Gabbing Girl Time

We got a new gadget! Thank You so much Daddy Shark! So Gail and Jenn practice gabbing at remote location! Hope you enjoy this edition of gabbing coffee talk . Recorded at South Press Coffee shop. (This is not sponsored by South Press) It’s just a super cool sober space.

Show Notes

Jenn and Gail visit the glorious South Press Coffee shop and try to record the podcast remotely. I think we did a pretty good job. We are looking forward to doing more of these. The girls gab about the weekend, Kim Kardashian, Gail’s comedy show, the movie dumpling, being fat, poor and bad nutritional habits. Brattie going viral on TikTok, She is also responsible for making the  1.5  million views on our #GabbingGirlTime hashtag. We really appreciate that you listen to us. We are truly grateful that you would spend time listening to our opinions. We don’t claim to be experts on anything, we are just a couple of gal’s gabbing about things that relate to their everyday life, struggles and opinions. Thank YOU so much for listening, please follow Us on social media and give us a like or follow. Email us at GabbingGirlTime on Facebook or at  follow Jenn @bruisedtonsils on TikTok and Fet Life,  @brattievonbeaverhausen on IG and @brattiesbites also on IG. Follow Gail on @gabbinggailtime on social media. 

What is Gabbing Girl Time?

Dynamic Duo Gail and Jenn , a couple of mature fun gal-pals spill the tea about what its like to navigate being multifaceted women living in alternative lifestyles. Sharing their life experiences they hope to Inform, enlighten, and entertain as you listen in to their weekly adventures on Gabbing Girl Time.

Content is intended for mature audiences. Listeners' discretion is advised.

Jennifer: Gavin girl time contains explicit, sexually mature themes and is intended for a mature audience. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of any platforms, sponsors or social media.

Gail: We say what we want and we don't care. Gavin girl time. Gavin girl time. Gabbing girl time.

Jennifer: Nobody wants to work anymore.

Gail: Yeah, totally.

Jennifer: can you believe that bitch?

honestly, what is Kim?

Gail: They're only sitting on a few billion dollar war chest between. Her and her sister, nobody wants

Jennifer: to work. Nobody wants to work. You need to surround yourself. You need to surround yourself with successful people. And the ones that you know, that want to work.

Gail: I tell you what they're working here today.

They are,

Jennifer: we're on a remote. This is our first remote. We're so excited. This may never air who knows, but I hope it does. I hope it works out, but we are at the lovely, uh,

Gail: queer queer coffee

Jennifer: shop, sober space. South press and we're sitting in their lovely little vestibule with a light coming in. It's beautiful.

And it's awesome.

Gail: It it is. I dig how it's decorated. I mean, even you just need to come and experience it.

Jennifer: It's a great, yeah. If you haven't been here, if you live anywhere around the Knoxville area and uh, you wanna come and just enjoy a very quiet space as well. That's kind of why we're doing this. Or if

Gail: you come and you visit lovely Dollywood and the pitch and forge area, it is on Chapman highway going south to Knoxville.

You should definitely get on the road and come into town and check it out. Yeah. It's not very far at all.

Jennifer: And they've got so many other things other than coffee, they have pastries available from local vendors. Uh, t-shirts coffee that you can just pick up and take home with you. There's something for everybody here.

The, my favorite thing though, here is the fairies that are on the ceiling. Yes. There

Gail: are fairies everywhere. And. Fantastical,

Jennifer: one of them over there. Her skirt's riding up a little bit, cuz she's in front of the fan. She's Marilyn Monroe in it. right over there.

Gail: I'm surprised they don't legit have a Marilyn Monroe ferry over here.

They are a quite magical. It it's just a fabulous spot. I dig it. Uh, it's very cool. And we're not sponsored. No, not at all self press. We're just find this place adorable and you know, and

Jennifer: a lot of our friends come here.

Gail: yeah. My daughter loves to come here and diamond paint. She's a diamond painter. What's

Jennifer: a diamond painter.

Gail: Oh my gosh. They paint, you know how you would do paint by numbers? Yes. This is done with gems.

Jennifer: Okay. Ooh, that sounds like something I could get into. She painted me

Gail: a little unicorn. It's at the house. I don't know if you saw it last time we were over, but, um, yeah, she's doing actually this big kind of, um, it's a large piece of, uh, oh my gosh.

What's some little mermaids name, the little mermaid Ariel. She's doing a little, little mermaid scene. Okay.

