Veteran's Affairs Plus W/ David L. Washington

In this episode of Veterans Affairs Plus on 91.5 Jazz and More, host Dave Washington discusses important topics affecting veterans and the community. Commander Jeff Jones of American Legion Post 10 joins to talk about veteran benefits, the significance of voting, and upcoming events, including a large veterans' gathering and a scholarship in honor of Cleve Thomas. Later, Alex Bernal shares his journey in community outreach, his roots, and the impactful program "Laughs on the East Side," which bridges gaps between law enforcement and the community through humor. The episode emphasizes the power of voting, community support, and mental health awareness for public safety officers.

What is Veteran's Affairs Plus W/ David L. Washington?

Veteran's Affairs Plus discusses the issues that veterans in Las Vegas deal with on a daily basis. Your host, David L. Washington connects listeners with relevant community resources and information that they need to help veterans or themselves.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a KU envy studios original program. You're listening to special programming sponsored by making moves life coaching services. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:35
You can save

Unknown Speaker 0:50
good day Las Vegas this is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5 Jazz animal. I'm Dave Washington, your host. I got our commander of American Legion Post 10 on the line who out who will join us shortly. However, I got a couple of announces. Then of course, in the studio, I have a longtime friend, Alex Brunel in, in the house, and I've been trying to get him in my own man and I let several other talk show hosts getting before I did. So. You know, I don't mind playing third fiddle. But anyway, once again, Las Vegas, I am pleased to be here. We've got a couple of things I need to cover. And first of all, we know that the university always give their disclaimers to us who helped host the shows. And I certainly want to acknowledge the fact that I do not speak any way form or fashion for the university. However, there's a couple of things that I must say, one, I know that and I don't want to offend anyone I know there are police and firefighters along with veterans who support the former president, I understand you have that right. That's why we served in the military, those who those of us who did for us to have the right to pick and choose what we want to do in terms of our voting. But I in no shape or form can support the things that that man is trying to do to include and I urge everyone out there to study. And it's like 900 Plus pages. You don't have to read the entire 2025 project, but at least get some idea what it entails because it will take a tremendous impact on us as American citizens. I'm talking about I don't care if you're black, white male female is going to put some hurt on us. So in regards to vote, I had on my show just a couple of weeks ago, Miss Virginia. Brewster Brooks Brewster 86 year old woman that man I can't believe this woman this the energy that she has, and she's out, getting people round up to vote. So none of us have have an excuse even me at 73 This lady has so much energy but she says she's gonna be out there working to get people registered and urging them to vote. On the birthday side, I want to acknowledge our eldest daughter, April, her birthday is this month so just want to shout out to her. My deceased father, Leon Washington, His birthday is this month as well. He passed away a number of years ago, but we will always miss him. I want to express condolences and I failed to do this on my last show because I you know, as you move about and be doing things, man, sometimes everything runs together. But one of our TV personalities Lillian McMorris passed away not so long ago and I just want to acknowledge her and her daughter. Her daughter used to call me her camp Anytown dad, but a lovely young lady. And we certainly again, expressed deep deep sympathy for you and your loss of your great mom, who was tremendous and very quick story. Fady duck and Daniel used to have a program called the Black Women's Alliance. And I was the emcee. And Lillian gave me some advice, which I failed to follow. She said, Don't get up there and read a script. She said, ad lib. I got up there and said, instead of saying ballet, I said ballot. And I knew when it roll off my lips, I was like, Alex, I'm like, What are you doing, you idiot. But anyway, we will miss her. She was a tremendous asset to our community, just just an outstanding woman. So prayers and condolences to that family, and also prayers in regards to prayers, pray for my sister in law, Eva, my sister Kathy and my brother Leon. They all have some medical issues going on. With that, I'd like to move right into our first guest Commander Jeff Jones of American Legion posting what's going on, Jeff?

