After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

Was COVID vaccine and virus in all of totality a DOD operation? I get to talk with Sasha Latypova, she’s done her homework and research to show that it is. There may not be any cut out in the law to hold these companies and perpetrators accountable though civil law BUT what if these are all WAR CRIMES?!

Show Notes

Next week we will hear from ret. LTC Ivan Raklin and this Green Beret Constitutional lawyer talks about your rights and the law.   


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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.

65. Sasha Latypova and DOD

Nurse Kelly: [00:00:00] Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time. Of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you for joining me again today. I have a wonderful guest, but before I, I. I wanna give a special shout out and thanks to all my patron sub subscribers, I truly appreciate y'all are really making a big difference. We have Shell at $50 a month.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We have Sam and Angela Sheey at $20 and 20 cents a month. We have the Pandemic reprimand tier with Linda Perry, Ty. We have at a $10 self-made level, Katie and Kevin at the refined, not burned $5 level. We have Emmy, Joe, pat, and Bev, pj, Rebecca, and at the Courage is [00:01:00] contagious. The $1 a month we have. We have Jay and Spitz nasty.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you so much. Please encourage your friends to listen and I try to get episodes up early at Patreon so y'all can hear those before everyone else can. Today we have a very special guest. We have Sasha Lativa. Sorry, I took a couple times to get that right. So certainly wanna say it right, because you are bringing amazing information now instead of me trying to make my way through how you're one of the best people to hear this from.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Can you just tell us yourself and tell us your research and what you've been. .

Sasha Latypova: Yes. Well, thank you for inviting me. Pleasure to be here. My background is in pharmaceutical research and development and I, I worked about 25 years in various capacities in the, in the industry. I ultimately ran several.

Sasha Latypova: contract research organizations focused on delivering clinical trials, working in clinical trials all over the world for pharmaceutical companies. I had over 60 clients large and small pharma. Pfizer was one of them. So as AstraZeneca and, and Johnson Johnson, Novartis, big companies. And you know, I worked in pretty much [00:02:00] all therapeutic areas, but I never worked in vaccines.

Sasha Latypova: And I, I now realize that that's a whole. Bowl game devoid of, largely devoid of regulations. And so, but, but my experience is from highly regulated drugs. And biologics and medical devices space. So, and that's, you know, I retired from the industry and I, I was living very happy life. I didn't want to come back.

Sasha Latypova: I, I saw I'd never see it again. And then in 2020 I became very concerned with what was going on. I was very concerned with how they were misrepresenting and lying to the public openly. I, I knew that the professionals were lying especially about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And misrepresenting the safety profiles of those drugs, which were very well known and characterized.

Sasha Latypova: And so that was a red flag for me. And that's when I started, you know, investigating, looking into data for myself. I looked into various data a lot. And I also read now, you know, a lot of FOIA documents became available. So, and that's how my, my research is based on, on those.[00:03:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you for giving us that background. So tell us about your research, cuz I, we talked a little bit before we just started and you were nodding your head and like, yep, yep. I found all that, I found everything that, and this is, and I know you haven't watched it yet, but it was the episode that I did episode 33, bio warfare part one, and, and you found a lot of the similar things and I've heard you speak before and you expound on it so much more.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's why I just really wanted you to come on

Sasha Latypova: and talk. Sorry, can you repeat the question cuz the first part kind of cut off.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. So we started talking before we started recording and a lot of the things that I was mentioning you had come across and, and I've heard you speak in other locations and you've gone so much more in depth to what I was kind of skim on the surface on and how so much of what we're seeing, like the virus.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: The va, the alleged vaccine. This genetic therapy is, seems to all be A D O D operation.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, so, so it actually is a D O D operation. So the, the Department of Defense is [00:04:00] chief Operating Officer of the covid response or operation warp speed. And all of the covid. Response products, they're, they're categorized as countermeasures, and this includes vaccines, but it also includes well they're not vaccines, but that's what they call them.

Sasha Latypova: This includes therapeutics and various sorts of things like even masks and tests and staffing and you know, so anything that's related to covid is categorized under this countermeasure and funded through d e d. And implemented with very tight control from the d o d everything.

Sasha Latypova: Starting from the design Yeah. To the implementation and manufacturing.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Can I pause you for a second because you said a word that I think is very important to define, and I have not defined this cuz I, I did not see this and I'm glad that you're bringing it forth. Countermeasures. What does countermeasures mean and what is the implication of that?

