Food Label Lies

Ever been lost in the skincare aisle, wondering what ‘chemical-free’ or ‘dermatologist-tested’ even means? You’re not alone. In this episode of Food Label Lies, we take a deep dive into the skincare world to break down the buzzwords and marketing tricks that confuse consumers. From barrier-repair trends to ingredient heroes like hyaluronic acid, we’re here to give you the tools you need to build a skincare routine that works for YOU.
We also talk about eco-friendly packaging and the growing shift towards sustainable beauty in 2024. Want to know which ingredients are worth the hype? Curious if your skincare routine could use an upgrade? Tune in and find out

Show Notes:

Topics Covered:
  • What "clean beauty" really means
  • The truth behind “dermatologist-tested” products
  • Ingredients you should know: hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and peptides
  • How to repair your skin barrier and why it matters
  • New trends in skincare for 2024 (eco-friendly packaging and barrier-first skincare)
  • Practical tips for decoding skincare labels with tools like INCIdecoder
Mentioned Brands & Tools:
  • The Body Shop
  • Lush
  • CeraVe
  • Think Dirty App
  • INCIdecoder App

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What is Food Label Lies?

Ever feel like food labels are lying to you? Spoiler alert: they probably are. Join us as we break down misleading claims and decode what’s actually in your ‘healthy’ choices—minus the BS.

This podcast that peels back the labels and reveals what the food industry doesn’t want you to know. No buzzwords, no marketing fluff—just the ugly truth about what’s really in your food.

Okay, so have you ever like looked at skincare labels and just felt completely lost?

Oh my gosh, tell me about it.

Like clean beauty, what does that even mean?

Dermatologist tested.

Like, am I supposed to have a PhD to just buy moisturizer?

Seriously, it's it's a lot. It's like a jungle out there.

But that's why we're doing this deep dive, right?


To give you the knowledge to like decode those labels and actually find stuff that works. Exactly. Because I feel like we've all fallen into those marketing traps before.

Oh, yeah.

And we end up with a bunch of products that don't do anything,


So, let's break it all down. Let's cut through the noise and get to the good stuff.

Exactly. Let's get into the science of it all.


Um, so I think one of the biggest things that I like to talk about um is this whole chemical-free thing.

Oh, yeah.

Because you see that everywhere and it sounds great in theory,

right? Who wants chemicals on their face,

right? But it's actually kind of misleading.

It's like, isn't everything a chemical? Exactly. Even water is a chemical. It's all about understanding which ones are beneficial and which ones, you know, maybe not so much.

Okay. So, how do we know the difference?

Yeah, that's the key, right?

Like asking for a friend who may or may not have a cabinet full of products with ingredients that I can't pronounce.

Yes. Well, first of all, I think we need to let go of this fear of all synthetic ingredients being bad because they're not all bad. Take hyaluronic acid for example. Okay. Hyaluronic acid. I've definitely seen that one.

Yes. It's everywhere.


And it's synthetically produced. Okay.

But it is amazing for your skin.

So, what makes it so special? What is it?

It's like this incredible hctant, which basically means that it draws moisture from the air. Okay.

And pulls it into your skin.

So, it's like a little moisture magnet.

Exactly. It's like a tiny sponge that can hold a thousand times its weight in water.

A thousand times.

Imagine that.

That's wild. No wonder it's in everything,

right? It plumps up sign lines. It makes your skin feel so supple and hydrated.

Oh, I'm sold.

It's like a tall glass of water for thirsty skin.

I love it.

Another term that we see a lot that can be a little misleading is dermatologist tested.

Yeah. What does that even mean, right?

Because I feel like I see that everywhere.

It's everywhere and it sounds good, right?

It does. Like it must be good if a dermatologist looked at it,

right? You think it's going to be more effective, right?

But it can be a little bit tricky because dermatologist tested simply means a dermatologist was involved at some point, but it doesn't necessarily mean they endorse it

or that it's actually effective.

Okay. So, it's like a starting point, but not the be all end all.

Exactly. You got to look a little deeper.

So, how do we know what to trust? Like, do we need to become skincare detectives?