Unknown Speaker 4:49
Good morning, David. Good day here in Kentucky. I'm kind of out of the biggest area right now. But I'm better than my mom and definitely for the VFW convention. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 5:00
so what's going on? What's the major theme of the convention?

Unknown Speaker 5:06
Same thing with all veterans is make sure you know, they look at their benefits, health, suicide prevention, those are the main topics, you know, that are being spoke up. And, again, like I said, they a very important part of us being veterans, you know, because a lot of people kind of get away from the military, and kind of want to put that behind them. But you know, once you served in the military, it never is behind you, it's always the forefront, got important to you, because you learned so much while you were there. And it's a big part of your life, so you can't get away from it. So we try to encourage people to continue to you know, they look at their benefits and look to continue to get back, we'll

Unknown Speaker 5:47
see it, we'll see it and certainly always encourage people to call Tony Marshall, our service officer and I will give his number toward the end of the program. So commander, Jeff Jones, would you please give us an indication of what's going on, and what our future plans in the short order for American Legion post to?

Unknown Speaker 6:09
Again, as you spoke earlier, it's about voting. So we oppose him, we want to encourage our members and our community guests that do come in to vote, you know, it's now that the field has changed up, you know, hopefully, it cleared up some of the candidates they want to vote for, and we talking about on a national level, state level, and local levels, also, you know, just just don't vote on one category. And then, you know, leave it alone, you know, all three of those energies, you know, they have to be met, you know, so we have to look at all of those that pick those rights candidates. So we're looking in the promoting that and probably holds something, and it posed to him before November election, not supporting a particular candidate, but she was encouraged voters, veterans to get out there and vote were to host a big event, which is called adipose for vegetations. Next year, so right now, we are doing some preparations for that. But we're gonna we looked at 15 different posts coming in from Arizona, Nevada, and California to come in for that. So we're doing a lot of groundwork on that to try to make sure that we do the right thing. Once these individuals who come in town, we can host it on post, or we have to do downtown. But that's what's going on now. And we had the current time. And so it's a sad thing that we have to do. But you mentioned before we had a great loss and post with a young brother, Steve Stricker, you know, he was a great friend of mine, and he was called home unexpectedly. And so we are now in preparation, they're trying to do his Homegoing services for that. So that's kind of taking the wind out of my sails for a bit. But you know, it's a good thing that I'm kind of got away from that right now, because of all the questions, but I'll be back in Las Vegas tomorrow. And then I gotta hit the ground running and try to get some more things down on that and for his family. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:14
Steve was a great man. And to your point, again, to our listening audience, audience. This is a FERS plus is not a political show. But however, as a host, and things that are going on, and again, I don't try to tell people who to vote for. But I certainly encourage people to vote. And to your point with regards to something that will be coming up at American Legion Post. And I think one of one of the very important things that you talked about commander, and that is voter education. Because a lot of times and then I know you probably made you're probably old enough to remember. I think it was a congressman chip O'Neill, he said all politics are local. So there are various boards and commissions that we should be seeking on seeking to set on to include those boards that don't pay a dime. But the voices of people, regular people, it's so important to be heard by those who are in elected position. So your points well taken. So you say you'll be back in town the next couple of days and still working on something for Steve. And in the last time I actually saw Steve, which you and he were at a WS Oh, yeah. And I'm like, in the next day he did. You had something else going on. But you know, he was writing me about because I don't go to a lot of meetings. I don't even go to golf meetings, I love to golf, but meetings I just don't like because I did so much during my work time that if everything is going well, you've probably but I do read the minutes. I try to stay in tune with what's going on and you're doing a fabulous job and encourage you to keep doing what you're doing. And thank you for that. Yeah, and Steve is certainly a loss. What a great guy, man just overall just a great human being. That we're going to miss and You know one other thing I'd like you to cover real quickly if you could, because we got a couple more minutes in the segment, Commander in that is, I saw at the meeting that you guys have another great guy who we lost in a few a few months back, Cleve Thomas scholarship, I want to know, or tell the our listening audience, those veterans and others who may want to chip in and give something toward that, how would they go about doing that? Well,