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, it's, it's a very important category to understand. Well, actually, it's very vaguely [00:05:00] defined, so pretty much anything can be a countermeasure, right? You can, you know, pick up a rock and throw it somebody, and it will be a countermeasure So they deliberately define it so broadly and so vaguely that pretty much anything that they want to throw into this category can, can go there.

Sasha Latypova: And in this case they're called medical countermeasures, although it's, you know, it doesn't, doesn't make it more specific than than that. And yeah, but the counter meas. So, so people need to understand that drugs, vaccines, medical devices, And you know, things like that. These are all legal categories.

Sasha Latypova: So once you designate something as a drug the regulator is designated as a class of drug based on the risk, class one, class two, class three, or a medical device, same thing. And then a whole set of laws apply to that. Thing. So once it's categorized properly in legal terms, which is drug or vaccine or medical device, then [00:06:00] there are laws that apply to it that regulate how the, you know, especially the quality of, of its manufacturer.

Sasha Latypova: Reproducibility, consistency, purity, potency, labeling, and of course how all of those the claims that manufacturers are making, let's say, you know, I'm making a device to make you see better, right? So then you have to prove that claim in the clinical trial. The same with drugs same with vaccines in, in theory, but this is none of those.

Sasha Latypova: This category of countermeasures is none of. , there are no regulatory frameworks or laws that apply to countermeasures as far as how they're going to be made. How are they going to be tested? What labeling applies to them? They're outside of the regulated space and There, even the, you know, we know that, for example, for vaccines in general, there's very little liability, or practically no liability, but at least some somebody who is injured by a vaccine, let's say a [00:07:00] childhood vaccination, they can submit a claim to the National Vaccine Injury Fund.

Sasha Latypova: and I what the first thing I, when they started, you know, saying we're going to approve these, these mRNA vaccines. I went and looked, is it on the National Vaccine Injury Fund? And it's not. It's not because it's not a vaccine, it's a countermeasure. There's a separate claims process. For countermeasures that very rarely pays anybody else.

Sasha Latypova: There is limitation only for one year to file the claim. And so that, again, it just tells you it's a whole different category of things for which laws do not apply. Regulations do not apply. Clinical trials cannot happen for these things, and labeling can be. , whatever these criminals think of, they can mislabel them as much as they want.

Sasha Latypova: And so, so that's what, that's what people need to understand. So countermeasure is something that doesn't fall into the regular laws applying to the drugs, medical devices, and vaccines. [00:08:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you. So, so what you're saying, and lemme just kind of, you know, summarize all that is, the countermeasures have nothing to do with law and their countermeasures for war.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And when you're at. People don't care about rules and laws and regulations because we're at war.

Sasha Latypova: Absolutely. Yeah. So, so the justification the government gives is like, well, well we have to have these countermeasures for when we have an attack. Somebody throws a nuclear bomb on us. And you know, there's this's a desperate situation and when to provide something and therefore no liability can be expected.

Sasha Latypova: Okay, well that's fine as an argument. But. . You can't mandate everyone to be injected with that thing. If it's so desperate and no laws applying, then you can't mandate it. A either You can offer it. Sure. Especially you if you disclose, you know, here's the situation, here's what we're offering. That's totally okay.

Sasha Latypova: But what they're doing is, is, is [00:09:00] the opposite of this. They're, they're misrepresenting the act of war as a health event. , and they have been doing it since the beginning, since March or February, 2020. They're misrepresenting the act of war as a health event, and then they're lying to people of what they're using, which is these unregulated countermeasures that d o d makes, and they're misrepresenting them as a pharmaceutical product that Pfizer makes, you know, so, so that's, that's the biggest lie that everybody has been subjected.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I think it's, it's incredible cuz for my, for my research, I, I found that I can definitively say we, if we declared war, which I think we did, we did it on 27th March when we declared an emergency so that we could have the legal authority to make emergency use authorization a thing. And we see that with masks, right?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So many people don't quite understand that any mask mandate is unlawful because masks are authorized under the [00:10:00] e u A to help stop the spread of viruses, which that's not a thing that can happen. They're more dangerous and deadly and harmful than they are helpful. Re recently at my post, they had a mask mandate for these past four weeks, and today it gets lifted.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, it's all e u a, you can't tell a soldier or. Any service member, any civilian, you can't force them to wear something that's an experimental use authorized product. .

