel wants Josh to take care of all the vehicles, how far is 50 feet?, Chantel is too young to feel this old, no one wants to eat the cherry pie, and why is 'Glicked' a thing?

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Thursday, July 11th. On today's show, we're breaking down incorrect chore techniques. No more little shampoos. Our daughter has a great idea for the podcast.

I like taking Google vacations. Josh is upset about his drink again. I think Josh should take care of all of the vehicles. How far is 50 feet? I'm too young to feel this old.

No 1 wants to eat the cherry pie. And why is Glicked a thing? Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up Classy 97, the podcast.

Enjoy the show. Classy 97. It is Josh and Chantel. It's It is us. Thursday morning Hello.

Is, 711, July 11th. It is National Free Slurpee Day. Oh. If we had a 711 That is strange that we don't have a 711. Did we used to have a 711?

I don't know. You've lived here your whole life. Yeah. We used to have a circle k. That's not the same?

But I don't think we've, not that I'm aware of have we had a 711. Even Burley had a 711. Oh. So what's up, Idaho Falls? I don't know.

Pocatello, no 711. Rexburg, no 711. Can't enjoy national free Slurpee day without a 711 on 7 11. No. Sad.

It's national swimming pool day. I don't have a swimming pool. I don't either. Now municipalities have pools. I like to swim.

I do. I really do. I get grossed out these days. In the last 10 years, I've gotten real grossed out from swimming pools. Really?

Yeah. There's chemicals in there. It's called parts per million. I get it. I do.

But it still doesn't stop me from looking around going, oh, gosh. Or if you get your goggles on and you do a handstand, which I like to do, you see some gross bits floating around. Band aids? The hair. Yeah.

Alright. Let's move on. Move on. National blueberry muffin day. Hey.

It is international essential oils day day, across the whole international world. Wow. Mhmm. It's national cheer up the lonely day. Oh.

Yeah. You can, brightening solitary moments, even joined the solitude Yeah. Casting beams of war warmth in isolated hearts and spreading comfort. No 1 should should be lonely. I agree.

It is, also world population day. There's a populace for sure. Consider your own, plan for a family, help others get resources to properly plan theirs, and diminish the effects of overpopulation. That's what it's about today on World Population Day. How many people in the whole wide world?

Do you have any idea? 6, 000, 000, 000. How many people in the whole wide world? Yeah. 7.951, 000, 000 people.

Dang it. Almost 8, 000, 000, 000. Holy moly. Yeah. Very close to 8, 000, 000, 000 people.

That's too many people. Now that's as of 2022. That's the, latest number that was counted. They had us 2022. Yeah.

They had us all lined up. Remember? Yep. And they counted us 1 by 1 all around the whole world. They count up.

1, 000, 000, 000 people. Yeah. 1. 2, 3. 7, 000, 000, 000, 951, 000, 000.

Ugh. What number have I? Start over. There is a new poll that says that people are doing chores incorrectly. I would say anytime chores are done in our house, you would agree they were done incorrectly.

I used to think that, but now I don't care. Alright. Now I just go, if it's done, it's done. Okay. I don't I don't care.

There used to be a time that I I cared more. Like, why are you folding the towels that way? That's that's weird. Don't do that. Do it the way that I want it to be done.

I don't even remember how you fold a towel. I just fold them my way. And, again, now I don't care. Just do it. As long as it's being done, fine.

I used to care how people would load the dishwasher. I don't care. I kinda care about that. You care about some things. It's the worst loading job I ever let passively go last night.

It was awful. Who did it? It's almost awful as that sentence I just made. I think it was a shared it's a combined effort. Everybody's just throwing stuff in.

Stuff in where get it in where it fits in. And that is just not the way it I did. It it was bad. Oh, okay. Really bad.

Did you redo it? No. Uh-huh. I said, I'm not redoing this. So I threw my plate in and started it.

And then the dishes will get done. I guess. Top 10 chores people have been told they're doing incorrectly. Okay. Should we start with 10?

Dusting? I don't know. Who's dusted in my house? I don't even know the last time I've dusted. Just the other day.

You did? Yeah. I cleaned off my nightstand and Oh, you dusted your nightstand. Yeah. The end.

Well, it was a disaster. I had stuff all over that thing. The end of your dusting. So do you wanna know how I clean my nightstand? I open the drawer, and I go and close the drawer.

Oh my gosh. And then I dust it off. I don't care. That's your nightstand. Yeah.

Whatever. Cleaning furniture, cleaning the toilet, mowing the lawn. Yeah. I've seen some How do you get on the lawn. Mow the lawn incorrectly.

Uh-huh. Is the grass cut? Great. It is. Chore done.

Gardening and yard work, doing the dishes by hand. Oh. Loading the dishwasher is number 4. Yeah. Doing laundry.

But you were just saying that that somebody in the house is doing laundry wrong. They're not doing it wrong. They're just doing too much of it. And by doing too much of it, I mean, they're overloading the washer. Overfilling it.

Okay. That is gonna break my washer, and that makes me grumpy because I don't want a broken washer because I don't wanna go to the laundromat, and I don't wanna buy a new washer. Okay. So That's fair. Makes me grumpy.

