Clydesdale Media Podcast

Here in Ohio the Eclipse was a Big Deal! Noah, Tola, Matilde and Lena win the Team Quarterfinals unofficially.  Mat Fraser makes some wild claims and Dave Responds on his WIR.
00:00 Intro
01:05 Catching Up with the Crew
09:56 Workouts
14:20 Team Quarterfinals & Leaderboard
19:40 Mat Fraser - Interview
21:33 Cat's Injury Updates
25:08 Mat Fraser - Interview & Dave's Response
30:25 Cat's Gym Updates / Affiliation
33:15 Planet Fitness (& DadBod Fitness) Gyms
37:06 Wrap-up

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Roundtable.

It's me and Amy today.

Charlie's going to come by

in a little bit.

You never know if Cat will pop in.

You never know.

But we are live.

First thing I want to say is

if you were here for the

Rebecca Fusile interview,

that did not happen.

Rebecca had a family emergency today.

We tried to postpone until 11.

That didn't work either.

So we are giving her a few

days to deal with what's going on,

and we'll try to reschedule

at that point.

So if you see it out there,

it didn't happen,

but there's good reason why

that didn't happen.

What's up, Corey?

So on with the show.


So it looks like you had an

eventful weekend.

Oh, I did.

It was mom's weekend at...

um, uh, Ohio university.

So I, uh, went and stayed in the dorm and,

and, you know,

college Amy came back for

just a one night only reunion and, uh,

had a good visit and then came home.


and then actually my daughter ended up

coming home later because she wanted to,


our house was in line of totality for

the eclipse.

And so, um,

she wanted to come home and be

a part of that.

And we,

all we had to do was literally go

in the backyard and we had

a full two minutes of

totality at our house,

which I did as well.


But you didn't have glasses.

I didn't, which that's epic fail, dude.

Yeah, I just, I don't know.

You didn't buy into the hype.

Not a ton.

I saw the one in 17 from my

office downtown.

I don't know.

And then I regretted not

having them in the moment

because like literally I

just had to walk out on the back porch.


And so I tried to like angle

my phone camera to see it.


So I didn't look at it directly.

But the funny thing is there

was a guy at my gym that

afternoon who didn't have glass.

He goes,

I'm just going to hillbilly it and

just squint real good.

That's the dumbest thing ever.

Did he get hurt?

I don't know.

I think he was just joking, but.



Charlie, did you see it?


Wasn't it amazing?


It was epic.

I mean, it like completely went dark.

It got quiet.

And then you could just hear

like the certain birds

chirping during it.

I thought it was so cool.

I thought it was under hyped.

That's how cool I thought it was.


julie's office had like a

big party and uh it the

snacks were sun chips and

moon pies yep corey yes

literally every day but I

just mean in the middle of

the day because you don't

know most eerie was how cool it got yeah

like it dropped 10 15

degrees for a couple

minutes yeah and then went

right back up I was super

thankful I got to be a part

of it like you guys suck

science is cool yeah we

were just lucky that it was

literally right over top

our houses so it was really

cool see and I have so I

typically have 18 kids in my class

yesterday uh we had six so

we're always done on

mondays at noon so it's a

short day anyways but I was

like okay so like a lot of

people around the area was

were super fascinated too

like well a lot of the

older schools were closed

so that was a big part of

it linda said it was epic

it got dark cold calm and

quiet here in canada yep it was way epic

so back to the mother's

weekend does your daughter

stay in like a newer dorm

or one of the old things

down there rough yeah she

let me have the bed and

there they have another air

mattress that they blew up

in her and another friend

slept on the air mattress I

was out till two guys that

is a long time no how was the recovery

It was fine.

The only thing I asked her

in the morning was,

you got any liquid IV?

And guess what?

She did.

And boom, done.


I did dad's weekend down there rough.


What's that like?

I'm curious what that is.

It's just probably a little bit different.

Like we didn't hang at the bars.

We hung at the breweries.

Um, there it's in the fall, so it's,

you go, there's a football game.

There's like a lot more

sports related stuff.

Um, but yeah, it was,

it was fun to do one time, but we did it,

we did it once and that was,

that was good.