Jennifer: I have to tell you this, cuz I found it. Very very funny today. So I have Charlotte today. Mm-hmm , it's another reason why we're here hanging out. safe space for children as well. But, uh, I asked her what her Barbie's names were, cuz we brought a couple Barbies with us and stuff and one of them, her name is Ola.

I said that is a beautiful, beautiful name. It is such a beautiful, a name.

Gail: Uh, I was trying to take a beautiful picture of you, but let me take a beautiful of you.

Jennifer: I'm in a good light, good light. Hold on. Portrait mode,

Gail: definitely portrait at mode. I got my hairs look back like, like I'm a Kardashian mile.

Jennifer: The thing that pisses me off the most about Kim K is I would still wear what she had on, in that video.

Gail: no, you can be an fashionable asshole just because you're a jerk she's wearing like doesn leather,

Jennifer: uh, top criscros top with leather OFS, and looks like leather pants or leather skirt. And it looks amazing.

And, uh, I'll give it to her, but don't fucking sit there and say. You need to get out and work. People are working

Gail: hilarious. Like I hope she's still dating Pete Davidson. And I would like to see what SNL does with that.

Jennifer: Saturday we'll find out because if I were writing

Gail: for SNL, they'd do a lot with it.

Jennifer: It'd be the whole damn

Gail: show. It would be so crazy. I had the best weekend, even though we had a mini snowpocalypse,

Jennifer: we did, it was 60 degrees. Almost 70 degrees that Friday and then Saturday, boom

Gail: 16. yeah. Yeah. I couldn't believe when I woke up to six inches.

That it would be snow , but there it was you're telling on yourself there it was, well, I don't even know. I don't know how to measure anymore. A man taught me and it is not the same. It is not the same,

Jennifer: our group chat. I said, yeah, we got a good six inches here and about five inch she a snow, but don't. Beer video

Gail: beer.

I know so stupid, but the roads were actually good. And I went over the mountain to Silva, North Carolina, to a really cool little joint called quirky birds. So

Jennifer: you made it over the mountain. I did

Gail: it really. The roads were great. Wasn't bad at

Jennifer: all. We had a show in Kingsport and on the fence. The whole time of whether or not to cancel it or not.

And we weren't really worried about getting up there. It was getting back. Yeah.

Gail: Like if anything melted. Yeah.

Jennifer: And then black and then froze over. Yeah. I'm not interested in anything like that, but our producer made the excellent decision of just holding off. You know, it's

Gail: always better to be safe as mud is.

Disappointing to cancel shows because I thought about it and I wasn't sure I'm glad that I didn't because, um, even though it was spring break there and the whole town closed up very early and we also, you know, went ahead an hour. So we were losing an hour anyway, but we had, um, it was pretty full. We had.

You know, about 30 people that came out in a very, from a very small town. Yeah. And so that was really cool. And the show was good. And one girl had compliment. I mean, I had the big head by the time I left, we had ran into some other people out and we went to get a drink afterwards and. Uh, one girl said, oh my gosh, I just want you to know you were the funniest lady comic I've ever seen and I didn't, you know, I was like, oh, you know, okay.

She probably has not seen any female comics am I, she hasn't been to all your shows. Am I the only one you've ever seen? But, and I was so excited cuz I got, uh, I had recorded it and then one of the comics that was with me. I had my, uh, uh, camera sitting on a tripod on the table, which was my bad. I never should have done that, but I just assume people knew, you know, don't touch a table.

They did a drum roll. Every punchline of mine, they were having a great time, but every

so the camera's wobbling and there's like this drum roll and it's horrible. It's horrible for you. I would be so mad. I'm so I was so disappointed. I'm not gonna be mad cuz I know that it wasn't malicious. Of course it was a dude though.

Jennifer: I would say I would still, however, you have a right to be upset. Same.

Gail: I was so happy because I got to pay his girlfriend double . He got paid half of what all the females made and it just made me happy. I'm like in my soul. So. So, so that was good. And I introduced him as my token male, which , you know, we gotta have one on the bill. Yeah. Mm-hmm yeah. So

Jennifer: yeah, at least one, just one.

Gail: I like diversity , but it was a good time. And I'm super excited because next month I'm doing it again. I've booked monthly shows. I did such a great job. I've got monthly shows, booked there from all the way through July. And so I have Hilary Bagley is gonna headline. Yeah. Next month. And for people who may or may not know, Hillary was aunt Lucy and the movie dumpin.