Mopping, sweeping, and folding the laundry is the number 1 chore people do incorrectly. Folding the laundry. Yep. Again, something you mentioned in the towels, but now you don't care. I don't care.

Just do it. Are the towels clean and put away? Fantastic. Good enough for Chantel? Care.

I'm just happy that they're getting done. Also, who sets the standard? Because everybody has their own way of doing it. And so if folding the laundry is done incorrectly, by whose standard? Exactly.

By that lady who wants you to, like, hug and kiss your clothes and tell them thank you? I'm not you know, is she setting the standard? Because I've never hugged and kissed my clothes when I fold them and put them away. Right. But I also have never folded them into little triangles and put them into the drawer that way either.

No. Again I don't have time for that. I don't wanna spend all my time doing chores, so I'm just gonna I'm just happy someone's doing it. Yeah. You mopped?

Awesome. I love it. Did you miss a couple of spots and you didn't get under the table? I don't care. Yeah.

Thanks for mopping. Wanna tell you about William von Viso from Wilmington, North Carolina. He had a Father's Day tradition. His aunt would send him a lottery scratch off ticket every year. K.

This year, at Father's Day, William's aunt did not send him a lottery scratch off ticket. She just sent him $20 in the mail. Oh. Said, happy Father's Day. Here's $20.

Maybe it'll work better than not winning the lottery. You know? Whatever. K. So he thought, I gotta go buy a scratch off ticket.

That's the tradition. Yeah. So he took the $20, and he went down. He bought a scratch off ticket, and he won 250 $1, 000. Look it.

You kidding me? Is he gonna share some with his aunt? Well, he said he plans to invest most of the money, and he might spend some money traveling. He didn't say anything about sending me money or helping her out or any of that. He said life is just all about timing, and it just shows you always have to follow your gut.

He said this is the tradition. Thank you for the 20, but this is I like the scratch off thing. And so he went and won himself $250, 000. He should do something nice for her. It doesn't say he didn't or won't.

It just says it does doesn't say. Alright. I'm just saying. I'm gonna be mad if he doesn't. Alright.

I would tell you, but, the full article is paywalled. So Oh, no. I can't know. I'm not gonna pay some little fee to read an arc. Forget about it.

That's all the information I know. A cool story. It is good news for William Yeah. Bonviso of Wilmington, North Carolina, and it's good news to get you going. You know, I've noticed as we've stayed in hotels more recently Uh-huh.

There are fewer hotels are doing the individual little bottles of shampoo Yeah. And instead, they have the big dispenser mounted on the wall in the shower. Yes. I've noticed that too. Do oh, how do you how are you feeling about it?

I don't mind. I don't know that I mind either, except that it's sort of now a shared resource for everyone who stays in that hotel room. And I don't I don't know if that matters. It's soap in a shower. Yeah.

It's shampoo in a shower. But they have, like, body wash or they have shampoo and conditioner hung on the wall. That's that's basically it. Right. Here's what's interesting.

Don't tell me something gross. Well, I'm not gonna tell you something gross, but I think this is why this is happening at certain hotels and will continue to be the trend. Because when you have to eliminates waste. Well, correct. It eliminates all the little plastic bottles Uh-huh.

And in and has a refillable, plastic bottles Uh-huh. And in and has a refillable big bottle Yes. In the room, which I'm, great. Fine. Cool.

I'm into that. I like where that's headed. But I think the reason that we're starting to see it and will continue to see it is because when a company or or an industry has to make an adjustment for 1, they'll just do it for all. When iPhone is forced in Europe to change their charger to a USB C port and they're forced to change their messaging service to talk to Google. They don't just change it in 1 country.

They're like, we'll just redo all the technology. Okay. Hotels in New York beginning in 2025 will not be allowed to offer many bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion. Lawmakers have banned them, and the new law, which is the first of its kind in America, is meant to reduce the amount of waste. Okay.

And it doesn't mean that hotels can't still offer complimentary toiletries. They will just have to install wall mounted refillable bottles in the bathroom. So it's going to happen more and more and more and more, and I think the people that have already started to to do it, the hotels that we've stayed at, like in Salt Lake, for example Yeah. That already have moved that way, that's going to continue to be the thing. That's gonna be standard?

Yeah. Because this law has been talked about well before going into effect in 2025. So I think there are certain hotel chains that are already like, we'll just make the move. It's fine. Well and, usually, when they had those tiny bottles, there wasn't enough in there for if you were staying multiple days, it was enough for, like That's true.

1 person. But you could also go ask for You could have asked for more. Yeah. For sure. You can go, hey.

Can I get another bottle of shampoo? They'd be like, not a problem. Surprised you didn't just grab 1 off the cart that was in the hall. Yeah. That's what everybody else does.

Just take things from my cart. So or you could pack your own. There's always that. You know, you could just bring your own little bottles. If you're not on not if you're flying.

Little bottles. Yeah. You'd have to do the little bottles. Gonna take up room in your little quart size ziplock. So you gotta be gotta be real picky choosy.

Exactly. We talked yesterday about Shrek 5 and the new movie coming out. And I said, Emery, did you listen to dad and I show yesterday? And she said, no. I don't get up that early.

It's summer vacation, mom. And I said, okay. Cool. We have a podcast where you can listen to. Yeah.