Sasha Latypova: Mm-hmm. . Yeah, absolutely. And, and the masks are likewise categorized this countermeasures. And again you know, it's, it's completely misrepresented what it's for.

Sasha Latypova: And you correct the, the, this whole covid thing isn't, was treated by the US government from the very beginning as an act of war because they the Covid policy was set by the National Security Council, and national Security Council doesn't have any health agencies. No, no health representatives on it.

Sasha Latypova: It has primarily Department of Defense, joint chiso staff treasury and intelligence agencies. . [00:11:00] So the, and, and it's, and its, its purpose is to advise the president on foreign policy and things like, like wars, right? So, okay, so the government goes and treats it as an act of war, uses all these legal mechanisms as if it's a war.

Sasha Latypova: And then they tell all of us, oh, it's, it's a virus, it's a health thing, it's a flu. You know, and don't even mention that it, it came from a lab. No, no, no. It's totally, totally natural. It jumped from. , you know, all this nonsense was going on for years to just scare people into compliance. And then they were lying and lying about treatments that were totally appropriate and available, and then they scared everyone into injecting themselves with this bio weapon type of a deal.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, can you go in depth into some of the things that I, you were on a multiple zoom meeting or maybe it was a Skype meeting? I don't know. With. Quite a few other people. I think it was the fifth doctor from Canada. And can you get into some of that research, cuz that is just mind blowing. [00:12:00]

Sasha Latypova: Yeah. So, so we were discussing we were discussing the You know, we're discussing the DOD contracts and how this is this, this legal structure has been put in place over time.

Sasha Latypova: So what happened in the us and this goes back many, many years, but at least, you know, we can trace it to specific acts of Congress. That my colleague Catherine Wa has documented. And specifically three key pieces that people need to be aware of. It's, it's the emergency use authorization that was put in place in 97, but it's has been amended many times and so emergency use authorization just allows the FDA to.

Sasha Latypova: To issue a not, it's not an approval, it's like authorization. So basically it's a, it's an okay to go on market with a product that hasn't been sufficiently tested yet. And, and initially when it was put in place, they were justifying it as, oh, just for desperate situations, terminal cancer. , you know, things for [00:13:00] which there are and, and one of the key, there are four conditions that need to exist for it.

Sasha Latypova: One of the most critical ones is that there are no alternative treatments. . And if there are no alternative treatments and something really desperate and terminal, the FDA can say, okay, you can use it under emergency use, but it's also very limited. So it's limited to specifically defined condition, application, no treatment, and then only for one year.

Sasha Latypova: You have to actually like renew it every year, and ultimately you can't forever renew it. You have to eventually test your. . So but that was put in place in 97. Then, then they put this. They started using these, these other transaction authority contracts like that was put in place in the sixties actually, but it was only given authority to NASA to do these contracts, and eventually it, it, you know, creeped up and expanded.

Sasha Latypova: And by now all, you know, I think 11 agencies use it. Do o d is a particular user of it. Probably the majority of the OT is through d o D [00:14:00] and OTA is, it's another carve out. It's, it's a, is just a way to contract without following any nor normal federal. Procurement rules and regulations, and it's not subject to oversight.

Sasha Latypova: And you can hide a lot of information in it. And you can shield IP through it. And you also can order, so a department of defense can order things from regulated industry such as pharma without following any regulations and exempting them from following any regulations.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so that, So let's, let's have an, let me give an example and tell me if this is correct.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Let's say I'm the d o d and I have this little widget that's a medical widget and I have no idea if it's safe or not. I can use this, this way to make a contract to have xyz, x, y, Z pharmacy produce this widget so that I can give it to my service members. Whether it's safe or not, doesn't matter because it's, it's mine.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I'm just procuring their manufacturing facilities to.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah. [00:15:00] That that can happen and that they have been doing it, and actually they use it this OTA procurement method for making weapons, like proper weapons. So a lot of the defense contractors are contracted through this methodology and they produce regular weapons.

Sasha Latypova: Okay. But then, then they also started expanding this into the medical things, and it's true. And so they, they can order whatever they want. Following any regulations now in the medical field, that's obviously very dangerous. And and, and now they went even further and started mandating it. So as, as you know, there was a big scandal in the anx era.