Unknown Speaker 10:26
we would like for them to come in and personally bring in and if they're going to pay us by cheque, because right now we don't have any other electronical means to take any donations for that. But we wanted to go to our financial officer, Maurice Thomas, that way, they can get a seat for that. It'd be a tax deduction for them. But we are looking to make that scholarship to give that scholarship out this year, we have enough funds in there, like I said, we want to make sure that you know, it was an idea. There are funds in that account now. And then we can get it to a young student that is in need. And that way, the process has gone all the way through and then we will build on that. But I can say two of the steps in the three step process. I the way I look at it, I've done but we encourage anyone to come in and no Klebe and all the hard work he put into not only the American Legion, but he was an elk also, but he was always about the community. And we just thought at that time, he made that last meeting. I think he passed away a week after he made the last meeting with us. But his drive and determination everything else we want to keep his legacy going. And especially when it comes to education, because he was one of the judges for all too technical presentations, he would always be a judge on that. So we want to make sure that that is, you know, that the funds are given to a deserving student this year, we'll come out with this scholarship package is already done. But once we get it out, and we get enough individuals, that's what and for that, then we'll go through our board selection. And then we'll present that to that student

Unknown Speaker 12:13
outstanding and again, honoring a great guy. So thank you so much for coming in. And we'll get you back on again sometime in the near future. Once again, this is Veterans Affairs plus on any 1.5 Jazz and more. We just had Commander Jeff Jones of American Legion Post team. On the other side, we'll have my friend Alex banana. Thanks, Commander.

Unknown Speaker 12:38
Once again, good day. This is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5 Jazz Hall. I'm the Washington your host. And as I mentioned, I have a second Yes. Mr. Alex Brunel, a young man that I've known for a number of years and outstanding individual who's been a mentor to many young folks. And he's done outstanding programs over a number of years to include a disappointment of man, but you know, time has a way of making things right, if you will, I was saddened that he didn't take over the position of our deceased friend, and longtime community member and outstanding individual, Melvin beetle Ennis. So things happen. So Alex, how you doing, my friend? I'm

Unknown Speaker 13:22
good. Thank you for the invite. And actually, you know, I didn't get that position at first, but I actually got his position because he was an administrator over community outreach back in right before the recession, right? They took that position away, okay. He never got it back. They created that position. And I got that position. So I'm in his I'm in this I'm in this footsteps still, as I'm continuing his legacy. Like I

Unknown Speaker 13:48
say, me and God has a way of working things out. So that's wonderful to hear. So how you been doing overall, man,

Unknown Speaker 13:54
pretty good. You know, you know, I left Parkdale. I was there for about five years. And I know you got the opportunity to come out and visit me sometimes out there. It was a good learning experience coming from working over in gang intervention for almost almost 20 years and then coming over and and running a recreation center and a senior center and I'll be honest with you, she had no idea what the heck I was doing. But one thing I'm good at is listening to the people and giving them what they want is a key. Luckily, it gave me a good five years experience of just doing more community empowerment and just kind of watch I you know, I watched I watched you I watch a commission a week, I watched a lot of people in the community and saw how you serve the community. And I just watched and as I watched I learned from you and then after everything I got from y'all, I just took it off to the east side and created my own thing.

Unknown Speaker 14:38
So you have left Parkdale. I didn't even know that. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 14:42
left Parkdale so about, I don't know, about three, four months ago, I got another opportunity. I got a promotion. That's now as I'm a program administrator. So I'm over. I'm over the GI T program. I'm over a new directions program, and I'm over community outreach.