Dolly did the music music, and it was a story about a super Dolly. Pardon? Fan. Yeah. And Lucy doesn't it's Jennifer Anderson, having to deal with the horror of having a fat sister is what it's about fat daughter, daughter. That's

Jennifer: right. Cuz she's a pageant. You know, that's a really interesting thing to talk about as generationally.

My family has always been overweight in some way and. Breaking the cycle of it, I guess, of the cycle of bad eating poor, uh, dietary choices. Not, not exercising enough, I'm not talking about genetics because there ain't shit that you can do about that. Right. Um, but the things that you can control, you know, general my family in the past has not been good at.

So I'm trying to break that mm-hmm um, my daughters are, you know, I'll, I'll say it, you know, two of 'em are overweight and then two of 'em are kind of midline. And I think that, that, I think part of the midline part now, you know, my little ones really skinny mm-hmm , but I think that that's part of her. Her father's genetics because he has a high metabolism.

We've always

Gail: had really big people in my family. Yeah. Um, so I think

Jennifer: that's, and especially in the south, you know, if you've watched thousand pound sisters, mm-hmm and you hear, uh, Amy talk about her generations pass and how all of them. Are overweight in some way. And it's because they haven't really been taught about nutrition.

I think poverty

Gail: has a lot to do. Oh, absolutely. I mean, it is way less expensive to go even nowadays to go buy ramen noodles or macaroni cheese, any carbs is gonna cost way less. And it mm-hmm , you know, you. Spend $10 on a salad pasta, a


Jennifer: box of pasta is a dollar, right. Which could, you know, last you a week if you're one person.


Gail: If you're feeding a family though, it's way easier to do Mac and cheese and hot dogs and, or fish sticks and get everybody fed, you know, right. Heck in the frozen food department, I think you can buy fish sticks. Now a package of 10 for like four bucks. You can't get any meat, not even a hot dog for $4.

So what are you gonna do? Fish sticks and tater tots. It is for, you know, seven bucks.

Jennifer: And all of my girls had, you know, they started gaining their weight right around puberty mm-hmm when, when that, and that happens to just about every theme in L out there. Um, but now having grandchildren I'm really. Like, are you gonna feed her that, you know, I know, I know how much, how it's easy as a single mom to just throw a thing of noodles and they freaking launchable.

Gail: Yeah.

Jennifer: Yeah. Um, but the habits that you start today are the habits that they're gonna have in their future. And if you, if you don't want them to quote, be fat, Yeah, then you've gotta start. You've gotta start teaching them now. Of course, they're gonna make their own decisions and their own poor choices, but at least as the parent or as the grandparent, you gave them the tools to, to make the right choices.

Gail: Yeah, for sure. Well, you know how I, I think the world's going anyway. I think that, um, being fat is gonna actually become a commodity at least this way. I'll make it through a famine. Oh, me too. You know, I'm fine. So I'll come out the other side looking real good. It won't matter, but I'll survive. You know, worst case scenario I kill over, you know, you got some decent hammocks to feed you for the next, however,

Jennifer: soil green

Gail: right.

I will either be a, um, you know, I'll still be a service, whatever, something

Jennifer: that came to mind in. This might just be a mother's and daughter's thing, but, okay. So let's say that you're seeing your child get a little chunky. You don't want to, you don't wanna RAs them about it because

Gail: they already that, uh, all you do is you cause them to defy you.

Yes. By, you know what this bitch, she ain't gonna tell me what to do, you know, or what to eat. And I think that that actually causes worse habits where people sneak

Jennifer: around or, yeah, that's what I'm saying. What's the line of, you know, of you see your child suffering in some way. What's the line of saying,

okay, you're really gonna have to curb back on some of your eating habits. Or do you just let it go and just let them make their own decision? What

Gail: I, for me personally, I think that a lot of things could have been different. Had I known as much about mental health as well? Mm-hmm because I think that, um, that was a way to self medicate.

And a way to deal with anxiety and a way to deal with, um, attention deficit that wasn't treated, or, you know what I'm saying? Like, oh

Jennifer: yeah. I could look back on my childhood and, and see the, well, the patterns.

Gail: And I had a, uh, also depending on your childcare provider, you know, mm-hmm, my C care provider was a, um, a heavy single lady who, um, I mean, she's still single to this day.