Well, there are some tools that can help us out. Okay.

One of my favorites is the sidecoder app.

What is that?

So, it's this amazing app. Basically like a glossery for skinare ingredients. You just type in an ingredient you're curious about and it breaks it down in plain English.

So like tells you what it is and what it does.

Exactly. It takes the guesswork out of it.

Okay, that's amazing. I'm downloading that right now.

Yes, it's a game changer.

So, we've tackled a couple of those like confusing terms.


What about trends?

Oh, fun.

What's hot in the skincare world these days?

Yeah. What should people be looking out for in 2024? Well, one trend that I'm really excited about is the focus on on barrier repair.

Okay, barrier repair. Tell me more about that.

So, your skin barrier is like this amazing shield, right? Okay.

It keeps the good stuff in like moisture and all the bad stuff out like pollutants and irritants.

So, what happens if your barrier is damaged?

Well, that's when you run into problems like dryness, redness, inflammation. You might even have breakouts.

Oh, no.

Yeah. It's not pretty. It's like having tiny cracks in your skin's defenses.

Okay. So, how do we protect and repair that barrier?

Well, this is where gental skin care comes in.

So those harsh scrubs,

not our friends.

Oh no.

Because they can actually strip away those natural oils that keep our skin healthy.

So it's more about being kind to our skin rather than like punishing it.

Yes. Exactly. Look for products that support your skin's natural barrier function.


Ingredients like ceramides are great for that.

Ceramides. I've seen those on labels.


But I don't really know what they do.

So they're like the mortar between your skin cells. They hold everything together. Okay.

And you know what else is great for barrier repair?


Our friend hyaluronic acid.

It does it all.

I know, right? It's a multitasking.

It's like the superhero of skinincare.

Seriously, it's a good one.

But yeah, barrier care is going to be huge in 2024.

Okay. This is blowing my mind,


I feel like I need to rethink my entire routine.

It's a journey.

Yeah. And it's always evolving.

Exactly. Always learning new things. And it's not just about the ingredients themselves anymore either. It's also about how those products are packaged.


Like eco-friendly packaging. That's going to be really important moving forward.

That makes sense because I've noticed like refill stations popping up,

which I love. It's such a good idea.

We just a difference, right?

Yeah. Like less waste.


More sustainable.

Exactly. And you know, consumers are getting smart about this.

They're looking for brands that are truly committed to sustainability.

It's not just a trend anymore, right?

No. It's becoming an expectation,

which is great. And honestly, there are so many great brands out there doing good. good things.

Oh, yeah. Tons.

Like the Body Shop.

Love them.

They've been like pioneers in this space for years.

They really have.

And Lush, too.

Yes. Another great one.

Love their like shampoo bars and stuff.

Me, too. They smell amazing,

right? And it's like you're not using all that plastic packaging.

It's a win-win.


Okay, but let's get back to ingredients for a sec.

Yes. Let's dive in

because we were talking about hyaluronic acid.


Which is like the hydration here. Bro,

the queen,

right? But there are so many other amazing ingredients out there.

So many

that can really like take your skin care game to the next level.

Tell me about it. I have a whole cabinet full.

Right. Like my bathroom is overflowing with products.

I feel that.

But one that I've been hearing a lot about lately is niocinomide.

Oh, nycinomide. Yes, that is a good one.

Sounds kind of intense though, right?

It does. It sounds like something you'd only get from a doctor, but it's actually super accessible.

Okay, good to know. So, what does it actually do?

Okay, so basically it's a form of vitamin B3.


And it is amazing for like everything.


Okay. Maybe not everything, but it does a lot.

Okay. I'm intrigued.

It's a multitasker for sure. Yeah.

Like it helps with redness. Okay.

And inflammation.

Okay. So, it's good for sensitive skin.

Yes. And it can even help minimize the appearance of pores.

Hold on, back up. Pores.



Seriously. It's like magic.

Okay, I am sold. It's a really good one. Yeah. And the best part is it plays well with other ingredients.

Oh, that's always good to know.

You don't want those ingredients that clash, you know?