Unknown Speaker 14:58
Wow. Yeah. Perfect, yeah for that, because I think, you know, one of the things, you know, well, you may not know, but I'm the president, CEO, non paid position of the Carl Holmes executive development institute, we had seven. And we had six initiatives, six initiatives in our strategic plan. And we added community outreach. And we got a former captain with LA County Fire Department, and Board of Directors member, Brent. Brent is doing some stuff with the black firefighters in the city of New Orleans, they're going to have an outreach program to the pilot program. And but his last name is Burton had kind of a fail of thought there. But this program is going to be a pilot for just starting off with 20 to 25 young women and ultimately become co Ed. But the point of doing community outreach is so important for for any agency that's about their worth, should be about. So that's excellent to hear that you're a part of that you're leading that part as well, because you have, I think, an excellent skill set to further develop those who may be coming in under your leadership.

Unknown Speaker 16:09
Thank you. You know, again, I wouldn't been able to do that if I didn't have the people who set the foundation, but also the people behind that are actually supporting my choices and trusting me to make decisions and put together events and programs together and they just kind of like saying, Hey, we believe in you. We trust you. And that's wonderful. So where are you born and raised? I was born in San Antonio, Texas. That's my that's where my DNA started. And, you know, even though I might have lived out here in North Las Vegas most of my life, right? I still consider myself a day high. No, I'm Latino Chicano, Tex Mex. You want to name it? My night here at my folks. Most folks don't see me that way. But Texas is my roots. But I'm Northtown I'm in North Las Vegas resident and high school high school when I went to Jim Bridger middle school and I went to Rancho High School.

Unknown Speaker 16:59
Rancho High School. Yes, Rancho big school back in the days it was, you know, it's it's really interesting that you mentioned, you still maintain your roots for San Antonio. I'm from Dale, high Louisiana. It was just down at a week ago, a week and a day ago now. And for my family reunion. Let me tell you something. When I became fire chief, you know, remember when the jet magazine, a little small magazine when it came out? They had people on the move. And people was upset. They said, you said you're from DNI, Louisiana. I said, that's where I'm from. Why you didn't say Las Vegas, Nevada. They didn't ask me. Where was I raised? They asked the question was, where are you from? That would have been allowed to say I was from Las Vegas in terms of where I was actually born. So anyway, people were a little perturbed about that. But that's outstanding, man. Because to me, your roots of where you came from. It's always important to identify with and go back to. But Alex, you are doing great work, man. You got some things going on and coming up in the future. So talk to us about some of the things you got going on.