Later. And she said Anytime. No. I said, why? And I pulled it up for her on the podcast, and I was skipping through.

And she goes, you really need to have story margins on your podcast. Story margins are where you can break it down into bits. Right? So and then you can label it. So it's like good news to get you going.

And then if somebody wanted just the good news, then it's, like, you know, a minute and a half in. Or So in podcast, we call that time stamping. Okay. She called it story margins. Yeah.

Okay. So she said you really need some story margins for your podcast. It would be better for everyone. That's what she says. Those would be better for everyone.

And I said, okay. That's fair. And so as I'm skipping, I go, what section is this? And she said, it's still, like, the days of the week. The the thing that we lead off with at 6 o'clock is very first thing.

Yeah. Yeah. And she goes, I always wanna skip over this part. And I went Wow. Ouch.

Tough critic, man. So we got a little bit of critique yesterday. Yeah. Feedback is a gift. If she wants to go through and time stamp everything, I'll be happy to add it to the transcript so that, everybody can have that information.

That takes a lot of extra time that I'm not willing to dedicate. No. Why would you? You? Why would I?

I don't have time to do that. I have 2 jobs. No. I understand. No.

The time stamping thing makes sense. And I would say in this aspect, what we do, on the podcast, we just take the whole show from 6 to 6 AM to 10 AM, and we make that our episode. So everything you hear on the radio show, you hear in the podcast. Correct. Front to back.

So is there a reason to do time stamping? Maybe. Yeah. Probably. Because you could jump around if they if if you just wanted to find the 1 thing you were listening for in that particular day's show.

Right. But, man, is that difficult. Man, is that a lot of work. And to do that every day I know. And if you do it once for 1 show, you have to do it for all of them.

Don't get don't get wrapped up in that. But that's what I'm saying. If she wants to help, if she's so into the time stamp thing, she could listen to every show. She could add those time stamps. She could send me an email.

I'll update the transcript. She probably won't ever do that because then that would mean she would have to listen to every show. But she was She's our worst critic. I understand. But that's why I was kinda, like, trying to trick her into it by giving her a job to do.

Like, I I've gotta produce it. I've gotta upload it. I've got to, do the transcript every day and and make all that happen and promote it on social media, like, all the things. She could help a little bit if she's so concerned about it is what I'm saying. I think she's probably just rather than being concerned about it, it's just going to stay away.

She's just like, yeah. Well, that's not the answer. Well, I get it. But that's the answer. Because I want her to listen.

It's probably not gonna happen even if she time stamps. She's she's our daughter. She's got other stuff to do. She doesn't care about what we have to say. The other day, you, were, I don't know, bored or something.

So you just started using Google Street View to travel places. Is that what happened? Yes. Where were some of the places you went to Ireland? So I had a friend She was telling me about how she went to Peru.

She had visited Peru. And she was telling me about some of the sketchy neighborhoods in different places. And so then I got curious. Have you ever done that where you just, like, street view a place to see what it kinda looks like, and you just randomly put your little man in the middle of the city. Yeah.

And you just, like, pick a random road and you put him there, and then you look around like, oh. So I did that initially. That's what got me started, and then I was like, let's go see what this place looks like. Okay. So I was just kind of all over the world.

So okay. I was looking at some different destinations Uh-huh. That, may be interesting. Well, so then I, yeah, so then I went to places that I really wanna visit, and I was like, let's go see what this place looks like. I was in Ireland for a little bit.

What'd you see? I was sending you guys pictures. Like, let's go to Ireland. Don't you guys wanna go to this cool place? You guys didn't answer because nobody texted me back.

Well, I just I wanted to learn a little bit more first, I guess. Okay. You also found that there were places you couldn't go. Can't go. Yeah.

And so I 1 of those places I was just looking at Google Street View. 1 of the best island destinations in the world Uh-huh. Maldives. Yeah. Can't Google Street View.

There's places in Russia you can't Street View. There's places in, like, you can't Street View Afghanistan. A lot of North Africa, you can't Street View. So those are places, obviously, that I'm not gonna go to. Have streets?

I don't know. I see. I don't know. I see some pictures because there's also that. Like, there there are, like, places where people have done, like, 360 photography Yeah.

Or they've just taken pictures, but you can't necessarily, like, virtually drive down the road. Right. Did you look at any of those places? No. Oh, well, you should.

You've got more traveling to do. It's the summer. Hit the road. I can't afford to actually go to these places. I just have to drive down the roads on my Google Street View and be like, oh.

Well, this 1 looks like would be really nice to visit. Okay. I'd like to jump in that ocean someday. Where where was your favorite place that you looked at so far? Probably the the place in Ireland that I went to.

Okay. I don't even know where it was, but it it looked very remote and very green. Uh-huh. Very beautiful. Very Irish.

Cliff overlooking the ocean. Yeah. That sounds about right. And I said, let's go to there. Well, fun.

Look. I just I just randomly dropped, the little yellow guy It's pretty fun. In Ireland, and I found a tractor and a boat and a lawn. Oh, no. It's a self catering tea room and bike hire.

Hey. Yeah. I'm just saying, it's not a bad way to waste time. It really is not. It's not terrible, actually.