Yeah, well, so every weekend, you know,

like especially in the spring,

every weekend they do is a fest.


and it's based on typically like the

neighborhoods will put on a festival,


So like last weekend or a

couple of weekends ago,

it was Mill Fest and then

Palmer Fest is coming up.


they have an Instagram page and I

wake up the next morning and Natalie goes,

you made the Instagram page.

And I was like, excuse me?

And she goes, Milf Fest.

But it was, I was like, wait,

what is this picture?

What am I doing in this picture?

But we were just like all

standing in line to get into the bar.

So I was like,

like it wasn't a candid shot

of me dancing or something

that I wasn't prepared for.


that's the tough part for the Sibs

weekend, dad weekend, all that stuff.

It's like so packed in that small town.


Like you can't get in to eat anywhere.

You can't.

So that's why we did it once.

And then I'd go down on off

weekends and we'd hang out much better.

For sure.



Any, anything going on with you, Charlie,

last weekend?

No, nothing at all.


I did have something to beef with you,


So I think you talked me

into checking out WrestleMania.


I only checked out the first

couple matches,

and I'll probably watch the rest of it,

but it's not as good as it used to be.

Or I was very forgiving on the moves.

The athleticism isn't

where... Or the transitions...


I'm going to need to know the matches

that you watched.

So I watched the Becky Lynch match.

It seemed slow in the transitions.

Well, she was sick and had 105 fever.

Then I watched the six-man

tag team ladder match.

That was quite awful.

Better make sure you get on

the right streaming service

with that tagline.

And then what was the other one I watched?

Did you watch Logan Paul?


Didn't get there yet.


So I'll watch to get more

towards the headliners.

Yes, the main events are good.

Yeah, I was like, man,

they were much more

athletic back in my day.

no you just wait okay I mean

the Miz like totally the

choke hold from the top of

the ladder didn't even like

happen and he fell like it

happened yeah he missed

that spot yeah that was bad

you'll have that alright

you got me all pumped and

then I got there and I was

so let down Rollins is good

just wait alright just had

to get that out oh sorry

we're not talking about

No, I was laughing.

That was from where Meemaw

posted yesterday about your

coach watching you do your

50th muscle-up.

And I sent it to my coach,

and he was just like,

you'll get it on the 51st.

51st one, you're going to get it.

I can't believe he's not done with you.

I think he's like, you know what?

This is a project I'm willing to take on.

I'm so invested at this point.


like when the season goes

bad but you've been

watching it for five

seasons you're like you're

like I can't let go I gotta

keep on I mean watch this

garbage just like that's

why gray's anatomy has like

22 seasons because yeah

people just like oh

nobody's even there anymore

they're all dead random

people so any good workouts

this week well

I know about the workout today,

but Charlie didn't come

because he had to be somewhere.

So today's was just row climb and bike,


it was good.

It was a 15 minute air

rabbit with just two movements.

That's not cool because you know,

that's going to be a long 15 minutes,


So it was like increasing rope climbs,

like one rope climb and

then calories on the bike,

two rope climbs, calories on the bike,

three rope climbs, calories on the bike.

And then you kept resetting back to one,

two, three.

Well, that was just, that was, uh, yeah,

it was something.


So I got some rope climbs in

and yesterday was a complex

of snatch and muscle snatch

and overhead squats.

And then like a quick little Metcon,

like seven minute.

That one was fine.

So, yeah.

Yeah, yesterday wrecked me.


What'd you do?

Charlie, you go.

You go.

Yesterday wrecked me.


I did front squats for the first time

since being back.

And I made a conscious effort to like,

not California cross,

but like hold it in the front rack,

get better mobility,

make sure it's landing on my collarbone.

And they were paused front squats.

So not just,

and I was able to hold the

front rack the whole time.

But, man, I am sore.

I am sore everywhere.

And then the Metcon right after was,

seemed really simple.

It was a 400-meter run buy-in.

I biked 1,200.

And then one cluster,

three power clean and jerks, five burpees,

seven toes to bar for five rounds.


Barbell work was super fast and easy.

The rest of it,

I can't lay on my back to

do like leg lifts right now

or hang from the bar

because there's still a

little bit of fluid in my

lungs and it makes me feel suffocated.