Unknown Speaker 18:02
You know, one of the things that we partnered Clark County Parks and Recreation and along with Metro have partnered with an event called laughs on the east side. We took well, actually, I remember a program that was started almost, I won't say about 12 years ago, the former Metro officer, retired officer met Regina, Regina coward, along with Captain burns, and at that time, it was for Dennis Flynn and Mcnay Hill and it Schofield all them. They all came up during that in 2012, when they had the comedy in the 106, where they got a whole bunch of comedians. And I think at that time, they were looking to try to have Metro and the community heal because it was a lot of stuff going on in the community. So they were like, well, how can we put them together we can, we can show that, you know, the animosity, the bitterness that you have towards police, we can let you know that, you know, police are human, you know, just right. And so they came up with that concept of comedy in the 106. And they held it over at a Texas station. I remember me and and Beto beetle told me to come with him. And I'm like, where we go. And he said, We're gonna go see, we're gonna go hang out with the police. And some comedians that didn't, that didn't sound good. It just didn't sound exciting, right. But when I got there, and to be able to see, you know, the sheriff, that thing was Gillespie at the time, seeing them all in the audience laughing with the community and the comedians making fun of the officers. It was it was it was a, it was a very fun, energetic peaceful night. And at the end of the show, to see the officers, you know, handshaking with the community, and I was like, wow, that was so cool. And I always remember that. And it made a big impression on me. And then when and then they stopped and I don't know if it was was a funding issue. I don't know what it was. And then of course, Texas station no longer exists. And they held it at Texas station when I knew when I went to park down oversaw the Rec Center. I always carried that and I said, You know what, I want to have That comedy thing over here with Metro, but we can call it 106 because we're not in the 106. So I said, Well, we're gonna call it last from the east side. And I contacted the time Sheriff McMahon he'll say, Hey, listen, we want to do the exact same thing. Can we bring it over here to the east side? Since we're not we're not doing it over there. And he's like, yeah, so we did it last year. That was our first year doing it. And we wanted we did it. We always do it in August, right before school starts because one of the things is we don't we don't charge anyone for this comedy show. But we ask that they bring some, you know, some school supplies, because that helps us before because our back to school event is couple of days after this event. So is this something that we did it last year and it will turn out to be amazing and, and we'd like to continue doing this for as long as we can. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:41
recall. You know, one thing about me, I like to get to know folks because I didn't really know the current share. Now, Joe, I knew Joe I think he and I met he was executive Lieutenant for you may have been killed. I don't know. But I under the metros. Multicultural committee officer with four sheriffs. And Kevin will be fifth man. But he said when you come in back, I don't know that I'm coming back, man. But I think that's a very, very good organization. I know Ramadan is chair that and it's in Kevin men. So my point in getting to know Kevin a little bit better. I say, Man, I want to take you to lunch because I took Joe to I took it when he became the Chair. And he came by himself. And Sheriff always brings his executive captain or Lieutenant. And I'm paying, you know, but we go over the grids. He said, I want whatever he was in a car. So I want some greens. I say what? Yeah, so yeah, you think white dudes don't eat greens? What the hell's wrong with you? Excuse me? West Wesley, that's not really a bad word. Okay, thank you with. But anyway, so he started laughing. He said, man, what makes you think a white dude don't like some greens. But also saw Kevin in one of the meetings, he got very emotional about something that occurred. And I say this is the real deal me. And one thing I've seen since this young lady got shot, what a couple of weeks ago now. There's I saw one black officer, one white officer, and I trust and hope that more officers will speak out. You know, when people are doing wrong, man, they need to be exposed because we need our police officers. And I always tell people, man, they are people that we need. We need the professional ones and the ones who are doing harm. And being disruptive to our community, they need to be gone. And the only way they can be gone if you guys point them out. And you got to do that sometimes.

Unknown Speaker 22:42
Right? And you know, and Kevin, our sheriff is, man, he's just an amazing man. And I tell people this I would run through a wall for that man. He's a great man and, and he's doing great things in this community. And he believes you know, he he's one of those things. You know, every time I've asked him for advice or ask him it was almost like I was talking to a brother like he was just he genuinely cares for me.

Unknown Speaker 23:06
Well, something that Ramadan APPRISE me of and I intend to get maybe both but for sure the share of Kevin we may he'll he is doing something about the mental aspect of officers. Let me tell you something. When I was serving, one of our engines turn on his side, our firefighters got injured. Mayor Oscar Goodman, call me said I'm coming chief. I said no mayor, you don't have to call. Two o'clock in the morning he showed up. Anyway, it was very, very painful for me. But we have a person who comes in and talks to you about these things. I kept telling him Rinna down joven I'm good. I'm good, you know, tough mental aspect of firefighters, veterans of, you know, military folks. So it happened one day when I went up, an officer or student at our institute down at the executive development student house at Delhi University say, Have you ever been debriefed on it? I start crying. I said, No. But I haven't cried since I wasn't debrief me because I was thought I had had this shield. I don't need to be debrief, I got this. So what Kevin is doing, I think is going to be a great help. Because if people had any idea, the stress that public safety officers go through in the things that they see it on a day to day basis. If you don't think that's gonna have a mental effect on them. You aren't thinking clearly. So I admire what he's doing. I want to I'm gonna get him on the show to talk about that, man. That'd