Sasha Latypova: So when about 200,000 service members were injured by these injections, which were completely developed even before. So the anthrax vaccine, Was approved, so-called approved before F d A had a regulatory mandate to regulate vaccines. So it was approved in 1970, [00:16:00] but f FDA started regulating vaccines in 1972.

Sasha Latypova: and so it was never actually approved. And then, you know, in the Gulf War they, so, so, yeah, so they started, so they, they had this at, at the time they were called BioPort, and now it's called Emergent Bio Solutions. This, this very shady company that never followed any rules ever you know, very favorite department of Defense contractor making those and Exclu exclusively making those answer x Conco.

Sasha Latypova: And they were making it and they were they kept relabeling so like the expiration date would pass and they would just test a bunch of vials, not, not do any proper testing and relabel it. Relabel it. So they were relabeling it for so long that, you know, I was talking to Merrill Nas, who has a lot of experience in it.

Sasha Latypova: She was saying, well, the, the caps were disintegrating into the vials and they were still past. And relabel for the next, you know, decade or so, shelf life

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: at this point, you gotta have the labels building up so much that they're like making the vial larger. [00:17:00]

Sasha Latypova: Probably, yeah. So it, she said they were horrific, they were extremely dirty, and they would just, you know, pass it on and, and then keep it in the stock.

Sasha Latypova: And then eventually in the Gulf War, remember they started deploying it and they started using it on, on service members, and they started mandating it while it was still considered e u a for that application. And that was a huge scandal. And there was a, you know, a court case and it was a decision that you cannot mandate, E U.

Sasha Latypova: Products on service members.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It was actually, it was Doe v Rumsfeld and Doe lives, DOE lives just down the street from me. And I was able to sit with him and talk with him. And that, that lawyer that won that case, Dale Soran, I, he was the first lawyer that I ever talked to that ever answered the phone picked up and I wrote an affidavit for him.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I can't talk about the affidavit cuz I'm active duty, but I can talk about my medical exemption that I was giving to service members, which is the same. Just, it was blossomed a little bit more, but I talk about the lipid nanoparticle and how it, it's not validated for human use per the safety data [00:18:00] sheet from the manufacturer, but here we are injecting it into humans.

Sasha Latypova: Well, that they would do, they were doing the same with this ANTA stuff. And they're doing, they're running essentially the same script, except now they're forcing it on all people. Civilians as well, right? And pregnant women children and you know, but they're using the same tactics that they were using before with, with this anx stuff.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, the nanoparticle and a lot of ingredients, but particularly lipids in these injections are. Pharmaceutical grade, they're not for human use. They have never been tested for human use. And you know, there's a lot of components of this, of this product that are completely unvalidated and untested, and yet they're forcing it on everybody.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: One thing about the, the word force is this is something I'm pretty particular about. I like to use the word coerce because I, I feel that people work coerced, no one's been grabbed and pinned down just yet. Well,

Sasha Latypova: I know pinned down or gone to the head. No, but I, you know, I, I kind of [00:19:00] use force as broader in broader sense.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, no, it, it. So it's, I'm using the most strict sense, but, but you're right. People have been coerced and then, you know, they've been said, well, you're not gonna get, they've been told you're not gonna get your job and you're gonna lose all your money. And so in a way it is forced. But I, I try to make those distinctions so that people can think, well, I made the choice, you know, and they don't have to continue making that choice to get more of them.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: In fact, they should make the choice to never get any more bio weapons put into their body.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, absolutely. And people should, people should stop. In fact, I, on, you know, while I say the government is forcing people or coercing people, I, you know, my personal experience and maybe my selection of friends is not representative of, of everybody on the planet.

Sasha Latypova: But you know, I, I found that nobody was even coerced. , they, they obeyed some fear of something that they had in their head, which never materialized. And in [00:20:00] fact, those few who didn't, and they were even in the low level jobs in healthcare, they didn't, and there were no, the, the, the, the threats never materialized.