So they made me do ski erg

for the toes to bar.

And I was, I was trashed.

Muscle fatigue was real.

Round three, like just done.


But getting better every week.

So, like, how long were you on the skier?

What's that translation?

So they want to be on there

for 45 seconds.


1,200 meters?

No, no, no.

45 seconds for the seven toes to bar.

Oh, gotcha.

That takes 20 seconds or less.


That's close.

The barbell went so fast,

and then you're right back

to burpees and skierg.

Right, yeah.

Like, no rest.


I was supposed to be getting

this programming,

but I'm still looking for it.

I got called out.

From Jeff?

From Jay Birch?


From Cheryl last week.


I was in the comments, lipping off,

and Cheryl went after him.


Now I'm waiting.

I think she's scared to give

it to me because I'm a savage.

Because she knows you'll

only stay on day one?


She said I'll get fit.

There were tons of people in

the comments betting how

long Charlie would make it.



None of them said the whole thing,

which is not... The only

person that said the whole

way was Charlie.


Sounds right.

Oh, boy.

If she ever decides to take it up.


I'm ready.

I'm going to get some GW 747.

Get your SARMs.

So something happened this weekend.

Yeah, the quarterfinals for our teams.

Not any big surprise.

Peak 360, uh, one by a landslide.


Uh, they took two firsts,

a second and a third over the weekend, uh,

CrossFit Invictus Chandler's version, uh,

came in second.

And Jesse's now on that team, right?



Devin Kim had to withdraw

for the year because of a back injury.

And so Jesse moved from

unconquerable up to regular Invictus.

Hannah Black is now filling

in for Jesse on unconquerable.

And they still got six.

Well, Hannah Black's gonna get she's fit.


Um, and she's strong,

she's going to be one of

the strongest people in the

team competition.

So, uh,

and it's in unconquerable as a

bunch of the semifinal

athletes we interviewed last year.

So it's going to be

individual athletes going as team.

So it's going to be to see how they do.

So how many of these teams move on?

So each region gets 30.


I think.

Who's on peak?

Noah, Mathilde, Garness, Lena Richter,

and Tola Maracanio.

So Noah's not retired.

As he said, he was.

just like rich retired right

he retired and then went

straight to teams so he

could win uh two of corey's

people's teams are sitting

in qualifying spots in the

west pretty cool um but the

only thing I still hate is

you can click down on these

things and you have no idea

who's on the team yeah

that's lame what happens if

you view profile

nothing who's on the mayhem

team now if I go to the

open and hit like their

first place in the open

like I can look at the

scores but it's it's from

the the whole affiliate not

just who they named so you

still don't know yeah so

richest scores can count

for mayhem but he ain't on

the team right do we know

who's on that team

There's several.

Angelo DiCicco.

It's the same team as last

year with Kyra Milligan Vaughn,

Molly McGrady, Molly McGrady in.

So there's that.

How about our Australian team?

How they do?

Uh, Australian team,

which one are you talking about?

Um, Cara Saunders, James Newberry,

Con Porter.

I don't even know what, I think,

aren't they?

They're Mayhem.

They're Mayhem, right?

Oh, there it is.

Torian Mayhem.

And who's on that team?

I think it's,

I think it's Con and Cara Saunders,

James Newberry.

Yeah, that's right.

That doesn't look great.

That is not, that is not them.

That's not them.


Is it raw iron?



That's it.


Oh yeah.

Emily DeRoy.






And that they are raw iron.

So yeah.

Now there's on that team.



This is like,

this is so hard to go back

and forth 500 times.

Raw iron.

Doesn't really matter where

they finish worldwide

because they're second in there.


As long as they're moving on,

that's all I need to know.


It doesn't matter at this point,

but they're not even on the first page.

So there you go.

But again, it's quarterfinals.

It's all online.

Those athletes are going to

do better when they get in person.

So there's that.

Couldn't watch anything.

Nothing aired.

The leaderboard was slow this weekend.

They didn't even get updated

until late Saturday night

for the first wave.

But yeah.

So did you guys see where

Matt Fraser was on Be Friendly?

