Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Liberate your soul with more "Nar... Not today" 

We’re all aware of the importance of boundaries and saying no - right?!! Yet, Kate can't help but wonder how many of us need the verbal reminder, or even the permission, to truly say it - honour it - liberate our soul with that golden and often underused word - NO!

NO - is such an empowering two letter word, but [if you're anything like Kate] it may have taken you a while to start using it.

Perhaps you’re still learning how to say it?

This podcast episode offers an opportunity for you to reflect and see where you've been "resentfully" saying yes, so that you can take a step back and share a true and golden...No?

If you feel ready to say YES to working with Kate
Email Kate
or find all her offerings on her website

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Golden Light!

I know we’re all aware of the importance of boundaries and saying no - right?!! Yet, I can't help but wonder how many of us need the written reminder, or even the permission, to truly say it - honour it - liberate our soul with that golden and often underused word - NO!

NO - is such an empowering two letter word, but [if you're anything like me] it may have taken you a while to start using it.

Perhaps you’re still learning how to say it?

Usually, there's a frequency hanging around a "No"...

What if I miss out on an opportunity?

What will they think of me?!

I have an obligation/responsibility to do it/ say yes...

The list goes on!

Let todays newsletter be an opportunity for you to reflect and see where you've been "resentfully" saying yes, so that you can take a step back and share a true and golden...No?

Of course, there'll be resistance - sometimes a no can cause a total kerfuffle!

Here's a reminder for you -

If it's coming from a true, safe and empowered place, it's ok for that kerfuffle to simply not be your problem....EEEEEP!

Our boundaries will challenge others, particularly if there haven't been strong ones in place previously (we often create an expectation of yes!). So, as you begin to say no (when YOU need to!) go gently! Lean into where the no is coming from and why you need to say it) - remember you are safe, loved, and worthy (exactly as you are) and if you need to, include a thank you on the end of your no - move forward resolute warrior, one empowered NO at a time.

In Golden Light!

Love Kate X

AND if you feel ready [and only if you FEEL like saying yes!] this magic awaits...

The Sacred Soul System E-COURSE .

Join us in The Golden Collective (our next call is today!)

Or send me an email to learn more about The Annual Pass or my three month Accelerate space.

I’m so excited to be supporting you soon!