Sasha Latypova: You know, so, so a lot of this coercion is also bluff. , you know, they know that they don't have any legal standing, legal ground to actually mandate these things, yet they do, and they bluff people into submission. So that's, that's what in reality, it is for the most part.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And peer pressure, I mean. Mm-hmm. , I'm sure in countries where people have, who have last names like you and like me, where they come from, there's been times where it wasn't even the government, it was their, their neighbors who.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Force them, coerce them, make them feel bad. Peer pressure, right? I mean just, and that, that in itself, like I went to the gym the other day and there was this lady there. She's like, well, I don't wanna lose my job cuz you're not wearing a mask. It's like, well you're not the police ma'am. I'm the one who's gonna get in trouble.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They have ma mask mandate where you are. [00:21:00] wait, because there was a alleged rise in Covid cases at my fort, and so it ended today, like the day we're recording, this is the day that it ended, but I never wore it because it's an e u a product. And so I don't care if you're the president of the United States, you can't order me to, to wear, to use, to participate in any experiments.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, I I did the same. I never wore them. I mean, we, we, there was, there were mandates here, but like a year ago. Yeah, and I, I, I never did. I was just, you know, I, I let people know what exactly I thought about it, but ,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I, I wish I had that boldness back then because I wore it for about two years. And it reminds me of Jordan Peterson, how he says, you know, , we must, we must not lie.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And he says that like the Soviet Union was based on lies. People were in their homes and you had to be happy cuz someone had a gun to your head. And if you weren't happy, then that wasn't then you're saying that the government wasn't designed properly? Well, the government was designed by these elites who said [00:22:00] it's designed properly.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So either you lie and say you're happy and things are good, or they put a gun to your head and take you off to some gulag and you never are seen again. So you lie. And when you have a whole country based on lies like that, it comes crashing.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, but they're, they're installing it here now. The same system.

Sasha Latypova: That's what they wanna do. You know, like you, you will own nothing, right?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so I refuse to lie about the mask. I'm not gonna wear it because for me to wear it, . It's, it's

Sasha Latypova: very, very important not to lie. Even, you know, what you'd think is a small thing, like a mask. Like, they'll say, well, why, why are you making such a big deal out of it?

Sasha Latypova: You know, you just being an inconvenient and, and drama queen, right? No, no. It's very, very important. You start, you start by not lying at all. and if you start, you start conceding to these kinds of things, then, then it, it, it be, it becomes, that's how they push you into this paradigm where everything is a lie and you are agreeing with all of it, you [00:23:00] know?

Sasha Latypova: So, and, and that's how you, you can see these people, they've been so brainwashed and terrorized. That you know, that, that they, they can't, you know, they know. So eventually it becomes like, you can't dissociate so, so much anymore. You can't have these two realities. So you, so they really just become victims of psychological torture, essentially these people and, and, and, and you don't wanna end up there.

Sasha Latypova: It's a really bad place.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: One, one thing that I've noticed, I used to listen to this rabbi quite a bit, and one thing he said is, He, he would say that the, the food laws around the Jewish people, so the kosher laws that they have was not for medical reasons. I mean there, there's some medical benefits to it, right?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But it wasn't for that. It was to set them apart and to get them good at saying no. And he called it a no muscle. And when you exercise that no muscle, it gets easier to say no, it doesn't get harder. It gets easier. Like for me, when someone says, Hey, you want this vaccine, it's even easier for me to. [00:24:00] No thank you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I've been doing it for two, three years. I'll continue not taking those. And so as you do it more, as you not lie more and tell the truth more, and how do you know what the truth is? Well, it's a thing that doesn't make you feel weak when you do it. When you wear a mask, do you feel stronger? Do you feel weaker?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I feel weaker, so I don't do, it's a lot.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, no, I, I, I agree with that. Yeah. I didn't understand the food laws. before this crisis and the religious, you know, food, food laws or, or some, some religious groups, I guess you know, they refuse medical treatment or refuse blood transfusion, which I do now because everybody, you know, they can separate the vaccinated blood, but that becomes more clear in these types of crisis.

Sasha Latypova: In fact, the, the Daniel story is, is about that too. Like he refused the food from Pharaoh, right. Because it wasn't pure food. And so that that's what it needs to, it's, it's, it starts, it's everything. Like your, your men mental, you know, you, you need to be mentally pure [00:25:00] because you are telling the truth to the best of your knowledge.

Sasha Latypova: And then that also translates to the whole body, right? And so the food rules, while some people say, well, that's just excessive, and, you know, I illogical, it does have a lot of. .

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. Can we go back into some of those contracts that you found in things ?

Sasha Latypova: Sure. Yeah. So we yeah. So where, where was it? So, so, right, so we were talking about the emergency use authorization as one piece and o t a contracting, which allows you to bypass all the regulations and the fact that these things are classified as counter.