So either a I don't, in case she listens, I don't want to put any ideas or whatever, but she, um, rewarded everything with sweet treats and. Uh, you know, she rewarded herself

Jennifer: with, there's an episode of Roseanne that really, that talks about that too. And about how Roseanne's mom, she treated Roseanne different than she treated her sister, Jackie, her Jackie was always the skinny one and stuff.

And mm-hmm her mom would reward Roseanne with food, but Jackie with, you know, something else in there and it finally clicked for Roseanne and they're like, oh, This is why I'm making these. Poor decisions.

Gail: Yeah, because you were, everything was reinforced by that. And my mom was terrible about doing that because as a grandma for her, and I have my own responsibilities as well, I'm believe me, I'm just saying that in our village, food was very important to everyone because my mom did not have.

Much food growing up. And she was poor for a very long time. And we were poor for a very long time. And when my mom remarried and my, um, Adopted father. He actually, you know, ended up making a lot of money and, um, and

Jennifer: it's also a social gathering with your family and food brings people together,

Gail: but being depression, era of people.

Yeah. Their idea of success was not the kind of car you drove. It was not the pest you got, that you lived in? Yeah, it was that you had a stocked pantry. Mm-hmm . And if my mom came to my house and if I, she, you know, go to the bathroom and look at my cabinets or whatever, and if I didn't have toilet paper or she went to dry her hands in my kitchen, I didn't have a paper towel.

You can bet within three hours, I'd get a phone call going. Well, Gail, can you help me unload the car? I went to Sam's and I kind of overaw and no, no. And next thing I know I'm stock with toilet paper and paper dos because to her that's a sign of, of fluid struggle. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like, I mean, I may have had all the money in the world and, and just not the

Jennifer: time to go to, but

Gail: it didn't matter in her mind.

Yeah. That was poverty level and Bali, a stock. Cabinet and being able to eat whatever you want whenever you want it. And that's what food scarce deal do to a lot of people. And so, I mean, I guess that's where we're going with this today, but I mean, that's why I'm so about Knox pride. And the things that they're doing in the community, it's gonna take more than

Jennifer: that though.

It's gonna, if, if things get really, really dire, it's gonna take more than the food pantries around here. And people gonna have to start growing, growing their own stuff. And even that, I mean, you've got to wait,

Gail: you know what, depending on how bad it gets, if the government, it controls all that, they may not let you, you know, when people talk about the great reset in.

Not every anybody owning anything, the people that will own something will be your governments, whether it's your city, government, or the entire federal, I guess we're gonna

Jennifer: be criminals and outlaw then always,

Gail: but they'll execute well. They'll execute a fair amount. They'll get rid of them. Heck in your viral TikTok comment, somebody was like, they should just execute all the Democrat.

Oh my gosh. Let's get into that. I was just like what? Oh no, the Democrats should ex execute all the Republicans. And I was like, what?

Jennifer: So yesterday, and this is like seven o'clock at night. Uh, my daughter forgot her wallet at home. And uh, I said, let me bring you your wallet. She works like second shift. Let me bring your wallet.

I'll bring you some dinner too. And we'll just hang out in the parking lot. Go to her work, hang out in her parking lot for a little bit. I see this to come up about China locking down. Yeah,

Gail: for another couple coronavirus,

Jennifer: a couple, a couple of cities for Corona. Did I read the article? No, I didn't. I just thought it would be funny.

to sit in the, sit in my car and judge. This situation right here. And all I said was, well, there goes our summer and I that's all I said, it was kind of how you said it. It is . I mean, I said it for a fact but that particular one. You never expect your talks to go viral, the ones that you don't want to go viral do.

And the ones that are, you think are really funny and like quirky and, oh, everybody's gonna love this. No, no, they don't. 10 likes. Yep. But as of right now, this particular video has 12,000 likes. Yeah. Uh, over 1600 comments.

Gail: I don't think combined all of my TikTok. I have 12,000 likes

Jennifer: combined and I got, I got a few followers, uh, from

Gail: it.

Do you have over 2000 now?

Jennifer: Oh,

Gail: do I? That would be so cool. You did not, you only have like, 1400 last time. I, I check you out free. Do you, do you look at me? Yeah. I only have 306 followers total.

Jennifer: I have 1486. Oh, nice. So not quite, but I do like the fact that the, my following and my followers are kind of about even mm-hmm like, I'm not constantly following everybody.