Right. Because then you end up with like a weird reaction on your face.

Exactly. But yeah, nioinomide is a team player.

Love it. Okay. What about for those of us battling the signs of aging?

Ah, yes. The neverending battle,

right? Like is there anything that can actually help turn back the clock?

Okay. So, you can't actually stop time. garner,

but you can definitely age gracefully.

Okay, I like the sound of that,


So, how do we do that?

Well, this is where peptides come in.

Peptides. Okay, I've seen that word on labels.

Yes, they're everywhere.

But I'll be honest, I have no idea what they do.

So, basically, peptides are like these little messengers that tell your skin to produce more collagen.

Wait, collagen? That's the stuff that keeps our skin looking all firm and plump, right?

Exactly. It's like the scaffolding that holds it all together.


But as we age, our natural collagen production slows down.

That's why we get wrinkles.

Exactly. And that's where peptides come in. They give your skin that little nudge to ramp up collagen production again.

So, it's like tricking your skin into thinking it's younger.

Kind of. It's more like giving your skin the tools it needs to repair itself.

I love it. It's like a personal trainer for your face.

Exactly. And there are so many different peptides out there, each with their own unique benefits.

Okay. See, this is what I'm talking about. Like, it can feel overwhelming.

Oh, yeah. It's a lot to take in.

There's so many different ingredients, so many different products. Like, where do you even begin?


It's like, how do you build a routine that actually works for you?

Well, I always tell people it's a journey, not a race.

Okay. I like that.

You got to be patient and listen to your skin.

Okay. So, pay attention to how your skin reacts to different products.

Exactly. Like, what happens when you try a new cleanser,

right? Do you break out?

Exactly. Or does it feel amazing?

Yeah. And I feel like sometimes you have to experiment a little bit. Well, for sure. Everyone's skin is different.

Exactly. Like what works for one person


might not work for another.

Exactly. And you know, don't be afraid to call in the professionals either.

Yeah. Get some expert advice.

Like a dermatologist can be a game changer.

Totally. Because they can help you figure out like what type of skin you even have.

Yes. Because you might think you have oily skin, but it turns out you're just dehydrated.

Oh, yeah. That happens all the time.

Right. So, don't be afraid to get some help.

Okay. Good to know. Now, before we wrap up,


I have to ask What are some of your holy grail products?

Oh, well, the ones I always recommend.

Yeah. Like if you could only use a few things for the rest of your life.

Oh, that's a tough one. Okay. Um, for a moisturizer, I would say Sereve moisturizing cream.

Okay. Surve. That's a classic.

It's a classic for a reason.

It's affordable.


It's effective.

And it's got those camides and hyaluronic acid, so it's great for barrier support.

Oh, it's got the dream team in there.

It does.

Okay. What about for dark spots?

Ooh. Okay. For hyperpigmentation, the Ordinary Nyinomide 10% plus zinc 1%.


that stuff is magic.

The Ordinary is so good.

It's so good and so affordable

and effective.

Yes, it's a mustave in my routine.

Okay, last one.

Okay, let's hear it.

What about like a a luxury pick?

Ooh, if we're going luxury, let's go with Dr. Barbara Sterm Glow Drops.

Okay, Dr. Barbara Sterm. That sounds fancy.

They are definitely a splurge, but they make my skin look So good.

It's worth it.

It is. It's like an instant glow up in a bottle.

I love it. Okay, I'm taking notes. Do it.

I need to try all of these.

You won't regret it.

This has been so fun. I feel like I've learned so much.

Me, too.

I feel like I can actually decipher a skincare label now.

That's the goal.

And I'm not afraid of the word chemical anymore.

Good. Chemicals aren't all bad,

right? Some of them are our friends.

Oh, exactly.

Well, thank you so much for joining me today and for sharing all of your wisdom.

Thank you for having me. This was a blast.

Yes. It was so fun chatting with you. And to our Listeners, thank you for joining us for another deep dive.

See you next time.

Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to your skin. So, don't be afraid to experiment, find what works for you, and most importantly, have fun with it. Until next time.