I mean, I'm just driving down a random rural Ireland road that's seaside. Sometimes Looking at different businesses. Kinda weird. But sometimes I do get a little bit curious about, like, what houses look like. And so I'll Okay.

I'd like to go I like to drop the little yellow guy in, like, the middle of a neighborhood and see how people live. Okay. And that's a weird fact about me. I think it's kinda cool. Let's talk about your bad mood lemonade.

Let's talk about how I know what I want. I know how to order what I want. And when I showed up, the very nice young lady who took my order didn't listen to me. And so I didn't get what I wanted, and so I was cranky about it. Yeah.

You were I'm still a little, over the phone. Cranky about it. You ruined the whole vibe. I wanted a treat real bad. I have a very specific treat that I like.

III found it a summer ago, and I worked tirelessly for about a year to finally figure out Well how to make that thing happen again. It was a special on their menu. It was a frosted lemonade on their menu last summer. And then it went away, and then they got a whole new influx of employees who did not know how to make that drink. Turnover happens.

And even they got rid of the button on their point of sale that said frosted lemonade. So I found a whole bunch of people that also love this drink that found out How to affirm. Employees how like, what are the words you have to say to make this drink. So I said those words, and the the nice young lady taking my order said, oh, okay, and read it back. And I said, that is not what I said.

You did not hear what I said. And so I repeated it, and she said, oh, yeah. Yeah. There's a button for that. And I said, nope.

This is gonna be bad. They brought it back. No. They didn't. They brought back some other terrible thing.

So I You are still really upset about it. Look. I know what I like. It's just lemonade. It's more than that.

What is it? It's a delicious lemonade treat. And I've ordered it, and it's been wrong. And I've sent it back. And then I like 1 time they gave me 3 different drinks and I went, this is not it.

Like, you're not making what I'm set. And so when when it was handed to me, I immediately knew. I was like, this is wrong. I thought it looked the the color was right. Sometimes you can get it and it's bright yellow, and we're like, no.

That's not it. That's when I know it like, this is not it. If I can tell right away by the color. So you're right. The color was close, but the flavor was all messed up.

Oh. And so And so it turned you into a real bad mood. Yep. Yep. It did.

Still not happy about gonna do now? I don't know. I think you should probably just find another drink to order. Negative. They have lots of delicious options.

Go to the 1 that made it right last time and have them do it. And what if they get it wrong? Then you're really out of luck. When they get it wrong is more more real. It's it's just the drink I like.

Why do I have to work so hard to get the drink I like? Why can't I just have the thing I like? I was kind of excited for you because yesterday, it was back on the menu, and I said, it's back. No. It not the thing that I got.

They brought back some weird thing. It's just not the same. Different flavoring, but it still said frosted lemonade. But it's not. That's not it.

It's not. That's like a frozen lemonade, which is different. Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah. Which is what I got.

A thing with a bunch of ice in it. It's not it. It's wrong. Jeez. Take a breath, Josh.

When I was growing up, there was a neighbor that lived next to us, and they brought a brand new truck home. Uh-huh. And they washed that truck every day. Every day? Every day.

It's how you keep your your things nice. You gotta keep them clean. Every day, we would see them with the hose and the little spongy. Okay. They were hand washing Yeah.

In the driveway. Yep. K? Every day. It wasn't every day, but it sure seemed like every day.

Often enough for you to notice. And it wasn't even that I noticed. It was more of an annoyance for my mom, And I don't know why it annoyed her so much, but every time she noticed yeah. She would just say, they're washing their trunk again. I can't believe they're washing their trunk again.

What I've what I've discovered in the last couple of weeks, month Yeah. In the last month is someone that I live with is pretty obsessed about washing his truck. Who's that? Somebody that I live with. Well, I'm the only 1 that has a truck.

Yep. So I feel like you're talking about me. Feel like it's you. Is it annoying you? A little bit.

Why? But I don't know why. Because it's not bothering me. Your mom? It's not hurting me.

Right. You're just It's also, like, not costing anything. I know. Like, it's it's just me washing my truck. I know.

But even yesterday, I said, oh, I need a car wash. Yeah. And you said, I'll do it. Let's go. I mine could use 1 too.

I go, you just got you just had 1, like, Monday. Yeah. And you were ready to do it again yesterday. Why not? I don't know.

I don't know why it's so bothersome. I really have no explanation. Know what what I need, is I I need to get the I've got the glass cleaner. Mhmm. I need to do the windows on the inside and the back window because they're a little dirty.

I need you know what I need is What's that? I need my lights. Your headlights. My headlights. You got those you got that gross headlight shower.

Thing. Mhmm. I'm gonna put that on the list of things to do. I think maybe that's why it's so bothersome because you're the car taker. Take care of your own car.

No. That's not how it works. I'm taking care of mine. You take care of yours. You take care of my car and your car.

Oh. The same way that I take care of your laundry, you take care of the cars. But there's 1 laundry. You see? All of our laundry, you and me, goes into 1 basket.

That's 1 laundry. It doesn't have to be. I could absolutely separate it. I don't but I'm not going to. No.

But I could. Fine. I guess, if that's what you're really into. We've talked about this before. You're the car taker care of.