You're muted.

Yeah, you're muted.

It's your first time.

yep it's my first time I saw

a clip of it of him being

on another podcast I'm

sorry a clip of that

podcast on something else

so yeah hillary pointed out

yeah yeah where he claims

that crossfit was out to

make it so he couldn't win

the games I didn't see all

that so why did he think that

He said that he believes

that they tried to make the

games programming in a way

that Matt couldn't win.

My point is why even bring that up?

You've won five times.


And you're retired.

You were undefeated from 16 to retirement.

Why now?

Why is he he's not he's

nobody's talking about him.

He got a it's like Aaron Rodgers.

You got to just bring

yourself up for some.

But yourself out there.

He's doing other things like

just do your other things.

Have you heard of him?

You heard about the other things?

I mean, he was I mean, hard work pays off.

podium so I'm gonna read

this comment I did I put up

here matt is going to

continue to destroy his

legacy every time he speaks

publicly he was asked about

brooke wells on that and he

didn't even know who was

who didn't know her coach

was yeah it's true she's

there yeah it took him like

a couple ums and an uh to

say I think she's with jake oh okay

Do we have a stalker?

Oh, I was going to say.

I was waiting for a good

moment to check in.

Wadzombie, Nick's been waiting for you.

Oh, good.

Okay, hi.

I can pop in here for a couple minutes.

He needs some updates from you.

We've got to know about the hand.

Yeah, what's the hand?

Okay, so the hand situation,

it's still pretty swollen.

It's not nearly as bad as it was.

It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it


I'm on my second course of prednisone.

Um, and I'm getting a MRI.

I'm getting an MRI in a week.

Cause I think there's like a, uh,

the chance that the tendon

might be torn or some ligament torn.

I don't know.

I don't understand.

I didn't have any like trauma to my hand.

I didn't like do anything weird.

So not really sure,

but range of motion is like

almost a hundred percent.

Um, just have like this little lump.

It actually looks like a

cyst now on the top,

like a ganglion cyst here.

Um, and he, the doctor's like, no,

that's not a cyst.

That's your, that's your tendon.

So who knows?



I wish, I wish I could say more.

I can't, you know,

front racks still bothers me like wristy,


wristy stuff bothers me for

whatever reason.


I probably couldn't climb a

rope or hold a sandbag.

Like those are really like finger,

like intensive things,

but I can kind of hold on to the,

to the rig kind of good thing.

I'm not doing quarterfinals.

There's my out.

Oh, there you go.

Made it, but can't do it.

Made it, but can't do it.


Made it, not doing it.

I don't think I didn't do it

last year either.


So that's that.

Oh, maybe you didn't.

Yeah, that's right.

Last time I did it was when

they had that 37-inch box

jump that I bid it on, like, every time.

Because jumping up something

taller than this is really scary.


It is, though.

It still blows me away that

you have this big white

chunk of something on your knuckle,

and they're ignoring you.

So that piece too,

I got another x-ray and the piece of it,

I can't show you.

I could probably show you

the difference from one week to the next.

Charlie and I are 12.

It's true.


how to keep it real.

Um, but it had changed in two weeks.

So that,

that calcification or whatever it

was like, it moved, it,

it sort of like spread out,

got a little thinner and longer.

So I don't know.

I asked the doctor, I'm like,

are you concerned with that?

And he's like, no, that's fine.

You'll probably always have that.

I don't even know if they're related.

You know, it doesn't,

it just seems super odd to me,

but you know,

What do you think?

Guys, I ordered a new vacuum cleaner.

Oh, good.

Good for you.

It's about time.

I thought you'd all like to know.

I can't believe you've been

touching that same one.


Somehow it doesn't work anymore.

I'm not sure why.

It's losing suction.

It doesn't suck anymore.

You're just throwing up lobs

here that are just...

I know you guys miss me.

So what's your opinion on

Matt Fraser on Be Friendly Podcast?

I didn't see it.


he was basically saying that CrossFit

was trying to make it so he

wouldn't win the games.

Was trying to make it so

Matt wouldn't win the games

when he was at the games?


Oh, see, I had the exact opposite opinion.