Sasha Latypova: So other transaction authority is the contracting that d o D uses a lot for regular weapons, for bio weapons, for medical. So these medical countermeasures, because all of it allows them to bypass the rules and regulations. And in fact, they define them very, very vaguely. There's a set of law that says something about these countermeasures and I read [00:26:00] it and it makes absolutely no sense.

Sasha Latypova: It's just, A bunch of words that translates to staff, the Department of Defense. . Okay. And and within this stuff, you can hide the weapons because that's most of the time what Department of Defense needs. And you know, so they, they order them through these OTAs. They order them through, they're a bunch of consortia of defense.

Sasha Latypova: They're managed by Advanced Technologies International. It's their manager. That passes through trillions of dollars into making everything from, you know, machine guns, helicopters the navy carriers, the, the, you know, everything. And now they also manage two sort of health related things. And it looks a lot of like a bioweapons factories, frankly, you know, just contracting a with a bunch of private industry to deliver whatever they need.

Sasha Latypova: And then the third piece is, of course, they needed. They needed the public health emergency. So public health emergency puts the country into essentially state, state of war. So the way the, the, the laws that they invoked Stafford Act, [00:27:00] which was never been used before they and the National Security Council in, in charge of it.

Sasha Latypova: So that put us under the state of war. Under the state of war, when they use the emergency use authorized countermeasures, those cannot be clinical investigations. . So it's not possible to do a clinical investigation on a countermeasure used as emergency use during public health emergency. So that that's the critical component.

Sasha Latypova: That's how this whole legal cage clicks into place.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So what you're saying is we think we're in phase three trials. There is no trial. We're just rolling. .

Sasha Latypova: Exactly. So there there's no trial. Because no trial is possible for these, for these countermeasures as emergency use under public health emergency.

Sasha Latypova: It's not possible to do a clinical trial, legally not possible. So when D O D ordered these countermeasures [00:28:00] from private industry, it was very curious ways so that there are hundreds of contracts that available. I read some of them, I read for Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. A few others. They're very similar.

Sasha Latypova: They, they give them huge amounts of money. Well, Pfizer was for 10 billion. And they, these contracts say the scope of work for this 10 billion is large scale manufacturing demonstration. Prototype countermeasure. So what I just said is you just give me a demo of a prototype for 10 billion bucks.

Sasha Latypova: It just needs to be a lot of it. Okay. That's the scope of work. Now, what's explicitly is carved out of that pro contract. And in fact, it says, so there, there's a clause that says these 10 billion, we're not, we're specifically not paying for clinical trials, r and d the good manufacturing practice, compliance, all those regulated items, so we're not paying for.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Can you say that one more? They're [00:29:00] not paying for r and d. They're not paying for trials. They're not paying for good lab quality. I'm sorry. Say that. Yeah.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah. So a good manufacturing pro, a good manufacturing practice compliance, they're not paying for that. So that there's explicit statement in the contract that says that the 10 billion is only for demo and not for those things.

Sasha Latypova: Those things. The contract says the manufacturer will do by the. . Okay, well then they're not obligated to, cuz the contract, you know, the, you have to read contracts in a legal sense, right? So if you have money paid for X, but not for y because y is gonna be a voluntary activity, well then y can be disregarded completely.

Sasha Latypova: Okay? So the, the, the, the, that's, that's how the contracts are written. And in fact, You know, Pfizer, when they ahead with f d a into this sort of pretend activity that they're doing the r and d and they're doing the good manufacturing practice compliance, but by law they're not [00:30:00] obligated to, and by contract, they're not obligated to.

Sasha Latypova: and also the contracts give them complete protection from liabilities through the Prep Act. And there's also a clause in each contract that says so, and it says that for the, you know, purposes of this exercise, they include everyone along the supply chain. So not just the manufacturer, but all of their suppliers, all of their contractors, all of the people who deliver this thing the, the vaccinators at the pharmacies or hospitals or fire departments, wherever they are.

Sasha Latypova: everyone is treated as an H H S employee or government employee for the purposes of this exercise, regardless of where they work, and they're provided full liability protection. So just to summarize, r and d was not ordered by the contract. R and d is not possible legally for these things, and everybody has complete liability protection.