I can wash my own car, but you deal with all the rest of it. You don't like driving your car into the car wash? No. I don't. But you did just fine yesterday when we washed your car.

Pulled right in like you knew what you were doing. I'm always afraid that I'm gonna be out of the track, And then they're gonna be like, oh, this woman. And then I'm gonna guide you into it. Do. But then I'm I'm just always afraid that I'm gonna be so far out of the track that they're I don't I don't know.

Oh, I'm such a weirdo. The things you don't do once you're in the car wash, Don't hit your brakes. Yeah. Don't turn your wheel. That's it.

I know. I get it. I know how it works. It's so easy. There was 1 time I did get on the track, and then I accidentally put it in reverse instead of neutral.

That's scary time. I know. And then and then he was like, woah. Woah. Woah.

Woah. Woah. And I was like, I know. I know. I know.

I'm fixing it. Settle down. Was anyone behind you? Me out. What?

Was there anyone behind you? Yeah. But they had been a catastrophe. Hadn't gotten on the track yet, that person behind me. Well, you know, neutral.

It's the end. You put it in that, and then take your hands off the wheel But and let the car wash do all the work. I know. That's that's it. Hands up.

I appreciate that you're taking care of your truck. I do because it's a lot of money that Yeah. That's what I'm saying. I gotta keep it nice. Working every day to make those payments.

But listen. There's there's, the the right now, it's like dirt, dust. Like, it hasn't rained, so I don't have, like, spots all over it. But there are bugs that get on there. I don't like that.

The birds like to let me know they exist. I don't care for that. Because we live in a bird friendly house. Right. But they don't have to do that, but they do.

And so I go wash it because I don't want that on there. And then the windows, the windows are making me a little cranky. I gotta do the window thing. Okay. But can I just ask when you go to the store to pick up your window thing that you get the light cleaner?

Oh, I already have the window stuff at home. Oh. I just have to go get it out of the garage and put it in the truck so that the next time I wash my truck, I can also do the windows. Can I ask when you go to do the window thing in your in your truck that you just get in the truck and drive to the store and get the headlight cleaner for me? That's And then you'll do it?

I don't care to do it. I just don't wanna go to the store and get the stuff. What? Ugh. I guess I'll do it myself.

Do you know which 1 to get? No. That's why I need you to go get it. Yeah. I'll probably have to end up doing that.

Yeah. I know. I was driving behind a cement truck or I don't I don't know what it was. It was a big work truck, and there's a big sign on the back that says, say back 50 feet. Yeah.

And I see those regularly, and I go, that's great. But I need a better standard of measure because I don't know I don't know how long 50 feet is. So it needs to say How long do you think 50 feet is? I don't know. I don't know.

If you were going to assume 50 feet in your vehicle, how would you assume? I would probably say it's probably 3 car lengths. You think? I don't know. Just tell me.

Just tell me how long it is. Give me a comparison. Looking at the length of your vehicle Okay. Right now. And, also, I don't think anybody stays 50 feet back from those vehicles.

You know what I'm saying? I do. Nobody does that. And I'll tell you why. It's because they don't know how long 50 feet is.

That's why. We need a different unit of length. Alright. The average car Okay. Average car in the United States.

Uh-huh. Is 14 and a half feet long. Okay. So I wasn't too far off. No.

You're not too far off. If you assumed 15 feet, give it a little extra. Okay. And you assume 15 feet. I'll tell you I was That means 3 car lengths would be 45 feet, which is pretty close.

I was not staying that far back, and nobody does. Nobody stays that far back from You should. Those cars that say that. I wonder if there's a thing where, like, if they're carrying rocks or something, and a rock falls off and, breaks your windshield. I'm sure it's a perfect thing.

Say, hey. Listen. We said give us 50 feet, and you are way closer than 50 feet. We are not paying that. Like, maybe that's an insurance thing.

It's possible. I'll tell you I was not 50 feet behind that truck yesterday. Maybe you should be. I absolutely should be. You're just asking for trouble.

But then I go, I didn't know how long 50 feet. Well, now you do. You should have told me. Your 3 car length rule is pretty good. They need to put in parentheses behind it.

Please stay back. Read the parentheses. Feet or this unit of measure that makes sense to most everybody. 3 car lengths. That's what it should say.

6 wheelbarrows. Like, what do you mean? Like Because I can visualize that, and I can see what that looks like. I can't I look at 50 feet, and I go, I don't know what that mean. I know I'm 5 feet 4 inches.

Oh, so it's less than 10 of you, isn't it? That's a terrible way to do the measurement. I'm going to assume that's as tall as 10 of me. All I'm saying, we need a better standard. We need a better standard than feet that we use all the time.

Yeah. Because you Okay. With meters. If I tell you 50 feet, you know exactly what that looks like, and you can go, oh, I need to stay this far back from this truck. I bet, this would be actually a really interesting challenge.

Would be to say, here's a start line. Uh-huh. Measure 50 feet. Measure a 100 feet from this start line Okay. And then take a tape measure and see how accurate it is.

They've done this kinda they've done this saying for you and I. Okay. Do you think you could assume 50 feet? No. No.

I've already told you that I can't. No. No. I won't. You don't think so?

No. No. What? Okay. Okay.