I remember during the last

few years that Matt won,

in 17 specifically, I...

I was a judge that year and

I felt like there were like

two or three workouts that

could have gone one way or another.

And I felt like they were

purposely programmed to

allow Matt to win.

So there goes that theory.

You don't remember when, um, when, uh,

what's his face was winning.

Um, uh, Florida guy.

Um, what is wrong?

Pete three 60.



When Noah was winning that year.

then they had that double

ringer thing and that's

when matt went ahead and it

was a weird like oh we're

gonna score this right back

to back all that other

stuff so I just thought I

thought that was kind of

sketchy because I felt like

noah was going to win that

year and then matt ended up

winning when they met and

because everything is

unknowable that year there

was the it was that like um

Noah had it locked up,

except for they made one a

double-scored event or a

two-scored event.

Which allowed Matt to pull ahead.

I think you can make a

conspiracy theory for anything.

My response,

so Dave responded on his week

in review and said,

if he's coming at me with

these baseless accusations,

it's his burden of proof.

to prove where we did that.

And I really disagree with that statement.

If you're a professional

sports organization,

it's your responsibility to

prove that you are fair and

equitable and that

everybody has a fair shot.

It is the NFL's

responsibility to make sure

everybody is fair and the

refs are not cheating one

team over another.

It is Major League

Baseball's responsibility to do the same.

And I agree.

I think it's the same

with crossfit that it's up

to them to show that

they're being fair and

equitable to everything now

it's also their game and

they can play this however

they want but at the end of

the day it is their

responsibility to make sure

that the fans believe that

everybody has a fair shake

They have to respond to

everything some guy says

may or may not have happened.

The only person really could

say it would be Laura Horvath.

She's like,

they keep putting these

handstand pushups in here.

This is bullshit.


Yeah, I don't know.

I'd be curious to,

if we ever found out about

like alternate workouts that they pick,

you know, that they decide on the fly.

I can't,

just knowing all the prep that

goes into it,

that would be hard to imagine.

But I still feel like

there's like an element of

WWE across it still.

I just can't.

Let's bring it full circle.

You know what I mean?

I don't know.

Just because of the way it's, you know,


oh, if he's winning,

we're just going to switch

this workout out and put this one in.

Right, yeah, or vice versa, yeah.

I don't know.

But he's good at everything.

So what could you be like?

Yeah, I mean, they clearly,

if they were trying it,

they didn't succeed.


But it's the old adage, though,

that when Dave made the

choice to not bring Matt to

the invitational event,

out of and Kalipa instead,

even though Matt finished higher.

It's all these like little

decisions that CrossFit has

made over the past that

leaves doubt in people's minds.


Train to Live 32 says,

what is better for CrossFit

repeat champions?

We're getting new blood in.

It could definitely be a

factor in Dave's programming.


did anyone else read that username as

Train Olive?

I did.

Someone's been drinking too many martinis.

I wish.

I had a blast at last year's games.

I thought it was the best I'd seen.

And it's because we didn't

know who was going to win.

On either side.

Yeah, I like not being, you know,

knowing who's going to win

before the game starts.

It's just how my brain works.

Well, speaking of CrossFit, as of May 1st,

I am no longer a CrossFit affiliate.


So are you going to keep the

gym or just de-affiliate?

Yeah, the gyms.


I mean,

we've been Catalyst Fitness since

we started, luckily.

So we never really adopted

that CrossFit Clarity brand too much.

It actually might help me get more members,


because at least the people that

I'm attracting are not

CrossFit people necessarily.

So we may be recording open

videos next year and submitting them.

There you go.

That's like the only downside I see,

but my insurance is a

little less expensive and

obviously I'm not paying

that $4,500 affiliate fee.

So, I mean,

I'd like to say that at some

point we could get to the

point where we could re-affiliate,

but for right now it's not the right,

not the right move.

your insurance went down

because you dropped your affiliation?


there are certain things that you

need to have in place, I guess.

Um, but yeah, well,

I say that I'm not sure if

that's the main reason,

but I had to switch carriers, right?

So I had to go from that RRG

coverage to just the next next go,

which is there like, I guess,

generic fitness coverage company.