Sasha Latypova: So that's like belt and suspenders. They have complete, complete protect.[00:31:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: that seems like, that's so horrible. Like l like, let me give the example of the, the Nazis during World War ii, right? They, they did these heinous, heinous crimes against, against, you know, the gays and the gypsies and the Jews in these concentration camps, heinous crimes. Now, it was probably legal for them to do it because they just make the laws whatever they want, because that's what they can do.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That doesn't seem mis dissimilar here, but they were eventually tried. Those doctors were tried and they were hung. Now I'm not calling for any vigilant justice. I wanna make that abundantly clear, cuz I know the CIA agents are listening. I know lots of people are listening to this. Not calling for any vi vigilant justice, I'm calling for actual justice in the courtroom.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But it seems like they're trying to make it to where we think we have. We will never get justice because there's all these, these legal things, but when. When it's war, you're under a different law set, aren't you? And And if you can't answer that cuz you're not a lawyer, then that's okay. [00:32:00]

Sasha Latypova: Well, yeah, so the, it doesn't even have to be, you know, treated as a, well, it is a war crime, but it's a crime.

Sasha Latypova: So we have criminal justice. So under criminal statutes, they're not absolved. This is, this is, all of this is just for the civil liability and but the criminal criminally they can be held accountable. And so that's what, that's the pathway that everybody, Consider especially at the state level the state level, AGS can bring charges.

Sasha Latypova: The, the prosecutors, state level prosecutors can do that. Even local judges and prosecutors can do it because this is criminal what they're doing, and they should be prosecuted as criminals. Whatever they've written into these pseudo laws. I mean, they're pseudo laws because they, they are on paper legal, but it's not lawful and it's unconstitutional.

Sasha Latypova: So that needs to, as soon as somebody makes progress on the criminal aspect of it, all of this will collapse and start unraveling.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, and I don't wanna see any civil action against this. I don't want to see fines paid. I want to [00:33:00] see criminal justice because these people have committed crimes against humanity.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I wanna personally offer my services if I can help in any way, any state ag, any state governor . I've got an affidavit that I've already written that is very good about the lipid nano particles and how they're not authorized for human use. They're not even authorized for veterinary use in here.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They're in the Pfizer, they're also in the Moderna. I can edit it to change, change it that way, but we need to see criminal charges pressed against these people because they're, they're criminals.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Sorry. That's one of those things that really gets me going because it's like they, they make you think that you can't, you have no legal avenues cuz maybe you have no. Legal action, but you have criminal action because these are crimes.

Sasha Latypova: They're, they, they definitely, you know, a lot of pre-planning went into designing these, you know, pseudo legal structures that protect them, but they ultimately won't protect them.

Sasha Latypova: Just you. Correct. Like, just as the, you know, the Nazi [00:34:00] government made all of these things legal that they were doing, but they didn't protect them. It fell, and this will fall too.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Amen.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. Another distraction. Sorry about that. Let's, is there, is there more that you can share with us?

Sasha Latypova: Oh yeah. Another, another important thing was that criteria, so how this, this gets deployed is once the public health emergency is announced, then. The decision to deploy these countermeasures is under sole authority of the h h s secretary.

Sasha Latypova: So under Trump, that was Alex Aer, and now it's Javier er, I don't know how to pronounce his name. And so he becomes like a dictator basically. So he holds the most power in the US government. . And and again, this is by design because always the criminal organization wants to hide who is really making decisions and, and who's in charge.

Sasha Latypova: So he's the one [00:35:00] who decides to deploy these countermeasures on everybody. And the only criteria for his decision is because he thinks in his sole capacity that they may be effective. They don't have to be safe. There's no, no scientific data needs to be available. That's why, as I said, you know, all these clinical trials, our performance art, they never, they never factored into any decisions.

Sasha Latypova: And he can continue thinking this, that they may be effective forever in perpetuity. There's no stopping criteria as long as the public health emergency is extended, which I think HHS extends by themselves. It's not even the presidential order necessarily. It's. There there's a distinction between public health, emergency and national emergency.

Sasha Latypova: And so the, that's what, you know, h h s themselves decides when to declare it. And they themselves, there's nobody and there's no congressional review, there's no judicial review. So they neutered both congress and judicial branch from all of this. So [00:36:00] HS can keep running the ski forever. And never have to consider any data to.

Sasha Latypova: And so that's, that's yet another example of completely non unconstitutional. So like, you know, you can't have just the executive branch in just one agency, in the executive branch running some sort of you know, bioterrorism operation in the United States. And nobody can stop at neither, you know, congress or, or judicial branch.