I see. And you know, not everybody's following me either. So, but our hashtag has grown cause you know, that's cool. You know, I put that on everything, everything

Gail: I've started doing that on everything as well, because you know,

Jennifer: but that's over 350,000 likes views, whatever. But the comments here, the comments are.

I you've read them. I've not read them. I've

Gail: read all thousand plus they have sub comments and I can't help myself. I have to go. I have to go to, what are they saying? And then a couple of them I've hearted or I've laughed or whatever. So I've commented on your comments. I'm trying to like, Hey, look at me, look at me.

I'm I'm piggybacking off of, of your success. So maybe I'll get 300 and. Seven

Jennifer: hour success. I hope I get three hour. Yes, it is ours.

Gail: It is success. I hyped us up the whole, you do

Jennifer: time. I am. What's known as just a drive by poster. Okay. I see something. Um, it's really I, is it trollish maybe? Um, just to. Okay.

Not agitate people, but, but make people think, oh, whatever,

Gail: what part of bratty doesn't say to agitate people. Are you kidding me?

Jennifer: Let's be honest here, but I don't, I don't necessarily engage with my TikTok comment. Or anything? I just don't TikTok. I just kind of just let it go and see what happens. But some of the comments that, um, one that was really funny to me was, uh, I'm a pure blood and I'm not getting vaccinated.

So. Because there a

Gail: pure blood. Yeah. He's a pure blood. See, um, you know what? I'm a half blood my mom did the most egregious thing you could do as a woman in Alabama, back in the fifties, she married a Yankee. Oh yeah. So yeah, I'm half Yankee and half Southern. So,

Jennifer: so people are kind of split. On this mm-hmm if you've read the comments of kind of, um, for you, well, split on the fact of bring it on, you know, people love the lockdown, bring it on.

I did the most shit ever that year. I'm like what? And then the opposite of that was cause I'm so

Gail: shy and I need to, I ain't doing, gonna have a war of the introvert, an extrovert. This is what's gonna happen. And then the people that, and then the, my other was like, My other favorites are every, I don't know, six, seven comments.

Somebody will say, well, you won't get the stemmy this time. , nobody's getting the stemmy and then other people, well, you'll stay home anyway with these gas prices. That's what they want you to do anyhow, or stay home. And then you get the person. Well, we should have already had our reserves topped up and overflown.

Why don't we have the, you know, what's going

Jennifer: on. A lot of Florida people, I live in Florida, so. This does not apply to me.

Gail: It's does not apply. Like we've got DeSantos. Who's like, we'll succeed. We'll go with Texas but other whole golf people is gonna break off Athena's

Jennifer: well, this is in China. You know, this is not gonna co this, this is in China.

It's not in America right now. Right, right now. That's why I said summer. Listen,

Gail: because it's gonna take you're vaccinated. You're boosting. Yeah. You're I was vaccinated and I got long COVID. Oh, Five hour articles have already come out since the, um, war over there with, uh, Russia and Ukraine saying that if you were vaccinating, you had Cova you had super immunity.

I just called it. Cova

Jennifer: super Cova. Yeah.

Gail: I have super immunity. I have immunity now. And besides I am. Hmm, definitely at the age that I'm using, you know, Asper cream as a lotion, body lotion. So I've decided if I go, I just go, we should all pull our money and buy like excellent insurance policies. you know,

Jennifer: so why did I make video?

First of all, I made it for me. All my TikTok are for me. Um, second of all. I honestly, I wanna do Rocky horror this year. This is that's it it's in the summer that, well, our, um, our rehearsals are in the summer and our, um, our performance at the Tennessee theater, which is very, very important to. To all of my Satan mechanic, family festival.

Yeah. All the burlesque festivals, you know, I just want to be able to perform again. And I'm not saying that we can't perform now, but it's not completely up to me. You know whether or not to have a show or not. I have producers, I have other performers who might not feel as safe. All right.

Gail: So just come as I do, I'll book a tour through Florida and then you and I will do cabin and girl time and I'll tour and we'll just hang in Florida for the lockdown.

Okay. Well, he's doing this lockdown going to Florida. They've got it all. They've got beaches, alligators, Disney. COVID.

Jennifer: But nobody talks

Gail: about it. Well, the heat, you know, the heat kill all the vitamin D and the heat, and we can eat oranges and have vitamin C it's like a anti COVID paradise. The only thing is that.

Okay. I moved away from there in 2004. And up until that date from the eighties, till that date, they had more mullets per capita of anywhere in the

Jennifer: United States, the mullets making a comeback.