Well, now you know it's pretty close to 3 car lengths. Got it. I'll do my best. Hey. What's up?

Oh, I got some sad news yesterday. I was told I'm pretty much old. Oh, is that right? Yes. What's up, old lady?

I've been experiencing some things that would signify, getting of an age that is old. You're you're having old lady stuff? Having old lady stuff, which is Old lady stuff. Some hot flashes, some hormone stuff, some real emotional mood swings, all that kind of stuff. Uh-huh.

So you went to talk to somebody. Some tests done, and then I went and had my, let's talk about what your blood work says Yeah. Yesterday, and it's official. You're old. I'm in perimenopause.

Oh, boy. I'm too young for this. Well, that's the beginning. Right? Like, you're not, like, in the No.

I'm not in the throes. Of it. Yeah. No. But I'm too young for this.

But you're on the doorstep is what you're saying. Yeah. You're going, hello. She's a knocking. Hey.

Oh, shit. Well that old lady stuff is a knocking, and I am not having any of it. Don't It's your time out. Time out. You're no.

Don't come in. You're not invited. Sorry to hear your old lady name. That's not fair. Do men go through something similar?

Yes. No. They don't. Been through it every day of my life. Going through it right now.

I looked at my doctor yesterday, and I said, this can't be happening. I'm too young for this. And she said, yeah. But you're not too young for the beginning. So then I went, kid, out of here, why am I paying you money to tell me bad things?

I go to the doctor, and he goes, oh, well, you're, you're on the borderline of obesity. I go, oh, is that right? Thanks, doc. I know. We tell them to say bad things to us.

Tell him to say that. He just likes to tell it. He just likes to spout it out. But they Hey. My doctor yesterday had she because I had, like, a whole panel of blood work done.

The whole shebang. Yeah. And she said, this all looks good. Like, your trial stuff, your liver, your pancreas, all your cholesterol, It looks fantastic. Right.

But here's the Let's talk about all the other stuff. And I said, I don't want to because there was a lot of red. She said, here's your optimal stuff, and here's the not optimal stuff. And it was all red, which means that it was not at the levels that it should be. And then she said a lot of words I didn't understand because I tuned out, and I I don't even la la la la la la la la.

I I don't wanna hear it. Well? I'm too young. What's that old? I'm much too young to feel this old?

I think that's something like that. Yeah. That sounds like something your mom would say. No. It's a song.

It's from a song. Sounds like something your mom would say. I have been trying to eat a little better. Is this part of your old lady stuff? Of my old lady stuff.

Yes. Okay. Old lady stuff part 2. This is all I'm gonna be talking about because this is my life. So I've joined a dieting program where I have to track some points.

And the people that I live with hate it. No. I don't I don't I don't care if you wanna track points or read labels or scan stuff or track things, whatever it is you wanna do. What I don't care for is everything you pick up, you go, oh, that's this that's the 6 things. And I cool.

Like, it's irrelevant to anyone else. Well, I'm just talking out loud. I know. But geez Louise. It's everywhere we go, though.

That's why that's because you'll go, oh, I'm gonna go in here. Oh, man. Everything on the menu is, like, 14 14 things. Well, I mostly said out loud to say, this is crazy that I get 23 points a day if something is 14 points. Right.

That's my entire Right. That's my entire thing. And so you scroll and you look and you go, oh, I guess I'll have a chip. I get I get, 3 points for 6 of those. That's a good deal.

Like, okay. Good deal. Thanks. Avery hates it the most, or she's the most vocal about it because anytime I say, oh, I can't have that Right. Or I can only have 6 of those Right.

She just goes, just eat it. I know. It's just like you you're you're sacrificing your happiness and the happiness of those around you for the sake of counting. Because I want to live longer and be healthier. Yeah.

You're welcome. 7. You know what it is? It's like living with the count from Sesame Street. 7.

Okay. So yesterday 4. She and I went to lunch, and I got a salad. And the salad was 0 points. And I was like, that's great.

Yeah. And then I read a little closer, and it said, without dressing. Yeah. And I went, oh. And then you add the dressing.

And then I added dressing. The dressing by itself was 19 points. 19? Like I said, I get 23 in the whole day. The dressing was 9 Scrolly.

Scrolly. Scrolly. Scrolly. Scrolly. Scrolly.

So Emery says, just don't put the dressing. Just don't count the dressing. Right. And I said, well, that's cheating, isn't it? Like, the whole point is to keep me on track and to keep me eating better and making better choices.

And then I I tried a couple of bites without the dressing, and I was like, this is this is terrible. This is terrible. And the dressing I got is a, like, a peanut base sauce, and I love it. And so I'm like Just eat it. The whole reason I ordered this was because I like the dressing.

So I finally just I opened it. I poured it on top, and she goes, good job. You're learning. Yeah. Way way to go.

Just eat. The way Look. We've always said, like, it's all about just doing the best you can. Yeah. Doing things in moderation and doing the best you can.

You chose a salad. Yeah. That's that's the best option. Right? And there was colorful veggies too.

Right. Like, that's what they say is to eat, like, a ride gamma of color. Sure. And I and I I get that the dressing is where all the fats and all the sugars are at. Yes.

