Practical Podcast Tips

Being a business owner can be rough. Podcasting is a great tool to help you grow your business. Amber talks about why you should have a podcast for your business and what you should talk about.

Show Notes

Being a business owner can be rough. Podcasting is a great tool to help you grow your business. Amber talks about why you should have a podcast for your business and what you should talk about.

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Creators & Guests

Amber Beels
Podcast Manager, Creative Director and Online Course Creator for Online Coaches, Speakers & Trainers

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Looking for effective, simple and practical podcast tips? Are you just getting started with podcasting and not sure where to begin? Eric & Amber both give advice on helping you become a better podcaster using short, bite sized episodes. Podcasting can get challenging and exhausting, so doing what you can to make your time more efficient is one of the keys to maintaining your successful podcast. Stay consistent, stay effective, and grow your podcast!

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Amber Beels 0:01
I'm a business owner. And I think I want to start a podcast, but I'm not sure what I would talk about. Well, let's talk about that. You're listening to Practical Podcast Tips. My name is Amber Beels. And today, I'm going to cover tip number 37. Having a business podcast, owning a business is a lot of work. You spend so much time and effort building and maintaining it, you hear that having a podcast is good for your business and would help it. But now you don't know what to talk about,

is it even worth it? So being a business owner myself, I totally understand the dynamics of running your own business and still trying to grow it. Growing pains are really hard. We've been in a growing phase for a little while now for years, I feel like and you know, our business has changed. And especially with COVID. Like we started out as a video production company, we've been a wedding film company, we've been short films, commercials. Now we do online courses. And then with COVID, we couldn't really film. So now we do podcasting, we started doing podcast management, because that's something that we could do from home. And now it's a huge part of our business, I would say it's half of our business at this point. And we absolutely love it. It's now a passion of ours. Now, I don't think we would ever leave video. But in terms of just like all the dynamics of running a business evolving, trying to keep up with the times trying to do all the things right with the government, your taxes and trying to grow and trying to you know, hire the right people to help you with your business. It's a lot, being a business owner is not for the faint of heart. So if you are a business owner, I apply to you because I want to and it's tough, it's not easy. Being an entrepreneur, when you are trying to grow your business. You know, there's so many different ways that you can do that. You mean, there's Google as there's YouTube ads, there's Facebook ads, there's blogging, there's having your own website, there's in person networking, there's having your own YouTube channel, and then there's podcasting. So it's kind of hard to choose, like what is right for you, and everyone's different. Everyone will resonate with different things, and will choose to go a different path. And I'm not saying that any one path is better than the other. I'm just going to talk about podcasting. Because I know about podcasting because I'm very passionate about it. And because I've seen it work. And I know that it can work for a lot of people, if not everyone, but you have to be comfortable talking, you have to be comfortable knowing what you're going to talk about, which is what we're going to talk about in this episode right now. Now, I know that you know your business really well. You know, you do it, you work in it every day, and you built it from the ground up. But when it comes to podcasting, sometimes it might be like, Yeah, I know my business. But what am I going to talk about my business and who's going to listen to it, podcasting is an amazing way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Maybe you have like a random field, maybe you make embroidery floss, or maybe you have an Etsy shop and you make these really creative figurines, or really, really creative art, but it's very niche. It's very specific. And there are no podcasts out there talking about these things. You think, Okay, well, there's no podcasts out there about it. So maybe there's no need for it, maybe there isn't a target audience for it. And I'm going to tell you that that is the wrong mindset. If there's no podcast about your field already, this is an amazing opportunity for you to be able to be the first use this to your advantage. There are no other podcasts about your field, there's nobody else talking about what you do. So you can step up and be the expert, be the first person to have a podcast about your business, be the first person to reach out to people over the airwaves, to talk about your art or to talk about whatever it is that you do, whatever your business is, whether it's service based product base, whatever it is, you can be the first person to be that expert in the podcasting world. And that's an amazing opportunity. Now, maybe there are already a few podcasts out there that talk about your field and you know what, that's okay, too. They may talk about the same things, but your audience will relate to you better. Some people will like your podcasts over the other podcasts that maybe he's been doing it longer because maybe you have a better personality or maybe you explain things in a different way that allow your audience to understand it a little better. Maybe they just like your laugh better. They're just little things that, you know, people are really picky about. And they will be loyal to you for the randomness reasons, but you will never know. And you will never be able to experience that if you don't step out and have a podcast about your business, if you don't step out and become that expert in your field via podcasting, this is great, right? And you decide, okay, I want to do a business podcast. But what do I talk about? So the first thing that you need to really think about is think about your audience. What are their pain points? What is something that they deal with on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis that you know how to handle? What are some frequently asked questions that you get about your industry, but what do they care about? Talk about those things. The key to having a podcast and specifically business podcast is bringing value to your audience. Don't just talk about your business all the time, then it becomes a commercial, Nobody chooses to listen to commercials, people normally fast forward through them or skip them. They don't want to listen about your business and about the sales and offers that you're having all the time. They want to be given value, they want to learn something, they want to be able to improve their lives. And if you have the information in the education for them to do that, then you are the perfect person for them to listen to, they will become loyal to your podcast because they'll learn something that didn't even know that they needed to know. And you are that person that can bring them that information. The part where you bring in your business into your podcast is your call to action at the end that is super important to a business podcast. This is where you can talk about your business. And the number one key thing in making a business podcast successful is having a freebie. And what is a freebie a freebie can be anything that is small but brings value. And it's something that they can get for free, there's so there's no cost to them. The only thing that they need to do in order to get your freebie is to go to a landing page and input their email address. Their email address is gold to you. This is what a podcast is for it's for a lead generation tool. It's to provide value to your audience, gain that audience gain that loyalty, gain that target audience that you were looking for, provide value to them, offer them something to go above and beyond what your podcast is already doing. And then getting their email. And when you get their email you will have and you will build a big email list. And this is where you will make money for your business. This is where it will pay back is the email list. Because once you have that email list, nothing can take it away from you. And you can constantly nurture that email list, send them more value. And you know what you can do is with your email list is send them new podcast episodes, that can be something that you can be nurturing them with. Just give them good value. And then not all the time. But whenever you have a big promotion or sale or just something you want to push, that's when you sell to them. And you can't think of it as selling because you're not selling you're serving your audience. And if you've been nurturing them through your podcast, nurturing them through your email list, they will be more than happy to be able to support you in your business because of all the value you've been providing throughout all these avenues. So I really hope this helps guys. Remember in your podcasts and however you talk to your audience, just remember to be authentic people can smell when something's not authentic. So remember to be authentic, be you represent your business and how you want to represent it. bring value to your target audience and they will want to support you and your business. I really hope this helps guys. That's it for me, and I'll see in the next episode.

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