Gail: It is however these people have been rocking at the whole time. The whole time. Yes. So it, it just depends on where you're at in Florida, you know, but the beach is nice.

People are on vacation. They're, you know, I love the

Jennifer: beach. The beach does not love me.

Gail: Yeah, you gotta cause I'm a,

Jennifer: I basically scotch Irish

Gail: girl. Yeah. You have to have SPF 3000. Yes. Yeah. Or walk around with an umbrella. That's cool

Jennifer: too, which I've done. Yeah. I've wore all black to the beach and black umbrella.

I love

Gail: is not Cola. I don't care what anybody says. I love that town. The Navy is there. And I don't know if you guys have looked at our military boys lately, but, and all the Navy are just a little bit gay. Just like I like them. just a tiny bit, just a bit. So yeah, like Adam West Batman,

Jennifer: we found a show yesterday and it's, you should watch it just because it's hilarious, but it's called the other two.

Gail: I have seen it I haven't seen all of them, but I did watch a couple

Jennifer: of them, but it's Molly. Shannon is the mother and she's so funny, but I love her. It's about, we just found it on HBO, max. I think it's a comedy central show though, but it's this Justin Bieber type boy who has two older siblings trying to it in show business as well.

And his, his. He's just taken

Gail: off this mom is this ultimate stage mom and the other two is just like, oh, okay.

Jennifer: and they're trying, the, the siblings are trying to protect their little brother from the,

Gail: and she's just pushing them

Jennifer: the horrors of Hollywood and fame. And, and I wanna say this is in New York though.

And is she the stage mom though? Or is she just trying to, you. There. Well, she's

Gail: very gull, like two episodes. So I don't know how

Jennifer: she's extremely gullible. And this is all new to her too. How

Gail: she's behaved? I just, from the beginning, it was like, she was very stars were in her eyes for sure. Yeah. And the other kids are just like, like you're pimping out our brother.

Is it weird? How good she is with her or what? Oh, she's great with her. Mm-hmm ,

Jennifer: it's amazing how good Charlotte is with her. Not necessarily how Sarah is with Charlotte.

Gail: Doesn't matter. The kid it's like, she's the whisper. I'm glad I brought snacks. Always been that way. Like literally we went on a cruise and we had, um, it was for her former mother-in-law his 50th birthday and it was me and my son actually had a cabin or whatever.

And then. She was with her wife. I think they were married. No, they might have just been girlfriends. Cuz I have pictures. They're pretty young and um, but we all went and uh, I thought I was gonna have to kill some parents. Like everybody brought the whole family. So we're out at Miami walking to like the, you know, farthest point of the United States or whatever.

And uh, Or no, the keys. Yeah. Rent the keys and we're walking in like a hundred degree heat and she's carrying like two kids. And I mean, it was crazy. I'm like, um, my child's about to have a stroke to take care of your children and, and do not, like, I think they got a little annoyed with me, but I was like, you know, she's on vacation as well, right?

Yeah. Like what are y'all doing? So I got real. Which

Jennifer: brings to another thing. I saw TikTok today of this grandmother who had said, and I'm really on the fence about this, cuz if your child needs help, of course you're gonna help them. Mm-hmm but she was saying that she she's raised her kids. She's not raising anybody else's um, that grand kids should be.

I should only watch my grandkids when I want to mm-hmm when I say, Hey, I'd

Gail: like to have her. I would like to spend time with my child. Yeah, yeah. With don't make my grandchildren a job. Yeah.

Jennifer: Mm-hmm and of course the comments on that were insane. Oh, I I'm sure

Gail: there are all kinds of people feeling guilty and beating them up or, and help or whatever, but yeah.

How much help did she have and what happens if you're not there? Like if you're pragmatic at all. Yeah. My kids I've had to be mean and make them independent. But part of it is how much can I actually do. But the other part is I also, haven't lost a mom early. You lost a mom early. We might not be there.

We're not promised tomorrow. What are they gonna do? Mm-hmm , what's their life gonna ha what's gonna happen to their life if you're not there to pick them up all the time. Yeah, they gonna dig a grave and lay down right beside you. I don't know. So there's, at what point do you, I know I'm on the fence, make your children responsible for all of their decisions, including their children.

Now, if there's no job and you know, whatever, but you should. I had to network as a mother, I had to get to know people. I didn't necessarily wanna hang out with all the time because their children were friends with my children. And sometimes there were gems in that mix that I never would've paid attention to.