So I understand why they're going like, this is not the best choice. Who's just gonna eat a plain salad? No. A rabbit. I tried it.

It was gross. Lettuce. So my own daughter is teaching me how to cheat. This is right. This is what what she should be doing.

Sorry that your counting is bugging everybody. I know. I'm sorry too. Jeez, Louise. We had a barbecue over the weekend, and I bought a cup a pie.

Yeah. And it's a cherry pie, and it's a large 1 from Costco. And huge. There were only 2 people who wanted a piece of pie at the barbecue, and so I had a whole this pie left over. And then I may or may not have had a pie for breakfast the next day.

I did. And then there was a lot of pie. And I said, I gotta get rid of this pie because I knew none of you guys in my house would eat it, and I certainly did not to have more need to have more pieces. So I said I'll take it into the office because when people bring treats into the office, it goes quick. Not this pie.

Not this pie. I don't think Did you go check? Yeah. No one's touched it. No one's touched it.

No one's touched the cherry pie. And then I whole cherry pie. Cherry pie. Nobody wants it. What's the deal?

I don't know. What's wrong with your cherry pie? Didn't bring the whipped cream? Is it because Send another email. No.

They know it's there. No. I know. And say, hey. That pie is still there.

I bet Why is no 1 eating it? Yeah. What's wrong with this pie? I better come in tomorrow, and the whole thing better be gone. Yeah.

I don't want this pie. Eat it. I also want somebody else to eat it because then it's just a waste of money. Plate it and just start dropping it off on desks around the office. Hey.

I got you some of that pie. I got you some pie. And maybe cherry pie is not a very fan favorite. Apparently. People just don't like cherry pie, but it's free pie.

Free pie. Free pie in the break room. Come get it. Some. It's delicious.

Send another email. And just say, hey. You might not have seen my first email. There's still some cherry pie. All the same amount I brought in 2 days ago, it's still there.

So have some pie. It's for free. I should just take the whole pie around and just be like, pie? Cherry pie? You could do that.

And then if they say, oh, no. Thank you. I'm gonna say, no. And I'm gonna force feed it to them. Right.

They're gonna say, no. I don't like it, and you're gonna go, too bad. You're gonna eat it. Yeah. You're gonna you're like a like a cranky mom.

Because I don't You're a I don't wanna have my money wasted. I won't eat need to cry. Remember, Barb and Hymer? Yeah. When the Barbie movie and Oppenheimer came out at the same time, and they've tried to recreate that with, like, Garfield and something else.

They they're trying to recreate it again this year. It's called Glickid. Wicked and? Can you guess the other 1? No.

Gladiator 2. Oh, but look. Have you ever heard the term lightning doesn't strike the same place twice? Yeah. Quit trying to force it.

Try it. Because here's the thing. When they released Barbie and Oppenheimer at the same time Yeah. They just did it. Right.

And then the Internet was like, no. This is a funny thing you could do is go see these 2 movies that are coming out at the same time. You can't manufacture that. Yeah. I I agree.

Stop it. I agree. Stop trying to make it a thing. The star of Gladiator, Paul Mescal says that he thinks that it is a it's the same because these movies, Wicked and Gladiator, are polar opposites much like Barbie and Oppenheimer, and it worked perfectly in that context previously. Sure did.

So he's hoping that people come out and see both of these films on opening weekend just as they did with Barbie and Oppenheimer. Yeah. It's And he said, we're going with Glickade because I can't even pronounce it. The other 1 didn't work? Yeah.

If you take wicked and Gladiator. Gladiator. Try to yeah. That doesn't even roll off the tongue. No.

It doesn't. So doesn't. And you quit trying to force it. Just it's gonna happen organically if it's going to happen. Or here's an idea.

Just release your movies and see what happens. Mhmm. The Internet might embrace you. Just quit it. Quit trying to force it.

Also, I vaguely heard that they were making a gladiator too, but I vaguely I heard they were making it, but I didn't realize it was like I haven't heard much about it. Is Russell Crowe? He was in the first 1. Right? So.

Yeah. He was. But I think he's kinda anti this 1. He's anti gladiator. He's anti gladiator too.

Okay. I don't know. But how can they I don't I don't know. I don't know how to I am excited for the wicked movie. Yeah.

Me too. I am, having seen that on Broadway, I'm very excited to see what they do with it on the big screen. I know you're nervous. No. Well, I am nervous, but I saw the original cast.

The original Broadway You did. Cast. I saw Chenoweth and, and Menzel. Yeah. And I I was very not enjoying that Ariana Grande was going to be playing Galinda.

But after seeing the trailer Yeah. But also It's pretty okay. She is Gonna be pretty okay. Before, she's a huge fan. And when she was cast, she said, I will protect the baby.

Like, she was very much like, I respect the source. I'm going to do it justice. So better. And, also, Jonathan Bailey is gonna play a Fierro. You don't know what any of that means, but I do.

And I'm No. I know what it means because you won't be quiet about it. Yeah. Because I'm excited. Yeah.

Good for you. Go see does this come out? Glicket. I I won't. But when does wicked come out?

They both come out on Friday, November 22nd. Okay. That's a week before Thanksgiving. Yeah. You're right.

