RambamReflections: Daily Wisdom for Life

What is RambamReflections: Daily Wisdom for Life?

Welcome to RambamReflections: Daily Wisdom for Life, your go-to podcast for navigating the complexities of the modern world through the lens of Rambam's teachings. Each episode offers bite-sized insights from Maimonides that speak to the soul, challenge the mind, and guide the heart. Whether you're well-versed in Jewish thought or new to the wisdom of the Rambam, this podcast aims to enrich your day with thoughtful discussions and practical life lessons. Subscribe now and begin your daily journey of reflection and growth.

Shalom and welcome to your Daily Rambam!

Today’s nugget of wisdom comes from Hilchot De’ot, where the Rambam tackles the fine art of conversation. Ever notice how some folks just love the sound of their own voice? Yeah, the Rambam wasn’t a fan either. He compares excessive talking to overeating - both leave you feeling heavy and sluggish, and frankly, nobody else enjoys it much either. So next time you’re about to launch into a monologue, take a breath. Listen more, speak less - you’ll be surprised how much lighter you feel.

This podcast was produced and sponsored by Daniel Aharonoff.