Paid to Bring Peace

Business isn't working? The solution probably isn't what you think.

What is Paid to Bring Peace?

For multi-passionate creators who want to get paid for their knowledge and wisdom. Learn how to build a business that gives you freedom and flexibility to be your most authentic self.

Hey, Bo here.

Hope you're doing well.

I wanted to talk real quick about a
very common limiting belief that I

think a lot of creators and coaches
have that prevents them from being

successful and having a business that
actually gives them what they want.

A business that feels easy to
run and is very profitable.

I think sometimes we have this
belief that like if something

that we're doing isn't working,
that we need to do something else.

So for example, maybe you have a product,
let's say it's an online course, and

it's not selling that well, you're not
making that many sales of that course.

So you might think, well, I should
create another product, right?

I should create a second product
and maybe that product will

sell better than this one.

And we do this.

And I see a lot of people get
stuck on this hamster wheel.

And myself included, I've done this
so many times it's like you think

you need to do something else because
the thing you're doing isn't working.

But you have to ask yourself, why is the
thing you're already doing not working?

instead of doing something else and
adding something else to your plate,

which is just gonna create more
overwhelm for you, just take the thing

you're already doing and make it work.

If that product isn't selling, you don't
need to create a whole nother product.

The product isn't the problem,
it's the other things.

It's the marketing of the product.

maybe you're not getting enough
traffic to the product, getting

enough people to see the product.

Maybe you need to, change your launch
strategy or build an automated funnel

that sells that product for you and
improve your marketing and your messaging

around that product If you just did
that and made the one thing you're

doing successful, then you wouldn't have
this need to keep doing new things and

keep adding new things to your plate.

And you could have a very simple business
that gives you peace of mind and you could

just sell one product if you wanted to.

I mean, I often tell people like,
just focus on one product until.

You have freedom.

You know, like sell one thing until that
one thing is producing enough income for

you on a very consistent basis to give
you the financial freedom that you want.

And then maybe after that you can go
create some other products and stuff.

But until the one thing is working,
there's no point in trying something

else because you're not addressing the
reason why the one thing isn't working.

So what you're gonna end up
doing most likely is you're

gonna go create something else.

And the the other thing that you
create, the second thing you create.

It's gonna have the same exact problems
as the first thing you create, if the

first thing isn't working, it means
there's some elements that you're.

missing, there's something you're not
seeing, and so you're gonna go repeat the

same pattern with the other things you do.

you have these blind spots, you
have things that you're not looking

at or things you're not aware of.

until you address those things, it
doesn't matter how many things you create.

Everything you create is going to have
the same flaws, and it's still not

going to work as well as you want it to.

So what is the thing
you're already doing and.

Just make that better, make it better
and better and better the product.

Make it better If it's not selling,
you know, improve the product, improve

the marketing, get more traffic.

find different ways to get more people
to see the one thing you're selling.

Because if you can't make,
let's say six figures a year.

If you can't make six figures a year
selling one product, what makes you think

that having two or three or four products
is going to get you to six figures a year?

If you can't even make one product
work, how are you gonna make four?

How are you gonna make 2, 3, 4, 5
products work if you can't even make one?

just adding more things to
your plate is not the answer.

It's usually just making the
thing you're doing work better.

you don't need multiple
social media platforms, you

don't need multiple products.

You don't need multiple.

Sales funnels you don't
need multiple lead magnets.

You can be very, very successful
with just one of each thing.

Have one lead magnet, one
product, one sales funnel, one

strategy for selling that product.

And just do it over and over
again until you're a master at it.

And that's the strategy I recommend
is just like, keep things super

simple and then just constantly
iterate on what you're doing

and improve what you're doing.

And this is the only thing
that has ever worked for me.

Like I've seen the pattern, like
at any time I'm struggling in my

business, it's always because I'm.

not listening to my own advice.

You know, like I'm trying to do too
many things and every time I've had

the most success in my business, it's
always been when I laser focus and I keep

things super simple and I don't try to
create multiple products, multiple lead

magnets, multiple funnels, all this stuff.

When you keep it simple, that's
when you're able to scale your

business with peace of mind.

So just a suggestion for you, and
I'll talk to you in the next one.