Unknown Speaker 24:45
be great. And you know what? He's gonna be at that show. He's gonna be coming to that show. Again, he's just a great man. And again, for those of you are listening on the radio, it's called last from the east side in collaboration with Clark County Parks and Recreation and Las Vegas, Metropolitan. Police Department. August 8, is a free Comedy Night is for 18 and older, because there might be a little bit of cussing going. And you know, we have a lady aka k is going to be the host. And she's this amazing been a wonderful support for us and we're at Parkdale as well as the whole of the whole Clark County. So she's hosting and bringing some amazing brain amazing. acts over madness. You know, we're excited. And, again, this is for a good cause. Let's come on laugh with Metro,

Unknown Speaker 25:26
right? Oh, yeah. AK is just a beautiful sister, man she has. I have had her on the show. And I told her, You are an old soul for young woman, man, I appreciate her knowledge. And her ability to express she is a just just a beautiful person. And I love her. And we talk about that from time to time, as always, she checks on me and I check on her. And she was a member of your staff. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 25:52
she was a member of my staff, man. And she turned out to be a blessing Island. She was a member of my sister. She's a member of my family. And, you know, my daughter's that's her. And it's funny, like you said, she's young, she's a lot younger than me. But I swear, like, I want to be a father figure too. But I actually think like, I'm her little brother.

Unknown Speaker 26:11
She is a very, very wise young lady. So what else is on the drawing board? And how long have you been in this new position? I've

Unknown Speaker 26:18
been in the position for maybe about a couple of months. But one of the things that's unique about this position, so I will still be over the team program like working with at risk populations, and also community outreach. So what am I one of my goals is, is identifying communities that are going through some gang impacted communities, some vandalism, maybe some communities, there's, there's just not doing much. So my job is to go out there, identify community, assess the community, find out what they need. And it could be maybe another food distribution, it can be a big event, it can be me bringing programs to them, or it could be me getting a van and taking some of those kids out of that community and expose them to some other communities. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 26:58
You know, when we did count brotherhood and counseling, and I know you're Hispanic Mexican work, what have you, versus, you know, us blacks, us right there a bit. And Billy's tell Well, the first time I said, Yeah, me, why do you gather up all these extra blankets and blah, blah, blah. He said, why? I said, Well, we sent the information to the parents. He said, Watch, we're going up, and we didn't told her it may gets 55 Or six degrees at night, and even in the summertime. And they come with shorts and T shirts. And you say I told you, but anyway,

Unknown Speaker 27:35
closing remarks. You know, I just want to thank you, T for being the great man, father, husband, leader in our community. And I was blessed to have you around and to be able to see you and watched you just handle the good and the bad. And I watched it all. And I just want to thank you for being a mentor for me, even though you didn't sign up to be my mentor. But I claimed on to you to be one of my mentors, one of the people who I look up to and we'll come to you when I need you and, and thank you for always supporting me also.

Unknown Speaker 28:10
Well, I appreciate that. Let me ask you this. This is a question. That's because I tell people I'm not a journalist. I'm gonna talk show hosts political aspirations.

Unknown Speaker 28:21
You know, I've been hit numerous times. And I want to I will, you know, I'm not going to make the statement here on your radio. I could be this could be I will I you know, that's been a dream of mine for a long time since since the early 90s. When my first the first campaign I ever worked for was with John rose for city of North Las Vegas, and Gary Gray. I remember doing this so he took me under his wing and tried to get me into politics at an early age but I ended up going under Beatles wing instead of Gary's wing. And so politics is something you know, definitely I'm going to do and I have too many people who want me to All right,

Unknown Speaker 28:58
this is Veteran Affairs plus on any 1.5 Jazz more you heard it from here on this show that one day Alex will run for office. I want to remind folks out there Tony Marshall, our service officer 301-537-9465 He can help you with the benefits once again that's fast plus more we'll talk to you next.

Outro Song 29:50
Smoking the tilde Hey, when they step on the payment, we

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