Mm-hmm if that weren't the case and some of my best friends in the world have I met that way, but there's a lot that it was like, okay, they're safe people, you know? I mean, you're around, 'em enough to. Real anybody can ooze you or snow you or whatever, but, you know, you can kind of tell and you could tell how your kids act around too.

Jennifer: And so I watch my grandchildren because honestly, when I had to work mm-hmm , you know, I had to get my ass out there and work cuz I was a single mother or mm-hmm my in-laws. Watched my kids well, religiously and I, I feel like I'm returning the favor there because that was, that was done for me. Mm-hmm , you know, all I asked for is Tuesday off.


Gail: But, and that was your in-laws. Yeah. And you were, uh, was this their children? Yes. It was a single mom

Jennifer: or was their grandchildren,

Gail: but you were a single mom. Yes. Well, here's the deal. They weren't doing it just outta their goodness of their heart. They ensured that they got to spend time with their grandchildren and have influence over them because they knew if left to a situation where maybe they only saw mom weekends or whatever, they wouldn't really ever see them.

If you had been stable and not needed their help at all. How often do you think your grand, your children would've spent over there?

Jennifer: I that's hard to say because they, we were all a pretty close knit family with, so

Gail: you stayed close with the family, even though he was yeah. There, that situation rarely happens.

It does. It does. But so you Reba back and tired it up with that. So I did because

Jennifer: what's best for the child. Mm-hmm , you know, it's not. It's not about me or the in-laws or anything, what is best for that baby? And what are they? I just don't want them to grow up with maybe the family trauma that I grew up with.


Gail: there's a lot that comes with that. And if you're willing to sacrifice to do that, then that's cool. I, I would believe that mom wasn't working didn't have a lot that she had to do. You know, really one of the kids wasn't, you know, trying to have a second career, maybe she was. Yeah, but like my mom at the time of her health, would've been better.

She would've kept my kids all the time as well when she was able to, but my dad had a business. He ran out of his house. Like his house was half that,

Jennifer: Hey, we got something down consistency. Yep. We said we were gonna do it consistent. We did it. And bill will be so proud

Gail: of us. Yes, he will. I like making him proud of me.

He's a good man. I'm very happy that I have him. I think he wonders sometimes if I am like, and whenever I do well, I think he worries that I'm gonna do really well and then leave. You know?

Jennifer: Oh yeah. Mine's afraid of that all the time that I'm gonna, you know, like

Gail: get successful, I'm gonna get, and then just leave him in the dirt.

Jennifer: Yeah. Just walk away, just walk away from everything that I've built for, for the last 10 years, right? Yeah.

Gail: Yeah. I'm men are dumb. Get rid of the, you know, best kindest man I've ever known, right?

Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna get rid of the best thing that's ever happened to me. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right. Men think it through before you say something dumb like that.


Gail: sad is because you know, that they might, you know, like they're afraid of that. So if they got successful, they might ditch you or whatever. So, you know,

Jennifer: that's why you, uh, You prepare yourself. You,

Gail: you definitely should use stash,

Jennifer: monies away. I like everybody, everybody should do that. Just, you know, for yourself, call it whatever you

Gail: want.

But, well, my dad always recommended four bank accounts per household. Mm-hmm you have a, you know, your common bill account. Mm-hmm . That all the bills, groceries, all of your life expenses, your car payments, your insurances, all of that comes outta that account. And then a savings account that you never touch.

And both of you contribute to. And the other thing is both signers have to be there to get it, you know, so somebody can't just tip off with it and then. Um, an individual account for each of you that neither person has access to and that's their money, you know, whatever. So, yeah. And they shouldn't have to ask you

Jennifer: what you, what you got coming up there,

Gail: huh?

Well, I'm going to Charleston, South Carolina, and then I'll be back. On the 27th of this month where you will be producing in myEd a comedy show that's already sold out. Uh, well, there's actually a second show added that night and there are some tickets left for that. So that's an exciting

Jennifer: time. It's very exciting considering that I know nothing.


Gail: I'm gonna

Jennifer: have to show, I just have to show up and get my crash course, and I have produced shows before. So it shouldn't be, yeah, I have,

Gail: I already have a host for you. We'll have everything we'll

Jennifer: doing it and it's comics. So I don't have to worry about, uh, picking up clothes. Yeah. You know, they're not gonna get S strip naked.