Alright. I'm excited. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm excited for Wicked. I don't know if I care about Gladiator. I I maybe wanna see it just out of curiosity because I do, like, enjoy the first 1.

The first one's pretty good. But But also Glickid? Come on. I don't think I need to see Gladiator 2 in the theater. There it is.

I'll just wait for it to come out on streaming. But Wicked is definitely a theater experience. For sure. For sure. Also, did it need to be broken into 2 movies?

No. No. It doesn't. Mm-mm. They should not have done that.

No. They shouldn't have. Could they do, Wicked, the Broadway thing like they did Hamilton on Disney Plus? I actually wish that they would do something like that. I would like to see that.

Me too. I would like to see more of that, actually. I very much would like to see more of Broadway presented like Hamilton is presented on Disney plus. I agree. Bring me more of that.

I like that a lot. Because I can't always afford to go see those shows, and I love them. Right. So I'll do more of that. Exactly.

Who do we need to email? I'll do it right now. Probably Lin Manuel Miranda is a good start. Email him. Alright.

You think it's just lin.manual dot Miranda at gmail dot com? No. I'll I'll start there. Alright. Good luck.

What time for your would you rather this or that question of the day? Would you rather swim in a pool full of baked beans or No. Swim in a pool full of hot dogs. What? It's summer edition.

Summer edition. Barbecue edition. Gross. I know. And then are they cooked hot dogs or raw hot dogs?

And are they cold baked beans, or are they warm baked beans? Baked beans is not the answer. No. No. It's way more liquid than hot dogs, but that liquid is made of brown sugar.

Yeah. And that is not really gonna be fluidy liquid. But if you're swimming in a pool full of hot dogs, you're gonna smell like a hot dogs for months. Not for months. Yeah.

I'll always smell the hot dogs. You would you wouldn't maybe you wouldn't smell like it, but you would not be able to get the smell out of your nose. Yes. I would. No.

I wouldn't. Are the hot dogs floating in water? Yes. Yeah. I'm picking that 1.

0, gross. Yeah. Gross. And you know how when you, like, you do the fountain thing with the water? Ew.

Yeah. But then you gotta do it with a hot dog. Just shoot 1 out. Poomp. Then you also have to do that with the baked beans.

I'm not doing the baked beans. Like watermelon seeds. Yeah. But beans. Yeah.

No. I'm taking the hot dog pool. Pool of hot dogs floating around in the water. I'm going like beans. The same color as a hot dog.

That's me bobbing along and pool a hot dog. Josh, where are you? I can't see you. I can't see you. I'm the big hotdog.

You would have to put your arms up because that would be the only way to tell. Yay. Big hot dog right here. Yeah. I'm taking that.

What are you picking? I told you. Baked I'm going baked beans. Why? Because I hate hot dogs.

Ugh. They smell so bad. I would always smell hot dogs from there on out. Think you're always gonna smell baked beans? Yeah.

But I'd rather smell baked beans than hot dogs. Like, 2 pieces of ham in there? Ew. What baked beans are you making? It's not pork and beans.

No. I know. But there's bacon in baked beans. Not always. The good ones.

Mhmm. Hey, Chantel. It's time for your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Oh, good. I need to be better than yesterday.

Do you? I do. It says here, stop counting. No. That's not what it says.

It says, if you're a morning person No. And do your best work in the morning No. No. Then flip it and be a night person today. What if you're a night person?

Then tomorrow morning, you're a morning person. I don't necessarily know if I'm a morning person or a night person. I'm a napping person. I know. Took a little nap yesterday in the middle of the day.

I did too. Best little nap I've had. Awesome. My doctor even said yesterday that, I have an easy it looks like from what she could tell that I have an easy time falling asleep, but a really difficult time waking up. And I said, attracts.

Yeah. It's here's what it says. It says mix things up because you never know what you might discover about, what makes you the most happy and capable. If you're a morning person and do your best work then, flip it and be a night person today or vice versa. I actually really do like being awake in the morning.

Yeah. Once I'm awake, I'm like, let's do this. I can get things going. I don't always like getting out of bed. Right.

I feel you. I know. I know. But Okay. I just also like, as a night person, I like to stay up.

I don't like going to bed because there's still so much to do. Right. I gotta read another chapter. Sure. I gotta watch another episode.

Mhmm. Gotta sit outside till the sun goes all the way down. Exactly. Then I can look at the stars. Exactly.

I know. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Have a great rest every Thursday. Again, we will not be in the studio tomorrow. We're gonna be doing the, tour of the MFC facility at the INL.

So, very cool. And, and then we're actually not in the studio next week at all. So We're going camping. Yeah. We're gonna be out and about.

So, anyway, have a great rest of your day. Yes. Have a great Friday. Have a great weekend. Tomorrow.

Have a great weekend. Have a great week next week, and we'll be back in a few days. And, hey, as people used to write in yearbooks all the time, stay cool. Yeah. That's right.

Don't change. But, also, it's really hot, so stay cool. Right. There No. Really.

Go somewhere with air conditioning. Sunscreen and hydration. Mhmm. Drink in the waters. If you have a basement, head downstairs Right.

Because it's cooler down there. And, also, just stay cool. Stay cool. Stay cool. We'll see you soon.

Have a great day. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.