But I lowered some of my, uh,

some of my levels too,

cause I didn't have to

maintain such high levels.

Which programming do you do?

What programming do we do?



right now we do a combination of my own

programming and Ibex.

Oh, okay.

So we just,

I just had to go into a lot of

finally change all my

CrossFit classes to

functional fitness classes,

like the name of them.

And I know people are going to hate me for,

you know, continuing with the methodology,

even though we're not a CrossFit gym,

but I'm sorry,

I'm trained as a CrossFit coach.

I can't afford $4,500 a year

to train people.


Not much else is going to change,

so come at me.

Did you do yesterday's IBEX yet?

No, we're three or four weeks behind.

Yesterday was... What was it?

Is it pause front squats and

then something else?


we just did our one rep max back

squat yesterday.


We're like two or three weeks behind.

Is this...

Maybe I need to get on this

programming too.

Just do day one.


just show up and do some work every day.

I need to do them all.

I'm going to do all of them.

No, just do something every day.

Five hours of training a day.

Did I tell you guys I joined

Planet Fitness?


Now we're talking.

Now we're talking.

Okay, let's... Pizza Fridays.


I did it mostly for my hand so that I

could start doing some

machines and things to keep

up my fitness because I

couldn't hold a barbell or a dumbbell.


So I did it for that reason.

I've been there once.

So the model works, right?

I've been there for three weeks.

I've been there one time.

Hey, Charlie, I just found perfect timing.

I just saw the news,

local news just posted that

a new gym is opening in

Grove City and it's called

Dad Bod Fitness.


So it sounds like this is

the perfect place for you.

I think,

did you just try to come back at

me and say I have a dad bod?

Is that what I did?


I just was saying that you wanted to

try something new.

They have online classes.

Oh, now wait a minute.

Dad bod in Grove City.

Like a Zoom class everybody's in?

Let me find out about that for you.

I'll do some research and

then sign you up for the free trial.

Oh, heck yeah.

I'm all about free.

All about the free stuff.


The best part about Planet

Fitness for me were the massage beds.

Yeah, I need to try those.

I don't know where those are in my gym,

but I'm kind of excited about that.

Don't go on a tanning bed.

No tanning.

I have a separate tanning

membership from some other place.

I'm going to cancel that and

use my Planet Fitness.

I don't tan my face.

I cover my face.

This is just a bladder.

Skin cancer just only hits your face.


It's more for the aging process.

I don't want to look like a prune.

I cover my face.

I get a little warm nap.

It's a warm nap.

yeah I hear they have nice

showers with my shower they

actually do really nice

locker rooms but the uh

yeah the water bed and it

has jets of water that like

go up and down your back

any party in there they

also give students a free

membership over the summer

How do they even make money

if they only charge $10 a

month for regular?

So many people.

So there's a joiner fee of

like 50 bucks and the 1099 is,

is like their bare bones.

Like I'm paying $26 so that

I can go to different ones.

Cause there's one right by

the gym and there's one

right by my house.

And I just,

I joined because Brayden was

going there for like cardio

and first cardio training.

What's he doing in there?

what's he doing no business

in there yeah right it's

just just when he walks in

the door I know right

because he definitely

carrying around a gallon of

water oh my god yeah right

yeah I don't know how he

does it but yeah he goes

there in the mornings and

does his cardio and then

he'll go to the power

lifting gym for his actual

lifting thing I saw him

this weekend he turned 21 last week

And he came home for his birthday.


he came home because the girl that

he's dating was at a bikini

competition in Philadelphia.

So he went to that on Saturday.

And then Sunday he met us for dinner.


And he went back to school yesterday.

I have a feeling he's going

to switch schools now, too.

He's probably going to come

to either Delaware or

Westchester next year,

which kind of breaks my

heart a little bit.

But what are you going to do?


I got to go check on one thing.

I'll be right back.

Well, I was going to end the show, Amy.

Because I got nothing else

and I have to be back to work at one.

So with that, it's good to see you back,


Glad your hands are better.

And with that, everybody,

have a great rest of your day.

And we'll see everybody next

week on the Clydesdale Media Podcast,

Roundtable, whatever we are.