I don't have to worry about music necessarily. Um, yeah. Yeah. It's gonna be a fun time and that's gonna be at the pride center.

Gail: It is on March 27th. That's and then I will be up there. I don't know. I see, like, I can't say what time I maybe up there during the first performance, um, first show, it's gonna be different audiences, same comics, but it's pens, Cola comics.

It's an all female bill. Everybody is LGBTQ plus or their allies. And, um, it's a real treat. Olivia's really burning up the roads. It's, she's getting hot and I'm excited about it.

Jennifer: And I will be actually here at south press on March 26th for Salme cabarets geek, GAM seven geek. GAM is our nerd Le yes, um, show and it sells that every year.

I think right now there are four tickets left. Um, very cool. If you're interested in those four tickets, you can either go to the south press website or you can go to the Salme cabaret website. And purchase your tickets there. But like I said, there's only four who might sell out by the time, this airs, sorry.

Gail: That's you know? Yeah. That's, don't be sorry about that, but it's also,

Jennifer: cause there'll be other shows since south press is a sober space. Mm-hmm um, there is no alcohol here. There. Total audience for that. People are wanting more sober spaces. Mm-hmm, where they don't necessarily have to worry about having

Gail: a cover charge or drinking.

I mean, having a minimum drink charge, or dealing with like, dealing with a lot of effects

Jennifer: of alcohol and what it does to people. I'm not saying everybody a, you know, for some people they don't handle it

Gail: very well. Yeah. They definitely. Um, the show that I'm doing at Knox pride that we're doing there will be, um, some alcohol there, however, it will be monitored mm-hmm and, and a certified, you know, uh, a certified qualified bartender it's as a private party, but.

Uh, she also will not over serve. She's been instructed plus because it's two shows. You're not gonna be there longer than a movie. Right. So you shouldn't be gut fun down drinks like that in that time span, it's very unhealthy. So, but it will be a lot of fun I've

Jennifer: reading and how alcohol is just not good for your body.

Anyway, I don't want to. Judge shame or anybody. Cuz I am a drinker myself. I do love an occasional cider. Uh, I love a good top shelf drink, you know? Um, but other than

Gail: that, do

Jennifer: you daily drink? I do not daily drink. There was a point though that I did and it was well, one of the lowest times in my life.

Gail: I have never like, well, I can't say never cuz back in the 20, you know, when I was in my twenties and.

You go through that woo party phase or whatever. Yes. But I have not been like a daily drinker. Like let's have a lot of alcohol at home or, I mean, I have it on occasion, but yeah. I end up having to cook with it because it's gone bad. Like you can't really drink it. So it's like, I, I can cook with this. So, but.

We have several new followers and we're so excited about that. So excited,

Jennifer: but where can they find you at gal?

Gail: You can find me at Gavin Gale time on, you know, whatever social media, Gail Grantham comedy on Facebook gal Grantham on Facebook, around town.

Jennifer: And I am Bradon beaver housing on Instagram, and you can also check out my baked goods at Brad's bites.

And I am Bruce tonsils on Fe and TikTok. Go comment on my TikTok, boost me on up there, get me over, uh, 2000 followers. Wow. So that I can do, I don't. I don't know. You get little perks on TikTok that I do not take advantage of. You still live

Gail: now at a thousand, so you could do live on TikTok. Well, we might have to do that one day and then, uh, I have less than 500 if I can keep it that way.

I seem to be pretty happy about that.

What it's so hard to, like, I wanna be a comic, but I don't want anybody to. See me do it apparently

Jennifer: but I do wanna thank Jocelyn, uh, for letting us use the space for a little bit. That's us,

Gail: maybe this out. Get her on. We'll see. Yeah, we'll see

Jennifer: I'm working on it.

Gail: Well, you know, some damn man with an unwashed butt probably has to,

Jennifer: has to ruin it

Gail: for every, everybody.

Everybody. I know. I sound like I don't like em. I like men. I do y'all but sometimes. Gosh, God, you think more understand dog though. Now your brain, I get dog people. Like I know how they can help. Cause she's letting her you're

Jennifer: getting nervous. No, I'm not getting nervous. I just know when it's time to leave.

Yeah. When it's getting time to. To go and that time is now okay. But as if we're listeners, you know what we love y'all and we thank you so much for listening to Gavin

Gail: girl time. Gavin girl time, get girl time.

Jennifer: Now get off your fucking ass and

Gail: work you want, you want.

Jennifer: I have to pee again.