Sasha Latypova: And that's why that's why I'm saying that, you know, if we start the criminal prosecutions with honest judges and honest prosecutors, this will fall because it completely cannot withstand any, you know, legal scrutiny. And you know, so that's, that's how they run in and that, that explains why they're extending this public health emergency beyond any reason.

Sasha Latypova: There is no emergency. They just needed for legal cover to continue running the. wait.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and that reason right there is they also need our compliance to keep doing these things. And that's why it's so important to not wear a mask, because it doesn't do anything for you. It's under ewe. It's an experiment.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's it's [00:37:00] experimental use, authorized, and it does nothing, but it gives them more power. Not only are you lying and becoming more weak, but it gives them more power because you're listening and doing what they say, not what you know.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, they, they train people in compliance and obedience and so that they can cram more and more ridiculous requirements and eventually, you know, drive them all into a cage.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's like that was it, the Milner experiment, I think he found only 20% would disobey. That means 80% shocked people until almost, almost death. And some of them passed death. What they thought was death of the. .

Sasha Latypova: Yeah. So that's, that's unfortunately what's going on here. But, but yeah, we, we need to start you know, more and more people are rejecting these, these shots and the, the usage rate is very, very low now in the us.

Sasha Latypova: So frankly, very few people are continuing these injections, which is great news. But now we need to start [00:38:00] unravel in this and bringing, bringing all those responsible to.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So I'm gonna plug for a book by Daniel Horowitz real quick and Steve Dace. It's called Rise of the Fourth Reich, and I'm gonna encourage the listeners to go out and get it, not only Cuz it's, it's a gonna be a great book, but there's a whole chapter in there where they call me to the stand to testify at this der berg, this Mock Nurnberg 2.0.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and you can hear my testimony mostly taken. The the radio show I did with Daniel Horowitz, who was all the information from that, he wrote it and he, he put it in this book and told me he's gonna do that, but I encourage you to go get that. It's coming out in less than six weeks now. But this is what we need to see.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We don't just need to see books about it. We need to see the actual thing. And if there's anybody in charge of Nuremberg 2.0, I will volunteer to come wherever I need to go because, or to show up digitally because this is what we need. We need justice to be able to move on. We can't just go, okay, well let's give amnesty to everybody who committed crimes against humanity against our children who have destroyed an entire generation.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We can't just go, okay, well let's give you [00:39:00] amnesty now to my neighbor who doesn't know any better. But to the people in charge, they need to seek, they, they need to have justice in the courtroom.

Sasha Latypova: Yeah, absolutely. I don't agree with that. So that's, that's basically, you know, what I had thank you for my material.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Thank you so much for coming. Saha there. Any questions? Where can people find more?

Sasha Latypova: I now write on ck I have a, I have a channel where I did a bunch of, you know, since about a year and a half ago I did a bunch of video presentations. It's called team Enigma and that has all my material kind of in the video format.

Sasha Latypova: And then I started writing and updating this in a written form on CK and you can just search my name or it's called Due Diligence and. So yeah, you can find me there

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: and I'll put a link down below in the show description for, for the listeners to, to find that easier. Thank you so much for coming on.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is, this has been great. This has been [00:40:00] eye-opening and I'm so glad that there are people that are willing to stand up and do the right thing and, and speak about it because it's hard to talk, but it gets easier the more you do it. Mm-hmm. .

Sasha Latypova: Exactly. , exactly. More profess. Just, yeah, I, I mean, it's been my, my profession to communicate with, with other professionals, but now I'm like, okay, well, I also need to explain to the, you know, more regular people, these technical things that are, that.

Sasha Latypova: You know, I, and I think people find it helpful because the d and c d C, they're pulling so much bullshit that it's very hard to discern. And so I'm just trying to, to help on that on, on that. Yeah. You know, on that front.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. No, and, and I encourage the listeners to, to strengthen that muscle of speaking and telling the truth also.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because the more you do it, the better you get. I just wanna thank you again so much for coming on, and I appreciate everything that you're doing and if there's any way that I can help you. I don't know if there is, but if there is, I'm, I'm here [00:41:00] to help and happy to help.

Sasha Latypova: Well, thank you. Now, I hope that your listeners get value from this and, you know, they can also find out more on, on my and my channels and, yeah.

Sasha Latypova: Thank you so much for inviting me.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there in duty, uniform of the day, the full armor of God. Let's all make courage more contagious than fear.