National Health Executive News

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Daily News from National Health Executive

And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Friday the 5th of April 2024
Almost 100,000 patients have benefitted from the Cancer Drugs Fund since 2016, according to NHS England. More than 100 drugs, in over 250 indications, have improved, extended and saved people’s lives.
The NHS says that patients benefit form new cancer drugs nearly six months faster under the current CDF. NHSE’s national medical director, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, said the milestone was testament to the hardworking oncology teams across the country.
A new recruitment campaign is being launched to attract Armed Forces veterans into allied health professional roles. The drive is in support of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan and will use the power of virtual reality to showcase the various roles within the NHS.
With 12,000 leaving the Armed Forces every year, the NHS says it values veterans’ leadership resilience and compassion. The campaign is a collaboration between Guy’s and St Thomas’, NHSE and various universities.
UK researchers could be set to revolutionise dementia diagnosis for the NHS, as they gear up for clinical trials of promising blood tests. Researchers from University College London and the University of Oxford will lead the drive and hope to gather the evidence necessary for the blood tests to be validated for NHS use within the next five years.
Participants will be recruited from across the country and researchers will ensure their findings are applicable to the entire UK population.
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